The Exeter Advocate, 1923-6-21, Page 1THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY- JUNE 21, 1923 SAsH CREECH Our . Corner Swat the fly or, he will be a great, great, great, great grand, parent by and bye, Four newspaper propruetorsm Wel- land county have madeassignments do the last few months. Many, a man gets credit forr beaaag a cheerful laser, when he is merely toe lazy to try very hard. Monday neat ars; Election Day, Do - your own thdnkring, and your awn vot- ing, and do it early -root waiting for some one to take you to the poll, The enormous drain on our forest resources caused by the annual ex- port of thirty-five million trees carr be entirely ,eliminated by our governs merit by an act of parliament, while our forest fare losses can ofttimes only he prevented through an act of Gori. If we will not lift a band to help ourselves in the one case, how pan we ask or expect help in ,'the ether TAhE WARNING. Naw that the holiday, season has air- ai,ved it brings vt th it the dread tof many 'shocking antenatal events of a more or less saddening nature., The summer resorts willbe patronized, doubtless to a greater extent than ever before, an,d the aquatic pastimes --boating, canoeing, bathing, etc., will he the popular amuserntenits. These all well en their place, but it his always well to be guarded and take thel nec- essary precautions for the safety of life. Avoid the fool -hardy practice of rocking the boat; canoeing in ,danger- -- ously ,deep waters, whienl one cannot swim; swimming to greater length than, one can endure just to exhibit little .grand -steno play ; going into depths of water that are not safe when one cannot swan, etc., etc. TO CORRESPONDENTS. During June, July a end August cor- respondents are requested to end an mews budgets a day •earliler than be- fore, as tie will issue The Advocate ne day earlier. See that ^ all news arrives at The Advtacate office by Tuesday morning, DR. JOHN WARD ,CHIROPRACTOR & OPTOMETRIST HAS MOVED TO MAIN STREET, SOUTH of Y.P.C.A. EXETER Phone 70. HALF HOLIDAYS DURING JUNE, JULY AND AUGUST We, theundersigned, have agreed to close our places of business each Wednesday afternoon during the months of June, July and August, at 12 o'clock noon;. e Jones & May J. A. Stewart Southcott Bros. Mrs. W. D. Yeo W. J. Hearean G. A. Hawkins B. W. F. Beavers Bettis. Bakery Dominion Stores. N. Hockey W. W. Taman F. M. Boyle M. Hodgert Grigg's Stationary S. Martin & Son M. E. Gardiner R. N. Rowe G. M. Armstrong A. Yelland Exeter Times Exeter Advocate H. S. Walter W. J. Beer Elliott & Johns H C. a.12.vvleirs Kirk Baas. -fiord Service ,aarage: Rring ,in ,your Cars, Trucks, en Tractors to the Flord Service Garage for overhauling, or for minor .repairs -.or we wi11.go out Ito repair' your Trector, ALL WORK GUARANTEED` RIGHT Chambers Bros. FORD SERVICE 'G'ARAGE. The School t=slew is a sight well worth seeing just now. Care must be exercised laowener, in going through the garden that nothing be damaged. At the coming ele iaa deputy • re- turning officers will 'receive $10 for their day's service, poll, clerks $6, and constables $4. Phis is alt increase over the last election, when the com- pensatioaa;bwas as follows: -Deputy -res turning officers $7, clerks, $5, and con- stables $3. Local. News The Magistrate's Court case arising out of a colliisa,ann here last week was adjourned until next Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. GodfreyNichalsontvish to announce the engagement of their Only daughter, Mursea, to Mr. Wilfred Muck, the marriage to take plane shortly. ?vLr. • Chas, Smyth of Varnlsa has nno•v- ed with his fes iajy into the 'old Drew property on Huron °street, owned by Ma, Byron Hicks. Mr. Smith has tak- en .a position with 'Messrs. Ross -Tay- lor Co, at 'the mill, As• a result of the vote favorable to church union in Port Arthur, `it is altogether probable