The Exeter Advocate, 1923-5-17, Page 2Pure Green Tea—
is guaranteed the sanest.
When it bears the name
FELIDZIocnS for its Flavor --just try. e► sample.
Martha Jennie's N'Egg
Did It
"The money I spent on that girl
far music lessons!" her father -com-
plains, "and now she cannot play the
simplest piece.. It's always, 'Oh, I'm
all out of practice!' "
And the bride of a year, similarly:
"I haven't time to keep up my music."
Yet it was one of her chief attrac-
tions, a valuable "property" in inter-
esting her good husband. Really, it
seems veritably. dishonest. He might
argue, "When I asked you to marry
me, I thought you were musical; you
have deceived me."•
Of course, nobody does- say that, I
suppose, in so many words, but the
little feeling of disappointment or
resentment is nevertheless there. "She
wanted to please nie before we were
married; now she doesn't care."
And for her own sake, what a loss!
a little music does soothe the irrita-
tions of life. What an air of well-
being and comfort 'the house has if
PART II, the two children in the two vacant one is playing or singing something
front chairs. Then she hes ed upon sweet. It is a sure sign that that
The last day arrived. The old farm p person is not fretting or worrying,
wagon was ready in the barnyard to each child its own particular bag of at least. And, of course, the mood is
take the fresh -air folk to the station. cookies and its own precious bouquet
On the front porch were stacks of of buttercups and daisies. It was no- contagious.
daisies, buttercups, sweet peas, geran-
iums and late roses. Each child's
bouquet was marked with its owner's
name and beside it was a big bag of
cookies all to take tomo to the city
t' b And how the children care! An
left hand of the little girl there was elderly friend told me that her grown
up children didn't give a flg for all
the embroidery she' had put on their
clothes, but that they were simpuly
' g g e other car. at she could sing or play
1e to a close observer that in the
tightly clasped a large white egg.'
"Stay there!" said theworriedwo-
man firmly, "and don't ye be running
The children were watching their around the car and annoying people. delighted th
I've of to et into th th a little.
Just the other day .a woman was
erred squawk, landed directly in front talking about how hard it was to keep
n Martha Jennie, who, unable to two can take care of yourselves, 1 her little girl practicing the violin.
run because Jimmy held one hand and hope. Here ye are, Now be good, She had threatened that if her Baugh
Alice Gordon the other, screeched as Jmlmy;, and take care of Martha ter did not take more interest the
wasthe her tin amazement ward her,
utheer eras With the last word, she bounced the brother, be handed over to the
ture stopped, squatted, cocked her through the door, Jimmy cautiously "You know," she continued, "I feel
head on one side as if to say, "are unwrappedbhimself from his finers as though I must have one of my chil-
you watching?" then turned and and bag, gathered p Martha Jennie's
g • flowers and bag, deposited them in the dren play the violin. My father used
marched proudly away, telling the chair he had vacated and sat down to play it. If he didn't play, things
universe that she had deposited di- beside the big -eyed owner of the
rectly in front of our little skeptic, a egg, wereunot gory very well with him.
beautiful, warm white egg. The mir- who with her free hand clutched him But he did play a great deal,' and we
1 had happened! e was right!
for security in this new strange children understood his humor and
used to caper around. These were the
happiest hours of my childhood."
ptayrellow, r
at h' lov d Alice Gordon always
pastime of chasing stray hens back to lv gets many sick" m
the train and there's so of them
the barnyard. One hen; with a fright- sure I can't leave them alone. You
ace Y g rworld. Silently they ate their cookies
Martha Jennie dropped to her
knees, crying in ecstacy, "It's a n'egg! , and gazeddfrom thehwindow. d
e c ie en ave i
The value of aunligh:t as a giver and.
