The Exeter Advocate, 1923-4-19, Page 11 THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR, EXETER, ONTARIO, T I URSDA Y APR. 19, 1923 ExeterDollarDays, Fri. & Sat., April 20-21.! All Set. We are ready to, repair any make CAIS, TRUCK, TRACTOR, or. GASOLINE ENGINE. of We Specialize on this, ELECTRICAL END of this work, and are Experts ion STORAGE BATTERIES. All work guaranteed right. Chambers Bros. FORD SERVICE GARAGE, Foote & Polley GARAGE Having taken over the Sanders Garage ,ori James Street, we are pre- pared to gime you service at reason - .able tes,' and on shortest notice, EXPERT RhPAIRING ON ALL KINDS OF CARS AND TRACTORS. GASOLINE AND OIL FOR SALE: FREE AIR, GIVE US A TRIAL. , James -St., Exeter Our Corner A b'oia;ed egg itY alright if ;b'atled Oen, ieai,ough. To ;be really satisfied with yiour 19de keep it clear of anilabalslh'. Vie first four month's of the year are full of government returns, Get busy on Maur income ,paipers. Only the rest of•the nnlonth to get 'em away. Jazz was discovered by a dog with at tin can ion its tail,, chasing (a '1915 fl iv`+er. 'Th'e a naw who a,dn ts; het is a fool, Ls ireal]y only half a fooll. He has his Lucid Moments. The weather pramiises a, little bets ter just now„ but up to Tuesday ,we had a light snow fall afmost daily. June,. 4th will bie, observed this year in Canada as' thet birthday of His'Ma- jetsity .King George V. Juni: 3rd this year faills ion a .Sunday. Governments issue ninny bulletins, Haat never get farther than the waste paper basket, Orme on how to dodge your income tax„ would be received With gladness. "Does the baby really take after his father?" asked Mrs.. Smith. "Yes, indeed—why, when we track!' the dar- ling's bottle away, he tried to creep down the cellar stairs:' LIMIT TO RECTORS' TERMS. There la a Move on, foot to limit the pastoral terms for rectors ,in the Anglican, Diocese of Huron, and a definite, move toward that end will be made at the coming session of the synod of London which meets on May 14, Electors of the Anglican church serve: churches to,which they are as- signed at the pleasure, of the. Bishop of the diocese conjoerned. I•t is be= lieved that a,change im this system would he welcomed, not only by the clergy, but also by the people of,the church,, and that they matter of limit- ation. of pastoral terns be six or Fight years. • DR. JOHN WARD CHIROPRACTOR & OPTOMETRIST HAS MOVED TO MAIN STREET, SOUTH of Y.P.C.A. EX1sTER Phone 70. To the Motorillg Public! For the next TWO WEEKS, owing to receiving the Disitributorahip of Automobile Tires and Batteries, we are able to offer the following prices 30x33 Fabric, 5000 mile tire, non-skid tread $11,50 30x33¢ Cord, 8000 mile tire, non-skid tread . $14 50 Other sizes ••at proportionate ,prices. As a premium with every tire we will give FREE AJ Na, 1 tube. BATTERIES -6-8 volt Battery at $19, with a fulltwo-year guarantee, ALSO DURANT ANI) STAR. CARS: Thorn Baker, Dealer, Exeter Great Opportunity for Men of Exeter and IVicinity. TIP TOP TAILORS Representative will be at the CEN IZAL HOTEL, EXETER on Tuesday, April. 24th with a full range of their latest suitings and top coatings. SUITS $24.0© OVERCOATS. Made to -- Measure::, TIP TOO. •CLOTHES,fotr this seasick); are ievien betlieirt valise than ni t han a ". t •hast bee'ni pos'siblie fon usl ton offer for Many years, By reason of our. great buy- ii18; .piow'etr we havle, secured super4aa duality falbaic% lelquial to those au_;hd aril cldtli'es; costing even $$5,00 or $40,00 Our Skall'eid 'T illioirs a e now prepared to ,give �exj rt( attention! to ,ev- et e ,.t, r ... y rd ita,i, , . dab aa0 fun,.