that the church- es at Lucan, and Granton will unite with the Methodist churches in their districts, within a comparatively short time,, Travellers to and from the station axe pleased tvitli the. rows of flower, and evergreens planted on each mete of the cement walk apposite, Mr. W F. Abbott's park lot. Mr. Abbott is looking towards permancy and . is planting shrubs and peren nial flow- ers along with same annuals, He is aiming at such a variety of flowers that he will have some blo.aming all the season. TEN CONFIRMED: The Bishop of Heron administered the ritte of confirmatipinl in the Tnivitt1 Memorial Church Tuesday evening, I When ten candidates tpole upon them- selves the solemn vows. BROWN-RICHARDSON. The, residence of Mrs., George Rich- ardson. of Corunn;a was the scene of an, interesting .event on June 14th when the wedding of her second daughter, Ruth took place to Gordon, Brown of i 'Sahn, son of Dr. and Mrs. Brown of Sarnia, grandson of Mr. Charles Eac-' nett of Sarnia, formerly of Exeter. Mr. John Wood shipped a car butch- ers' cattle to Toronto Tuesday. DEPUTY POLICE IVIAGISTRAI J :lir. F. W. Gladmaln, of the .firmof Gladman & Stanbury, has been ape pointed Deputy Police Magistrate for the City of Landon, and Police Magis- trate , for the County of Miiddllesex, The announceme et'vas' made, in the Jung 9th alssue of, the Ontario Gazetet ii Mrs. Banes arid her daughter, Mrs. t ielollard are on a trip, to Boston, New York and Washington. I .tavlr..and Mrs. J. A. 'Wylie. and Mr. and Mrs. Curtis of Toronto Spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs. J. isae Stewart. , Mr, and Mrs. Rabt. Fearful and daughter of London were Ln town on Sunday, the guest of Mr. and Darn' Campbell Wares. Continued on Page 4 • . I Con servative Liberal 1Vdeeting the Op - fair number gathered sea Stopthe Extrava House a t A Op- era n Friday afternoon. tohe ar the Liberal Candidate, Mr. D. F, Mac Gregor, and others, discuss the polet- tical tissues. Tae chair was taken by the pres- ident. of the Liberal Association, Mr. John, Moargan. Mr; MacGregor was the first speak- er and he discussed the platform of the pasty and criticized, the U. IF. 0. adnrieratration and the Conservative party in the usual manner. The, Liberal Leader, lair. Welang- tan Hay, wags billed to gave an ad - drew, but owing to illness het was unable to be present, air, Rogers of Ingersoll took his place. He said the Liberal party had; been, sympathetic toward the U. F. O. government, but he criticized severely thieir financial rc' ord, He said he htearcl Hon. How- ard Ferguson in Ingersoll.`, and he had made .out a mighty good case for the Conservative party, but he Criticized Mr. Ferguson, although he incorpor- ated much of air, Ferguson's speech in, his own. The Liberals, he claimed, were first and always for eetemper- Mtingmice. The 0. T. Ai. types in force by •�i • the will of the peopiie, and Qt .would ren,a n. in force as lonlg as the Liberals Notwithstanding the great heat and! busy season a fair audience gathered an the Opera House; on Monday after-' `noon to hear Hon, Geo. Henry and N. W, Trewartha the Conservative can-•' didate°for South Huron, and others,e discuss the political issues. The chairman, Mr, C. Middgeton, the president of the association, opened . meeting by a short address of welcome to the, speakers. He had known the candidate for many years, and he bad a record to be proudt of in .every way. VPs. Trewartha spoke of his career from his youth up. He had taught school far a number of years, had. served ere the capaciaty, of councillor of his municipality, then reeve for a num- ber of years, and was warden of ,the: county. 