preserver of health has loug been
known, but the exigencies of city lite
frequently cause it to be forgotten Or
ignored., Many Greek and Roman hd'ik
tarians and medical writers tell• of theas
�l _nti beneficial action of the sun's rays, and
lessly! Even when work is crowding,we know that sun parlors were dem-
an apparently important thing may mon iu the Mouses of the rich in ani
well be dropped in favor of that tea tient Rome. Moreover, there are num-
minutes' practice. 1 enous proverbial expressions that re -
Every home needs music. It soothes, m
veal the popular belief in the ecacy
sweetens and adorns. of sunlight in preventing or curing dis-
ease. Such is the saying, "Where sun -
WHAT IS CLOTBXNGi ECONOMY? light enters not there the physician
Economy is an important word to In. the crowded cities the ueeessity of
the majority of people. When this !lousing many people in contracted
word is mentioned the first question'
that .is brought to, mind is: How much quarters Ines shut out then sunlight.
though modern sanitary science is now
money is saved? However, in con-'.
socking to remedy the evil. In busi-
sidering the relation of economics to i ness. quarters, however, the evil is con -
clothing, we must not gnly consider stantly growing, and in many offices it
the :money which is saved through �is.impsssible to wont at all without
wise selection, but also consider econ-' artificial light.
omy of time and strength which re -1 Infant's especially need sunlight; the
sults hi using 'the shortest and best pity is that they are
generally wheeled
methods in constructing a garment or j about in baby carriages with only the
in making the household furnishings.) face exposed, so .that when the sun
Spring time always brings with it
the problem of replenishing the ward-
robe to last through the busy summer
months, and frequently the task of be systematically exposed to the sun
making fresh curtains or draperies to
doestouch them it shines- directly into
their eyes and does them harm rather
than good. Their little bodies. should
add a touch of newness to the home.
Of course, the housewife is busy and
must use the quickest methods in do-
ing her spring sewing.
One of the most important steps to-
wards greater efficiency in sewing is
a .more adequate understanding' of the
sewing machine which will result in
using quicker methods of work. To
many women the box of machine at-
tachments means very little more
than the equipment which cordes
gratis. These attachments, when
properly used, will save time, money,
and produce better workmanship.
French seams can be made with the
hemmer. This requires but one length
of thread for the seam and also in-
sures the seamstress -that there will
be no raveled edge on the right side
of the garment.
For children's clothing, binding is
indispensable as a trimming, and as a
time-saver in making buttonholes. An-
other useful attachment which is
closely connected with the binder is
the bias cutting gauge. Its purpose
ivsy n egg! Th h' k fy' d 't to' Far own n e tai a man snored. An acquaintance who does not playis to cut narrow bias or straight
me!" She lifted it in her small hand Half way up, the car a fidgety maiden q g
lady rattled a newspaper. The only anything pretentious, but just the pieces evenly. It is true that bias
and kissed it again and again, while
the delighted children somewhat en- other visible passenger switched his sweet old melodies, tells me that often tape is on the market, but it is much
chair with its back to the children. in the evening she goes in to the less expensive to prepare it at home.
viously clustered around her crying, ! "It's been a deuce of a day for piano in the half-light and plays for Then, too, perhaps the store does not
"Now! Eggs don't grow in boxes. The „
hen showed ye didn't she?" Martha me, this passenger was soliloquizing, an hour or more. After a while she have just the right color and quality
Jennie scorned to answer, clasping! ever since the telegram came to go usually finds that her husband, who
her egg tighter. Her whole little -uP to the capital on the next train for is a busy lawyer, has come in, and
world of joyand knowledge was con- ! examination by the Federal high-cost-
of -living commission." He chuckled. is day -dreaming at the other end of
tamed in nbeautiful white egg. All a t`They had nothing on me.I had the the room; and then her big son, who
the way to the station, as well as law on m side. Myhundred million was wounded in the war, wanders in,
after they were comfortably seated y „
in the train, held her treasure eggs in cold storage will stay there saying, I - love to hear you play,
tightly in shemoist little hand. until next winter. I'll unload at my mother dear."
