The Exeter Advocate, 1923-4-19, Page 5N Notice ' to Creditors. Of Emma Jane 1Ladd, late of the Township of Usboa^ne, in the County of Huron„ Widow, Deceased. Pursuant to Sec. 5, of Chapter 121 cbF. the Revised Statutes of Onit;ai:ira, 1914,'notice is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims a- gainst the estate of Emma Jame Rodd, late of the Township of Usborne, in tie County of Huron, who died on,,or about the 17th day of June, A.D,1922 are on or before the First day of May, IA: D. 1923, to stead by post, prepaid, tai Isaac R, Carling, E Teter, Ont„ Sol- icitor for Roy Franklin Rodd, (the iA,dminias'trator of thle whale estate of tie said deceased their christiannanres and surnames, addresses and descrip- tions, the full particulars of •t1r.eAr claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature of their securities (if any) held by them, and that .after the day last aforesaid the said Administra- tor will proceed to distribute the assets of the sandrdeceaised among the parties entitled T'eretob having re- gard only to such claims of ,which notice shall have bean given as above required and the said Admintistrator wall not be lialbtef for the said assets, or any part thereof, to any person or persons whose claim or claims no- tice shall not have been received by him at the time of said distribution. Dated at Exeter this Ninth day of Apra,' A D. 1923.. ISAAC R. CARLING, Salicitar for A.dminestrat- AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS On Lot 10,. Can. 2, McGillivray, half - mile West of ,Mooresville„ an. FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1923 At 1 o'clock sharp, the following :- Horses -Mare 10 years old, in foal; mare,, 4 yrs,. old in foal; mare, 4; mare rising 3; rdrivvn,g horse, 6 yrs.; horse; rising 5 yrs,; gelding, ris!ng '. ' .Cattlie-2 cows, due last June; cow supposed to be in calf, Halste'.,,, :c«•. supposed to be in calf. Hags. -Sow with ten Pas, sow wa1 7 pigs, 3 sows f.n. pig, brood sow, pure bred Tam frog ; 3 pure. -bred Yorksh re Hogs. Poultry, Etc. -About 100 hens,, 4 ducks and 2 drakes; Collie dog, quan- tity grain, hay and potatoes. Binder, 2 hay loaders, mower, hay rack, 2 grain drills, 2 disc !bait hws, fanningmill and bagger, cultivator,scuf fler, harrows, roller, 2 walking plows. riding .plow, 2 Twi's plaw,s, 2 wagons„ litlit wagon, light ,sleigh, heavy s;eigh cutter, wheelbarrow, grindstone, stone boat, 2 buggies, whiffle trees, ,nle.c:k- yokes, pig rack, wagon box, gravel box 3 sets double harness, collars, crow- bars, forks and shovels, household ef- fects and numerous other articles. Terms -$10 and under cash; ,over that amount 6 months credit an ap- proved, joint notes, oil 5 per sent, Iper annum off for, cash on credit amounts, H. A. Stanley, Moses Simpson, Auctioneer Proprietor 100 good pigs for sale; from Brood PIGS FOR SALE. Saws down to suckers. Apply to E, Lippert, Dashwood. A UC ION SALE FARM S'T`OCK AND IMPLEMENTS HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, ETC. On Lot 11, Can, 4, Stephen Tp, ant mile East of Crediton, an MONDAY, APRIL 23, 1923, At 1 o'clock sharp, the following :- Horses -Heavy draft team, 7 and 8 years old; driving horse., Cattle, Hags and Poultry -3 he.ifers rising 3; 4 heifers rising, 2 yrs;; 3 yearr-I ],segs • 4 stacker pigs, weLghi''.5 125 