The Exeter Advocate, 1923-1-18, Page 4w or sts Beware: ,]]rain water from ,your radiator or use Pyridine Alcohol to prevent freezing. Put On your Tire Chains It may save a life or your car from being Wrecked Let us take care of yonra Storage Battery' If you are going to tine) it, 'beat fa revery,. sv:eek. If not, let us _store it over Pinter at SOc. Per 111osath. W. J. Beer The Exeter Advocate Sanders & Cree.:h, Proprietors Subscription Price—In advance, $1,50 per year in. Canada; 52.,00 :n the United States. All subscriptiona not paid in advance 5Oci. c:rt charged,. THURSDAY, JAN. 18th1923. Exeter Council Wednesday, Jany. 10, 1923. The ~Municipal Council =met as per adjournment in the office of the Clerk. Councillor Ellerington took and subscribed to the necessary oath of office; members all present. The rninutes of the inaugural meeting held Monday, Jan. Sth, wore read and approved. Communications were read as fol- lows: Circular from the office of the Canadian Road Builder, re' Cana- dian Good Roads Ass'n and interpro- vincial Road conference. Filed. Cir- cular from the Canadian Almanic, Toronto, Filed. Circular from the Municipal Review, of Canada. Filed The following municipal appoint- ments were made: Library Board, Mr. Jesse Elstone; Cemetery Board, Messrs. James Weekes and Wilbur Martin; Board of Health, Mr. C. H. Sanders; Fence Viewers, Messrs. J. Hawkins, Geo. Andrew and W. J. Bissett; Assessor Mr. Rd. Hunter, Salary $115.00 and $5.00 for prepar- ing truant officer's book. Motion of Hooper and Davis, Carried. Truant officer, Mr. Thqs. 'Colling- wood, salary $10.00 on motion of El- lerington and Francis, Carried. The Clerk and Treasurer's salary, per Ellerington, no seconder, at:$4 U: per Francis and Hooper at $425,0.0 Carried. The auditor's salary .was fixed at :$50.00 on motion of Ellerington and. Francis. 4' Street Commissioner Bissett's sale' .ary per Ellerington, no. seconderact • ARE YOU A TIRED, °' ,. VORN-OUT WOMAN Every Woman Needs a Tonic. and=s' Nervine at Some Period' of Her Life''x4' • $760.00; per Francis and Davis at $775.00. Carried` The reeve, councillors and hydro commissioners salaries. Per. Eller- ington, no seconder, that the service be "`gratis. Per Francis. and Davis that the salaries', be $30,00 each; the reeve to secure $65.00. The Clerk was instructed to se- cure the'neceesary dog tags for 1923 theowners of dogs to secure a tag before April 1st; passed on motion 'of Ellerington and Francis. The securing of a bell ringer was. left with the property oonamittee, as was also the weigh scales. The printing was left in the hands of the. Finance Committee. An application for the position of Municipal Assessor from Mr. James Murray was read. Capt. Robbins, of the Salvation Army, made application through the Reeve, for the use of the Library Reading Room for an hour each Tuesday afternoon. The request was not granted, as it would conflict with other meetings. Donations of, $10 each were made to the Sisk Children's Hospital, Tor- onto and the Children's Aid Society, Goderich, on motion of Ellerington and Hooper. The following accounts were read and passed: Cecil Ford, labor, ceme- tery, $2.50; J. A. Stewart, wall pa- per for cemetery house, 20.83; Jas, Dignan & Son, blacksmithing ceme- tery, $1.00; R. B., 14.30; Sylvanus Cann;'•tile and castings, 2.15; Bell Telephone Co., cemetery phone rent 4.62; Bissett phone rent 6.15; Thos. Houldon, rent