The Exeter Advocate, 1923-2-8, Page 41 • The Exeter Advocate' Dashwood dollzangau\sveur-Caineran -A very pretty solemnized at two p.m. Sanders & Creesh, Proprietors • sUbscription. Price -In advance, $1 50 at tee home of Mrs. Christina Willert per year in Canada $7,00 at the of Maplewood ave., Ambridge, Pa. Urated Statea, AUsubseriptions not when her daughter, Elia Ilene Cameron paid in. advance 50o, e charged became the bride of Otto P. tHolz- hauaer of North Side, Pittsburg. Rev. C., Sellady, past& of the Metho- dist Episcopal Church officiated, us- ing the ring •ceremony. Te' bride 'ked charming in a beaetiful dress of white canton crepe, ,embro•idered in 'French knots an.d carried a show•er bouquet of White rases and lilies of the valley. She was attended by her VULCANIZING -I esida to anneence eater Edna, who wore rose canton that I do a,ll kinds, of vulcanizing, such crepe and carried a bouquet of pink as Rubber Tires, Rubber Roots and carnations, Mr. John Dunlap acted as S1i0e.S, Etc. Prices reasonable and hest man_ The bridal party entered good work guaranteed.. We also hart- the living room which was nicely dec- dle second hasid tires. prated with ferns and Killarney roses, JOS. HAIST, Credito,n, to, the strains of Lohengrin's bridal eaoau.s played by Mess Adeline Wein BATTERIES CHARGLD.-I have of Crediton, Ont. The groom's gift Installed a Battery Charging outfit, to the bride was an electric toaster, Bring in your battery and let us look ta the bridesmaid a string of pearls after it for you. Satesfactian guaran- and to the groomsman, a gold station,- eed.-F. W. CLARK. ery ,set. After the ceremony asump- -......- tuous wedding dinner was, served to Mrs. alaaett, Miss Dorothy and alas- about fifty guests. The bride and ter Kenneth of London spent Sunday gnoom were presIented with many here, the guiests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed, beautiful gifts. They will at present Folmar. • teside with the bride's mother. The Mies Dorothy Feltner is very ill at happy couple have the best wishes present. 'of their many fends. The Ladies' Aid of the ,Luthlermi Church gave a supper and social ,ev- ening. to their husbandalast Thursday A very pleasant time was reported. dr, Merner Eilber hatsf resigned his position. with ,E. Taman & Son. Mrs. Yager has retuned from a visit with her mother imn Sebringvilla. On Monday evening- our boys drove over to Hensel' and playn ed ainter- THURSDAY, FEB, 8th, 1.923. Crediton The school aurses spent Tuesday' in the Crediton Public School., Miss Merle Clark is able to be again, after being under the doctor's care for a few weeks. Arm, Broken. -Mrs, John Werner. had the inisf,ortune to fall, on the. Icy aide-• walk last Thursday evening while ie.: turning from church and broke her arm. A meetingthea local branch of the estate,. game of hockey with the Hen - Bible Society was held in the aletho- sell team. The score -resulted 8-2 in -dist Church last Thursday evening. raver of Hensall The following officers were, re-eletted ' Lor the ensuing year,-Pres:dent, Dr, :The following is, the report of Room Orme; Vice-presidents, Revs. Brooke z at' Dashwood Public School for the and Hauch, Alonzo Hodgins .and ta,e0,-, month of January, -Sr. III., Flossie Mawhianey; Sec'y-Treas,, H•erbert menistiver 