The Exeter Advocate, 1923-1-25, Page 2Isrly geed leap. That was too mu&
for the little fellow. "I'll rush oyer
for one jump only and then come
beef: 1 pint of salt, 4 pound of brown straight back," he said to himself. At
been young once You won your Frank, for my sake!
must have known—ie must have
known. Pool. 0ap'eu Asa. Mr ell
miss' Inin sorely." While Frank was
genuinely eorry to hear of the old
ehipmaeter's demise, yet the joy of the
huge order he had received swesuped
the feelinge that otherwise would have
possessed him at the death of an ()Id
neighbor, and vshen he communicated
the good. news to his mother that wor-
thy lady cried in her pleasure. ,
"Now, Uncle," said Frank, after the
supper things had heen cleared away
from the table, "we'll hev t' do some
plsamin'. We want t' earry out th"
'meet o' this contract ef we kiln an'
copyright by the Males= Book Company . it'll need a lot O' nrOney. All th" money
CHAPTER SIXTEE1s1—(Contni.) , Frank, his eyes alight with untold eoy.
"How about Ring?" interrupted
we've got, in tact----"
When a. lall 'male in the reminiseen- I "Wahl, I sh'el jest think so! h oh,
gentlemen, but you've mhde a happy uncle Jerry. "He's, got all th' boat
tee,. Sather Rutz 'politely made a sag- fishermen tied up to hint,"
geettan which sounded like music in man. 'ef. me this day—'
other laughed. "An' what kin
Frank's ears. - "Probably the Capitan 1 His ingenuous delsght pleased the_
He ain't got th'
wee' make bees tender for the feeeh „temperamental Latins, and theyiosnuif he tic) with them?
supply. One must consider ones i ed esaternally upon hist ebuilith nh of
them an. H&N tome in with un never
business nor th' money to employ
s,pirits. When he left hem, e
friends. Eh, Capitals Castromentol"
rai fetch him around to-rnorrow.
precious paper in his pocket, duly geao.
"Carambal. Yes!" replied Castro- I the
Now, th' question is—how roach cash
mento. "But why talk business while t signed and sealed by the representa-
kin ye scrape up Uncle?"
and tives of the Mighty Estado s Unidos do
dinner awaits? Let us eat first, "Six thousand aollars an' th' vessel,
and their g„ -teed wishes. were
you will honor us by joining in diningl Brazil,
I eerate."
with us, Capitan." ringing in his ears. When you marry,
Capitan,"a ! Frank noted the amount down.
said C stromento at part -
clothes ain't jest right for pin,' into
clothing. "I veould like to, but my, ,
Frank, looked down at his eadden
We will show you oui.
lug "come to Rio for your honeymoon,
'• incomparable "Good!" he said. "That means you
Bay, our Coreovado, and the botanical
a dinin-'room." gardens. Adios, Capitant Vada con .
-1"teeleeises "Por Dos, Dies, then we will have it
brought up here," returned the other
D,io! '• And the yello7-skinned Ruez
heartily. "Ruez, my friend, you have "5 just as •CPrdial in his farewell
no objections .
"Eet ees a pleasure to eat wit' your
*feeds, Castromento. Let us have et
t here."
Captain Ring lounged • around the
stood—a rough -looking, sea -soaked
rotunda with a watchful eye on the
corridor, but he did not see Westhaver figure—and made a mental retrospec-
coming out. i"Guess he slipped out th' tion of the afternoon's events. At
after a summary of the wonder -
back way so s I wouldn't see him,' last
ful 'happenings' of the day., hebecame so
nvenient for packing into fruit jars'.
he muttered, Then, spying the bell
Avis as.
Frank found himself out in the ro-
tunda in a daze. Was it all a dream?
No, there was the paper crackling in
his breast pocket. For a minute he
hev invested a sum of eleven thensend
dollars tie' business. I've put in five
thousand—two thousand five hundred
in land an' in)! new shed we've built,
an' two thousand five hundred in th'
hank. Thus our combined cash am -
cents to eight thousand five hundred
donna' with a plant an' a good vessel,
Now, I'll git after Ring to -morrow an'
rn see what he eays.."
"Hev ye got the deeds yet for Cap'en
Asa's property?" enquired the other.