lbs.; brood sow; 80 hens, duck and drake. Implements, Etc. -Heavy team wagon set heavy bobsleighs, walk n, p:oiv top buggy, cutter, wagon box, double deck; hay rack, wood rack, water tank. portable 30 h. p. steam .engine, set double harness, britchen; single har- ness, h•arsie blankets, sett chains„ forks, shovels, hoes, whiffletr.es, chains, many other articles; 10 lugs r.:4t ,toes' quantity tile. Furniture;, Etc. -Bedroom suite, buf- fet, utfelt, round extension tab1,`, squ•1-c ,x - tension 'table„ 2 couches, 16 din nig chairs, nearly ne•w; cent• tau'u, `, thes horse, 2 rugs 12x12; kitchen stove '1 oil stove, box stove, kitchen cab- inet, sink, cream separator, chruirn, int machine,, haver, buffalo ral.;et crocks .lamps, ,],ranging lamp, oil cath. Terms. -$10 and under, cash; •,vier. `hat amount 6 monthsi' credit on ;ap- proved joint motes, or discount of (i per cent. per annum off for ,cash an credit amounts. F'K TAYLOR, W.M. WATSON Auctioneer Prap: !e •t .. Furniture Bargains L7 BIG REDUCTION IN FURNITURE. WE CARRY THE I.Alil,h` AND MOST. UP- TO -DATE STOCK. BUY HERE AND SAVE MONEY Funeral Director-& Embalmer, M. E. G R NER • iensall Mr. Freid Busch continues very ill, and in suffering a good deal, ),,fr. H. J. McDoln;alid has been laid up with a sore Leg. Mr. W. J. Jones is abler Ito be .out again after . a week's Illnness. Mr. Geo. A.Stainlay of Lucan oc- cupied the Methodist Church pu1ptt on Sunday preaching missionary ser- mons. .Mrs. J. S.."n'TcD:anlaifd, who has been quite poorly for a mu ber of weeks, is able, '04 he oust again, Miss Mabel White of Detroit is vis- iting her patients], Mr. and Mrs. White, 'bath .of whom are quite, ri11. Mag. Ellis and daughter, Miss Mat- tie,, ,were in 'G,aclierich• attending the funeral of the late 'vlr. iVlilldi;on, . Mrs. J. W. Bratythroa'is in Waterloo owing to the serious• illness, of tier father, Mr .G. F. Yiaungblut, a farmer buisi:nesls reran of Hensall. 'Dir. Moir, who hats been ta,kiing up special work for risme: months at the larger hospital centres, has returned to continue his practice here. Mrs Moir, who has biee,n visiting relative; in the West, has also return -d home, THE SPRING, SHOW T2s e, Hens -all Spring Show was held on Friday and was, a, success both as to, .exhibits and attendance. The.ifol- Lawing were prize winners - Aged heavy stallion, R. Murdock .5, Miller; Perchenoan;, H. Soldan; 1920 foal, Soldan; standard bred, .j, Decker T Murdock, J. Decker, jr. Draught team; F. Elleringtton,; 3 -yr old, W. >VlcAllister, & San; 2 -year old. Alex Buchanan 1 and 2; Agricultural team, John Rawcliffe, F•ea, Armstrong 3• -yr. old, H. Soldan, E. Sproat; two- year old, H. Sraldan, W. Alexander draught or agric, colas, McAllister & Sons; Gen. Pur. team, W. Decker, W, Patrick; carriage team, A. Rowclaffe; ,singl,e carriage horse, Mansoni & Son W nr. Hyde ; roadster team, G„ a. Thom .s,ori, Wm. Decker; single roadster, R McLaren„ And. Bell, Gels. Arksey. In cattle -Aberdeen Angus bull, R, McLaren; Shorthorn bhu11, Dan. Park caw, Wm Pepper 1 tanid 2; heifer un;- cler two, Jahn Elder; butcher steer or heifer, Geo. Ingram. Boys' judging competition, 6 prizes -Win, Taylor, G. Elliott, John Pep- per, Allan Soldan, Faster Ingram, Case Hudson, The prizes were donated, by H. Soldan., Wm. Consiitt, and Oscar', Klapp. Many special prizes were given by citizens including three silver troph- ieE;, given by Dr. Peck, Jos. Bernie and John. Young, and captured respective- ly by W. Pepper, D. Burnis, and J, Young. AUCTION SALE OF 25 DAIRY COWS Mr. W. E. Nairn has received in- structions to sell by public auction, at the Central Hotel Stables. EXETER ON SATURDAY, APRIL 2lst 1923 at one o'clock sharp, the following: 10 Durham cows, fresh with calves by side. 10 Durham cows, springers. 