2251, Theada Hayter 2236 Eaber, Collectors were also.aPPorlat-,asareace Guenther 2236, Eddie Ham- ed who will solicitefunds. far the sup: ocher 2206, Elea maseas 2159, Alias port of the society. Rev. R. J. Bow-Willert 2109, Gordon Bender 2072 en, district secretary, of London, was " Ainetta ateinhagen' 2650, Margaret present and delivered a very. instaucae..Menser a006, Nelda Fassold 1995, Mar- tive address. Hes discourse was guerite Held 1969, Ivan Lippert 1948 Prated with slides, showing views of Martha Graupner 1914 „Ethel Hartlieb Canada from the Atlantic to the Paz- 1910, Courtney Burmeister 1767 -Harry Hartleib 1455. Jr. III., Lams Zimmer 2269, Leonard Bender 2257, Garnet Burmeister 2249, Floyd Wen 2135 Willie Eveland 2099, Helen Nadiget 2089, Pearl Bender 2036, Earl Witmer 1862, Selma Geratner 1842. Sr. IL, - Ernie Guenther 1749, Ruth Klainstiver. 1732, Wallace Wein. 1594, Elda Kraft 1511, Louise Staubus 1485, Adam Stire 1094. Jr. II.,,Verda. Burmeister 1766' Sadie Held 1764, Zeta Nadeger 1739 Margaret Willert 1732, Blanche Edig- bc>ffer 1651, Aderiaan, Mason 1080. Clandeboye • . Letta Guenther teacher. Centralia Mrs. Wilson of 'Clinton called an friead,s in the *village Saturday lat. Mr, W. Parsons and Mr. Geo. Es- sery, who have been sick the past Nveek, are both improving. Mr. Jas, Gadsave, of 'Lateen, called on friends here on Tuesday. Miss L. Richards of London spent the week -end with her parents, Me and Mrs, 3. Richards. Mrs. Wm. Hicks ba.s been quite al the. past week. ,Mr. Allan Cochrane of HilLsgreen visited over the week -end at the flame sef Mr. M. Elliott. Next Sunday special anniversary s-er- vie es will be held in the Evang,elical Church, when Rea J. G. Littaot Zur- ich will preach morning and everang. A delightful program was given in the Evangelical Church last Sunday night by the Ladies' Aid. The pro- gram consisted of quartettes, theetts and readings in the intereat •of mis- alans. Elirnville The Women's Missionary Society is having a concert on, Wednesday, Feb, 1414 in the Methodist Church. - Old Time Concert, consisting of read - gams, old time aongs„ ace given by the Minion Girls of jarnes St. Meth- odist Chuach, Exeter. Miss Laura Simpson, whose engags meet to be married to Mr. al,Teion Henry 'al Alberta, has been armouneed was presented with, a handaeme cab- inet of. flat silver by, S. S. No. 4 1-1 Aziss., where she has been teaShinge and with numerous tokens of affection by the p,upile and friends ther,e., Mrs. Russell Schroeder and child-, slrea of near Exeter are the guests of Mrs, Omar Cunningham, Con. 2 of ,IcGW.ivray. HURONBALE The Hurondale Women's • institute 'held their regular monthly meeting at tbe home of Mrs- C. Pym wath an at- tendance of 28. The regular opening of the meeting was followed by com- munity singing, and the flower com- mittee reported that they had arreassbal ed for a concert to beheld ,on Feb_9. The program consisted of an instru- mental duet by the Misses Myrtle and Lila Pym, an interesting and in- structive sewing demonstration on the proper way of inserting ineet pockets by Miss N. Keddy, a well- ehought out paper on Character Build jig by Mrs. A. Feed, with a short dis- cussion. following, and a reading by alias Pearl Luther. Lunch was served and a social half hour waSaspent. The next