The Exeter Advocate, 1923-1-25, Page 4aai YOLT OWN A RECEIVING SET ? IF NOT, WHY NOT? WE CAN SELL YOU A LONG DISTANCE SET ON WHICH YOU CAN GET CHICAGO, DETROIT ETC., FOR. AS LOW AS $50.00. • ASK SOME ONE WI -E) OWNS A SET HOW THEY LIKE IT. poillstotrimseiMANNIM.0...* Tires TIRES ARE GOING TO 'TAKE ANOTHER JUMP IN PRICE,IN THE NEAR FUTURE. • BETTER PROTECT YOUR,SELF FOR SPRING. Storage. Battery LET US LOOK AFTER YOUR STORAGE BATTERY FOR YOU'. W. J. Beer The Exeter Advocate Sanders & Creeeh, Praprietars Subscription Price -In advance; $1 50 per year in Canada; $.1.00 in the United States_ All subscriptions not paid in advance 50e. !verged. .„. • e THURSDAY, JANUARY 25,•1923, 41=11111MRSMIMIN Lu can Mrs. Jas. Stanley, who underwent an operation a short time ago, for appen- dicitis, is doing as well as can be expected Died in Bisiclulph.-There passed away in. Riddulphe ore Saturday Jan 20th, Michael Anmetage, a well-known and highly respected farmer of Bid- dulph township, after an illness of see-- eral weeks. He was ire .his 66th year. The furxesal took place on Tuesday te St. James' Cemetery, Clandeboye The anniversary services of Lucati Methodist Church will belh•eld on Sun- day. Jan. 28, wh.ers the Rev. Dr, Barn. - by will preach at both services. There passed away ore January 23rd Jane Renee relict of the late Win. H. Reith, formerly of Landon Tp., inher 89th year, at the. home of leer daugh- ter, Mrs. Arthur Elliott, The funeral well take. place ani Thursday. Clandeboye The vestry meeting of St. James Church was held last week with a good attendance. The officers 'elected for the year are as follows,-Peaple's War d.en, Eli Carter, re-elected; rector's( warden, Goedan. Cunningham; aides - men, Austin Cater and Ross O'Neill: delegates to synod, A. K. Hodgins and jos. Armitage; auditors, Moore Cun- ningham and Carl O'Neill; organist How's Your Stomach? Vim, Vigor and Health Folks" This Advice Theodore Sask. -"It is a pleasure to me to write a few lines about Dr. Pierce's Gold- en Medical Dis- covery. , I usede this niedicineend can say Hes Inst what I wanted •aeid -needed. The eusour etoenach., •heantburn after eating and the gas are gone and I am able to take cold water again. Before I had to take the water hot on /so. count of the stomach trouble. I rec- ommend 'Golden Medical Discovery' to every one who knows what a weak stomach is." -W. E, yvaugh. Need a Tonic? Health Is Your Most Valuable Asset. Do Not Neglect It! • ' Hattonford, Alta. --"Being rundown after the flu, I was in a weakened condition, had dizzy •spells and short breathing, followed by faintness. It seemed as though I'd never feel well again, but I was determined not to give up. Hearing of Dr. Pierce's famous 'Golden Medical Discovery' I sent for a bottle, followed the direc- tions, and soon felt less tired and faint, a,nd finally I got back to my normal state, I have thanked God many times for restoring nay health, and I gladly recommend this 'Medical Discovery,' for it is so pure, and worth a trial to anyone who is run- down." -Mrs. Gertrude White, Crys- al Springs Farm. Golden. Medical Discovery is put up in Dr. Pierces Laboratory in Bridgeburg, Ont., and sold by all druggists in both tablets and liquid. Write Dr, Pierce, President Inva- lids' Hotel in Buffalo, N. ere for frei Miss Flore,noe IVIcRaren, The wardens' , eeport showed all texpenses• net and N sureties 'of $70 in the treasury. ' Dashwood • Mr. Roland French, of Detroit has purchesed the Lalland farra southwes oE leashweoci, adjoinen,g that of: hie brother-in-law, Mr. George Link, and he and his family will move thereon tee March, Mr, Lloyd Edighaffer has accepted a pesitiein Wired -star. -Mr. Clarence Ya,ger 1st visiting in Kitchener. Mrs. Moffatt spent a few days at her home near Kitchener; this week. 