The Exeter Advocate, 1923-3-1, Page 4►r To. the Farmers and all those later- ested in. Poultry ReieEne, I have • to - offer again a full line of the old - liable Daniel's Hast Water Self -Reg- ulating Incubators, made in, Canada, priced as iQ1.laws,• — L5 egg capacity $111,00 120 egg capacity $28.00 250 egg capacity $45.Q0 400 egg capacity $110.00 Brooders from $7.50 up. R. B. QUANCE, Gidley St., Exeter. The Exeter Advocate Sanders & Creech, Proprietors Subscription Price—In advance., $1 50 per year in Canada; S2.0u n the. United States., All subscriptions not paid in advance 50ct etra charged.. NEWS TOPICS OF WEES Important- Events Whth Have Occurred During the Week. The Busy World's Happenings 'Care- fully Compiled and Put Into Handy and Attractive Shape for Perusal by the Readers of Our Paper. TUESDAY. Sudbury tie with Soo. • ` Scottish curlers beaten by Ontario rinks, Retail Clothiers' Convention begins at Toronto. North Toronto intermediates tied at Peterboro'. - Poland places blame for fighting in Vilna district on Lithuanians. Liberal joint resolution on French invasion defeated in British House. B. C. Government wins case on Oriental labor before Privy Council,. Niagara Peninsula Growers re- organize for new effort to handle On- tario's fruit. Decrease is reported in importa- tion of opium and narcotic drugs for last fiscal year. H. C, Wallace, U. S. Secretary of Agriculture, addresses Canadian In- stithte at Toronto, 'Charge made in British House of Gammons of overcrowding emigrant steamer to Australia. ,, Preach and Belgian Premiers force common r licy on withdrawal when Germans surrender. George Nairn, Preston, is fatally injured when he falls off freight motor on Grand River Railway. THURSDAY, MARCH 1st, 1923 Lloyd George delivers speech in British Oeramons, urging Britain and ...,. "i,'rniteci States to mediate in Ruhr. Five y anng amen arrested at To- Clandeboye eeergea *ate taking part in the etneit c_ ten automobiles during the A surprise "farewell party" ryas, pool, four weeks. held at the borne of .lar. and Mrs, Freda' Charles Alexaudra, for whom no Simpson, 2nd concession of 1icGitlie relatives have yet been discovered, vray, an Friday even ctg, when a large' was found dead in bed in his room number of friends gathered to pie- , at fioronto with spas tube in mouth. sent the family with a taken of the' Revenue of Ontario Government lessteem: in, which they axe head in the liquor dispensaries increased by over neighborhood, Messrs. Percy Simpson$1,000,000 in 19?2 and fines for and James Morgan presented Mr. and violation of the O. T. A. decreased Mrs. Simpson with two handsome , snarply- wicker chairs, and their, daughter, 'Ed- Sir Henry Newbolt tells Canadian no, with three pieces, of French ivory.Authors' Association that, if they' Mrs. James Morgan read the address, 'wish to develop a Canadian litera- ture, they must "think in terns of Canada" to the exclusion of English masters. En reply Mr. Simpson thanked the com pasty on behalf of hi,niself and family. After 'the presentations cards and dancing were .in. order, and aspl-redid WEDNESDAY. lunch was served. Irish rebels loot house of Lord The pupils of S. S. No. .4, McGill- French. ivxay the same day surprised their po- Lithuanians are aggressors in • pular schoolmate, Miss Edna, by pre- frontier dispute at Vilna. seating her with an Eversharp silver 1 Agricultural estimates were pre - pencil as a token of their afff ctiop; sented in House of Commons. Miss Oliver ;at Landon, is spenckngt Canadian Pacific niay extend the remainder of the winter with her � northward to new Quebec gold field. sister, Mrs Austin Bice, second con- German and Jewtraw break r,essi ui, alci livray. 1world's skating records at Moncton. a pt3 Robert Hodgson has secured a I Jas. Vannevar, well-known Toron- itien, with the Chalmers Auto Com- to book -lover, passes away in 98th rrany of Detroit. year. Ernie Patau, has returned from a Two .more fires in London declared business trip to Cleveland. .r to be of incendiary origin by Chief Jimmie, the little son of Mr. Percy Aitken. Armitage ,of Biddulph, is quite ill: British Commons defeats motion Grand Bend. Mr. Frank Geromette, who dispaaed of his farm stock and household ef- fects, leaves shortly for Buffalo. Mr. H. Gill and, daughter, Edna, were in London last week, returning home on Saturday. Mr. Bruce Bessen-berry left Saturday to visit at Brucefield. There were no, services in the Pres- byterian Church Sunday, owing_to hav- ing awin_g no minister. Mount Carmel Edward Glavin, 57, years, of age, died on; Wednesday of last week in St Joseph's Hospital, London, Deceas.eft formerly resided in, Mt. Carmel, but for the oast few years had been aresi- dent of London. The funeral washeldl Friday morning from the undettaking parlours of E, C. Ka' llengswarth to St. Peter's Church, McGillivray Township Interment was made in the R. C. 'nem- ,etery in McGillivray. 3 RUN-DOWN, NERVOUS ? Weak Women can Find the Help They Need St. Thomas, Ont.="Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a grand medicine f o r women who are at all nervous, weak or run-down, or who suffer with womanly ailments, I have not only taken it myself and been greatly benefited 'but I have known. of many others who have been bene- fited and:, in no -case have -I ever heard One :word of condem.natibn 'against Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, but always praise." --Mrs, Sarah Burke, 103 Scott St. The use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription makes women happy by making them healthy, A. great .many women in every part of Canada, owe their good health of today to this famous Prescription. HAVE YOU STOMACH TROUBLE? This Woman Had Suffered Great Dis- tress and Gives Her Experience Dundalk, Ont.—"I am only too glad to tell what Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery has done for me. 1 doctored three months, and got no relief but, thanks to Dr. Pieree's medicine, I found a cure at last. I will recominend it to any poor suf- ferer ufferer with ulcerated stomach and mouth. When. I started taking the `Discovery' I weighed 93 pounds; now I weigh 119. No other medicine for we." -Mrs. Malcolm McLaren., You - can 'quickly put yourself in A-1 condition by going ••t i your •drug gist andobtainingDr,. Pierce's Golden Medical Disegvery in tablets -or liquid; or send. 10e to Dr. Pierce's Laboratory in Bridgeburg, Ont., . for trial pkg. and write for free medial advice. • to reduce responsibilities in Mesopo- tamia. Agincourt curlers won at Oakwood. `yesterday afternoon and evening, by 113 to 92. France cables its tenth challenge for the Davis Cup, international ten- nis trophy. S. J. Hungerford is chosen as op- erating head of Canadian Nations:. Railways. Paris newspapers publish attacks on Lloyd George for his speech in Parliament. Mrs. Margaret Coupe, Dovercourt road, Toronto, murderously slashed with a razor. Hamilton Tigers beat U. of T. and Aura Lee beat Argonauts in 0. H. A. senior fixtures. Fourteen hundred members of Irish Civic Guard parade before President Cosgrave. Discovery of Temple of Ur in 'Mesopotamia centuries older than Tutankhamen tomb. Election appeal against unseating of member from Moose Jaw is dis- missed by Supreme Court. John Murray, who was arrested at Toronto with Harry J. Flynn Monday night, collapses in his cell and dies. Hon. H. C. Wallace, U. S. Secre- tary of Agriculture, addresses mem- bers of the Legislature from the floor of the Ontario House. Four men fall in four different ele- vator shafts at Toronto in one day, one of them being killed and another so seriously hurt his life is despaired of. THURSDAY. Irish rebels stage raid against Free State office in Dublin. Paper "money for Ruhr 'district. practically decided on. Work is resumed by striking min- ers;in French coal areas. Canadian ski runners win feature events at Lake Placid, N.Y. North Toronto 0. H. A. intermed- iats win round from Peterboro. Russia is pushing Lithuanians to reject decision of League of Nations. Ladies' Ontario golf championship will be played for at Brantford this year. Leaders of continent -wide counter- feiting ounterfeiting gang arrested in United States. British Government gets narrow majority in division on. Old` Age Pen- sion motion. House of Commons debates bill in- troduced by private member to ex- clude Orientals. St, Pats lose to Ottawa, 6 to 1, and Canadiens beat Hamilton, 5 to 2, in National League. Two school girls are attacked by pet wolf in Saskatoon, but woman heats animal off. e J. C. Begg of Hamilton is .elected president of the Ontario Retail Clothiers' Association. Charles Lougheed of Detroit placed.. in charge of printers' strike at To- ronto by international exeasttive.: on. Manning Doherty, Minister. a ofI� riculttxre in four-hour, addre Ag �, defends the regime of the' Drury Government. Provincial policeat Sartia seize 2,000 bottlesof lemon extract fol - towing finding of eine after death of Indian • by railway train. ' •• Committee appointed by:, Henry Thornton is investigatingextensions and improvements to the Niagara, St. Catharines and Toronto Railway. Expenditures "amounting to $1,.