The Exeter Advocate, 1923-6-28, Page 4SINGING rhe Exeter Advocate COMMUNITY sanders : & Creeds, Proprietors Subscription Price -1n advance, $1501 per yeas in Canada; $2.00 in the Cromarty f United States. All subscriptions not People Sing." ' Eaimr star During the ttxiknder storm, vrhilclr passed over our community cin 1\4�on- dajr aetearniocen lughtn!eig played eel Ti. =nee at Cromarty was the Oct Together an "Let All the freak on the earn of Mr �ceme o : Wm. Jahns, a quiet wedding on June 20, coming dawn one of the ,eavetnougM when Gladys Ann,. eldest daughter of conductors tin close connection with paid irk advance 50O. 'etre charged. THURSDAY, JUNE 28th,- 19Z3 Crediton Miss Madeline and Miss Gladys Wolfe, while in Exeter last Tuesday .met with an auto accident when their mita skidded Against at hydra pole and Miss Wolfe sustained a nasty gash on her right cheek when the windshield broke. Miss Hoist sustain- ed a shaking up. The car was some- what damaged. Miss Gladys Bluett, daughter of lefr and Mrs. C. K. Bluett of Leaden, for- merly erly of Crediton; has again won the Scholarship in Honor Mathematics and Physics at the receet exanrn:ktions of the University of West rn Ontario: Miss Gladys has just completed her third year specialist course at Western Mr. Daniel Truemner, Zurich, an- nomesss. the marriage of his only .daughter, Cora Rosana, to tLr. Aaron younger in years who have partici- \Veen oi: Credito'„ on Saturday, the. , pated in the activities of School Fairs twe:tt,y-third day of June, at three and Boys' and Girls' Clubs has also o'clock. The ceremoary, which was shown that a new day has arrived for performed by rile-R,ev. \\ • T. Yager teoee clubable conditions In rural at C:Cnlvary Fva x ehcat Church, lash- neighborhoods. Community singing Wood was witnessed, by the par: its xs n ` of the contracting parties. Immedie- j social soliditier.l,ver telly alter the ceremoaky Me and 'Mrs ybrady Enjoys Singing. Wein left on a motor trip. On their • As the result of years of experience return they will reside at ,Crediton I with Y.M.C.A.'s, men and boys' clubs, Ontario. 1 and military camps, I have come to Atr, Charles J. Cook and Mr• Wm. tae conclusion that people enjoy more G :rc'-inex •of Casa City, elicit. ; M:•, and teen any other music tnat an which Mrs. Theo. Gardiner and John Gar- :nee •,.•ake part publicly. A commun- (Leer of I ari h lI were visitors at. th' ,,,ng -song, no matter where in- bome, of \Ir. and, Mrs. Eli Lawson. on eeleed in, always acts as a social Sunday. tenie. It is a.solvent of creed, caste elr, Homy of Exeter is speedster . ultra dignity, It catches all pros• sk t v ia1 • :h his daughter, \Ir.,. ,,;,t if they will only catch the tune. 'Mrs. Willie Mote. . 1e takes the croak out of the throat Mr. ;and Mrs. Fred Kerr spent Sat the furrows from the Worried brow, t< ete1 ia Lender. are hard lines from mouths that have el se Gertie Winer •r o1 Toronto is Ueen growing grim, and the crowsfeet bol d e°,ra at the »tome. of her par- ets, from the corner of the eyes. It melts Mr. and \1rs. Wm. Winer. the icy manner. It knocks the starch 'irs Liam Stihl of Lindon es home out of even the so-called superior again for the summer. people. To sing together is to get to - The Ladies' A;d of the Evangelical Chimeseteer. '` Ch'h held a `traweerry social on b I have seen hard-headed business the church lawn Monday evening. A and professional men who efrave been go*o:: • time was spent by all .n spite looked upon with awe or fear by their of the ra:n wh_eh fell about five employees, turn up at banquets or e o• k club gatherings in the city and drop Mr. h•ct , l and family of Elkton, all their dignity and "front" as they r o v ithe he of Mr. ue�+�' Ewald. er_„ at thome joyously bellowed come popular' dit - e ;Merton - \lc� 'mac, principal of our ty, or solemnly joined in a sentimen- tal camp song, and doing it as if fate Pubes echo.'-. presided at the Exams. of fixations depended upon their being Eecter the pate. week, heard. And, with a little vexing, a zee ,e; €, 1! v cilli manager of th tanner can outchant ahy Olt' chap, U i ; enneeree. has put chased a because of better chest and lung de- n.„ i'e..i .eclat:.. velopment. Music Always Populattin the Country. 1\Iusic has always had a leading place in rural entertainment. The The old-fashioned singing school gave a generation or two of agricul- turists an ear for melody, and reflect- ed itself in the volume of eongrega- tional siniing that obtained forty years ago. To -day in church assem- blies that heartiness and volume is very na:rCix wanting. Community singing will do much• tel rerive the robustious and not less leeasing voc.disin of the good old days. The 1;..-npie who can sing wita vim "Keep the Horne Fires Burning" or "Pack 13p Your Troubles in Yeur Old Kit Bag," are likely to be just as Learty !n ext=orting you to "Count ;•., ti the Blessings," or to "Brighten the i Corner Where You Are," :'_ nels Mr. John Ge'sa- Community Singing Includes h: ar that he is Present. • after his illness. Peal community singing implies a -ended the dance au ttrxdealrrottixttd xtiter piipe, tthic€3 Mr. and Mrs. R,ob•ert Coleman of the $th, cion. of H,pbberti ,zeas tinted in mar EoP' Generally Enjoy li'ublic Sing- conducted wtU er to a small supply .cage to Thomas Lairag, eldest roe, of ins ---Music Always Papulae m ta'n,k ,iui`s,ide, it tone up tp c�emenit bot Mr, and 14Irs, James Lautrg of Cram - the Court#r—Contmuntt Singing torn of the iaas$de supply tattuk; Mi}. arty, . The ceremony vas performed y y g• g Johns and his on 1tap;pene•d to 'ire by Rev. D. Ritchie,., After the �cere- Includes All Present—Vary the standing on a,, pipe leadsag from the'mony and luncheotm, Mae. and; Mrs, La,- Progratn Front Grave to Gay; tank and zece�i'v�ed am, electric shock: ing left ,from Seafoth: an, a trap to (Contrl t O t t D artment ox The annual Sundae School tenni-; Toroatto and Niagara Falls. bu ed by n ar o ep versary ��*alt be held oz SumCiay, JuLy Agriculture; Toronto.) and lard, Rees H. •E, Livingstone with • Human beings are gregarious. The preach at 10.30 a m., and 7 p.m. A --'- dictum that it is not good. for. man foilectkan eslal ase taleebr; tip kry sod of ela to be alone is not confined to things the Sunday School fund 2 plicate Mr hex held onMondey, duly mel, i,n Mr. connubial. Man by naturals, a mixer. Rd.. Johns' orchard, A. program of Folks will Sock. Nothing draws like s a crowd. Let it be known that addresses will be delivered by Rev. Livingston and Rev, H. B. Parnaby, "They're all going to be there," and former pastor. The supper will coat they all will try to be there to see- sist of et sevberraes and other good them all, and if.lt be a public sing- things. }Sports and at ball game Svalll song, to hear them. also take place. inging by meanibers; of; the .school, and The election passed off, very quietly The Grange, the Farmers' Insti- our community. tuns, and the U.F.O organizations .� GIRL , Stratford, June 21 -The accidental have already done away with much of DOWNIE SHOT AND; KILLlD the old-time isolation of country life, and the energy shown by those d:echarge of a shotgun was respon- sible, for the death of N;argaret, four- -year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jeffery of Downie., ivir. Jeffery bad been, shootin � crows, and had left the gun an the ledge in the .driving shed about six feet from the floor.I Later •wrath his \rife he went to ,the field and during their absence, A far- garet, in company with her elder bro- ther Donald,. aged 6, an some mtunn-r secured the weapon, resulting in the fatality. 'She flied 25 minutes after the 1V .ou .G11 tue1 L . W. L. t' . leunt Cermet St v ry So:ial on the serer.:- �1;nt Carmel. on • ?., i . Setuwb�:rr:es and 07'., rant ti:,. past wherethe priests 1. are 'b: e.. 'n St. Peter's '. m- s e the etnn- �1 Mary Hou- s:a attending the home for AU ti , < night and • Forrestal r •rofZurich and rassieted Rev. Fr. en du en `Tee Forty Hours" t:: s,• .2.h .oniess oar of ill at her home. rurchased a new Fere 1.iSt s• of. Llu'o:sfi: and mother street Sun l y at M.. S. Dillon's daugh- ter., _ irs J. Campbell ». 'ss r `th :ty of London is the guast of hercous_rr, eliss Mary HelL Mess :I ref Carey, who has been. at- tmne .e Normal School at Stratford, enel A. O'Hara at Normal, London, are rived home. last wraik. Mss Leen: Patton of Detroit will spam a few weeks at her home on loth concess.»n of McGillivray.: Ree , Father give. Sullivan, C. S. B_, of Toronto, spent last week at his bore neer I h.va: • Stephen Gilbert Grieve of lot 12, southbound ary of Stephen; died he St: Joseph's Hospital, Landon, early on Tuesday morning, June 19th, in his 75th year. Besides his widow he is survivedby one son, and Mrs. R N. Twleedle of Aiisa Craig is a sister. The funeral took place an, Thursday, interment be - erg made in Brnsley cemetery. • Lumley Oa Thursday last quite a number attended the funeral in Exeter of the Wm. Stewart, who. died at his home .n Toronto: He lived arsthe east .end of the boundary till a few years ago _i• 11'e,n h left for tha city. While an thefarm he vras ,prosperousanal well and favorably known, 'Ir. and Mrs. Stewart McQueen ac- companied, by Miss Margaret Hobkirk of H. nsad, .spenit the xcieek-end London, visiting Mr, and Mrs. John .Riid. - 1:Ir. ' Chas. Kenyon of London N -.sit- ed ;friends' on .tbe.:boundary for, a few c.7.4s last week. A. number of nw mbers of Hurceidafe17 `, 'ladies Institute picnicked at`r"xaand Betd Saturday last. accident. general participation. Everybody ehould have at least a whack at the :horuses. A capable leader with both taste and gumption can bring hearty and genuine melody out of any rural gathering. Simple methods and a knowledge of .human nature are all that are needed. He will first try out the juniors, and children will never refuse to sing. Then the girls will be heard by themselves, followed by the boys. Now we are getting along. The next thing we know the deader has the women carolling along all by themselves; and then, wonder of wonders, he calls upon "men only" to sing, and they get at it like the good sports that they are, so as to f3how the women folks and the kid- dies that music is something that is in the soul of all, and that driving a team in the field is •a capital aid to- \vard a rich and megaphonic baritone. SOME GOOD ADVICE. 11 et is a traveller or pedlar, no m:J;ter what lane he represents, turn hien down. frahlukly. If you can get what v ou : want in your own. town. Just allow a few of These gents' oto get the idea is their heads that we consider our own town ahead of an outside burg, and that eve would soon- er help the fallow here trho is paying his share of the, taxes than some con- cern dirt Toronto, This advice applies to the merchants themselves as well as to ethers. THE WESTERN FAIR. LONDON, ONT. ]ates This Year, Sept. 8th to 15th. The Western Fair of this year will av&-hoot a doubt be' the largest and best ever held in Landon, 'The new Manufacturers' Building, holding over 300 exhibits of all kinds of manufac- tured goods will occupy at ;east a, whole day's time for any visitor to see, all that wee, be on. ,exhibition, both stairs and down The .building is cost- ing the Exhibition Association over Slee,00U,00 and will hall a, long felt want for suitable space for exhibitors Adm!ss_o'i at the gates 25c. every day. Usual prices on the Grand stand with resarved seats on Wednesday • and Thursday. All information from Sec'y General Offices London Only Vary the Program From Grave to Gay. - Then let us have community sing- ing, and plenty of it; but let it be something more than mere sing -song. Anythingdecent will do to begin with, and the simpler the better, as 'a sort of limbering up exercise. But let something more ambitious be at- tempted now and then, such as glees,. anthems, cantatas, or perhaps orator- ios, with htg soloists from the •cities as stars, but with all hands drilled for the choruses. Some time an easy and clean comic opera might be put on, but with no intention of crowding out the more solid music; for it is well to remember the force andjust- ness of that very practical observa- tion of the elder Pliny (lib. iv, cap. xi, 24) , "The lemon, as well as the sugar,is needed to make the punch." Community singing should be en- couraged. It is a social, physical, mental, and moral tonic: Less public benefactions have been bonnsed by the state;—Thos. McGillicuddy, Sta- tistics and Publication Branch. Good tomato land is neither ex- tremely rich nor very poor, but just such land as would grow extra good corn `Land that was manured heavi- lyy,, the previous year will generally grow good tomatoes. leo nation: has -ever achieved per - element greatness unless this great- ness 'was based on the:well-being.• of a 'great farmer.' chair, =for --it is upon the welfare of farmers, material and moral, that the welfare of the nation ultimately rests. --Theodore Roose- Hensail Mrs. G. C. Hassell of Chambersburg accompanied by her two daugh- ters, Lillian. and Eleanor, are here vis- iting Mrs. Hassell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ortwein, and intend spend- ing some nipirtths.. Our council is putting some oil en the back and side streets. Rev. J. A. McConnell and Mrs. Mc- Conakell spent a- few days in Detroit. :Sirs. Harold Calais of Calaifornia has been visiting her paren;ts,•Mr. and Mrs. S Dinsdale and sister., Mrs. F. Sim - atone. Dr, Roswell Dougall, who recently graduated at London, is spending a couple weeks with his parents here. \firs, Thos. Sherritt, Sr., and her daughter, Muss Dora E. Sherritt,; left here last week for an. extended visit to The West and Dakota, Mrs, Sher-, tilt has five married daughters in. the West. Airs. A. H. Carroll, after a visit with ilex. sister, Mrs, Jas, Sutherland, has returned to her home in Beachville Many in thi ssectioar, will learn, with most sincere regret of the death of Rev. Mr. Gauld, a most successful For- mosa :missionary, who was quite well known by a number in Hensel]. and Kippen, hes wife being Miss Greta Mellls, theyoungest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Rob'•t, Mets of Kip - pen. Mr. GauId had been in fill health for some time and the immediate- cause of his death was heart failure. \irs. (Dre E. D.. Dodds acid little daughter, and Airs. Anderson, all of Shelby, Ohio, are here visiting their• relatives, Mrs. Geo. Scott and daugh- ters. The: W. C. T. U. held their; second medal contest in, ,the, Methodist church on Tuesday of last week. A good at tendance was present and a fine proi- gram was given -addresses by Rev. Rivers, Naylor and Lundy, a solo by Miss Jessie Park, and a .reading by Miss Eva Shaddock• Medals were a- warded to James. Tapp and Pearl Ken- nings for essays, Margaret McLaren for elocution, Pearl Elder for vocal. Others received maple leaf pins and silver pencils. Mrs.. Rivers was pre - :seated with a life membership, the address being read, by eirs. C. A. Mc - Donee, and the presentation made by Miss Ethel Murdock, The judges for 'elocution and vocal were Rev. Lundy Miss _Murray, Exeter; Miss .M. Ellis, 'Airs. Lundy, Kippen, Mr. Howard, Es- ' eter, Miss E. Ranniae, Zurich, and Prof Anderton of Goderich. F GENUINE ASSISTANCE TO FARMERS That this Bank is anxious to assist the twit, 1? cultural development of Canada is shofm by the fact that two-thirds of our borrowing customers are farmers. An application for credit from you will be given the most considerate treatment: THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Capital Paid Exeter Branch - Crediton Branch • Dashwood Branch up $15,000,000 Reserve Fund $15,000,000 • M. R. Complin, Manager • G. G. Maynard, Manager • O. G. Maynard, Manager INCORPORATED • 1855 Capital and Reserve $9,000,000 Over i25. Branches, THE MOLSONS BANK This institution offers depositors safety for their savings, reasonable interest compounded very six months, and freedom from red tape in case of withdrawals. Savings Departments at every Branch Deposits of $1.00 and upwards invited. EXETER BRANCH T. S. WOODS Manager, Centralia. Branch open for business daily. Furniture Dealer & Funeral Director We carry the Largesit and Most Up -ho -date Stock of Furniture. Our Aim is Service, Satisfactuoa and good value for your money. THE HO11e, FURNISHER M. E. GARDINER Conductor of Funeral Services. , Finest Aiator and Horse DAY AND tie'IGHT SERVICE. OP,ERA HOUSE BLOCK. Phone 74w. ♦, .rr N. .-%- &.r*,CFX;.r TJ. •}'}•v; Oh, .... NeeeenfreeeereeattEaee=en _ t \ , nese r Equipmeet. Night Call 74,1 r... - � c -.r sties, Made all rads Channels of business `,TORD MOTOR COMPANY OP CANADA, • LIMITED, FORD, , ONTARIO It's good -will that makes all business thrive. Make more friends. See more of your old friends. Get out in the "channels of business" in a Ford. Stay-at-homes don't boom. business. Drive a Ford. You will incur no obligation by talking to a Ford dealer. Ii he can't prove a Ford will pay you he won't ask . you to "buy. Milo Snell Cook Bros. .Exeter, Ont. Hens alk