phone half year, 1.2.30. clay Products Co., sewer Pipe on account 400.00; Municipal World subscriptions 3.00. Passed on mo- tion of Hooper and Davis. Adjournment by Francis. Jos. Senior, Clerk. Usborite Council Usborne Council Meeting. The Municipal Council elected for the Township of Usborne for 1923, met at the Town Hall on Jan'y '8th, as per Statute viz: Wm. Coates, Reeve; Wellington Skinner, John Hanna, Fred C. Stewart, and Jas. S. Ballantyne, Councilors. After subscribing to the necessary qualification and declaration papers they took their places at the Council board. The minutes of the meeting of Dec. 22nd, were read and approved and signed by Reeve. The following sal- aries were fixed for Municipal Ofcers for 1923: Clerk, $225.00 and post- age; Treasurer, $85.00 and revenue stamps; Collector, $75.00; Assessor, $100.00, also to distribute Dog tags and to secure information for Bee Keepers Ass'n; Auditors, $10.00 ea; Caretaker, $12.00; Reeve, $70.00; Councillors, $60.00 each. The fol- lowing officers were • appointed: Clerk, Henry Strang; Treasurer, Wm. Brock; Collector—Sherwood Hunter; Assessor—Thos. Hunkin; Auditors— E. N. Shier and Wm. Johns; Caretak- er—Geo. Kellett; School Attendance Meer—Wm. Johns; Cow and Dog Supervisor, at 50c an hour while on duty—Wilson Hawkins; Fence View ers—Frank Down, Wellington Ker- slake, Fred Delbridge, Amos Doupe, Jas. Heywood; Pound Keepers -John Luxton, Sam'l Hunter, Chas. Keddy, Wm. R. Frayne, Hector N. Taylor, Walter Hazelwood, Thos. C. Allen, Percy Passmore, John Shute; Repre- sentative to County Board of. Agri- culture -Reeve Coates. That By-laws be drafted confirm- ing the appointment of the several *officers for the year and the payment. the salaries set forth in the min utes; of this meeting. That the. Auditors meet the Treas- urer at the Town Hall, on Wednesday :Jan'y 17th, at 10 o'clock a.m. to au- dit the Accounts for the year 1922 ,That a grant of $10,00 to each of the following: Children's Shelter, Goder ieh; Toronto Sick Children's Hospit sal; Muskoka Free Hospital for Con sumptives. That the.- Clerk order E copies Municipal World, 400 Dot 'Tags and 450 Cow Tags and the nee essary stationery for the year. Com ,mtaiiications,Municipal' Assn solicit- ing Annual Fee—Filed; Letter fron Silas,: N. Shier re price of gravel ir lois pit 'i1ed; that the clerk prepare a letter of appreciation of the twenty seven years of service of Paul Coate as Treasurer, resigned. The follow ing Orders were passed: Clerk an' • others ' Election expenses $79.50 'Municipal World Poll Books etc. $ 9 56; R. Jones, R. Droughts Com. Stat Lab. $7.50. Council adjourned to meet Satur day, Febuary 3rd, at 1 o'clock. HENRY STRANG,' Clerk Toronto, Ont.—"As a 'tonic and builder I can highly recommend DF, Pierce's F,avprlte; Prescription t'o tired and rut; down vwonti n run am. the -mother of eight children and '' frequently' 'had need of sncb' ' a tonic but dies' not know *hat to' take until my'sis- - ter gave me same of the. 'Favorite Prescription,.'+ which she herself had foundtd. be • good. It was exactly the;tonaerrmy system required and one bottle did.: wonders for me, so 1 take -pleasure in telling others, hoping that they will •- give the 'Prescription' a trial and be benefited just as r have been." Mrs.- Elizabeth Taylor, 261 Ontario St,. 'HEALTH IS MOST VITAL TO YOU Hear What This Woman Says London, Ont,—"I can highly recon mend Dr. Pierce's Favorite, Prescrip-._. icon to the expectant mother. 