meeting will be,held at the home of !Mrs. A. Mitchell: • R, C., "Your -Favorite Teacher." Young Mothers --, This Advice Is Most Vital to You Stratford, Ont. —"I am Very en- thusiastic in praise of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Beats, tonic for 'prospec- • tive mothers. I have had expert- -2 enee both with e h the -Prescription' •... d and without, and am in a postion to know that there is a vast difference. I was never nau- seated or sick at all with my 'Pre- scription' babies, but I was ex- tremely uncomfortable 'withthe others and my suffering was greater when I had not taken the' 'Favorite Prescription.' I shall always, take pleasure in recommending it to pro mothers."— Mrs. Leota M. Pepper, 114 Grange St. .Mothers Who Are_ Run - Down and Nervous, , School Reports EXhTER PUBLIC SCHOOL ROOIVI V 'The folloering is the standing of the pupils for the month or January. The results are based on tests given on all subjects together with daily marks:— • Sr. IV—Honors, Eugene Howey, 86; Frank Creech and Hugh Creech, equal, 81; Marvin Howey, 75; Edua Russell, 75. Pass, Florrie West, 74; Edward Taman, 74; Muriel Howald 71; Kathleen Heaman 70; Marjorie Clark 69; John Kuntz 6 8 ; Mable Winegarden 65*; Reggie Beavers 61 Jas. Connor 60; Jack Gambrill 59*; Frank Jeckell 58*; Eva Betts 5 8* Marjorie Medd 55* Jim. Betts 45*. Jr. IV—Honors, Vera Mooney 78; Stella Northcott 75. Pass — Irwin Ford 74; Lillian Baker 74; Lyle Dinney 72; Edith Walter 71; Harold Skinner 70; Greta Bloomfield 68; Alda McDonald 66; Harry Jennings 64*; Sidney West, 63; Clifford Hut- chinson, 63; Doris Salter, 62; Vera McDonald, 62; Irene Bierling, 58*; Wanetta Nelson, 56; Catherine Wood 55*; Nona Reeder, 32 Ida Mitchell, 23*. * Missed tests. No. on roll 3 8, aver, atten. 36.5. Total average for the Public School 173,1 G. S. Howard, Principal. P.0 OM eV Sr. III—Honors, Roy Batten 77; Pass, Jennie Passmore 74; Baden Powell 72; Willie Sanders e9; Grace Chambers 67; Kathleen Reid 65; W, Kaye 63; Georgina Nelson 63; Tom Kaye 61; Stanley Walter 60; Alvin Passmore 59; Myrtle Beaver 59; G. Webster 5 8 ; Madeleine °Dearing 51; Winnie Bishop 46; Hilton Laing 44; Golda Wells 44. Jr. III—Pass, Geraldine Burke 72 Clarence Boyle 69; Willie Ellering- ton 68; Gladys Hunkin 66; Willie Balkwill 66; Mary Wells 64; Charlie Lodder 64; Orville Beaver 63 Doro- thy Dinney 62; Russel Snell 61.; Har- old Macdonald . 61; Fong Ying Wee 60; Russell Collingwood 59; Violet Gambrill 59; Rosa Jennings 57; Nel_ son Wells 56; Loretta Little 55; Clif- ford Lamport 54; Roy Sanders 51; combe 48; Jean Waiper 46; Lillian George Andrew 49; verne Brima- Payne 36. No. on roll 40; average att. 37. Jean S. Murray, teacher. ROOM III Class II Sr.—Honors, Helen Pen - hale, 92; Mabel Snell, 87; Jean Sheere, 83; Madeline Stewart, 81; Gladys Hutchinson, 81; Raymond Pryde, 81; Grace Christie, 80; Glad- ys Smith, 80; Helen Vale, 80; Ruth Collingwood, 9.; lima Kestle, 78; Hazel Bloomfield, 78; Margaret Mar tin, 77; Lois Statham, 76. Pass, Ce - ail Laing, 72; Gerald Skinner, 72; Lloyd Freckleton, 64; Jack Hedden, 63; Arthur Little, 62; Hugh Weer, 62. Class II Sr. (b)—Honors, Joseph Jackson, 80; Justin Kuhn, 78; Mar_ garet Ellerington, 78; Muriel Kaye, 78; Clayton Batten, 77. ,Pass, Harry Cole, 74; Wallace Seldon, 74; Mar- guerite Bloomfield, 71; Stella Little, 69. Edith Kestle, 64. No. enrolled 33, aver. attand. 