The Exeter Advocate, 1923-5-17, Page 4t. •
The Exeter Advocate
Sanders & Creeeb,
Subseniption Price -In advance, $1 50
per year in Canada; SZeit) in the
United Statea. All subseriptions not
paid in advance sod, «xtra charged.
THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1923
the downpour of We,dnesday.
Mr. Harold Martin of elle Bank of
Commerce, was transferred to Dundee
leaving Monday morning, Mr. Pear*
of Guelph takes the vacancy here.
Mr, Heah..Eilber wee, in Londox . oa
business calionday night
Mr, Wm„ Smith, whe has been on
the eick list the past couple, of weeks
able WI be out around again.
Thar district has lexperienotei very
heavy saxes during th.eilast twx days
Some of the cellers in town ' were
flooded, and poasibly some dama,gebas
Centralia been elone to crape on low, land,
The Kirktan, Telepleone companyhas,
e. compromise tolthe subscrib-
ers, The company formerly asked $18
Successful Anneversary„-The First but new 'they agree to take 416.50.
A4:14111VerMY SeZVICOS Of the New Meth A. number of the; subscribers still, bold
oclist Church its Centre/A were held on out for 'the $15 rate,
;Sunday last, and weale an, unquelified •
euccess. The .weather was ideal, and ,
large ocagregations heard the preach-
er for the day, Rev. Charlas E. Cragg Dashwood
13.A. BAD., of Wingham, who preach- I
ed eloquent and forceful sermons both
1 tb a , any
plain ,that his ersame or the name, of
any peasion entet,led to be entered on
the iseid gsts has been omitted from
the. same, or that the names a ;an,y!
• peateces who are ant entitled to( be
ELECTION LAWS AMENDMENT aate'rs have been entered thereon
ACT, 1920. may, inlet less than two clear days
nit more, that's five clear days thee
THE ONTARIO VOTERS' LISTS , flare 'the days, fixed for holding th.e
t enter wbo deeires to corn -
above sittings, apply, complain °rape
peal to have hinattme or the name of
ACT, 1922.
neer other nerson entered on or re-
newed from the, lists; '
that such appeal, must be by notice
in -writing in the prescribed form
signed by the complainant in dupli-
cate and given. to the Clerk of the Re-
vising Officer, or left for him at his
address as istated above.
Chairman of the, Elecition Board for
the County , of Hurron.
Dated this 12th day of May, A.D.
the Assembly pending for the Elec- 1923.
TAKE NOTICE THAT sittings of
the Revising Officers for the purpose
of hearing appeals or complaints
with regard to the voters' lists to be
used at the election of a member of
toral District of South Huron, -will be
moring and evening. The musreal allr. Henry Willert of Royal Oak,
Art th,i4s held at the following times and plac-
part of the service was very tehnice. Mech., edisited with ;relatives
the anthems and solos being wall sel- vicinity last week. I es, namely:
acted and well ;rendered. eLetheas Day services were observ-' At the Town Rant Exeter,
on the 4th
ed an the Evangelical Church on. Sun -1 day 111 • •
The collections for the day Amman- .
Holy Trinity Church, Lucan, May
to over $300. -, I to hear complaints as to the voters' 9tb, was the scene of a. pretty wed-
- . day.
Mr. L, Hamacher left for Detroit .1, ding when Edna, ypungest daughter of
The pa.ator„ Rev. Sinclair, was a lists for polling subdivisions Nos • ,
on Saturday, 1 2, 3, arid 4, for the village of Exeter, George Bowden, WAS married to Wineltam. Sunday taking Rev. Crag&
Car -
Sunday next will he MietheiCis Day sass Clara Kraft has. returned home and that His Honor, Judge Lewis H. Abe, iMaltin, of the Bank of Montreal,
by the Rer..,K. McGours. The
", NI'
in the church here. after at:lending the winter in Forest. Dickson, Goderich, will be the Revis- Hamilton,
Jean liodgins and Evelyn Mc_
R hiells -es- hem' over the :ties, 0. Atkinson. is visiting:, with ing Officer and his Clerk will be Jos. INliased
Falls acted as ushers, The brides -
week, end. • • I I, relatives in London. the Senior, whose addresais Exeter;
. ,
The annual meeting of, the W. M. S: Ma 0 Fedex-son has commenced
Was held in the basement ief • the t ,unclittian, for his new, house,. At the Town Hall, Zurich, on the
church Monday ,evening, May 1. Rev. Mrs, Katzenmaier of New Hamburg 6th clay of ertme, 1023,
A. Sinclair presided,' • The eoliewaig and. Mrs. Sykes of SSaskatooa spent to hear complaints as to the lists of
officer.; were elected for elan the weel.-end with their brother, Mrvoters for polling subdivisions Nos.
year i -President, Mrs, A. Brooks; J. Id. Gnete. I 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, for the Htown-
Nriee-prese, Mrs. Thies. Neil; 11.?,,7,- lir.4. Hartman. Elsie and claughte,r, ship of HaY, and that
seedy, Mrs. eL eletbell; teereseeee Thelma are ViSitingHis onor
, in Sarnia, Jd.
Mrs. I). Hodgson; Treas., MR. iss Wi,e Seturciae- 'evening our Band gauge Lewis HDickson will be the
son; Superintendent Chritian Stswat deir Revising Officer and his Clerk will be
_ thfirst ,open zit; concert and it was
Oen, e1rs, J. Oke; Strangers' teeett, a da'aled success. The music furn,- Andrew F. Hess, whose address is
'Ness. NV. Bow -chin; Planise Mrs. ..11, ',..... :she] was of a high. cless and 'the boys Zurich;
-- r • lye coneratteated an. the able At the Township Hall, Crediton, on
Mr. and Mrs. ..e.. MeGriwan ,e; a.t th wla they mastered some of the die: the Sth day of June, 1023,
ranee th Mr. end Mrs, Brooks aver fieult evertures„ As soon as the w to hear complaints as to the lists of while cbarmeuele. She ware an em -
Sunday titer Li favorable we areexpecting, for . voters polling subdivisions Nos.
orange blassons, and carried a shower
braidered net vale held in. place by
Mr. ead Mrs. S. Devis. al ittonelea .v .‘....y eteatlerts. ;This band is eer- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, S and 9, for the
-'-'' el with Mr.and Mrs. W Pae- reehtie a cretin to, our town, :tad es , . houguet of Marshall Neil roses and
%eau. , ..... . . .. • .
maid., Miss Maude Bawden, the bride's
sister, was gowned in gray georgette
ever gray charrneuee, a hat of deep
violet shade, and wore a corsage ef
mauve sweet peas,. The groom was
attended by lies beather. Fred of De-
tapit, The -bride, Who wale giveranway
by bee father, entered the church
'tio the strains of the wedding march
f,roin "Lohengrin" ,played by Mrs. C.
W. Hawkshaw, organist, and Mrs. M.
Aemtrong of Parkhill, violinist, and
made a charming picture in a gown, at
crystal beaded white georgette over
township of Stephen, and that His mites ne the Talley:. Atfter the cer-
tine etated by same a the spentators,'
Fans over Sundae.
• . -. • s ea- ee Honor, Judge Lewis H. Dickson will mpay a ireceptian Weis' held at the
Mr. 011e-er has been, on the stele bet - eti t -nene, ,
ti last anode but is somewhat recov- the bends of the surroundin'se towns. be the Revising Officer and his Clerk
Our very dusty streets have been will be H. Eilber, whose address is
;tie W. Peasant is still contiaed to remedied by a liberal elate:drat-ion of Crediton;
his bed threugh an attaek of nflu- oil.. ' L 1 ung Peoples Legue if he At the Township Hall, Elimville, on
rb.. Yie'''tithe 2nd day of June, 1023,
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Andersen end Evengelical Church speat a stocial -eind
to hear complaiuts as to the lists of
babe at Landon were visiting at the eneere, last Manday with Mr. and eters.
