The Exeter Advocate, 1923-5-31, Page 4rhe Exeter Advocate..1:..
Sanders &Oree.:h, Proprietors
Subscriptiest Price -In advance, x150
per year in Canada; S2,Q0' in the
United. States. All subscriptions atct
pad in, advance 500. tetra charged,
THURSDAY, MAY 31st, 1423
Miss Reid of Bayfield field visited with
Ale land Mrs. J. C„ Reid ,last week. with his fami1y, whoare staying atan,
Stir, end Mrs. Yates d family of .74+1r, ,and Airs. Jots. Hatistsf.
Sarnia, spent the '24th at the home Cel'' A number of people are filling their
Harry Kraft. ! coal cellars, making sure not to be
-1411: ,and Mrs. J. Eidt and children caught again with an empty bin when
-of Ailsa Craig spent Sunday in town:' winter sets ;n. t •
Bliss Hilda Snell of London, visited, Mr. and Mrs. Howard T.heimer of
her parents a few clays this week. I Detroit spent Sunday at the "home of
Mr. F. Jackson, left last week for/ Me, and Mrs. Jacob Swartz, 4
Paris,/ I Mrs. B. Brown, Sr., underwent an
De, N. F. Schram and family, Lon- operation in Victoria, Haspctal, Lolru-
don, spent Sunday ijn town. 1 don, during the past, week, Her mam
Bliss Verda Fassold of Gorrle and trierds will be pleased to learn that
\Vatter of London, were visitors at • she is noon recovering trie°-1p.
.their home here over the holiday. Is Sefr.•and Mrs. McDonald of Kintore
>1Ir. C. H. Baird, Iocal manager of spent The holiday with 1i)r. and Mrs.
"tine London branch of the Bell Tel-' C. Zwicker. .
ephane Co, visit=ed Dashwood office,' o'l'l., annual R,elyly of the E.van,g•e•1•ica
an Tuesday and found all: long -dist -1 League of Christian Endeavor will be
since traffic in. first-class condition. lie , observed at the Evangelical Church,
also ,save `the office great credit on here, next Sunday evening at 7.30
the, rammer in, which 'they handled the whe. local and outside talent will ren F
long distance traffic from Grand Bend der a specially prepared program of
last summer, passing through aw"- I addresses, Exercises, Readings, spec -
115s) long-distance calls in, one month, .
tai musk, Nelson C Dreier of F3an
:4liss� n
Thelma Conor, who has been over, aspirant to the gospel ministry
visiting relatives her; returned to her, and con of the. Rev. Wm, W. .Dreier,
Mame an Windsor Tuesday, w°bo has recently begun his work at
.Dr. Harry "Cap, Stephens of, the Evangelical Church in Crediton„
;Detroit, a former Dashwood your; ttxlt as one of the spteakers, Silesian
:Detroit, ogp„.tr ig will be; received, You are
man, cued in Detr,ait on Sunday last,i "t r tlr=s treat,
May dia
27. The etar was a graduate Mr, and Mrs. Pr,>tter and son, and
of 'r estern Unntersityy, London, and \1r, ,and Mrs. Lewle and song of Lomd,an
was an ,enkhuslastic athlete, wires : ac tto k with Mr. Thos. Chambers and
hievements dui ng hos student days faismily saver the 24th.
even for hen dstinct;on in Ontario
Cred1'on gratula�te the youngpeople of the ; Centralia
L r LL n,eugliborin 11,0 vini' fear the .excalliental ...
manner in which this platy wa s render- t ----
h'rt, Fred'Maln'gtutrs :of 'Detroit' sp.ent ed • The ,result 'of judging -the parade
the. week -end .. witb, :his father, s Mr: 'is --Sc »o+als, Credited let, S.S No;
Pott, Magnus and sist'~•r,,Mrs: Moore. ?aide Tearlesmein, '1st. ZorocI,-Fink- `t
Aelks, Fred Jaiti of ;L; ondon: spent" hairier, 2sed F.: W. Ali -lack; 3rd Foist , 'yrs, .JDernpseiy, and alser his siist',er,
the week ,end with her" I -nether, Mrs; Bros; CaliithunapiatL's Spark -plug and tNLiss 01ewe • d]empsey, who. has been.