1 .was.: in a terribly run-down state. Was very weak and• nervous and suffered. with nausea. I was miserable 'until. I began taking Dr. Pierce' Fvorlte Prescription, but ray strength re,, turned very quickly and my general. health was better after taking it. lViy baby was strong and healthy, too, and, has never . seen a sick day.":— Mrsr' Harry Harris, 195 William St. Go to your neighborhood drugstore atonce o ee and ;obtain this Prescription .. of Dr. Pierce's in tablets or liquid, or; send 10c to'Dr, Pierce's .Laboratory,, in I3ridgeburg, Ont., for trial., pkg. tablets and write for free confidential Medical advioe. Lumley Mr. Norman 14IcLeod of .Parkhill v,isitin.g his brother, Mr. •Rennetir M Leto d. Plass Hellen Mintier enteatai;ned. itiniber sof leer .friends on 'ftses day ;e . esiurg. .a Mrs. J" 4I. G1 rt `;and Matter; alcl; vtsited''•£t•s`,ehaS'' ire Eich r,r; ew, days last week' :•� the; Satvation, Arm3*;pf -Ext neojdiug a tuieetang a,t` tl?e hot i',lvoM1s,Reatnwe; i .,14IiSa • Mae'" Faa,rbaurn;:.re,u: t.Lrav edn it ..h tfter, Spending a week tvltlak: ei ?j :er ,Mr.. Donald Brint;eli spectrin a' • ., says in Seafiorth, viisiting h 's , bro,t a w, Mr. Win, Dro'ver. , Local` Iloings A warrant is out for the. arrest, of the ma,n' who predicted an open wi - ;ter. They claim he, has crawled un- der; tale, .barn, or is. hiding in ambush. BELBACK TO BE SENTENCED Jas. Belback of London was convict - ;ed by Judge Macbeth, in county court London, Tuesday morning, of perjury and remanded .for, sentence until, Fri- day of this week. It was claimed by the crown that- Belbaclt had perjuried) bi•nself . in the ctouirse• of trial to; determine whetheror not, he was guil- ty of a breach of The Ontario temper- ance act is Septembereoi last year. SEER TO UNITE EXETER CHURCHES.. A request for they merger,. of Caven Presbyterian and Main,Methiodi,at churches in Exeter into a uniion chuvchawas the wnu,auaj, peftitiionheard at the special, co-operative com:m^at1Gee of the .London' Methodist ,Conference at its meeting in Wiespiey Hall, Lon- don, on Monday afternoon A delega- tion or Methodist laymen, cons stisng of afecars, H E, Hustoei, W. G. Medd W„S, Howey andoB. W,. F. Beavers of Exeter supported the petition and .in- timated that the ,Presbyterians ' were also advocates of the change, No action was taken, by the confer- ence committee. Sesne o1 tke • mem- bers thought that sancllionitng a step of this sort w,ould( be aigainst'the: best interests of the MethodistChurch as e. whole. Even if the, churches be- came a union charge( it would not tend to attract or retain as, many ;Metho- dist families, as a 1VIeitluodist church, On the other handl it was pointted out that Exeter already has one flourish- ing 'outpost of iv1ethodioim in ,; James Street Church` • • The question .of .organic union came in; for cons iderable;informal diacussioin In this 0ortneictron it was. elt that it was unwise to pracee,d hastilly, with any` °co-operative plan unttji:3.t wasiseen what action the general assembly would take in 'expediting church union through its next meeting. HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY The annual meeting of. the Horti- cultural Society was held On Wednes- day evening the 10th inst. when re- ports were given by the Board of Dir- ectors and the Secretary Treasurer on the year's operations. *The fin- ancial