"No," replied Frank; "but I've got
his recent for my vhequa He'll have
written. the advocate dOW11. in Anehor-
vine about it, I reckon. 1 h,old his re-
ceipt an' ha' e got my cheque—so it's
a deal."
The uncle nodded. "Yea, I guess, so,
Poor Morrissey! I carlate he'll be -
some mad when he hears that his
mune he z send 'his property an' sent
th' money to an orphan societyeinstici
o' leavin' it to hint, An' th' very furni-
ture is t' be veld for old Jane, his
housekeeper. Waal, the al" man never
did like Bob, He useter rattle hirn too
mueh. Poor or man."
(To he continued.)
Minarcils Liniment for 'soughs. & Colds.
Care of the Winter Meat Supply.
Canning beef—Cut meat into pieces
'aware that the loungers in' the hotel Do not wash. When tans are nearly
t If . "Say, young
full put in a small piece of ,seet and
feller! What became o' that man ye were starmg at him -
showed up to them furriners a while "Let's git out o' this, I must be a one teaspoon ofssalt to a quart jar
sight. Now for Lillian. She meet
ago?" and partially seal, but not tight. Put
hear all about it an' what she has done '
"Westhaver?" jars in a boiler containing rack, or
for mer"
'Yee, that's th name. having a board with holes In it, placed.
She was tying up some vines at the
The bell bay put the proffered cigar
into his packet. "Why, Cap, he's still side of the house when Frank swung in the bottom. Boil three hours. Re-
, in through the gate, and, heedless of move jars ancl tighten covers.
Re -
up with them. That rough -neck an
Pork may be tanned in the same
time, place, or eireumstances, he threw
them two Dag,os are all eatin' together
up in their—
"What ?" barked Ring.
"Sure enough, Cap! He's dinin" with
his arms around. her and gave her a way by omitting the suet.
hug and a resounding kiss. For Spareribs—Boil and place in
"Why, Frank, you great bear!" she jars. Cover with lard.
cried in astonishment, with her brown
flush- 'Cook the .soup bones and tan seVp.
with tbe ether boys in the field- at the
back of the ,beautiful garden ef his
house. But one day he behaved rather
badly, and his mother said to him,
"leek, to punish you, I forbid you to
leave this garden. Ymeare not on any
account to go into the fi.eld to play
with the other boys. You under-
. "Yes, mother," replied: the little fel-
low, who understood only too wen.,
Knowing that his punishment was
just, he bore it with philosophic forti-
tude until he heard, the voices of the
other boys as they were beginning
them,. wet an- all as he is.their play. Then, moving to the gar -
The fish -dealer looked at the eloek.den wall, he etoocl on tiptoe and peered
eyes wide n r
It was within a few minutes of train ed with the publicity of her lover's Slice the cured ham. Fry slightly.
over. The sight was -too tempting,
caresses. "Whatever sent you down Pack in jars and ,cover with grease.
time, and he was undecided as to
here—and in those wet clothes?" Corned beef—To each 100 pounds of and he stepped quickly awaysagain.
whether he would wait to hear who 1 He tried to take an interest in the
had got the contracts or depart fort, Westhaver took her by the arm. meat use: 6 pounds 'salt, 4 pounds'
sugar, M pound .saltpeter. Cut liewers of the .garden, but somehow
home. I 'Come ever. to th' ,summer-hous.e, brown
sweetheart," he seeds 'I'm jest about meat in pieces, the ,size desired', and his feet would earry him to the gar -
1 th • elid they'd mail th' den wall.
Soon— he hardly knew how—he was
sitting on the wall. The boys were
TV pers from here, so I carl-ate ain't much; bustin' with soy. Another kiss, deane,
put a small quantity of the salt, sugar
use waitin'. What gits me is how! an' ril tell ye all about it" arid saltpeter mixture in the 'bottom of
Westhaver sh'd ha' bust in an' got eel She made no. resistance. It would
mighty thick with them. I wonder . mixture and pack tightly, sprinkling, playing .leapfrog, his favorite game!
