The Exeter Advocate, 1923-4-5, Page 3THE TON THAT GIVES STRENGTH Now is the Time to Invigorate Your System and Throw Off Winter's .Ills. An unusually try iug winter is almost over, • but the spring will end many 'crease strength has been seeped, .and systems undermined by winter colds, influenza, pnenrnon•ie or close confine- ment indoors. Recovery from this con- diti.= is often slow, but it can be has- tened by the use of a true tonic medi- .cine, Strength and energy can be re- stored, the stomach toned up, head- aches banished and nervousness aver - come through a fair use of Dr, Wil- liams' Pink Pills. These pills have a direct action on the blood, enriching and purifying it, thus bringing new strength to every organ and nerve in the body. In this way this medicine has brought new Health to tih,ousands of weak and despondent people. Anrang those who awe their present health to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is Mrs. Clarence E. Misner, Chipman's Brook, N.S., who says:—"I bad a very severe attack of influenza, but after the characteristic symptom of that trouble had passed, I was left in a very weak and depressed condition. I could not keep on my feet for half an hour at a time, and words can scarcely tell how badly I did! feel. I had been tak- ing the medicine my doctor gave me, but it was not helping me, and as I had used Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills on a former occasion with great benefit I decided to try them again. •I got half a dozen boxes, and soon after begin- ning their use I could feel my strength returning. By the time I had used up my supply of pills, my old-time strength had come back, I could do mY housework and keep an my feet all day without feeling used up as form- erly. I feel that these pills have been worth their weight in gold to lite, and I strongly recommend them to other weak, run down people." • You can get these pills through any dealer in inedicine or by mail, post- paid, at 50c a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont. , Failure may be quite as important as success in character -malting. Minard's Liniment used by Physicians. There is one attempt in which fail- ure is unforgivable—the attempt to be funny. Compelled Belief. 'So. beautiful and charming a girl as you should belil•eve I am telling the truth ! " "I believe every word." April Promise. April, you've a comely name, What may be its root? • Latin smooth as cherry bark .Must have borne such fruit. Who'd have thought "aperio" Gave the sweet degree? Open windows, open brooks, Are its prophecy. Open eyes to loveliness Of the bridal spring, In a midet of emerald Shyly burgeoning. Open souls to greet the gifts Of a heavenly hand, Pouring glories without stint O'er a radiant land. Open bird throats, rending buds, Add their jocund share; With such lures the open sloughs We can surely dare; Unafraid of sucking bogs In the woodland lanes, Tramp we home with mired feet, Proud of our campaigns. "April, April," how it lilts With the bubbling stream! "April, April," thrushes call Through the shower and gleam. Winter, then, our open hearts Shall no more annoy; They shall greet the April dawn With an answering joy, —Eliot White. Fiction as she is wrote—"She gave him a black look and he turned white." Surnames and Their Origin DENTON Variation—Dinton.. Racial Origin—English. Source—A place name. You might suspect from the ending of this family name that it had been originally the name of a place, used first to indicate the place of residence of some early bearer. And so it was. "Ts" is a better Word, for the town from which this name came in the vast majority of instances, so far as the available records indi- caite•, is still in existence. Denton is the name of a place in the county of Buckingham, England. The manner by which the commu- nity got its name. is a simple one. "Den," in the speech of the Anglo- Saxon, had a slightly different mean- ing from that which now is conuuoniy ascribed to It. In the days. before the coming of the Normans it indicated a depressed section of ground or valley: Naturally, such places were likely to be wooded and to become the refuge of animals; hence the modern frequent figurative meaning of the word. Den- ton simply meant the "town in the val- ley," FARNHAM Variations—Farnum, Farnam. Racial Origin—English. Isere is another family name which is simply the development of a sur- name indicating originally that the person bearing it had come from the place referred to. The place name, like the surname, 1s spelled Farnham, and it is located in Surrey, England. The