The Exeter Advocate, 1923-2-15, Page 2CHAPTER EIGHTEEN.
The LE:lien, with Jerry Clark and
!Riles aboard., eves fishing &awe off "
the ,Seal Island !arid Cape ,Shore, They
had Made a feev good sets, 4n,ci.
.ixtJ theusarel ',of leaned fish benne
they V,V-re jogging ten miles, ewo,tal
1 ties, island while a 'de feg prohibit-
: ed fishing. Captain Clack was lying
on a locker, smoking and wondering
how Frank WA'S coming along in ins
case; Jules was studying. aneh•art, and
,U E
The Toronto II-espital for Incur-
ables, inwith.Bellevue and
Anted ,hospitals, New • York City,
' offers 'a three year Coarse 'of -Train-
ing to young women, having the re-
quired education, and desirous of be-
coming nurses. This hospital has
adopted the eight-hour system. The
pupils receive uniforths . t,.he School,
a nronthly allowance, and travelling
expenses to and from New York. For
further information apply to the
inen were enjoying. a "lay off" in .........,,eneeneeeeneestmeriateadeat
— One of the Anehoeville men had a
reading, playinhg cards, and gossiping. • -
Copyright by the Iiiiintaten Book Company
ditty box -which he was fooling with,
and Captain Clark, noticing the man-
ner in which the fieberman WaS Scrut-
inizing the =tick, ,enquired, "Whatee
th" matter with yer ditty (hex?"
n an sel, e
The esnee . rose a. — squeeee
down on the locker beelde the skipper.
" a trick box," he •saleil "an' Pm
tryirl to open it. It looks jest like a
• block o' wood, I can't find out
water' tb' cover is nohow."
• "Whoa.' dye get it, Jim?" enquired
one a the gang.
"Mrs. Taylor up to Long Cove -give
it t' me," ansevered Jim, turning the
box areund in his hands. -"She •said
ehe'd tried to open it.—• -n"
"Anchorville," +answered the • other.
"No use make)" for Yarmouth. Th'
teainne be .gone by th' time we errive.
Due nente, tan college, an' drive her!"
Though it was as thick as mud wieh
fog, there was a fresh, eoutherly wind
blowing, and the old, Lillian began -to
sh,ew her heels. Everyone aboard
knew ab,out the troeble their young
emploe-er wae in, and with the loyalty
to their friends common to the frat-
ernity the fisbermen • exerted! ,all their
nautical akin in order to get the ves-
eel home as quickly as pessible. Sails
were jigged. up every half-hour, and
never was there euch. a trimming of
sheets &n& caveful steerhig upon •a
Clark reached for the fiehing schoen•er befoan. Men lounged
OHAP'TER SEVENTEEN—(Cont'd.) " 'Our ,client, as sole heir, lays, Captain
ou ave erected upon P
sine !claim to the estate, and empowers us artithel"Teet me hev a try at it," he arourel 'the etreaming deeks with eyes ening and mix with 4 ,cup cold water.
The lawyer made the 'copies,
strutted oatside. "These iwhili
to lay nroeeedings against you if the lo'eganteci"I useter 'lee some hand at for ever scanning the set and trim of Roll out flowed pur-
on a wed board to 1A, inch
' them trick ditty boxes " canvas, and -when so much as a thickness. Wash cranberries and
are all upon the propeety you
rt. t ' ediatel re- Giving the bot a sharp tap with hie wrinkle she:Wed, they ,sweated on jig raisins,. Boil sugar and 2 tbsp. water
preserves or jelly and ehopped nate,
Frost with a tilt& eocoanut fresting,
MelasseaecoOtiee-4, cup eleertexe
ing or 1 tap •gingee lard, 1 tsp. pin-
namen, cup boning weter,
cloves, 14 can sugar, 214 eups ficr
14 cup molatssee, tep. eodia, 1 tsp.
salt, 'tun seedlese raisies. Melt
shortening the hot water, add Sugar
and mole:sees and thedry ingredients.;
wItiO) have been ,!sifted together. Add
elumenraisins, Chill, .e•dtl more- flour
if requi•red, roll thin, and eut into fancy
•shapes. Bake in A moderate oven 15
minutes. Decorate with froetinig
forced through a email pointed paper
pastry tube.
