The Exeter Advocate, 1923-3-8, Page 2Zr., .,,,e't. '''''':'e4.".."''.4.'.Q'.....r.“....,........ Aaran..........*11. , .r.eava, ar..,..., m........-am........................a...,..... 141' ' • a , Iv , (:eintifligat Chetipc Vat,,es strong Can:4452n and New Zealand- Tile Compeettion.,, t of.' cat.. 11eivusli- t lie th t:1obt1.- 1.111;a4rikeateetw, 0- n`b:en'aea" r'' II11-el: y co4Ts, dieorig e,-* sfeloiSf of the matieetic G .1)'7* °P:e' Y*L4rz 114"- 1411 .641"v; e , o o * vedlan ebriry preeitiets the Dairy aria Oeittilon. New, Z -eland has hese, qua - i C;s44640-414,,, CeitreagloriOner, 3fr, 3'..• Ve- higher egirly ha 1.1 -es e%zoii with i ...44., Brehliels, el'isteseered tlia, inetnatten Cave:elite; taking, the leed in November -, eileeee, it.: ei;pfeing bee:Ise/reed on ef',, erdabro, TeLree mein fereee • export. leareees, caresa tv,a, 1.44 -the have beete at tverk*aeeeer:Iir.g to the 1 Areia., If.'e Alifea;at '6t.. Ifeett, Tereento ,',,,,,c„,e4,1 ,51,,, 4:40 export, ee'efeee in ete,e-.3,q 4... :f,,Noir,sr r.---,:emeoiesioreer, ir peeldre• New . New Z .31, I Z6 lat. oweeeete - • - Y-. 14, K.I.,,,Z grIPPogtrami ilmt swill...-. ro,trrtfl greit4 '1"no W/O win do 7erIT 717,?,1'1,1 e ,_1mt*".,1'1441-,,1474 .',"5 ,., a__,_ -1 C 'Clil,, t'l. Blit/41, Ti.l.al.k6e: irligiUtig V9100 /AL+ the/r roxple trosi; no.f.e'wer,..1 1/4i'14,fr V41'14 eoloyeojoree. if prere1401- ,„t't! ral,',Fft,,t4g t'ilf, oveens-anoy In “r"""l' €='"t"e17-4" gesomg/ secein-'21 tne on- eeneeete Seer The so lete!etere., eeeil vie ten,O. eeteefernel-A, etieesege evereesee *Mk Trastz,11:113 or (tercet Britain, 1 ere,4-10-31 ES "Lams ..factofon; and third, ,,,,„fat:imil ,,,,,ru....„..$0,1..s.5, tio,' , , v.' ri,,,,,,, ,,,;,,,,170 fd,411.13*rapieirogthl;let):Iteryitetoorarli.Iieviitscea:1+ ilastrabelt.54;eiripor-Litetlieeelaittaosf lbeeetterettnhraeri Labatt eee 0 eit:n* !hem?' '/1 k11 -,,,,,,, prier„,e,e,„03,-.*, if ,,,0 p,,,,rtaut .stoveref. i that gee -atilt attereion was bet- of tee* Can. I tfmtlIlt‘,e,, glArlAk 4 ,...6., , > itelA78:44:i7;;:r, Tv 4 ';,:,0,1g,t • '' 1 e 1 IA '11.1 ,',,t1 in'. giVeta liY Vig" Beitient eonennier te/.' ''' ' -4. 7; 'f• .c:, ,4.,,'4,f Alley Ieetfeling prey-Ai:4; 4•1•0 • , ey ltxse is whet , dlzr)tkg fror;tol the pen feein-g end Ci'''•8* 14-•°•ctu?'6* tho 'ahem' Teverelireenel F f p „f cones, 1,./0.f ThfAt a.7.14141 fOr, zneeliore ese,s feeeeleg peeltree for egg pradue- , eeetoi , ,,,441.1. .44 14., .1„Tv.f.pga IY)t leesoe elves thie f,endeney ton, and rne.re partie::11ally in winter,. .14;;•,,pte rt whtn, id f*r '11;•• the queetien is nee only villa to feed, OZ A rnme13,crorbel Theze e eeaireg or Egg roauctiort. 4 Befere Now Zealand Ogatie, int4,, the 102: 111Se.1 to fed, foe the best v;- Z121ex4.ip , ef A• pip,p iv; .414 Sr, vt,--.07 P ,,• mar:Otte.: in a large vney, ceanade, eeas eibie ration, if fed uninte:Iigently, will ,Nef1 ft fetri trough eiten'W Vaewl tee, vouree esispply for imps, -,rt fail t.,e) give. satiefactory results. 44 si eeo:i; "Th: ,44140 ele•ey etteete frim the teen .V1 ed l'ibedelar Myer- floe ,Can -1 When the cliernieM coinposition lotrfi'f'ff thr. VeM PO'r141 47.0.