The Exeter Advocate, 1923-4-12, Page 1THIRTY-FIFTIi YEAR,. moi=- mini..01101.01,,.4. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY APR. 12, 1923 Our Corner Labor'' saving devices, have enabled us' to da almost ,everything easier ex- cept rest. Lots of people -think that ambition is selecting a (soft spot and sitting dawn to wish for fame. ‘A conservative .estimate says that tui the last twenty-five years fully a half million of dollar has gone ;out of Exeter and vicinity an wild 'eat it>,ves'tmeats. Those :entitled to a:.vote at the coming proviacial relectxon include ev- eryone over 21 )nears,' of age, male .or female, wile are - British subjects and have lived in Onitario nine montiha prior to March„ 1923. DR. JOHN WARD CHIROPRACTOR & OPTOMETR1aT HAS MOVED TO MAIN STREET, SOUTH of Y.P,C,A, EXETER Phone 70. PHONE 81 W. The erg's Store Spring Suits at $18.00 up SHE WILL BE PLI,ASED to see you when you call in theNew Spring Suit we have j ust made for you. Because it will fit you perfectly: It will be in the latest style and made from, the . best fablriic,a obtainable. You can have all this for very little money if you make us your tailor. We have all kinds of Mien's Furnishings -Hats, Caps, Ties Shirts, Collars, ,Braces Sox, Gloves, Ready-to-wear Suits, and . Overc' ts. d m'a o Tai.lk rhi.s he r AGENTS FOR "THE HOUSE OF HOBBERLIN" fro the ?farhers and all those inter- ested in Poultry Rasfityg� I have to offer again a:' full lime of thy old 're- liable Daniel's I -lot Water Sett R'eg- ulatimg Incubators, made in Canada, priced as follows, - 65 egg `capacity --$16.00' `t 120 egg capacity $28.00 250 -egg opacity $45:00 6 egg pacijY $1.10,00 Brooders tram ,$7.50 up, R. B. QUANCE,. Gilbey : St.,; Exeter, Vehicles ,are .much like oven; they USEORNE COUNCI make faster headway on, 'the level. The way;tla become a leader is to find a grievance and weep abona't it loudly and publicly. ,. It� is easy tla teach a small son lnot to, lie iif. you are. careful foot; to let hint catch you in yours. A. (woman's idea of mean •t•empera- ture: is ane that po.stpones the wear- ing of her new sprung suit, A wagonis guided, by a tongue out in front; an auto, is frequently guided by '°a 'tongue in : the back set. 1?illion-year old, skull found in, Pate - gonia ,is petrified and solid. How lit- tle inan has changed;ian all these years. If she we!vr, a seven and lrequirles a ,17 ]n.st, about the only thing ?,the poor salesman can dais brag about'her instep.. Advices from Cochrane say that there are now 615 cases of :typhoid fever in that town, representing one- fifth of the popula(taon. There have been 19 deaths, Woodman, spare that tree, used to, be a well known refrain. N owadays. to it the would add -Teamster, spare that Lawn. It takes many' -years. 410 make a good lawn„ but a careless tteams(tier can spoil ,it in five n:ntnutes, For some time now the Town, ball 'has been rung fully ten. minutes ahead of raiilway time. Why can't we have the.: correct time? There .s atlways'the means of getting it. It is : confusing to( have two kiinlds. of time in, town. A bill (before the Ontart'1a Legisla- ture. proposes to do away with. dep- uty reeves attending county councils. Under the new legislation however Ott pnopased to give the reeves voting Powers in proportion to the papula- tion of their respecitive munirl',palitiies, The anlmoulncemea>:t that Dominion revenue totalled practically 400 na- tions for the fiscal year wia.s the most iimpnrta,nt new' bast week from Otta- wa, :the figures bebnconsiderably greater ten, Mr. Fielding eis(tihnatedi in his budget speech, last year. Large as is the amount, however, let nobody imagine -that we are, about to pay (off any part of the taationtal debt:, ,M.