Chocolate dates—Remove the seeds
:from fresh,. ,deteee stuff some, of
them with pieces of marshsnallow,
others • with seeded raisins), candied
chenries and walnuts, Melt sweet
chocolate and into this dip the pre -
paved dates. , •
Cranberry pudding -1 eu,p eran-
beemies, 11/2 MOS flow, 2 tbsp. ,shortein
ing, 1 cue) sugan 2 tsp. baking po.wder,
eup water,- 2 tbsp. water, 1/4 can
seeded: raisins, 4 tspenalt. Sift flour,
baking povrder and .n11% rub in short -
chased, Captainmeve,d, and the estate left as before fist, the slde of the (hex flew back: and?"
Frank nodded. The lawyer looked the presumed purchase.' " . a number a eapere fell out. Captain
around. "Tell me," he eaid, after a "What d'ye thing o' that, Uncle?"Clark lsraghed'-
"It takes Ma to open
ecrutiny, "what did Captain C4:alvfmd- taid 'Frank. "Ahet that led ene them puzzle boxes. ,What lettees are
;say regarding the deeds and the des-
peeition of his chattels and ret4
whale a a muddle?" • ill .11.1 I 't?
The other stared. vaguely into space. The man picked them upp. en"Whoay
they're all atldreseed, t' Oa ' A
tease? vrill we do ef them lawyene Crawford, an' theaVe a elosed one -with
"Waal, as regards 'eV deeds, he told "Whatever
kin prove that? Itll est about ruin
to in./ understood hero tsay that Frank's teeth snapped and a deter -I Captain Clark. jumped to his feet.
tie that he'd write to leis advocate in „ a stamp on it What hez never bin
Anchorville .an' hey them transferred 11V1 ran .
the money he got was go"to be seabt mined light eame into his, eyes. "Not "What?" he ,shouted. "Lemme eee
to some sailors, orphan Home. His if -I know it, Uncle," beset& "Pm not "eml" And he grabbed the enyelones
furniture was sold by auction an' th, el-gohn t' be bluffed out iby anythin', out of the man's hand. Rapidly sort -
like this, I'lI ,go'n see a aawyer nee, ing them out, he 'scrutinized the closed
morrow." . , one, 'stamped and addeessed in old
Frank worried over the communiva-, Ca•ptain Asa's heavy fist.
trim a great deall that night, and hav-1 "What'e the addreas• on this here?"
eioney was handed over to his house-
keeper. He left instructions with
tninister an' eom.e ether that this was
to be done."
"Humph!" Mr. Wrigley gruntedeand ing ell of a sailors dread and igner- e s - •
climbed be* in the team again. "All once of the law and legal procedure "Mosel's). .Sniith and Crosby, Advo -
eight, Captain. Good day!" And he he began to fear that he had made cates and Notaries, Anchorvilae,
drove away. la blunder somewhere. His interview answered the other.
• " fl d 'th H St f th „te The stout skipper gave a whoop. “Am
-"So Bob Monissey's s -
ant what become of his uncle's pro- lost advocates in Anchorvite County; cut, fellers.' he bawled. "Git under
party, is be? 'Wall, I don't blame him ' didi not tend to make him feel any . way! By tin Lord Harry, ef this ain't
1 luck. That's bin or Cap'en. Asa's
In a way. It's kinder hard t.' be donehanier.
' p
out of i ' e •has. i ' i e .1 ad' ti
your . $C t . " no' ditty box an' he put that lettem in
quarrel with, him now." Dismissing said after Frank battler& him all the thar' for -safe keepin' ontil th' mail
the incident from his mind, Frank faretee "but I tan% say that we hive a driver e.ame down to tin Carve. I'll bet
Went down to complete his tallying. bright defence. All that you have foe Franles cheque is in. that. Rouse out
It was nearly two weeks later when proof that you purchased the property -OW gang nor'ar.dl" And he stamped
the until driver handed Frank a long is that slip of =witnessed 'paper on deck.
blue envelope. "Aniather letter from which is valueless as a piece of legal, It did not take them long to swing
th' Brazilian Consul?"themurmuredas teetniony, and the fact that youi: the Lillian off,
and =dee her four
it. "No, 'tis Anchorville cheque has not been eash,ecn, and yo•ur lowers and ,staysail she headed in for
postmark." having no proof of delivery, invali- the land.