Wein Manacs-War ).st,: the elephant seconds 1 ve1r?y ill fter sever* weeks. 1. ,
ter, and firs. Ed, Sweatzer and fain- Autee's-1,s'tu.E• Haest, 2n0, J. klorlock, •Rev. and 14fins,;:Simi* havegionio
il'y of London spent the week .endw.ith Throughout the day the Women's In- tis Sarnia this week, where conference
Mt -s. Sweitzer's brother and Isar fat'-' seitute RIO '"a'bjolath where ice cream ss being held.
er, and other refreshm'enits were served:' sMiss I. Fortner weal alt her home;
Mr, and Mrs. Dav;id Geiul of Kit- It Was a 'busy place. The different Hyde Park over 24th' and the •sv+eek-
.ch.en<er spent ,Sunday with ?lir: and Mrsends iylr. W3 fred Huxtable 1�as1
August Hill .game to
firm. Wm. Watts, who has been work- iD.etrloSt to work. y
ing Sra Datroit, spent the week ,encs • The members of the choir -went to
the home. of Me. Jas. Walker vast Sunsday of ternoson to sing a 'fnf ew of Mr.
Walker's favorite limns and anthems.
Mr. Walker has, be,einj fpr same. •ti,m;e,
and unable'.Np, attend church,.
Mrs. Morley pf Landon and Muss
R. Marley of Oklahoma City 13. S.,
'visited 'with Mrs, J. Smith last week.
Mr, James;Dnanpaety of .W Ttruipeg is
here visit n,g-With hes parents, Mu-, and
ct inmu!ttees in charge of the day's per-
E<'rmartce are ,to b,e congratulated on
Sts success.
sporting circles. For the, past four '--
Local Doings
Mrs. Kyle of Taranto is visiting with
her 'sister, Mrs: V, Mitchell.
Mr. Glias, Salter, wh,e has been quite
ill, is able, to be out around again,
alr°eeEd Howald was off duty at,lthe
mill this week owing to an attack of
The, •congx•egialtion, .of the Centralia
Methodist Chnech ger e a banquet in
the chinch on Friday' evelnp,n,g, in honor
of the choiir of the church, Ad,-,
:Many new members have, joined the dresses of apprecia;titon ofthe, work at
bowling . club this year. SUSI there is I the caner st„er,e" dellesered by Messrs.
mom los more, John Essery, W R. hllinft, Thomas
Mr. T. R. Feirguspn received word '
Willis and Albert�Mwtk:hdllls Othei
numbers on the program• wer.. ,instru-
mentals by Mrs. Wm. Essery, Mrs.
Alc'sn Essery Mpss Wanda, Wiiljis, a.
song by Mir. W,,R, Elliott and aread-
iin;; by Mrs. WSJ, Sanjith,,, The: • main
feature of the, evening, was an address
of apprecialtion to Ur. Andrew Hicks
Bohr his services as choir leader, Ac-
coinpanyam,g the address which was
read by -Sens. Wm., 'Bla'wde,nl were two
beautiful •chairs and a pedestal pre-
sented tp Mr, 'Hoicks by sex (lathers sof
the c,ongsegaltilon., Mr. Hicks in an
appropriate address 'tltankedl the mem-
bers,of the congregation, for the marks
of 'their appreciations. A pheasant ,ev-
ening terminated With the suargarig of
"For They are Jolly Good Mellows.;"
on, Tuesday of the seflaus illness af.
his another at Teesiwtnte.r.
,M,r. and Mrs. E. H. Spackman tof
Bienteim and Mr. and Mrs. George
Sautheott were visitors in town this
The mechanical potato planter of
Mr. Victor Hogarth is kept busy
these days planting throughout the
The. London Conferenceof the
dethadiist Church is, meetin,g� in Sarna
this week, and • the local ministers are'
in attendance
Rev. J. B. Foote will leave, on Mon-
day, June 4th to attend a General As-
setnbly meeting of the Presbyterian
Church 'at Port Arthr.>;r,,
Muss J,c+s::e Medd of Ri'dgetown, for-
merly of Exeter has been successful
len, passing, The rec•ent ,examinations at
far five ti ears .Dr. Stephens has pract- The Crystal City (Man.) Courier of Queen's. Uni'vea;rsity, Kingston. .
ised is Detrtait as a lung sper(li;i:t, last week contains the following par- Mr. Jas. Jeckell last, week weaved
and his ,rapist rise; to success in the t :ulars of the death. of a farmer wish- his heusebold •effects into .his new
American ,metropolis brought benore known resident of Crediton:—"On trause an Andrew; Street and Mr, A,
to himself as welll as to his ohne \ l nday, the 021st, there was laid t.o E. Kuhn has rnave:d• into Mrs. R.usselt;s
meter, :During his college career he rest in Crystal City;s ,beautiful locat--• house on William Street, vacated by'
wa one of the most p,opula.r students cd • cemetery, the mortal 'remains of Mr. Jeckell.