1t was during hia time at the county council that he sawmany things in the U. F. 0, Government that could not be commended or considered ac economic. He was in sympathy with the farmers 'organization, and thought it right that they. should be organized. They had an excellent platform, but it was a platform to get in are but ev- idently not to be adhered to. He dealt at some length on the good goads policy. Han. Manning Doherty's claim of removing the lemliargo on cattle, and various other things. He suggested a weather forecast far all farmers hav- ing telephones, whereby they might be informed of• the weather 24 hours in advance, and he thought this would be of great benefit to farmers an saving their crops, etc, WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. The following officers were elected at the first meeting of the Institutte at the home of Mrs. Ma{nis'on June 15 - Pres„ Miiss Jeckell; Vice., Mrs. Thos. Harvey; ated Vice.,- Mrs. Willis Pow- ell; Sec.-Treas., Hellen Wethey; ectors, Mrs. Morgan, Mrs. J. O'Brien Mrs, E, Coul'tis; Dist. Director, Mrs. Ward; Program Com,,, I.frs. Manson, alrs, Morgans, a/Lisa Condi-ear; Pianist, Muriel Bissett; Assistant Pianist, Wan- da Von Wascinski, The next meet- ing' will be head, sit the home of Miss Jeckell on the evening of Aug. 3. HIGH SCHOOL STAFF. General satisfaction is expressed in the fact that the Board of Education bas been able to re-engage the Priori- cipal of the High School, Mr. E. 3. Wethey td. A., and two of his',as- sista.nts, bliss Ross ancL Miss Dorrance. In place of oar. Miller, who resigned as Science teacher, they have been for- tunate enough to secure Mr. Henry Bowers, B. A., an honor graduate and gold . medalist of Dublin, University an Science, who comes highly,recommend ed. He is a young man of exceptional scholarship, and Exelter school is to be congratulated upeon engaging hint EVERETT-ANDERSON. The marriage took places at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Aa>Iderson,Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., formerly of . Exeter, whentheir daughter Miss Hazel Maxy baecame the betide "oil Mr. C. D. Ever- ett son of J. H. D. Everett` of San Diego, Cal. A dainty wedding supper was served at the, Bummer home of''Mr and Mrs. Anderson on Carp River, after which the young couple Left on a motor trip to Chicago, Cleveland,arnd Ontario points. On. their return they will reside ,at Satat, •Mich. Om their wedding trip Mr andd Mrs, Everett speait 'the week ep,d with the bride's grandmother, Mrs. M. Delbridge of Exeter, and Mr. ajnd,letrs. W. H. Wood of I:iurogudale. DEATH OF WILLIAM, SThWART The death occurred in, his 76th year on June 16th, of William Steelman, formerly of .Usbanne, at the General Hospital, Toronto. Deceased was been nm IVfanvis Township, Durham County.' He came to the North'easlt boundary of Usbornee, at the Age of ten, where he rived until moving to Exeter in 1912, He married lalary Vance; in '187a who predeceased him two years last January. He always enjoyed good health till two months ago when he yeas >taken with an illness and last week underwent: so operation at the hospital, where he succumbed, to heart trouble on Saturday morning tact. He leaves to mourn four daughters and see sans :-Mrs. A. Campbell bell of Us - borne, Mrs,. C. A. Houze of New York and Misses Geettrude and, N'ettse of T'oronito, Fred C. and John W. of Usbanne, and J. A. of Toronto.' In religion • he was a Meithodist,: and in politics a Conservative. On Tuesday. June. 19th, the funeral service was held on Males Street Methodist' Church, Ex- eter, after which interment was, made in the Exeter cemetery, N. W. TREWARTHA Conservative Candiedate in S had anything to do with it. Tbos McMillan said that the can- didates an •South Huron were all good men, and the record of the parties ,vas all we cotad go by tin casting a vote. When Hon. Peter Smith be- came provincial' treasurer he seems to have got off the lid of the treasury box and threw the key away. Much money was thrown amyl in great fees to gamy lawyers. After one year in oif_ce the