name ratter clearly reveals the method by which it originated, and the fact that it is a combination of purely Anglo-Saxon words. The latter fact indicates, aside from historical re- cord, that it was an established com- munity before the coming to England of William the Conqueror and his Nor- man hosts. "Fearn" in the speech of the Anglo- Saxons moans "fern," being in fact the parent word of oar modern English word "ham," as has been explained in other articles of thls series!, is an ele- ment frequently found in English place names, indicating a village, a word which is obsolete in the language to -day except in the form of one of its diminutives, "hamlet." Farnham, .there- fore, bears literally the poetic name of "the village of ferns.' Your Job Is Your Key. "I will never get ahead here. There is nobody here that cares a continent- al whether I get on or not. It doesnyt make any difference how hard I work or how I do my work, nobody pays any attention." Now, I often hear remarks like that. Employees say, "What's the use'1 I don't propose to wear my life out for nothing. I am just going to do enough to draw my salary. I will look for. something better." 1Vly friend, do you realize that that. something better waiting for you de- pends on how well you can do your work where you are right now? Your present job is the key that will open the door to the place above you, and the door is not likely to open until you open it. Sticcess doors don't open themselves. They don't open very easily.—O. S. Marden. HAPPY MOTHER - PRAISES TANLAC SPRING WEATHER HARD ON BABY • The Canadian Spring weather—one day mild and bright; the next raw and blustery, is extremely hard on the baby. Canditio•ns are such that the mother cannot take the little oiee out far the fresh air so touch to be de- sired. 1Ie is confined to the house, which is often over -heated and badly ventilated. • I3e catches calci; his little stomaeh and bowels become dis- ordered, and the mother soon has a sick baby to look after. To prevent this an occasional dose of Baby's Own Tablets should be given, They • regu- late the stomach and bowels, thus pre- venting or relieving colds, simple fevers, colic or any other of the many minor ills of childhood. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by maid at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. Owing to lack of fuel and capital, 20,000 miles of railway under the Russian Soviet has been closed. MONEY ORDERS. It is always safe to send a Dominion Express Money Order. Five Dollars costs three cents. r1 The highest trees have the most pointed leaves. Minard's Liniment for safe everywhere Forest Fires. The season of forest fire danger is approaching and the forest services, federal and provincial, and forest pro- tective associations, are making pre- parations to combat this great de- stroyer of forest wealth. Everything that modern science has devised will be used in the campaign—patrols, lookout stations, telephones, 'tele- graphs and heliographs, , portable pumps, gasoline trucks, power boats, railway speeders, and aeroplanes. These are all valuable aids; but the great engine for fighting forest fires is public opinion. Nearly all forest fires are caused by human carelessness, therefore when public opinion sets itself solidly against this carelessness, and holds it to be a crime against the nation, a large part of the cause of fires will disappear. Patriotic citizens can do a great service for Canada by being scrupulously careful with their own use of fire when in the woods and by helping to build up, whether they live in the city or the country, a body of public opinion about fires which will deter the careless and strengthen the hands of those who protect the forests. In proportion to its size a fly walks thirty-five times as fast as a human being. The Arctic Ocean is said to be get- ting warmer, with the result that ice- bergs are getting scarcer and herrings are being found in the oldseal-fishing grounds. 10, 4.00 OST. It's a az hi hw The way to satisfaction, comfort and health through Instant Postum, has become a world-wide way. This famous table beverage which has stood the test of twenty five years, fills every .requirement of taste for a hot and invigorating mealtime drink. Unlike- tea or coffee, Instant Postum A GEVEF•A�E deof different parts of.YJha .mall partmn of Moiasss,rr s(um Ceraal &n pori �4 li MmtC- pe[n,N�iex.US.A " ¢ y N[t KialT fOUR OUNCCS It l�(,i1�11 contains nothing that can irritate nerves or disturb digestion. Even the children may safely enjoy it. WouIdn't it be well for you to avoid the harm which so many have found in tea and coffee? . You can protect healthwhile pleasir gtaste,wit h whole- some, satisfying Instant Postum.