in the faculty ,of medicine, his engag f errs. Wm, Baker, one of the pioneers ; Some .cemetery boards in Ontario
in; and strong personality and his. -of the district. Born in, Middlesex purpose taking advantage of ° recent
indomitable cheerfulness winning him county, Ont., she would, •had she lily- legds]a,tiOa_truud seal .tire uronci parts
-.friends wherever he went. Harry was to June 13th, been 75 years 'of .age. et plots to .pary ;For theg upkeep Oaf th
a self-made pian and his d•etermnination She was married to Mr. Wire Bakers used marts in cas•ea,-tvhere plot owners
to win. and make a success of the am, Nov, J.8, 1849. After liv'na a few are negligent ;ia paying. far the up -
medical peofessioa was wanderfuL Ev- years at Crediton, Orits Mr. and 3Ir's 1 keep of their plots.
en after he graduated and received his Baker came West a' 1882 and ;located Miss Vivian Hogarth wlio has been
degree, he was far learn satis Pied and at Crystal City ('old towns)(, where convalescing at the home of her par -
fens always looking far new courses - they kept a stapping place .and be- ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Hogarth,
that might interest him, Dr. Stephens cane favorably known all over the after an attaclrwof typhoid fever has
went ,avers•eas with the 70th Banal-dis'tmint. Then after a, shc^,rt per''-od returned to her duties as nurse -in-
ion, serving as medical officer, and he on the farm they .massed to their Pres- retiring at Victoria Hospital, Lon -
distinguished himself attending the enit home in Crystal City, where they
cvpunded on the fields of Franca and have been for 24 ,years, Out of a don.
in the hospitals in the war zone. On family of •eleven, two s'stors and two ---
corning. back he resided in London far survive her, Mrs. Geo. Lanae; FIRST DRI•..FT OF
a trtbile, and then, 'mfimed to Detroit Snowflake; Mirs. Geo. Kennedy, Loin LONDON CONFERL++NCE,
where he soon worked up a large and dor.; Daniel Neil, Tompkins, Sask.;
exclusive practice, He married Miss
Isabel Dudley, daughter of , Jas,eph
Dudley of Grand avenue, London,
and besides his wife; leaves a son Dud-
ley., aged 11 years, and Margo, a 'baby
ef one year.
A perfect day ,gre,etted the staff lel
the Ontariia Loan and Debenture Co.,
for their Annual Picnic, w+hech was
'held at the h:omei of Mr. and Mrs, john
Cann, "Willow Grove Farrn," Usbarne,
on May 24. +
The picnickers, numbering ,over 401
were eons -eyed to their destination by
a nor bus and cars, arriving there
about 1030 a.m.
A strenuous ball gamewas them play-
ed Letneen. "The Sparkplugs'' and
"The Cumps," resulting in a victory,
fur the Sparkplugs, by 11 to 16, Miss'
Christie being captain for the Spark -
plugs, and Miss Slater for The Gumps.
At the cencl', siom of the, game the
hungry crowd sat down to a delicious
dinner, served under the May -.time
blessomms en the orchard.
In the afteiinpau a large, program of
•p,arts, arranged by Messrs. Weir and
ldatthewts, took place, which- was ,bot-
ly contested. These were followed lag
ar hike, ,over the hills and through the
woods, where the brav,en,ess of the
crowd was exhibited by catching a
deer miouse• and smoking out awood-
check The men, not yet having suf-
, ficient appetite, put on, an exhiibiti,on
game ,of baseball, umpired by Mss J.
and Wm Neil, West Donne, One :9s far as it .affects the •n nust:•e:rs
Mrs. W. F, Sande, of Crystal City, %'.s of this district ,and others who have
a niece, Mfr, and ,Mrs, Baker's twsii been, pastors in 'this district, -the fal-
s,ans are—W. A. J. Baker- of Winnipeg ' lotting;"changes are. slated in the first
and R. W. Baker, Crystal City.' draft ,of The London Conference,—
Exeter District—Main St., hxeter,
F. E. Clydesdale, from Atwood; Jam-
C'FLhBRATIO\—The Fourth An es Street, Exeter, W. h. ,Donnelly,
nual Celebrati.n given in Crediton un- from Amherstburg; Parkhill, George
der the auspices of the C. Anse, A,.1 W. W. Rivers, from He;nsall; Cen
en Victoria. Day was a decided sue-• tralia, W. M. K tely from Westminster'
cess nt every particular. Th.?.weath-1Elimvilte, H. h. Livingstone, ,from
er man was +oin, his good behaviour and British uolumbia.; Hensall, Arthur Sin -
left nothing to be desired. The eit:z- I clair, from Centralia; Grand Bend,
ens were up •early deo' rating .he::•r 1 W. J. Maines, from. Gaatesworth,
residences and places •af bus'+ness and,Other changes are—
Stwasr't long before the streets were To Kertvood—Rev. W. G. H. ,fc-
bright with flags and streamers, At Alister of Exeter.
