The Exeter Advocate, 1923-5-31, Page 8EXETER , ATE,,`T'RUR•SIIAY, MAY 31 19.2E Exeter Markets. Local Doings t1:1tiGED EVERY WEDNESDAY • Seafiorth Collegiate has just an- 1xr. Jas, Dionan is having the, real- 120 n!aunced thalt Stuart Stanaib ry canoe dente ion the north` eaSt corner of Gla - Oats u� �� Oats • 60 first 'l styear an Latin at that school; lav andWipb ni 'streets,vaeneeredwith Baric } I ,..... •:• 65 white lora k. t ala tali- Beat Flour .85 A rather goo picture ctf Missa illy Flours 3.70 ,'Blanche Senior, popular Exeter vocal,-: Ft F'-, lour 3,40 ist, appeared in the Toronto Worljd Nate. - 2,10 last week.. She sang each day dur- ;~ e FF „len ing the week at the Hippodrome with Thomas Dunn in A. Sprig O'flea;th- 1,70 , 25 er , „ Ayr, Witwier sari; a very plea!suna:g *411111.#-, solo in James Street Church an Salle day seven g. Bran Shc)rts .,..., Eggs Creamery Butter 113ry Butte- iard 35 The funeral of the late Mrs. Jerry 28 Heannan'took place to the Exeter cem- 17 to 20 etery on Saturday afternoon, Among 10.54 those present from a distance were- "vlr. Mark 1'Iiltcheli and Mr. .and Mrs. • Herh. Mitchell of London, Mr. and .,4. Trio of Entertainers, graduates lir,, Frank Sweet of Sarnia, and Mr. of the Institute for the blind, will .1\110T111111 Neaman of •the VT.est. give a concert in the Opera House, OPE\TING TOURNEY. Exeter, Tuesday, June 12th, under the auspices of the Main St. League. The bowling green, was opened on Watch for bilis. May 24th and dour rinks contested ..w [or prizes—the winners being Thoma; CARD OF THANKS•Elliott, J. A. Stewart, W. C. Rivers and C, B, Snell—with three twins and MIr. and Mrs, George Essery of Cen- ai plus of 12. tra,lia desire: to thank those who so asst.:"ed with help and sym- nathy au:•ir,.; their recent bereavement also for the beautiful floral tributes. CARD OF THANKS ADJOURNED INQUEST, The • adjourned inquest into the death of William Mayl ag, who , was killed here on May{ 18th, when string- Vs7e, wish to, thank, the many friends l in; a telephone stare, was held Friday and ,neighbors for their kindness and; last by coroner ))r. Brawati Crown sympathy, anal also for the beautiful i'Ati,o'rney Seager was present and .sev- floral tributes during our recent lre- aeavemenr.—Mr ,and Mrs. Ed, Heide- man and family. • CARD OF THANKS Mir. Jeremiah Heiman 'wishes to thank the friends and relatives for the many acts of kindness and sym- pathy during the illness and subse- quent daeth ctf his beloved. w':fe. ESTRAY STEER. There strayedonto the premises of cry, Stephen, on •ar about May i15, a essary precautions whilst working with yearling steer. Owner can have same by proving property and paying ex- penses,— John Jones; -Centralia, the ur_dersr.gned, Llot 8, North Bound- eral officials of the Bell Telephone company, together with several wit- nesses and the. father of the deceased. The company.'s witnesses gave evid- ence to show that the 'employes are' warned repeatedly tan observe every precauta}on. )1v1r, H. W. Doerr, the hydro manager here, testified, that they ;veru always willing to cut off the current when, requested to do so. Others gave ,evid•ence, ,as, to the cause of death, and ithel jury brought iii &the enan mous veredict "That William Maylirog came tohis death by electro- guti''n through not taking the neat. BRICKLAYERS WANTED at once. $1,15 an blur. To work in London. 