The Exeter Advocate, 1923-4-12, Page 5A AUCTIONS4,14, TWENTY FIVE CHOICE COWS rW, E. Nairn, auctioneer,. bas reeeLv_ e!d! ins'tru013;10ns to sled by..public ouc' t1'oln, on, Lot 9, Con, 7, Usiboiiinle, 36 Miele south of • £loin dile, on FRIDA.Y, APRIL 13, 1923 At 1 o'clock sharp, the following 6 Durham clown fresh, with calves by their side: 14 .Durham cows, springers 5 Iltolste,n cows, springers. , • ;hese are at ;choice lot of young foam and will by solid tuucler •a guar- aatee, If ,yiou want goad• cows[ attend this ,sale, ,T•erms-4 months' credit will be giv- en on ft}rnis'I n;g approved, joint notes with tnmt,e,rest at 6 per cent. -per tan num. W. E. MAIRN, ALFRED PAUL, Auctioneer proprietor. AUCTION SALE OF BETHANY CHURCH BUILDINCT AND FURNITURE 3 a/4 miles' East of Exeter, on SATURDAY, APRIL 14TH, . 1923 at 2 o'clock p.m., the following:— CHURCH BUILDING-- Including Brick, Lumber, Seats, Windows, Doors Etc. FURNITURE—Including Chairs, liienches, Tables, Pulpit Chairs, Box Stoves and Pipes, Curtains Lamps, Organs, Books, 2 Cupnoaras, Clock, Etc. TERMS—$10.00 and under, Cash; over that amount 6 months' credit on furnishing approved joint notes. 0% per annum off for cash an credit amounts. THOS. CAMERON, Auctioneer, WES. JOHNS, Sec. Treas, Trustee Board. Notice to Creditors. Of Emma Jane d, late!,'of the Township of Usbarnuel, illi the: County of Huron, Widow, Deceased, • Pursualn(t to Sec,, 5, of Chapter 121 of the Revised Statutes of Onitiar1o., 1919, notice is hereby givlen, that all creditors and others having claims a- gaiinlst the estate o'f Emma Jane Rodd, late -of the Township of Usborne, in the County of Huron,„ who died oatpr about the 17th day of June, A:D,1922 are 'on ar ,before; the Furst day of May, A. D. 1923, to send by post, .prepaid, t'co. Isaac R. Carling, E:ieter, Ont„ Sol- icitor for Roy Franklin Rodd, the A.dminietrator of thie whole estate of the said deceased their christianniames and surnamea, addresses and descrip- tions, the full pa,rticulara of tih,eki claims, a statement- of their accounts and thenature of their securiitie.s (,if any) held by them, and that after the day last aforesaid the, said Administra- tor will proCeed to distribute the assets ,of the said deceased among the parties • entitled therettou ,having,re- gard only to such claims of which tuotiee shall lave been given as above required and the said Admin istraitor \via not be liralblie. for the said assets, or any part thereof, to any perrson car persons whose claim or claims no- tice shall ,not have been received by him, at the time of said distribution, Dated et Exelter this Ninth day of April, A D. 1923.. ISAAC R. CARLING, Solicitor for Administrator PARKHILL—Thomas Mcgladery, for fifty. years a jre;stide:nt of this town, and for many years! licenlsiel iampecitar of West Middlesex, died on April 4 of ,pneumonia. He was a prominent Methodist, a Mason and ,a Conserve-, tiv-e, One son, Thomas,• is a member of the Ontario. Legislature. for New On:tatio• "I1ie widow, tkva sons and two daughters survive. • WE OWN AND OFFER $500,000.00 C.N.R. 5 p.c. Fully Registered Income Charge Debentures t, Du,e, May 6, 1930 Secured by a mortgage 'on •the Canadian National Railway • System, now owned and 'operated by the Government of the DOMINION OF CANADA Profit ,en5p O Equal to O Per amplennIntu Investment 1 Over 10.50 Si. m C' Ptriice. An