• for foed* enojen eheeeye woe proclueeeee in eielan egg, al•ed the ornnivorone nature of 1,r -o! op;:"...;faig: ‘414:1"Wiltit.4 fiti4 for-• ro„rge,4,,e,, leee sere/zany for a eon -411e feed are token into consideration, deo, eet;eer w'SS- treel worfS 01-0 will get-otqr" tOeleraine propertien of it to bp eon -lit is olreieue that elements from the rtooefr -f•; eee-rt,e. t,f wttflro Itono:tgiwrr ttetivn, bed- oterivi fr ,vier to rneet regoirementei three rateral kingdoms, vegetable, rvied :if 41,14! tifr,c; thy rtrf,4t4e-,en otronr., hf.fa`fthli, fro thef, re,reasedee of the oear, 1,Sevei itIld mineral, must enter lilt° jhoilaro$1P. pr'''irIte•tt! th'e, 1,1rgVirM:11-• ?Ali-414Tel eeraieg :Teo tee rearemt *ler.' any well halaeteed poultry ration. The 114:Trxr. 104 14,0 ri,pt,T,7,4tel4 rrerrt feedinl: thee fir444 tot.iw the ing the eeeeeen ofnen-Product:en iri• limit thee furniehee by far the If;411c) bon; nfourbed.. k V1103 tiV,43 to cerninanel ir,rrnee!greater Pert. 4"-ef the nourishment, gonnof • s •^4,,,,4 `,tr, e!,,w,rA, "PT 4414'140 11T Wall' 1471+ 1'31, 'with nkn w Zealand hae so ! either in the Shape or whole or ground 9111r1' foI p,i4t,e,.. le.!. vapply lbo rf?froirs- inereazefl liter eretput of cheese that i" gra.e, 01' as green feed. The two ,011°.;•cooli pail* mol.rt,s in bellilince, Lem; end geed faro Ale tow dopp11-fili about the same am-!ethere, lieneeever, pi/1y an iroPOItailt r."1 %13'5' b tjo''0"1, -1. reining einel weather an exeseei (*tint tee Canada and NowZndrind sboaei, un aecount be over - If she eel, bee Leejetre, yield -eel .4f ji(pt 1413 I:141114 bto litfeals;r1 .elliptrattrts are on tlitf Inereafe. look'ed in feeding to obtain e.,-gg,e. eeeeete ee" eleser. Arrether (!d- „f ee,"enre effete c,e, the pert t•,,f trider the stimulus of the Var. In addition to the specific experi- 7;00•Pfee, '114- row!' irs ihrit It pro, p.piroalfiftrta,f, op thin lifoloid, Tbs' pricee, Noox Zealand developed her rarnt ou feeding conducted by the loation, 4;)$1 mg -4400,M fe mak tor ti'dbegeo industry at a rapid rate anee Experinieetal Farms throughout the • from Vowirkif into Limo, to 1,00,,nso meietel bees kept it up ever eince, It wae Dorninioe the 'various egg laying et:in- n-elle. re-et,re ere,14a 1b ttlitirtg MOP 44 1,eopree3etee; reeled teet the popularity of the te.ets have provided incest valuable data °I° wc‘gf`i `/`'rneale ue Aerie; .er nriddlirigal,che'',!`01 frern the two eountries was on. this subject. see )no, tee!, oatr„ ars1 properrtfid i about fairly ;•-•Psnly dwi&4 fig between Eetperienee bas proven that one of flit' 4)111'. 4r/(1.,*111.49!fr °O 1,frno d 1 betivierli, Ale melee looweeel 11-e• enVf'r. yoprth 4* CIfl714 liVp lir On, 1,,,x4ct '3 k 3k :iport.i-o,t, 14.4,01:y, or 1.,,na elee,l, fed the letter :1$`1':'ia1 11;711 '2:1: 'fit a wt1r10 0;4411 lie frtpari ed ngly ann s d i. , fr"171 fir', f rCentioneel fermi onteiee, if ntr 1itiflontioA. !trangoli becte rhould avallablei 11 allY1 1111111: lila, ern% for roeditog in (*onnertii,n with tho. b . o done nt thin nenonio for the year to 11.0:11 •ration, iht.m* 010131‘1 4'1 Tower! comfit fruit freer.: from being the ralti-dny fettling, anti niimild Le, - THE. SUNDAY .SCHOOL LESSON 1V146t,P,C1-1 11, 1923 gittliril toy noire? '111ff grain ration is fedi 4"w" 7 Miro an" /1?',;',0, fri eeereing end everning„ Route add moo: • R;70 Iv 0,1,41.4 that tiot 444, the Jesus in Gethsemane, Luke 22, Golden Text—Christ also c."1- 11'"Y Alirmt moor tho reeive orgarrs cool anti In good or6ar1 hath once`suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us toGod.-1 .Peter 3; 13. 111110`..1 1,Vi i1.11 1'4101 3:0,11/lien rz(ltrefl 4f 14,4441ing r0,1t43,Of. utrrount of liquid, foxt-o liftlde. 