8 hour day, ideal working conditions. Ph:.ne our expense or write. John V; Gray Grunstruction Co., 34 Bank Tor- onto C]iambers, London, Ont. LOOK AT THE LABEL. The Advocate is gong to make a determined •ef.E<ort to clean up the subscription list, The labels were all marked up on May 3rd. If, by any chance, your label is not. as it ;should. he, let us know at once. We are 'go- ing to give all those who are years back this one chance to pay up, .and then it will not be our fault if some are asked to pay 32,00 per year, and perhaps some costs. We know it is simply neglect on the; part of many—, but we cannot live on neglect, WO'ttAN WANTED To work by the day. Apply at the Central Hotel, Exeter. HOUSE TO RENT. On, William Street, suitable to ac- commodate two families. Apply to Fred Elleringtonn Exeter. FOUND.—A place where you can but British American gasoline at 30c. —R. Mackenzie & Son, Exeter North' G S. ATKINS;ON, L.D.S., DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgetons of Ontario% and Un- iversity of Toronto. Late. District Dental Officer, Milit-, ary District .Number one, London, Ont. hrain. Office—Dickson, Block, Main Street, Exet_r ,Ont. Hours -9 am. to 5.30 p.m:. Phone 34 Exeter. Office at Zurich Oath, Phone 79. Zurich Tuesday and Friday from 10 a.m. t(o5 p.m'. Matting a't. Exeter on Saturday the 26th inst. LET ELLIOTT Sa JOHNS Know when you want your Suit of Overcoat Cleaned and Pressed, or Dyed or Dry Cleaned and we will call for them and deliver them. We are out for business. When you want a New Suit call in and see our Samples. OUR MOTTO—Service to the Public. Cartage & Livery --- We make trips to London .each wean, teav: your orders at our office or at the Central Hotel. Cars for hire at all times BAGSHAW & EASTON Business is Good WHY ? Because the people are finding out that we are giving good value for their looney. We have some excellent values right now. Don't miss them. See our ,window, (Something new and nifty. R;N.RO•WE Conductor of funeral Services J'boneS443u4iuess 20w; Residence 20. electric wires" FOR SALE -3 -burner Perfection coal oil stove with oven., Apply to J. A Stewart, Exeter: A meeting will be held Thursday afternoon, June 7th, at 2.30 p.m. in the Public Library, for the purpose of organizing a Women's Institute in. Exeter. Mrs. John Hey, Jr., of Zurich, the District President, will preside and Mrs Boyse, of Lefroy, Government speaker, will give an address. All the ladies are invited to be present. PROPERTY FOR SALE. Consisting of house, stable, arty'' 8 lots of land, situated in Exeter . North on Main Street, Apply to H. Bier - ling, Hay P. O. RANGE FOR SALE.—Dtohertyhigh oven wood and coal range. Half price. Apply at the. office. GIRLS WANTED ,Two girls, one dining room, exper- ienced; one kitchen girl, 'to start+, last • w'eek hi June. Good wages Paid Also one girl for Ice Cream parlor, experienced, starting June 30th. Ap- ply to Mrs. H. Gill, Lake View House, Grand Bend. NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Court of Revision, to hear and determine appeals and complaints re= specting assessments will hold its first sitting for the year on Monday, June 11th; 1923, at 7.30. p.m., at the 'Council Chambers . Library Building, Exeter. Dated this 22nd day of May, 1923. t J. SENIOR, Municipal Clerk MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Council .Chamber, Goderich, at 3.00 n'wloek in: the aiftewnoon of Tuesday, the 5th day of June 1923. All ac- counts against the County must be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Monday preceding the meeting of the Council. G. W. Holman, County Clerk Goderich, May 21st, 1923. ', SALVATION ARMY SERV ICES Services as ' usual ,next Sunday. Services in Town Hall 11 a.m.—Holiness Meeting 7 p m—Saavatiion. Meeting. 2.30 p.m.