The Exeter Advocate, 1923-2-22, Page 4If
The Exeter Advocate
Sanders & Cree.:h, Proprietors •
Subscription Pricey—In advance, $.150
per year in Canada; $2,00 ii the
United States. All subscriptions not,
paid in advance 50a: e'en charged
THURSDAY, )i EB'X' 22, 1923
Geoffrey Shakespear,
;Important Events `Which:' 'Have
Occurred During the Week.
The- Busy World's Happenings Care-
fully Compiled and Put Intra
Randy and Attractive Shape for
Perusal by the Readers of Our
Turk ultimatum not intended to be
Geoffrey Shakespeare, formerly taken seriously.
Lloyd George's private secretary, is British House reopens. Big prob-
one of a half-dozen promisingyoung- lems for debate.
sters who have been elected to the
new Parliament, all of ..whom are
staunch followers of the little Welsh-
man. The name of Shakespeare,
though fairly celebrated in England,
has not hitherto figured in polities;
and it is noteworthy that the young
M. P. of that name, his brother Wil-
liam, and their sister, Mary Arden,
are all reoognized minor ,poets, Thy,
are the children of the Rev. John H.
Shakespeare, the leading Baptist' dte4
vine of England, who is. European
secretary of the Baptist World'Al-
liance. However, Geoffrey Shake-
dpeare's literary ability is not limit-
ed to verse, minor or otherwise.. It
ie an open secret about. Downing
Street that as the Prime Minister's
secretary he wrote many of the for
ener's speeches. He is p'erticularly
well informed in the field. of Eng
isil political history. He is a Cavi-
ride pian and was president of
e mous Union of that university.
, Shakespeare is twenty-six year's
runmarried, tall, slim and red-
m ed. While none of the Shake-
n earee of the present day deny r.e
11,tionship with the bard of Avon, J1
ould be remembered that the poet
ed in 1616, without male issue,
and that none of his grandchildren
had issue.
A British Adniiral.
Vice -Admiral Sir Michael Culme-
teymour, K,C.B., the new head of
he British fleet in North Atlantic
and West Indian waters, who suer
Leeds Vice -Admiral Sir Willoughby
Pakenham, comes of a fighting fain-
tly. He is the fourth baronet of `his
line and the head of a family which
teas supplied a succession of officers
to the navy without a single break
since the reign of Henry VIII` "A
Seymour served as vice -admiral
against the Spanish Armada under
Queen Elizabeth. In fact, the ijame WEDNESDAY.
of Seymour has figured on the°r ;vy Greeks and Bulgars clash in
list without any interritptien-what- Western Thrace.
soever since the.,tee:1e of the' eche- Turkish troops are moving towards
eovery of, thee' continent by Cbluuni-
bus, laid no other name has been
",'mehtioned" so often for distinguish-
ed service. Besides commanding,.tpe
battleship. Centeriee at the battle of
Jutland, Culme-Seymour saw active
service during the war as second in
command of the Mediterranean fleet
and also as admiraz commanding the
British forces in the Black Sea.
Argonaut 0. H. A. seniors defeat
Parkdale C. C„ 6 to 1.
"Battling" Siki is reinstated by
French Boxing Federation.
Kitchener seniors win from Uni-
versity of Toronto, 4 to -.2.
Maitland ,McCarthy, former judge
of Dufferin coiinty, is dead.
Hotels in Essen boycott French
and are cleared of occupants.
-.German mark's value rises in re-
sponse to Reichsbank's effort.
President Harding opposes em-
bargo on coal coming to Canada.
- U. S. will now go after other war
debtors. France and Italy next.
Irish rebels murder father of Min-
ister of Home Affairs O'Higgins.
Likelihood of reunion of Liberal
party in Britain grows more remote.
Toronto Board of Health, in esti-
mates, asks for. $56,062.82 over last
Canadian Sheep Breeders and On-
tario Yorkshire Club hold annual
Trappers in Thunder Bay district
report wolves are extraordinarily
Cyril Victor Ketchem ends his life
at Toronto following a disagreement
w.te his girl friend.
lepper Canada Bible Society re
:eirts that the Bible is issued in 4:;
-eligeagos in Canada.