30. H. M Kinsman, teacher. • ROOM II Sr. II—Honors, Ruth Balkwill, 89; Kenneth Ward, 88; Joe. Creech, 88; Grafton Cochrane, 86; Rich'd Trum- per, 85; Helen Heywood, 80; Dorothy Cox, 78; Helen Stanbury, 77; Mary Cann, W. Jr. II (a)—Honors, Teddy Wethey, 78; Helen Salter, 77. Pass, Viola Hudson, 69; Marion Davis 62; Al - mer Hunkin, 60. Jr. II (b)—Honors, rloreace Cor- nish, 82; Jean Penhale, 75. Pass, Allen Fraser, 72; Mildren Colling- wood, 66; Billy Burke, 62; Aldon Ap_ pleton, 61. Jr.II (c)—Honore, Ruby Stone, 89, Connie Jennings, 82; Utah Clark, 81; Dorothy Davis, 79. Sr. I—Honors, Lois McDonald, 96; Marguerite Cann, 93; Mervyn Sims, 93; Marjorie Complin, 9 0 ; Allan Quance, 80. Jr. I—Honors, Billy Chambers, 97; Tom Ellerington, 93; Vera Kestle, 87; Jimmy Sanders, 82; Eddie Ward, 7 9. pass, John Payne, 63. No. enrolled 37, aver.. atten. 35.3 8.• N. Medd, teacher. • ROOMI; Class V (a)—Honors, R. Fraser, 89; F: Stewart, 88; H. Kerslake 88; D. Talker, 84; E. 'Seen, 83; J. Pilon, 82; K. Hockey; 81; J. Ross, 80. Class V (b)—Honors, T. Batten, 91; S. Ward, 91; M. Spencer*, 88; ,B. Walter, 85; I. Collingwood, 82; A. Nelson, 79; A. Stone, 76; J. Stan.. bury, 76. Class IV—Honors, M. Quance, 92; ReFreckleton, 85; E. Cornish, 84; J. Pryde, 82. Class III—Honors, R. Creech, 91; A. Trumper, 86; R. Hutchinson, 79; M. Taman, 79. Pass, M. Jones, 67; • Class II—Honors, H. Penhale, 83; H. Waiper, 83; H. Clark, 79; C. Complin, 76. Class 1—Honors, E. Cann, 75. No. enrolled, 39, aver. attend. 34. Olive M. Taylor, teacher. USBORNE COUNCIL The Municipal Council of the Township of Usborne met at the Township Hall on, Feb. 3rd, 1923. Members present, Wm. Coates,Reeve; Councillors, Skinner, Hanna, Stewart and Ballantyne. Minutes of meeting of Jan. 8th, read and on motion of Stewart—Bal- lantyne, approved. By-law No. 1, 1923, re appointing municipal -officers fore19 2 3 and fixing salaries, read, ap- proved and ordered signed by the Reeve and Clerk, on motion of Skin- ner—Hanna. Stewart—Hanna—That the Reeve and Clerk be authorized to sign and submit to the Minister of Public Works of Ontario, the petition'from this Council, requesting the statuary grant on their expenditure on the Township roads for 1922. Carried. Stewart—Hanna---That the accom- panying note of appreciation on the resignation of Paul Coates, treasurer, be entered as extract of minute of this meeting. Carried. Communication from Thos. Cam- eron, re claim of James Horton, in_ jured on Sept. 8th, 1922. Steviart— Hanna—That the Reeve, Council- lor Ballantyne and the Clerk be a committee to inquire into •the case and report to next meeting. Carried. Communication from Russell,Skin- ner re Government. Regulations of gravel pits and oversignt or same for 1923, laid over until Mar. 3rd., Mr. Roach, of Fullerton Council inter- viewed the Council re Usborne—Ful.. larton Boundary. Mr. Wm. Johns presented the Au- ditor's Report for the year 022 of the Township and vouched for its correctness. Hanna—Stewatte---That the Auditor's Reaort be' SclOpted. Carried. Ballantyne— Stewart—, Th'at Geo. Kellet be appointed Cow and Dog supervisor in place of Wilson Hawk- ins, not accepted, at the salary fixed at Jan'y 8th meeting. Carried. Skinner—Henna—That