ane o'clock the parade started down To 'Watford, oen St„ E. Medd imt
Main ,street, led by Leonard Hoist and Ridgetown.
James 'Taylor amounted on horses. To 'Thedfard—D. W. Williams :of
Then followed the Crediton Band Grand Bend.
playing inspiring music. Children lof . To Brook -James L. Foster of
the Crediton school and the school Varna.
south of the village made a breautafuii `To Varna—John. J. Durrant of Pt.
appearance, dressed in white and ad- %cla ird, ,
orned wilt' flowers. The float, drawn To Bayfield—H. W. 1SIcTamish of
by a team of white horses, awned and Toronto.
driven by Wm. Moffatt of Centralia, To Amhers(tburg—Rev. \f, J. Wil -
represented the May Queen, with hes son of Exeter, i
Court. After these followed the diff- To Superannuation relation—R•ev.L.
ferent floats of the business people, W, Hill of ParkhGtl.
namely,. Charles Zwicker, Merchant;
Young & Son, Hardware, Paints and
Oils and Aute Suppues; F. W,Clark
Harness Maker; Tires and auto .goods;
Foist Bros„ Merchants; ' Briti!sh-
American 051 'Tank Waggon; Imperial
Oil; ,Daniel Mglsaac, Blacksmith: The Council of the Township of
Wuertr & Son, 'Flour and Feed Mer_ Stephen, convened in the Town Hall,
chants ; F. W. MI.^,rlock; 'Boot and Shoe Creditlon, on Saturday ,May 26th, at
Merchant; A. W. Mtorlack and Ray 1 p.m. Alt members were present
Fi,nkbener, Oxro,-Welding and . Garage The minutes Sof the pnleviaus m,eeti:in,g
Chr. Beaver, Furniture; Otto Ewald, welre wend rand .adapted,, . '
Butcher;The Calithumpians, and last Gravel . cbtutracts to tine amount of
said- pant least thei,ej;ephant Jumbo. Tile 5473,75 were let f+or -gravelling roads
Calithumpians' Float was drawn by the Sinn' the muni'cipal'ity,
Ryrd. Earr;ous horses, Spark Plwg and Man-oi-
• Another sumptuous repast 'lovas'thea War. The decorated automThe following orders were passed--
obiles • of ,Fr, Corcoran,, use of Miall at Mount.
partaken of while the arcixestea en- \V. H, ,i4;ealock, Ezrai_Heist and John Cannel, 2.00; Amusement Tax Branch •
!te.rtained, After the hearty appetites Moriock made . a pretty arpp,earanaye, war ,tax tickets 48.00; News-Reciord,•
were appeased the prizes, well chosen After the parade the crowd went to account 102.00; Municipal World, -
by Mrs. T. G, .Weir, were distributed the School Grounds Rvhe•re the child- supplies 2.13; Wni. White, dragging
by , i,r. J. P. 'Dlowari, to lucky winners. ten ,of the Crediton school gave a very 1 2.00; James Clark, drawing gravel;
'The pelage= was was connitinu,e;d an the pretty exerc ee,. The Crowning of the '23.20; Peter McKeever,drawing gray -
hills by a fine. disp,Iay of firew,arks, May Queen followed by a May Pelle el '17.50; W. Whiteside, comer., 8;00
supplied by ear. C, Merkley, after
Dila .exercise. This was es.pecyajjly A. lDisjardi¢e, Gam"r. 5.00; -Sam Ind `
which the czpawd ;gath•e,re:d around a appreciated and many .expressions. ..of den, filling n mood, 5.,00; Wellington
fire, 'where 'they roasted , wein;ers• praise :were heard flow the excellent Heist, repairing road 5.00; Austin Hay -
and :some .re,'al camp -fire songs were tnalnner in twhlch'.elsts was .presea,13d' ter, repairing road 34.50; Jac. Schroa-
anuch appreciated, together with ,sell by the .pupils. To, finally settle the dee, the far road, 6100. e
ge,ctionns from ,Mr. Matthew's loin his argument which had alrao.s't split 'tire' The .Council adjourned to July 3rd
ukelele, The happy, through tired and town &i twain, as to whether a team Henry Eil'be•r, Clerk.