It wa,s a long le•tter, and as Frank dates the sale. If you Could provetai "Yai•mout' Anoltorville, •Cap-
?" asJ
weed it his cheeks blanched, "Lord that you had. delivered that 'cheque to •
Harry!" he muttered, and calif me his Captain Crawford, and produced the —
untie, he „said, "Reenember tht lawyer honored eheque After it had been en -
feller what drove over here a couple cloned) and cashed by the deneesed,
o' weeks ago enquiring about th' pro- there could be nohdoubt bort what you
party I purehened from eaplen Asa?" had purchesed the property, even
.1 though you did not poseese the deeds.
"Listen to this what I've jest got What we will have to do, is to find the
from them: T.. S. Westhever, Long cheque. Captain Crawford's notaries
have r -e-
and halliard. until the elide were set
without a slack to mar their bellying
nentours. Captain Clark and Jules
had held the ,envelope up to the cabin
naraprated gee silhouette of the cheque
wee discernible tagainst the light.
'• (To be continued.)
Dye Skirt, Dress
or Faded Draperies -
in Diamond Dyes
Each package of "Diamond Dyes"
contains directions so simple teat any
woman can dye Or tint faded, shabby
skirts, dresses, 'waists, coats, sweaters,
stockings, hangings, draperies, every-
thing like new. Buy "Dianiond Dyes"
—no other kind—then perfeet home
dyeing Is guaranteed, even if you have
never dyed before. Tell your druggist
whether the material you wish to dye
is wool or silk, or whether it is linen,
cotton, or mixed goods. Diamond Dyes
never streak, spot, fade, or run.
Scavengers were originally officials
who collected Scavage, a tax imposed
in many English towns upon all goods
exposed for sale within their boun-
daries. The tax was abolished by
Henry VII.
Mlnard's Liniment for Coughs & Colds.
two mirattes. Let cool. Put iii centre
of paste, being up comets, hip over
to keel) juice froie eoming out. Put
pudding in a welt buttered bowl, Tie
in a. eleth, leaving, plenty ef ream to
swell. Place in a pot of boiling water,
ha,ving 'enough, water to cover. Boll
40 minutes', Serve bet with hard
Apple and raisin tapioca -4 good-
sized apples, 4 teaspoon leak, ¼ oup
needed raisins (ohopped), 3 then. gran-
ulated tapioca, 4 cup eugar. Wash,
pare and core the apples. Fill centres
with -raisins and sugar, put in bake
dieb and place in hot oven. When
nearly done (time depends upoe kind
of apples used) cover with tapiooa
and bake 16 miputes. To make tapioca:
add the tapioca to the 3 cues boiling
water and boil until elear, add bal-
ance of sugar, raisins and salt. This
makes a very nice inexpmisive dessert
and the raisins give additional food
Green peppee sandwiches—Finely
chop raisins and green peppere, using
1 medium size pepper to 1 cap ransine.
Moisten well with •salacl dressingeessing and
spread between slices• of Ibuthered
Sending Her a Line.
An old farmer, visiting the city,
handed the clerk a telegram to be sent,
consisting of the address and, eight
vertical strokes.
"But surely you are not gang to
send this," said the clerk.
"Now, that's all. right, miss," said
the old fellow. "If them strokes eome
out the same at nether end my missue
Cove. Dear Sir,—Acting in the inter- stile hold the deeds., but they
este of our cent Captain R,obert Igor- reeved no advice feorm lam regarding senne______ ex d.,,,,,, s 'II know as I shall be home at 8 o'cloelc.