1,, gtol,w tor by the. rov Will be greatly rung teem. The trews may lm lwitsone41 onkel Ity trenetleg tee ;mew firtiely if the tow le eoefined to a pen where around mud) tree, or by molinding the floor Id re:fMt wessl, a fewO them up welb emelt in the eitteume wide olootila lie kept or: hand to enp31y1 reneerel 11;:ittor; these mit to thrown; into the. pon an required. Sulphur,: nalt end ensareoni kept in tt neparate 'Winter Care for Sows. peactient bog, 1"1:1q1V,1/1Z1, 1111t, tjus brut miwt.'t vote, 13 innre 1 103 14 1 :re113e41 In order /41 heili the broe,l,,r good entuillitni, whifii tire - ▪ the laying on of 1111 (.7tet.,41, o 1' lielOie rot. The eneert:.lvely 36 mere le thew lier eitee I)'8(' nod AVelllt, terriele 111e or ge,antion 3m. +114'r1'rIW 1111170 the run ;if lite barnyard, itelee,-; elle enn 1.11111 111 till' 11141111r1. lee; wild prove be1e:410M a;; regue: and uppetieene 1 For Rowe under etieh, eondiliense -vitro eherehl he taken to avoid th0. laying on or excenn foot, and wherel it rfaion emnprinfol ontiroily of meal Isf fed, without Niro. the now is 'liable to. deranzement of the ditrYlctiVO Organ'il whielt nornetionen ro!nuitts in the devedf, optima or On alonermal appoditn at farrowing. era it; u patine, of the sow erealiel 11e; etrew eteteic, fer seal,- devouring her yonioe. Prtining4 The fa,j1J101% orteling, operatione riny be emnmettetel 111 here, nnd •oro14r,14741-4 :13011114 oow be eonsidering t3:,1, f;vitunio 'to adopt in their par, 1401110 r ern,. Except in e it 1. recite catfe", prnololg should 4,0 modern end 4101144/ rooliat more of thinning ottt tore and thoro, wall es !Milo heading • 40 pannibio. 141 young erelutiete erwly met it limy to 3uor4::1411,1.7 to fa.flopt a oynteni 4,3' tfondiog, into% to 014 1441'i31 13414)W311, Wilit"h 41,0 g11-10 to itruflorn fruit repUrn 3n liner yeare, In bearing, orehardo 1lkt tole 111431 petniime ele1111,1 he given, ;et that et ro 1411111 Will 110 iieee?vnary 34 Mu. 1.r. 444 tly 11 or the 1441111100 l:411 -V4141 11 1110 root nod t011 by A doroVo lin:11111W MO, Ill old hoar. tipt oroh W 111011 1111 V 0 been 4101110 811413; nogIrrled, 4'oti-id1'rn1314. ant. o tnn of fop 4.11141)143 probably lie re -- lino efl to onctoirsge new Wood (4o thug 0. ?WV, Tt01.r11c'c. May 1)0 • 43t331e341.4(3, A rt. hes rupo 1140)tion 0,14 boAVVVOr, 3 1 :MOW pl'imingd Aro to ry, • <•••••<• •1, . , < tot wet s. 43Nn0IML1'a1rd 111,43, 131:1}r0iW4 3rtve't havo ;Violtk ;11411t1y bet for, un to certain ago, than trem pruned, but that t reel nolunid hattiy bilVe alot,ot wvii, w3iIj41 the60 aorerolly . ut emoting; tido hro,riug ailir poor 3:3eh3e1'z.1 imr Were abgt noel (11411 ihrt 141/' primed lilt 0, Where loglot heading hooch pro.,;.oloodi tics. the f3w.3 three yoltrn Wilil H1103li:(q1,1', the mm010,1003 34(1 414141 lititn penned rittrt UPprritteti AMNIA little thri onpeotteil, Ina thOrte. l\n4 141)011 prtinesti k‘Tro 1)44 ,A1:34111 44243 111 betUri ,--remttOon for fotere were hil11 thot epee where pruning' heti hive nee:bete off.. Tho.o0 results bare „I3ts31.1 4,44 oho ploAetko of lelittiing during; 014 Arg toy.