The Exeter Advocate, 1923-1-25, Page 8Exeter Markets CH A.NGED h,VERY WEDNESDAY h ant Oat.s .Barley Matba'. Best Fl Family Fleur Paatry, Flour ,.. Feed Flour Sir eras Bran Creamery 13utter Dairy Butte\ 112 *,* • WI • , .45 .......•• ••••••••• ,60 our 3.95 370 ..... 3.45 . 200 d. 1.50 1.35 a -a anon 43 to 45 • 36 to 39 Egg.s en. ...... Lard Hay per ton Hogs " ......40 17t .. $9.00 to $10.00 ....... ... 9.60 DAVI S -T UC KEY.. A quiet wedding taak place at the W-ellingtor. Street Methodist parson- age, London, on Saturday, last • of Mi -is Bernice daughter of 'Site and Mrs. Tuckey of Landon Raadnorth U.sherne, to Clefton. Davi's„, son of Mr, and Mrs'. Jeneph Davis of Exeter. The ceremony was performed by Rev, George Watt and was witnessed by Mr. and Ales. Dutlia of Toronto. The bride was gewned in blue crepe, and „she wore a hat of black mohair. Mr, and Ma.s Davis will reside in Exeter • and will havethe best wiahes Of their many i'rientia ,Romerwa Mr, R. W. Fuke, W,brr> WaS able to get out for a short walk on Sunday and Monday, was not so well on Tuesday, and is again confined tohis home. ammo.. AUCTION SALE - Of Cutters, Sleighs, Robes, Harness, etc., Tues- day, Jany. 3 Oth, 1923, at the Central Hotel, Exeter. WM. Hodgert, Prop. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Davis desire to express their sincere appreciation to the many neighbors and friends for their kindness and sympathy during their recent sad bereavement. 4•10/*0011. TO HYDRO USERS. .Power will be OFF from 1 to 5 p, m. on Sunday, Jane 28th. SPECIAL NOTICE. -Read Mrs. W Yes Advertisement in another t• 7.1unin. Call early. FARM HELP E XETER Z.; ALIZOGATE, THURBELlyY, itiiNs 25, 1t121 Local Doings Send The Advocate to your dis- tant friends for a year. It will be apprecia.ted. There are 46,700 acres less of fall wheat sown in Ontario lest Call thai the previous fall. The Bureau of Colonization. and Im- migration, expects a large number of first class men form the Old Country durizig tho latter part of March and succeeding • Months, some experien,ced, 4,o,ratt partly, and Some inexperienced young- men. and experien,ced married men and paetly expeanaced mareeed mem with and without families. Farm- ers with vszaezieS wiel kindly write H. A, Macclociell, Director of Calan.- iza.tian Parliament Beadings, Toronto, or to their- Agricultural Represent- tive foi Li...forma:non and application farms Applications will be dealt math as far as possible in the order in. Which they are received, preference • being given yearly engagements. S 13 STOTHERS, Agricultural Representative,. ANDREW EASTON LICENSED AUCTIONE4R. FOR HURON COUNTY. „ Orders left with Advocate or at the Central Hotel. Prices reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Exeter Ontario NOTICE Take notice that from and after this date I, Richard Elston, of the Town- ship of Biateshard, in the County of Perth, farraer, will not be responsible f•or any debts contracted by, or on be- half of my wife, Lenorah Elston. Dated, January 9th, 1923. RICHARD ELSTO.N. COUNTER CHECKS. When in .need of Counter Checks call on The Advocate. We can furn- ish you with all kinds at right prices TO WATKINS' CrSTOMERS Owing to illness I have not been able to get around the past week but customers can be supplied either bY calling at the house, phoning or dropping a card. A full stock on hand. A settlement of accounts that •are due will be appreciated. WM. ANDREW Some of the old boys, got on, their elaites'eloeday night, and grabbing a hockey stick each, engaged, the young fellows in combat, playa -nese wellthat when time was called, they headed the ,saare by the narrow margin, of !one goal, 'Tams a real old time .en.caten ter, end we inderstatud, there pre more to follow. 