'Mr. and 1\irs. 0. Atkinson spent the Week end in. Exeter.! Rev, Grationer aitte•ndling conler- enee at Kitchener this week. Mrs. Yager is visiting relatives at Stratford. ' Th.e Bethany Sister's Bible Class of the Evangelical Sunday School are serving lunch at the skating rink Sate ueday night. Mr. Homer Gueather of the Bank lee Comenerce at Crediton spent Sun- day at this home hese. • • Heideman, of Stratford visited he.r -daughter-, Mr.s. Shenk, last week. reAr..an,d ItIrs. Tetreau leave refurreed from a eiaet Cla,rksvilleand eWeddereg Bells are ringing this :Week., • e. Mr. Robert Rovrtcliffe of Exeter is eisiting in this vicinity. ee.Cee Centralia 011110111•111111•11k 'The Farmers' 'Club Of Centralia.hae. beene,S. Paying prop,o,seteare during the paef ,year, under 'the able management of.: Mr, Geo, Hicks. Their turnover of hneiness amounted to about $103,000. end they were a,ble; to pay. 7 per cent, en. thee investment, and still set aside a "eyrie that ,represented several times thee to provide for improvements. Mr Wine Robinson. was re-elected presid- ente'': MreeRobt. Hayter of Dashwood ;tz4 With Willert Brothers over, •Sun. - day. The young people of this commuter ,raet at the home of .1elr, and Mrs, T. •Neil. and presented Mr. and Mrs F Pentea:rden. with a fern basket, and af- terwarde enjoyed a eocial 'evening,. ,M.r. and Mrs. E. Abbott are visiting in Ottawa this week wall Mr. and Mrs. F. Fairlyall. eMr. A. Hicks, P. P., left 'for. To - ranee on Teeesday to attend the. se.s- sion of the Legielature. eirs. Geo Emery and, Mrs. Jas. Oke are visiting in London. this week. , Mrs. J. Brown of near Dashwood is. viseting friends in, the village. 'Mr, and Mrs. S. Davis of London visited in the villa.ge. thi3 week. Greenway -- The W. M. S. met last week and 'eleeted Mrs. Frank Turner president in place of Mrs. Wm, Sherrett, who moved to Parkhall recently. Mr. A.. M. Wies1 pre is suffering from an attack of shingles. A boys' and &lee class, ea the Meth o dist Sunday School have united and organized with Brenton Goadhand as President, and Miss Hazel Pollack' as teacher, with Mrs. R. English assist- ant. •• Special song services are beinglield each Sunday in oan .nection with the service in the Methodist ch urch. The pastor's subject next Sunday will be "What would Jesus have me• do ?" Crediton --- VULCANIZING-I .wisb to annotiece that I do all kinds' of vulcanizing,euch as Rubber Tires, Rubber Boots and Slices, Etc. Prides reasonable and good. wark guaranteed. We also hare- dle second hand tires. • JOS. HAIST, Crediton. Master Roy Lamport is quite 411 and under the doctor's care „ Mr. Hamilton, of the, Hydra Service visited ere Town on Sundae. Messrs Otto Ewald and Ed. Fahner hra.ve jusjt completed ihe storing of their ice supply. Mr. H. S. Guenther of Dashwood has been, appointed teller of, the local bank to succeed Mr. Gaine, who has been faexisferred to Blenheim. • riNIT . John Richards is suffering from an attack of pnieumania, but is now improving, we are pleaerid to state. • Mr: Samuel Davis of London was ie. town Tuesday attending a meeting el the Mount Carmel and 'Centralia Telephone Company. • Revival meetin,gs are beeng leeid lin the Evengelical Clrurch and are being well attended. Rev, 'lege-, oi 1)a.sh- wood has been as sis tingi the pas t , w eek, lefes,3 Mary Geiser, who has been ill for some .time, was ta,kcat th.e. borne) of her sister. Mrs. Chris Finklminer Shiepita, on Monday. , Me• Everett Fahner, w` ha has been clerkenee for Mr, Chas. Zwicker for •i m. miser ;Of years, Intends) to cake reier the gefteral. stare business of Mr Christian' Beave,r, on Feb. ls't. Mr, • Fainter eie lone of' aux popular young men, end ,many friends wish hem. success, Rev, Bowen di strict secretary of the Canacliert Bible Society will delive ex ani address in. the Methodist Church on e eb, let at 8 p.m. The address is Ito, be illuistrated with lantern slides. His ocedeess ,of ' the previous year was net :egesn. forgo•ttere and a treat, is. esie sured these who attend,' •- ' • er 1\111i1 'Clig'e''• ZivieleerfeiiS be,enon:the sick' ne't :for several days.: ' ilea '. ''• . • ...