The Exeter Advocate, 1923-2-15, Page 3ED -OUT WOMEN
`What They Need to Restore
Health and Vitality.
The woman who feels tired out, whe
lathes all over when she rises in the
•tnorn,fn'g'; who feels depressed most of
11rer time, needs just the help that Dr,
lWiilfams' Pink Pills can give Lerese
new flea blood and stronger nerves.
The number of disorders caused by
thin blood fe amazing, and most W4 -
'men are careless about this condition
;of their blood. Their nerves are quick-
Iy affected, and tthey,beeome irritable;
-• they, worry .over 'trifles, and do not ale
Actin refresiben,g sloop. There May be
stomach troubles and headaches. This
is the contrition that calls for Dr. Wil-
liams' Ptak Pills, the blood -reeking
and nerve -restoring tonic. The value
'of this medicine is proved by the
statement of Mrs.. John Conroy, Fall
Ont, who says;—"Two years
ago, after the birth of one of my child-
ren, I became • so ruin -down that I had
to wean the baby and could not do my
housework, I lost appetite, took no in-
terest in anything, and was in a pitiable
condition. I tried different doctors,
but they did not help me very much.
I was in this` condition all summer un-
til a ne•lgthbor advised me to try Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills. ,After taking
two boxes I felt somewhat better and
got a further supply. I found my ap-
petite improving; I could do my house -
Work, and living again seemed worth
while. i continued taking the pills for
some months, and was then enjoying Jones?"
the best of health„ I cannot too strong- „
ly recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Jones— Oh, it must bo because I al-
to anyone run down and in need of a ways sleep on my ,right side. That
tonic as they built me- up, and there rubs the hair away.,
fe no sigas o•f anaemia about me to- Bobbie—"But papa doesn't sleep
day." standing on his head!"
You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills The worflld's annual yield of raw
from any dealer in medicine, or by wool its reckoned at about 3,000,000, -
mail at 60 cents a box or six boxes for
¢•2,60 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
:Wind and Stars Finds Plants Grow Better `
'Ibe 'cried, is Banging the eters, to -night, by -Moonlit, -let. `
Tho high -wind, the •north :wind
She ]!olds them in her hands to light
And runs among the trees.
Among the treetops, high and high,
The white Treat sifts across the sky,
She hangs the north star 'there. .
The scudding clouds run on befogs—
Ste hang's teeter ebobe my door
And ono star in the' pine
Beneath her feet the whirling snow,
4 Peep without and zee her go,
Then shiver and draw back.
1 pile my fire and shiver still --
1 hear her laughing past the hill—
How cold it is to -night!
--Abigail Cresson.
The Misleading Placard.
A restaurant -keeper who apparently
had a weakness for the "highfalutin"
placed in hiss shop window' a placard
inscribed thus:
In every style. A couple of young mon, manifestly
' from "up oountr`y," were observed
• standing in front of the window, en-
gaged in spelling out the sign.
"What's them, Harry?" one asked
the other.
"I dunno," said Harry.
"Let's go up the street a bit and see
if we kin find an eyester saloon. I feel
like eatin' some eyestens," said the
Mistake Somewhere.
Bobbie—"Why are your whiskers so
thin on the rlgiit side of your face, Mr.
Baby tints 1n eassware are due to
000,000 lbs., of which about forty per
cent. is produced in countries of the
British Empire.
snake traces of golid mixed with it. Minard's Liniment for Neuralgia.
Boosting for Happiness and Efficiency
13y 0. S.
If you have anything to say about
people or institutions, why not dip
your pen in the ink of sympathy, of
charity, instead of that of denunciation
of contempt? Why hammer, blast,
condemn, denounce others' motives,
others' acts? Willy look for the bad in.
everything instead of the good? Why
is it• that so many pessimistic iconoc-
lasts are to -day expressing themselves
this way in print—in books, magazines
and - newspapers? Some • of these.
writers are even making fun of radio,
Condemning, criticising and lampoon -
Ing it. -
Now this le cheap business. Tlhese
earplug critics mistake stupidity and
tlaptiousness for cleverness and wit.
