The Exeter Advocate, 1923-3-15, Page 4Champion brand
r �e-r W res "
teavBeit Ga1vantdng
ore Durable,Flembie Weave.
We are selling more and more Champion Br nd "AMERICAN" Fence
every year. This section of the country is discarding its old style
fences as fare economy, and in final izg change, is turning to
the very 'best galvanized renting and steel peeso that can be bought
We are enthusiastic about Champion Brand "AMERICAN" Fence and
Posts, the pride of their makers, THE CANADIAN STEEL es WIRE
Say "Fence," and we'll show you, 212
Sold by WARD & MORGAN, Exeter, Ont.
••' \ of the Evangelicai. Ch.ti than iwas ane
• of • the chief speakers at the recent'
General... Conference.
Tine newly, ,elected •officers al the.
local society, are as follows ,Presi-
dent Mass • Addilean Geiser; vice-pres,,
Miss Esther Hauch; • Rec.-s•ec'y, Miso
Altna Haist,•. c+pr,-sec'y, ;Mr^. Freeman
\f^.rlock;, treas., Mr, Clinton _Marlock;
it3ible Study. sec'y, Clara Oyes-•
kreich_er; Stewarcleh'p and `Mission see.
\This Eva Oostreteher;.'ianship •
sec'y., Mr. Errtrnery Fahnere pianists,
Miss Beatrice Hoist and Mr. Leonard
Heist; Librarians, Messrs. Fred Cunn-
ingtoo. and Royal Haist; Supt. Jr. E.
L.C,E., Miss.Mabel Fahrner; Asst.
Supt., Miss Loretta Heist. :Tire Soc-
iety meets revery Friday •evening and
for part of the. session a Bays' Div -
of the. S. S. under the leadership
of Messrs, C. 13arvhvnney and A. Amy,
meets is conjunction. with the E.L.C.h.
Preparations are under,,w`'ay for the
reception and rentiertainment of 'the
Annual Conference Session which con-.
veeres in Zinn church on April- 18th,
About 80 to 100 delegates are expect-
ed to attend.
Mr. it. S. Wilson, manager of the
Bank sof Commerce, has been trans-
ferred to a -branch in Harn_i5ton. Mr.
W'i'ils in. and family left town Tuesday
afternoon, Mr. Wilson going to Harn-
iltcn, while Jars. Wilson and family
intend visiting friends in Exeter until
su'h time as they can move %heiir
household effects to Hamill;tan. Mr.
and Mrs. Wilson. will be Much; missed
from town, .as during their- stay here
they ,made many warm friends, We
wish Mr. and airs. Wilson every suc-
cess in their new quarters, Mr. Ruth-
erford of Dashwood will fill the va-
cancy here.
Miss Merle Clark left on Monday far
Termite \viler.: ,she. is spend}ng a few
The e Exeter Advocate
Sanders .& Cree,:h, Proprietor,-
Subscription Price—In advanc , 5i 50
per year in Canada; 52.00 m the
United States. All subscriptions not
paid in advance 50ci. 'r t'geci
installed a Battery Charging ,outfit.
Bring in your battery and let us look
after it for you. Satisfaction guaran-
eed.—F. W. CLARK.
Lsa,be) to Mr. William F. Oestreicher• i days, •
1 C: editon, the marriage: to take place , Nies. B. Brown had the misfortune
this m :nth.—Blyth Standard, I to, fall and sprain her knee .on, Monday
v: 'y pleasant surprise was gig• • n veiling, `-n the F^,resters' Hall.
NI • std Mr.s. Chris Wein on Thurs-
day Evening last, when a large num•-1
b.. -r• of. friends gathered at their home,t
The evening was spent in games and
•:thee amusements. The gathering was
a, retia'_ .surprise to Mr. and Mrs..Wein
but they were •equal to the occasion
and all were 'soon enjoying themselves
t::, 'the full. After all had taken a full
;,hare of the amusements the ladles
.served lunch, and Miss Olive Dear-
ing gave a very pleasing recitation.
Mr. and Mrs. Wein were delighted to
have their friends call and enjoy a
-social evening at their hom'.