now?" And with a great respect fori enthusiaetic young lover as West -
roe_ each layer with the mixture until all The next moment he had 'climbed down
his younger rival, and still wondering, haver, and while she was, blushing
and was retreating to the 'centre 'of
Captain Ring regretfully left the ily and arranging the stray -wisps of is packed. Place board en the meat,
covered by a good weight, and the the lawn; he dared not watch,
hotel, disordered silky brown hair he pulled
Frank enjoyed that dinner as he the paper out of his pocket. "See this, meat will make its own brine But he could not put the game out
Sugar cur hams—To each 100 ' his
of thoughts.A few minutes later
never enjoyed a meal before. The sweetheart? That's th' result 0' th' ed •
Brazilians were hoepitality personi- tip you gave me—a hundreclean'afiften noun , take 5 p unde salt, 5. e
de. ahem ta o lie was peering through the bars of
fled, and it was not long before Castro- thousand -dollar eontract from th' -
ounces. pepper, 4 ounces 'pulverized! n
t e garden gate. Something inside him
mento and he knew each others whole Brazilian Government!" And he told
s.altpeter, 1M, pounds brown sugar. said, "Open the gate; you needn't go
history. Frank's plans fox the future her the story of his adventures since
Mix welly Tay hams on a board where out, you know. Show how strong you
were heartily 'commended by the naval he left the Cove the night ibefore. are! Just stand and watch from the
officer,and when in answer to a ques- When he finished she looked up into they will not freeze—flesh side up.
, . . . 31
tion, Westhaver admitted that he was his. radiant faee, and. there was a hint Rub •on the msxture, all that will lay 13 g •
on. Repeat once a week for three He opened! the gate a little and. then
engaged to a girl, the gentlatan of fear in her eyes. "Oh, Frank dear," 1
laughed. , she said softly, "I'm so glad you got weeks. They are 'then ready for use closed it 'sharply. As he did! so the
"Per la vita inlet" he exclaimed, that, but you frighten me with what unless one prefers to amoke them. ' boys, outside shouted with delight as
turning to his stout companion. you went through. What if you lead Bacon.hts.d
• k b one of their number made a partial -
the crock. Rub each piece with the
' b tackt • 'tschan
the ar1c- por may e prepared
"Friend Rues, we must do something lost your e outere n
for bacon in the same way as the
for our -ambitious young man. here. He ness last night, or on. the rock this
loves—capite? And should we not help lemming? Oh, promise nie you'll hams, but not using as much ealt,
theee who love senhor? We have never do such things again. Promise To dry beef—For twenty pounds of
Eugenia from the mob of revolution- Frank .clasped her m his strong sugar, 1 teaspoon saltpeter. Mix wed
arios in Para. I stole my Margarheta arms and gazed into the pools of her and divide ein three parts. Rub the
from under the eyes of her savage dark eyes. "Sweetheart," he said with beef well with one part, the next day
eapa—a merchant in Spezzia—and the adoration o er in e , :rub in the •seconci part, and the third
ran aeross the sea with her. Shall his voice, "'twas you that nerved me
the third- part. Place in a jar and garden, Jack?" she asked severely.
we not help our friend, Rues?" to do it, taiii I knew you'd be near me.' day
turn every piece every day for eight ,The leo's head sank.. Then he look -
The other nodded imilingly and I e'di see ymir face encouragin' rne to ea up. "Yes, mother," he replied, "but
etarcel at the blushing Frank. "Can do my best, an' I did. 'Twee you that or ten days. Then hang up to dry.
you -upisier us weeth a levee am.ount?" put the idea in my way, an"twa.s you Headcheese—Use all meat of the. I only ran out to take .one jump, and
F, Said "The eontrael weel be for that made these gentlemen give me head. except the- fattest part. Soak 'came s i' is, •
' • It,
the gate he hesitated for an instant,
and then eut he went.