the fol- lowing names constitute the Local Board of Health for 1923: vie. H. K. Hyndman; M.O.H. W. Coatese- Chair- man, John Delbridge; HenryaStrang Sect'y and Geo. Kellett Sanitary In- spector. Carried. • Hanna—Stewart—That the rate of wage for man and team for 1923 on Township work shall be 50c an hour and for man 25c an hour for 10 -hr. day. Carried Hanna— Stewart— That Wm. Moodie be Road Superintendent of the Township for 1923 at the rate of 40c an hour,while on duty. Skinner, Ballantyne—In amendment that Wil- son Hawkins be Road Superintendent at 35c an hour. Motion Carried. Ballantyne— Skinner— That the following Bills be passed and 'orders issued for payment of same, viz: E. N. Shier, Auditing, $10; Wm. Johns, Auditing, $10; Children's Shelter, Goderich, $10; For Sick Children's Hospital $10.00; Muskoka Free Hospital $10.00; registration B. M. & D., 1922, $14.00; cow and dog tags and municipal stationery '$5 3.5 8 refund to collector, dog tax, 10.00; refund Mrs. Wilcox, statute labor, $3 refund P. Kehoe's statute labor $12 Wm. Brook, salary as collector, $75. Paul Coates, sal. as treas., $85.; revs enue stamps $12.30; E. Johns, wood for tp. hall $7.50; Fullerton bdy. act. our share, $22 4.0 7; Wilson Hawkins cow supervisor 1922, $5.0 0.se-Car- Council 'adjourned to meet on Sat- urday, March 3rd at 1 o'clock at the Township Hall. e Henry Strang, Clerk McGillivray .. • A very successful oyster supper and concert were leeld, under the aus- pices. of the Ladies' Aid in the Meths adist Church. Bansley, an Feb. 2nd, The pastor, Rev. Brooks„, was ch-leman, An interesting feature of the evening was the showing of lantern slides of war pictures and illustrations of Bible studies. Solos were given by Mrs. GeorgesAmoa and Miss A. 'Trey- ethick; duets by R,ev,Brooks and Mr, Frank Taylor, and quartettes by Wal- ter Stockes and three sons, recltaarens by Mrs. Ridley Watson and alas Chat- lotte Lackey. The concert began and, ended with the singinseby the a.udience f "Abide With Me" and "Onward, Christian Soldiers" the words being thrown on the ,screen A sale of oy- sters and baking washeld at the close of the concert. The pro.ne,eds were $1.03. Alexander Anderson, of this Town- ship, .deed at his, hone on Cone 7, on -Saturday. He survived by 4 ;aro- -tilers, Seymour Allan, Howard and Stanley, all of East WaSiams., T,he funeral was heed on Tuesday. Usborne neat) of Jahn Cottle. -There pass- ed away at the home of (his brolther- in-law, Mr, Robert MacDonald, Thames Read, on Saturday, Feb: 3, one, of •the olde.st residents of Usbonne, in the pero6n of Mr. John i Cottle, at the ad- vanced age of 86 years a,rid 10 months. arirthe 29th of November la.st deceas- ed bad the inis,forturne, to fall and 'break his hip. from which he never recovered, and' since ,which time his health has been failing, the end com- ing at the time above gated. Mr. Cot- tle' was a naitive of England, being born at Fiteshire. When about twen- ty. ye..a,rs oi age he came to' Canada witli his parents. -Then- first stop kvas at Lmcndon, where the deceased was engaged for a time, on, the London G. T l station, and. later workcd 'at bridge. building around l_ondain. Aoput a year later the family moved to ithe 8th cencessioa, of Usborne, and his whole life since, has, been spent