The Exeter Advocate, 1923-3-15, Page 51=1 eseageNss =—EEEE:1] =.1 AUCTION S4LE OR FAR* EARM STOCK AND, IIVIPLEIVIENTS TRUSTEE'S SALE—Re HENRY, PFAFF, Jr., Estate ;Under the authosity a the In.speet- ors of the above Estate„ the Under-. signed .Authorized Assignee will of- fer the, Farm, Farm Stock, Implements, Etc., of the said H*ary Pfaff, jr., thy Public Auction ,on the preaniste, Lot 12, Con, 3, Stephe,n, on• FRIDAY, MARCH 23rd, 1923 At 1 'o'clock p. m. CHATTELS Stock -4 cows, 5 two -err -old cat- tle, 2 one -yr -old, 6 calves, 2 horses, 75 as. Implements—Turnip drill, JohaDeere menure spreader, weth 3 -horse evenee 'cultivator, steel roller; hay rake, disc, mosver, 2 walking plows, '4 sec. dia- monad harrows, 7 -ft. Maesey-Harris Binder 2 wagons, 6 h.p. Feirbanks gasolin,e engine and grinder, Clinton fanning mill, hay fork, rope and pull- eys, sling trip and rope, cream separ- ator, wate,r trough, 2 3-hoise eveaers scuffler, hog loader, set sleighs, two buggles, 2 set double harness, set sari- gle harness, gravel box,. hay rack, seed drill, corn cultivator, geng plow, step- ladder, 2 milk tanks, wheel barrow, shovels: forks, belts, shingles, piping, window frame, brick, tile, and other 44ticles, Farm Produce -400 bus, oats, 200 bus. roots) 2 ton. hay, 5'eton, closet 'leer, quantity cut .straw, quantity long etraw, quantity manure. REAL ESTATE Ala°, subject to a resered bid, and to the mortgage encumbran.ce, the fatal consisting of 100 acres more or Leas, and being Lot 12, Con. 3, Stephen Tp. On. the promisee is a good 2 stor- ey brick hotese•with brick kitchen.; a bank barn 35x55 with good etaelMg, a frame barn 30x50, briek hog pen and hen house with cement foundaidell and frame drive s,heid; 9 acres fall eeheat, 7 acres in, sweet clever, 20 acres in hay, 9 acres pasture and and 30 acres tall ploughed. Ther: are 3 , good wells on the property zed it i.es in good state a celievation. Only 3 miles from either Exeter or Crediton. Real, Festate Trade. knlown, on, day of sale. Chattels)e-S10 and under cash; over that amouat six months' credit on furnishing approved joint notes, or per cent. off for cash. • For con.ciitions of eale and further particulars, apply to Fe W. Ra.ymond, Authorized Trustee 10 Greene -Swifts Bldg., London, Ont Gla.dinan. & Stanbury, Exeter, Ont., His Andrew Eastor, Exeter Ontario, Auctioneer. Following the rapid thaw ihrOUgh- , out the county last week, farmers are beginning tie gee anxious about the fall wheat crop. The ground was bared in many localities, laying th,e crop °pea to much damage in the gveat a another freeze up. 011111•11•Min AUCTION SALE o‘, HIGH GRADE STOCK, HAY AND' GRAIN ON FRIDAY, IVIAF.CH 1 Oth, 192L •ON LOT '16, CON. 11, USBORNE, HORSES—General purpose horse 12 years old; matched team, agri- caltural mares rising .3 and 4 years eligible for registration. CATTLE—One registered Short Horn Bull, .3 years old; 2 Hereford obeys, freshened lst of Jan; 1 Here- ford cow, due in May; 1 Hereford COW, due in June; 1. Hereford cow, due iinSept; 1 Hereford cow, due in June; 1 Durhani cow, due in June; 1 Hereford cow milking, not in calf; 2 two-year-old heifers; 4 one -year- old heifers; 3 Baby Beeels ready for Easter,( if not sold bee6re;) 2 Baby Beeves, 8 months old; 1 Baby Beef, 45 months old; 3 young calves, 1 inonth old. PIGS—One young sow, due last April; 2 young sows, due last May; 2 pigs about 125lbs. A quantity of mixed hay, a quan- tity of timothy hay, 1 7 5 bus. good seed oats, 50 bus. good barley, 1 set Brass Mounted team harness, nearly new. TERMS—All sums of $10 and un- der cash, over that amount ten months credit on furnishing approv- ed joint notes or 5 per cent off for cash. WM. E. NAIRN, J. A. TURNBULL Auctioneer, Proprietor. ilton 10 hoe, drill, 7- ancl 3 Isee?..tjOn I drag harrows, walking plow., Maple 1Leaf double plow, Cockshut gang 'plow "Scuffle; Frost & -Wood disc, wagon, 16, tt hay rack, pew Nvagion box, bob- sleigh, light bobsleigh, cutter„ „.nevr buggy, old buggy, wheelbarrow; root PulPer 6- h. p. Waterloo. 