His, mother met him as be was 'com-
ing iback. "Have you been out of this -
well end ,elean. Add eome meat from Tess Wild h1S mother, I saw you;
three years, an' for my department of th' contract. Darling, ye've made• a
supplies we weel require at least man o' me, an' I love ye more an' ti i ,
the ege if desired. Boil all the pieces I was watching you the whole time!"
feefty thousand dollars American more. Oh, but I'm happy, Lily!" very tender. Then remove Tears filled the boy's eyes, and his
worth of bacalo per year—" Old Captain Denton was pleased. to until
bones, season welI with salt, pepper, face became crimson. In a choked
"Fifty thousand dollars!" gasped see him, and still more pleased when
and sage if desired. voice he managed to say, "Well, you
Frank. 'Lord, but that's a big eon-. he .saw the ,contract. "I'll want your
irat, but I callate I kin supply some help, ata n, . ea , ,Frank.
of it'. . I'm ready t ship a load, I'll ash. ye
"Why net take est all?" queried the look over a likely vessel for me to
other. "Three years—one hundred and charter.
feefty thousand dollars.. I weal make! It was late in the 'afternoon when
cleee contract out for you, and you Westhaver left the Denton hOnle for
Ca i " id "When Have a square of cheesecloth placed
in a steamer over a leettle. Pour the
meat into the steamer. Let stand until
'oold. By pulling the cloth closely
ardund the meat, befere it etarta to
cool, a cake is form
wed see that we get the shipments the Cape, and with the touch of a soft
Mince meat -3 unds meat, 5
regular. By doing thees, eet weal save cheek lingering- on his lips, and the
pounds' apples, 3 pound sugar, 2 qts.
me the trouble of giving many se- traekling document in his pocket, he
anate contracts. I weel deal weeth seemed to tread en air. The sun was sweet cider, 2 pounds or more of rale -
you only, and you can. let sub -con- e...hining, and a light southerly wind ins, 9 teaspoons each of cloves, cirma..-
traets out to otter men. Our prices was 'blowing when Matheson and he mon and allspice, 1 teaspoon nutmeg.
weel be fair, and the Brazeelian Con- left for Westport again in. the motor- H,ane meat and, apples chopped, and
sulado een New York weel pay you boat. Cat Rock gleamed golden in we , mixed.raisins in a quart of
11Boil " '
water, then add sugar, eider and
spices. Pour the liquid ever the meat
seemed to 'have and 'apples. The mince meat may Ibe
weel be made from there. weel take aby. Everything
your references—but one knows a changed—even the rips over the Sou'- placed, in crocks and set in a cool place
gentleman even though bees eloak be west Ledge had calmed down into or where it may even freeze. Or, if
faded—and I weel hand yen thees groat oily slicks of smooth sea—and preferred it may he packed and sealed
document. Bet specifies everytheeng. when, in the starlight of a clear Sep- in fruit jars.
Weal you take eet, friend? ternber evening they puttered into Sausage -30 pounds meat, 8 ouncee made leY reel pianists, the effect ie
"Will I take it?" almost shouted Westport wharves, es, the little villa,ge of salt, 23/2 ounces of pepper, 2 cups of good if 'the P.:anist has bean PlaYing
was transformed into a hamlet of
when the shinments are made to Rio the light of the westering sun, and the
Yhan,eiro. You weal communicate wavelets, lapping aroutd its weed-
weeth heem, and all arrangements strewn base, were murmuring a lull-
mig•ht have helped a little when I was
trying so heed to be good!"
Feeling Music.
"What in the world do the old folks
mean whe,n they say there is no music
in my playing?" A young lady with
tearful eyes once put this question to
feeend; in:dicating that some ane had
told her that there was no musie in her
playing. The answer is this,: It is pos-
sible to press down keys on any key-
board instrument andlat the same teme
not give the slightest heed or thought
to any sense of musical feeling.
The mechanical apparatus vthich op-
erates a player piano has. no brain or
nerves and yet the keys are pressed
down and the sound seat forth. When
this is a eeflection of some reeorde
home -like, with the warm glow Of the A good enonortion for the meat is Whether your planing•is mueical or
desired. from a musical standpoint.
Arcadia— restful and beautifully sage i
house lights dancing in the -calm as felows: Two .pounds a lean porn not depends upon whether you have a
meat fine, mix well with other in- yeu play. A noled composer advised
gredients an,i pack tightly into sau- that the player ,should audibly hum the
.•sago bags. Hang in a cold place to melodiee of the pine he was playing.
freeze. This is a. most exceMent plan, :because
Pickled pigs' feot—Cook feet until -unless you think the music ane hear it
teenter.'Reineve the bones. Add ,sireei 'internally as it were, you will find that
amount of vinegar to liquid, in whieh the eld folks are juseified when they
and give your
stomach a 1111.
