The Exeter Advocate, 1923-5-3, Page 5• -ere.- SW -
a -
Of H:orses, Cattle, Hogs,Hens, Im-
plements and Household Effects., on
gay atli, on Lot 29, Cote 9, Riddulph,
gale at 1 te'clook. C. McCaffey, prop.
There • died elat-ottri village on April
19, Mrs. Ross, widow: c>f theelateDame
R(oSs. Mee. Rosa, had been IU :for about
five we:elm:" Attie Ress Leaves two
children, jaele-(edf: the 1V1o1sOfts Bank
staff el5"gre, and:Mise Laura at herne.
Another datighter, ?Margaret died two
years ago. •Two 'sisters and two bro-
thers, ,Mrs, Joe Dayanonsi of Roxboro
and 1\21rs. Doer ef Blytie and John and
George of Tuckersmith also survive.
A very sad thing happened near our
villagee,ort Friday, when Mr. John Taw'
LOT it supposed ire a fit of tempor-
ary besanity, took his own life. His
son, fey going out in the morning found
his father's body suspended in the
barn'. Mr, Taylor had not been w -ell
for some. time.
On April 21st Mr, George McGreg-
or and Mis Elizabeth A,ikenhead were
united tea holy bonde of matriniony
the manse. After returning frorn their
honeyrnbon trip the young couple will
neside on their fine farm in: Tucker -
smith, which Mr„McGregor recently
purchaSed -from NIr.
CLINT,OR—Mir. Fred Jackson re-
eeived, word of the: death of his uncle
•Hirain johns of Pontiac, Mich., in his
83rd year. Dieceaged was at carriage
ialaker having learned the trade with
the late F. Rumbail of Clinton.
The Hurondale Women's Institute
met at the home of Mrs. W. F. Down
on April 25th, with a very large at-
tedance. The hollowing program was
given; a practical and instructive
paper on "Value of Eggs aa a food,
HOW DOES YOUR LABEL READ? and different methods of prepara-
tion," by Mrs. G. Passmore, an inter
e Messrs ,,,Gh st end Less BeasedeCt 0 A II 25t1 at 10
Hensall Zurich MountCarmel
. s. s.
VV tended the funeral of, the latter's eath-
er, George Youngblut in, Waterloo, last
week. He was a formes :businces man
The Ocidfellows attencle& divineeser-
vice at Carmel Presbyteerilan ',Church
on Sunday evening, Several yisiting
brethren .were present, and exc Cir
1.iettt Sermon was heard.
Mr. W. T. Bell :of Toronto Was' hone
for a few days prior to accepting
pitaiticm IMontreal.
Mrs, Alex. Ingram is quite: ill at the
•lefirs. G. V. Laughtion and 'little sop
are spending 'se:rife weeks with the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Mrs. Simms add children, after a
visit here: have returned to Colborne.
Miss Mary Fee is out again, 'after
an illness.
Mat H. Arnold has, rented Mrs. Jas.
Taylor's house for the sumine.r neonate,
The death occurred on April 25th
Hensall Thos; Gill, of Seaforth, whc
was staying with Mrs. Thos. Hudson
The ,deceasied, who was in his 85th
year, was burieid ins the liensall Union
Ur, Fred Busch of Hensall, who has
been ill for sorrie time, has been tak-:
to Victoria Haspital, Lon.den, being ace
companited by a trained nurse and his
• eerWednesday, pr 1, a.
• — w have 'been slap:91g wa Mr.:Henry,. in, the Rt, Rev. Bishop Fallen a Lon
VOilland or •thee \deter, Wt far': the"; don administered: 'the Sacrament of
\Meet. • • reer'efireCtaticin 'On fotitir ' ". 19
and Schwartz left -fey. boyseeted:21.'"giaile.., at the R, C. Cbi)rch(
their honie. In Detroit. " es,:e•; here. The^ Blishep was :assiefAd:'•-( 'by
A ;quiet wedding was spleranizzeda4 Father. amcl,-Kelly of Lon-
Our mailing list has been corrected -
to: Feb, 7th, If you, paid before that esting demonstration on "Candling
d,ate and your labels does not indicateeggs," by Mr. C. F. Hooper, and ad-
ench payment, advise us so that maydress on Institute work by Mrs. J
Le corrected. If you have not paid,Hey, the district Pres., and an in
Remember The Advocate astruemental duet by Miss K. Saun
newspaper clubbing. list that includesaere and Master Melville Down
any daily or weekly newspaper or anYLunch was then served by Mrs. Down
monthly journal.' We save you the
ira•with the assistance of Mrs.W. Jeffrey,
trouble of sending for. them, and
most cases save you a little money
annual meeting will be held ai
besides. the home of Mrs. A. Morgan.
Underwriting and dealing ,exclusively in Govetarment
Municipal and Canadian National Railway Debentures.
Limited Estab. 1888
The dependability of our advice is guaranteed by our
reputation as dealers in bonds :only, for over 35 years.
Furniture Bargains
Funeral Director & Embalmer,
done Rev, lather lefcCarthye also tat
Ctise Lutheran parsonage on April 21. -
at 7,30 lotclock, when Mies Alma Kalb-
fleisch of Zurich was united in the
holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. Theo-
dore C Halberer, also of Zurich: The
ceremony was performed by Rev. H.
Rev, Snyder of Kitchener held divine
service.s tin: the Mememnite church oft
Mr. Jas .Dell1(34MY of the 14th Con
has moved his household effects to
Giederich, where they will reside st
future Mr. Denerny having theeagency
for the Watkins supplies.
Mrs. A. G. Elutes, .who spent the
winter with her seal, Rev. W. M. Eh -
nes at Evanston, 118., has returned to
Zurich, and is Making preparateens to
move into, the house( she recently pur-
chased from Niles Agnes Kaercher.
The. dwelling property own- d and
accrpied by Ma•s. Catherine %/Vurm,
next to the Lutheran parsonage, has
been purchased by her
John Fuss of Zurich, Mrs. Wurrn
over the week -en&
ma tie her future home with N/fr. end
Mrs. Fuss. ' Mr. and M,rs. Bruce :Biossenbteery
were in Brucefield lastMoartlaY:11140.a-
..uncle, Mr.
ejtroalhaOfTMnaylso, r,B ossenlii);(v.4ei`Y: s
Thos. Neelands, for Several years
publisher of the Hensel" Observer, died
on April. 74:th. He wfas in. his -72nd
year and although affected with heart
trouble he had been only a -week.
London. •celebrated the Maas. (ReVds".
Father Schroeder of Zurich and Fr.
Ronclot of Drysdale, and the pastor,
Fr. Corcoran were present. •
Mrs. Flaherty of London visited her
sister, ;Mrs. T, J, Hall last .week.t
Miss Nora O'Rouke freends
in, Detroit this week.
Mrs. A. IVIcCann spent Saturday in
i'VEisses Gertie Dederick Of London
and Lucy Patton of Detroit are spend-
ing a few days at their homes there,:
Grand Bend
CEMENT—A car of fresh cement
hist arrived.—Peter Eisenbach.
Mr. and Mrs. Keeler :o:f Mitchell are
spending a week in their cottage here.
Mr. and Mrs, Performed are here iai
their summer cottage for a few days.
Mr. Chas. Ward of London was be -re
Miss Gladys Ilse, who wee in Lon::
don for the winter months, came home
Thur.sday with her parent,s, Mr. and
VA:. Wm, Ilse,- who: spent the daysin
eAr... and IVIrs. Ecclesien,, eae'sg
been,' its 'their' dottagle here for a few •
days', left Friday for their,. home htr,
elr, and Mrs. John. Wright have
moved into the:ire:new home at 377
Burwell Street, Ltondon, Mr. Wright
Thinking he wee, asleep his wife did h,aving secured a posetion as foreman
net try to awaken hem in the morning,
and in the afternoon it was \found 'he
had passed away. He had: lived retired
since, ,selling the Observee a few years
aggss. Born in Brampton he spent
most of his life, in the newspaper busi-
ness. He is 'survived by ha widow
and twio sons, Douglas and Roy, and
a daughter, :Mrs. A. H. Kg, all of
Chicago. The funeral took place on
Thursday afternoon in the Hensall Un-
ion Cemetery.
A slow -oven will not spoil your
baking when you use
EGG -0
Bztkin Powder
t as
rally :
Why Waste Money Daily!
Of all farm machines, the 1
cream separator is theone,.
on which you can tali
chances, for the smallest of
cream losses soon mount
into dollars.
The Melotte has been the
farmers' best friend for over
30 years. It is the machine
with suspended bowl and
enamelled bowl casing.
Hanging naturally on a ball-
bearing spindle, the bowl is
perfectly .balanced, and is
guaranteed easier to turn
and to wear longer than any
On account of the recent ad-
vance in • raw materials, it
impossible to guarantee present
low prices for any definite time.
Hoye you seen
won er u
Ten-year guarantee with every• LISTER
machine. - •MILKER
Write for free descriptive
booklet. Don't delay. •
R. A. LIS1MR & CO. (Canada)Limitd •
(New Ael4ressYllend Office, Hainition, Ont.'
Montreal' 'rOronte. Winnipeg Regi)na.`-: Calgary Edmonton.
." d f 1
• :
Here and There
An addition to the Canadian Pa-
cific Montreal-Teronte train service
is a nightly train each way, making
six trains every night between the
two cities. The increase was found
necessary on account of the heavy
tourist traffic to Montreal from the
The opinion of Hon. T. D. Pattulo,
Minister of Lands of British Colum-
bia, is that "Canada can absorb at
least 300,000 people annually, and
this number can come on indefi-
nitely. There is no limit to the re-
quirements of the country. As mariy
as we can get are wanted.
with Win, He.aman & Sen, coal dealers,
(intended for last week.)
Mr, and Mrs. Cann and family (of
Thames Road spent Sunday with Mae
and Urs. Earl Johnston..
A reception was held at the home
of Mrs Sarni. Gunning on Wednesday
last in honor of her son, Melville, and
his bride, who were quietly mei:reed
at Kirkton. About thirty-five guests
were present. •
A baptismal service was held in: Ibis
church en Sunday, three babies being
Miss Elsie Gumming spent the past
\yeti: with iter siste.r, Airs. Wm. Too-
hey ,of Lucan.
Mr. and Mrs. N. Ogden of Exeter
spent a few days with their daughter
Mrs. F. Sq.uire.
Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Mardlin of Wes -
bey spent Sunday with Mr. a,nd Mrs.
Geo. Millson.
There passed away at the home of
her daughter, Mrs, A. Heenan, of the
Swamp Line, Mrs. Patrick Breen, aged
79 years. The deeease.d had been, an
:invalid for several years. Th funeral
took place to the R. C. cemetery,•Lu-
can. en Monday morning.
Mrs Delbert Morley is spending a.
few clays with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Atkinson on the, 2:nd of Biddulph
Mrs, David Long returned to Lucan
:after visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wm.
Hedgs on.
Pro Sleep to -night use RAZ...
a MIA111 to -day for Asthma.
RO-MAll has brought peaceful nights
and restful sleep to thousands who
formerly suffered the agonies cd Asthma.
RAZ -MMI contains no oareotics or
other habit-forming drugs. lf it
does not give relief we guarantee your
druggist will return your money, $1.00
.a :Box. "Just swallow two capsules."
'Free Trial from Templeton Co., Toronto,
. . ,
pgiSISSTizE:Szii=Filtz. ===-....r-c-1-.
e. f.
- - - - - __-_-_-
2 -_-_--====_-__% ----:-----_-_-_-,-„-
- - -
Nova Scotia is endeavoring to .Clifford Webb, eldest son of Mr, seseageeteee
arrange an "old home" month dur- '411d Mrs. John. Webb pasted away on
ing July or August of 1923, and it is Cfoinday :evening, Apie 23rd. He had seiensise
been: ill just one, week weth the quinsy
expected that many from distant
parts of Canada and the ' United
States will visit the towns of their
origin during the festival period set
Incomparable Lake Louise has
achieved new fame. The makers of
the Gray -Dort car have put out a
medel in a new color which they
term "Lake Louise Blue." It is of
a lovely green -blue, and if it has
caught anything of the glorious
gleam of Canada's 'most beautiful
mountain lake it should be a popular'
color for other than motor cars.
Pig Bill, the last surviving buf-
falo at the Pinafore Park Zoo, St.
Thomas, was recently shot. The
: nimal had been suffering for some
terne from the same malady which
:Tied off his mate a few months
ego.. Big Bill was said to have been
the finest specirne-a of Buffalo east
of the Government Park at Wain-
wright, Saskatchewan.
Albert Steedwell, Canadian Pa-
cific Railway engineer at Fort Wil-
liam, has an airedale dog that is a
wolf killer. Mr. Steedwell has a
farm at Upsala, and while visiting
the farm the dog routed out a brush
wolf and chased it. During the sub-
sequent battle one could hardly tell
which was dog and which was wolf.
Mr. -Steedwell Went, to the. assist-
ance of his pet and together they
finished the wolf.
T. W. McKenzie, Canadian Pacific
Railway agent at Rosemary, Al-
berta, has received letters patent on
a device for the purpose of locking
..e; • autoniobiles. It is so constructed
that when the switch is thrown off
the par is autpmatically locked,
theieby eliminating the possible
• chance of an owner leaving his car
unprotected. The device cannot be
operated nor the car started by an
unauthorized person without caus-
ing an alarm,
The number of persons killed or
injured while trespassing on railroad
tracks were 50 per cent. less in 1922
than the average of the preceding
fifteen years. The figures are 5,300
for nine months of 1922 compared
• with 10,736, the average for the
previous year, according to an air-
n,ouncement made by, the Safety
• Section of the American Railroad
Association. This reduction in
casualties is claimed to be dos to
the improved policing by the roads
• and to ,success of the Safety First
• movement.
From gdPiellIber 1 to March 31
inclusive, the Canadian Pacific
Railway has ttansported to Van-
eouver 7,884Cats of grain, represent.)
ing 11,668,328 bushels. Last year
during the • same petied themove-
ment amounted e to 2,802 cars or
• 3,967,632 bushels.. FroM the begin-
• ning of the •crop season 13,571,320
• bushels hacl been exported from Van-
ethilev,eUinicitfedwlxiicioligd101,m1.2,8-,26,2204273710 toto
• the • Orient and 00.400 to South,
America. Last yealeduring the same
• period export amounted to 5,000,000
bushels. •e• -
4rid the, end came, rather unexpectedly' sirleielseels
by all his ,schoolmates. wets 12 glee:Fee-les--
years of age, Besides his sorrowing se-i'igitiEEE,
parents, he leaves to mourn his loss, eieSse.see=
He was a bright, intelligent boy, loved esieregeesis
three brothers and Lw -o sisters, namely
Harvey, Elmer, Orland, Grace and
.Hazel. The funeral, which was, private
kook place to, the, Zion cemetery.
Examine the Seams mi
After cleansing any garment or Mr
material with .SURPRISE ex- ::-
amine the &ails. You will find MN
that SURPRISE has done its
work thoroughly and the article
is truly clean.
............ ..
eseeigeezeseEeemiiselielesiselsess=Besessfaire-- - -
162 Esereftete-?
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Ioog PU
eel '
"100% PURE'
The paint for wear
It wears and wears
and wears.
beautifies and ,pnr.
Serves Oil Cloth
"WOOD -1409
and tinoleum.
Improves the new
—renews the old.
The sanitary, wash-
able Slat Oil Paint
afotiron.Interior Decor -
Nothing adds so much to the beauty of a home
as floors that are properly cared for; on the
other hand, floors that are not protected are
• unpleasant to look at, are hard to keep clean,
and become injured through wear. Don't
neglect your floors, beautify them and save
them. Save the surface and you save all.
MARBLE-Irg Floor Finish is the perfect
treatment for floors of all kinds. It is the oile
floar finish that has a money -back guarantee
httachect to every can,
In 24 hours MARBLE -ITE dries hard with,a
beautiful finish that will not show- heel marks.
It has a high gloss, yet is tough enough to step
any amount of wear without injury. It 'can e
washed with soap ancliwater and it will no
Mar nor scratch white.
We invite you to call and discuss this methuid
of beautifying and protecting your doors. We
can give y9ti full details regarding this or any
other painting or varnishing problem. We have
a cpmplete stock,of tfARTIN-SENOUR Faults.
and Varnishes. For every purpose—For every