• Dean McGay of McMaster 'Caterer -
are/ ief will receive from Acadia Univer-
sity degree of Doctor of Letters.
A Toronto street car hit an auto
truck, hurling it into another street
car, demolishing it and injuring the
driver. •
Hamilton Board of Control backs
up Board of Education in asking
modifications of Adolescents' School
Attendance Act.
A report from Montreal that Hon.
Ernest Lapointe is to succeed Pre-
mier Tasehereau of Quebec is denied
by both. men named.
Boys as Bishops.
In olden days it was customary
at many of the great churches to
appoint one of the choir boys a
"bishop" for the Christmas season.'
The boy -bishop was waited on ` by
dean, canons, and clergy alike, and
during his few days of authority his
word was law. "
At St. Paul's Cathedral, • London,
Eng., he had the right to claim -sup-
per from the dean, and he atteeded
with a retinue of clerks, vergers, and
choristers. On Innocents' Day he
dined in state, and afterwards went
in procession through the city.
He had also the right to demand
contributions from any whom he
could waylay. Dean Inge , records
that in 1396 the boy -bishop of York
collected no less than £77. As money'
was of far greater value in those
days than it is now—eggs, for exe.
ample, were then twenty-four It
penny!—this. represents something.
like £1,500 in "Fishers."
the Maritza river.
Dublin Government puts ban on
two London papers.
Barrie rink .wins Hunter Trophy
at Brampton bonspiel.
South African cricketers plan to
tour England next year.
Rhineland is now a portion of
France for practical ends.
Lord Curzon suggests United
States as intervener in Ruhr.
Frank Keefer explains St. Law-
rence waterways scheme to Winnipeg
Jersey breeders favor elimination
of young heifer classes at larger
Hamilton seniors by beating Aura
Lee, 5 to 2, create tie for leadership
with Granites.
Report from Cuba says sugar crop
will be small. Sugar prices advance
on reduced crop estimate.
Evidence at lake freight rates
hearing reveals new plan by Amer-
ican carriers for handling grain.
Great Britain is averse to war, but
if conflict prove inevitable she will
not flinch, says Premier Bonar Law.
Australian peelers arriving here
give strong supp.:rt to scneme of
Canada -Australia closer trade rela-
- Steel and coal industries of Nova
Scotia fear complete tie-up; men go
on strike because spare supervisor
was discharged.
• Memorial to be presented. to Pre-
mier King will, it is understood, ask
for prohibition of manufacture of 11 -
Some attain immortality by hitch- fluor in dry provinces.
'Mg thee;r wagons to a star, and soma -Edgar Watson, U.F.O. member for
by filling their jitney with moonshine, North Victoria, and chairman of the
Special Hotels Committee, advocates
milder penalties for infractions of
the O. T. A:
THE HEALTHY WOMAN The Ontario Hardware Association
IS ALWAYS BEAUTIFUL Convention opened yesterday in the
IN -THE EYES OF MAN -Toronto Armories, and an exhibit of
all descriptions of hardware products
Stratfoid, Ont a is being held in the same building.
—"I do think: 1 -
Dr. Pierce's Fa- -;.
voriie Prescrip."
tion is one of =
the test ,medi-
cines I hav#ever,
known.'Tot the:
ailments of4
women.' I had`,
for quite a long'
e,ti ne, been hav-
e Sieg inward trou-, ,
ble which caused
me to become all run-down, weak and
nervous. I doctored, but nothing'
seemed to give nae relief until I be •
gan taking the 'Favorite Prescrip-
tion' and this medicine gave me such
wonderful relief that I am glad, to
recommend it to others."—Mrs.' A.
Godwin, 60 Brant St. All druggists..