horae at Mr. and Mrs. G. Essery, last ' Ira Tetreau, gad presented them -with voters for polling subdivisions Nos.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, for the town -
week. a fern staH. Wileen of Londoa spent d ,
ship of Usborne, and that His Honor
eine 1 o
eedeminn seaMr. 1 Judge Lewis H. Dickson will be the
Lee kite.•t *di:a os s
G. Wiieen. . Grand Bend I Revising Officer, and his Clerk will
I. elr. and Mre. Sin:lair were. irli be Henry Strang, whose address is
\Viral:en: 'Jeer Suaday. -
I A number. fnom Grand Bend spent R. R, No. 1, Hensall;
Miss Agnes nave of Hillsgreen vis- ,,,,,,
..._,:. 1 xltb, b,‘?1, aunt, mr.t. Anderson 1,ase seretay evening at 'elasnewawa. Chap- , At Holmes' Hall, Holmesville, on the
I ter At Home. Oth day of June, 1023,
e set understand that a 18 bole golf to hear complaints as to the lists ot
L. Ri..•hlres and ideal ai Loo.,-! We
un will be ready for sumer tour -1 voters for polling subdivisions Nos.
den. eeare. the as tie end with her
tete at Grand Bend, next seaeen. - 1, 2the township
T 4 , 5and 6 , for ,
eaNtecri-, -13,L,L...Lm. 4-`111-iell .1v•isltitrligaridientet. end .. A fine tourist cn Lake View ParkCampinamp is being' placect of Goderich, and that R. G. Reynolds
andon., waterstovesetc., suppld free.
a. e' space
i GOderich, will be the Revising Officer
, , ie
N. N. Ra -elle is busy with a num- and his Clerk will be A. Cantelon,
berof men renovating his stare here, I whose address is R. R. No. 3, Clinton
' e • t t e Tpivnship Hall, Verna, on the
.5itlf day Iof June, 1913
te hear comeleents as to the it-oters
lists for polling subdivisions 1, 2, 3,4,
VT, Geo. Eccleston, owner of Laky
A it
L-reciton • V'4 Park es 14AI% a largebuil
• tag ,en the beach for the use of a
free moving picture show and picnic
\Lets Enuna Cuarengham o lideratn
event Sunday with Mess Pearl Fainter,
Miss Lizzie BrOwn. of Len.doa is
.seeadeng a inn days -at her nem,.
the v311e." .
\Vera is etena rushed on Vietorm
tStreet dren, ethesli wilt take ;some
ai.s to comp.
The treee :tad fenee arrived ter -the,
reeled: need. When put irt place the
preps:ley ivia i much mproved.
The E.LCh. held a fa,reirell emc-
ee. at the home oi: W. B. Ci -r
Thuredev ever„ing, last in h..iner ot R.
Hetieli and About 70 were
;ten se, A eplerelte erten V1s r,B31.-
chaed ettal game: ieere planed. A vere-
eayabnme vee epat ay. ali.
On ‘idesineeday eve.nitig last the am-
en. re ee .of the putaie school ,.gaere a
rett nerty t 2,.rni Mauch tn
tas sters-
etir. eri• of. the County of
...and, it, eisitirtg esietenee pare
tee gut. a. of Mr. Fred Kern,
R. Drier 'ot Hanover moved . to
tee village- 'the pee; week to take eel
les pastoral duties, and occupied the
pulpit an Sunday evening.
Aire Zuefle of Hensall spent Sunday
:the guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. '.1...ampart.
and his mother alas. Brown., t'eho, est
r•isaidireg with them,
-The, early rains of the aetek helped
• he -.crops, but it is a question about
table. 5 5 .and 7, for the Towinslualef •Stah-
E. dDesja.rdine of Thedlard sprit i v ', . '
Ina, and that D. McDioneld, Goderich,
Sunday at Grand Be.sed. I will be the Revising Officer and his
-Huge Russell of Forest and brother j cent willbe J. E. Harnwelt, whose
spent Monday here.address is Varna.