«, Fielding may have a surplus ,over ord- in,ary ,expend?:ture, but after accau t taken of the 75 Millions 'that are required for national ownership. the national debt, instead of being lower- ed., wall be some 30 or .40 inhfilibns greater than, before. In other words rives are goitrug'to rule behind tbits. yaear just as, we have 'been running behind every year Sti(ilcta the armistice\ was signed, The British Government dtespi,Qe Colossal com:Atm:eats, may pay oft half a billion dollars of -its `public debt brut' (the kind of economy that made that possible inn Bajita(ii has not been practiced in. Ottawa. 11- Set. We are r.eady`ta repair any make of CAR., TRUCI{, TRACTOR, Oor . .GASOLINE ENGINE. We Specialize oar: tali, • ELECTRICAL END of The Usborne Council met in their monthly meeting at the Township Hall, on Saturday, ,April filth, 1923. All the members.were present. Min utes of meeting of Mar. 10th, read and approved on motion of Hanna— Ballantyne. Correspondenee, re Township En- gineer. Stewart, no seconder, That the Township Engineer be changed for 1923 and that T. R. Patterson be appointed by By-law, Ballantyne—Stewart: Amendment that in the event of a Drainage Scheme being petitioned for, that the owners of lands interested may have their choice of John Roger, O. L. S., or any other engineer that the coun- cil shall name to survey and lay out the same. Amendment carried. Re NorthernOntario fire relief. Ballantyne—Stewart: ,That a grant of $100 be made.—Carried. Letter from S. N. Shier,'' reel price of.. gravel, filed until May 5th; Mes- srs. O'Brien and Mitchell—A depu- tation, re grant to Kirkton Public Library. Stewart—Skinner: That a grant of $25 be made.—CarriedI Skinner= --Stewart: That the ]reeve and Treasurer be authorized to bor- row from the Molsons Bank, Exeter, such money as maybe required from time to tini,e to meet current expens- es.—Carried. Skinner—Ballantyne: That Sam'l Brock be appointed a member of the Boad of Health in place of ,Tao. Del- bridge, deceased.—Carried. Hannah—Stewart: That the fol- lowing bills be passed and orders is- sued for the payment of same, viz: Wilson Morley, snow" plowing, S.E.B. $4.00; John Shute, snow work, Con. 14, $10.00; ,Arthur Campbell and others, snow work, Con. 10, 3.13; Treas. Blan. Tp., work S. E. ,B. for 1922, our share, $938; Dominion Road Machinery Co. 3 hand scrapers @ $11.50 each and Sales Tax, $36- 0 3; 36-03; D. A. Cameron, grant Nor. Ont. fire relief, $100.—Carried. The Township Road Supt. being present, he was instructed to have the township roads put in shape with the grader as soon as practicable. and instructions given him as to work to be undertaken. Council adjourned to meet Satur- day, May 5th, at 1 o'clock. -- Henry Strang, Clerk. STEPHEN COUNCIL The council of the Township of Stephen convened in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Tuesday April 3rd 1923 at 1 p.m. All members were Pres= ent. The ?minutes of the previous meeting were adopted.. Hayes -Snell, That Joseph Hoist is hereby appointed to act as fore- man,eandoverseer for the • purpose of completing that portion of the Vic- toria St. Drain in Crediton, which is to be made of 12 