Take Mr. Brown's Advice
Montreal, Que.—"For three ;months:
1 was ander the doctor's care and
got no better. I was always com-
plaining of my kidneys. "Finally, I
took Dr. Pierce's Anuric Tablets
arid don't complain any more. I have
gained in weight and am still gain-
ing, my appetite is great and sleep
has come to me. That is what Dr_
Pierce's Anuric (kidney and back.•
ache) Tablets have a done for me. I
do truly recommendthem to those.,
who are suffering the way I did. Th w
tablets are mighty good, though not
expensive; easy to buy, but hard to,
beat." -T. A. Broat±i,' 415 Dorchester
,;;Ships battle heavy gales in. North
Lady Astor plays star role in scene
British House. R r f•
Re'E sugar advances *i• 'Per
hundredweight locally.
•pt •''Patrick's and Hamilton'.win
professional hockey games. ."
Wiarton secures two -goal lead1rat
home over --Stratford, 4 to 2.
German -=mark makes spectacuter
rise, bringing ruin to traders'
. Hereford and Brown Swiss Cattle
Associatfone hold annual meetings.
Boycott battle still continues in
Ruhr area between opposing forces.
Sault Ste. Marie seniors tie group
in. N. O. H. A., by. defecating Sudbury,
4' to 3.
French. Minister go to• London to
negotiate: regarding, occupied strip in
Ruhr. .
Charles Jewtraw breaks' world's re-
cord' for 220,: yards at St. John skat-
ing meet.
Chairman of Joint Commission
presents Canada's case on proposed
coal embargo.
Giacchimo Micele has returned to
Hamilton after being released on bail
from Buffalo jail:
Ontario Game and Fish Protective
Association asks. Government to pro-
hibit spearing of fish.
Lawyers engaged -:in .McLarty case
flatly contradict each other., Chil-
dren are 'with mother's parents.
,Sault .Ste, Marie: Board of Trade
sends resolution to' t:Jltawa to im-
prove navigation ;J ,.Lake Superior.
Don't wait for serious kidney ail- ' Rev. Dr•.'9',i
shart .of Pitts-
ment to set in. Help your wc•tkened burg, eeeeeeeng l resb tezuian annual
kidneys with;l7r: P1erce'S'Atituric.'At' l h
all drug,stores or send 'tti� conference„' declares that': Presbyter_
to Dr, ianism needs a complete restatement
Pierre'La;berdtory in Br:(..?,4'tit*, of creed to bring it up to modern
Ont., for trialpka. „e' —terms of -thought.
Heated. epithets, indulged in by
Dr. Forbes Geslez ey, 'Hon.. 'W E'
Raney and Hee. 1**: Ferg,i
son, in -the Legislature yesterday
earned the disapprobation of Speaker -
Nelson Parliament, and a iv.'arning
that the, ttinnity” of the. House must
be preserved, '
Peterboro' junigrs win round from
Trenton.P. '
Arthur Staff wins. three races •at
Saranac. 'Lake.
High German officials are to be
court-martialled in Ruhr.
Better Live Stock --Train will tour
Ontario at an early date.
Universebe of Toronto seniors de-
feat Parkdale C. C., 16. to 2.
Four vessels are destroyed .by,
gales in North Pacific ocean.
St. Catharines is suffering because
of fuel shortage following the storm.
German extremists in •Ruhr advo-
cating guerrilla' war against French.
Irish• Free State commissioner . in
London sees bright future for Erin's
Labor M. P. in British House
'raises row over grant to the Duke of
Canadian and Uil;ited States offi-
cials plan efforts against`postal law
French IVlinlsters are seeking-Per-
eekingper.-mission of British Government to use
Cologne railways.
Member from Dundee will intro-
duce "prohibition" bill in the British
House of Commons.
USiiversity of Toronto juniors win
first of home -and -home games from
St. Michael's, 4 to 0.
Sir Henry Newbolt arrives at To-
ronto and gives interviews on his
Canadian impressions.
George Post, London,: seriously
hurt when he poured a bucket of
lubricating oil on a fire, 'believing it
•,vas water.
ii, i . ~sellers tells commission that
chippingbrokers operating on Win-
,upeg market did not usually under -
.;l each • other.