;The truth is, radio is one of the most
Wonderful developmentsof electricity,
and it is going to revolutionize home
life, especially in the country. Think
What its use will mean to women in
remote country districts' who are prac-
tically slaves to their homes,who
rarely leave thein, and who have no
+opportunities such as city people have
for change, recreation, amusement and
instillation. Radio will open to then;
some of the priceless advantages en-
joyed by the most favored city dwell-
Outs'icle the cost of the receiving ap-
paratus, which may be purchased for
twenty or twenty-five dollars, or which
a bright boy can rig up for ten or
twelve, every home, no matter how
far removed from the great centres of
civilization and culture, can have its
own permanent bureau of entertain-
• meat: At the expense of only one or
two cents an hour, the entire family
can enjoy, evening after evening, the
singing of the world famous opera
stars, the finest grand opera and con-
cert music; they can lister; to the
greatest orators-, lecturers, clergymen,
teachers and entertainers, each speak-
ing en Skis own particular subject; the
chidren can be entertained with bed-
time stdries, and the young people
with dance music; in foot, the oppor-
tunity for entertainment and instruc-
tion, according to the taste and desire
•of every member of the family, is un-
Instead of'being a subjeot for jest,
radio is an unqualified blessing to mil-
lions of people, a new instrument of
progress for which we should be deep=
Iy thankful. Just think what it means
for invalids and semi -invalids, people
confined all the time to their homes,
in many instances to their be -ds, to be
able to receive mental treatment, en-
couragement and uplift, every day in
their own homes, without the slightest
inconvenience to them! 'Dbdnk ,what
it will mean . to millions of shut-ins,
cripples, invalids, and the very old, to
be able to get encouraging, cheer -up,
helpful sermons and lectures on the
radio every day, by those who know
how to uplift and obeer! Just think
how it wil relieve •the, tedium of their
confinement, how it will help them to
bear their suffering, to be able to look
forward to even an hour of daily en-
tertainment and help the year round!
How stimulating for those who have
a talent for entertainment to realize
how much they can help the world
along, what a marvelous ainouLt of
good they can do, Chow much they can
alleviate the suffering of their less for-
tunate brothers and sisters by the
exercise of their gifts.
That giants €row, more quicklyby
mo nig lean'by suniaght Al now be-
ing demonstrated et the Bartley Brrt-
anieal Laboratories .of Liverpool Uni- i
versify, ,says a London despatch. The
researo'b followed the remark dropped
by a gardener named Hayes Swanley
et the Horticultural College to Miss
F,lfzabeth Semens ' . of Liverpool Uni-
versity that cucumbers grew two or
three inches more in the moonlight
than by daylight, and the seeds ger-
minated be•ttereunder the mon.
Miss Semens began experimenting
and in the last six; weeks- bas aide
considerable progress by'
light. She finds that the polarized
light of the moon -gives a spurt to seed
germination and that polarized arti-
ficial light has a similar effect. Mise
Semens sa.ys' that moonlight can. be
polarized only during certain phases of
the moon. She finds that whea seeds,
are exposed in tanks of water to the
direct action of the nioons germination
is greatly quickened. When there is
no moonlight she exposes starch
grains to polarized artificial light and
finds that they break down, producing
little masses of dextrin and, sugar
crystals. She says the outer akin of
the leaf acts as ite own polarizing ap-
paratus and it is believed that we may
he on the eve of learning what occurs
within thle leaf itself,
Winter is a dangerous season for the
little ones. The days are so change-
able—one bright, .the next cold and
stormy, that the mother is afraid to
take the children out for the fresh air
and exercise they need so much. In
consequence they are often cooped up
In overheated, badly ventilated rooms
and are soon seized with colds or
grippe. What is needed to keep the
little ones well is Baby's Own Tablets.