- sitelet or 13. il'04 Iltd1 -kkith tA.11.V-04:1 3111 l'311441 0'btO1111.111X1 A 405A4443110 1110iort or groonh one.tst who. wn went it. 3311 tho rn.t, two,: otti vmoiro remeiderl • etitting Ont. Uttil ettltirtg; te,14t< rer thr rio*t three or four Newt*. In ether oases it, will remoire %ivy till NNItAit 3+ (In) riti3TP01(., enr orf% VVO to klIt:k0 tilt;R 1)C,4tOr svortkflt et -r4 Inor otoffertotoo•s on betiers anx1 electrittee reierdittt our itgiinto Att4't Aeo foalt 1,or Nhat one 1'114-Zit/VI). Al'e u -Ya tio wood removal, but in toll eases tho trecv shoold be Attended to annually. The vlger of the tree iv in invert%) ratio to the amount of eevere heeding lieeli practiei.d. 'Vint dime net ;Kenn, boweeer, that, no priming le 'to lei all 0 tieSi fc,r ri:‘1.1)alok 11111011nt 11(Arl411411 ln Pildt 1,0 maintain the' pro per Muir, or A 1,T0011 Arid 30111d /I:410111g ill100M to given to eliminate, 11.1.• pomsibiniy of having to give dras-1 tie treatment a a biter date to reetify, long negleet. The lesiein in, however,1 thet only suffieient prunieg to main - fain the ehape and general viwer a the wen to to TOCOMMellilett, littligerilltillAtil 11044111g haek delevs frahruhlee3 TOfIll008 vigor, Light annual pruning:: win not materially impelr er delay fruitful:teem and will eliminate fattro trouble, It litho enlargement on this halm' etetemeet 114 31011141118 ItOri'111411, tO Make i,learr the point, We ate ell aware of the- etiveetage to be pitied by heatlieg a• tree properly, A tree with Ite head '.141 '14(1(2 from ono pone on 'the trunk• irt wf‘alt, and doomed 10 an early. tleath.l To eorrect nruning Iteeeesery.i Again, we all know that in tvottingt mu. Amo14 try to cut out ell erotebesi which are itente-atiglefr, us limbs thus „rotd.u.„1 11,1.0 mire to PPM. 011011 1 the 111/111 the 011111414; .olormat to forming a . ight angle .with the nom trimik thel strongest, is lane attained tv . pruning, in bore are two reasons witel miming or tnaining necessary 181 the life Of the young tree, coteeder nee ll10111010 010 relation between peening. mei nutrition; the, Poole; of it, tete; her tratheeino 'room the i;on 03nnt rood+ tn solo vort,': whi,h- tramoniftod to the ditroventl Parts of the -treo for 'elaboration by, oho love+, The plant food gathorod. may roughly bo divided into two! eleeeee; ititrettee ite soptitioti, -for 0*,..! amplo, 4 ni'f.rate or sottle and earlya... bydatates, Thoro lattor ore eittleweleel: fernie prodoeed by the Itievee teem the eeletterte olkalood by! 4141414 enotit', Apil are leered :eleee to liet: poia ittenefeetere, le order thet! the lietroe eat Menureetere -theme, eeebehydreteie eonitslit uttesteent,' 11)1 thet. If e tree beeineee tO0t.1441:34 1 bi 1110 tomb thus 41:tiling ent oun front Om eentme er lower portion:4 ef the teee. theee nerte Oita otr tho 4nnag.ht witt not no 4.,blo, to nilml., raeture .00rtooloydefotes etal wttl,, 8, 1."01184t11101100.O1 110Y0111i) Other 1V110411. '11,11$' #1111111 1.311-11111111V lit Oil* SOIttlAl$ 14 14 trutintain the vigot evf ell •(,bie ptertee of thio tee* lie,' 11th -11:K038' the neetelevere: , Vt. \)• -a '0 P..01, de leeteete, to geotl seed, Wb011. WO put it, bite peer :mend, oor go,y1 gl'O.1.1114 when: we put, in ereoe eee4e. Lesson. Setting-2nm opening Part, rjf tho Ity-tocorri chapter, finds, Jfttirms end hie dieciplee in the upper. room. Here Jeeees institutes the: L0r4'11 Supper after the- observance of i the Peteeover. And now the dreed!,, street aymbolized in the Supper is denwitig nigh. Juelue has departed on' 1,13 minion of betrayal. The great erieie of Jeetes' ;end hue come, arid he eeelee eoniniunion with hie heavenly, 11.:1110trit1 i:1' 1' '.1t) tifo '11a78171intniti.71 