Provides " tbe bit of
sweet" in beneficial
toren. •
t Helps to cleanse
' the teeth and keep
them healthy.
waters' of the harbor. to one pound ef fat pork. Geind the musical attitude in your mind vrhen
Uncle Jerry was nervously. pacing
the narrow interior of the local pose
office and general store, a.ncl when
Frank entered he gave way to a most
undignified whoop of joy.
"Lordy, Franle, I've bin 'most searesi
to death about you!" he cried. "I've
t bin g
a-tryin' it, Yarmouth on tit'
t' find out ef they'd seen ye.
An' what's. th' news?' s
For ansveer, Frank drew out ihe
contract. "One hundred an' fifty
thousand dollars'? worth, an' time
years' delivery," he said quietly.
"We'll hey t' git right clown to werle
now, Uncle!"
Itwas late on Sunday evening when
-uncle and nephew arrived back in -the
Cove, and after securely mooring *Ater-
rell's little veesel they went up to the
house. Mire. Weethaver ,hed been anx-
ious, and after the geeetiege geve over
she said in a hushed veice, - "Well,
Frank, poor old efla,ptain Cra,wford
meet have known his time was collie
wh,en he sold you his land, He was
Pound dead in bed this incening."
"Dead?" ejaculated Frank in awed
tones. "Poor—olel--man. Aye, he
To Fruit Cake
Now you can buy a fruit
cake of the kind that you
would make at home—and
save home baking.
—a rich, fruity, luscious cake
that doesn't crumble and dry
.a tender, almost juicy cake
with that rare flavor of the
raisins and the spice that
makes you like fruit cake.
—a cake that you'll be glad
to serve to friends
pr4e fruit cake, in fact
- the most delicious you have
ever known.
* * * *
• 0..n
These plump, tender, juicy,
thin-skinned raisins are ideal
for cake, Taste the cake you
get and Bee, zees
t You'll enjoy fruit cake more
often when you can secure ouch
good cake ready-made.
Mail coupon for free book of
tested recipes suggesting scores
a other luscious raisin foods.
Just ask your bake shop or
confectioner for it—the cake
that's made with
Sun -Maid Raisin Growers
L'4 Co-operative Organitsition Comprising 14,000 Grower Members
Dept, N-533-30, Fresno, California.
MEN. NW 111231.1111 1111010.3.01•110 MINN INIMICI 91111P1M 111111.1161311........
Sun -Maid Raisin Growers,
Dept. N-533-30, Fresno, California.
1 Please send me copy of your free book,
I"Recipes with Raisins."
Canada's Message.
My Forests march from sea to Lea
Eternal in their pageantry;
The white -laird poplars sue for rains,
The birch a Maid:en-ghost reinains,
The maple flames in a lone hour,
Ever the pine's a secret tower,
Bird and beast do so abound,
MY lonely lands seem holy ground;
Edena at evening waere God stood
And saw His works ti" ; all were. good.
—D. B. Usborn.
feet were boiled and eotzr this solutio
over them.' 'Steed in this. liquiduntil
"You Might Have Helped a Little."
One of the -greatest pleasures of a
certain bxight little fellow was to play
say there is no music in your playing.
ivory on Islands.
The most Valuable desolate islands
ixi the world are 'the Lialtova, in the
Arctic Ocean, off the mouth of the
Lena, in Siberia. Th-ey are frost-
• bound and utterly barren, save for
The Toronto Hoepital 'ter inane,
ables,"in affiliation with Bellevue and
Allied' HoSpitals, New York City,
offers a Ogee years' Course of Train"
ing to young women, having the re-
quired edudation, and desirous of be -
coining mirses. This Hospital has,
adopted the eight-hour system.The
pupils receive uniforms of the School,
a 21ionthly alloWince and travelling
expellees .0 and fvom New York. For
further inforpat1on aPPIY to the
thipertntendent. , •
Arctic mast; but they canteen such
'ellorMOLIS CplantitiOS of fossil ivory
that they are exceedingly valuable—in
• fact, 'although uninhabited eave for
the ivory diggers, and of themselves
incapable of 'supporting life, they pro-
duce a revenue of k;1,000,000 a year,
Dye Old Wrap, Skirt,
Sweater, Curtains
In Diamond Dyes
Each package of "Diamond Dyes"
contains directions so siniple any
woman can dye or tint her old worn,
faded things new. Even if she has
never dyedebefore, she can put a rich,
fadeless; color into shabby skirts,
dresses, waists, coats, stockings,
sweaters, coverings, draperies, hang-
ings, everything! Buy Diamond Dyes
—no other kind—then perfect home
dyeing is guaranteed.- Just tell your
druggist whether the material you
wish to dye is wool or silk, or whether
it is linen, cotton Or mixed goods. i
Diamond Dyes never streak, spot, '
fade, or run.