in. field file from stake 2§ to the outlet with power to employ •men and otherwise perform such acts and work as may be neces- sary to complete the same, according to plans and specifications and in the meantime` the Reeve is herby author- ized to procure the necessary field tile which may be required to com- plete:• said drain. Carried. Snell—Penhale, That •concessions 16 and tarbe added to Mathew Sweit zer's ''division as cow tag inspector and taken toff the western division allotted to Robert Carruthers. Car- ried. Snell—Hayes, That the communi- his week, cation from Hays & Hays re T. R. Patterson's witness fees bellied and no action taken in'^the matter. Car- ried. It was resolved that the scale of wages for, the year 1923 be as fol- -lows: $2 per man and $4.50 for nian and team per diem. The following orders weie passed: Andrew Porter, Excise Li ense, $2; Hydro Electric- Power Commission, 3 month's aec't $16.59; C. N. Ex- press Co. acc't 60c; Noah Gratton, refund statute -labor, Rd. No. 7, $9; avid are Exliei-tis loin STORAGE BATTERIES. All work gnatatn:teed right. Chambers Bross FORD SERVICE GARAGE. Foote & Pohiell GARAGE Hiving taken over the Sanders Garage 'tan James Street, we are pre, pared 'oto give you service ,at '-easosn- able 'rates;, and on shortest notice. EXPEI2;T. RIePAIRING ON ALL KINDS OF, CARS AND TRACTORS: GASOLINE• AND OIL -FOR. SALE, k tt V'AlR. GIVE US A, TRIAL, ameseSt., Exeter Augustus Latta, refund statute lab- or Rd. No. 10, $6; ,Dr. • Graham, acc't -re Bestow, $13.50; Mrs. Ed. Knight acc't re Bestow, $5. 0. The council adjourned' to meet 'in the' Town_ Hall, Crediton, on May 7th next at 1 p.m.. Henry Eilber,,Clerk. Dashwood ;Ars. Den;ehey and sonn, John, of Chicago, are visiting Mr. ^and Mrs. - J. K. Goetz. t . Miss Rose Guenther of London its visiting with her parents. Mfrs. S. J. Mama s to,f London ,spent a i w days this ' week with Mr. and Mas, 1. G. Kraft:- M]ss Marjorie Jennison, of Grand Rend spent a few days with ffrilereds in ' town. Our Barad made, its( first ,vpp;arancej en Tuetsdray'_ev!enlnig hast, serenatd'ng Mr, and Mrs, Addison T;ieman, on their` return from 'drier honeymoon • We mustctom,gmaitunratte the boys on the splendid; progress they are making. Mi. Andrew Musse rot London is spending a few weeks at his honaehere School Report EXETER PUBLIC SCHOOL R00111 4. This report was ready for " "rest week, but the messenger, to whom it was ,anfrulhted, failed 6oi deliver it in time. Please mote that "x"' stands . for once or more examinations missed. Sr. 3rd, Honors, Roy Batten, 86; pass, Baden. Powell 74, Jennie Passmore 72x Kathleen, Reid 72; Wilanai Kay 71, Al- vin Pacsssncore . 66, Stanley Walters 64, Willie Sanders 6.3x, Madeline ' Dearia- 60x, Georgina Nelson 60x, George Web ster 51.4, Gralda Wells 50x, Tom Kay 45x, Hilton Laing 44x, Winnie Bishop 44x, Grace Chambers 43x, Myrtle Beavers 36x Jr. 3rd -Honor; 75; Pass, Russell Snell 69, 'Gladys Humkim 66, Russell Ooilingwood 66, Willa Batlkwiii 65, Mary Wells 64., Violet Gambrill 61x, Clifford Lamport 57x, Roy Sanders 57, Clarence Boyle 56x, Harold Macdon- ald 54x, Charlie Ladder 54; Willie Ellcr,ngton SOx, Dorothy Dinney 48x Orval Beaver 47; Rosie Jennings 44x; Geraldine Burke 40; Jean Walper 39x Nelson Wells 37x, Laura Litte, 34x Lillian Payne 31; Verne Br_macombe 31x, George Andrew 27x. No. on roll 40, average 34. Jean S. Murray, teacher. ROOM II. - Omitted from Report last week. Promoted from Sr,. I, to Jr. II,- Honars, Lois McDonald 79, Marguer- ite Cann 77, Marjorie Complies 75, Pass, Allan Quince. 