'The Advocate acknowledges the receipt of an, invitation to attend the Annual At -I -lot -ire of the, Huron. Old Boy's Association, a Toronto in the Odd Fellow's 'Temple, an, Feb. 16th, We have never had, the pleasure of attending one of these At -Home's, but nevertheles.s we apprecia.te the in- vitatlien received.each year. The exaerience of the world's best advertisers proves that continuous ad- vertiseng gets the beet results, as ad- vertising is cumulative, and when these gs a slip the gap is net bridged over. and w.hen you, resume advertising you have. to start all over. Periodic splash- es, ne matter howbig a space is used is not an .effective. method for build- ing up a substantital busines,s. The death occurred rectrutly in Pet- erboro of Mrs. He,rbeirt Hodgene daughtex of Rev. Benjamin., Clement, a former pastor of James Street Meth- odist Church Exeter, Deceased re- sided in Clinton after her marriage for several. years, Tater moving to Peter - bora. Besides the husband she is surveyed by two daughters, Helen and Catharine, and one son, Herbert. She also leaves three brothers, H. 134, Cle- ment of London, S. B. of North Bay and Arthur H. of Toronto. COAL HEATER FOR SALE. -Base burner and oven, in first-class condi- tion Apply at this office. FOUND. -A place where you can buy British -American gasoline at 33c. -R. Mackenzie & Son, Exeter North* RUBY DAVIS DEAD, Following an illness a, year or more from lung trouble the death oc- curred on Thursda.y. Jan, 18th, about noon of Ruby Louisa Dans, daughter of Mr. and Mrs., A,. S. Davie, Ann St. Exeter, aged 17 yearn 11 months and 24 days. Miss Davis was, barn in Ex- eter and residedhere allher life. She was a bright girl and the sympathy of the. cummurruity goes out to The parents ancl family. She is survived by her .mother and father, three bro- thers and 'one sister, The funeral took place from the family 1.residenc:e on Saturday afternoon, interment being made in. Exeter cemat1ery. .Amng thos.e in attendance from a distance were, Aachie Davis, of Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wells of Windsor, and Mr. Walter Dearing of London. PROPERTY FOR SALE Consisting of house, stable and 8 lots of land, situated in Exeter North on Main Street Apoly to H. Binding Hay P 0 When in need of In.surance see E. J. CHRISI'lE Canada Life Insurance Agent, Also, Fire and Accident Insurance. Exeter -- Ontaaia. •••••••••••••••••• DEATH OF JOHN HACKNEY. The death occurred at ap, early hour on Friday -morning Jan. 19th, of John Alexander Hackney, aged 6Z years, at the home of his,brother, Mr. Thomas Hackney, Thames Road, Usborne. Mr. Hackney had been failing in health for some time having, been troubled with dropsy. A few days previously he had been moved, from his home on London Road South to the .home of his brother, but the end came quickly. 'T.he late Mr. Hackney was horn in Hibbert but early came to Usborne and later to Stephen, and lived all his life in this neighborhood. He married Eliza Rowtaff, and ,she with four sons and one daughter survive, George, Al- bert; Data, Wesley and Charles; also four brothers Thomas and William of LTsborne, Fred in the west, and An- drew in Eaeter and twee sistbers, Mrs. Geo. Bell of Seaforth, Mrs. John Cole of Exeter demi Miss Alive of ,Us - borne. A private funeral took place on Monday -from the home of ThormaS Hackney, to Exeter cemetery. Cartage 8z Livery. Trains met during the holiday sea - San. Get us to drive your friends to Station Phone 58w. BAGSHAW & EAS'rOlel he SALVATION ARMY SERV ICES Serviees as usual next Sunday. Services in Town Hall 11 a.m.-Holiness Meetiog 7 p,m.-Salvation Meeting. 2.30 p.m. -Sunday School and Bible CASi. Cottage meetings in North End on Tuesday night. Capt. Hopkins Lieut. Hoskins Trivitt Memorial Church Ask fer The Advocate clubbing list when, ordering your peaces. The January Session of Haren Coun- ty Council met in, Godenich on Tues - Mr. Geo. Mantle has been confined to his home through 'illness during the week. SILOW shoeing has become e pleasant recreation. .for a number of the young people, and many a goad trip is made out into the country. A sleigh load of young people con- eisting of Mies Edna Politick's Sunday Schoel bays and tlreir girl friends were very pleasantly entertained atthe borne of Mr. and Airs- Chas. Aldwarth in Hay Township, on Friday night last Mr. Wes. Joneslest week disposed of hiedhouse and premises north . of Main. Street