U. F, O. hard 10 judges and 31 lawyers besides 'thee, regular lute -up, on the pay roll. He criticized sev- erely Ilan Manning Doherty's huge hlutf, as he called it, in claiming the credit for the lifting of the. . cattle embargo in England, As a matter of fact, he said, those interested in- the lifting of the enrbarga in England say that lir. Doherty caused more trou- ble in England than he did good, quot- ing Lloyd George's remarks, whin he coanglimented 11r, Meighaen an his ac- tion ,in the matter, epi said he could not compliment Mr. Doherty on his ac tins .n England, . At this juncture A. John Coirnish of ElimviIle got up in the audl,ence and said that the embargo was removed .;y the hoys who went avers,aas to fight, and the audience approved, .vTr, Mealillaan charged Hon. Peter Smith •evi!th attempting a saw -off the ocher: night between the Liberals in South Huron and the U. F. t0. .ink Centre Huron, huitl ass fax as Mr. Mac-' greeor was conc'eraned there was no- theaa doing. The chairman claimed that the lift- ing of the embargo was, of no bene fit to Canada, and hetanid cattlemen who bad shipped to E;n,gland knew ilt. Nominations ' South Huron is to have a three - cornered election contest, as alil three chosen candidates were dulyeno.m,nated in bewail on, Thursday last. • N W. Trewartha for the. Conserve- ' fives r D. F. MacGregor far the. Liberals W. G. Medd far, the. U. F, 0. To hear the addresses afterwards a large crowd of people were present, and the hall was scan filled, but 'so many ver: outside that it was decid- pd to go out to the street, A half- hour, afterwards, however, a shower of rzut fel', and a gralnd rush was made for the hall vvhhere the proceedings I were. continued. . George Layton, returning officer, was chairman, Huron. , W. G. Medd spoke, first and last, Mr MacGregor div' ctea lits time with Mr, :McMillan; and Mr. Trewartha took all Tire Hon. George .11,enry considered it a pleasure to be Mere to talk on the political issues of the day, and particularly for such a candidate as N, W. Ts•ewartha, a main, of such wide municipal experience, a man of such bright possibilities, and a man with. such an 'excellent death rectos , He spoke of the false impression of farriers ,in which' they had an idea that tbey-twere being neglected, and this was largely ']nought about by the politician„ agitators and others fats. a fying the position of the farmer. There was not one instance oil record en parliament of where a s gngle thing had been done by the Cbans:ervratuve party to retard any legislation whatever in the interest of the farmer, ' He showed abet in order to secure payinentt of the estate of the late John Eaton the Drury Government gambled $43,000 on a block of suc- eession, duty free of securities which' would have matured in two . months ,rand could be redeemed, at par. Through: injudiciau,s means the Pro- vincial Treasurer forced the prise of his o'wn 'securities up, 30 points, when• by the employment of proper financ- ial brokers' sums could have bean sav-I end to the tax payers.. t He further stated that tlae Drury Goverinment gave away for $51,0001, , over 3000 square mites of pulp and timber laind,s to E. W. Backus, Min- nesota. t n- nesota milliion>aire, by a secret agree - silent, and a water concession which. places Backus an absolute control of the i,ndustr:rd developemcnt of the' whole m,arthanestenn s.eetion of the i province, The Drury Goyennment increased the number of ,permanent civil servants employed from - 790 to 1250, and in. addiction there are 3,00 an the tempor- ary staff: Rev. Mr. McAlister of town and Rev, Naylor of Hensall graced the platform with their presence, and ,each the 45 -minutes himself, The speakers.presented their cases well and were given an attentive hearing, each .one, bieang well support- ed with applause; by his friends. The ':great point lav the