74', Mervyn Sims 70,-N, Medd, teacher, - Crediton BATTERIES CHARGhD.-I have installed a Battery Charging outfit. Bring in your battery and let us]ook after it for you. Satisfaction guaran eed,-F. W. CLARK. ,The; meeting of the Crediton A.. A. 44. held in the town, hall on Aprjl 5th was well attended, H. K, Saber +»c ,c:upying the chaff. The following of- fic•ers were elected,=Chairman, Dr Orme; Vice chac'rman, H. K. Eilber; Secretary, G, W. Swertzer; Treasurer Mose Foist;. member to rtepreseni the C,A,A.A. ,an athletic fiolkl, Ezra Oes- treicher. ' It was also decided tahold the annual celebration on May 24th and the different coma illtees select- ed. A dtscussian was also held on the p'nobability of a skating rink and. a liotvi jig ,green; and these anatiter,s were left to a committee to bringlb:e- tore the Trustee Board of the Ath- letic Field. , Stirs Julia , Heist w th her friend left Monday to resume her duties at Preston. ,Y,fr, Walter Hauch returned to Col- lege at Waterloo on Thursday last, lass Trellis Hodg>uns has returned to, her duties in London, Miss Leona Fi,nkbeiner returned to- Mimico. after v siting Mr. and Mrs, J. F. Smith and family. lir• H. K. Eilber was 3m London 4on business Saturday, Me, Irwin Falmer returned to his p.asitian in Torointo last week, Mr. Simon Morlack has moved onto farm purchased from air. Matt. Eng- land. 1•ir. Lloyd England has moved into the dwelling, formerly occupied by Mr. Simon. Morlock. ' Mr. Wm. Watson has disposed of his brick and tile yard to i,Ir. Aaron Wein We wish, Mr. Weitn, the best .of suc- cess. Everything is setting rounded ,into serape foe the Conffrenenise ,to start on the eventing of April 17. :T1rs Choral Society, under the leadership of Prof . A,nderton, will render a pr's. gram. Rev. Kellerman of Chesley will deliver an. address. We .exptect a record crowd in, town. that week. Miss Lydia Oestreicher has return- ed to Collingwood to resume her du- ti2es as teacher in the Public School. Centralia 14rs. Bent. Stetted visited her bro- thers, Messrs.-;Willer•t Brothers during the week, .. Mrs, Wilson ' A nde2.son amid Mrs. Chas. Isaac :returned Thursday from visiting reiatives .and friends zr Len - 6 Local News •Mr. H. W. Doerr attended the Hy- dro Salesman's meeting in Lorene this Week. \BIRTHS Sims -At ;Grand Bend, ,o,n April 5, to Mr, and Mrs. John Sims, twins, twos daughters. . • Mason. -At Grand Bend, on March 30 to Mr, arid Mrs, Mansel \iasoq,, a MARRIAGES Gunning -Kirk -At Kirkton,: on Aprli. 11, ;Mr. Melville Gunning tat Whalen to Miss Myrtle, KJrk, daughtter Iof Kirk. 'of Kirkton. !i oks-Elliett=At Whalen, an April 4, Mr, William- Brooks to I4Irs.. El- liegti of Lucan. • DEATHS Wend. -In Ustbiocne, oar. April, 8, Mar- garet A. Brd:vn1eq, wife of Daniel • Wood in, her' 65th year. Breen--A',t the home of her daugIht:er, Mus A. Heenan, Lucan• oat April 6: Hss:-tera, widow of the late, Patrick 13reem:, aged 79.,years. 1 SANDER & CREECH Seeds for Sale We have a Large Stock of Specially Selected FheId Seeds of hubh Ger:. minatinn and Government Standard Quality for Sale. OUR. S''''OCK CO`iSfS'r.