The Exeter Advocate, 1923-3-29, Page 8EXETER AUV[1f;ATE:,..'rHr7;fitB7]AY, 1V AR.,..2J5 Exeter Markets CI 1 4NGED EVERY WEDNESDAY Wheat .......,.. 1.15 Oe- ,..... _.... ... .. ,50 Barley :60 Ma i vba's Best Flour ........e ...... 3,45 Fanny Flour ... 3.70 Pastry Flour 3.50 Feed Flour , 2.00 Brat 1.50 Sheets 1 6 Eggs t ,., 24 7)ae-y Butter ......... 45 to•48 CrE•arrtery Butter Lard I'io'fs 57 17 to 20 9.00 FAP.M TO RENT. 100 acre term, Lott 15, Coin. 2, Ste- phen Townehip, known as the Lea- thern farm, 2 miles from Exeter. A good two-storey frame house, two bank barns well fenced and drained a good spring creek; fine for cattle, For narteat. t s apply to I. R. Carling Soli.':tor, Exeter, or the Canada Trust Company, London. ANNOUNCEMENT. We wish t> announce that we have takee ever the m'nageme.nt, of the card Service 'stataim., rear of Ford Show Rooms., and will be open for business after April 1st, 1923. CHAMBERS BROS, CANNING CORN. , The Exeter Canning Go. is ready to r. ntract wilth fanners to grow cern for this year. We would advise those vv:sh ae te grow corn to get contract ;.n ear'_v a:; aur outside acreage. .will he much sint.ler this seasan. HOGS FOR SALE. -2 Reg. York- shire Boars for sale; 5,months old; Apply at this office. • IVIHOLNI POULTRY FARM. Order y;ue ready-made BarredRock Baby Chick.: now, $16.00 per 100; from L. V. Hogarth, Exeter, On.t. Phone —C,red_t n 18-31. BARN FOR SALE. Good frame barn, 34x50, for sale, on Lot 13, Con, 8, Usborne, Frank Coates, Cent,t'alia P.O WANTED—Local representative, ;in all ' ert.. , f Ontario to. sell direct to the farmer and user, th ORIGINAL BELGIAN MELOTTE, the most re- Iiable and satisfactory, easiest turning and best skimming Cream Sepa;ra'tor in; the world, the most popular mach- ine ever sold In Canada, 1,000,000 ,in tie.? the w }-r..1 over, sold in Canada by us for 30 years; Lister Milking Machines, Laster Farm Engines, Grind- ers and Blower Boxes, Lister Electrc Light_.r;l Paint'.,, all ha beat of their kind—spl.end• opportunity for local machine man -rr farmer's son with good mechanical knowledge and selling abil- ity—rnu.st p,: cess she best of charac- ter, be wen known• in locality, and 'be prepared t + ;1 ive the district continu- ously. A •p en id opeortunity far lien wh un.l.es..tid their jab and are not afraid of work Sa:a-y and commission with good advertising assistance from Head Office given. Apply, statingage references ant full particulars to— R. A. L1S LER & C.O. (Canada) Ltd. 58 Stewart Street, Toronto, WANTED—Experienced and in- experienced .female help for Under- wear OM1, goat[ working conditions and highest wages paid for girls to work on mending, inspecting, power sewing ma_b.ines, winding, etc, Apply Penmans Limited, Mi'1 2, Paris, Ont 6t. hAR\i FOR SALE. 50 acres in Tawn.ship of Hay, being part let ;, con. 4. This is is 'grass farm, into wh'ch a good .spring runs continually. .Apply to John N. Per- kins; Exeter. FOUND.—A place where you can buy British -American gasoline at 33c. —R. Mackenzie & Son, Exeter North GRASS FARM TO RENT. Lot 11, S. B,, Hay, and W. 'half of Con. 6, all in one black; 3% miles west of Exeter North. Terms reasonable. iApply to John Ford, Exeter North, Hay P. O. LET ELLIOTT R JOHNS Know when you want your Suit of Overcoat Cleaned and Pressed, or Dyed or Dry Cleaned and we will call for them and deliver them. We are out for business. When you want a New Suit call in and see our Samples. OUR MOTTO—Service to the Public. Cartage & Livery We have .secured horses for the Wint e- months. TRY US For Weddings, Funerals and Sleighing Parties, Phone 58w RAGSHAW & EASTON NOTICE Day by Day, in Every Wary, wie are trying. to serve- you Better and Better To show our appreicia,tian of the splendid way you: bevel stood by us ,in past years, we are going to 'sell Lour FURNITURE AT BARE LIVING PROFIT FOR CASH during the se -called hard times, Buy here and save money. R N. R.L rR E Conductor: of Funeral Services Phones-Buvirness 20w; Residence 20) 02a LocalDoings To -marrow is Good Friday and a public holiday. Sunday. •next is Eas- ter. Automobiles' have again been in use fair the past week; but traffic n:n the country roads) is not yet good, and few venture far out of town, The mild weather, the, rains and staff of workmen combined efforts to clean up the paved road last.we.ek, and 'its appearance has been much improved. The big steer, Sir Douglas Haig, 'ex- hibited at Exeter Fair, died the other day and the owner had a heavy loss, through failure to renew, the 'insurance policy. lir. Wm, Andrew, after