Miss Lily Stahl •of London spent
Sunday at her home here.
Mrs. Henry Matz is in London visit-
ing her daughters Pearl and Mrs. Will,
Heather by.
Death of John Steinacher—The death Miss' Lila Kuhn re.tu:rned to SL.
,an Sunday morning. of Mr. JoIn:Ate!ht- Thomas last week after spending a few
archer came as a shock to this °::on.- days 'with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
utunity. He had been out and around Henry Kuhn.
as usual on Saturday and no pegsein. Mr. and Mrs, John Baird of Grand)
dreamed his end was so (ntear. Sttur ars : friends at Crediton
:day evening he was taker , wiclemly Dorothy :Falrne.,,. ,••ho has been sick
ill when mne•dical aid. -wag s
umtnolued, far some time, is improrang- nicely.
hut n^th nt eetil.i be done to,ei'i2ve See the :Dramatic ParabIr, "A.nOlcl
hits con.ditio xteid he passed •away Sun- Fashioned Mother", .in three acts in
day, f..renoon, lie being a victim of Crediton Town Hall on Friday, Mar,
eeeverionitis. Mr. Steinacher cam!e to the 23rd, given by our young people, un -
village. about four years ago from ••Seb- , der the auspices of the Women's In
eringaille, at which place; he had been ;,tituie.
Fvtorking a farm of 240 •acres,•. which.-' In. accordance w; tat the action of
Was misted as being, one of i:<he neatest the recent General Conference of the
and best farms between, Stratford and Evangelical Church the local Young
Goderich. During his life Ire took a People's Society of Zion. Evangelical
deep interest in Clydesdale horses cat Church has re -organized under the
tae, and horses,. attending all:-tbbcal'' -new name and constitution. •Former-
' fairs, from which he receiverifeniany ly the s•aciety went under the name
eii-izes. 1,Ir.. Ste cher was a m tuber of Y. P. A.,, or Young People's Alli -
of the Evangelical Church. Orn "Wed-- 1 ance, henceforth it will be known as
niesday •everrin, Rev. Hauch ;w•il ebpr- the E. L. C. t!,., or Evangelical League
duct funeral services at his ";au rest- ( of Christian. Endeavor. The Young
dente and on Thursday morning 'the People's societies of the Evangelical
remains will be taken by itraiti ` of Seb- Church are thus definitely linked up
eririgville for burial, tie js sux1r1,ved by• with the great movement of the Chr's-,
eight children—Mrs. Mary.,Warner'at tian Endeavor Society, organized by'
.Credi't,on, ,J. Peter, in Mairitoba, :;Ire- Dr. Francis E. Clrark, 42 years agp
becca, William, Andrew and .Aar.orn a't Under his leadership •s•acieties have
Seberingville, Daniel, Manitoba, ;Ca4onne' ':been ,organized in many lairds of N.
:mrcFadden, Bracebridge;
,,Mr. H. K, Silber. is, in Godericlr'on
business for a few days this 'week.,;;
Mrs. Jas. Gibson announces the en-
gagement of her daughter, 'Gei'Ef ide President. of the C. E., is a minits•Unr
and S. America, in Europe, etc., with
representation in nearly 100 denomi-
itations, and a membership of over
4,000,000. Dr. D. Poling,the Associate
No More Boarder Acres!
Every acre on your .farm that does not
yield its best in 1923 -is an EXPENSE
and not a Profit. ;; '
You can Increase your ,Yields, from '40% to 60% by
"The fertilized crop (wheat) yielded bus. to 2 of the
unfertilized, and far better testing." + ',
" Wheat and Oats' both last 'l 0 to 15 bins.: more per acre
when fertilized." :„
" The grass and . c(oder `catch was .,excellent whereC
fertilized.». ;a
Quoted froinfermers' letters.
Order Your Spring •Supply Notv
Ontario Poultrymen report big gains from
feeding Freeman Meat Scraps.
We Sell`Meat Scraps, Bone, Etc.
See our Agent or write us.
Our Pri ,is Right.