Methodist Church to M. Josh's.). Harding of Ueborne, who re- cently disposed of his farm in that township, Mr. Harding WE take pes- session in Marcia Thile young people aft Callen Presby- terian, Guild held a aueleting on Wed- nesday evening, when, they debated on the subject, "Resolved, that heredity does more for people than environ- ment." The affirmative was taken by Misses Jecke.11, Murray and Dorrance and the inegutiive. by Messrs. Elam Howard and Miller. After carefully considering the paints scared, the de - *loin, was given in favor of the negar- tive. • Quite a number •of Exeter Masonic brethren drove to Hensel]. on Monday eve,niag to witness the dedication of the Lodge Roam of Zurich Lodge, H,e,nsall, and report a most profitable. and interesting time. The .dedication is a very beautiful ceremony, and was admirably performed by Rt. Woe Bro. C. E. Richards,on, of St. Marys, and other Grand Lodgeoff icers, as- sisted by lieneall and Exeter brethren When the duties of the evening had been done all repaired to the Town Hall where a magnificent banquet was served, and this was followed by a lengthy toast list. LEG INJURED. Woad was received here last week that Mr, Dennis Halloran of Sandy Creek, N.Y., late of Brantford, and: formerly oi Exeter, mat with an un- tertunate accident on Tuesday of last week. He was felling a tree when it lodged and then swung against him and badly injured hiaright leg. He is now ,corifined to his bed suffering a great deal. from 1-11's injuries. FORMER STEPHEN GIRL i• MARRIED. I A quiet wedding took place Wed- inescla.y ,meraing, of last week, at 10 o'clock in the manse of St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, London, Rev. Dr. I). C. MacG-regor officiating, when Hda,.eldest daughte,r of Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Schroeder of Ballymote,. former- ly tor Step.hen township, became the beide. of Clarence S,hoebottam, eon of Me. and Mrs. R. T. Shoebcittom, Cen- tral avenue, Landon. The bride, who was unattended, looked charming in4 ai navy Jaime trioatine ,suie and a black and gold hat. She wasre a corsage of violets. The groam's gift to the bride was a check. A wedding breakfast was served at the, home of the bride's sister, and Mr. a•nel Mrs. Shoebottorn left ion the noon train, for Detralit and Gland Rands. On theer return they yilI reside at Ballyenote. • 11 am. -"A. Laving God and a Suf- ,ferieig World." 7. p.m. -"Listening Serviees will be held.in the School HalL Rev A. A. Trumper, Rector, CA17EN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, ft A., Minister 10 a. ra.-Sunday School and Bible Classes. 1]. a.m. - Some Incontrovertible Things." The Minister 7 p.m. -"Men and Women of Italian Blood" The Minister Boy Scouts will meet Monday eveying JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH , Pastor, M. J. Wilsce, B.A. EDUCATIONA.I. ANNIVERSARY Rev. J. W. Hedley, R A., Goderich at bath Services. 3 p.m. -Sabbath School and Bible, Study. MAIN ST, METHODIST CHURCH Rev, Geo. McAlister, M. A. " -Phone 21r3 11,00 a.m.n."The Palm •and Cedar" 3,00 p.m.. -Bible School. 7.00 p.rn.-"They are 4o1 Church Goers." , AT BETHANY G,. H. McAlister amogniIIIMINE• AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEET1NG. The Animal IVIe,efing of the Exeter Agricultural Society was held in the Public Library on Friday afternoon of last week. The meeting was well at- tended showing that a keen interest is being taken in the welfare of the society. Mr. H. E. Husean was as- signed to the chair ano conducted the duties in his usual happy manner. The Treasurer's Report Ivies read by Ma T. S. Woods showing the total re- ceipts amounted to $1804.29 Of this $75.53 wear borrowed from the Bank o,r itt other words there is a deficit of that 3raount. Prizes were award- ed to' the variloule classes, as „follows -Horses $173; Cattle $106; sheep $44; pigs $20; poultry, $77; dairy pro- ducts 32.50; grain and seeds, $22 ; roots and. vegetables $26.50; fine arts $36,25; ladies work $102.75. The following officers were elected for the coming year-rPesident, Ben- son, Williams; lst