in that township, where betook up train- ing and -building beans; keeping always a Serge gang of mein in .hisve.mploy. In, later years, he took a deep intereal horticature work and flower cul-' tivation, and at nearly. every Fair in the neighborhood captured prizes in abundance, He married Margaret Turnbull, who predeceased him about six years, Atter the death of Mrs'. Cottle, he has made his home with his daughter, Mrs. MacDonald. Mr. Cot- tle was e staunch Reformer ated was an, ,;adheteat of the Presbyterian church. He. was a ,man of aterlena charaeter, industrious habits and was much respected by a large. circle .of friends. He is survived by one ,son, David, of Fullarton, and four dauh- 4.ers ivira. Robt, MacDonald, Usborrie IVIrS. Sandy Campbell, Seaforth, Mrs, 'Mathew Clarke; and Mrs., John Hazle- wood; Tuckensmith, He also leaves one brother, Gearge, whlitecijittreiti, Read This St, Catharines Woman's Advice - St. Catharines, Ont.—"I -was in a nervous and weakened condition dur- ing my first expectant period. really did not know what to take for relief until my husband brought me horne a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Favor - Ate Prescription and it etrengthened me at once, I am sure it helped to .relieve me of suffering and I take pleasure in recommending it to other prospective inothers." -- Mrs. Geo. ' Betts, 49 Lowell .Me. Health is of vital importa,tme to every mother. Do not neglect the most. valuable aSset ytrit. have. Get, this Prescription of Dr. Pieree'S feoin ,ftaid nstters, Ex - your druggist in tabs eter, Mrs, Henryri lets or liquid or send. 10c for 'trial and ;Mrs. Chas. Getrette of Blueva,le Pkg. to Dr. Pierce's Laboratory j The funeral took Plaaaatac ths Exetet behalf of the Council. m9ir, 66. Thrift . consists in spending less than you earn. If by careful economy you can save money, you have taken a long step toward contentment. We pay interest on Savings bal- ances and shall welcome your account.. THECANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Capital Paid up $15,006,000 • Reserve Fund $15,000,000 Exeter Branch . - M. R. Complin, Manager. CreditOn " • . R. S. Wilson, Manager. Daidrvooti " Note of Appreciation Note of appreciation to P. Coates Retiring Treasurer of the Township of Usborne after 27 years service. • ' On placing your resignation after 27 years' service as treasurer,of the „township, we, the municipal council of the township of Usborne, desire to express our hearty apprecia-tien of your long and faithful service. The township of Usborne and wee -their servants, entrusted with the manage- ment of their municipal affairs, dwelt in security when we knew our funds were in your care and keeping. Our relations with you hava.ever been of the happiest. This is not to be Wondered. at when we consider that you ever coupled the manners of a gentleman with your integrity, honesty and exaetness in ,your Work as treasurer. You wili ever have the pleasant recollection of work well done and We the happy memory of a trustworthy custodian or public funds INCORPORATED 855 Capital and Reserve $9,000,000 Over 125 Branches, THE. MOLSONS BANK This institution offers depositors safeto for 'their savidas, reasonable interest compounded av,ery 'six months, and freedom from red tape in Caee of .withdrawals. Savings Departments at every .Eiranch. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards invited. EXETER BRANCH T. S. WOODS Manager, Centralia Branch open for business daily. • 816 Furniture Bargains REDUCTION IN FURNITURE. WE CARRY THE LARGEST AND MOST UP- TO -DATE STOCK. BUY HERE AND SAVE MONEY Funeral Director & Embalmer, M. E. GARDINER 1:16% Jr. IV—Verna Oke, 66; Maurice Boa, 36. Sr. III—Honors, Kathleen Strang, 78. Jr. III—Honors, Jack Horton, 82; Archie Etherington, 80; Mervyn Dunn, 79. • Pass, Violet Hyde, 64; Reta Oke, 62; Eva Boa, 60; George Boa, 60; Joe. Moyearl, 55. Sr. II—Marie Squires, '74; Pearl Moir, 70; Gordon Block, 65. Jr. II—Alma Etherington, 7.4; Bernice Horton, 72; Eldon Kading, 45. Class I—Elmore Dunn, 50. Primer—Paul Boa, 70; Harold Cudmore, 65. Number on roll; 32, average atten- dance 27. • Maude A.' Horton, teacher. SCHOOL REPORT OF S. S. NO. a HAY; far the month of January. 60 per cent. is necessary to pass :- 5th class -Lily Greb 76. Sr. 4 -Vel- ma Caldwell 57, Aline Willard 48. Sr. 2 -Isabel Russell 67,, Geo. Tinley 62. Norman. ataalake 59, Ben Tenney 52, Russell Caldwell 50, Abel Maser 49 Hiram Beibei 37. Jr. 3 -Bernice Cald- well 65, Grace Timmy 64; Elizabeth S. S. No. 1, VSBORNE Murray 52, Isabel Stade-Ice 40: Sr. 2 Fred Triebner 57, David Triebner 51. Margaret Russell 49. Jr. 2 -Mildred' Northcott 41, Roberta Tin,ney, 39, Char- lie O'Brien 23, Class 2-Gardonfareli 84, Mary Hensel. 84, Harold Rowe 82„ Class 1 -Leon Triebner 76, Donene Caldwell 73, Homer Tenney 72, Percy Gould 69. Number 'on roll 27; average attend- ance 23.5.-A. L. Dow, teacher. CLINTON-Mr. Sam Castel and Mrs? Livermore were married early Satur- day morning by Rev. S.. Anderson at the Ontario Street parsonage. They vial reside here. -Stepping off 'the Palmerston auxiliary directly in the path of a yard •engine, , Wesley Big- gins, aged 31, of Palmerston, former- ly of Clinton, met instant death just before eleven o'clock last Friday night AILSA CRAIG -Mrs. Isaac Dormati passed away Wednesday .morning at an earlyhour after a prrOtratcted ill- ness. Her husband predeceased h several years and ,one. sister, Mrs. John Scafe ol East Wliiaima, and a niece; Miss Ella Simpson, who has lived Iva her since a very .small. child, urviv6, The following is the report of $.S. No. 1, Usborne, , for the month of January. • V C1,--Maybelle Strang. Sr. IV—Honors, Norah Oke, 86; Pearl Wood, 85; Melville Dowii, 83; Mervyn Cudmore, 80; Doreen Dunn, 79; Harold Horton, 79; Hewson Hill, '78; Harvey Hyde, 77. Pass, George °lark, 72; Helen Moir, 6 80,Meiviri ' • ' , • . • • , , • '‘ ' , " " , • , , , • , ' . • • , • , . • r..--et*A.:-StEtr---zr•zseez=-....: --=-:-.:.0,z-- PLIA:=14.4ti=igercatliSLIE=E:=:. -.7..icE.T.S.:_:::IS:Ezzl.:•=2"-ze-e*E"-:-*zcz:^.SIS'-'4",: Eaael.es.ragieserareasai:imegasaiaaggeseaseeaseaseasEseseas.a%S- :ic..F„,„...zEle4.4:-E*rs,r4.--P-1-2.7E-4,- 5.:E:O=ESSIE=STS:=Iii.77---ISST.TAS*.SW:- ,.,....?X.p.......2,77:=Sr.....,Z3==. ......,..........:2;.... ... ... . • ;..`" I I.. Is. '...P......:1.......2.........m..........=.=... r..C.E.E.T..Z.........x.:214;=:,.......:. .. . ESESTIEISE:E5EZESEE:SZ:T.E.S.:2'. '' ''s --------5:E=E:45,E---- leiliiiLliSi== :- -.- .."-..... ••7' ...::::::::EIES•. . 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