'engine, good order, Maple Leaf gtin-der, 10 in plate, Wisconsin. Incubator, brooder, coal: heater, cutting box, Chatham fanning niflifr fruit ladder, new stone boat,1200 lb, scales, bag track, !ire extinaguisher, set brass mounted double harness,)setr heavy harness, 3 set single harness, 2J extra collars„ corn planter, corn shelter, post hole auger, pair w-oollen horse blankets, wire stretcher, cross cut saw. Orks, neckyokes, double- riee;.s, chains, 2 bucksaws, 3 crowbars, hanging lamp, parlor lamp, 2 pipe wrencbes, stock rack., gravel box, & numerous other articla, Seed Grain -300 bus. 0.A.,C. No. 75 oats, 50 bus. 0,A,.C. NO. 21 bar1e,11 a quantity of Sweet Clover seed, yel- low blossom. 4= Terms—All sum sof $10 and undef, cash; over that amount 12 months' credit ion approved joint notes. 5, pier cent, per 20.11U112 loffjor cash on credit amounts. Grain and seed, cash. o FRED WILLERT, _Proprietor OSCAR KLOPP, Auctioneer. T. MILLER, Clerk. AUCTION ,SALE FA.Ral STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS SEED GRAIN AND PURE BRED SHORTHORNS On, Lot 28, S. B., Hay Township, on TuEspAy, MARCH 27TH, 1923 At 1 o'clock sharp, the following :— Heavy draft mare yr years 'old; heavy draft gelding 12 yrs, old; geld- ing rising 5 by Commodore; driving mare quiet and reliable. aCettle—Cow, Bell, 117711, 11 years' old, calf at foot; cow, nosebud Belle 11833, 8 yrs. olds due at 'timeof sale; cow, Bluebell, 159.076e 4 yrs. old, with bull caef at foot, bred to Cloveadale Champion:, due Sept. 20; cow, Topsy, 173617, 3 yrs. old, wIth. calf .at loot; heifer, Daisy, 182005, 2 yrs. old, bred; heifer, Ma.ybetd, 184417, 22 months .old, bred; heifer calf., 11 months old, ped- igree applied for; fresh, cowe 6 years old; cow„ rising 4, due in Aug,; baby beef; grade calf, 3 mos. old; fresh' cow 9 years old. Hogs and Pullets -5 hogs about 175 lbs, each; 50 Plymouth Rock and Wy- andote pullete. Implements, Etc.—M. H. 7 -ft. binder, good order; lel, H. 6 -ft. mower; Max- well May loader, IVfaxwell side -delivery rake, McCormick hay rake, 10 ft.; Kemp manure spreader, .3tee1 Frost & Wood cultivator, Peter Ham - You can make . deliCiOUSJAMaildJELLY Now‘.- from calmed or dried fruits'. or bottled fruit juices with Grape Jelly .Measure 71/4 level cups (314 lbs.). sugar and 4 cups bottled Grape Juice into saucepan, stir and bring to a boil. Stir in 1. bottle (scant cup), Certo and bring again to a full boil for 1 minute. Remove from fire, let stand 1 min- ute, skim and pour quick- ly. Pineapple Jam Use sliced' or grated pineapple. If sliced pine- apple is used, put slices through food chopper or chop fine. Mix the juice and chopped pineapple and measure 4 level cups into large pan. If neces- sary add water to fill 4th cup. Add The level cups (314 lbs.) sugar, mix and bring to a vigorous boil, stirring constantly. Boil hard one minute. Remove from fire and stir in 1 bottle (scant cup) Certo.. Skim and pour quickly. Reg. Can. (514.rerein Pat. Office The Certo method is the easy and most economical way to make jams and jellies from any fruit; no uncer- tainty as to results; the quality and flavor will be a reveltetion *o %on. Try these recipes—seventy 1. Ur& of them are in the Certo Booklet, free with every bottle. Certo is fruit pectin, the jellifying element Nature puts into fruits. It is absolutely free from gelatine or pre- servative. —AT YOUR GROCER'S. Write for new revised and enlarged Certo book- let of 73 recipes. Douglas Packing Co., Limited—Cobourg er.te eel eeee=eseeee.g. • ee y..-ttnder.1.1Pgae;:ee. 83, There's nothing likepiping hot, delicious soup to start the hearty meal. Here We fine pot that will dna lot to help you make good soup—the SMP Enameled Ware London Kettle. Even after the greasiest orestickiest cooking SMP Enameled Ware deans as easily as a A Fine eine dish. Ask for Kettle This is a fine kettle, not only for soup, but for boil- ing meat or stew- ing, cooking vege- tables or preserv- ing. Be sure each utensil you buy carries the SMP trade mark. Sid 'enotefeAW E Three finishes: Pearl Ware, two coats of pearl); grey enamel inside and out. Diamond Ware, three coats, light blue and White out white lining. Crystal Ware, three coats, pure white inside and oat, with Royal Blue edging. InuSHEET METAL PRoDucts MONTREAL TORONTO WINNIPEG EDMONTON VANCOUVER CALOARv 137 AUCTION SALE. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, ETC. at the premises of the Owner, .Main-st EX;esTER, on SATURDAY, MAACH 24th, 1923 At 1 o'clock sharp, the following :- 2 bedroom suites, springs and mat- tresses, parlor sidle,' dieing extension table with chairs, sideboard, 2 couches Heintzneen piano in first 'class condi- tion, stove, Benner coal scuttle, music rack, centre. table, 2 flower Sables, pantry table, gasoline stove, with oven, 2 rocking chairsi, copper boiler, hat rack, card receiver, clock, carpst sweeper, vac tune cleaner, O'Ceder mop, flat irons, streecher, folding clothes horse, satisag,e grinder, 2rugs 101-2x12 feet; rug 8x10 ft.; rug 6x88 ft.; 1-2 dozen quilts and blankete, Z carpets ,for bedrooms, curtains, rug & robe; stair carpet, full set of dishes, pictures and paintinge silver kniyee and keeks, spoons, 5 doz quart gems. Rubber tire top buggy, first class cutter, set single harn,ess, wheelbar- row, two galvanized pig troughs, grain bags, lawn mower, forks, shovels: spade, crowbax, pork barrel, and many other articles. 20 bushels potatoes, e.reerens—All sums of $10 and under cash, ,tever that amount 6 months? credit on approved joint notes, or a discount of 6 per cent., per annum off for cash on credit amounts-. „ FRANK TAYLOR HENRY RUNDLE Auct.Prop. „ . It takes 4c. to send a letter to the British Isles. • A photograph has beer? sent 1301 miles by ;radio,. If a man. is prosperous he has no use for his friends-. If he isn't they have no use for him. Zurich Mrs. F. Walker of' Pore Almelo, Micb., is 'visiting her mother; Mrs. M. Edighoffee, 14th coricession of Hay. Mr. Fred. Steinbach, who spent sev- eral weeks' with relatives and friends here, left for his home in Cavalier, (N. Dakota Mr. Reinhold Koch, who spent th,e winter months with friends here, left fm. Friday for Congress, Sask. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Hey eof Wad Axel, eiliche who hae 'been, visiting fOr several weeke with relatives here, re- turned to their home. Mr, Geo.. Smith of the BabylonLine ,Staaiey has rented his farm for a term of. years :to IV1r. Charlie Goasman. Messrs. Henry and Ed. Deiclaert of, Detneic vitited for a few days in. the USBORNE COUNCIL do so, the pathmaster may employ a su.bstitute to perform the work, at the ntegligent ratepayer's expense. Car. By-law No, 3, 1923, confirm- ing the appointment of a Township Road Superintendent for 1923, was read and passed ou inotion.of Stew- art—Hanna. By-lawe No. 4, 19 29, to provide for expenditure on Towa- ship Roa,ds or 1923, was read and Intend and the Clerk instructed to furnish two certified copies of No, and 4 to the Department of Public Highways' of Ontario, on motion of Ballantyne— Skinner. Stewart — Hanna; that a weed inspector be ap- pointed for 1923 at the rate of $3.00 per day while on duty and mileage. Car. Skinner—Ballantyne: tat Geo. Kellett be the Weed Inspector for ..)13. Car. Hanna— Skinner: that trio following account bepassed and an order issued for payment of same. The Times Printing Co., balance Printing Account for 1922, $44.75. Car. Council adjourned to meet Sat. April 7th, 1923, at 1 o'clock, HENRY STRANG, Clerk. Cromarty We are pleased to, report 'that A.Lr. Robt, Norris is recovering after en operation in Toronto hospital, and is now convalescing at the home of his sister, Or. Nlargaret Patterson His many friends here hope for his com- plete recovery, Mr,. Henry Hoggarth has sold his fine 100 acre farm two miles wse.st (of the village, to Mr. H. Wright Hensall Hensall Juniors defeated Exeter jun- iors in Exeter on Thursday night, 5-2. Following the proceedings to unseat Reeve Geiger for the second time ow- ing to a claini that un,qualefied per - Sons; had voted, he has again resigned, Mrs. W. R.. Dougall, after a visit here, has returned to her home in Welmington, Delaware. Mr. and Afire, Roy White left here lest week for. Detrolt, where we be- lieve they intend residing. Mrs T. C. Joynt has been ib Bruce - field for the past, week or two, wait- ing