They wlii regulate the stomach and
bowels and drive out colds, and by
their use the baby will be able to get
over the winter season in perfect safe-
ty. The Tablets are sold by medicine
dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box
from The Dr. Williams? Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont,
The Peace Pipe.
Calumet; the name given to the
peace pipe of the American Indians by
the Frenohl Canadians, occupied among
the nations a position of symbolic sag
niflcance and deepest reverence. The
calumet was only intrusted to the care
of the highest official of a tribe and
was used in connection with the super-
stitious rites and: ceremonies of the
race on great and solemn occasions,
such as making of peace treaties and
sometimes on declarations of war. The
peace pipe or medicine pipe was be-
tween two and three inches long, and
the fact of peculiar significance is that
it was' the stem which was the object
of veneration among the aborigines.
Titre stem was of reed artistically dec-
orated with women's hair or eagles'
quills. The pipe bowl of the Western
Indians was of red catlinite, which was
a fine grained, pliable stone of deep
reed color found in the Coteau des
Prairies, west of Big Stone Lake, in
South Dakota. In the East and South-
east the bowl was of white stone
pierced with several holes so that sev-
eral steers could be used at the same
time. The calumet quarries were not
only neutral ground to all warring
tribes, but there were many sacred
traditions connected with these quar-
Declares Tanlac Freed Him;
From -Stomach Trouble,
Swelling and Weakness
Left by Pneumonia.
George L. Lewis; Bourne St., Lon-
don, Ont,, well-known carpenter and
veteran of the South African and.
World wars, bas added his name to
the long list of Ontario people praising
-Tanlac for the benefits they have de-
rived from tatting the medicine.
"Last winter," said Mr. Lewis, "I
was down with pnerinionia, and after
that 1 couldn't get ries strength back
and was unable to work. I had no ap
petite, and if I did dare to eat It only;
caused me more suffering with my
stomach. I had neuritis in my legs,
and my feet would swell up till I.
thought they would burst. My kidneys
were out of order, and it was impos-
sible for no to get a good night's
"But I have taken on new hope and
courage since I started taking Tanlac.
.1 can just feel the medicine building
me up, My appetite has come back
full strength, I can sleep like a top,
and you can bet 1'11 stick to Tanlao."
Tarlac is sold by all good druggists.
Halo's Origin.
The halo had its origin nearly two
thousand years ago. To guard against
the possibility of rain stafuleg the
marble faces of their gods, the Greeks
used to protect them with a large
metal plate placed over the top of the
head. These were mistaken by paint-
ers in later years for emblems of
divinity. Accordingly, our Christian
saints are pictured with the ring which
we call a halo.
The safe way to send money by mail
is by Dominion Express Money Order.
The Tripping Tongue.
Hostess—"Pardon me, won't you, if
I continue sewing while you are here?
I shall then feel that I am not wasting
my time."
Silkworms were first reared by a
Chinese Empress 4,500 years ago, se -
cording to an .aid Chinese book, en-
titled "The 'Silkworm Classic."
4441444 41-K4*.4.+*4-1-449tt444 41044444e444•M494Y44
Instantly! End Indigestion
or Stomach Misery with
"Pape's Diapepsin"
+4+44•R++Mw•++H94..4•Mw+N.4• 44.aa 4:1444 3
As soon as you eat a tablet or two
of "Tape's. Diapepsin" your indigestion
is gone! Heavy pain, heartburn, flatu-
lence, gases, palpitation, or any misery
from a sour, acid stomach ends. Cor-
rect your stomach and digestion for a
few cents, Each package guaranteed
by druggist.
Bulk Carlota
Presses Dog mouse -Mae
Book on
and flow to Feed
Mailed Free to any A&
dress by the Author,
If. Cloy Glover 09., Ina.
129 West 29th Street
New York, U.S.A..