.....—..en „elteeeeeeenen, .
fissey of Bo.s.ton arel nephew of the the sale of the property. Everything She can't read or write, but her can
deceased. Captain Crawford of hinges, en yourcheque. D'ye think yon count, so just see as you .put the pro -
Long Cove, N.S. we must ask you to could: get a chance to overhaul the The Cruel Child. I ally, ten it is ,deeply p•enitent afteel
lately owned by the deee-ased and said "Furniture's. all bin :sold.," answered, parents is what must be done, when! it has denn. • Minard's Liniment for Burns & Scalds
selinquish .claini to the properter Captains house—?" A terrible prebleen for not a few, bemg cruel. It is horrified at ,e,hat
per strokes in."
to have bean 'purchased by you. for the Frank diemally. "It'll be statter•ed all one a their ehildren ellen% that it! . That is tbe moment for mother to
" 'Upon enquiry at Messrst. Smith Mr Steorens noddedgravel eene„n. has a nasty vein of crueite, inherited: show how •deeply she is grieVed. She
sum of Two Thousand Dollars. ' over th" Cove new."
and Crosby, the advocates who hold he centinuecl alter a pause, '7Pd a"slvis'e " 41t3cluired' in its .cheractee. , 11 should paint the dreadfulness of what
the deeds of the property, they inform you to send around a notice to ell Many mothers have been horrified might happen isome day, and gather
us that no order or communication those who eurchesed goeds at the to 'discover that blue-eyed, cherubic -I -the crying •chilcl to her heart.
from the late Crawford has been. ea- auction to have a look for any papers faced little Tommy is pinching tinyl Then for a time there will be an
*eyed by them, ar,e1 similar enquiries or documents. You might ahve a look Eva'IS: arm most cru•elly. He not :only, inward struggle between the heredi-
at your Bank shown that eheck num- around yourself. If you can't produce takes the pinolejr,g •chanees that come'. tarn imelline and natural levee In the
her three, purported to have been anything more than what you've got i aes way'but with oun.nieg beyond hes' end love—and mother—will -win in
made out in Captein Asa Orawford's
favor by you, has neve.r been drawn the ease. 'You'll lesensure, and!
leere, I wouldn't advise you to fight yeare. ersakes othe.a• ohaneen . . 'moat eases. '
• 1 If the eruel child i bst' . te
against your account, and: no ch•eck for Westhaver'•s ey•e; snapped with a Children with this "•cruel" twist in, .. -
two thensand ,doilars has been debited steely •glint in them.. "lir &averse them Will do quite wicked things, and hard te influence, stern measures, are
It meet be punished
to your account in the books of the he said determinedly, "I t th' deal;
, put :sometimes with very serious resulted, neoewsarY•.,
sever•ely, but with.out any display of
bank. . through as ship-shane as I knew how, 1 Recently a girl of five brought a, hand- t.
" 'The receipt which' von hold and an! vi; it to th' last ditch I won't ful of dust and poured it in:to her' anger on thparents' part, until it
• realizes. --as it will—that the pleasure
it obtains T1111 being ,cruet is quite
•cancelled by the pain of the subse-
quent punishment. • Mat is -the only
supposed to leave been signed by th •e allow any man to bluff me oat of that, baby'e ,eycs. Not long befoes
deceased as an interim until the deeds property, so let it go to eonet." she ead: scratched: ribbons of eldn off
were transferred is valuel•ess, as the The other tapped the desk with a his face. .
Witnessed by a third party.
suppos.ed signature bast never been pen. "AM er right, Caetain. I'll do all
I can for you." One could give othinstances but
When Frank
arrived back at tilei , they do not make nice reading, and
vCove eealledameetil
oehp?c;1tlee parentswho
a-trm1)lecwith aEn,rsLaoatlinedthetjtio:terosaidknowonleto0w.4iit
they win cot, wen he t' dear out eel such a &lid is -capable cif doing. Amour,- our most bennant fl reer
this," he raid bitterly, "an' all our: In the cene of the little. -girl it, might the ,silkebn peals' ., elie; pies are so
ifor nawthinn Tin; be thought that the Lmotiv-e•was jean delicate that in spite of vivid ' 1
alrollsaltiteod(.?:aoirer): may, hut,- u matter of fact, it was they do not epe•ear comen. All; oftheworiell ha' gone
1 , 4 hain'tial,dlivier'se willAaveoz 1,
not. Ml the ;seine, if any parents who many types may be grown from seeds.
Ring's land owin' to th creek I donne
know but hat I might make a deal lead this have a cruel child they must I have •always lead the bent success by
with Morrissey n bey th' piece again: examine their censelences 'ver.y care- planting the :double varieties, for they
California Fig Syrupy' is el he gibe it, but I carlate he'll stneeeze' fully • and +see if anynhing they been are 'sere to product man :nee - so
ue goon when he knows he's got us in eel(' or done Ir•az caused. pealousy. This I get a fine collectiol .37t1181' ''''e'' ''•
et • • •
I Sow Poppy Seeds Early.