—Sunday School and Bible Ctrs. Cottage meetings in North End on Tuesday night. (T. Htabbints; Captain. Trivitt Memorial Church 11 am. -"The Good Shephere." 7 p.m, --,"The Crime of Unconcern:' Rev A. A. Trumper, Rector, OAVEN PRESBYTERIAN fJlimTkton Rev. James Foote, 8. A., Minister 10 a.: m.—Sunday School and Bible Classes. 11 a.m..—"The Crisis in Missions" The Minister 7 p.m.—"The Need of Unity in the 16th Century Church" 'The Minister. Boy Scouts meet Friday evening.' JAMES .ST. METHODIST CH'U'RCH Pastor, M. J. Wiftson, B.A. 11 a m. -Mr. W. 1I)"Jphnstonwill speak. 3 p.m. -Sabbath , School and Bible Classes, 7 p.m.—Mr. W. G. Medd will speak. rhe, new organist will he in charge M1 are ;welcc ne. The Junior F'armer's Societies of Huron Bruce and Perth will bold ani excursion. to Guelph Agricultural Colo. lege ion June 19. Let us route more advise all adv.er- tisers `that all changes of ad,. must during the summer m'on'ths' be fn the office by Monday at noon. Bishop Wrilliams of London will acl- minister the Rite of C'onfirma'tion on a nuutbex of candidajtasl in the Trivitt Memorial Church on Tuesday evening, 'tine, 19th. The; Department of Education, hat through Inspector Rogers requested Clinton 'to builda new Collegiate, or greatly improve and enlarge the pres- ent building, which' has, seen long ser- vice,. SCOUTS' CAMP FIRE. 'The local B;oiy Scouts; Iv -id -I' the lead- ers and others lenjo0led two or three hours in, the woods along by _theeriver east of town on Monday evening, the occasion being the. visitof the Field Secretary of the Scbuts for Oaaitariot, air .Earl Davidslona of Toa•otailtc( The viasibor is a live wlire in Scout Activ- ities and he gave the boys a good time around the camp fore; besides' teaching them many _new things in evierk and play. for scants. A lmarah- melljow; roast ,wad; .on the program and all tenjoyed the ieventiinga MISS HEIDEMAN DEAD. The death occurred inToronto on Friday Jmorning of an Exeter young lady, Miss Emma Heideman, daughtet of Mr, ,and Mrs: Edward Heideman Exeter, in her 32nd year, Miss Heide- man was highly respected and esteem- ed by her many friends here. She worked for several years. in the Jack- son, Factory, She was house keeping in Toronto for her brother, when she bad a fall several months, ago. and her life was then despaired of, but she partially recovered, but the end was only postponed. She is survived bb her parents, three sisters, Miss Sills of Kitchener,Mrs. Mason of Toronto, and Miss Emma at home,, and ttwo brothers,, Edward and William of To- ronto. The remains were broughthere on Saturday and interment made . on Mlondaty. Mr Richard Gidley is visiting his son in, Blyth. Miss .IJnorronce spent the week end in Seaforth. Iron Gladman visited Ted Taman paar't of last week. Mr. Wm .Snell; waist in Toronto for •a few days on busin>✓esls;, • :Mr. Alex, Stewart was here from London, for the 24th, Mr, S. G.' Bawden of Goderich spent the week end.. in town. Fred Heaman was home from Lon - dos Collegiate for Sunday. 12rs, James Ctallingwood of Hamil- ton is 'visiting relatives here. ,Aluss Vetra Eatery viisited in London bo'r several days during the week. 7Ir: Theodore Gray of London was i visitor in town on the 24th May.. Mrs. Hector Heywood and children spent a fern, days, in Llondon last week'. -Miss _Jessie Mantsonn of London vis- ited with- her parents lover the holiday. Mr, Harold Kuntz of Windsor visit- ed at his home:there over the; holiday. Mrs. Thos. Handford, of Ingersoll yspent a few :days helve, with relative; and :friends. Mr. and Mrs. F,'.W. Gladman, son and daughter, •of London,, spent Sun- days