on her sister, Mrs. Cecil Simpson, who is and has been quite seriously 01. Mrs. Erastus Rennie ,is in Menfeeal visiting her daughter, Mrs, G. C. Pais- ley. eer, Wallace Dick and Mr. Neel Sparks left here a few days .ago for Detroit 'elm T. Brierly, who has been here for e. number of months visiting her 'mother, Mrs. John Jackson, has re- turned to her home in High RivereAl- berta, Tbe live stock question was discuss -- ed by the, U, F. O. an the Town, Hall Friday night. W. D. Sanders of Ex- eter„, Was one of the speakers. Mr. Fred. Busch, is stiil1 quite uality and Chcsin pistinguish A H332 "The IMOSt Delicious Tea YOU can buy" .....moztagammalcalieno =====z2= -ese =-neeste-sieSeAeeeesifeEM-112eitee-i- === ===. leiseleereireeZ-ESE:es :=2=3ESEEE=- 252'32i2E:E. t oik4, ==: ==. -zsee-e- ===. ecseessiseases - - - - - ^.=.=.=.=.. ▪ — ▪ - - - - - - IlEEE▪ -ieZE='2 =========== 2=2.-2E2E2=2. 5=▪ 1=2E2E2=3 -B2===--- - - - - E -:,2.42,:-_-*,.-E::.--Ei===E=====c====.5======E=E============E=E:============== -= =====- -= ------------ ----------- ------=----------- _ - =-=-=-=-t- ==E11-=-======_: - ----------- =2=2=2=21 === eest2eSe • Save Soap Suds Making Suds direct from the Bar Saves Soap. You rub the Bar Soap on the soiled parts and get immediate results with no fear of undissolved particles of Soap scattering through the clothes. Bar Soap is the safest and most satisfactory. E====S====== EE 166 CLINTON—After a sickness of some parsed away March 8. He Is survived weeks, George Cook, aged 83. years. •by one brrothele „Jas. Cook of town, •. ommimm.. 'the Municipal Council of the Tp. of Usborne held their monthly ineeteg ing at the Township Hall on Mar. 10, postponed from Mar. 3rd. All the members were present. The min- utes of meeting of Feb. 3rd, were read and approved on motion of Bal- lantyne—Skinner. Correspondence: Letter of Hydro Commission re Township Hydro Com. Stewart --Ballantyne: That the Clerk notify the Hydro Com. of the muni- elpal officers and that no Tp. cone. has been appointed. Carried Communication of C 5. Hudson, mail -carrier, re , claim for damage sustained to buggy and haiethei,on Sept. 5th, 1922. No action in this claim or that of James Horton, laid over from Iasi meeting. Stewart—Hanna: That the follow- ing- be the list �2 F'athmasters ap- panted to superintend the Statute Labor for 1 9 2 3: Ward 1, Homer Bus! well, Wm. Essery, Thos. Fisher, Chas Godbolt, John -Ranter, -Gordon Hun- ter, Jas. Brook, John T. Hicks, Gar- net Miners, Jas. Heywood, Wm. El- ford, Wesley Johns, John Davis. Ward 2, Arthur Mitchell, Moses Beckler, Wm. Wood, Walter Madge, Alwyn Dayman, A. Etherington, John Bell, Frank Ryckman, Percy Stone, Althur Glanville, Grant Ryckman. Ward 3, Jas. Earl, Wm. Brock, John T. Herne Chas. Delbridge, Ed- ward Coward, Jas Squire, Henry Rodd, Jas. McElrea, Isaac Gower, 3. E. Creary, Hiram Copeland, 'Milton Gregory, Wm. Wiseman, Dan O'Mara. Ward 3, Roy Coward, Alfred j. Hunkin, Wm. H. Thompson, Jas. Vance, John Stewart, Trueman Fief - cher, Ray Francis, Nelson Roach, Wilfred Doupe, Donald Balfour. Car- ried. , That By-law No. 2, 1 e2 3, coufirms ing the appointment of the Path - masters for 1923, be passed as read per motion of Hanna—Stewarts Car. Hanna --Skinner: that in othe event of a Pathmasthr notifying a' ra.tephY- er to -complete his Statute Labor in the specified time, and he failing to' WALL PAPER dares way &mating whim WALL PAPER is one of the most important features of home decoration With it you can turn dull rooms into bright. and cheerful ones.' Ask for the new and artistic papers produced by , Nasty/ alien prolii NAM., You have never seen anything this new width, but you can also quite so fine in wall decorations or paper a room more easily and with ao fa of new ideas for the adorn, fewer rolls. Then too, there is the ment of the home. • improved appearance which results The new Boxer Papers are 2i fromftwer seams. inches wider than the old type of They are identified by the na.rne Wall Paper. Not only are more B4OXER on the selvage of every . beautiful designs made possible by roll—your assurance of satisfaction. FOR SALE"BY 1311.0-S.