au/rering. "It bs impossibie for tut; understand Ile experience the! eterneiSon of hid itt that supremel eriels when he wne carrying up our F:111i4 in his body to the tree; and where understanding rune, he- ti,sivnets.,,us to refrain our Bpi: and be 3. The Agonizing Master, 39-44. Ve. 39, 40. He came out . , to the Mount of Olivete Matthew totys, "Unto it place called Getheemane." The word Getheemane me141243 "oll-prees," It wits an enclosed plot of groupd: be- longing -to minte friend, to wheel ,10005 hod often re8ortod, matthow also tells tut that his soul Willi needing eorrowful even unto death. Ifis dis- eiplee alto) followed Moe The less Intiemte Oieciples Steed in the haek- greelut while he took with him as hie luometiate emeeemions. Peter, Jamee ;led john, wbo were with bis also on the Mount of Transfiguration. Pray (tilt Ye enter 3101 into temptation.: They also hare an ordeal to pasos through and it 18 jestrs' dosiro that they 'find etrength through prayer to Goci, for their triel, V, 41. Ile trim withdrawn • front them, Ile must even withdraw 1413.4* SQlf from the c0m3mn1en81431: tbe three T1 ;re ; • 1110 the mosning or his agony. Keeeled down. Mathew adds that he fell down oa hie fece the attitude of utter geese 0:41 emit: llebrows 5; 7 mates mentioe or his 8trong crying and toars, Vs. 4.2, 43. Vottlter, if' thou bo in'. In all Ids prayer .ho recognizes the NM th ;ireme„ thnee IL IS :Mt 13 prayer -3,41 hood the of God to ids will. 11 14 ft prayer 'that the will of God, if eoeeible. mey carried otit in 80111Q .other way. Nut the work of redettiption ming, Stal be mrreetwee, eree eleesienAlip WHAM lit At OTNS, 4111(1 recionIllt 1011 3.033,11 014 Sat*I'llit'hi :Aro ietpoesible. ftemoee this tom. Jeeue emethe of hie etiffer- ing es a etiP of bitterness, The temp- tation in the wildeeneee was n test of how Jesus \Mild begiii and ," On 11121 leteesiehship, The expeelettee in the Garde» is A teet ae`to hew be will eemplete hie Ititsssialisitip -11 life eerviee to be eoMpleteti by 4 deatlil Not my will, but ! thine; ngain the note of loving end: tetiett011 submission to the will of God, "The tonmog,„ notornt to 1.11,11?./itilitit 41.0 08.%1'10 part And eerrowt ouce to the euperior eleim of the Divine, Jesue believes utterly in the loviegewee and wiedom of the divive wilt. It, le more thee the will of GA. It le the will or hie Pothole V, 44, Being in ea egone, he orilYed more eeeoretly. Hie dittoing to = eio efle eweet Noft$ 1,11/ It were great orofii ;;0,yqpit. ef blood, bet rethee'thati It ;vete Se -profiett; thet it dropped from 111111 414 deep* or 'Wood drop 'from e wetted, Net It is not the lese oteiking piteedeel etapifeetation of hie 01O111:01 ene epirtletel (twiny, end the- realty • bIS tmentatoo. 1141-Itieeet net e thirenee rpooi touptc.ticm A111'.!11, 11111.111 t011if1tAtt.t011, It. The Steenilet Ve, 44, 4(1, White he roe* lel, fro.% 111WyOr, NYtIlit VITtlOrl OVA 1441111r, Front (hie Pant' NVi.