in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Frayne and family of Brantford spent 24th with Mr. and Mrs. P. Frayne Miss Muriel Hogarth has returned after spending several days; with Miss Josie Medd of Ridgeltownt T fr. and Mr's: J. G. Jones, M.r. toad Mrs. Hubert Jones, and Miss May Jones spent 24th in St. Thonna,s. Mr. and Mrs, Wm., Heamary of Lo n - don spe,ntt Tuesday at the home of tb,eir sen>, •.''lir. WA J. Healman. -Mrs. Herman W. tf)oerr leaves on Thursday for Detroit where she will visit with a elattives floc a while. Mrs. Wm. Willslen and child of Pet- molea, is -visiting with her falter, Mr. C. H. Hornley, and other relatives. ' ;Mr. and Mrs. McAllister of 'Mount Brydges visited with the latter's par- ants, arents, Mr. and .Mrs. James Jewell, over Sunday: Mrs, 11,1acKay and Mrs. Claxtonn, wlid have been visiting thicpr brother, Mr. W. W. Taman, returned to Detroit and Tuesday,' Mr, Norman Hearnan,, of Starbuck, Man., was here during the week (at- tending the funeral of his mother, the late ; .Mrs. Jeremiah Heat -San. Mrr. and Mrs. Ed. Bertrand and the Misses Mary and Madeline Bertrram,d mpTored._,overfrom; Die;trodt and visit- ed last week wiibhi .lvflr. and Mrs. (Wm. Kuntz, gr. and Mrs. Earl 'Rittchren, after spending their honeymoon at the home of Ur. -and Mrs. C. H. ,Sanders,, •re- turned to their home in W.ainerfoh•d Mondtaly moaninalg, - Mr. P.roy Golding arrives here this week from S't..Marys, a,nrd next Sun- day will commence his duties as or- gganist and choir leader of the James Street Methodist Church. Mrs. and Miss Iial<sa;ter of Paris visited for !several days' with " Mr. and - Mrs. W .J. tissetl't, M,,iss, Inksater sang a v er'y pleasing g . ,siolo it Janie, Street Church on Sunday evening„' Mrs. Jos. 4Sulttonr goes,/to London next week ;to attend the marriage of her mephevw :Arthur' Jackson, Ito •:MCss`; krarjory Hiscock, also of Londoln,,tsa'e marrnilage to take place (on June .6th.. 4 PRONE 32 JONES PHONE 32 PREPARE - FOR HOT WEATHER Men's Straw Hats 'The new styles vn Men's Straw Hats are now ready for your inspec- tion Rough straw sailors in natural ;colors with brown bands, and fine Straws with black banndst, are the Most popular styles being shown. We have them at very reasonable prices. CI-IILDR.EN'S HATS.—A nice range in white pique, tams and Black straws, also Boy's Elston caps, Men's Furnishings for Summer New Belts, Athletic Underwear, Ties in the ,new, Tweed Effects, Neg- ligee Shirts, Gaiters, Cuff Links, Arrow Collars, Fancy S;ocks;: in fact, A complete range of the Neiw?est Styles in Men's Fum!ishi,ngs, wlith a large stock to select from. Big B. Brand Work Shirts We are Local Selling Agents for Bigg B. Brand Men's Wtork Shirts, These are the largeist, best made Shirts that we know;tef and cos;tinje more than the small skimnpy shirts. They come in different materials at from 51,25 up. Remember the special feature of these shirts is' 'their extra length and fullness of. size. I:'ADIE$' MISSES AND GIRLS SUMMER DRESSEs, We have a 'beautiful range of Ra tine, Ginghams, and Canton Crepe Summer Dresses for Misses, and Ladie4, also a nice range of Dresses for Children: from 2' to 14 years, BOYS' WASH SUITS. F,'or Boys from 2 to 7 years, xLc ce styles and colors at prices. reas,anable LADIES' \AND MISSES' SPRING SUITS AND COATS AT CLEARING PRICES We still have a few nice stypes i,n Ladies' and Misses Spring Suits and Coats. As wlel do not wi,sh•'to carry these over we. offer them al great reductions in price. DRESS FABRICS We have a beautiful range. of • Wash. Dres; Goods in Ratines, Voiles, Cotton Crepes, Etc„ as well