The Exeter Advocate, 1923-6-21, Page 6'rhe Exeter Advocate\ . Exeter Council 1 Dashwood
Sanders & Cree.;h, Proprietors The Municipal Councl met at the ear, and Mrs. Chas, Guenther epeat
Subscription Price—In advance, $1 Se cIos'e' of the Court of Revision. Min- Sunday in London. .
Utes of the meeting, 'held May28, were
per year in Canada; $2.Q0 the 1'Lr. auu1, 1Vfrs- Fred Rinker and fans
United States,, All subscriptions not read and approves;, E ilv of T1edford were Sunday sesstors
paid in advance _ 50e. ctra charged.
THURSDAY, JUNE 21st, 1913
A circular lettere Re. Boost xet- bn 'town.
,er," from the office •of the Globe, 1Sise Rose 'Zimrmer, and friends of
Toronto, was read and ordered Wed. Detroit are vis.taieg her .parents, Mr.
A letter and a report of the Eagle aril _e,,brs. Wm Zensmer.
peers from the Pravncial Board Pf Miss Nora Miller of Waterloo and
Health Department, Toronto, as made Ernest, of Fort Wayne, Ind., are vie -
during the season, of 1921, was read aims; their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto
and ordered filed for .eaference.,
The Auditor's report for the. month M x"autxl Mus. Wm. Zimmer attend -
of May
ttend-of.MMay was read and adopted, on mo- ed the funeral of thelatter's father,
tion of Elles ngt+on and Day.s. ' at Formosa last week.
Mr. Eli Lawson bought a concert Thes following accounts were . read ;MIr. 'arid VLi-s, J. E�dt and family of
grand Star phonograph last week. and ordered paid :—C. Zwicker, steed Ailsa Cam end leer, and Mrs H. •Eldt
Mr, and Mrs, Czar Rau and two for cemetery,. $4; J. Kydd, labor do, and famaily of Forrest wvere Siusday els_
children. of Thorold, are visiting ;41r. e20; C. Ford, do, $25; H. S. Walters, iters with Mr. and Mrs. G. Sade.
and Mrs. Chris Rau.. t leather, 75o.; Clay Products Agency, Mrs. L K1ean$tiver had the misfor-
'wit s Gladys Heddem, of Exeter spent pipe, .$609,13; F, Cornish, labor sew- tune, to fall at her home once day last
the wy eek end with
lies, Harry Levis. er, $34.50; W. Laverty, do., $28.50 ; week, breaking elevieral rebs,
Mr, Garnet Sims has returned hoes A. Sanders, do., $28.50; N. Vale, do,
after a week's vacation al Toronto and $30; F. ,leading;, do., :25.50; J. Par -
Port 1 -lope. ;sons, do, $2530; T. Webster, do.
Wadding bells are ringing soon. ssz7.9in W. Taylor, do., $16.50; Thos.
The girls of the senior and ,tensor Clerke, per ordter• W. J. Bissett $9;
Fourth classes of the public school J• Parsers, do., 519,50; G. Hackney, Mrs. Charles Rowe. died at the home
f her son George, Martin, Parkhill on
une 15th, in her, 90th year. She lived
in McGillivray many years.
played a game of baseball with the do., $15;• T. Appleton, do., $1.50. o
girls of the senior and junior fourth A petition from ratepayers residing J
clases of the Exeter public school on. Gidley street,. between William and
last Wednesday ,evening, the score be- Carling streets, asking that said por-
ing 32 to 20. en favor of Crediton. tion a Gidley street be watered. Af-
The Women's: Institute entertained ter considering the same it was re --
e -the Hurondale and Farquhar Instil turned to the petiti,onere for other sig-
at the home of ;4lrs. Chris. Heist last nntur,es.
Tuesday afternoon. ! Adjourned by Davis,
Mr. T, A. Girein of Saskatoon spent jos. Senior, -Glerl..
part of the past eek with her sister,
Mfrs H. K.
.;Messrs, Edward Fanner and Jacob COURT OF REVISION.
Finkbeiner and the :Misses One} anti
1?orothy Lehner motored to. Sarnia for The Court of Revision for the as -
over Sunday, sessment roll for the Village of Ex -
lir, Russell Clark, formerly of the liter was held on Monday, Jun 11, at
Bank of Commerce Sarnia, left for the council chambers. The members
Detroit, after having visited h;:s par of the council took and.subscribed to
emits, 1Ir, and Mrs. F. W. Clark. We theoath of office.
