The Exeter Advocate, 1923-5-31, Page 30 KE
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Surmises and Their Origin
Variations -O'Hara, O'Hora.
Racial Origin—Irish.
Source—A given name.
Sometimes the change in spelling
between the real Irish form of a name
and its Anglicized version is so great
as to throw you conpl•etely off the
track. O'Hara is one of these names.
Few persons would think of associat-
ing it with the name which in. the Gae-
liti is spelled "O'h-Eadhradh,"
But you will note that when the two
"dh" compounds are "pronounced"
silently, as happens to be correct, and
that the diphthong "ea" takes inore
of the "a" than of the "e" sound, like
this: "O'h-(E)a(dh)ra(dh.); you see
there really isn't much left to it but
This clan name is derived from the
given name of "Eadradh." The O'Hara
clan was settled in Kuigh'ne. It was
a branch of the O'Carrolls of Ely, and
the clan roust have come into exist-
ence about the time of Brian Boru or
a trifle later, for in the clan record of
bang line of -chieftains• there Ls men -
totted in the year 1067 one "conaing
O'h-Eadradth," who was a lecturer at
Clonmacnoise. The O'Haras were a
strong ,clan until the time of Oliver
Cromwell's invasion of Ireland.
Varlations—Hally, O'Halley,
Hely, O'Haley, O'Haly.
Racial Origin—Irish,
Source—Given names.
As a. matter of fact, there are two
clansand two family names here. But
there has been a good bit of confusion
between the two it the Anglicized
forms of the names, and it is best, per-
haps, to stretch a paint and for the
sake et convenience regard them as
variations of each other.
The forms Halley, Helly, O'Halley
and O'Hally are in most cases names
founded on the clan name of the "O'h-
Ailche," who were a branch of the
O'Kenedys of Ormond, and descend-
ants of the famous "Cormac Cas."
Their territory' was the ancient "Tua-
the, P'earait" ("County of .the Hardy
The forms Hely, Haley, O'Haly and
O'Haley are more usually founded up-
on. the clan name of the "O'h-Algaith,"
a derivative from the gives name of
"Algach" (the meaning of which was
"noble" or "courageous"). This clan,
like the Cosgraves and the O'Hogans,
was a branch of the old O'Brien elan(
through that same chieftain, • "Cos-
graeh'," whose name was perpetuated
in the clan and family name of Cos-
Proof That the Stomach is Weak
and Needs Toning Up.
Generally speaking, a person in good
health can .digest most foods. If not,
and there is pain after eating, the
;stomach has lost tone and is too weak
to de its work. In that case your stom-
ach needs strengthening and the way
to do this is to build up your blood
with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
There cannot be good digestion with -
'out a sufficient supply of good red
blood, and there is nothing better than
IDr. Williams' Pink Pills to renew and
'enrich the blood. That is why they
have proved so successful in thousands
of cases off indigestion. Mr. D. J.
Shaw, Selkirk Road, P.E.L. has proved
the value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
in a severe case of indigestion and re-
lates his experience for the benefit of
other sufferers. He says:—"I suffered
from indigestion for a number of years.
My case was so bad .that wards fail to
describe it. My appetite was gone,
constipation was present, and my
nerves were all on edge.:' I could not
sleep well at night, and the world was
a dark spot to me. Itried a number
of remedies, but without any benefit.
Then Dr: Williams' Pink Pills were re-
commended, but without much faith,
after so many failures, I decided to try
them. After taking three boxes I no-
ticed a change for the better, Then.
I, got three boxes more, and 'found I
had a genuine remedy. I continued
the treatment, took moderate exercise,
could take good plain food without suf-
fering as formerly, and proved . that
these pills make good blood, and that
this good blood will restore the °stom-
ach+` and nerves. Anyone suffering
from stomach or nerve troubles will
make no mistake in giving" Dr. 'VVi1-.
Hams' Pink Pills a fair trial."
You can get these pills from any
medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents
a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
The Suez Canal took thirteen years
to construct.
A new Canadian soprano has ap.-
speared in the person. of Miss Blanche
i.Arehambault of Montreal; who is_giv-
ing concerts in the Eastern States.
'She sang recently before a large
audience at Holyoke, Mass.
Attractive .Proposition
For ms;,,with all round weekly
newspaper experience and $400
or 1500. Apply Box 24, Wilson.
Publishing Coe :Ltd., 7$. Adelaide
Street West.
Boys in London Strive to
Enter King's Choir.
Fifty Landon boys between ten and
fourteen years old came to the Chapel
Royal, St. .Tames, recently, to have
their voices tested by the King's or-
ganist and choirmaster, each hoping
to be the one of the two to be chosen
to fill vacancies in the King's choir.