sunburned, crowd then returned to th,e oaf horses 'could draw a 3 bus. bag,od
City without arsy mishap's,; but ,too sand attached to .a 400 foot rope„ a
later to, healr~ the. mitdmu ght begs. ( team was procured from Wolf & Roe
much of the succless, oaf tlhe. picnic szle:r and when. 'the ,w,ard was gian i
was due to, the ti;r+elless of ;forts of . the team just w;alked''away with th,cps
Misses Beaty . Macgregor' and Pearl burden, quite leisurely. Theni the
Conn,, and the splendid, hlospdtatlity of te^m was tried out in a' tug -of -was
Mr, ,and Mrs. ` Canawas thoroughly ap- against 20 men; but the men ' proved
prer:i+ated. %gat,ors, 'The baseball between . out
boys and this U.T C. of Londoin, was
then ,run off. Ed. Bertrand .of De_
troit was selected umpire and W. E.'
Oestreicher umpire ,ort ";'b;a:s,es, The
gems was very gsaod considering that'
the local team hadn't pra{c,tised at alt:
Kung Fabn er dad th,e pitching, and with' Two thousand
a little, moire practice ire 'would coime ' wo Canadian Red iV�he
i �7• , are .expected .to. participate in the
.c,f Chiselhurst, is serxausly ill, b�esee back;e ('la his old form •qute keasuly. Ca
-r aCalgary stampede and to move on
lately stricken with a paralytic stroke. -he+ sG4,re ;�t'this �n1 of
P Y' to,
Banff for • t
rons and:
McQueen and_John C 8-4,.
Ntrs. tic ee saad . a• t o
_u ,n lsatnea v s u�. Es ec
a � ,al �OOd
o =
l p d D
go*. •to Thainiesfard to visit ,th,ei,_ fees eg ilex; toed a,m^ g :the i i Indian ays, July
daughter, Mrs. Percy Bartlett, r we can a t ire, , h bays, held 16th and 17th. during 'which the
} sure the L,cladaN brays ~ thee citizens; •of.' Banff will, act' as hosts.
Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth McLeod spent are welcome" in our town any timnu.
la the evening the thhe 'Dramatic' Club ,af Pony racing, ` :wrestling on; hom se' R
the. week end:in T'arkla:lli'
:,r, - 4J c, , .1. back, shooting with. the bow and`
sneakily'r vet of MocKtilopend. Gu SCh puton.. ,a ,play,sentvtled, Leets ; arrow,tent-pitching an
r::ffea ;c.f Seaforth 1Da:nieh Alt Ge 14Iarrue,ci Tln,e T,attn a sR rr d camp mak
H ilei
tr_se an ;Sunday last,
Stephen Council
:lir. John Fitzgerald sr., a resident
Abraham Martin, first Scotch set-
tler in Canada, first King's Pilot on
the St. Lawrence and first farmer on
the Plains of Abraham, which. were
named after him, has' been honored.
by the Canadian Pacific Steamships,
Ltd., at Quebec by the erection of a
granite shaft. Hon. Athanase David,
Provincial Treasurer of Quebec, offi-
.ciated at the, unveiling ceremony re..
Mount Carmel
Sister St. Jlohn of Pe"terbosough at-
tended the funeral of her father, Mr.
Quarry, on Monday ;• also Mr. end Mrs.
Dennis O'Brien, Miss Madeline Quarry,
St. Marys, Messrs. W. and D. O'C1on-
,neor and daughter, of Toronto, ,Mr. and
Stem, J. Nargle, Lucari Mr. and Mrs;
Ge.orge O'Leary, Mr. J. W, Doyle, Mrs.
L, Rowland of
Mss Winfred Guinan captured the
the Governor-Gexneral's medal, for pro-
ficiency in the general cpurse at West-
ern University last week. We con-
gratulate. Miss Guainaii'r oar, her brilliant
Mrs M. Madden left on Tuesday for
Detroit, where she will spend two
weeks visiting friends. ;
lfr, Agustus Morrissey purchased a.
new Ford car last week.
Death lof John, G. Quarry.—In the
death, of John G. Quarry, wh,o. passed
away at his, home near here on•Friday,
\Iay 25th, at the great age of'82years
McGillivray has host one of its oldest
and most •este.emued residents. Mr.