10 Holstein cows, springers. These are a choice lot of young cows and will be sola under a guar- antee. If you want good cows at- tend this sale, • TERMS: -Sir months' credit on furnishing approved joint notes with interest at 6 % per annum. W. E. NAIRN, Auctioneer, ALF. PAUL, Proprietor. FOR FLOORS SEIVOURS FLOOR /440er i OR EVERY PURPOSE wR OWLS AMD NUNRO EM0VB FOR FURNITURE WOOOLAC STAIN - PURE PAI NT-: '1W PAI Spruce -= Paint Up Up Now is the time you cau greatly iinprove the appear- ance of your home with a touch of paint here and there. Don't neglect your furniture and woodwork. A coat of protection will work wonders. Save the surface and you save all. X30FOR. RARew000 rums /K eriut-ITI Li MA's • 1 MART NS�NOUR PAINTS AND VARNISHES For the Walls and Ceilings NEU-TONE-tire washable, sanitary finish that will not fade or rub off. Many pleasing tints and suggestions for stencilled borders. For Woodwork, etc. MARTIN'S WHITE ENAMEL -(the enamel de luxe) a beauti- ful finish for bathrooms, bed- • rooms, etc. It stays white. For Floors SENOUR'S FLOOR PAINT -- a wide range of colors. It dries hard with a beautiful enamel finish that wears and wears and wears. For Hardwood Floors MARBLE- ITE -The perfect floor finish that withstands the hardest usage. A hard finish that will not mar nor scratch white. It can be washed with soap and water. For Furniture WOOD -LAC STAIN -in many shades, Oak, Mahogany, Cherry, etc. Gives to inexpensive woods the appearance of the more costly. Easy to use. For Verandahs OUTSIDE PORCH PAINT - dries hard in a few hours and wears like iron. Come and consult us on any painting you contemplate. We will be glad to advise. We have a full range of MARTIN-SENOUR Paints andVarnishes-theeasiestand most profitable to use. For everypurpose-for everysurface. • G. A. Hawkins Exeter, Ont. „ie" 41' rCt •�eab�.te `. Ff Vii•:i:'SAM n1741,!w4 Zurich Miosis Nem Schillbe, datsghter.of Mr, and Mrs, Conrad Schilbe„ died on Apr 9th. She •patsSed away in the prime of ,life, at the age of 28 'years,. ml.nth and 8 days. Beskles her par eats she ys ,surv'ived( by two brothers; Warren !of near Kippeinl, Henry of the 14th con. of Hay, and five. sisters, - Mrs. Fred Daters of Hensall, Mrs. Orville McClinchey, Stanley Tp.; Gier- tia, Greta and Antun Schitbe at home, Mr, Thos, F. Turnbull, of the Sauble Line, while cutting wood Tuesday, in some way a long pole hit his leg !at the ,knee and wnencheidt sit badly. Mr. Wellington Johnston suffered, an acute attack of appendicitis last week. Mr. Pau! Durand who spent the past few months at theihairne, of his; mother, Mrs, P. Durand, Drysdale, left torn Tuesday for his homes in. Mininesata,. vIrs. Chas. Lafram;ooise. of the Sauble Line, and whio recently underwennt an operation, at London Hospital, hats re- turned to her home much impravled. :rn health, Mrs. C. H. Joy left for1T,oronita, where she wiill spend a week. Mr. Sain. Hendrick of the Sauble Line, and who spent thew past winter at Detroit has returned home for the summer months. Mr. Emanuel Koehler left for Kit- chener on. Saturday, where he will spend the summer. Mr. Samuel Gascho has purchased the dwelling property, of Mr. Ed. Bos- senberry. bliss Leah Deiargi.nge of Allan County, Indiana, is visiting friends in these ,parts. Messrs, Zeph. Charette and Walter Jeffrey of the Sauble Line left for Detroit. to work, Mooresville Farm Soid.-Mr. Moses Simpson, has sold his 100 -acre farm; here, being lot 10, concession 2, McGillivray, to Mr. Elmer Faultier of the same township. Possession will be given May 1. Mr'. Simpson was born on this farm sixty- one{ years ago, it being the old Simp- sron homestead, henca "Moses' will be excused in .expressing much regret oil leaving thb farm. He is having a sale a£r his stock and implements on April 20. SCHOOL REPORT OF S. S. No. 6, STEPHEN, being Easter Test ex- amination :-Sr. 4 -Esther Neeb 82, Erna Neeb 79; Jr; IV•, Dorothy Smith 79, Harry Lippert 57 Jr. III., Dorothy Dietrich 83, Thelma Neeb 77, Alma Ratz 75 Dorothy Raiz 75, Rose Die- trich 68, Pius Dietrich 42; Sr. II., Rob ert Flynn 70, Edward. Lippert 69, Alex Dietrich 63, Earl Rata 62, Jr. II., Gor-i don Matz 80, Bernice Neeb 76, Robt Dietrich 66, Helen Kenny 48; Part I., Irvin Ratz 70, Sr. L, Roy Willert, Ber- pice Needy„ Irene Flynn, Dorothy, Ken n.v; Jr. I., Pearl. Elson ,Hilda Culbert, Mary Culbert, Calvin Elson. No, on roll 28, average 24. Florence Turnbull, teacher. PHONE 9 SERVICE SATISFAC'rIO ustfor DoiJar Days, On FRIDAY and SATURDAY, APRIL 70th' and 21st, we will gives.' a 10 per.ce{nt<. Disc(ounft on 'all cash' sa,lest in our fresh' meat lints., Special. Primes ion Land also. We make those good "PURE PORK SAUSAGES" While in town did not miss seeing your display of BEEF, PORK, ain;d MUTTON f $$$$S DAYS, RIVERS' MEAT MARKET WHERE QUALITY IS HIGrJi,ER THAN PRICE, --=EITEIS:E=SEBEE=E-.11411Iiii;M:g3: s= _ I�,� s -::anti. •_ -_E__E ei __ __ =isc E.. -- .=1 T-1eS--f-T�.7� -- .-. r:. _ _ --.rte-a._=:' -LT TEE-:4� :__ Save Soap Suds `-= = MakingSuds direct from o the Bar - V- Saves Soap. You rub the Bar Soap MO _==i x _ on the soiled parts and get immediate Mgde results with no fear of undissolved Rids _ particles of Soap scattering through the :z===U- clothes. Bar Soap is the safest and moat satisfactory. res E -x' sigair =ss1:c= ::?z_: s_E Zt +�:�:1\;Aid\k:%• 5 art ro,•' to' lo,' err,' to eras Oto do, 1 to $41 $90; . xmbs; 15 to culls, $11, 0.50, 99c. do, ed, . to rs.i. on fi. ce, $ ) lbs., :33 8. oto lots, a 21c. :o 440. :r bag, ah, $4; fairly veals,, hogs, itcherk WILLI Solves A. CT4' dCcOT JEUTRAL-TONED papers in rich color effects, lend them- selves to panelling -a treatment now favored by the best authorities on home decoration. We are showing a fine assortment of the BOXER line -in colorings that afford plenty of scope for your indi, victual taste. These Papers are 234 inches wider ng pTob1eJia than the old type of wall paper, affording three important .advantages;, Better Appearance, because of fewer seams ; Economy, due to greater cov' eying surface ; and Designs More Beautiful than ever were possible in the narrower papers. BUY NOW WHILE STOCK IS COMPLETE SOUTHOOTT BROS, pro•. type par- ty is