- 100,000 by the Ontario Hydro -Elec- tric Power Commission for radial purposes were the subject of inquiry by the Gregory :Commission, -Mayor Hughes of Welland, who was unseated by County Court judge of Welland, is finally restored to his seat by Mr. Justice Middleton's judg- ment at Osgoode Hall. FRIDAY. Bomb factory discovered in house in Dublin. U. of T. juniors win round from Collins -wood. Sault Ste. Marie wins group by beating .Sudbury. <. Moore Park Barracks, Toronto, destroyed by fire. Counterfeit gang in U. S. had rami- fications in Europe. Emery Killins, Caistor, was 'killed while rabbit -hunting. German industries in Ruhr feel effects of French control. Famous Holstein herd is destroyed in fire near Amherst15tlrg. Commission on Lake Freight Rates move to Fort William. Toronto's chief of police says there was a decrease in crime last year. Imperial Oil, Ltd., will continue exploration for oil in Canadian north went. Lord Burnham says people .of the West Indies are opposed to joining the United States. John G. McLeod, six-year-old Brampton boy, is killed by the col - Lapse of a e -aw tunnel.- Parkdale rresbyterian Church;• To- ronto, has extended a call to Rev. Henry Senlater, D.D., of Edinburgh. .verity -four hundred dollars was eeaneed for Trushinski wnen Hamil- t..i and Toronto professionals tie, 4 to 4. Provincial Treasure'i: estimatesre- ,:..ss for the current year' will be v„e,372,029.08, an increase of $864,- ii.99 over those of last year. Hydro deveiopnment and question of freight rates were otitstanding ite.us in speech of Lieutenant-Gover- nc,r A1c(allum Giant at opening of Neva Scotia Legislature. ' St:ekes every month "against war and Imperialism," a workers' repub- lic and the abolition of national boundary lines were among the pro- jects discussed at convention of the Workers' Party of Canada. SATURDAY. Berlin fears French may enlarge occupation. Irish rebel leaders captured by Free State troops. Mummy of Tutankhamen may be left in sealed tomb. Lithuanian troops fire on Polish soluiers in Vilna area. L.s..er Block in Hamilton and Say- lor ,stock in Trenton destroyed by fire. Proposal to 'settle Canadian and Uniteu States farmers in New. South 1v ais. riamilton 0. H. A. senior elim- inate Kitchener by beatings ' them, 3 t o 2 : William Grayson wins Burns:Cup and $1,200 in cash in dos' race at i n e Pas. Dr. Forbes Godfrey, M.P.P., who has been quite 'ill of influenza, is recovering. Albert Sockett found by search party in Cowichan Hills after -being i.,et for nine days. Provincial savings deposit ,banks hold deposits amounting to 'nearly uv.:, million dollars. • n Gene T unney wins American light - heavyweight championship by out - pointing -Harry Grebes United States observer to present report on German national debt to Reparations Commission. 1 - John Stevenson is under arrest on a charge of killing his wife and her mother at their home in Sequin Falls. Hydro Power Commission approves of agreement for Great Lakes Pulp & Paper Co. locating on The Mission, Fort William. - Premier Drury tells the Legisla- ture that a proposal for development of Hydro -electric power on the Abit- ibi river by private interests is being considered. Robert J. C. Stead, Canadian novel- ist, says new school of Canadian story -tellers are tired of "academic nonsense about a great Canadian lit- erature," which, he thinks, will only come in its own good time. MONDAY. • McGill won the intercollegiate as- sault -at -arms. Civil war in China is again likely to break out. St. Pats win and move up in N. H. L. race. Oakwood (Toronto) rink defeated in final in Quebec tourney. French fear Britain will abandon mandate over Mesopotatmia. Big cache of weapons found by