'The read le. the pinery .with .of 1 • • ' '
At Walker's Hall, Brucelield, en the
here .ti being put In good condition foe
1 '6th. day of June, 1923
tourist traititc, and seine. -75,000 ei,le ,
hear complaints as to the Voters'
be spent by' Lambtan County CouI '''n.- ''
pettier, tests Lar polling subdivisiione Nosn,. 2‘
(.711 this season an this 3 4 e and. 6, eer the Township ,of
of the Blue Water Highway.
Tuckersmith, and that le, McDonald
Our streets were ,olied . are day last
will be the Revising Officer and his
week. 1„, Clerk 1411 be D. F, hicGregoe, whose
H. M. Gill spent a daY OrSo .
' address is R. ReNee 3t Seaforth a- t en last . we elt.
Chet.- Lloyd Stratford, spent Sun. At thE Tiown Hall, Heinsall, on the
- 7th day of June, 1923 •
c3.ay here.
Ur. Ruth, wha has rented the prier- to hear complaiats as to the voters'
eits in the Casino is on the. .)0,b, 11StS for the Village, •of Hensall, and
gettir,irt theiges ready Lai- th,e sunnier that D. alcDpnald well be Revising
Officer, and his Clerk will be A.Mur-
dock, whose address, is Hensall;
Mr and airs. G. Eccleston, Mr, and
ease H. Gill and Mr. Rutli epet Sun-
day afternoon in Ailsa Craig.
Dr, and Mrs. Black, London, spent
Sunday. with Mr. G. Eccleston.
Flour lag cabals will be. erected on
Oskivoed Park this season.
Dee Paeman is building three cot-
tages on Lake View Park.
You well may gram at the speeder
who throws dust in. your face. They'll
span, be throwing ditt in his.
Our policy is to assist farmers in in-
creasing their live stock holdings,
and to secure a
Better Grade of Stock
Call and talk the matter over.
Capital Paid
Exeter 13ranch
Crediton Branch a
Dashwood Branch
up $15,000,000
Reserve fund $15,000,000
- M. R. Ccimplin, Manager
T. L. Rutherford, Acting Manager
Capital and Reserve $9,000,000
Ower 1.25 Branches.
Careful attenlecia to the needs of Canada's Agricultural
interests has always. been a feature of The Molsoas Bane
Savings Departmeats at every, Brandi.
Deposits of $1.00 and upwards invited.
T. S. WOODS Manager,
Centralia Branch open for business daily.'
brides home. se_
Finkbeinenta for a day.
Mr. John Dietrich, son and daugh-
ter,' and Sandy McEacben motored to
lactation an. Friday.
Miss Minnie Ffnkbelner and, 'dr. La -1
fond motored from London, to Mr. C.
A.t the Tiplial Hall, Bayfield, on the
8th day of June, 1923,
to hear complaints as to the voters'
nets for the Village. of Bayfield, and
that .D McDonald wall be the Revis-
ing. Officer and his Clerk will he 4-1.
W. Erwin, whose address is Bayfield.
Each sitting will coramence at ten
o'clock in the f orenoone and will con-
tinue until twelve o'clock., noan, of
until the appeals have been. displosed
Concerning the Greatest
Picture Ever -Made-
"The Game of Life took two, years to produce, involving atnexPenditure of 209,000 pounds,
and a cast oe 12,000 peceple, 3Inaudling six hundred of His Majesty's light cavalrymen tv-he :assisted
ta the staging of "The Charge of the Light Brigade:). •
Three months age The Genre, of Lifdl." was released In England, shattered all attendance 'tee
cords in Landon, Liverpool, Ma.nehester, Glasgow, and Edinburgh, anti eclipsed the performance of
"Birth of a Nation", "Hearts; of elle. World' and every big American picture aver .peoduced,
25-2Dome Theatre, Friday & Sat'y., May'
ADMISSION--Friday, Children 2 7c., Adults 55c.;
Sat. u,rday all seats 55, c eras.