>slruilga Tip, Tap Clo'th'es( are made to m:eaStire ,said are guarajnteied to satisfy.. Place your, order now, far a Salt o C 'Top Coda, ; 7 Central Hotel, Tuesday, April 24th Visit Exeter on Friday and Saturday and Take Advantage of the Bar- gains Being Offered by Mer- chants and Others. Read the Advertisements. THE FOLLOWING DOLLAR -DAY MERCHANTS WILL GIVE SPECIAL DOLLAR DAY BARGAINS ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY OF THIS WEEK, APRIL 20th AND 21et. LOOK OVER THE DIF- FERENT ADVTS. THAT APPEAR IN THIS ISSUE. WI,OOK .FOR THE STORES WITH THE DOLLAR DAY PEN- NANTS, THEY WILL HAVE SPECIAL DOLLAR DAY BARGAINS. S. Mdrtin & Son A. D. Moore J. W. Powell R. N. Rowe Southcott Bros. J. A. Stewart Rivers' Meat Market W. W. Taman Mrs. W. D. Yeo Miss Yelland Miss Armstrong W. J. Beer W. u. Cole Grigg's Stationary Store Geo. Hawkins B. W. F. Beavers J. W. Browning Harvey a Harvey W. J, Neaman W. S. Howey Jones & May Local News Miss Mary Tom is confined to her home through illness. Some sixteen checker players. are at ,present engaged in a ttournament and the. first round, is being played off, Several of the boys arse already out of the running, but all are interested in the pzogiess of 'the tournpa r. '• J. A. Stewart's delivery horse made a lively run. up Main Street on Saturday afternoon. Many along the street endeavored to stop it, but not until it jammed &Oa another rig and g,ot loose from the, delivery wagon. was it caught. Little damage was done. Mr. Jonathan Mei-flex ex-iVli. P., who has had his flax mill at C►.inlaon teased tio, 'the Dominion: Government fpr -x- perime.ntal ,purposes, is again in :ha, of the m -]„ and wilt; op eralte saw: during the coming season, the ','ase with the Government having .expired, The James St. Young People's Soc- iety elected ,officers au the last reg- ular meeting as follows,,—Pres„ Hilda Bowe; 1st Vice., May Jones; 2nd Vice„ Alice Pfaff; 3rd Vice., Amy Shapton; 4th Vice., Wilfrid Shapton; Sec., Ernest Pym; Treas., Hazel Lut- her; Pianist, Clara Hoist; Assistant Pianist, Lila Pym, The Ladies' Aid of James St. church held their annual meting in the church parlors on Thursday aft- ernoon last. The election of officers for the coming year resulted as fol- lows: Hon. President, Mrs. Donnelly, President, Mrs. E. Rowcliffe; Vice - Pres., Mrs. W. Johns; Treas., Mrs. B. •Howe; Sec'y Mrs. N. Sheere; Aud- itors, Mrs. Fitton and Mrs. Boyle. PRE.SENTA,'TION, A very pleasant gathering took plane at the bailie of Mr. and (Ma', J. G. Jones, Main Street, on Friday evening, the- guest; of honor being Miss Ila Johnston, who .has accepted a posi- tion' with Mr. McTpvpsh of S.eafoirth. The eventing was miost joyously sp.ent in gamies and amusements,, and at mfad- night a atios't delicious luncheon. was served, following which Miss Johnston was presenited with a beautiful ivory tray and bedroom clock, as an ex- pression, of esteem held for her by her ass;ocia;tes and frieaads.), 'Was Johnston., was for a number of years dry -goods saleslady for Mr. J. A. Stewart, aaid by her courteous and ,obliging manner endeared herself to many. Shewill have the blest wishes of .a11 as she enters on her anew duties. She left .Monday for Sea(fotrtir. CONFESSED GUILT. .After denying their guilt to the Rloard ' of Education at, an, investiga- tion ;two weeks agog the Board had Provincial, . Constable. Whitesides an the. 'case on Tuesday of last week; when 'the ' two young .lads., saudten% of the. Hugh School;, admitted that they were guilty 'of entering the school at night and loosening some of tthe. desks besides &fog other damage yn destroying a. register and bible. They were 'brought before Juvenile Judge Reid. of. Gaderilch at Exeter on Thurs- day, and admitted the, m:isdanveiacior:s. i['he 13taard and' the Magistr',aite were anxious that the boys be given ' a chance to reform„ at the same ;tim,e that .public prioperty be safe-guttrd- e.d, ' •The Magistrate decjlied that the both bays .should become wards of fthe ,Cduft for a berm, and that one bay should be takelnl'to Goderich and a glooti home. found) for; hire, where he mould be under the, carte of the,.mag-: 1Jstrate; while the curia- boy Was al- lowed to remain at his hone, attend Church and Sunday School each Sun- day and report once al week to the J baiirmaun, of the, Board of Educa:0:n,. In. 