ARIETY in foods is essential, of course, -
V but in providing variety. do not, overlook
the importance of nourishment.
Some foods simply bulk with little nourishment
—others provide nourishment with little bulk..
Crisp, delicious Grape -Nuts is a highly nour-
ishing cereal fond` in unusually compact forte;.
It supplies the .rich nutrition -of wheat and•
malted barley, including .the mineral elements
of these splendid grains, without which health
and strength cannot be maintained.
Grape -Nuts With cod'' milk is a ' complete
food, combining all the.. food elements needed
for body-building.
Economical, too, because a moderate amount
provides unusual nourishment.
-Sold by Grocers Eveitywhere/
"There's !9
a Reason
Made by Ca
radian Postum
Cereal Co,, Limited
45 1 rout St., E., Toronto Factory, Windsor, Ontario
ell gtIK"!.^rtart'WuY.i se3====.-:.-Wite`s_i6aet:rfa=YJc., .cmc:tusmsm.+r,.c.Deren,,,nv......,..
Horne i8rew.
First Bachelor—"Some people seem
to find matrimony. very stimulating." '
Second Bachelor—"Something brew-
ing all the time; I suppose." I
Laying a Trap.
A British tar, home on leave .and
Celebrating the:; occasion, had got him- i
self into a .dilemma. He had hired -a l
taxi, only to. discover :when aper oacbs j
i>;ig hie destinatiolr that he was penni-.
Tess.. tie had dined and wined, not
wisely, but too well. But the British E
navy is i training -school af'resol,irce-'
fulness•." He caught up. the„speaking"-
tube, shouted "Stop!” and jumped out.
"I- just want to pop into this'tobac-
conist's:and get sone matches,"'he ex-
plained teethe driver, "I've dropped a
pound .acts se-rewhere in the cab and
can't Pied it In 'ale dark," He entered
the tobacconist's and as' he did so the
;cab and its driver vanished hitob•the
night, as he had anticipated:,•
In Great Britain the Tsovereign has
not exorci,as'rid :leis a:p-ht of vetoing, or
stopping,: a Ilew since. 1707.. 1
� ,
More thee . one thou., fid different
varieties: of .wheat are F: -k1 .0 "A, and tile'
1 numb err is son s+bantl; in ons:. , i
Nature's Warning Signal.
Heat and inhale Minard's Lini-
ment at once. It relieves coia
In the head and arrests the de-
velopment of more serious
The Family Medicine •Chest
The Cause o .
Heart Trouble
Faulty digestion causes the
digestion the
generation of gases in the
stomach which inflate and press
on the heart and interfere
with its regular action, causing
faintness and pain. 15 to.. 30
drops of Nether $eiy�el's Curative
Syrup after meals nets digestion
right, which allows the heart to (i
beat full and regular. 5Oc. and
$1,00 bot_ic at'tlru druggists. 9
$5 9
coo•Q.?p •.?•Cao O"
1.SS )E NO. 6-'23.
Lift Off with Fingers
Doesn't :turd a bit: Drop a little
"Proezone" on an aching corn, instant-
ly that corn stops hurting, then short-
ly you lift it right off with fingers.
Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of
"Freezone" for a few cents, sufficient
to remove every hard corn, soft corn,
or corn between the toes, and the cal-
luses, without soreness or irritation.
Small and Formed Sore
Eruptions. Skin Sore and
Rede Cuticura Heals,
"Pimples broke out on the back
of my head and neck. At first the
pimples were small and then
ran into each other and
formed sore eruptions about
the size of a ten cent piece.
The skin was sore and red
and itched a great deal,
causing me to scratch.
"I had the trouble about
six months before I began using
Cuticura Soap and Ointment, and
after using three cakes of Soap and
three boxes of Ointment I was
healed." (Signed) 3. A. Macdonald,
Giffard, Quebec.