Bill giving the Provincial Board of
aalth control over streams used. by
..Manufacturers for the deposit of
refuse is finally passed by Legisla-
ture, after slight alterations. '
Seed growers at annual meeting
request Government to pass legisia-
,ian requiring that all seed offered
fur sale be labelled with the names
of any noxious wends contained.
Argonauts defeat Kitchener, 5 to 3.
Oshawa curlers win McLaughlin
U. S. Senate passes British debt
funding measure.
Inner chamber of Tutonkhamen's
tomb at Luxor is opened. '
Month-old baby boy found in club
b-, .:n steps of Toronto building.
;french take over control >of`cus-
t• in. Ruhr and levy tax on lin-
Teakle is appointed head ' of
.,:.reliant Marine and G. T, P. coast
services. •
Washington definitely abandons
eruposal to put embargo on coal to
Epidemic of what seems 'like diph-
taueea is spreading among ;rows at
Joan A. Wismer, Park -
dale (Toronto) Collegiate, .dies in
rata year.
Huron County. Old Boys', Associa-
tion,holds:successi'ul at home;in Odd -
fellows' ,Temple, Yoronto..
Gordon Waldron, ,K. C„" Toronto,
deciares proportional representation
is "theory of voting" and is not work-
P. D. Sullivan tells commission
that removal of Canadian coastal.
laws would "liurt Canadian ship-
Stay of one month is granted in
execution of two convicted' of mur-
der of Constable Lawson in Alberta
last fall.
Dr. James W. Barton has resigned
his position as Director, .of Physical
Training at the 'University of
An attack on administration meth-
ods of the Workmen's Compensation
Act was made by H. H..Dewert, K.C.,
in the Legislature.
The C. N. R. committee investigat-
ing the radial situation in Ontario
is actively at work and will report
soon, declares Naulon Couchon of
Ottawa to Toronto ingi.*firers.
Canada enters Davis' Cup competi-
Granites defeat Aura Lee seniors,
4 to 1.
Native officers Are to command
units of Indian ai y. .
Atlantic liners creep into port bat-
tered by terrific storm.
McGill basketball team defeat Uni-
versity of Toronto, 27 to 20.
Provincial and. city officers are
.both held to blame for friction in
Alex. Campbell,long a resident of
Parkdale (Toronto), . district,dies of
Twenty-two 4, patients and; three
nuraes.•loae. leges:in fire in Manhatten
• State Asylum. '
_German passive resistance in Ruhr
area fails, and mediation is now be-
ing attempted.
Motionto amend Civil Service Act
will be shelved 'under rules of House
et Commons.
Pole and Lithuanians battle in;.
Vilna district; Lithuania appeals to
League of Nations.'
Amnesty offer by Irish Free State
Government expires. to -day; Cosgrave '.
gives last hour warning,
University of Toronto water polo
tem wins 'first of home -and -home
games from McGill, 4 to 1.
Priceless art treasures of
Egypt are found in the inner charm-''
ber .of Tutankhamen's tomb.
Steel • mills at Sault Ste. Marie'
starts ,on double shift to 'fill raliorder
from Canadian National Railways.
Hon. G. H. Ferguson' at Hamilton
said he would demand some ;actiou.
on redistribution from the ` present
Investigation. by New :Fork r'State:
Fuel Commission Into`'eoal shipments`.
across border refutes 'reperts'of ex-:
eessive; Shipments into Canada
' Presbyterian Churelis 1n,77urope'is,
desperate iced oD •financial assist-,.
a'iice, say's Rev. 3ames I Good; Insert:
mon ifi"Coo'Ife's.Cliereh; Teronto
• The profiteer was buying boo$L,
"Here's one ypu ,should, have; tfir,11
said =the assistant. "Boswell's. 'Life .;of
Xoiinson' „
`The` profiteer drew himself up.
"I am not interested in the careers
of, colored pugilists," he said, and
continued to turn the pages aid look
at . the illustrations of the various
books ,on the shelves.
Inefficient Office Boys.
"Where's .your office boy, Dave?"
"Fired him. Saturday—never did
anything but ,stand around, looking.