• ees. con,
, il•d•ren. ejust as. much It pays to buy bulk seed,s, for 'these
a iieht earner. It's nay fault entirely. I r seelon • aff entes •c• s
Child's Best Laxative sh'd ha' seri that Cap'en Crawford. grown -raps.
'••••• 4.444.
Even if Cress, feverish, bilious, con-
etipated or full of cold, clatelreu love
the "fruity" Wee of "(lantern/la Fig
Syrup." A teaspoonful never fa,ils to
tile= the liver and bowels. In a few
hours you can seo for yourself hoW
thoroughly it Works ail the souring
food and nasty bile out of the stomach
and bowels, and p.m have a well, play-
ful and again. "
Millions of mothers keep "California
Fig Syrup " handy, They kttow a tea-
. spoonful to -day saves a sick ehild- io-
rcOrrow. Ask your thuggist for genu.
fee "California Fig Syrup" which haS
directions babies aad children of
all ages printed on bottle. Mob.'.erl
Yea n-ust say "Calito-nia" or you May
get an imitation lig syrup.
are .oheap, and one packet Will not
cashed that 'check' I gave him an' get: Pawents meet theiefeee be ,abee- insure a stand On a large bed. I like
th deeds. Very likely he pits:placed' tei • •
u •v•• ser ,ldearel to 'scatter pl•enty osae
de ecle and thin
it, or lo'sb it or forgot all about itL
es chi
," ..•
There must not be the merest .eureneent, •a_Oter bhey get established. ?open
eion of fa,voritenn. Obildren differ seedlings are delieate ancl•grove slowly
lout it was Ring'sattitade which was'.
Uncle Jerry was very blue., i .
----------------------.retly m temperament, and tilts at fles.t. -
'giving Frank t
'would he take it? Frank waited for wile one child's heart weq.ild be hare 1 Plant any time in the winter that
leirri to .sly eiymething• ancl the sunshine cif it's life clouded if I can get the. bed ready, since the
drawled. the Captain phild- it reaRzed that it was not the favorite, seed is not harmed by cold. The little
scphically, catlike you kiyerbest.t another •child, would become jealous
En th' property is taken from 1.3 wela —and •ernee
work out ---'-never fear. I wouldn't; In'thie •case the cure lies; in reenov-
worry. Frank,"
thaver felt relieved. 1.I. ing the cause; the creelee will end
ealrneee ,and, aa equai cevilsion sprout, and weeds choke them
two partner% behind hi -m, he was nerv- when
eel to srland to hie guns+, and 'without t'of parental love takes the Vince of ont• 'The 'Fiends wir.,1 not co/tie -urn
,smy-deley he Starttedon a search for favorkism. etlerough a crust, and, the tiny seedlinne
plants eosne up as icon as the eon is
warm enough, and, get ahead of the
weedi. If I•weit urnel later the sun is
sure to dry the ground- before the
the missing parsers; Notices were But what of the many eases where, will be dislodged when you loosen the
sent to ell the houses. in the Cow, and there is no-fe,vorlibism, and Yet one of soil ese pull wezdis. . The fieet -thing I
reward c.ffered; but 4101411 ,aaft kinds thaehildreenis cru.el? Obvionsly, the knonr 1 fine a lot of thrifty young
af papern from s•eamerns discharges to "j et" bas v
been driberited. It mint, popoiee large enousea to thin and tulti-
nevrepepene wereobroteelet to hens, no •
and !•care he straightened if thennein , ete, The
. y grow-ftiat,after they pats
thing Ia. the eliape of the 'required
daeaay.e.rits, ,t„,,a,,, up. sures att.i.n,ed are thelse that take into the tiny seedling ,stage, and become
It was With a feeling of utter de- account tbe vOlae tenrperam.ent ef the bardy.----Agnes
iection that 1,,T est:haver opened+ e child -
ter from Ilia- Isenyer. The, gone in the child' must be used Theao Are 'Tested Recipes.