apuicatiton, G. A. Stimson & Co. , Lint tejdt • ,Established 1888 Bland Dealers for lover 35 Years, 36 KING ST, EAST TORONTO Furniture Bargains BIG REDUCTION IN FURNITURE. WE CARRY THE LARGES'] AND MOST UP- TO -DATE STOCK. B U Y HERE AND SAVE MONEY Funeral Director & Embalmer, M. F. • A .DINER, You can use sweet milk, sour milk, buttermilk or water with EGGO Baking Powder ORDER FROM YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD GROCE4a • SMP/ e• when it's cocked 'by live steam in an SMP Savoy Cooker is better for you and tastes better, tool The inner boiler is pierced with little holes -around the top, through which the steam penetrates. The live steam does the cooking. No need for stirring. No scorch- ing. No trouble to clean, as there is no burnt or dried meal to serape off. The Savoy Cooker is one of the most useful utensils made. Ask for Try these dishes in this fine .'pot; -oat- meal porridge, steamed rice, steam- ed oysters, corn, cauliflower, veal, chicken ragout,. mushrooms, scram- bled eggs, and a host of others. e a a'.}I+ Saw �� I E Three finishes: Pearl Ware, two coats of pearly - grey ename inside and out. Diamond Ware, three coats, light blue and white' outside; white lining. Crystal Ware; three coats, pure white Inside and out with It`s_+al Blue edging, TMESHEET METAL PRODUCTS Co°ungo4 +IONTISEAL TOP ONTO WINNIPEG EDMONTON VAN COUVEEi catm.RY, 15s Your Backache --the Cause ick kidneys ate responsible for those nagging pains in your back and sides, • which make your daily work such an intolerable burden. Gin Pills can bring you instant release from pain, because they are the most effective kidney remedy in the world. They quickly relieve the congestion and inflammation and restore healthy condi. tions. NATIONAL DRUG & CHEMICAL CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED, TORONTO. atytta FIFTY CENTS mo Dere and There �totorfinggg ;o gatios sauru OS Ittoqu '8I zactuteu •yt•u earl auo'j ur paasn}rs sl umo% mau age. •dogs sstlo}nq g pus 'peados 9/8M ureas Io slegsnq 000'00T dlasau gattjm u; sasnogaavm' lata 02.113; ant); ur pagsn;re st uMo} last' age. *dogs aagzeq put uzooz food 'oxo}s leza -ua2 2u s 'azogs itutgstuzn; ,s}ua2 'aaogs Ylnzp a 'edogs s,gptursrlaslq OM; 's2uiitamp 3o aaoos is aaeo 'asnog ,.unxiooz ono '}uezneasaa s sem aaatj gg9T pan; uo xeutrlp u; mei sem. Ioogs ago uatusi *saw( [teras s pus y•?': is s aapna4sauuotl s S13.64.'pal}}as Bltuur; sem umo} ',tau eq} ;o alp ay) tialtM aa dap ago 4446I Lr. nzgal uo uor}was anaunb at} uo sem aaaq; gtitg ILY 'Alu&Iruu DUPk=cl ustpuus0 • agq ;o tpusaq ntogrutssy-InsuoO alp. uo pap 3o pua aq} 'xeuiq 30 auto st „vtl8lu zauo do 2urmo,x2„ umoo u 3o' saidtusxa gsaq sip 30 sup •saouinoad asoq} u; 2u;uzzu; paa;ur ;0 luau; -dolanap aagaan; aq3 ;o not}ealput auazudds us sr gaigM 'e}.egjy pus usMataginise5 'ugo}ruuyq 'saoulAoad ea.q} ago u; sem assaSaut stip 30 Isom quit} afgealzeuzaa sr of pus :-Eget '41 I6L`l' L9`i 3suis2e se sura LOG `8Z9' E poAouz ifueduzop aqq 'ag6T u aiIlm ;o quatuanou; ago ul asnazout algsaaplsuoo a osis suM aaaq j; 'pa/iota a.aM sa2tyzasa dquq 886'83 Pus a2s28sq se patient:A stop 928'6I `Paipueg ala& saio&orq L69'6 'stquoui anlam; snoinazd sip zo; ggr'ggr, -'g q; & patsdtuoo goltM ..a.8s88eq saa.8uassnd ezaM saoald E0g`ga`g gunouzs s;q} 30 •zsa.f snornazd ata ao3 '6L9`g2L'8 tl1M patsdtuoo sa a2ew2sq 3o saoard 939'93t'3 30 trio; • aalpunq