± tie* neeeeSeeti by' e genet ettliateee gpirtt„ It wee no( en utattswered preyee beeetteir he reeeiveit $&41411I3 114 to drink it. Was come to his disciples. In Matthew and Mark we learn that 301104 came back to the three disciples three times in tbe -course of bis agony, a3 if he were seeking the reinforce - meld of human gympathy in his struggle, Fnunit them sleeping. Each time be eame he found them asleep, though Jesus had asked them to W311473:. The firat time Jesus singles out Peter f or reproach, "Couldest not rheu •one hour?" A.t the same titre he eaye, "the spirit truly is ready but the flesh ie weetk." Jesus knows that their sleeping does not indicate eailousness or indifference to ;Jesus, ,but rather frailty of vrill and purpose. In his own present experience Jesus knew how there was a real conflict be- tween body and spirit. In his case the epirit hae triumphed over the flesh, Lit the etruggie enabled bim to Byrn- pathize with thoee in who the flesh tr• „ Vs. 47, 48. While he yet spake • . a multitude:, composed of the chief priests, elders, eoldiere and the gath- . G'11114" mule And he that wtts called Judas. He was the leader and had undertaken to deliver Jestie into their hands for thirty pieces of -silver. One of the twelve; a 'tragic phrase. It was one of thoite who bad been with Jesus that betriteed him Drew near unto Jesus to kiss This was the cue- tomary greetleg -of the dieeiple for het netster. In this ease, was a pi•e--- arranged isiodifieotion of Jes-ue. The whole oonduet of judos is deliberate ,ancl celeulated. In the -case of Peler'a denial ef the 131:aeter, the tentplation 4nds Peter elf his -getrel, but the be- trayal of ;Items Judae Was not sud- den, but premeditittetl. Betrayest thou the Sett of mai; -with a Mete Matthew tells filet Jesus ueed the word "friend" in 11d -firming! judne. Might nut the remoree of Judas begin here? V. lee They took him, eleetis -Were no eeeistenee, He rebtre, ed the violence; dune to the servant of the high prietAl. Peter. loliowe4 ofor off. Peter- had beget; to fell alreadeo 34113.1 • '4 .1 0,.3.l0 to pigeon Aunt :lean. 01.01:HUI4 *mono 1 metro e , ie' TheTobaccx) of' Quail ty the best raixtures of grain for serateh Island seventh, and Nova Scotia feed is that composed of equal by weight of wheat and cracked elorn;,i'lorght.P::anvinnincl, parts eighth, The difference in. points of all inwaastotacitemor 55 5atfivroemly with half a part of oats. If wheat is a ?4.92 for the highest to 54.48 for the 'not available at a reasonable price, mixture of cracked corn and oats in owe. ie mast satisfactory feature equel parts, plus halt parts of barley and buckwheat will prove quite satis- factory. In addition to this scratch. grain, a dry mash, whieh may weN consist of equal parts by weight of corn flour, bran, middlings, finely ground oats and half a part of fine beef serap, ehould be kept constantly before the birds in hoppers, as also should oyster shells and grit: In the event of beef strap not being obtainable at a fair price, it may :be replaced. if the winter by raw OT -cooked meat,. ,suell as hoese flesh (provided that the animal was healthy), or this part of the ratien. may be eliminated entirely provided that milk is always avatlable. IAn ample provision of fresh water is an absolute necessity '(even when milk is given). In very severe weath- er the water may be replaced by snow, provided that it is given in a reeep- Ude large enough teprevent the lit- ter from getting andethat an ample supply is kept available. The birds must also get a suffident quan- tity of green feed, either in the form of eprouted oats, mangele, beets, Jeru- salem artichokes, -cabbages, or dry and , steamed- clover or alfalfa, As a gen- 1 eral rule sprouted oats give the mast !satisfactory results, though their pre- paration entails a little additional