Mrs, E. Gaiser and son Arnold have
returned from Landon where Arnold
has been. in Victiarla-Hospital, and es
impeorving eticely,
Miss Vera Finkbeiner has return,ed
Nome from. Detroit
Master Borden Schroeder i under
the doctors care for pneumonia.
Mr aliltan, Rate is improving the.
appearance of :the village stare and
Mr. Albert Keyes and 'wife visited
friends in Exeter recently.
- C9 0:›70,roitartestw.,a,
*.eteaseetenesenees •
(1) A first-class smoking room on the "Empress rance."-(2) A group of the laundry staff of. the
same' liner. -(3) Corner of the finishing department.
I T has been said that the modern
ocean liner is a floating hotel,
tOed this is probably the best descrip-
n that can be given. A modern
tel is a city in itself, and a modern
ean liner of the type of the Cane -
than Pacific "Empresses" is certain
ly no less. When a couple of thouand or so• of pastiengers are an off
from land to spend a week or' more
on the ocean, they must have every
convenience and -comfort that land
can provide. The ship must be self
sustaining in every particular. In
this respeot Canadian Pacific ships
are as complete as modern invention
can make them, and whether their
trips extend for one week, or six
weeks as does the cruise of the Medi-
terranean which the "Empress of
France" made this winter, or even
for three months as in the case of
the cruise around the worlds to be
made kir the 'Empress of Australia"
this year, nothing is lacking to en
fBure the complete happiness of all on
b°Aarsda. ii"inetance of the way in which
modern liners are equipped, the new-
ly jos-tailed laundry of the "Empress
,ef France" is well worth comment.
4 cost $25,000 agdiits complete plant
and large staff of workers make it
probably the finest of its kind afloat,
In addition to the large :amount of
work undertaken fen passengers at
shore prices, it deals with 100,000
pieces of ship's linen per week. This
new department is under the Man.:
agement of G. Dawe, junior, who
controls its staff of six men and
thirty women. Three washing ma-
chines form part of the equipnient,
and one of- these, the largest ever
fitted to a liner, is capable of deal-
ing with 3,000 pieces of linen at a
time, each piece being subjected to
the entire washing, process without
removal. There is also a huge
ironing reacthine which will iron and
dry sheets at the rate of 400 per
hour after they have been passed
through a power wringer. This
machine is operated by a team of
nine girls. The higherclass of laun-
dry work is done by skilled ironers
with press machines and electric
irons, while shirts and collars, etc.,
are starched and finished by machines
specially fitted for the purpose. All
the machinery is electrically driven,
and there are'iNelaborate electrical
controls for starting, stopping and
regulating the machines. In the ease
of the washing machines, electric
motors are fitted to the top of therne,t,e t
controlled by an electric timing de
vicewhich regulates the revolving
and reversing of the inside calinders.
The oil -burning "Empress of
France" has a length of 571 feet,
beam 72 feet, depth 42 feet, and gross
tonnage of 18,481. The speed which
made her such an asset to the navy
during the war is still maintained,
and Captain John Gillies, her coin:.
mander, is the hero of many an e
citing race to port. Once aboard t
"Empress" one has nothing to do
but enjoy life while awaitipg the end
of the journey whieh usually arrives
ati too soon. She is a beautifully ap-
pointed ship.. with seven first class
public rooms, including a lounge,
smoking room, card room, and lib-
rary. Provision is made in the sec-
ond-class quarters for three publia
rooms, and spacious deck space af-"
fords all passengers more thee suffi-
cient room for open air games and,
exercise Her steerage accommod
tion is in many, ways about equal 50,
the nabin acconimodatiot of Atlatl"
tic liners of a few years ago, and her
first and second-class provides every
comfort that has been devised.