-e• . A baritisnial ester-vie:6, was ' held, 6.n. the Levangenead 'q.burcii- -last' r. Sunday morning. , The aeirve• 'ceewas ete• eencial intereetee Ct: U i earl, ,, Mare) par ., gee toie,titie ,parente.if the :ehildieni,.,:baPs Exeter Council Monday, Jan'y 2gud, 12 3. The -Municipal Council et the Vil- lage eff Exeter, met in the Council Chamber. Members all present. The minutes of the meeting held Jan'y 10th, were -read and approved. Councillor Hooper reported havieg interveiwed Mr. Murphy re the rent- ing Of the weigh scales, per motion of Frances and Davis, that Mr. Mur- phy's offer of $1 0.40 for the year be accepted. Caeried. Mr. Richard Hunter made a re- quest for additional salary as asses- sor, claiming more clerical work in the preparation of the roll. No action Per Ellerington and Hooper that the Reeve with Councillor Francis and the Clerla be a special committee to consider the Village By-laws, and re- port. Carried. Per Francis and Hooper, that Mr. Frank Mallet be secured to look after and keep clean the reading room of the Library Building, salary $1 0.0 0 per month from this date. • Carried. • The following accounts were read and passed: Cecil Ford, labor, cem- etery $3.75; Frank Sims, snow plow- ing $1 6.2 0; Jonathan Kydde snow plowing $1 1.6 0; Frank Mallett clean- ing Library $5.00; Percy Hewitt, la- bor, sewer $3.0 0; Passed on motion of Hooper and Ellerington. darried, Adjournment by Ellerington. J. 'SENIOR, Clerk. Whalen Mr, and Mrs. Win. Tookey •orLu- care spent the weekeend at the. honie of Mr. Thos. Gunning. Mrs, Harry Redd is Leaden, this week. Mrs Win. Morley is quite with ecarl'et fever... Mr. Morley is able to sit up 'again, recovering from pneu- monia, ,Nfr. Jas. Swallow is conferred to his room .suffering from lum.bago. Mies Lesta Raker tof the Base Line is eisiteng for a week with the N2s- ses Tessa and Elsie Gunning; I. GIVES BIRTH TO TRIPLETS. AT SEAFORTH HOSPITAL --- Seaforth, Jan. 22 -At the •Seaforth; Menverical Hospital this morning -Mrs. Frank Duncie (of Dublin, Onte . gave birth to triplets, ttvo geels and a hay. All three babies are fine. and healthy and perfectly formed, weighing 5,. 531 and 6 pounds, respectivelye and, ' the mother is doing well Unusual inter - 'est is being taken by the citizens the event, which is the first of its kind in the „town. • Holley should be stared in, *dry place, as it -readily absorbs moieeerse, wheel) en turn will cause. fermentation), Heney is a food which prodUceS heat and energy, It is in concentrated feerm and weedy for use at ell times. There is no waste, as 'well ripened honey -will keep In good condition -for reasenable length of time provided it is stored hie. suitable place. Hon- ey is an •exO•ellient food for chili:leen see adults, and should( Lind place itt the daily .menu; it readily takes "the place of jams or preserves, or •as fen ordinary spread upon 'b.reacl. The sleighing is still pretty fair".fin this neighborhood. A flurry of snow occeSionally eefreshee it. IIMI.orm.,•11.a.mmegir,avem• All mien are born free and eq.ual and have the choice of remaining So tat' getting married. ma••••••••4 Remember The Advocate has • a newspaper. clubbing lest that includes any daily or weekly newspaper or any monthly journal We save you the trouble of :sending for, them, and in most ca3es save you .a little money besides. Seven Steps to Success •In Poultey Culture. 1. Keep accurate records. Little progress can be made without this first step. 2. Feed a, properly balanced ra- tion. Such a ration furnishes nutri- ents for growth, maintenance, fatten- ing and eggs..The-produetion of eggs must be a constant' •• 3. Give proper care and comfort • by good housing and management: Discomforts are: Extremes of heat and cold, hunger and thirst, four air and 'dampness, and diseaee's, • and' 'parasites. -• • se a • . 4. Keep standard -bred, utility stock. There are five good breeds for the farme Plymouth Rock, 'Rhode Island RecieLeghorn, Wyandotte and Orpington. • Varieties of these haste_ been bred for heavy•egg-production. • 5. Breed from th,e best, both raele and female., • 6. Sell unprofitable stock 7. Market graded products. Maxi- eM11131 returns are secured froin grad- ed products. Markets demand a con- stant supply, and this calls for com- munity co-operation. e Age of Cows., It is inor4edifacult tO determine the age of a cow than Of a herse, say the live stock melt at the State dollege, at Ithaca, New York. They agree that some estirar,te of a