To of the veryroup had so great al
own price. Fools !" he went on, "did Music has very practical uses, too.
gift been given. they think I d'rik everything without 1 know a mother who, when the chi!- to fit properly and alter her pattern
Edward Le Fervor sat in sullen law While
my side?" -enjoying still hie, dren get into quarrelsome states, ex-' to fit, then it is a simple task to
tsilence in the second chair of a local I rain's parlor car. He had missed claims: "Let us sing!" or sometimes change the design of blouse or dress,
and this little gauge will save endless
Commercial patterns are a big item
to the woman who does the family
sewing. The woman who has learned
to adapt a pattern to other designs
does not only save money but also
time and trouble. If she has learned
mental chuckle the drawing room door she sings without exclaiming, and it usinga foundation pattern for this
• his re- opened and a lady, not a young.,g,
The housewife who makes definite
plans for her work accomplishes more
than the housewife who works with-
out a schedule. The same principle
holds true with the housewife who
shops with a definite aim. It is nec-
essary for the efficient home -maker to
take inventory of the clothes closest
and linen closets so that she can plan
regarding the number, kind and qual-
war , ve come rom awe. Having acquired some facility in .i y o garme
war, •there wnen you were examined• playing or singing, it is only good purchased. Then she can wisely ap-
I wens purposely.' business to keep it. portion the amount of money for each
'besieges ou! ThereI Ls :ot ?hat s�raing Time! Ten minutes a day will keep item.
i rre arou d as iif f he
rena Following fingers and brains in pretty fair con- To sum up, we might state that
j 1 am not sue you are not And
:press train in which
served drawing room was gaily rid-
ing without him. The drawing room
µs taken as h
couple, came out and turned the ears ' is wonderful how soon the air clears.
!ner of the observation platform. She Few are especially gifted musically,
looked familiar. Was it?—it elms?—; but just a few are there who cannot
, ' Gertrude Vale. In a flash he was ou
posed, by some blissful Newly-weds. of his seat and following her to th
T h t travel in chair on a
Tie have
o a l,latf�rm.
slow train for five or six hours was
an outrage for a person of his im-
The day was hot and the car was
dusty. From time to time he eyed
the door of the coveted room resent-
fully. If he had that and could sleep
through this heat, it would not be so
bad. He was accustomed to having
his way. Not to have it, hurt him
As the train stopped, he idly look-
ed from the window. A troop of chil-
dren, one lame, all of thein buried
under masses of daisies, buttercups
and paper bags, were shouting good-
bye to a farmer and his dog, who
were waving to them, one his hat
and the other his tail. With a shrug,
our uncomfortable gentleman mutter-'
ed thanks to someone or something as
the children's voices receded into the
crowded day coach in front but the
thanks turned into something less'
pleasant when the conductor ushered
into the parlor car a red-faced, per -1
sparing, much -worried woman., who
held by one hand a small boy and by
the other a very small girl. At the
conductor's suggestion she deposited
"Gertrude!" he said b
learn at least to play hymns, simple
folk songs and a little dance music.
Money . and nerves aplenty are west-
" Are you coming or going? Are yo i ed in acquiring a musical education
alone? Why didn't you let me Rno,v when no talent exists. But everyone
you were up this way? Why--" should be taught the rudiments of
Icily the handsome girl answered music, at least, and much more if tal-
hini, looking straight into his P?es, ent warrants it.
" I:.d d I' f Ott I 't f nts and materials to be
every day, that it shines, The baby
should be taken. to ,an open window--
sunlight coming through a closed win-
dow loses much of its efficacy, since
the chemical rays '• pass with difficulty.
if at all through glass, -and then the
Iegs and arms, one at a time, the chest
and the abdomen and finally the back
should be bared and exposed to the
direct rays of the sun for three or four
minutes each. Except at first in very
cold weather the exposure can be made
without danger and. to the great bene-
fit of the child.
A Cool -Headed Little Girl.
The coolest act I ever saw, says Mr.
Rex Stuart, a railway engineer, in the
American Magazine, was some months
ago on the run between New York and
Albany. We were a little late and
were traveling fast when I saw two
little girls on the track straight ahead.