Competition is keen,for with the
privilege of singing before the royal
family and the court goes a term of
general education at the City of Lon-
don School. Some of the choir boys
came from wealthy families, but as
there Is no favoritism in the choosing,
the only test being voice quality, there
are always several parents who par-
ticularly appreciate the educational
side of the matter.
The boys wear scarlet and gold uni-
for'his, and their duties, especially
when the •court is in. London, are con-
siderable. At 10 o'clock on. Sundays
they assemble in the private chapel at
Buckingham Palace, at 11.15 they go to
St. James's Cathedral, when there is
a full service for the King's general
household. At 12.30 conies the service
.in Queen Alexandra's private chapel in
Marlborough House.
Memorial of Hochelaga.
The Department of the Interior,
Canadian National Parks Branch, has,
made arrangements with the authori-
ties' of McGill University, Montreal, to
erect a monument and memorial tab-
let within the university grounds,
near +the entrance in Sherbrooke
Street, to commemorate the existence
of the ancient fortified Indiaai village
of Hochelage. The quaint sketch of
Hochelaga, published by Ramusia and
reproduced in the works of Champlain,
together with Cartier's entertaining
description of the village, rias"nrade
Hochelaga one of the but:standing
points in the romance of Canadian his-
tory. During the autumn of 1535 Car-
tier, accompanied by a varied retinue,
wan received with great honor by th'e
Iroquois and later Chainpiain visited
the abandoned site. The village .eon-
tallied fifty Targe houses, lodging sev-
eral families who subsisted by cultiva-
tion and fishing. The abandonment of
the village by the Iroquois is attributed
to the hostile attacks of the neighbor-
ing Algonquin tribes.,
A small boy ; was ,sitting on his
father's knee watching his mother as
she painfully went through the very
delicate operation of doing her hair
in that most becoming wave effect.
"Nis waves for you, pa," said the in-
fant philosopher, as he :fondly palish -
ed his ppdrent's bald head. "'You're
all beach,'-'
Mi.eard's Liniment for sale everywhere
Richest Spot on Earth.
The greatest geld mine in the world
is at Timmins, 500 =nee north of
Thirteen year ago an outcropping
of rock lay unknown in the heart of a
sink' bugle country, Arman came strug-
gling through the hush, hisbelongings
packed on hie back. He saw the rock.
"Go1dt" he muttered.
The man was a young proapeotor
named Ben. Hollinger, To -day the Hol-
linger mine' covers more than 400
acres below its surface run 45 miles
of tunnels and an ;electric railway sys-
tem; .its great mills roar cea'selessl'y;
and $1,000,000 .m gold leaves its 're-
fnery_every month
The Hollinger mine has become the
greatest In the world. For two years
it has been running neck and neck
with its nearest rival; the great New
Modderfontein of the ;Randy South Af-
rica. The most recent figures, how-
ever, show that while the output of the
Transvaal mine has declined, the'Hol-
linger is forging ahead.
What does the world's richest trea-
sure chest look like? To. be .truthful,
it looks like anything on earth but a
gold mine. It looks like a boiler fac-
tory, or a porlc-packing plant, or any-
thing unromantic.
Hollinger produced $12,00,0,.000 in
1922, This year it is planned to mill
7,000 tone of ore per day, instead of
4,300, the present daily average. Yet
for years to come Hollinger will be
using only a fraction of the mine's re -
Hollinger at present employs 2,300
men, of whom 1,800 work underground.
They are arranged in three shifts, For
eight hours a day they work in a
cavern of gold, and never see it, for.
the greatest gold nine in the world
displays ea yellow metal untilthe re-
finery has done its work.
Once a mother has used Baby's Own
Tablets for her ll'tle dnes she would.
not be without them. They are the
ideal home remedy for the baby; be-
ing .guaranteed. to be absolutely free
from opiates or other harmful drugs.
They are a gentle but thorough laxa-
tive and have been proved of the great-
reatest aid in cases of constipation, indi-
gestion, colic, colda and simple fevers.
Concerning them Mrs. Ernest Gagne,
Beausejour, Que., writes: "I have used
Baby's Own Tablets for constipation
and colic and have found them so suc-
cessful thatt'I would not be without
them. I would strongly recommend
every mother to keep a box in the
house." The Tablets are sold by medi-
cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a
box from The Dr, Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
Fine Specimens of Buffalo
Several fine speciments of buffalo
hides and heads have recently been re-
ceived by the Canadian National' 'arks
branch, Department of the Interior,
Ottawa. These were secured from ani-
mals killed in Buffalo National Park
during the winter and are of exce lent
quality. The robes, dressed, measure
eight. feet wide and twelve feet long
and the hair is long and glossy. The
manes on the heads are also excep-
tionally long, measuring from four-
teen. to sixteen inches.
pay your out-of-town accounts by
Dominion Express Money Order. Five
Dollars costs three cents.
Easy Curtain Pole.