,uaderst,nd lie has secured a position O.twls—Ell.erington—That the Reeve
in the Detra:t Bank. ch.crman of the court.—Carried.
Miss Trellis Hodgins returned to 1 its followed appeals were read and
London Saturday, after spending the e nticiered --Mss Anna Cowan claim -
past week at her homy here..ed that her assessment should be
11r. G. G. Maynard, formerly of only ;220, instead of $900. After sex-.
Dreakw1ater, Sask., has taken over the e:;oat on as to the yearly assessment,
mann emeut of the Canadian Bank of the assessment was confirmed,. on
Commerce here. tints s>t Ellerangton and Hooper.
Next Thursday has been declarea Mr, Thos. Powell considered his as-
ivHoliday for the village. The easement was too high. The assess -
Evangelical and ;Methodist Sunday :neat was compared with others of
w m
school picnics will be held on that alar construction and the. same was
day at Grand Band. confirmed om. motion of Hooper and
Mr. Joseph Woodall is remodelling Davis.
bis house. _ , Mrs, Jane Ryckman considered het Mr, and Mrs. Sandtord of Flint, Mich, assessment was too high. The as -
are visiting :Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Law- ses,naent being compared with other
son.1 s nnlar property, it was also confirm,-
to 1 .:r^ that Mr. G. ed on motion of Ellerington and Fran-
Ge•- s e il' 1 London hospital.' cis,
Th metre f en is w>i' Mrs. Charlotte' There being no other, business before
n will be p, ased to learn that the ,Court the same was duly closed,
sae lies left the hospital and is at' on motion of E1leringtoand Davis.
preser* ,i.n Kitchener with her daugh-t Jos. Senior, Clerk., B. W. F. Beavers,
•tet, `les. Sww tt er. Chairman,
Vera liolt.;rnnit is holidaying
at he heher.:.
111 Vi:tut K stic left forthe West
Tu lav after spending a few days' Saintsbury
w:ply Ni/ t-1 11; r' reveth ek.
Local Doings
Mars Georgina Hatter of Detroit is
visiting .at*her home here.
Mr. Ernest Pearson of, .Haniiota, Man,
is here visiting with his uncle, Mr,
Wm, Andrew.
Mr. and Mrs. Chesley, Evans of Lon-
don motored up and spent Sunday
wvith ,Mess Ettie Harding. -:
\Ir, W. D, Sanders was in Algoma
last week addressing 'political meet-
ings in the interest offr. ,Hietris,
the U. F. O. candidate,, He will be
in Bruce County this week performing
similar duties for James Johnston.
;-c n: Brawn. B A, who is. in---
s..� 1.
of ,., nit at • Creightom S
i;holdice—Dobbs—One of the prat-
t.1e , w. t his home 'here the Jude wveddf hseason ck
week, ha in. as his guest Mr• laceast at St. Pauasgs • o
l's Chute rch, IGrktaton;
s:.ra . t Len,. tet Lon lesbere. i on June 13, when, Mary E. Dobbs was
_ lle i"h ,.wth;n Club of the Mleth •- g=vent en marrsage to M'r. Lorne Emery
let .Church !.cid a y'cnu. to `=pra1g [Shoudice, ran o1 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
bank: Ail ' report a splendid time, aholdice Brsnsle.y, Rev. C. 0. Ph,erril,
a r and Mrs Alton Umbach and Mrs' r e=tor of Kirkton. and Saintsbury An-
St.,h;r •of S .:earth, and Mrs, Otto &lacae church, officiating. The fair
Umbach of iw'aterloo- visited over
Sr.r ley with Mrs Stahl: and family.
Note—(1) denotes fdrst honors 75 to
100 , ; 2 denotes second honors
t; 6 to 74; (3) denotes third honors
$0 to 65; (C) a pass 50 to 59%.
Where marks are given the pupil
failed in that subject.
FORM II Ari. Gra. Play. Zoo.
`Alvin Finkbeiner I I I I
Milton reinkbeiner I II I I
Beatrice Hoist III C III I
Dorothy :IirtzeI II II I I
Thelma L u sport 3 3 C III III
Phyllis Winer 0 0 0 C
FORM I Bot. Geo. Art, C.His
Howard Beaver I I T C
Esther Eilber III I III II
Fred Foist I I X I
Clara Gaiser III II III C
Lorne Gaiser C III II 37
Gertrude Hoist I II II II
Stuart Kuhn I I I II
Gordon Lamport I I III I
Thelma Lamport II
Jack Lochner II II III III
Lester Mcisaac 11 II T 1
Leonard Wein C 1 III C
alma White II II C C
Laura England 1 II III I
Merton W. Morley, Principal.