The fish in the lakes of the Mem-
Moth Cave of Kentucky are blind.
Through long disuse of the eye the
speeles has ceased! to have anything
but the eutweed form of the eye.
Many VVornen Run 1 -arms.
More than 25,000,000 acres are olier-
ated by women fainners in the TJnitcd
. ' ,
The world's
greatest industry. Millions
of automobile needing constant
service; milllona of batteries and tires
to repair: millions of parts to rebuild. Tie;
Mentions opportunities arrait the trained auto-
mobile Man. That's why It says to learn the
autonaoblie busIness,—and learn in Detroit, the
auto center of the world,—the Heart of the Auto
Industry where 79% of the autos are made.
—Slave a Business of Your Owe
Thousands of our graduates are =tans
'big naoneY lh the auto business. ICunts
(Sask.) making more money than- be ex-
pected; Pettigrew (Quebec) appointed In-
structor itt Tob School; Collette
(Alberta). In busin8ss. and has
ail ho cat do: Steckle (Penn:p
Was getting Sls-wealy, now mak-
IlIg 8100 per week: IVInYee (Xils)
• saves 4100 nuinthly above ex-
penses; Johnson (Ohio) litropr.
er from "pencil pusher" at
813.50 weekly to auto nuiA
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ore likoe talrein.
Endorsed by ' Auto Factories'
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Every' branch of the atito bo :neat Is taught:—
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Work. Studont5 learn by risnuon,,m,m,„
actual factory methods. Big
auto .1m:tortes helped outline *te
our Courses and give Our
stuclenta tiniest to;operation,
also heartily endorse our
Special Courses in Battery
lienair,.Tiro Repair, Draring, Welding
and Machin. Shop Yraatico.
°bad Pesitions-A,walit Our
"' Gra d u tas—FactorIcs, go-
,od aoridco station, Oontinnally
11 to'rkM,S.AS. trainad o,o48 0,0,1 in ono day rionnitlyr-
offining Donn -loos with good anlariea A,11 areoUont orfporttniitioa
for advancaniont, or go Into b9nt000s I or youraolf,
COMO t410V11 Don't Walt—, -The roan who "gets
thoraY•mnat find "go a.m.." re, 010 nurariad Of "Ciin, it 00
done?--nnt "Do yon *ant f do itV If you do, hero YOLI.
chance. 51011 11001 Write) Today for rata datatcc,
Miohigan State Autcmobe Shool
6372 Auto Bldg., Detroit Mich.
MInard's Liniment for Burns & Scalds.)
cracked lips,
Makes your
clear and smooth.
Is indispensable in all
cases of Distemper, In-
fluenza, Coughs, Colds,
Heaves and Worms among horses
and mules. Used and endorsed by
leading stock farms and 'veteran
drivers of IL B. and Canada for
thirty years, Sold in two sizes at
all drug stores.
"California Fig Syrup" is
Child's Best Laxative
Tongue Silo sv s if
Bilious, Constipated
, Hurry mother! Even a 'cross, sick
child loves bb.e "fruity' taste of "Call.
feral -a Fig Syrup" and it never fails to
open the bowels. A teaspoonful to -day
may Prevent a sick caliild to -morrow. It
constipated, billow, feverish, fretful,
has cold, colic..or if stamach\ls sour,
tongue coated, breath\ bad, remember
a good cleansing of the little bowels ,
is -often all that is necessary. '
Ask your druggist for genuine "Cali-
fornia Fig Syrup" which has direction%
for babies and elidldren of all ages,
printed on bottle. Mother!. 'You nrySt,
say "California" or you Wily g.4tae
Imitation dg syrup.