cow's age may be . made from her teeth and horns. The number of "annual rings" en the, leases, plus two, for exa,napler, usually glees the aninaars; age, lest remembering that the pairs - of permanent teeth come sine months , apart and the -first pair comes at about, 19 to 4 'months of age, will help to verifyn . Inspect potato fields tor diseates •and impurities and remove all plantS medical advice. •tie'eel• • I neeefssary. ICirkton • The annual meeting of tie Kirktore Adricultural Society was held oe, Saturday afternoon. There •was al good attendance. The Treasurer's re- port ehmved the receipts) to be, $1745 the largest in the • history or tihe Society. T,here wer.e 200 more en- tries at the Fall Fair than the prev- ious year. The. membership for the. past year ,was 343. • The Fall Fair will, be held on Sept. 25th .and 261h. A prize for a pen af four bacon hogs ,well be added) to the prize list this yea/r. Gavernment judges will be employ- ed on the light, and heavy horse, classes The standine field crop competition will be again &ken; up. The varieties of grain, selected were fall wheat and oa.ts. 'There is a oansiderable amount of new blood pn the Board, so we may look for "something doing" this year, The election of officers resulted as follow.s,-Pres, James Stephen; ist V,ice Pres,, 12:, N. Shier; 2nd Vice Pres., Saimuel Routley; Directors, Jas More, John Duncan, John Marphet, W Brock, Robt. Berry, David Roger, A. Berfehill, A. Brethour, Jahn Gettler John Pringle, Jae. Creery, William Brooks, Wesley Hodge, Rich. Paynter J. Piridham ; Hon, Directors, IVilliene Forrester, M,P,; Wan. Black, M. P.; Andrew Hicks, M.P.P.; Hon. Peter Smith, 'Wm. Robinson, William Atkinison, John Cele; Auditors, E. NI Sheer, Chas. Paul; Sec.-Treas., Amos Deupe The president and secretary were appointed to attend the annual ton'vention of Feirs' en Toronto next week. Tee mill here had a narrow escape from destructian, by fire. Mr. Dave Golding hoppenie•d to look out about 9 re:clock and noticed a bla,ze at one corner of the -mill He immlediretelY turned in. an alarne and ie was found , that where the •exhaust from. the en- gine escaped fere had been smoulder- ing in some dust and had started to blaze. A few minutes more and the mill would have beenreduced to ashes. Lumley A number fromi this, vicinety attend- ed the funeral of• the late John Hack- oey on Monday last., e Mr. W. N. Horton of Straitford spent the weekeend at his home here. Mrs. Thos. Rennie entertained be - ween forty atnd fifty, of her neighbors Thursday evening, also a number of the Salvation Army members of Ex- eter, who rendered some good music and the Captain gave an interesting address, after which Mrs„ Rennie serv- ed xefreshmerets. WISE AND OTHERWISE. Puppy love cuhreated In, a hasty .ma.rriage often means a dog's life, Seven days of self-indulgence makes one, weak, ----- There isnopa.rticular, virtue in, lov- ing your enemy if you allow yourielf the privileg•e of licking him first. When dad finishes condemning his dau,g.hter's rouge he turns to the mir- ror a,n.d combs his. hair ov,er his bald spot. o Where ignartince is, bliss don't -ask too many questions. 111111111111111111111111•111.1.111=1111111111111111111111111111111111.111111111111111111111111111M1111111=111110a—e. The Trend 'of Business T0 forecast correctly trade develop, meats is of vital importance to the man of business. Our Monthly Commercial Letters, • which will be sent on request, con- tain analyses of agricultural and trade conditions of great assistance in reaching sound conclusions 672' THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Capital Paid up $15,000,000 Reserve Fund $15,000,000 Exeter Branch • - M. R. Complin, Manager. Crediton . R. S. Wilson, Manager. Dashwood " j • THE MOLSONS BANK INCORPORATED 1855 Gaipital Paid Up $4,000,000 Reserve Fund $5,000,000 • Over 1.25 Branches. TEACH YOUR CHILDREN INDUSTRY AND THRIFT Reward them ,for doing work around the house and impress upon them the importance of sating their earnings, Why not open an aecount for them in the Savings Department of The Molsons Bank. Money may be deposited and withdrawn by ma EXETER BRANCH T. S. WOODS Manager, Centralia Branch open for business daily. Furniture Bargains REDUCTION IN FURNITURE, WE CARRY THE LARGEST AND MOST UP- TO -DATE STOCK. BUY HERE AND SAVE MONEY Funeral Director & Embalmer, M. E. GARDINER Same ef the eggs; they, put over to- day eeem to have too muedla history, .11.1•11,111.