being laid up for ten weeks following his oper- atiren was able to be dawn town last week, and hopes seam to be as well as ever. The week •end was again a stormy one, and several inches of snow fell en Sunday, and since. the weather has been cold Wednesday being exceed- ingly so. • .1. ; ; l Mr, Ed. Willis on Friday morning last in acute manner lost aroll o1 bills, about 570 or $80 and is offer- ing a reward for the, recovery of same Wrapped up in the roll were two receipts, so that the finder should easily recognize whose money it was. To he honest, the finder should re• turn the money at once. NOTED DRIVER DEAD. Daniel \TcEwen, noted driver of har- ness horses, died at his residence, 820 King street, London, on March 22. the result of injuries received a month ago when he was thrown, from a cuttter. He was born in East Williams Town- ship 70 years ago. Mr. McEwen was for many years one of the leading driv- ers in the various circuits, He train- ed and drove The Eel and other •fast horses. Having had the pleasure of seeing exhibit of ladies' dress goods and trim- mings on exhibit at Mrs. Yeas store, we cannot help but pass the word along and press upon every Mrs. and Miss, yes, and even Mr, w'(thin ++taste town and neighborhood, to call and see this beautiful display of new and fashionable goads, They are there in all the colors of the rainbow, and /we feel sure one and all will receive a very .pleasant surprise. HOUSE TO RENT. On William Street, suitable to ac- commodate two families. Apply to Fred Ellerington Exeter. See Also Page Four. COW FOR SALE Good Durham cowe due to freshen now. Apply to John Bell, Sr„ An- drew street, Exeter, Ont. GRASS FARM TO RENT Fifty acres in Township Hay, run- ning water. Apply to Thos. Laing, Exeter. COAL ASHES. Any person wishing coal ashes can have, same by calling; at this office, BABY CHICKS AND EGGS. White and Buff Leghorns, White Wyandottes, Barred Racks, & Ham - burgs, Chicks 16c. each. Garnet Heywood, Exeter SALVATION ARMY SERV ICES Services as usual ,next Sunday. Services in Town Hall 11 am.—Holiness Meeting 7 p.m.—Salvation Meeting. 2,30 p.m. -Sunday School and Bible Claris. Cottage meetings in North End `on Tuesday night - ',T. Hiab'binls; Captaian, Trivitt Memorial Church 11 a.m.—"Daybreak." 7 p.m,—"The Easter Revelation." Holy Communion at 8,30 and 11 o'clock. Rev A. A. Trumper, Rector, HAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, E. A., Minister 10 a. m.—Sunday School and Bible Classes. 11 a.m.—"The Resurrection Morn- ing." The Minister 7. p.m.—"The Power of the Risen Christ in moving the World in Lu- ther's time" The Minister JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J, Wilson, B.A. EASTER BERVICb,S 11 a.m.—"If a man dire shall he Live again." 3 p,m.—Sabbath School—Special East - Lessen and music—Last month- ly M: ssiionary....affering. 7 p.m.—"A Special Easter Song Ser- vice." See program elsewhere. Come and enjoy a hearty sing and bear the Easter .messages. MAIN ST. METHODIST CHURCH Rev Geo. McAlister, M. A. Phone 21r3 11.00—Anniversary W. M. S. Miss Edith Sparling Missionary on fur- lough from China. Easter Thankiafferiing. • 3.00 p.m. —Bible School 7 p.m.—Revs, W. G. H. McAlister AT BETHANY 2,30 p.m.—Anniversary W M, S. Mist Edith Sperling s)m, furlough from China will speak. Mrs. Geo, Will- iams and Mass Essery will sim,g. Mrs, 1D.elvse It confined'ta' her home, through •illness this ween, • vfr, Thpm:as Fittoni i:s ill at -.the. home Pee his daughter, Mrs. W. ' J. Carling. ;Dr. Ratnlsiton is back in iris. Office again, after an absence. of a.fev.;weeks through 511nest, Jr. M51ne - has been elected reeve ref Blyth owing. to the resignation of the former reeve, • • Special ,Easter music is being pre- p reel by• the choirs of the various churches for • Sunday next. The. first pi;osecuti,on in -the Gounty cif Middlesex under the recently -en- forced receipt tax act occurred in Parkhill two days ago, when a' Taranto Man wasfined 510 and costs by (W. W. Logan, jus'tijce; of the peace, far failing to place a stamp on a receipt as required by the act. A very pleasant surprise party took place at the home of Mr. and ,114rsp Richard Hill, Stephen, on Wednesday evening of last week, when n number of their neighbors gathered to cele- brate the former's birthday. A de- lightful time was spenit in, games, af- ter which an impromptu program. was given in which all heartily joined. • Be- fore leaving for borne, lunch was serv- ed and all jailed in wishing Mr. Hiil1 many happy returns a£ his birthday;, ASPHYXIATED. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Triehner and daughter, Miss Mary, had a narrow es- cape with 'their lives. an Wednies•day morning of last week from the effects of asphyxiation: Same time during Tuesday afternoon Mr. Triebner put some damp coal in the stove, and it is su.ppased this sealed over, causing an accumulation of gars, and during the night it got vent and spread through- out the house, Mrs. Triebner was the first to feel the of sects ,af the; fumes, and sought relief by using a headache mixture. It was later dis- covered that all three were suffering and they then thought that it might be gas, and 11Zrs, Triebner was ;able to reach the door and summon •as.sis t- anre, A doctor was at once called and all have since recovered, but had the 'victims continued to slumber much longer the result might have been fatal. ---- DEATH OF HENRY HOOPER. The death occurred In London on Monday of this week o1 a former wall - known resident of Exeter, in the per- son of Mr. Henry Hooper, at. the age .of 70 years, Many years .of his Life were spent in Exeter, during the greater part of which Lime ha wale a clerk is the stores of . the late James Pickard, Samwell & Pickard, and Rich. Pickard & San. Several years ago the family moved to London. Besides his widow, who was Miss Dinah Elston, he is survived by two sons and one daughter—Edward of Winnipeg, Percy and Ruth sof Landon,. also. four broth- ers and one sister,—William and Ed- ward e'f Alma, Michigan.; Albert of Clinton, Ont„ and Adolphus of Lon- don and Mrs. Boslough of Central- ia. The remains were brought tbt Exeter on Wednesday morning and .conveyed to Main Street Methodst Church, where service was held that afternoon, and interment was made in Exeter Cemetery. Pneumoniae, of which he had been in for a week, was the cause of death. Mrs. Forv'ell spent Monlay ia. I.o~don •'drs. N. J. Dore returned last week from a visit im Renfrew. rifr. and Mrs. W; May and son Gor- d,on were in London on Monday, Teddy Taman spent the week ,end in, London with Donald Gladman. Mr. Henry Parsons of Chatham spent a few days in town last week ' with friends. Mr. Tom Carling of London spent Monday with his parents, Mr, and Mrs,, W. •J: Carling. • 4liss Olive Preszcator, after -spend- ing a few days here with her parents, returned to London, Friday. Miss Vina Fisher of Hamilton at- tended the funeral of the late .John D.e;lbridge, an uncle, this week. vfr. and Mrs. James Jewell, after visiting with relatives in Lo, ndon, fez the past fe,iv months, returned home Friday. Mr. Wm, Delbridge was in London several idays with his brother, Mr, John: D.elibridge, who passed away on Suanday, County Clerk Holman of Goderich was here Tuesday attending the fun- eral of the'. late John Delbridge of •Us borne, Mrs. Wilson and children left on Saturday for Hamaitoni to join Mr. Wilson, who baa been transferred to that city, from the Creditor branch of the' Bank of. Commerce. Mrs. Wilson has been. 'visiting with friends here for a few weeks. VOTERS' LIST 1922 MUNICIPALITY OF THE VILL- AGE OF EXETER COUNTY OF HURON Notice is hereby iven that I have transmitted or delivered to the per- sons mentioned in Section 9 of "The Voters' List Act" the cop- ies required by the said sections to be sc transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said act, of all persons appearing by the last revis- ed Assessment Roll of the said,Mun- icipality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Elections Lot members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections. and that Parts I. and 1f. lot' the said ;l.st wag first pouted up inner office alt Exeter on) the llth day, of Auguste 1922, 'and Part III. of the said list was first piosted up in my office at Exeter an March 20th„ 1923, and remains there for your imspe;c(tilonc And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors oromissions correct- ed -according to law. T)ated this 21st day, of March,,, 1923, JOS. SENIOR Clerk of Village of Exeter. It PHONE 32 JONES &iYiAY'S PHONE 3i Easter Wear Apparel Northway Garments Northway Garments Ladies' and Misses' Suits, Coats and Dresses. SMART STYLES REASONABLE PRICES ,PERFECT FITTIING GA1iVIENTS, CALL AND GET A NOR.THWAY STYLE BOOK. Easter Gloves The New Styles in Silk Gloves are here for Eas'tier. ICraysier and Nia- gara iagara Maid Brands, in short, medium and long styles, Easter Hosiery Easter Hosiery in Silk, Lisle, Cottzsr, Silk and Woal Mixed, also Fine Cashmere. New weaves and colorings at popular p,ri'ce;a. New Corset Styles, also Brassieres The New Corsets and Brassieres are ready for the Easter Trade. We sell Nemo, Gossaad, Front Lacing, Crompton's LaGxace; also D, & A. brands We can fit any, style of figure.' Men's Wearing Apparel for Easter New Crepe Ties, Collars, Shirts„ Socks, Gloves Belts, Underwear Suits, Raincoats Etc,, ready for your inspection. New Slippers for Spring Big variety of Styles — Patent, Black, Brown and many two-toined Ef- fects. We keep only rel3able makes.—Shoes you can depend on to gls"e goad service. Hurlbut Shoes Remember we are ,sole agents for Hurlbut Shoes and Slippery for the Children. This is Caned* beat wearing Children's shoe, Wear Hurl - buts once and you will wear ;them allways. Men's and Boys' Suits Harragates Serge Suits for men in Brawn, Grey, and Navy, the finest serge made. Also fancy tweeds and Worsteds,. Good Bloomer Suits far Boys at $7,50 to $9,50. BUY STAUNTON'S READY -TR [MIMED W ALL PAPERS. JONES & MAY AGENTS FOR HURLBUT SHOES OSCAR KLOPP AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey M. Jones' Na- tional School of Auctioneering. Spec- ial Course taken itn RegiN;tered Live Stock, Merchandise, Real Estate and Farm Lands. Rates in keeping with prevailing market prices. Satisfaction assured. Write or wire. 18-93, Zurich Oscar Klopp, Zurich, Ont. ANDREW EASTON LICENSED AUCTIONEhR FOR HURON COUNTY. Orders left with. Advocate or at the Central Hotel. Prices reasionable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Exeter -- Ontario The Exeter Advocate Display Advertising—Made known on application, Stray Animals—One insertion 50c., three insertions $1.50, Miscellaneous articles of not mare than five lines, For Sale, To Renu, Wanted, each insertion . 50c. Lost and Found loCals 25c. an insertion. Local reading notices, etc., 10c per lune per insertion, No notice less than 25c. Card of Than.k's 50c. Auction Sales $3 for one insertion and $1.50 for each subsequent in- sertion if undter five inches in length. Legal advertising 10c. and 5c. aline. Farm pr Real Estate far sale 50c. each insertion fotr, one moauth of four insertions, SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 PHONE 134 Ladies' and Misses' New Spring Coats and Suits WE HAVE A SPLENDID RANGE OF VERY SMART, SUITS AND COATS FOR EASTER BUYERS. OUR STYLES AND OUR PRICES SHOULD INTEREST YOU. NEW OXFORDS You will need a pair for Easter. We are showing sevieralnew styles, far Early Spring. The prices range at $5.00 and $6.00 NEW SILK LISLE•HOSE, In brown, beize and black, A smart line for Spring wear in wide nib 'effect. Giood value per pair -• 85c. FINE TWEED AND WORSTED SUITS FOR MEN. Order your new Spring Suit now so thait vile may have it ,ready , 107 you for Easter. We, are showing a good range of stack suits as twill as a splendid assortment of Made•-tb-mir•`asure. Ask tie see theme. MEN'S FINE SHIRTS We are handling the Farsyit1ae . -Shirts this .seaspn,.: They are made right, fit right ,and are good wash- ing, snaterials Try one NEW CREPE TIES. - Made of silk anvdi wool, and will not crease; cut on the straight so they will not pull. Very nifty Southoott Bros. THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTh Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car service. Sleeping care on night trains and Parlor cars on principal day trains. Fuld iaforznatitoas frrim any Grand Tacit Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn- ing District Passenger Agent, Toronto N. J. DORE Phone 46w. Agent, Exeter I. R. Carling, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Etc Loans, Investments Insurance) Office, Caling Block, Main St. Exeter ARTHUR WEBER 0 Auctioneer — R. R. No, 1, Dashwood Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co. Farm and stock sales a specialty, Four years experience. DR. A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon vlcDone1l's Stables, John . St., Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w Dr. G. F. Roulston, L. D. S., D. D. B. DENTIST Office over Carlinng's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A. It 'KINSMAN, L. D. S„ D, Honor Graduate Toronto Uniyes'sity Office—over Gladman & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter. FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer far Counties el Hunan and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and SatrUfactiosi Guaranteed. Creditor', Ontario. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private fundi to loan on' farm and vl[l/age property at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & STANHURY �aedti4t�tu Soohoitcst, 8'tl>