police on New York waterfront. Father of war hero receives cross from grave -of son at Vim, Ridge. French make new extensions in Ruhr to complete customs control. Prof. R. Hodder- Williams resigns from staff of University of Toronto. German Chancellor says Teutons can hold out till July against French. Price of gasoline in Ontario and Quebec advances two cent per gallon: St. Mary's were eliminated by Kitchener from the A. H. A. junior race, West .Virginian arrested at Niagara Falls charged with abducting 15 - year -old niece. An attempt to wreck ;train near Chatham frustrated by action of un- known farmer. ,John Stevenson makes :full confes- 0pi4.of shooting wife and mother -in (oat Seguin Falls. President recommends to TJ. S. Senate adhesion- to protocol estab- lishing nations' court. Rev. Ronald MacLead conducts ser- vice in Gaelic language at North Rosedale United Church, Toronto, - Sir Clifford :Sifton wants •constitu tion amended to prevent legislators interfering With vested property 'Washington intervenesto prevent extradition- of One of the suspected robbers of the Royal Bank of Canada at Mount Forest. Lucan xnneline 'Michael, for many years a reaMent:of Thedford,.but far the past 1'9 years a sresident sof Ltucatt, died at tate home of her soup -int -Draw, Hy. Ifune, Biddulph Township, recently, at the age of 70 years. She leaves a son and daughter, Robert Dellow, and Mrs. Henry Iiunni, of Lucan and Biddulph,. respectively. Hier husband, Wallace 'Michael, died in Sa a'gt Hospital •early in, the winter. A wedding of Interest to Ltican res- idents took place at Bemidji, i‘,flnnl, when Miss Claire Nagler, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Nagle, fornverly of Biddulp,h, was marrilec1 ito J. M. Mc- Doayald of Mdncieapolls. The bride is kt piece !of J, Najgle of Lucan, (and attended school in Toronto, after- wards going to the university Mine neso•ta, The ceremony took place at St. Phillips Church, Misst Dorothy Nagle, sister ,of thei bride, and Stanley O'Connr of ,Minneapolis, acted as attendants, The gno'om is atravelling salesman for a large lumbering con- cern. Greenw ' Mrs Edwards has been[ill with bron- bhati . - Llroycl Brophey is. recovering Ecom an 'attack of 'flue' ivlrs, St'etwurdson is conrvulescent af- ter her recent illness. Mr. Lawrence Pollock and his fath- er, W, J.. Pollock, viselted in Kerrwood last week. The, (oyster supper in the Methodist Church Ica,st Monday was, an enjoyable affair throughout. A ploy and some. dialogues by local talent, read- ings by Miss. Florence Turnbull, and music by the Male, Quartette of Grand Bend composed ae program that pleas- ed every one present. The proceeds amounted to $82.00. Rev, D,, W. Wil- liams, B, A,, ably presided as usual. Hensa i The, death 'took place in Toronto recently ,of Wm. Wels!hy a former resident of Henisall. Hugh ,McDlonald of Wingham is ill at his home here, Mr. John McDonell has, been quite ill in London, but is recovering. 'Me. George Sma1e is out again after, having his foot badly injurjed when a ]road of logs' fell and erased it. Mrs, W R•:chards-vv has returned from a visit in ISt. Thomas. Mrs, T. W. Parlener is recovering nicely Mr. F. S. Stevens of Toronto, ;pent several days here with his wife who is v€isit:uug her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Reichard. Mr. and Mrs,.. W. R;. Bell of Wind- sor, are visiting their relatives here. Miss Bell is re -opening her mill- inery dooms, Mr. John McDaruell Is preparing for a trip to the south for a few weeks, to recover his ,bep.4 th. HIGHER TEA PRICES EXPLAINED The Salada. Tea Company, the larg- est distrtibutors of ilea in Canada, re- cently ammioun;oed an incrieas'e in price ton each of their blends. This course was forced upon them, according to information received about the situ- ation, in order to mainntaia the quality of " S ALARA " Tea, when pay- ing the haighe.st prices ever recorded on the primary markets for the un- blended leaf. The story of riots on the tea plan.tatiions, dock 'strikes in Calcutta to delay shipping, and the difficulty to obtain coolie labor toy pluck the tet, from the•bashhs, all. bring 'home to us the fact that the social unrest that has been every- where appariesrt sintcie the war has spread even to the iiemotest lea gar- dens Of