A freight was coming north on the op-
posite track. One of the girls saw the
danger and jumped clear. The other
was caught.
There is only six feet between the
rails of the two tracks, and she was
trapped in diets. She turned sidewise,
then put her hands straight down at
her sides; shut her eyes' and: stood per-
fectly .still. I looked back after we
bit the curve, and she was still stand-
ing .there as stiff as a poker, waiting
for the, trains to pass. Of course, it
would have been better if she had
dropped fiat on the ground, but she
scarcely had time to do that. It was
a. very cool-headed deed as it was.
" r dition musically. But it must be further education ill the fundamental
since we have me, here, I will return every day; and exercises, scales and principles of sewing in textile selec-
. the ring," and she slipped the shining "pieces" must all be included. Ten tion, and in the best methods of work
jewels from her left hand. "A man minutes a day. Yet how many half- will result in a saving of time, energy,
who can keep eggs from thousands of hours of each day are spent worth- and money for the home -maker.
hungry children and sick mothers
Lifebuoy may be saf&
ly used on the tender-
est skin.
It is wonderfully
cI ansing' ffor little
hands, faces and bod-
(,ifebuoy bbales have boaaci-
ful healthy skins,
who can gamble with a .necessity of
life just to make money, can never
spend that money on me. You told
me your businessewas 'important' and
`secret.' Now I understand. Your
business is 'secret' and—criminal.
And so are you. This ends our friend-
'ship—my respect, even."
"But Gertrude! You don't under-
stand business! All men are doing
it. I was called here to -day only be-
cause I'm successful. My jealous
competitors got me into this trouble.
Let me explain."
He was as pale as death. This girl
was all the world to him.
Steadily she answered: "The ex-
planation was made to -day. I under-
stand business principles, sir the
fundamental principles whichhonor-
able business understands and fol-
lows. . . . . I wish you good day!"
"Good heavens! she is in 'earnest!"
said . the dismissed one, Under his
breath. Her diamond ring dropped
to the floor, an alert porter picked
it up and gave it to him while he
dazedly watched her glidedown the
aisle back to the drawing room. He
took the ring, gave the porter a dol-
lar and sank wearily into a chair., his
Jaw- set. Gertrude or eggs! Well,
lie would make it Gertrude and eggs
or nothing! No woman should rule
him if he knew it!
(To be concluded.)
Froin the school histories of Japan,
it is reported, all militaristic ideas
have been cut out. Lessons are•given.
to teach children to understand in a
friendly way other nations of the
Do you know how shot are made?
Surface tension causes any liquid
which is moving as fast as gravity
can make it, to assume the spherical
form, as raindrops or shot. Shot are
made by pouring molten lead from a
shot -tower and receiving them in
water. The water prevents deforma-
tion. Very simple, isn't it?
There are in Canada some six spe•
cies of spruce. These differ consider-
ably in qualities and are distributed
throughout' the entire Dominion in
.-, varying mixture. Five of the species
are of commercial importance and, as
a group, they form the most import-
ant part of Canada's forest resources.
awe `Minard's Liniment for Come and Warta
A celebratedsinger was in a motor
car accident one day. A paper, after
recording the accident, added, "We are
happy to state that he was able to
appear the following evening in four
" 1i Have Walked Out."
I have walked out—to open air and sun,
Upon my jailer, wintry Old Despair,
Have turned the key, and left him fret-
ting there—
In my late cell! So, now there can be
Not youth himself—more blessedness
has . won;
Although he be the springtime's near --
est heir,
I, being old, - shall gain the greater
Of her bright treasure—not by youth
For I have what I gather; grown so
After these many wasteful years, I
And hold the fleeting thing called joy,
and snatch
My pleasures from the' moment, ere it
flies ..
I have walked out—to vernal sun and
And turned the key on Wintry Old
Edith M. Thomas.
Puzzling: the Postman.