statementis published else- where. Mr. Joseph Harvey; the en- ergetic President of the Society re- viewed the splendid work done in 1922. Besides the educational val- ue of the Canadian Horticulturist and of the meetings the Society had inspired a new and livlier interest iu flowers and trees and shrubs. Thousands of bulbs and large quan- tities of trees and seeds had ~been dis- tributed through the Societle so that Exeter neverlooked loviier.than dur- ing the past summer. With , the o- pening of spring the tulips and hya- cinths will once more give testimony. to the zeal and foresight of the sub- scribers. All this was accomplished on a membership fee of $1.0Q, every cent of which was returned to the members in premiums of seeds and bulbs. The President outlined the work for 1923 more particularly in connection with the parks and called. attention to the very liberal pre- miums to mem;ers in 1923..He .em- phasized the fact that all those des- iring to join should hand in their name and their selection of premiums to the Secretary by the 20th inst. if possible. The Society deserves the hearty support not only of every flow- er lover for the personal benefit to, be derived but also of every citizen of Exeter and surrounding district for the wonderful improvement of lawns and streets `and parks which organized effort can and does thus accomplish. The officers for 1.923. are as follows: Hon. Pres. Dr. Hynd man and I. R. Carling; Pres., Jos. S. 7:Iarvey;1st Vice Pres., G. S. Howard; 2nd Vice Pres., Miss J` S. Murray; See'y-Treas., J. G. Stanbury; Dir- ectors for 2 years, Mrs. Mack; Mrs 'Vlollard, Dr. Sweet,B. M. Francis an° Mr. Complin; Directors for 1 year \Irs. Dinney, Miss Kinsman, W. G Medd;. S.. M. Sanders and S: J. Hog. -.rth; Auditors, W. H. Johnston ane' T), Rowcliffe x. eve EIT,EIit `, HORTIC ULTURAI.:56 CIETY ;.r 3.L4•. �ST�, vim. , 1922 FINANCIAL STATEMENT • Rec its tembership Fees at $1,00 Lle of Supplies, S,pringi '.ale of Supplies, Fall rra,itt, Exetd,r Council r sant, Province of Ontario sant, Woman's : Institute lank Interest on deposit refund, freight : charges• $152.0” 83.1' 69.4 25.0 75 (In 60.0' 1.20 2.l'' $461.8' Disbursements rin;;' Supplies,; trees & shrubs $55.6 Stipplies, bulbs 66.7 20.9' a-ina Supplies, 'seeds-, • a,nadirun Hortieculturist Stibseriptileas .• Apress and • freight iutinq and Advertising.. °::stages and Stamp Taxes, id% Supplies, bulks iiS4 4�laalle.tllo ; 26.4' 106V 26,-. 2.45 100.8', 315 l5 i� ' X152.1 $46%, anl9 r uY,: c;0j r.ta`ted 'and ,fOtin "COIrL�Ct, Deeld `Rewcli1fe W , LI, `J'ohnstoe Audi'. ors *The Old Days of 1902.. TWENTY-ONE YEARS AGO, From the ,Advocate files of twenty ome years ago we take the •following ;. ,Messrs. Beverley & Huston, who :have been conducting a par'tne'rship turnitume business far a year or more. have dissolved by mutual, consent, Mr. .Huston, ; contiinuingthe; business. The -officers of Lebanon Foo) est Lodge were recently installed, as fol- lows •—I R. 'Carling, W. K.; Robert Knight, S. W.; L. H. Dickslom, J, !W.• Treas.; C. H. Sanders, Sec'y; H. N: Anderson, S. D.; Dr. Amos, J. D.; W, C. Huston, L Ge; T B. Carling, Sr. S.; 1, Fisher, Jr. S.; Ey. Christie, and N. D. Hurdon, Fin. Com, ; Sweet, D. of C.; S. Sweet, Tyler, • The Exeter .grist mill which has been; owned and conducted by Messrs..; 1 Jos. Cobbledick & :Son, was sold .to. Messrs. Thos. and Jos, Harvey, who get ,possession on March; lst. M4ss ;Etta Gillespie was on Wed- triresday married to Mr. Stan. M. Von Wascniski,• Rev. Mailyard performing they ceremony. Brown—Rowcliff,.