Agents wanted, in unrepre-•
seated territory
"' •• 'HAMILTON-"�'
Local A eon : - Alex. -M Stewart r
.tto i Arise Oralg * ''
Inspector Tom of Goderich visited
'ur school on. Thura,day last,
Bladder weakness
can be remedied
Though you suffer with that
dragging, nagging pain in the
bladder; with frequent sting-
ing urination which shows
brick dust deposits, and with
all the extreme discomfort
of urinary weakness,—you
can get quick, sure relief by
using Gin Pills. Why suffer
a day longer? Gin' Pills have.
helped thousands of Cana-
dian men, women and 'chil-
• dren. Just try them( A few
doses will prove to you how
unnecessary it is to suffer.
Mr. L T. Rutherford, who has been Miss Russell '•of Russeidale, who has
manager of the Bank of Commierce been staying at the home of Jar. and
here has been transferred to Crediton; ' \Irs. Stewart McQueen, spent the week
Miss Margaret Yates of, Sarnia, is vis- crtd at her sister-in-law's, Mrs. Arch.
Wale,_ her sister, Mrs. Harry Kraft, Hu 'gart's.—An interesting. hockey
match took place in, Mr. J, M. 'Glenn's
field between. the. Boundary and Chis-
tihurat boys, the score being 3-1 in
favor of the Boundary.—Mr. Richard
,atcliford and Dr. Thos. Blatchford
of the West visited Nir, Jas. Horton!
1st week -
Hurt Hie hnee.—Mr. J. C. Reid lead
the misfrrtu:ne to fall and hurt his
knee, which has.•confaned him to the
hattsei for the past week,
Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Stelk and son,
Mervin. ,of Drysdale spent Friday with
Mr., and Mrs. P. Fassiold.
Miss Verda Fassold left on, Monday
for Gorrse to resume her position as
Mr. ,p. Tiernan, has added a first-
class stock of :furniture to his hard-
ware business..
Miss Hanover spent Tuesday in. Ex-
Mr. and Mrs. Stade of Zurich were
iseeit"r; in town Tuesday,
M,;s. Chas. Fritz of Zurich. is visit-
ing ,her ,Ater, Mrs, J. Kellrrsnan.
Mr. and Mrs. McCann and *Ir. Louis
Zeller of Stratford spent the %reek-
eta 1 with :their parents, Mr. ;Find Mrs.
J. Zeller.
M•, and Mrs, Wm. Zeller t>•f Michi-
gZni, are visiting the former's father;
Zeller, wive still continues t.atbe•
13usinesc Changes in, Teran—Mr. Ezra
Tiernan has purchased the butcher
business from Mr, Edmund Kraft, ,on
j which \Ir. 'Tetuan, exchanged
his , esiclenee, Mr. Kraft then pur-
cha e 1 the 100 -acre farm ,of Mr. Fred
\nr siert, ;vest of town, Mr.., Wi!,lert
purchasing Mr. Tieman's former resi-
dence frrnm. M;i, Kraft. The dealers
will take possession April, 1.
The play, "Farm Relics" put on by
the young people: in, th,: school Thurs-
day night was a decided success. An
overflowing audience met the play-
ers and as a re,suut the play was :eta-
peated Friday evening. Great credit is
given. all the players who took •their
parts so ably.
Miss Ada Fassold has accepted a
position- with J. C.Reid & Ca.,,•as mil-
liner this season. Miss Fassold carnes
highly recoammended as, a milliner of
good taste.
P,attersnn—Turnibull—A pretty wed-
ding took place on Wednesday, Feb.
28, at 3 ,o'clock. pin., at the, home of
the,, bride's parents, Clover Leaf Farm;
fasiiwood, when Agnes C. Turnbull,
eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. An-
drew Tunnbull was united ,marriage,
to .Gasstet J. Ba;tterson, son of Kr.
and Mrs. James, Patterson of Grand
Bend. Rev, Jas, Foote of Exeter per-
formed the ceremony in the presence
of the relatives of bath bride k and
groom. The bride was, becomingly .at=
tired in ,ivory white georgette. crepe,
and Ibridalveil in cap effect with
orange b1 si „I and who; carried
flesh col'brdd, s and white cariial r
tions with fern. ,Miss Jean McLieiish
tof .Sprimgbank, as bridesmaid,. " was
giow.ned iu marigold silk ' crepe de
chene, with • touches of orchid' - and
pearls and carried:pirrk roses and white
parna!tions. Janet Turnbull,' sister of
the bride acted ' as flower g:iti; who
wire, ivory white silk ;crepe: de chute
and carried pink and, white- ,carnations.