- 4 t your Grocer's in sealed, air -tight tins nstant FostumFOR H EA LTH A generous sample tin of Instant Postum "There's ff sent, poei paint, for 4c in stamps. Write, a Reason'! Canadian Postutn Cereal Co., Llrnited, 45` Front St:, E., Toronto. -Factory:' W'Windsor,:Oritario Mrs. Cooper Declares It Re- stored Health of Delicate Daughter—Gained 11 Pounds. "Six months ago Ta,alac brought ro- bust health to my daughter Stella, who is seventeen, and I wish i could tell every moiler what a wonderful treat= Meat it is," deolared Mrs. Lillian Cooper, 24 Saulter St., Toronto, Ont. "Two years ago Stella began losing ground. Her cheeps faded, she was dreadfully run-down, and so thin she was just a frame. Her nerves were so excited I feared I would have to take her out of school,' tor while doing her lessons she could hardly keep still and at times couldn't write at all. Her appetite was so poor she scarcely ate enough to sustain life, and her sleep was so restless she was always tired and worn cut. "I Less the day I bought the first bottle of Taniac. My daughter has gained eleven pounds, eats heartildy, sleeps soundly, and her studies are like play. The Tan?ac treatrtent Is grand, and I believe it slhiould be in every home," Taniac is for sale by all good drug- gists. Over 35 million battles sold, q�n.+.�aa*�nama� e,.�-uu•�7,nm.q„moY,�, H®W to Purify the Blood "Fifteen to thirty drops of Extract of Root, commonly called Mother Seigel's Curative Syrup, may be ,1, taken in water with meals and at bedtime, for indigestion, consti- pation and bad blood. Persist- ence in this treatment will give permanent relief in nearly every case." Get the genuine at druggists, 50c. and $1.00 bottles. PE.-.evaQ..nua 13...1111....4111....."111•••=4141 C OTHER! MOVE CHIL1YS B "California Fig Syrup" is Child's Best Laxative 1 "Cascareter 1Oc For Sluggish Liver or Constipated Bowels Clean your bowels: I+'eel fine! When you feel sick, dizzy, upset, when your head is dull er aching, or your stomach is sour or gassy, just take the or two Cascerets to relieve constipation, No griping—nicest laxa- tive -cathartic on earti for grown-ups and children. 10c a . box. 'taste like candy. The capital of the Bank of England is $?2,500,000. !Refreshes B�Jrrry Eyes Vihen Your Eyes feel Dull and Heavy, use Murine. It In- ctantly AeltevesthatTiredpeeling -Makes them Clear, Bright and Sparkling- Harmless. Sold and Recommended by All Druggists ore ours Heal Skin Troubles With Cuticura If you are troubled with pimples, blackheads, redness, Toughness, itching and burning, which disfig- ure your complexion and skin, Cuti- cure Soap and . Ointment will do much to help you. Always include the Cuticura Talcum in your toilet preparations. Soap25c. Ointmeat25and50e. Talenm2Se. Sold throughout theDominion. CanadianDepot: Jamana, Limited, 344 St. Pawl St., W.. Montreal. J 0 S"Cuticura Soap shaves without mus. 'Classified Advertisements;' r) .444, I �UQL La rs, t;ix t7Tll vr.: LY carded and fluffy. Entirely fres nom oil or grease. Large sample, enough, nor comforter; one dollar. Woollen c,viis, Georgetown, Ontario. AKE TEN TO THIIRTY 'DOLLARS R daily 1 Y re: pairing^. Tires. Time learn.. ing helps pay for machine,.Write Ander- Son Vulcanizing Co., 657 11"ng West, Toronto, s:e3A3dt cnoV.F,$, I1,'1x.1�I VLOrte8 1'HF. t1ltJdiA! �l annual. Wt'lte; for interegttng 1p� f vxinatiort, 13; Fraser, R it. 3. Ulderton, riot&ria. Anierion'sr Pioneer Dog 2 emedies Book on DOQ DISEASES and Row to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad- dress by the Author. aa, eilayq, Glover pa,. fag 120 West 24th ptre*t New York. U.O.A. Croup Bind the neck with .flannel, saturated with hot Minard's Liniment. It penetrates, it soothes, it relaxes the muscles, clears the passa'es, brings. back easy breathing, Minard's Liniment The Family Medicine Chest. M1720. .4282ffEEMmemel r4+44444.+14�4fMMN'N+t 144*fi4 +4+411'4 INDIGESTION, GAS, UPSET STOMACH Instantly 1 "Pape'sDiapepsin" Corrects Stomach so Meals Digest J4+.,4+++,*++++...+++*+++.....4w+.. The moment you eat a tablet of "Pape's Diapepsin" your indigestion is gone. No more distress from a sour, acid, upset stomach. No flatulence, heartburn, palpitation, ar misery --mak- ing gases. Correct your digestion for a few cents. Each package guaranteed by druggist to overcome stomach trouble. TO EXPECTANT MOTHERS A Letter from Mrs. Smith Tells How Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Helped Her Trenton, Ont.