ai;toes Ue[p -tzuu) ago ZZ6I zea.S aqq 8ulanu •strep gZ zapun 2uoSI ZOH og sas,atdtua at;rasa ustpnuso sin pus tannoouaA o} Tina pus aagan2q 01 sea saadulL Drgusrq V of;Pad uelp -eus0 stn 'pun[Sua 'uopuo- mot; aa:A.ros g2nozq} s atglssod sarletu sum, •adoana pun sams patron alp 'stpsusp og aaaeau sup an(); ;tad walls; atn 2ulzq IIIM '2uog 2uoH pun leq.8uegg ueaMaaq lino 3o }zod e ss allasyit 2u;;;;Ino .sq 'paqutin sdltsuzea}g al;lord uaipnusp sq} 'pap() aq} c Iiso ;o s}aod ;o guaw -a2us.izsaz quaoa.x u og 2:uploopy 1sT n .L uoraednnao .1.03 Apes.; act emat aaagq }sal; aq,I, •sta}oq paspuras usgg sagsa aamol .15330 o; £usdunoa aqq orcin -ua IIIM aounua}utstu pus uolgonz;s -two ;o ;Soo Mo- •,SEMltsu of;coca uslpeuep eq} &q o;asau0 ;o sgola1stp spooM ay). 3o able- pea Seg uoBldiN 'aanlg touaz,I aq} u; gpnq aq og was 'sa;Koou uelpnunD aq; ur pa}szedo, ail? se ;tans 'sdurso mote2ung pizom atq u; urea}. aauesstp 8uoi gsaut; ago Si s;go 'aauetuzo;aad aunt uo '4Irep„ aetit2ea sal pus sauauigutod -du rsnotanxnl pus queurdlnba Tian lie aq; 2urtapisuop •znoq auo uMop ;no uasq stir `tgcZ ./slit .8tipuaurtuoa zannoausA pus o}uoaol .'Ira :now uaan4gaq a}szado lira toltM 'pall -urn npaus0-surae. aq} ;o ainpatas 2utuunz atg 4114} paounouuu sl gI •spunod 000`oak`8 azaM aaignq unipuus;J ;o sozodxa tu;o; sty •pusruaz Maht tzzoz; spunod 000`%93'g pun nuszgsny tuoz; spunod 000`L63 'salalS Pa}tun at} 11104. zalinq 3o ..punod 000`29£`1 pa}.oduzr npsusp 'zsaS rung ;slat atiq ui •pantrls uasq anst sazouf 000`06 gnogrl alsp o} pus 'purl :o rowan 000'09 2utsraduzoa 'paatugs e.tata stump Ogg laagoloo Tx' •reef qugq 3o gaaelll ur us2aq saogoadsoad 3o tisna a Inca `Z36'I ut .lata satgunoo oral esatfg ur paaanooslp sun& plop IcipIgl% pun .8up1e3isruuay ;o salqurioo aq} ur sdtusa Za;ului-atom Jo ,.uauxdotat -ap aq; gnoge :durzq o} pacoadxa st t purr 2upns lin; ur sr tram Piot -nal; otzsau0 uaag4aoN ata:.. oq grip ,STurstu 'guao rad 8I'•ZL 2u; -aq suzr;;tuaad o; sassol item '.fia,zaan. • -as ;sow para;;ns saTutdutoo tstq.laa lac: ',9.89 SUM- stunrutazd o} sassol 30 oral .1 all 'TR; urgl asout to; aso& snot;snslp. ;sour aq} 336T .4^4 saritt:dutoa aauz.znsttr est 1 Woodham Woodham Methodist ;parsonage was the scene of a quiet but pretty 'wed'- dams on. Wednesday, April 4, when prec ation .of the services, of Mr„ Shit- Catherine hitCatherine Riau, daughter off Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Rhin of Woodham, was married to Elsner M. Rea of 13lanshard, Rev. D. D. Thompson - performed th.e. ceremo-ny. The bride was smart- ly attired in a tsutiltt ,,al£, ;inpvy tricotine, ;with bat to match„ a mink choker and corsage bouquet of violets, Mr. andMrs, Rea will reside on the groom's farm, East tat 11iit;cbelll Road, B1ansb- ard. Clandeboye ;Death of ,,Mrs, Hoitstan—Mrs. Eliza- beth, Hutson, 77 years., of age, died (wit the; home of her daughter, Masa. Wirt: Thompson, 'Biddulph. The funeral took place fram•,there to Carlyle. cem- etery on Friday. Mrs. Hatso,nl was the .wi'd'ow of the late John Ifo'tson and was predeceased by, her only son, Jer- ry, who. died some years ago. She is survived by five daughters, Mrs. E. Conroy, Cleveland; Mrs, Wm. Thomp- son, Biddulph; Mrs, Hiram Thompson; Mrs, John. Morgan and Mrs. Guy Har- risron, all of McGi;'r;ivray, '7:UCI(ERSIIITH.