Ray Patterson, brother of the: groom,
who was dressed in white, acted as
ring -hearer, and carried the 'ring on
the; tongue of a Cala; lily. The groom
was assisted. by Mr Fergus Turnbull.
L bengrin's bridal chorus was played,
by Mrs. ,Elmore Lawson of Credilton(.
During the ceremony: Mrs. Lawson
played the "Distant Chiim,ei," and, while
the register was being, sijgne.d Miss Lil-
Tian Pollock ,sang "Oh, Perfect Day;"
accompanied .by. Mrs. Elmore Lawson.
The groom's gift to the bride was (a
cabinet .of silverware;" to the brides-
maid, groomsman, pianist, soloist, and
ring -hearer, a; silver pencil, and tothe
i[lower-gill, a'silver purse. After the
supper the cousins and members of.
the Onoway and Energetic classes of
the: Presbyterian, S. S., of Grand Btend,
itef which the bride, and groom were
members, cruet together at the bride's
home. unci a social evening was spent
in music and dancing. In the lmos'ning,`
timid showers of confetti • thea happy
1petiple left Exeter, anf'the nine o'clock
train for Hamilton and Toromta, the
bride wearng a; briown, '1.31ircietynp (suit
,with bat to match. On. their,; return:
;they will resideetn the groom's .farm,
Sau'ble, Line The gifts'' from , the
,f c ends were hot?? nuin; ;sits and use --
"May I print a kiss upon your lips"
• I ,silted
She: nodded her sweet permission;
So, we went to press, arud 1, ralther
We printed a large edition.-
dition:When in need of Counter Checks
call on' The Advocate. We can furn-
ish you with all kinds at right prices
Partners with Sales Notes will be well advised to
turn them over to this Bank for collection.
The Bank will relieve you of all trouble in mak-
ing presentation, and payments will be credited to
your account promptly.
Sales Notes supplied without charge.
Capital Paid up $15,000,000
Reserve Fund $15,000,000
• • M. R. Complin, Manager.
R. S. Wilson, Manager.
Exeter Branch
°Crediton ra
Dashwood ,"
Capital and Reserve $9,000,000
Over 125 Branches.
This institution offers depositors safety for
their savings, reasonable interest compounded
every ix months, and freedom from red tape
in case•f withdrawals.
Savings Departments at every"' Branch,.
Deposits of $1.00 and upwards invited.
T. S. WOODS Manager,
Centralia Branch open for business daily,
Furniture Bargains
Funeral Director & Embalmer,
"When the Ford ton truck was first
exhibited in Western Canada we pur-
chased a number of them for use at
Calgary, and this fleet was rapidly
added to until to -day we have -thirty-
two Ford Trucks inuse throughout
Western Canada.
These Trucks are used mainly as re-
tail deliveries, and for that purpose we
find them very satisfactory.";
THE trade -mark of P. Burns & Co.
Limited, Calgary, Alberta, appears on
32 Ford Trucks.
The Popularity of the "Shamrock
Brand" has been; established, and is being
maintained `t' tiro ighout Western Canada by
rapid and dependable delivery through the
aid of _ Ford < Trucks.
'The Ford Truck has accomplished Mg
things for hundreds of. large Canadian
The same economical and . dependable
service can be applied with equal effective-
ness to smaller firm's - by the use of a
Ford Truck.
Your order placed to -day . will assure .
you one at the present low -record price.
The one -ton truck chassis sells for $495
f. o. b. Ford, _ Ont. Government taxes
extra. Standard truck bodies are ' avail-
able at low prices..
You can , buy on ' time.
See your Ford > Dealer at 'once.
xeter, Ont