—" I am writing to you in regard to Lydia E. Pinkhani s Vege- table Compound. I would not be with- out it. I have taken it before each of my children was born and afterwards and find it a great help. Before my first baby was born Y had short- ness of' breath and ringing in my ears. Sea ", , A, r 1 11 I felt as if I would ;. never pull through: lr�` ` >: One clay a friend of myltusband told him what the Vegeta- ble Compound had done for his wife and advised him to take a bottle hone for me. After the fourth bottle f was a different woman. I have four children pow, and I always find the Vegetable Compound a great help as it seems to make confinement easier. I recommend it to my friends."— Mrs. FILED . H. SMITH, John St., Trenton, Ont. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound is an excellent medicine for bat- pectant mothers, and should be taken during the entireperiod. It bas a gen- eral effect to strengthen and tone up the entire system, so that it may work in every respect effectually as nature in- tended. Thousands of women testify to this fact. 0 Hurry Mothver! A teaspoonful of "California Fig Syrup" now will thor- oughly clean the little bowels, and in a few hours you have -a well, playful child again. Even if cross, feverish, bilious, constipate:l or full of cold, childrenlove its "fruity" taste, and mothers can rest easy because it never fails to work all the souring food and nasty bile righat out of the stomach and bowels without griping or upset- ting the child. Tell your druggist you want only the genuine "California Fig Syrup" which has directions far babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother, you must say "California," Refuse any imitation. Why Are Negroes BI,l eh? There have been many theories as to why there should be black, white, yellow, and red people in the world. It has even been asserted that Adam was black. The latest theory regarding the color of the skin is that it turns en- tirely upon the question of salt. The writer of an ingenious book brings to- gether a mass of evidence to show that the darker the race the more it lacks salt as an item of diet. It seems that in some parts of Africa salt is such a luxury that the Negroes suck rock salt as we would confectionery. They describe a rich man as one who eats salt with his tneals. The author of the salt theory states that each Briton eats about sixteen pounds of salt every year. In India,' however, salt is taxed, and the aver- age consumption per head may riot be more than three or four pounds. As everybody knows, the natives of India, although they would resent being called "black • men," are certainly not white. It is remarkable how wide Is the difference in complexion, say, between the ' natives of Samoa- and those ` of New Britain. Anthropologists would say they were of different races, and probably they are, but it 'seems. that. "access' to salt" is the cause of the difference between the blacks and the light browns! So scarce is salt in Tahiti. that Cap- tain Cook,:, the great naGigator, de- scribed how salt water was a royal drink, taken with great solemnity, a sip at a time, on ceremonial occasions. The writer finds, however, thea people who live 'near the sea in that part of th.e-:world tend to grow lighter in complexion, ISSUE No. 13—'2 .; or. leu at , . — u kk rdijjl The quickness, the sureness with which Sloan's brings re- lief has made it the standard remedy for rheumatic pain. Apply Sloan's to that sore, stiff joint or aching muscle. The pain that has seemed so unbearable disap- pears With amazing rapidity_ Sloan's breaksup the inflam- mation behind most rheu- matic pain. It goes to the source of the trouble. It. scatters the congestion that causes the pain. Marie rn Canada Sloarg Liniment-kit/span! For rheumatism, bruises, strains, chest colds azzalitansawassasTamaismstsmaatim UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of , Aspirin," which contains directions and dose, worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by inillions .for. Colds Headache Rhel-unatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain - Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets—.Aso bottles of 24. and 10 -----Druggists: Asphin is the trncce nmri•ie uid. Whit 3;'t Canada) no 'n that _11an, rte nuc n° lro wo.. aeetfcaeidcster of Salic}�liraciri. While it is t ell 7cnut�'n tltst t+ tlrtn mcyne lti;er manafp,cture, to assist the 'public against imitattcsis, the Tablets of 't. 5'or 1:om tout? kill be stamped With their genera, t4'ado an auk, the `13ayer urns." i3'