• "Well, he :won't be in your way
any, more, I reckon, now you're rid of
"Don't be so sure about that. • He
may turn up here some day as an
efficiency expert."—Everybody's Mage
"What is your regular business?"
asked the judge of the man who had
just been convicted of sei'iing a gold
brick to an unsuspecting citizen of
New. York city, which is the only place
they can be sold nowadays.
"Your honor," answered the man.
"being honest is my regular trade and
I was on my vacation."—Farm Life.
"When I was engaged to her I USN
to call her 'Cutie. "
"When 1 was engaged to her II
called her 'Hob' now no plrl'H let
you call her either 'Cootie' 0'
How About It?
When knighthood was in flower
Each damsel got a seat.
She didn't have .to glower
Or tire her dainty feot.
•'You always take your husband
along when you go to bay a new
"Certainly. In the, presence of half
a dozen beautiful models and a mod-
iste who speaks perfect French he
hasn't the nerve to talk about econ-
SEAFORTH-The death , occurred
on the 19th • of Paul Cachlu,x, who o is
survived by a wpidlgw and two child-
ren.—aPul ;Devereaux, On 'of the late
Edward Devereaux, is dead after a
brief illness. He was a popular busi-
ness man. His wpife,, who was Miss
Margaret Daly; and four children sur-
vive. . ,
,A SHORTAGE OF 80,000,000 LBS.
The Tea. Bushee:ea, like nearly ev-
erything else: hats • bleep having its
hard times 'since the war. Urffavar-
abl'e tea growing weather„labor trou-
bles on the plantations?, and th•e un-
settled political atmosphere generally -
have. sla seriously reduced this year's
crop, :that the worldis now faceld
with a shortage of over 80,000,0001bs.
or znore than tw,o years' supply for the
%hole Doaieneon oaf Carnada. The in-
evitable result hay beeit steadily in-
creasing prices until today, tea as
bringing higher prices than ever be-
fore iii the history of the industtry,.
Inn Canada the Saluda Tea C.emparny,
our laerg•est Tea Concern,' has been
forced by this condition to recently
ilncrealle• the piece edfl all their blends,
lid order to mairttain their standard of
The Breed
AID nowhere does it tell more than
in Live Stock.
LET:_. us know what you.,would like
to' -do for' the improvement of your
stock, and we shall be glad, to go into
the whole question • of financing the
plan with you. es.
Capital Paid up $15,000,000
Reserve Fund $15,000,000
- M. R. Complin, Manager.
R. S. Wilson, Manager.
Exeter Branch
Crediton "
Capital and Reserve $9,000,000
Outer 125 Branches.
In all departs ents every effort • Is made to
eliminate' .. ufinecessary formalities and to
assure speedy and courteous eervace to
Saavings Departnis is at every Branch
T. S. WOODS Manager, '
Centralia Branch open for business daily.
Furniture Bargains
Funeral Director & Embalmer,
You can use sweet milk, sour milk,
buttermilk or water with
. r .•..m
. McGillivray
William Pierce of Siiverwater, Man.-.
itou'tin Island, 'died last Thursday af-
ter a two weeks' illness with: influ-
enza. Deceasled, who was in his 75th
year, was a brother of Moses P:ilerce
aT tVlcGillivray.
AILSA CRAIG—While playing on
the street with a number of oj{her
children, Edith McFarlane suffered a
broken leg, when a hands7leigh on
'which she .was riding !overturned,
thrcnving. her. onto the frozen surface
of the street, W. Dobatildsan picked
the child up and carried her to ,((ker
Isn't it funny how; mane- f'elks you
meet, who; having, no experience il
d�iing either, can tell, you just how to
'run" a newspaper—gar a hotel? The
two hardest. jobs' in, thei world to ban.
dle right. .
A full-siie, full `» weight, solid . r
of good soap is • IJ
est fan
o e- -
. _ � an.. � all household d_
_.,. ,.... _. U1sC
.or se> to was tog Ipachines shave or slice
a- po>t�tlon of` the''`SURPRISE" bar direct
to the- .jt-
. will' do fine work: