Huron Expositor, 2005-07-06, Page 44 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR. July 6, 2005
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Rural / urban divide
still widening
How different are people who live in the city versus
those living in the country?
Less than once thought, if you believe the findings of
a recent Statistics Canada report.
Unveiled Tuesday, the study found rural people
were no more likely to provide help to people they
know, such as relatives, neighbours or friends, than
were city folk. However, the study revealed rural
residents are also more likely to have a strong sense
of belonging to their community.
So, why the perceived gap between city and
One reason might be the government's ongoing role
in strengthening such a divide.
It was about a year ago when a provincial
government panel recommendation that
unsustainable rural areas in Canada's heartland be
taken off life-support and allowed to die a natural
The report, produced by the provincial
government's Panel on the Role of Government and
praised by Ontario's premier, dismissed the notion
that the rural economy is a bedrock. Instead, it
concluded that much of rural Canada is economically
unsustainable. The report went on to say it is futile to
try to artificially sustain rural industry, that population
decline is inevitable and that the government should
abandon regional development programs.
Yes, instead of working to save the rural landscape,
the panel concluded that government should retrain
young people in rural areas who are willing to move
away from their communities as part of a rural
restructuring and - by implication - an eventual
abandonment of much of rural Ontario.
It's hard to imagine the urban/rural divide becoming
any greater than that.
Statistics Canada, however, took a more light-
hearted look at both kinds of people revealing there
was no evidence that rural dwellers were less likely to
be socially isolated from close friends and relatives
than urban people. And while the report found that
residents of smaller places were significantly more
likely to trust their neighbours, there was only weak
evidence to support the ideas that rural residents
express higher levels of trust toward people in
"The share of Canadians who reported having three
to five close friends was also similar in rural and
urban areas," the report said. "However, 34 per cent
of people in the most rural areas said they had six or
more close friends, slightly higher than the proportion
of 28 per cent in the largest cities."
While there are certain aspects of life that keep rural
and urban folk similar, there remains a wide gap
between both cultures including pride, prestige and,
most especially, income (a fact supported by a
Statistics Canada report showing the geography of
income disparity had shifted slowly to a rural/urban
divide from a provincial one).
It would appear the only way to shrink this divide is
through acceptance, common courtesy and universal
support for one another.
In a day and age when the globe is closer than ever -
technological advances have done wonders for us -
it's hard to imagine urban and rural centres being
unable to overcome such barriers.
Here's hoping the growing divide never becomes too
Matt Shurrle, Woodstock Sentinel Review
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Reader thanks Expositor editor
for St. Columban heritage, support
To the editor,
1 wish to respond to your
June 29 editorial entitled "St.
Columban faces tough
choices regarding church
building's future."
Let me first say when I
first introduced the idea of
preserving St. Columban
Church and property as a
heritage site because of its
historic value to the Huron
Tract (established in 1832), I
did so with a plan to
maintain the suggestion.
First, set up a heritage
committee. That committee
would be empowered to
manage the site. Since the
property has many needed
and valuable assets the
community and area of St.
Columban needs.
It has an excellent meeting
hall, equipped with modern
It has a large soccer field
used seven days a week by
over 300 youth, during the
soccer season (this field
could be upgraded to include
baseball and other sports,
hockey in the winter).
The site has a large
parking lot. The separate
school adjoining has no
parking lot.
I feel the school board
would be happy to rent part
of the lot for parking for it's
faculty and staff.
The foregoing are just a
few of the self revenue
producing assets available
for maintenance and other
financial needs.
The management
committee would also be
empowered to accept gifts
and other donations and
grants (provincial and
federal) for the operation
and upkeep of the historic
We also can see on radar
screen the site could well be
taken over by another
congregation, such as the
Franciscans, a very
ambitious Evangelical order,
looking to plant some roots.
In closing I can see the
grand old man . of St.
Columban being a gold mine
for the community, and one
the children of the present
day parishioners, will sing
the praises of their parents
for preserving. Those who
now advocate the wrecking
ball will remain to pray.
As our late Holy Father,
Pope Paul II so often
admonished, "do not be
Thank you editor, not only
for this valuable space, but
also your timely and
valuable editorial.
Yours in progress in
Thomas E. Ryan
Looking for veterans who fought in the
Devil's Brigade during Second World War
To the editor,
On May 5 of this year, the
American government
announced the awarding of
the Combat Infantry Badge
to Canadian soldiers who
were in combat as members
of the First Special Service
Force (Devil's Brigade)
during the World War II.