Postal officials in India are Pre-
.puzzled by the strange meth-
ods of acldressing letters adopted by
Tile following must have given the
postman a considerable amount of
trouble, especially as it was written in
an almost unreadable hand:''
"To the oaa inseparable' from 'my
heart, the fortunate Babu Sibnath
Ghose, having the same heart as mine.
From poet -office. Hasnabacl to the vil-
lage of ' Ramixathpur, to' reach tbe
house of the fortunate Baha Pravan:ath
Ghose district Twenty-four Perganas.
Don't deliver, this letter to'ar,y -person
other,' than the adclressee, Mr. Post-
man. This is my regue,at to you."
Minard's Liniment fos Coucgha a, Colds
Five mothers pushed their perambu-
lators, complete with babies, front! Big
Ben,-Lodoi, to `Brighton, a distance
of fifty-two -miles, r'ecentl'y, in 're-
sponse to a challenge by one of the
mothers. Mrs. Groom, of Eastbourne,
the winner, seen in the picture, finish-
ed in 12 hours and twenty minutes,
Not Sure of Result.
Mother—"All the dear child needs is
a course in elocution to finish her off."
Grouchy Uncle—"Yes, electrocution
might do it, but I'm not su;e."
give your dlges»
tied a "kick" with
Sound teeth, a good
appetite aisd proper
dl&gestion mean 1QIEVCH
to your health.
helper In all Ibis
work - a Pleasant,
beneficial pick-me-up.
Quite Simple.
The pale -looking passenger had
shown signs of nervousness all through
the Voyage.
Approaching the captain one day, he
"How far are we from land, cap-'
"Oh, about three miles!" replied the
"Only three miles?" said the pas-,
senger, Then it's funny we oan't see,
"Oh," returned the skipper, "that's
because the water isn't clear enough!"
It is not the hours that you put in
that count; it is what you put into
the hours.
Crochet and Fancy Needle -
Workers Wanted
We sell your goods on consignment;
out-of-town,. send stamp for reply. Lin-,
gerie and Specialty Shvp, 120 Danforth
Avenue, Toronto.
Radio .Feats.
Since London has been "listening
in" to American• radio concerts other
instances of receiving from distant
points are becoming known. Three'
statioiis in the Hawaiian Islands can
hear music and speech broadcast from
Troy, New York, a distance of fifty-
five hundred miles. The station at
Troy carried on a conversation with
Calgary, Alberta, for more than sixty
minutes., Those two stations are a
little less than two thousand miles
apart, but the difficulties of conversa-
tion over laud are such that the feat
is not at all common and probably will
not be usual for some time to come':
Now is now -here, but to -morrow's
no -where.
"Our ideals are our possibilities." If
OUT motive is fine, our bearing. and
aspect will not fail to declare the fact.
Local Agents Wanted
To sell and demonstrate the World's
most efficient Snell Supersensitive
Concert Raduaph-one Receiver, to
Farmers, Townsmen, etc. Apply to
34 Yonge St. Arcade - Toronto
-alwaq.$' 8cZtisa'dt
the housewife
,sun"U 11!11 sin GuBLuqualUlYullllll
Our Free Booklet
of Engravings
Is yours for the asking. It.
Fives particulars of how you
can obtain
Tho Finest Instrument
The World Produces •
Cash or -Credit.
10 days' free.. trial 1n your
n sr home.
Ineerie! Phonograph Cor'q.
Dont. K., Owen Sound.- Ont.
t'stabllshcd. 26 yours.
rIowonder Smartt Mowers are
so popular! They cut so easily
and with such liiile"ptosis':
Mal,rialand Workmanship GeAgrameeke
Olives of Qu .' iity;
Packed in a man-
ner which insures•
their keeping in
fresh condition.
Remove' capping
from cork by dip-
ping in hot water.
Every single olive
inspected or,.size
and quality before
it goes into the
Plain .ant f3' a a].
At all Grocer's
Insist on,
Hamilton uG Wiuelpsw
i tis rter£.:.,;S- :;tnt,•O
ISSUE No. 19--'23.