'this way the boys would be sep- arated and given a good( chance, to be- come good ',Citizens. Any m;is•••step • with:la the yean, Icyr fajiltaltej to cam ply wiiith the .order of tihte, caturt, wait mean that; 'the mpiasitriate will make the. sentence more severe. This should be awanting to all boys that they mvsit conduct theanselvfes proper - 1Y„ Miss Grigg is still confined to her bed, but is •doiing as well as kan be expected, Skating and hockey have been in- dulged in at Exeter,rink this week, the ice; being in. good condition. Mr. W. J. Catrlingi bass taken a piosir Coln as book keeper with Mr. Milo Snell, and commenced duties Tuesday. \ir, Wilfred Mack has purchased from Mr Richard Welsh the residence recently vacated by Mr. Welsh ion Victoria street. George E. Sawyer of Mitchell, a prain&nent bowler, died, suddenly at his, home on April; 17,, at tlhe•age of 60 years. Deceased retired in his us- ual, health, but was, stricken with heart trouble about 4 a.m. and died without regain:3 g con,sciouusness. He had been a resident of »•tche11 for 5 0years, and for a long tiane conducted a bak- ery and grocery, Mr. Sawyer was well known on the bowling green , in Exeter, and ,pion trophies, and prizes. several times. , • Harold White ts, visiting his uncle, in Wyoming. Mrs, W. W; Taman returned from Si andsior on 'Tuesday. Mrs. Ed. Harwood of Toronto is visiting with Mrs. Wm., May. Ffr. Mark 4liitchiell of London visit- ed with his mother hexa during the week. \Irs. Joos Davis, Exeter North, vis- ited in Landon over the wie•ek-iart:t also, .spent a few days, in Windsor with ]ger stn this week. .Ur. A. C. Ramsay, sone of the heads of the canned goods; inspection depart- ment of Canada, and an, Exeter Old Boy, spent Wednesday hierean busi- ness. Old friends were pleased to see him. • — r Grand Bend - The Grand Bend Drannatic Club will present thedr play entitled, • "Am I Intruding" ion Friday night, Apr. 27 In Brenn,er's Hall, Grand Beinid. Every body come. A tre,st icystore far all. BIRTHS Thompson—In Hay Tp.„ on April 7 to, • Mr. and Mrs. Rabt, Thompson ai daughter. Anderson.—In London, on April 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Anderson, nee Hazel Essery, a, son. DEATHS O'Leary—At St, j'loseph Hospital, Lo,n- •cicur, on, April 15th, James G'Leary of Mt, Carnes, in his 70th year. O'Brien --In Clinton, ono, .April 5, john Francis O'Brien ;of Tuckersmith, in his 26th year. Layton—In Tuckersmith, on April 5th 'Hattie Dodd, wife of George W. Layton, aged 48 yeta+r& . Edwards—At Vittoria Hospital, Lon- don„ on April 16. Charlotte, widow ,of the late Jacob Edwards, ire her` 79th year.. Funeral Thursday at Clandeboye. VOTERS' LIST 1922, MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN- SHIP OF STEPHEN COUNTY OF HURON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I have complied with Section 10 .af, thei Voters' List Act, and that .2. have posited up at my office at Crediitoni on the 18th day of April,, \1923, thelist of all persons ent;)bled to' vote the said nrun,cipality, for Members of Parliament, and that such List remains there for inspection. And I ',he.reby c ad,l, upon all vo•tersLto take immediate pr`: eeding's to have any errors, or ;nr.;,s-ons corrected according ta.Iaw Dated at Crediton; April 18th, 1923. HENRY EILI3ER, Clerk Corporation of Stephen SANDERS Si CREECH Seeds for Sale W l: have a Large Stack of Specially Selected Field Seeds of high Ger- mination and Government Standard Quality for Sale. OUR. S"OCK CONSMS'1'5Z AS FOLLOWS— No. 1 Rea