India • our A nbition -whatever it may be, will be more easily achieed if you have creat• ed a strong ally in the shape of a Savings Bank balance. It gives courage in present difficulties and confidence for the future. No beginning is too small and no aim too high. Open an account to•day. ssi ! THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Capital Paid up $15,000,000 Reserve Fund $15,000,000 - M. R. Complin, Manager. Exeter Branch Crediton ' " 1 Dashwood " . R. S. Wilson, Manager. a INCORPORATED 1855 Capital and Reserve $9,000,000 Over 125 Branches, THE MOLSONS BANK OFFERS GOOD BANKING FACILITIES to Merchants, Manufacturers and Farptmers, E t Savings Departments at every Branch EXETER BRANCH T. 5. WOODS Manager, Centralia Branch open for business daily. w BIG Furniture Bargains REDUCTION IN FURNITURE. WE CARRY THE LARGEST AND MOST UP- TO -DATE STOCK. BUY HERE AND SAVE MONEY• Funeral Director & Embalmer, M. E. GARDINER If your oven is slow to heat you will find Egg -0 just as slow to act— its double action insures leavening with a slow ' or hot oven. - GG BakingPowder ORDER FROM YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD GROCER 49 I aa SEAFORTFI.—Mr. Ed. Mole was cal- age and came to Canada 48 years ago, led to Dungannon owing:to the illness settling at Auiiurn, wfi,ere He had since of his father .John) Mole, who . passed away of Feb. 18 :Het was; 74 years- of lived. • P. E. ISLAND -0111100."41- :....1 .pelt , .. viill L,'itFTlr'''}ry e\`e setas :" sunslllNml liens NOVA SCOTIA During a trip across Canada last summer, mem- bers of the Montreal Board of Trade gained many new and striking impressions of their own country. They expressed varying views on these; discussed, criticized, or commended them. 'These exchanges be gan to crystallize into a dominant but unspoken thought In every, heart. Finally it was given voice in the words: "There is no East, and no West: THERE IS JUST CANADA." It is not merely a' bit of fine phrasing. The senti- ment has an appeal to every one who has caught a vision of what Canada is to be. Before the splendor of that vision selfish 1oeal,interests wither and die and provincialism fades into nothingness.,- What is of benefit to the farmer of the West or the fisherman on the Atlantic coast, should be a matter of concern to every citizen of the Dominion: "There is no East, and no West: THERE IS JUST CANADA." In the roll of centuries since the world began, the history of Canada occupies but a modest meas}tre. Within the memory of people stili in the vigor ,of life,. new areas qt, this country have been opened to settle- ment as large as some countries in Europe;vast re-. sources of timber` and mineral;.lands have been re- vealed, and great `water powers have been harnessed to do• the will of man. The once unexplored and•the' long unknowr, have been linked, `until this Empire within an, Empire begins to know Itself as a land of possibilities: beyond •the dreams of all the pioneers who laid its foundation in faith --and hope." "There is no .East.' and no West: THERE IS JUST CANADA" Most potent of all the factors in awakening, Canad- ians to the truth about their own country has been the railway. Its slender' ropes of steel are everY- where harbingers of still greater days to come. Crose- Ing the wide -flung prairies, spanning rivers, passing, by means of tunnels, through the mountains that barred the progress of man in days gone by, or wan- dering through the meadows and orchards ` of the earlier settled portions of the country, they are a visible embodiment of the sentiment, "There is no East, and no West: " THERE IS JUST CANADA." The railway has made it possible fox- inereasirg thousands of Canadians to widen their education 1: travel in their own country. And their own Cana.tti:a National Railways has played an amazing part to this education of Its owners. Since its'buxnbie beg2nttir 3 in Confederation days, it has expanded into the great- est railway system on this continent. Its' eontrlt.t,::ion to the development of Canada in the past was ira 's"sead-- - ahle; its part in the progress of the futurecanaz'it 3. measured by the mind of , man: T'/I else in the -Dominion to -day it emphasizes the t .;?>• �' of the, words "There is, no East, an IS JUST CANADA." d Wetry are `Iar .;.".....1