‘; AS FOLLOWS- . NNr. 1 Rea Clover, ' Alsike, White and Yellow Bloasoon•Sweet Clover; Hu.ban . Annual Sweet Clover, Alsik. - and Timothy Mixed, Kentucky Blue and Orchard Grass Ontario Grown. and Imp, Timothy Seca' Millett, Seed Beans, Seed Corn, Sorghum, Mangel and Turnip Seed. Lawn Grass and Garden Seeds Etc. We have a limited quant]ty�af.Ontario. Grown.. Variegated Alfalfa. Seed No. 1, Purity Test: This is one of the most hardy varieties, and is part of the production of a field that has :grown; seed for ten Consecutive years. This leaves it thoroughly cl]ma'tized, Anyone imteandi;ng to sow a field of Ibis variety should place their ender,early. - . xp . t'. :#' We have also a stock of American Grown Alfalfa, a hardy variety that' inprevious years has, proven successful here. Our price $15.00 per bus. WE are buyers of Bean's,•Clovter and TMsothy Seed, Dutch SettS, and' all kinds of Farm Products at the',H;;hest Market Prices. We; have a large stack of Spring Merchandise, For Quality, Style'. and Prices .our values cannot be beaten. A real good selection in all lines'. C. Z WICKER, General Merchant, Crediton. A CALL SOLICITED, THE STORE WITH THE LARGE STOCK Donsell NOTORCAR. , THE POPULAR. CAR QF EXETER. PR10ES INCLUDING FREIGHT ANI) TAX TOURING, wood wheels, ..., , ROADSTER, wood wheels,... BUSINESS COUPE, two passenger BUSINESS SEDAN, five passenger Ali passenger cars are. equipped with Bumper LAST,' YEAR. F. O. B,, EXETER, $13 95 $1365 $1565 .$1885 and spare Cord tire. SOME GOOD USED CARS. C. C Pilon, Dealer, Exeter OUR MOTTO - EVERY OWNER. A SATISFIED CUSTOMER. To the Motoring Pubiic! tt .i .i !Er For the ,nest TWO WEEKS, owing to receiving the Distributorship of Automobile Tres and Batteries, we are able to offer the following prices 30x3; Fabric, 5000 mile. tire, noneskiel tread $11,50 30x334 Cord, 8000 mile tire, non-skid tread ,$14;50 Other miles at proportionate ,prices. As a premium with every tire we will gii'e FREE Af Na. i tube, BATTERIES -6-8 volt Battery at $19, with a full two-year guarantee. ALSO DURA -NT AND STAR. CARS. Thorn Baker, Dealer, Exeter PHONE 16 PHONE 16 -BUY That COAT, SUIT or WRAP THIS WEEK.. • .1$ We invite you to inspect our display while the ranfte, is com- plete. Our stock offers a choice between Tailored Suits, Sport Coats, Burberry Style Coats, Wraps with the new Scarf Cellars, Duvetyne, Wraps- and Tailored Capes. Pure Woollen cloths and: guaranteed linings insure satisfac'trory:.service. • Prices range from $12r50 up . Spring Gloves Spring -Hosiery Just arrived -Pure si,k gloves with long cuffs, also a complete range • of silk and charnais•ette gloves an the popular, shades, We Stylish Stockings hi, the rib- bed and clocked effects. Black and Beige are, the popular col- orS, and we have, both the pure sill% and the silk and • liste sell the "Kayser" dove wh'tibli weights. Ask to sec our special is guaranteed .satisfac'tpry,.• clocked stocking at 75c. per pair Fast G,oior GINGHAMS, 32. in. wide; real value at 35c, per yd. ENGLISH GINGHAMS, small c Necks in all colors, spec, 28c. yd. RIC RAC: BRAID, white or colors, by the yd, 3c., er 9,.for 25c, :Boys' Sweaters for One Dollar 'Pure, Cashmere wool sweaters in the Spring .and :Summer weight: Pull -over styles an good color combinations. These were bought to sell ac` $2.50 and $3.00. • Sines, 24 to 32, YourChoice for $11,00 Are You Paying Too Much for Groceries ? Royal Yeast .,.5c. Seedless Raisins',. ... 15c. lb. Cascade ,Salmon ... 10c. tin 6• Asa. ,Oattineal 25c. ChrWtie's Sodas . 15c. 1b. Las'g.e Blattle Vanilua — Lux , 11c Ammonia 3 pkts 2.1ct 13moms, 4 string ,. 55c. 75c. Salads Ten ........: .. 65c Our Special Tea -............ - 55c - 8 oz. -= for Z2c. J. A. STEWART