-In Stephen, onJan. 8, Seth :Brown of Stephen to ;14liss, Lilly-: IM,, daughter ,of Mfr. and Mitt Wm. Rowcliffe of Usborne. Beaver—In Crediton, on Janc 2, .Am - glia Jane, wulfe of Cl*lstlam Beaver, aged 47 years. Dearing—In Stephen;, on Jan. 7, to vIr. and Mrs. Jas. Dearing, a daugh- ter. , The home of 'Mr. Credic Stake Wiest of town WAS; almost toltally de- istnoyed by fire on Saturday on .Sat- urday aught, cau,sed from a defective. 'chimney, ' Mr. H. N. Anderson has been secur- es principal of Exeter school to suc- eed Mr. Boyd, wino hash gone AO,Plana na, N. Dakota. • Th,e. .1902 Municipal Electron result- ed,—"For Reeve, W. H. Levett 248, I. ,Armstrong 198; For. Councillors, John Muir, 332, John Wood, 315, Jos. Davis 265, Wm. Hard4,mg 235, L. McTaggart X60. REPORT OF WOMEN'S MISSION- ARY SOCIETY OF CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. The W. M. S. of Caven, Church held their reguular meeting January 10th. The reports for the year 1922 were very encouraging. During 1922' the Auxiliary beld twelve regular meet- ings with an average, attendance of 15, The four quarterly teas held during the year at the homes were well at- tended, The Auxiliary acknowledged thesplendid help given; by the lIome- Helpers of the congregation. Two ap- peals were made to them, one: ,in July and at the Thank. 0.ffering in October and they responded in a liberal -man- ner. During the past year a Mission Bond was formed under the leader- ship ,of Mrs. Cameron, The_ treasurer reports a large increase over the pre- ceding year, $171,35 was sent to the general fund ,and $65,5Q to the deficit Lund. The following are the officers for 1293,—President, Mrs, Morgan; 1st Vice President Mrs. McLaughlin; 2nd Vice President, Mrs. Foote; Treasurer Mrs. Bowden; Secretary ,Miss -Jeckell fi me Helpers Sec'y, Mrs. Ketch,en.; Messenger : Sec'y, Miss A Hamilton.;, Stranger's Sec'y, Mrs ~Manson; Sup- ply Sec'y, Mrs. Bowden; Library Secy Mrs. Horton; Pianist, Mrs, Foote.. Cr dii•o r VULCANIZING—I wish to announce that I do all kinds of vulva„such as Rubber Tires,- Rubber Boots and Shoes, Etc. Prices reasonable and good work guaranteed. We also hane- die second hand tires. JOS. HAIST. Credito, itr d7.: cs'f'nts. A play eaita�tied "Au'n:t Stusa is Vis t ' null be 'given: bey the long Pleoppe •f Cre,datori.Methoclasta htigh. Watch �Ic�stei ai ~told Fahne , who was.` op - :rated on for appendicitis, is - doing lively in St. Joseph's' Hospital, Len Mr: Hugo Shein]c left Monday for, )etrot, where he ,expects~ to work ais, winter. Mr..Harold--' Young spent a day of ileasure' in London this week. Mr. Wm. Mintz and iVIr. Henry Motz =ave returned home, a after a few vanths :,,pent in London. Mr. Gines .of the Bank. ,f Com, ,nerce'sta.ff,expects to leave for Bien- cim to -night, ;(Thursday). Hies place, ;ere 1,,1.1 be taken by Mr. Guenther 1 Waterloo, Mr, A. E. Wueath was out of town .•a a business trip Monday. and Tues - lay. The Woman' Institutemet fortheir a,nuary meeting at the home of •Mrs, �. Mcisaac, ` with I a good atteadan;ce F members. Mrs. C.