• About the only rights. the pedestrian gets a,re funeral rites. -- Speaking. of taking 'em for better or for Worste, ;some of 'em are worse than we took 'em' for The men whoecanee keep their heads above. water should go in, where it is not dee. "EVERYBODY'S CAR" 'When a maa says that he, is a hope- ye. less` told bachelor, lie( means he think§ he isn't A wife is a personwho makes five trips back into the house when yoct are tready to go sorn.ewhere. When, a man looks back and thinks Of W.bat a fool h•e was, he is glad there were ne monkey, glands to proe long his youth. 100.. 80... 60.. 40.. 262 colifismeci coins 0 niGHtIR than in 19#4 -FOOD-- 37% HIGHER In I • ,1 Ca I 4 1 c • -LeEeV, •E L -- LIGHT and FUEL 83% 11 IGH ER than in 1914 HOUSING ANO RENT 427 HIGHER than in 1914 BUILDI NG mATEPI AL 88% HIGHER than in 1914 - HOUSE FURNISHINGS AND FURNITURE H470 HIGHER than in 1914 120 100.. 80 60- .1907 -4 -40 - TOURING CARS PRICE 011914 $650-20. PRICE THAY $445 .-2o_White other commodities have gone up 37 to 116 % -40 over I94 prices, the FORD Tou RING CAR has dropped 31>i % BELOW Eirereybody's 0 -20 -40 HE Ford Motor Cempariehas..inade a germane attempt to give the public automobile trans- portation at a price withirethe reach of all. It has carried out the ideals of the inVentor of the Ford Car, Henry Ford, and has placed the Ford Motor CoMpanyein thenepositioof per- forming a public seryice to the people of Canada. •• . . It has definitely made Ford products a national institution -being such the Ford Motor Company believes it is justified in telling the public it serves) how the present low price of Ford Care can- be Maintained in 1923. e er. e • • How the Present Low Price of Ford Cars Can Be Maintained in1923 • We are absolutely frank with the' public when we say that the 'present low prices are not justified' by present production but only by the productiorsdt,is !lipped will result froen them. The present low prices for Ford Cars are based on maximum production oily. To -day's • market on steel and other raw material that goes into the manufacture of Ford Cars will not warrant these prices except at peak production. 'Ford prices rrttrit go up unless they are justified by increased production. Everybody's Business ' You Can Set the Price! Fill in the memorandum below and mail The Ford Car is everybody's Car -the Ford to the Ford dealer whose name appears belovr. business is everybody's business. You and This merely signifies your intention to buy your neighbor, and his neighbor are'all vitally a Ford Car and obligates you in no manner affected by the price of Ford Cars. f. to buy. • • If you are at all concerned about buying a The Ford Corripa.ny must know how many Ford this year make it your business to let cars are wanted in 1923 in order to maintain the Ford Company know about it. • the prices. You can help if you act at once. FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED FOR.D ONTARIO IMO odponimm. eft if. Mr.* -en Fili in and mail at once to— Milo Snell, Exeter, Ont. Date I understand that Mr. Ford and the Ford Motor Company have reduced the pr,ice of Ford Cars to a point never before conceived to be possible, and that these prices are not Justified by the present volume of business, but that they have to bring about a larger volume of business to lustily these prices. While I am not immediately prepared to buy a car, twill want a • about and as I desire to ::get it at these reduced priceS, thm Will authorize you to Inform the Ford Motor Company that Iintend to buy a Ford unless something • unforeseen happens, and am advancing thiS information se that the Ford Motor , Company may pro- ceed and manufacture this cox during the winter months, so that may have prompt eelivere at the time I desire it. NAME • ADDRESS 123 „eoesee e • frit