—D'Ir, and Mrs, T. G. Shilling7;anv of 'this township, was the scene of a happy gathering on Monday evening, April 10, when about 50 people belonging to School Section oy N. 9, assembled to show their ap- pr-ecia'ticn of the services of Mr, Sh' linglaw, who is re!t tiing from the [ea nig profession, after 32 years service, J. .Elgie read an address. and J. More and Roland Kennedy, an behalf pf the section, prestenited Mr. Shllinglaw }vith a handsome easy, chair and a fountain pen. Mr. Shillitngla,w made, an appropriate reply. A pleasant social evening followed. Prior to their departure for Detroit .Mr. and M. Jas. Fiannlery of this township were pre -slanted by, the menn- bersl of the Maple, Leaf C;lun w1_h tin address, a pair of m'tf a'ry brushes and a cut glass dish as a token of esteem. SE%ORTH—The home of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Grurmett was the scene of a happy event on April 4, when their daughter, Elizabeth Beatrice, be- came the bride of Samu=i Stprey of VcKillop,—There passed away onAp- pril 4, Mrs, Mary. Scott McIntyre, ane of the oldest. residents of Seaftaah, aged 87 years. For the past 17 years deceased has been an neat;i:t as the result of a paralytic stroke. Her hus- band, the late Donald McIntyre, clued about ten years ago, PARKHILL—The marriage wast quietly slolemnized at First Presbyter- ians Church, April 4, v' f Mss Georg',na Waltson, daughter of Jahn Watson, of Nairn, and Hugh Rosa of Parkbill— A. Reputaton-- for tinvariing unvaryingQuality is the G t • Greatest iiia ®i" stx�a.ctxIi on 11 44$ has given Matchless Quality for 81 Years. So Delicious i Just Try It. �E=xx a; xESEEs1 s=3= s. --=-- -s -...sEsEEZ s=iso:: s K Es �;=s r�;a a: -�" :.,% .= ; " '+a"'-=:." zEx=z - SE ?s- ei IA .-x: ? ,4 a3"-x•:Y?'' eels Clean Garments or Materials cleansed with SURPRISE feel Soft and = s1 well washed ; and carry the truly = s clean odor so pleasing to the lg.,- House-keeper. aE ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I:E:=2::'41=°1:Ek. Esa*24:111.77::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: W3D::=_ spat =_ x; .--i=-.._ --:ter-- -_ ass?� _E�=ss s=s3ss The death occurred on Apr'. 1st 'of Thenphilus Whiteside at thn home of his; daughter, Mrs. Wm. She:-r(td De - eased who was in his 84elf near, was u Ina:tive of Ireland• He, came tb Can- ada in 1867 and lived at Sylvan and P:iaeh;ll for a few years. Later iia~ bought a farm at Corbett n•ha-e he laved until 1.3 years ago, when h•t sold it and came to- Parkhill to 'live. Nn 'I#E�REfOtl.�� J!I!iIi111111i dIIIV 7 IiiI!IIIsu,! 4 uliiiiliii LP ER Okla Way diLC01Qt6ng PIO li\TO feature of the home's interior is N so important as its Wall Paper. What warmth of color and richness of texture a good Wall Paper adds to a room. What a fresh, cheerful' appear, ance you can give your whole house by re -decorating with the right patterns. Our - collection of BOXER PAT- TERNS provides a liberal assortment of an that is recognised by the best author- ities on home decorating --a profusion of, colorings from which to select, tli'e Most desirable papers for your home. They are 2,%" z inches wider than the old type of wall paper—hence fewer rolls are needed for a room. The important feat- ure of this greater width is that it permits of more beautiful designs. Also it is easier to hang, and by lessening the number of scams, makea a more attractive appearance. BUY NOW WHILE STOCK IS COMPLETE SOUTHOOTT BROS. B2 :1 Sin-aa,,i