Vece., Geo. Penhale Zad Vice, Jas. Jecleell; Directons F. tElleringtan, A. E. Ethterington, Elliott, A. H. Doupe, W. D. San.ders. W. J. Heiman T. Hunkin, W. And- rew, Arthur Fra,acis; Lady Directors Miss L Jeckell Mrs. W. R. Elliott LVIrs, B. 1». Hunter; Auditore, C. Sanders and Paul C,ostes • Secretary R. G. Seldon; Treasurer, T S. Woods. The president, *Mr. eBenson, Williams was appointed as delegate, ta the An- nual Fairs' Connentian, to be held in Toronto. Mrs. Ney,es of Oakville is vietting her Meter, Mrs. -T. S. Woois. Mrs, IVIcA:voy left Tuesday morning far Wirugham, where she will vt for a few weeks. Mr. James Sweet jr.,:deturn,ed to Oshawa on Thursday last after spend- ing a few weeks with( luis. parents here Mr. Harry Tuck was in, `Stratford on Tuesday to ae.e the great hockey game between Stratford and latchener Mr. Clyde Heatnan, aftee a holiday of three weeks treturned to his duties. itt the Molsons Bank, goung to Kings - Mr Beverley Ahieson has been traneferred fnam the Canadian Bank of Commerce at Grimsby, to Niagara- -nethe-Lake Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hill of Cre- dite,n have returned leaner after a three weeks' visit wear relatlives and friends Jr lalichigan. Mr, Richard Hicks and family, who have been visiting in this ne)ighbor- hOod for a month, returned on Mon- day te their barna in Flint, Mich. "4110 -41110 - PHONE 32 JONES & MAY'S Our Annual Midwinter Sale January 17th to 31st Fine Shoes Heavy Shoes Felt Shoes. Slippers Bunks of Shoes of every kind placet1 on our counter at Bargain Prices All paices marked in plain figures so you can help yourself, Space does not permit a list of shoes offered. We leave it to you to judge the • quality of goads yourself. We invite you to come in and look them over. We have all sizes up to, the largest, Here is a liJst of some shoes offered - Ladies' Fine Cushion -Sole Shoes Men's Heavy Work Boots Ladies' High Lace Empress Shoes. Laaes' Felt Shoes and Slippe.rs, .Men's Fine Black or Brovvn Shoes High Grade Slippers and Oxfords. Men's Felt Shoes and Slippers. Ladies' Spats Overshoes, Etc. Long Leath•er Boots Overshoes,etc Children's Stout School Shoes. Several pairs Hockey Boots in Children's Fine Best Shoes, Men's, Lades', and Children's MEN'S AND BOYS' OVERCOATS & SUITS. Bargains in Men's and Boys' Winter Over-lats, the biggest snaps we've ever offered. Suits at big reductions. Snag Proof Overalls in Blue Stripes Special at 1$.85; Bla.ck Special 1.98 Men's Odd Pants at $3.00 and 3.50 Boys' large Bloomer Suits at 6.00 WALL RAPERS Good Wall Papers for Bedrooms, Kichens and Living Rooms - CHEAP COTTON Heavy Circular Pillow Cotton 490 yd: Fine Cambric Underwear Cotton etc. at 25c, yd. Factory Cotton 15c. yd.; 7 yds $1.00 Prints at 22c. yard good quality. White Flannelette 36 in. wide 23c. yd Union Towelling 206, yd. Pure Linen Towelling 29c. yd. Large fancy bordered Turkish towels reg. $3.00 pair' , at $2,25 pair, Cotton. huch towels at 25c. each. . B.TAPJ...ES Bleached Sheeting 59c ,yd. Unbleached Shee.ting 48c. yd. 36 inch. wide. Art Sal-teenstor Comsforters reg. 65c. for 49c. New Ginghams .good patterns, 25c Largest size Flannelette Blankets, grey or white with pink or blue borders at $2.85 pair, MEN'S FURNISHINGS. Stanfield's Red Label Underwear $1.69 Men's $1 fleece shirts & drawers, 79c. Men's $1.40 ,, ,,98c. Boys' Fleece shirts and drawers 69c. Heavy work Socks' reg. 5c6. for 49cr Heavy lined kid & mtocka gloves, Reg. $2.25 and 2.50 for L95 pr. Odd Line,n. Collars, 5c and 10c. each Heavy leather work mitts at clear- ing prices. LADIES' READY-TO-WhAR DRESS GOODS ETC. 4 dozen House Drets,stes at 13.49 each All Sweaters at Clearing prices. Suits, Coats Dresses, and Odd Skirts at Greatly Reduced Prices. 54 in. Navy Serge, reg. $1.95, for $1.39yd. Good quality Velveteens, 98c yd 50 in plk Serge, reg. 1.95 for 1,39 yd. 'White Chamoisette Glovess for Lad- ies at half price ,50c. paid. Heavy 36 in. Bl. Dress Silk 1.59 yd. Bl. Cotton Hosiery for ladies, 25c. 2 doz. pr. Cors,ets, to clear at $1.00 Bl. Silk Hosiery seconds at 79c. pr. Summer vests reg. 65c. for 49c, ea. All Dinner Sets 10 per cent off. GROQERIES. 