°:Zwicker, the itesitlen,tPresided lover the meeting. .'be biisilie'sn.included a;discussiion of nays and Meet -fee oh m•'aking in ere mon, Y tp `1344134in:. improving .tlief athl, tac- eld,.' ,Conimun ty singing' wa:senl•.yo ,- '.zt' with v s, F, ;W. Clark at the,, piano. Mrs: :Jct Woodall and Mrs). ` F Wr.; .. ,trk.saR1 •a'''duett `1 iss r to gave c a very inter+�,sturug',talk on: w1o'r "Elul nurse anti~ D`eacon!ess. ” xic]r 'was followed by a delightfu,• .' b , by `Mrs. Orme, Dainty ,refresh=! ,e.tits,. were Served• by: tbee h.ostessr Ch,ievet ent ASavings Bank balance built up by careful economy and self-denial will give you greater satisiacti,on tliatt an equal sum secured~, ' Without difficulty or exertion • • The .advatitages of such a reserve are' et9 worth a genuine effort We welcome accounts, small or large.:, THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Capital Paid up $15,000,000 Reserve Fund $15,000,000. M. R. Complin, Manager. • R. S. Wilson, Manager. Exeter Branch Crediton 2 Dashwood " i THE MOLSONS BANK INCORPORATED 1855 Capital Paid Up £4,000,000 Reserve Fund $5,000,000;' Over 125 Brandies.' . It is necessary' to make aspecial trip to the near- est - est ,brawl$ pif The Maisons Bank every time you want to deposit ;moony. Send your deposit to the Bank by mail. Write today to the nearest manager of The Mol- stouts Batik for information. EXETER BRANCH T. S. WOODS Manager, Centr'elii Branch open for business daily. Furniture Bargains BIG REDUCTION IN FURNITURE, WE CARRY THE LARGEST, AND MOST UP-TO-DATE STOCK. BUY HERE AND SAVE MONEY Funeral Director & Embalmer, M. E. GARDINER You can use sweet milk, sour milk, buttermilk or water with ORDER FROM YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD GROCER' 5 �,.""Kc.`:,led= u'r":'L'.' ;,-..r�,.-'^ ",-.r?'^'""'^. .::'T. ee `^5•`%m" H .' atfris BARN DESTROYED BY UPSETTING LANTERN Mitchell, Jan. 15—A daughter .-%f Jos. Ceenelley of Logan, north of here went to the barn:betwe.eri 7 and 8 o'clock Friday' evening w.th a lantern. X3'ltile shr was attending tc' some chores the light iexplod;d anti . in • a shoot t• time the building; was, in flaine,s. The girl • tried to fight the fire; but could not Make any. headveay, and, in getting tout ,of the; barn ,1>sad a . narrow escape from being burnad.' : Besides the building eiery!thatng,„in the barn, consisting of horses, cattle, grain, and machinery were destroyed. There was) only a small insurance. Mr. Con- nelly's house was burned two years ago. Clandeboye The following officers were ,cheered for L. O. L., No. 493:—L. Hodgins, W. M.; H. Davis, D. M, ,• Gordons Davis R. S.; H. McFa,11s, Full. Sec'y; Atkinson, Treas..; Chas.- . Jlaskett, Chap:; j. Davis, lst.Lect.; Jas. ,Pat- ton, Pattan, 2nd : Lect. ; Phi1.:'Dickims, D. of C. ltt;f s•ui `A FIne Kettle This is' a ” fine' kettle, not'onlyfor ,i.=y•oup, but'ol-gboil ma meat or stteew- !'ing, cookEinp':WE1rk- ' tables o •pr�geiy- in r . e sure,each 'Utensil yoi{ buy ,..„,ea, rritxaesde the.m•rk.�: SMP There's nothing like piping hot, delicious soup to start the hearty meal. Here is a fine pot that will; do a lot to ;help you make good soup—. the SMP EnameledWare London -Kettle. Even after t'le greasiest or stickiest cooking SMP Enameled Ware cleans as easily as a chartia dish. Ask for RE Three .finiheg : Pearl. Ware, two coats of pearlY 'ggrey entuu l inaide and gut. Diamond Ware, three'toat% urht blue and white outside, white. lining.:, Crystal Vaare, three coats, pure white inside,. and out, with Royal Blue edging'. Q►C„„11 H EET MOMF5 O •U' L R Q Cis :Co, UNITED MGHSRiM. TORONTO w,MNIP ,gomontNN VANCOUVER GLOM 181