Any Canadian member or
kin of a member who
qualifies should apply for
the medal by contacting
Charles W. Mann (4-3), 850
Huron Terrace, Kincardine,
Ont., N2Z 2Y1 or call 1-
Charles Mann
Kincardine, Ontario
Celebrities' pleas probably won't change us
I forget where or exactly
when, but shortly after the most
recent American presidential
election, intelligent but
extraordinarily unfunny talking
head/comedian Bill Maher was
seen on a sketch show taking
pot shots at the celebrities who
had railed against George W. Bush during the campaign.
The exact words escape me, but if I remember correctly, one
of the sketch comics,
posing as someone famous
but not terribly bright,
pointed out that they, along
with countless others, had
campaigned against Bush and
the Republican Party.
"Yeah," Maher said',
following up with something like "and that's why we lost."
See LIVE, Page 5
Mow full of hay bursts into flames
causing 1955 fire in Egmondville
JULY 9,1880
In boring for the new
artesian well at the Stratford
round house, the workmen
struck a bed of clay of
considerable thickness,
which is said to be suitable
for the manufacture of the
finest pottery.
Listowel Public School
Board announced that Mr.
Rothwell, principal will
receive a salary of $700.00
commencing in September.
John Brandt, Indian corn
doctor of Cobourg, has been
committed for trial for
shooting his mistress, Miss
Fanny Carpenter in the cheek
with a steel -barbed arrow. He
pleads self-defence.
A few days ago, Wm.
Stinson, of Howick, just east
of Fordwich sold a three-
year-old yoke of oxen for the
snug sum of $100.
Gooseberries being raised
in the garden of J.P. Brine of
Harpurhey have been found
to measure three by three and
a half inches and are still
We have been informed
that the spring wheat in this
locality is badly infested with
that destructive pest, the joint
According to the list of
voters for the town of
Seaforth, for the year 1880,
there are 512 persons
qualified to vote at municipal
All the crops are in a very
forward state this season, fall
wheat already having been
In tht' Years Agorae
Dominion Day was
celebrated with the
customary games such as tug
of war and in Goderich with
boat races.
JULY 7, 1905
Construction of the
Guelph-Goderich railway
will begin shortly.
Some 1,400 people left
eastern Canada on the home -
seekers excursion to
Manitoba and the Northwest
last week.
The Ontario government
have decided that owners of
motor vehicles shall pay $2
for a tag.
The Orangemen are
preparing for the glorious
twelfth in the surrounding
The Goderich Elevator and
Transit Company elevator
took fire just before noon on
Monday and was totally
Hay is a splendid crop in
this district and fall wheat
promises a good yield.
The pleasure of Dominion
Day was marred by
unfavourable weather. A
steady rain cancelled many
The 11th Annual Bowling
tournament of the Seaforth
Bowling club was held
recently under most
favourable weather
JULY 11, 1930
George Kelley, prominent
member of Morris twp. died
in his home following a bad
motor accident. The car
which he was riding hit
another vehicle head on. Mr.
Kelly was a native of this
Mr. George Thiel. Zurich,
the local liveryman has
traded one of his teams for a
new two and a half ton
delivery truck. He will be
hauling freight by truck now
instead of by horse and
A large number of Hensall
boys are taking advantage of
the opportunity of making
good money in the way of
assisting local farmers hoe
Picnic parties to the lake
are now the order of the day.
No death has caused
greater sorrow to the people
of Seaforth than that of Billie
Jack Flett, 16, who drowned
last week. He was swimming
in the Lions pool at the time.
James M. Scott attended
the International baby chick
convention in Detroit last
JULY 15, 1955
Within 20 minutes the barn
of W.J. Finnigan,
Egmondville was leveled by
fire. The $3,000 structure
exploded into flames for no
reason. Spontaneous
combustion in a mow full of
hay is believed to be the
Seaforth's sewage disposal
plant is almost ready for
operation and will start as
soon as it has been inspected.
Hay has progressed
favourably during the past
week. Dry weather still
prevails and rain is badly
One of the features of the
Cranbrook Centennial last
week was the crowning of
Miss Cranbrook 1955. The
winner was Miss Verda •
Watson, Walton.
The fire department was
called to Kenneth
McKenzie's farm on Con. J,
Tuckersmith when a tractor
fell through the barn floor
and started fire. There was no
serious damage.
JULY 10,1980
The town of Seaforth is
short at least one physician
and the head of Seaforth
Community Hospital's
Medical Staff thinks one of
the reasons it is difficult to
fill the vacancy, is a result of
poor planning by the town.
The severe thunderstorms
which struck the area early
Tuesday morning arrived and
left quickly, but not before it
had caused damage to area
Although no official
figures are available yet, the
45th annual Seaforth Lions
Club's Summer Carnival
gave every appearance of
being a big success.
Ron di Dave
by David Lacey
taste of