Rely on Cuticura Soap, Ojntgitent
and Talcum to care for your akin
Sacple8aebFrisby Mon Addreaa: " ymiaib!
hcd, 354 St, Ystel St., W., Wont -reel' S"o!d' every-
where. Hasp 3me.OluI ent2uand5Oa.Talet,m2 e.
"Cuticura Soap shaves without inn:.
Classified AdveTti!semen
. Z'E.lIs,4I.]l =a? Virus's». '
lri 4RN sao WrzEIMT. kIPARE TIMA
,wt home, addressing, anati1a , Mu
cPrelslars. - Send l,Oc fax Music fnlors ll
tion. eta American etude Oa. 1 4*
Meese way, r. 'Y.
icor JUK. Critcrintrk
YIIIBAi13 CLOYDR,, 'l jD 7i!
annual Write for inttraeghaq� hie
`. ormation, D. Fraser, B.R.. S. ,itdert,f,.
— used. pullal No ey'Ty' u s, alga, toile,
etc., bhipeed subject to approval at lowe
set prices+ Eat Canada. York Belting -co.,
11$. 'York St.. Totowa,.
The -tru.e interests of -my country
are never in opposition to the true
interests of the world Talleyratek
Minardes Liniment for Rheumatism.
Cascarets" iOc
Best Bowel Laxative
When Bilious,
Tv clean out your bowels without
cramping or overacting, take Caseate
ets. Sick headache, biliousness, gases,
indigestion, sour, upset stomach, asi
all such distress gone by morning:.
Nicest physics on. earth for .grewu-tips
and children. lOc a box. Taste like
WiII Be Interested in Mrs. Thompv
son's Recovery by Use of ,Lydia E.
P khaul's Vegetable Compound
Winnipeg, Man.— "Lydia E. Pink,
ham's Vegetable Compound has done
me good in every way. I was very
weak and run-down and had certain
troubles that women of my age are
likely to have. I did not like to go to
the doctor so I took the Vegetable Com-
pound and am still talcing it right along.
I recommend it to my friends and to any
one I know who is not feeling well."—
ell."--Mrs. TR0MpsoN, 803 Lizzie St., Winni-
peg, Man.
When women who are between the
ages of forty-five and fifty-five are beset
with such annoying symptoms as ner-
vousness, irritability, melancholia and
heat flashes, which produce headaches,
dizziness, or a sense of suffocation they
should take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege-
table Compound. Itis especiallyadapted
to help women through this crisis. It
is prepared from roots and herbs and
contains no harmful drugs or narcotics.
This famous remedy, the medicinal
ingredients of which are derived from
roots and herbs, has for forty years
proved its value m such cases. Women
everywhere bear willing testimony to
the wonderful virtue of Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound.
Women who suffer should write to the
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co.,Cobc urg,
Ontario, for a free copy of'Lydia E.
Pinkham's Private ext -Book upon
"Ailments Peculiar to Women." 0,
Apply Sloaris. The brood circulates
freely and normally again.The pain-
ful congestion is broken up
— sal soreness disappears!
Sloads Linimen
—kills pain,!
Made in Canada
UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you
are not getting Aspirin at all
Accept only an "unbroken package" . of "Bayer Tablets of
Aspirin," which containsdirections and dose worked out' by;
physiciafs during 22 years and proved safe by millions for.
Colds Headache Rheumatism
Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis
Earache Lumbago Parti, Pain
Handy"Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets—Also betties of 2•i and; 100-13rrragists.
Canada) of Bayer ManufacttiM Mino-
A.spirin is the tra,t}o mark :fregisterecr 9n Can ) 0
• fl(le tier, cid ester of Sateeeicacid, While. It Is well known that': A.s.phi's. meet b Iii t;,'t-r
m at, it faders, I:o assist tee linbltc A.6ratnct hula a ti ens,. the Tablets of Bay t . r veer
pili as a ta.mpea With 'their gaflt:rlal trade mar t„ tho Eayer t A• s -