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Fairhall spent the
week -end with friends in, the village.
Mrs. W. Hodgins and, Clare of Lon-
don are visiting here with friends for
la few days.
Miss Young of London} is spending,
a few dare* with her grandparents, Mr.
and ,firs, J. Kent,
Mrs. Boyle of Landon is spending : a
few days wvitth friends here this week.
Mr. end Mi s. iA.. Brbn:tnell and fam-
ily of Stratford were here over Sune
day with Mr. andtMrs'. J, Sm4th
Mss Verde Bayer visited, in London
for a :few days last week.
The members of the Epworth
League fixed up the tennis court on
the parsonage grounds last week.
Miss Della Brooks was tendered a
kitchen shower by her girl friends last
Thursday evening at the home of Miss
Agnes Anderson. The presents were
brought in a clothes basketdecorated
with 'tissue paper, placed on an :ex-
press wagon.
Mrs. Scnndrett and Miss Corrine are
visiting this week with Mrs. A. Brooks
The mmembers of the Epworth Lea
gue are being ;entertained by the Creel
ito:n Young People's Society in the
lelethedist Church en Tuesday .even-
Mr's. Durham" and Mrs. Johnston of
Brantford are visitors this week with.
Mr, and Mrs. Gee, Thompson:
As some of these pupils were writ-
ing on the Departmental Examina-
tions last week the publication was
withheld until this issue. These pro-
motions are conditional upon these
scholars having passed the four Low-
er School subjects. (Not in order of
Marion Bissett, Lillian Ford, Glad-
ys Fulton, Mildred Jory, Irene Lam-
port,•Ella Moriock, Mildred Murphy,
Violet Murray, Meta Salter, Marie
Willis, Lloyd Foote, Gordon Fowler,
Arthur Frayne, Robt. Gambrill, Jas.
Penrice, John Pryde, Aljoe Sanders,
Oscar Tuckey, Harry West, Harold
The following are promoted simi-
larly but are required to take for an-
other year the subject indicated.
Nona Chambers, French; Verna
Kleinfeldt, Alg.; Florence Marchand,
French; Ada Mitcheil,French and La-
tin; Geo. Frayne, French and Latin;
Harry Snell, French; Margaret Johns
• The Advocate is gork g to make a
deter?tni,tved ,effort to clean up the
subscription list. The labels were all;
marked up on: May 3rd. If, by any
chance, your label le not, as it should
be, let us know, at once, We are go-
ing to giveail those who, are Years
Lack this onechancel to Pay uip,;is.�nd
then; it well not be aur fault if some
are asked tpart'' $2,00 per •yeah, and
perhaps some costs, We know it is
simply neglect on. thepart of many -
but we cannot liveon neglect.
young bride entered the church on
the arm of her father to the strains
of Lobengreres w-edding march played
on, the violin by Mr. Fred Dobbs, bro-
ther of the bride,. S,he looked lovely
baa gown of alltyme crepe with flow-'
ing veil, caught up with lily -of -thee,
valley. She carried a bouquet of
pinny and - iris. After the ceremony
the bride and groom amid showers of
confetti, motored with their friends to
the bride's home where a dainty ;lun-
cheon was se rved, After which the
bride donating a navy tricots .me suit
mink checker and white; satin hat, they
left for London by motor where they
took the train next morning for Nia-•
gam Falls and points, la the States.'Cen
their return they wwdll reside on the
groom's farm on the 2nd of Biddulph:
See note above Form T. Not in
order of merit.
. Marguerite Aldworth, Grace Turn-
bull, Evelyn Whitlock, Olive Wood,
Elsie Gardiner, Hazel Hackney, Mar-
guerite. Hackney, Elizabeth Hamilton
George Beavers, 'Grant Coliingwood,
Tom Pryde, Verne Roulston, Alvin
Alexander, Charles Campbell, Cres-
' cent Dayman, John Gilfillan, Leon-.
( and Greb, Herman Hodgson, Howard
1 Hunter, Percy McFalls, Harvey Pol-
len, Garfield Thomson; Bruce Tuck-
B Ella Kuntz, French; Ruth'Jory
French; Francis Abbott, French.
C—Promoted in certain subjects
H. Wethey, W. VonWascinski, Gar-
net Johns.
The name of Evelyn Whitlock was
accidentally omitted from the list•of
2nd form candidates who obtained
the four subjects including English
The Ontario Railway and
Municipal Hoard
(P, F. 7986):
IN THE MATTER, of the Application
of H. K. Hyndman„ MD„ trading
as the Hyndman Telephone, System
for authority to increase the
charges for telephone service from
$ 13,00 to $15.00 per annum,
Mount Carmel
.Rev. Father Corcoran is attend3mg
the annual Retreat held at Sandwich
this week.
The "Forty Hour Devotion" will
commence in the R. C. Church. here
on, Sunday, June 24th.
A party was held at the home of
Mr. Patrick Sullivan on Fridvy evening
in honor of the brideand gMoom.
Mr. John Guinain) 25 on the sick list
suffering from an attack of quinsy,
Mr. Matthew Regan. and family are
quarantined for scarlatina,
Miss Gertie Dederich left last week
for St, Joseph's Hospital, , London,
where she will .tram, for. a nurse,
Mr. John Hall of St. Peter's Semi-
nary, London, is visiting 1* parents,
Mr. end Mrs. T . J. Haig. '
Lucan, June 13.—Tire horse races
held here to -day were wellcontested
and exciting finishes in, all. three events
were the result. The fine weather
and fast 'track drew a large attend-
ance. Following is the result, the
horses being an, order of merit:
Class 225, retie heat -Tony Mac,
Mr. Fraser, of Forest; Lassie Patchen,
Hodgins, Lucan; Golden Limit, Markle,
Til son burg. -'lame, 2.19X.
Class 2.50, half ndlie heat—Nettie Mc-
Kinney, Taylor, Creditors; ' Billy Win
go; Atmore, Parkhill; Weli3mrn! F., Far-
row, Lucian, --Time, 1.14.
Class 2.15, mule: heat—Jens McDonald,
Farrow, Lucan; Tony Direct, Head-
ley, Denfield; Eva May Patchier, Fuel-
phrey, Parkh111.—Tune, 2;15.
Appointment for !Hearing
The Ontario Railway and Municipal
Board having directed Francis Dagger,
Esquire, Supervisor of Telephone Sys-
tems, to enquire and report upon the
above matter, doth appoint Friday, the
Twenty-second day of, June, A. I),
1923, at 'tine hour of half -past ten
o'clock in the forenoon .(Railway
Time) In the Towint Hall, Exeter, for
the bolding of such enquiry, at which
time, and place al parsons halving an
interest in the matter, and desiring to
be heard are directed to attend.
Dated at T,oromto this First day
of June, A. D. 1923.
(Seal) (Sgd.) H. C. SMALL
Profitable Opportunities
are offered today for ' investment in,
Government and Municipal Bonds,
yielding a high return. The purchase
or sale of such securities can be arrang.
ed at any of our branches.
Our monthly list of offerings will
be sent on request. 671
Capital Paid up $15,000,000
Reserve Fund $15,000,000
• M. R. Complin, Manager
• G. G. Maynard, Manager
G. G. Maynard, Manager
Exeter Branch
Crediton Branch
Capital and Reserve $9,000,000
Over 125 Branches,
Careful attention to the needs of Canada's A.gricultural
interests .has always been a feature of The ;poisons Bank
Savings Departments at every Branch
Deposits of $1.00 and upwards invited.
T. S. WOODS Manager,
Centralia Branch open for business Jaily.
,,,,,,„....:•-,—..-------. • •...,.• 4,-`• ' _.._..Z...::: ',,, - ,....--.
: L
— _ _-
CHISELHURST—Saturday, Harvey,
son af. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jacola;i, ,was
nuite 311. His care was so bad that
it was deemed necessary. to 'ernave
him to the Seaforth hospital for ar
operation, which was performed ane
at last reports the patient was doing
The suffering and loss caused by forest
fires are common knowledge and, yet,
carelessness with fire in the forest 'con-
tinues. These forest fires are practically
all preventable.
Save Ontario's Forests
They're yours
Every individual who steps inside the woods
"should remember he is in the midst of highly
inflammable property, for the upper layer of
ground in the forest consists of partially rotted
wood, which will burn. Lack of consideration
for this gave rise to the strenuous situation in
Ontario the last week of 'May and the anxiety
for days in some settlements.
Thoughtlessness or badjudgment or care-
lessness cause practically all forest fires. Your
co-operation, as a citizen, is needed to prevent
these fires by taking thesame care in the woods
as in your own home.
t l r
Ontario Forestry
Parliatner t Buildings
Toronto, Ont.