wolr'ih% question is often asked: "How inueli feed should be given to a flock of fifty birds in order to get a satisfae- tory egg ,yield?" but it is one that ea-ele breeder must answer fee himself as a. result of his own observation: I when feeding. The following method of feeding has given excellent results and is one ,at •een e recommended. In addition to the dry mash, etc,, kept constantly before the birdo give a light feed (about half a 1:andful per bird) of, eueateh wain, in a deep litter, as soon! as it gets light 111 the morning. If: sprouted etits ore fed, they may be; given in the forenoon in the propor-I tion of one ,equare inch per bird, or if• -e wet nnieli ie given at noon, they; can be mixed evith it. The wet mash' A ti el keit ion.. cent; ie eoneeives OA a VVrt/4111 41<'\'12' (1411 lielillancy bi applying our Lord' unique oorrow niti ex,p0rieltee III tie f 1-1.* eeetelre to eure ;,,I\P 0 1 lir to 01110'4. a +Lanus ,,,,v apart. 'Avow vo, stuil iri i5.0 nesoideted in our tllettreitt Wl11) 1)11, VrOat Mleelili 11p; 4)Ity' end- eeeriiice emieuterneted on Celvery ilkui, We elill •":"1 r eel \'' hying ouree1-008 140 '11141h 411; it n$. batting Ihe Villtie La exemple -noel inspiration In our experiences of life; and yet, wo are dellootoly eneouroge4 loy the scriptures to think of loth; in obis oNsty, "I..00king unto 40404, the author and finisher of our filith; who 130)' the jox that note riet before, hieu tnolured tee ePose, (feel -deem lite 'eluerne, esel ie eet down in t, le, right ,be.od of tire throne of (10e, For eon,, eider the that +441411341,3313410411 tonotro1440- tion or niittte.rti Ogritilttii. blitutrA WA iye. be Weilltleti, and ti.linl. In your Orrilools,'! il.f,',4. lilt il, .3, "Thotbr,,11 to were e }3 nn j VA, 1(4111R:14 ho oberuktne4 ..hy 3 -ho things which. no puff:re-red.?' anti , 4 33 3413: learn 4 hint i i There, are zo. Many people to..dAy , who Itaye bitter to:4 to drink,. fie of blood. This (6,1f.tts not mean 'too :Many tlf.11 Una Wornon, Nsitn .hyt* iforwArd,08 nomo 4101041021343. ,3;0 40100 groat, steetinf end sorrow, 031113.4412114214048 thitt, may not be taken from Moe until they` aro drained, It le 11, 'Hg!ttorloot8 trutib 1)1423.3;'tountlemis oorot% Itzkve been inspired to men "Thy iAlrc).1silIA'1111 yleti.r1 0114'. 11.10-r33. Are be ilerte,” beeieuse Cleelse tweeted ,Iiimeetf, to the Pittner. Though dneli the nab' and tied the tote thetnen tie 'lenely grief, thettgl; ellokneee weete tievey tie; tife o ,premeture, do ezee, ,leeue itete leaushl, tie to tete, welly I be dem:is' '$'f1.3 ever t 11Q 0541O41'. a our tire: may be. 040 theof contest is that a decided ine- prevenient is reported in texture, moistum, and in salting. Relative to the last mentioned, Mr. Geo. IL Barr, the officer of the Brandi in charge of the contest, writes, "The Canadian Markets are gradually coming to re- quire a mildly salted butter, and but- ter for export must -contain less salt than most eireanieries are using at present, one to one and a half per cent. in the butter being quite enough for the British market." Good judgment is one of the essen- tials of good farming. may ronoia of the some Inge edient21! as the ;ley mob, IAA lnoistentql withl either milk, WntOr or table scraps. Ttei birds should not be given more of this3 then they tql 11 4+31111 ep in fifteen nii11-1 lite% tri10- 0 thin' groan feed previously; mentionee beet fed either euspendedi from •a wire about eix inehee ebove the level of the birds' heada or plaeed 0113. neile driven itrto the wall at, about t1ui 144///0; height. About an how: liefote rooeting linie et good feed of seeateh grain &mid be given, and 'feeder van IMO .111(421.1 of the quantity 'hetes- ' Aittry of-010111in the 11011'8 CrOps 3311- 1 aftee theY )1400 gon_e to room:, '1 r tho eroph are evell felea and there le no eueplue of groin the lit - tee, the amount, fed, 13 eufficient, If ot,fitor hand thoir erepts axe mit the queotity eshoteld- be iilerealled, ikliretirdiNi 111 Chit eVellb much seeeiti beteg loft 'Mt the Deer, Ao elated et the outeset, In feedine for egg produCtIon, method 38 equally 11121 11111)Orrilitil, IlIntelini,Ima 17037t1.4lar. keV 't•ft W , , „t(1) iittehaudeme, :TIke Poiitinion.gtittottitiptal Biittor Contoit, 9014-r44) liarNY'ati'INSfell might lie 111(4)04111341 ln 011,0 , , •Eilidetttionel 11nteee :,.OloeteS.1; :of :'4,922, 113. the everege" teeee. -for, ,Ilitver 'et3311 f.303• week -melte. .013ili.,.33we04on 'elle *mete:fee. tresteire; lertionpontetiote,ofentoiettere, Ogee', 'mate 'Ng' tied pitekline 11110 211004 IAA pe,3'-1111 Iko 33.I'410314414134, h21 01'411 tho (,th(w helitg 31et3,1ed:1 (."eittioble -firele •Ortittint 114,iltirti NOW 4121)3.41l5,44114133(34244 4414114, Streletteliewen Meth,relive* khlweed 011'11.- Corrugated 'Galvanized Steel Roofing Direct from Manufacturers to Con- sumer. Write for Prices Special Terms la Farmers The Metallic Roofing Co. Limited 80GE 1194 King St. W., Toronto eson e qiint This Farm Mixer Operates m a LoW Cost. Tide sturdy. doublo.00tton Brantford Conorete 141:84 tio many loaded and un- tended, it onsonsraes dtreatefitto Barrow Of forms. Economical to o ate, mixes 002145018 11)1' doors, silos, etc. and or power, tiounted on alrlde or trtkokt. Use your °WTI eosins or our Type 'it ,....keroceno engine. Our Booklet is free, G1oold Shapley $t 'Muir Company, Limited 200 Wellington Salm Brantford Buono Th. Mixer forhtmail A safe, dependable and effective refaedy for Cotlgba, Colds, Distem- per, Influenza, Heaved' and 'Worms among hersei and mules. Absolutely harmless and as safe for colts as it le tor statliOns., mares geldin.gs. Give Spohn's oecasionally as a Pre- ventive, Two sizes, at all drug stores. Pf-C. 0 *I itkaot. Irrigated Farms In, Southern Alberta 1 xJ1 thoRaMous Tanfbali District Sew Rivet terigatfoia Proisot imPeciallY goea lOcation for mixed Carnting and dairying. Splendid op- portunity for young 171811 110221' living In districts where good land cannot be bought, at reasonable prices. THIS IS NOT IrIOINIDICRING, the drat 10,000 acres are fully,seffied and. another 10,000 acres-nowready for settlement; maximum distance rom railroad, seven ntflos, Ciood roads, tieepnonee ana sehoceei Ea.sy pay- ments, Offending over 18 Yeara Whir fa the isoat Dana. Env.= Alberta 1Arrite tor further, inforMation to: • tilAkiTADAL LAND and 1.14)1ICEIL=021 00114"RAIrit, ediedne - Alberta Book to Work 33.0041.1.4 1.341144et 1..t„oatme,L.It. will at th,t lama 14e -:e lmck on the $013 ekaln, inerothna fprts yaere, 1:.,ettliAllt*SpAvra 0.101t 1308 1,0th(14111v2114 11mvins,s151431, eleeheee, l,heteuebeie tote ell kiwis et hotly nrevtlial. 1141ticlor iltoot.06,44vol$31.7.4Pts' )r.lk. 'rreolint on f=re 211one tIsd 611. In40010,1„,',:t'OttOnt043(14+4 ne, 0, .1, KLNDAL1, titusburti Vi,, ' Kendall's Spavin Treatment'