An implement has been patented
which enables a person to arrange cur-
tains on a pole while standing on a
floor and then to raise the pole to its
Silver Foxes In Great Britain.
The only fox farm in Great Britain
is located near Alness, Cromarty Firth,
Russ -shire, Scotland. The climate is
suitable, and the first six have in-
creased to 60.
NOT SICK ONCE IN [ itiwas Regarding Beauty.
FOUR YEARS NOW What is your idea of a, beautiful wo-
erten? Muet She be fair or dark? short
or 4111? slender Or. stout? Tastes cer-
tainly differ. A Chinese belle must be
fat, have email eyes, short nose, high
ehseks,, and feet which are Drily a few
Incase long. In the Labrador Wendel no
woman fe- bautiful who has not black
teeth and white bair, Some natives
squeeze the heads, of children between
boards to make them square,while
others, prefer the shape of a sugar -loaf
as the highest type of beauty, It le a
funny old world, isn't it?
Minard's LIniment Used by Physicians.
A Dear Friend.
Angus—"I hear yer freend Donald
has marrit a third wife."
Sandy—"Ay, Donald's an expensive.
tressed; twa wreaths and three preen
ants he 14 years,"
Gardens Need Sun,
A vegetable garden, to be a succests,
must have sun at least part of the day -
Mrs. Snaith Declares. Health
Has Been Perfect $ince Tann
lac Ended Stomach Trouble.
"For ten years hardly a day passed
that I didn't suffer from stomach trou-
ble,; but I took Tanlac four years ago
and haven't had a sick clay since," is
the statement made re-
cently by Mrs. Thatnar: Smith, 85NO'
free. St., Toronto Ont.
The little I managed to eat sImply
tortured me with pains in the pit of
my s•toniach, and gas pressed around
my heart, causing it to skip beats un-
til S thought it would stop altogether,
I was as nervous as a witch, and lost
so much sleep that I was dark and
swollen under my eyes. -I was so weak
and run down I oould hardly walk a
block qr do my housework, and was
almost in despair.
"Tanlac certainly was a godsend ie.
restoring me to such perfect health,
and I think it's the greatestmedicine
ever made. Nearly everybody else en
McGee Street seems to have used the
treatment, and are praising It too."
Tanlac is for sale by all good drug-
gists. Accept no substitute. Over 37
million bottles sold.
The Afternoon Tea Rite.
Mr. Gordon Selfridge, the Chicago
merchant who invaded and conquered
London, is revisiting the United States,
and touches on some piquant con-
trasts between his native and adopted
countries. He has the ad -vantage of a
double standard of comparison, of see-
ing the British through American eyes.
To an interviewer he lays amusing
emphasis on an English social rite, af-
ternoon tea, which is the subject of
mild derision on the part of 'visitors
to the tight little island --until they
succumb to it. Mr. Selfridge thinks
that if Americans would similarly re-
lax in the middle of the afternoon's
work they would gain a poise and
calm they really need and lose none of
their famous "pep." When he opened
his departmental store on Oxford
Street thirteen years ago it was the
custom of his salespeople to snatch
teases best they could. Instead of dis-
couraging it he accepted it as a na-
tional institution, and gave a tea inter-
val to each of his 3,000 employees, and
"since everybody else In the country
does it, no time or business was lost."
He is quoted further:
"Tea is brought around at matinees
and movies, on railway trains and
boats. Lords and commoners pause
for it in parliament. You cannot en-
ter any office, editorial den, public
library, factory or shop in Great Bri-
ritain between four or five without
stumbling•over cups and tea tbings."
Mr. Selfridge confessed that, person-
ally, he did not like tea, but he likes
what it stands for—a friendly getting
together, a relaxing pause in the day's
work, a slowing down of the Ameri-
can's relentless push, not to a point
of becoming less active, but more bal-
anced. The Ame_ican has a break-'
down at 50, he added, but the English-
man was swinging a wicked golf club
at 65.
Afternoon tea has become a social
function on this side of the Atlantic,
but it has not seriously penetrated the
market place. After all, it is not the
tea hour that gives the Briton poise
and calm. It is merely one expression
of his unhurried habits and ways of
living and of looking at life. Before
work slows down in offices, factories
and shops on this continent in the
presence of the tea -cups, there will
have to be a radical change in the
mental as well as the physical habits
of the business community.
For Fascinating Eyes
snake the use of nviurine a
dailyhabit. This refreshing
eye Potion soon makes eyes clear,
radiant, beautiful, Harmless.
Enjoyable. Sold by all druggists.
re, EYEs
America's Pioneer Doo Beanedies
Boot: on
and How to Feed
Mailed Free to any Ad-
dress by the Author.
14. Clay Glover co., Inc..
129 West t4th Street
New York, U.S.A.
A cold roast has an
'appetizing zest
when served with
these delicious
Chopped up in.. a
salad, they add •a
new piquant flavor.