Quarry :was as well as usual ;up
about two. weeks ago. Death was due
to a general breaking up and Infirm-
ities raf old age. Hte is survived 'by
his wife, four sons, Vincent, John,
Dennis .arid James, and three daugh-
ters, ;Mrs. Matthew Doyle, •1 cGiihIi
xray Sister ,St. Jtahn,, of St. Joseph
order, Peterboro', and Ag.ness at home.
The funeral took place to the R. tC 1
..t Monday d.t 1tt a,m., With
R,equiem High Mass being celebrated
by his nephew, Rev. ' �.lr r O'Clonaor
of Toronto.
Getr' ! n ' ing contests are'amn 'among the features,
ceo.wded -to"the doors." We. must care- g
We -will • cash your Victory Loan
Coupons or place them to your credit
in our, Savings Bank where they will
draw interest at 3% ner annum.: sig
Capital Paid
Exeter Branch
Crediton Branch
Dashwood Branch
up $ 15,000,000
Reserve Fund $15,000,000
M. R. Complin, Manager
T. L. Rutherford, Acting Manager
Capital and Reserve $9,000,000
Over 125 Branches,
are provided at ,every one of our branches
and assure to our depositors prompt and
courteous .attention,
Deposits of $1.00 and upwards invited.
T. S. WOODS Manager,
Centralia Branch open for business daily.
The Ford Car is "fully equipped".
With the Ford Motor Company " fully
equipped " does not mean unnecessarily
equipped at high prices, with non -essentials
to motoring satisfaction.
Seventy out of every one hundred people
who bought cars in Canada last year ,
bought Ford cars and placed their stamp
of approval- upon this policy.
CLINTON-0a Thursday Mr. R. At
Robertson received a telegram telling
him ,of the ,death in a motor accident
pf his brother Robert of Walwranesa,
,A 1LS.ft CRAIG—The news cf the
death of •one of esteemed citizens
came: as a book to her many friend.:
on. Friday, when Miss Mary Mc1augh-
ton,,,who had been, visiting her sister
Sirs. Wilson of Bay City, died sudden-
ly.; She dropped dead whale talking,
to her .niece. Th remains wens c taken
to Nairn cemetery a fa :
Montreal Honors First Skipper in Port
1. C.P.S.S Montrose bringing first passengers to Montreai, 1923 Season. 2. Captain Edmund Aikman, Commander
of the Bolingbroke.
TY years ago Montreal was but a "mere calling
place for ships." It had practically no modern cargo -
handling devices or equipment, its wharf sheds were just
wooden'. shacks which were actually taken down in.
winter. to prevent them being blown away, • and much of
the merchandise was stored in the open air at the ".mercy
of the wind and weather.- Now Montreal is the greatest.
port of Canada and it is the best located. From a mere
riverside stopping place for ships, it has stepped into the
front rank of ocean porta, and has become equipped With
facilities for the accommodation of ships and for the
handling and storingof freightthat are unrivalled on the
continent: Despite the fact that Canada has less than
101000,000 populationand that the United. States has
more than 110,000;000, Montreal now handles 'a greater
volume of business than any port on the American
continent with the solitary exception of New York.
The principal reasons for Montreal's supremacy are.
the facts that' it is nearly. thousand one miles inland
from • the ocean, at the head of deep water navigation
With direct access to the Atlantic, ,and that behind it is
a through route right up to the head of the Lakes at the.
Twin Cities, a thousand miles further inland. Were it e
all year port, Montreal ;would be the chief one of tIi
continent, but for some months winter closes the beauti-
ful St. Lawrence route, and the -vessels fretting at the
mouth of the gfeat river must wait until the ice goes out
in the spring before they can make their way westward.
About fifty years ago, the Harbor Master originated
the idea of presernting a tall silk hat to the captain of the
first vessel to arrive in the spring with a -transatlantic
ship.. This custom was observed for about thirty-five
then, ,as�
hats losttheir Pu
larit ;a
headed cane was presented instead by the Harbor
This year the cane was presented to Captain Edmund
Aikman, of the Canadian Pacific S.S. Bolingbroke who
had just completed his.first voyage in command: The
Bolingbroke left London for Montreal on April 9th
calling at Antwerp en -route, arriving three :hours •ahead
of her nearest competitor on May 3rd. The liner
"Montrose" of the same line, the first passenger vessel to-
reach the port in 1928, arrived two days after,