"Crouse eto Anchoeville on Tuesday to cast out the bad, . is, •strange Cecoanut-ginge. r. geals-1/2 cup but -
next, Your. ease, Monrieeee. ve. Vest, 'out eine fact that a cruel child is often tar, 1 .',eveltscp.. ginger, ee cies mola•sene,
haver comes•- befere the, Ceente (lir- veTy sl.w:,ceptible to influence, Goner- 1 level tsip. ;sioda, 1/s tsfy. It, -
cult bourt at ten in the morning.
Trust you lave .,een
men ,seib•stenti ,evideece."
Frank threw else lettere down upon
"Wall onl''ss a mirade
I -menet -is baraen 110W an' then, we're
a'goin' t' Peso, an' n leee now means
,hand blow to all my 1:open Lord!
Ind Pee had my there o' dirty weather
in My timo, Dirty wea thee et sea ale
'now deity- weather on land, It's haid
••-• negley hazel, -1 weuder what Lity'll
,, cep
Chopped seeded raisins', 1 cup sugar,
2 CUp3 ilCfUr, cinnamon, % cup
2 eggs. Orono, butter and eager,
add. inOaas8SeS and I:IF:obeli egg yolks;
then adci ndik bi which sone has been
dissolved. Combine salt, flour -and
ginger end graclualey etre into first
mietn•oe, then add ealsine ani atiffly
ce ten e t c i rill well greened
gen. pone I•elf Reinc,tie some of
the centred when baked and fill \villa
Rheumatism Treatment. We treat
k-inds of Itheumatilsm, and if
we nail: to ell:tali/late the pain it will not
cost you anything. Try tie and; be con-
vinced. No loedecinen No elecleicity,
'adios! DepartuTent, 90 King St Ween
Moue Ade ide 4048. Offince, Totronto,
'Wiimipee Vancouver.
After Every Meal
, .
4,4 4.414 44.4 414 04 0,4
In work or
play, it syllaies
the poise and
steadineSs that
mean success*
H kelps digeation,,
allays thirst, keep-
ing the mouth coot
wad moist, the throat
muscles relaxed!
and pliant and the
nerves at ease.
A Boy's Reason.
The parson, (calling)—eWhy were
YOU so anxious to have' me dine- with
your family on Christmas, Robert?"
Bobby—a"Cause pe said he wouldn't
go to the expense of it turkey unleig
someone was coming to dinner."
The list a British war cern.eteries
includes 13 in Italy, 10 in Macedemia,
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tine 5 in Mesopotamia, and 1 in East
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that bring the largest return are
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free report as to patentability. Bend
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'Prevents chapped hands, craokeed
Ups, clrilblains. Mekes your shin ,
soft, white, clear and smooth.
All druggists sell 0
o/4.01:$•-•,‘"-.4.4egr s
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Why Bake t Home
when you can buy bread. like it,
ready baked?
COUNT the raisins —at
least eight big, plump,
tender fruit -meats to the
Taste it --see how the rai-
sin flavor permeates the
• bread.
No need to bake at home
• when we've arranged with
bakers in almost every town
and city to bake this full-
• fruited raisin bread.
• Just 'phone and they'll de-
liver it—all ready to sur-
prise the family tonight.
• It comes from master bak-
ers moaern oven: yea
. •
city. And it'smade :with
Sure -Maid' Raisins.
• That's another reason for its
superiority. A rare combination
of nutritious cerealand
both good and good for you, so
yoe should serve k at leastivice
a week.
Use Sun -Maid Raisins also in
puddiogs, cakes and cookies. Yon
maybe offered other brands th,at
you know less well than Sun -
Maids, but the kind you want is
the kind you know is good. In-
sist, therefore, on San -Maid
brand. They cost no more than
oiclinary raisins.
Mail coupon for free book of
tested Sun -Maid recipes.
The S,uprerne Bread Raisin'
Sun-Pdai a•islrit Growers
• ilicrobdraltio 14,600
Fresno California
COW* .1.$42 11W-03 311.= , =yr*
.ct.yr • Tills 0111" 'AND SEND IT•
Sun -Maid R nein urowera
Dept, N-53'3-12, lino, California
II Please send me, copy ofyourfree book,
Blue Package era.
`''''Er-uecrie.leer....ese.r.emegrosoom e.eseeretsoseeoseeeffee-eeemplu-