Clover, Alsike, White rad Yellow. Blossom Sweet Claves; Huban Annual Sweet ,Clover, Alsik;• and Timothy Mixed, Kentucky Blue and Orchard Grass Ontario Grown. and Imp. Timothy Seed' Millett, Seed Beans, Seed Corn, Sorghum, Mengel and Turnip Seed; Lawn. Grass and Garden Seeds Etc, • We have a limited quantity of Ontario Grown Variegated Alfalfa Seed No. 1, Purity Test This is one of the most bardy varieties, and is part ,af the production, of a field that has fgrewn seed for tent Consecutive years; This leaves it thoroughly climatized, Anyone intending to sow a field of this variety should place their order, early. , r We have also a stock of American Grown Alfalfa, a hardy variety tba,t in previous years has; proven successful here. Oux price $15.00 per bus; WE are buyers of Beans, Clover and Timothy Seed, Dutch Setts, aria all kinds of Farm Products at the',Highest Market Prices. We have a large stock of Spring ,Merchandise: For Quality, Style. and Prices our values cannot be beaten. A real good selection in all lines a. Z WICKER, General Merchant, Crediton. A CALL SOLICITED, THE, STORE WITH THE LARGE STOCK D ERS R [AR THE POPULAR. CAR OF EXETER LAST YEAR. PRICES INCLUDING FREIGHT ANL) TAX F. O. TOURING, wood wheels, ROADSTER, wood wheels BUSINESS COUPE, two passenger BUSINESS SEDAN, five passenger All passenger cars are equipped with Bumper and spare Coral B., EXETER, $13 95 $1365` $1565 ...$1885 . SOME GOOD USED CARS. 0. 0 Pilon, Dealer, Exeter tire. OUR. MOTTO — EVERY OWNER A SATISFIED CUSTOMER. April 20-21' Friday & Saturday 1 E S WART' S DOLLAR DAYS OPPORTUNITIES Catton Stockings all sizes, 24c. 6.1..5.9 Corsets, special 98c. Ladies Summer Vests 25c 51.00 Silk -Lisle Stockings 75c. 40 in. FACTORY COTTON, 35c, value, for ,.. ,.;25c. per yard. Good Weight COTTON, 36 inc hes wide, 17c. per yd. 4 250 -yard SPOOLS COATES. COTTON, for 25c. 35c, ENGLISH• GINGHAMS, small checks $n: all colors, 28c. yard 32 inch FAST COLOR GLNTGHAMS, real value at 35c. per yd. DRESS and APRON PRINTS, Gingham patterns 25c value at 20 522.00 Ladies' BURBERRY SPRING COATS, Dollar Days $17.25 S18.00 POLO SPORT COATS, fpr ladies & misses, " 13.98 On Display Dollar Days at Reduced Prices Silk Gloves with long cuffs. Wide -Ribbed Sport Stockings. Pullover Sweaters Ornaments Fancy Voiles Dress Flannels Twlo Tone Slippers Colonial Patent Slippers_ Tuxedo Sweater Coats. Cabshaws Ratlines Coatings Buckles - Paisley Crepes H,om.e spuns 51.00 — BOY'S PULLOVER SWEATERS — S1.00 Fine Cashmere Wool Sweaters — Sizes 24-32 Regular 52.00 to 53.00 DOLLAR DAYS 51.00 50c, CAPS FOR MEN AND BOYS 50c. Al sizes — Values up, to $2.00. To clear DOLLAR DAYS SOc. BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS, worth as much as $10, Dollar Days $5.69 BOYS' SOLID LEATHER SHOES—Specially priced at ... $2.49 25c. ROLLER TOWELLING 7 yards far 25c. RICK RACK BRAID — HALF PRICE 3c. per yd. 36 INCH 'COLORED CHINTZ per yard 30c. 4 PLY GREY SCOTCH FINGERING YARN, 5100 per pound. $$1,25 ALL WOOL DRESS SERGES — ALL SHADES 85c. yd. lb LBS. GRANULATED SUGAR. FOR 51.00 with every purchase ,od 52,50 or over. Groceries at Wholesale Prices Royal Yeast 'Cakes ......... ...Sc. 9.0c. T. & R, Tobacco ..70c. 15c. Tobaccos 2 for 25c. 20cc, Sunmaid Seedless Raisiinsi 15a 75c.. Salida Tea 65c 7Dc; Special Bulk Teal ......... 55c.. 71bs. Oatmeal 25c. 70 bars Laundry Soap ...,.. $1.00 7, bans Castile Soap ......,.. ,..25c. • 75c, l3ao,o1T1 for 50c Christies Soda Biscuits 15c. lb, 3 Jelly Powders 24c. 3 pkgs Garden, Seeds 25c. Cascade ;Salanon 10c; 1 lb. tiro, Red Salmon ',25c. 8 oz, Bottle Vaaail1a 22c, 3 bottles Extract .,y ...... ...256. 7 lbs Sweeit Cakes far 35c. 75c. Globe .Washboard ,55c.. 3 pkg. Ammonia ........ ,25c. 7DOLLAR DAY P R IiC E S ON W ALL PAPERS LINO LEUIIS RUGS CURTAIN MATERIALS WINDOW BLINDS J• PHONE 16 STEWART PHONE 16 4