as new ,Silk Crepes Milan Knit, Ottoman Cloth, Canton ,Crapes, etc.; :also Paisley Silks for Trimmings and Blouses. LADIES' New Silk, and Wool. Sweaters in Lisle Hosiery, Summer Underwear„ tlont,'s Corsets; Fancy Blouses, Collars stock. - ' r MONARC'PI KNITTING YARNS WEAR. , Coat and Pullover Styles, S ilk and Gossard, Nemo, D. & A. and Cramp New Colored Handkerchiefs now 'n - New colors In fdnel wool; silk and wool, etc., in the celebrated Ivlon- arcli Yatriis. , Closes Wednesday Afternoons during ,7v onths of Igoe, July and August: JONES & MAY AGENTS FOR HURLBUT SHOES The Exeter Advocate • Display Advertising—Made known an appll eatmon. Stray ,Animals—One insertion 50c., three imsertiions 51,50. Miscellaneous articles of not more than five liniles, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, ea,ch insertion 50c. Lost and Found locals 25c. an insertion. Local reading notices, etc., lOc. _per line per in'sertiion.t No notice less than 25c. Csr'd of Thahk's 50c, Auction Sales 53 for one insertion and 51.50 for each subsequent in- sertion if under fivie inches in length. Legal advertising loci and 5c, aline, Farm tar Rea Estate for sale 5.Oc. each insertion foil one month of four insertions, OSCAR KLOPP AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey M. Jones' Na, tional School of Auctioneeryag. Spec- ial Course taken in Regitspred Love Stock, Merchandise, Real Estate and Farm Lands. Rates in, keeping with prevailing market prices. Satisfaction assured. Write or wire 18-93, Zurich, Oscar Klopp, Zurich, Ont. ANDREW EASTON LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR . HURON COUNTY. Orders left with Advocate; or •at the Central Hotel. Prices reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Exeter Ontario SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 PHONE 134 Billie Burke' Dresses Eptt Street, Porch, or House wear, These dresses are made from splendid Washing materials, are wield made and the. styles ' Thee Prices, too, are reasonable are very snappy. $4.50, - $5.00, $6.00, $7.50 Linoleums and . Congoleum Rugs You will be wanting some of these sanitary floor . coverings. 'The Patterns are very attractive. Ask ito see 'them.and get •our'pric4S,. • • Southoott Bros. DR. A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McDonell's Stables, John St., Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w ARTHUR WEBER Auctioneer — R. R No, 1, Dashwood Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co. Farm and stock utas a specialty; Four years experience. FRA.N'KK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Crediton, - Ontario. THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTh Between MONTREAL TORONTO - DETROIT and CHICAGO Ustexceiled dining car service Sloepnrtkg cars on night Wan sine Parlor cars oil principal day, trails*: Full information from any GOO Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Hoatl: log. Distinct Passerines Amt, TtlroiB*R N. J. DORE • Phomas 411w Aggttlt, f I. R. Carling, B.4 •- Barrister, Solicitor, Etc • Loans, • Investments Insurdhiicti Office, Caling Block,' Main St, Exeter Dr. G. F. Roulston, L. D. S., D, life R .. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday.. afternoons. Dr, : A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D:U, !!I, Honor Graduate Toronto. UmiVellI ty Office -over Gladman & Stinbury'pl Office, Main Street, Exeter. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount orf . priva tit funds bo loan . on farm and viliagae priopierty. at low rates of interest. GLADMAN' & ST A N•F URY Barristers. Sainitorit. flutter 7