Imported direct
from Spain for the
Canadian People.
Every olive perfect
Every variety
At all Grocers
Insist on
iialniitoil and Winnipeg
of P1=
Cuticura Beautifies
Skin Hair and Hinds
Malta Cuticura Soap, Ointment and
Talcum your every -day toilet prepa-
rations and watch your skin, hair.
and hands improve.: The .Soap to
cleanse and purify, the Ointment to
soothe and heal and the Talcum to
powder and perfume.
Soap 25c. Olotmont 26 and 50c. Talcum 250. Sold
throughouttheDoininion. CanadianDepott
Lyman,, Limited, 344 St. Paul St., W., Montreal.
iii -: Ceticura Soap shaves Without mug.
ISSUE No. 21—'23.
Our Free Booklet
of Engravingsa
is Lott for the asking. it
Woes particulars of how you
can obtain
Tha Finest instrument
The World Produces
Cash or Credit.
90 days': free trlaiin your
own home.
Imperial Phonograph Cory.
Dept. K.. Owen Sound, Ont.
Established. 28 seers.
Galvanized Copper -bearing
"Metallic" Shingles
Piro, Lightning, Rust and Storm
Proof •• Metallic Roofs 'shed clean
Rain Water
Send Posted Card for Folder "E"
The Metallic Roofing Co.
Limited 404
1194 King St. W., Toronto
y+a.x-.,. ms..,µ v�:s:'?...
classified Advertiserxninta.
WANTIve.—TOTING miss wmu° G01,1
educatt0e,to train as: snipes.• Three-year•
course. Apply W 11oadre ila,eitrl, St, eathatines.
WN A , FArfai ON 'ANN zona, rP wesmgrtx�t
Ontario, the Florida or osos ta. send. Tor fail
=man= and no seeds! sixty dsy. odor. of Bret
getarn trip: Grow the btu moires Bops.. Trutt. te-
becco. cern, beau. eta.. In addition to general mixed'
terpin. Sneer -es Real Eatste, Blenheim. Gat
PGCZNEVZY mire tamers, etrarnns sxoelr
of ''t111rtT head, from twenty noltars LW.Island Pleat ?Lich, North ;kiasnatsrran, Puny Sound..
The man who "hasn't time" hasn't
enough ability or hasn't enough in
Easy runninA Mowers
that art withh razor -like
�.tptrnaath oLveiwillkeep
your Lawn trim and neat
Thoroughly re//ab/e, abso/ub?/y
guaranteed. At your bard-
wage dealers.
Use the Old Reliable.
Keep Kendall's'
s --•e.
always in the barn..t
A strained muscle, a
sprung tendon, a jolt
or a knock demands immediate
attention. A few hours' delay will
result in a long lameness—perhaps
in the loss of the horse. Kendall's
Spavin Treatment has saved more
horseflesh than all the other known
remedies. Under the name of
Kendall's Spavin Cure, it is the
forty -year-old standby of horsemen,
farmers and veterinarians.
Get a bottle of Kendall's today.
Ask, too, for Me Free Book or
write for tt to
MS1 13000E
Tells How Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Restored Her Health
River Desert, Que.—" I used to have a
severe pain in my side. I would be un-
able to walk fast and could not stand
for any length of time to do my ironing
or washing, but I would have to lie
down to get relief from the pain. I
had this for about two years, then a
friend told me to try Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound as she had
had good results. I certainly got good
results from it, too, as the last time I
had a sore side was last May and I have
not had it since. I am also glad of
having food nursing for my baby, and
I think it is your medicine that helped
Me in this way."—Mrs. L. IT. BUDGE,
River Desert, uebec.
If you are suffering from the tortures
of a displacement, irregularities, back-
ache, headac'nes, nervousness, or a pain
in the side, you should lose no time in
trying Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Lydia E. Pinkham's Private Text -
Book upon " Ailments Peculiar to Wo-
men "will be sent you free upon request.
Write for it to the Lydia E. Pinkham
Medicine Co., Cobourg, Ontario. This
book contains valuable.informaton that
every woman should know. O
calla re
also o
Grand Canyon
National Pak
Arirrana �>_d
ll eP
F. T. Hendry, Gen, Agent
A. T. & S. F. Ry.
404 Free Press Bldg., Detroit, Mich.
Phone: Main 6847
SAY "BAYER" when you buy, Insist!
Unless you see the name "Bayer" on
package or an tablets you are not get-
ting the genuine Bayer product
pre -scribed byphysicians over twenty-
three years and proved safe by millions
for headache, colds, tcothache, earache,
neuralgia, lumbago, reeumatism, neur-
i itis, and for pain In general, Aocept
only "Bayer" package wblch contains
proper directions: Handy boxes of
twelve tablets cont few cents. Drug-
gists also sell bottles of 24 and i00.