75 bars Lenox Soap for 1.00 Lemon and Opera Soap, 4 for 25c Tomatoes per can 13c. Kellogg's Com Flakes 3 for 29c Honey per quart jar. 50c. Jelly Powders, a for 24c. Bulk Cocoa per lb. 130. JONES & MAY AGLNTS FOR HURLBUT SHOES ft' 1111..411116........1101111,..10111Lawfs. • Mr. and Mrs, C. Thompson Young of Owen Sound and Mr, George Fergus-, .on of T,eeswater were guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Ferguson over Sunday, Mr. Ericson, who with Mrs. Ericson and babe has been visiting with Mrs, W. G. Bissett left on Monday for P.ache,ster, N. S. Mrs. Ericson, and child are remaining for a while. Reeve. B. W. F. Beavers of Exeter Reeve W. Coates of Usbarrue, Reeve Alex. Neleb and Deputy Reeve John Hayes of Stephen left Tuesday morn- ing to attend the' County Council in Goderichl • Mr. Jason Bedford of Grand: Rapids, Mich„ Mrs, P4OGS of Falmouth, Mass. Mrs. Bedford and daughter, Mrs. R. Tapp, and son George and Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hopkins of Landon, are visiting with relatives Ilene. The Exeter Advocate Display Advertising -Made known on. apoIcation. Stray Animals -One insertion 50c., three insertions $1.00. Miscellaneous articles of not more than five lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, each insertion, 50c. Lost and Found locale 25c. an insertion. Local reading notices, etc., 10c Line per insertion. No notice than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Auction Sales $3 for one insertion and $1.50 for each subsequent in- sertion if under five inches in length. Legal advertising 10c. and 5c. aline. Farm or Rea41 Estate for sale 50c. each insertion foie one month of four insertions, _Pee less 1•1•0111•111111014.1111=1. SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 PHONE 134 Boys' & Young Men's Qvercoats Only 12 left to choose from, but every coat a good style, made from splendid Clothe at exceptional value at the price wa,r ,e, e offeriog them - $10 - $12 ' $15. IBEX FLANNELETTE • 111...ANKETS Largest aize and best quality itt grey or white with pink of blue borders ' at per pair $2.89 NEW CIRCULAR PILLOW COTTONS Thai's is every Indicatean, ;that cottons will be higher In price. The.se are good values at per yd. - 50c. 55c, - 60c. LADIES V. NECK Vh.STS. • . Good .wanter weight with V-neck and "short sleeve. Extra value at per garment , ..75r ALL WOOL BLANKETS In beautiful quality, all wool blankets, from One of the thest anakere- • 7 lb. size $9.50; 8 lb. site $10.50 NEW GALATEAS Eiseianone knows what a good wearing cloth this ia. The new pattenns are her at per yard 35c. WHITE FLANNELETTE as inches wide p. good weight cloth, and if bought to -day would sell at 30c , Speoial at per yard 25c. Southeott Bros. THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTIe. ,Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car service Sleeping cars On night trains and Parlor cars on principal day trains. Full information fsom any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn- ing District Passenger Agent, Toronto N. J. DORE Pbows 46w Agent, Exeter L R. Carling, B.A Barrister, Solicitor, Etc Loans, Investan,ents Insurance .01fice, Calling Block, Main St. Exeter ARTHUR WEBER Auctioneer - R. R. Io. 1, , Dashwood Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co. Farm and stock sales a .specialty. Four years experience DR. A. E. TENNANT 'Veterinary Surgeon McDonell's Stables, John St., ExeteN (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w Dr. G. F„ Roulston„ L. D. S, D. D. DENTIST Office over, Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A. R. KINSMAN„, -L. D. S., D. D, ft Honor Graduate Toronto UntreiSit, Office -,over Madman & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter. FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and Middlesess Prices Reasonable and Satisfattioe Guaranteed. Crediton„ -- Ontario. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village, cloPerW-at low rates of 'interest. GLADMAN & STANEURY Banisters, Solicitors,Exeter