electioln in South Huron as that they are, all good fellows, and not a disparaging word has, been said by, the; one of the oth- ers, which is a happy condition, to say the least BIRTHS Pederson --At Daslnuood, on June 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Oluf Pederson, a daughter. Cooper -At Dr. Hyndmaan's Hospital, Exeter, on June 16, to Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cooper,, Flippen,, a daughter - Gwendolyn Irene. Wein-Im, Stephen, ole, June 16th, to Mr and Mrs. Wesley Wein, a daughter -Verna Christine. SNELL—Iia Victoria Hospital, Lan- don, on June 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Clarise Snell, a daughter. DEATHS Stewart -Its Toronto, on Junes 16, 'Will- iam Stewart, formerly of Usborne, in has 76th' year, ,, Ford -In .Exeter, on June 1t4, Albert K. Ford, nge,d 83 years, 4 months., INME O AM Schoumacher -In memory of Charles Schouinacher, who died June 22, 1922 We th.ndc of him as .one who sleeps; All free, from ,grief, and Patin, And now the happy, day will come. Where we,, shall meet agaita. Sadly' missed by has son -in( -law and gave an excellent dddress. daughter. N. W. Trewartha has made a suc- cess' as a farmer: He hes also made a ;success as a business man. Let a farmer and business man ap- ply business methods to the affairs of Ontario, the sante: as. he did as. Warden of the County last year la red ucing your county rates. Work and Vote for a cc I N. Wo TRE , '' ARTA Conservative Candidate South Huron THE CAR A Few Tires Left To Clear at Wholesale Price 7 only 30x336 Fabric 5000 mile Tires -regular $16.00, f or ......... ,.. $10.00 4 only 30x33< Coad 5000 mile Tires -regular $17.00, for ............... ...$12;00 7 only 313x334 Cord. 8000 mile, 6 Ply Tares, regular $19$0, £cu ......... $13,50 6 only 31x4 Cord S. S. Wails„ "8000 mile Tires, regular .$33,50, for $21.00' 5 only 32x4 Cord, S. S. Wail, 8000 mite Tires, regular $36.00, for ...._ $23.00 1 only 32x434 Cord S. S. Wal, 8000 mile Tires, regular $49.50, for $36.00 1. only 33x4 Coad, S. S. Wall 8000 mile Tires regular $43,00, for $30.00 200 Tubes, all sizes, at less than cost. Come in and look them over, Durant & Star Sales, Exeter PHONE 16 PHONE 16 FOR SERVICE FOR SERVICE Warmer Weather Demands Suitable Apparel Suggestions from our Large Stock SUMMER DRESS MATERIALS We are sheaving a big raange of exclusive dr ess lengths, and have new- pieces coming isa ;every few days. You may make a selection from Paisley Voiles, Normandie Voiles, Paisley Crepes Sponge Crepes, Pure Silk Egyptian Paisleys, Plain and Fancy Ra - tines. From our large, range of Designs and Colors' yotr, will be able to choose a material just suited to your needs. • Anderson's Scotch Ginghams, pin the popular small checks. SUM14 ER FOOTWEAR. Patent Oxfords • Patent Colonial Slippers, Oxfords Colonial Slippers Strap Slippers an, coal comfortable Dongola. Kid Leather. White Canvas Slippers in one and two-tone combinations. • SUMMER STOCKINGS White` Salk Lis1le-plain or with fancy black clocks. Pure White Silk -plain -ribbed, and clocked. Silk Lisle, with wide rib effect in dote gsey and beige, Pure Silk Ribbed Stockings, in black, white, beige, dove, brown SPECIAL Black Cotton Stockings, sizes 534 to 10-25c. or, 4 pair for • 95c. GROCERIES . AT WHOLESALE, PRICES Royal Yeast Choice Seedless Raisins 7 lbs. Quality Oatmeal 75c. Salads Ten for ... 6 Shredded Wheat Broom 5 -string B r Heavy 5 s Medium 5• -strung; Broom Light Strong Broom 9 lbs. Pure Caine 5c. 3 pkg.McLareaal Jelly Powder 25c e. 15c. a large 'tins. choacee Peas .,. 25c . 25c, Extra. quality Cana lge,tilrn 10c 5c. °lb'7 bars 1amedry soap ,...: .. 48c ,..,12c. "• Our beet bulk Caooa 15c' lb, $1.00 11b. to Ctais�ca,d;e Salmon 15c, ......75c alb. tin Cascade Salmon 10c" Choice ed' 25c 1 $ Salmon 50c b. od I l Ch, Sugar : for $1.00, with your Grocery Order J. A. STEWART EXETER