The Exeter Advocate, 1923-1-18, Page 3WITY MA Systems. Plains lie too far below the skies;' Britain's Tiniest Rad way The Hills. j .+ 4444.1.444f444.44414.;+1.4+44.444444rtr► Cla*Sif '.i AfhliO"ti!stme (� COMES B The Usual Treatment Pees Not Reachthe Root of the Trouble. Most trewtments for rheumatism no more than aim to keep down the poison in the blood and enable nature to overcame that particular attack. Then. when the 's stem beeornon tun- ut one need down frons any cause the disease again gets the `upper hand and it all has to be done over. Sufferers ' from rheumatism who Have found their' condition unrelieved or actually growing worse walla using other 'remedies, would do wet; to try Ur Williams' Pink Pills; The tonic treatment with this needictne has; proved In thousands• c cases ,that it, builds up the blood to a point that en- abies it to cast oat, the'rheumatic poisons through the regular'channels' of ea ' elationa ki s. n thebowls e a do y. the skin. When :this is done. rheums-_ tis t m is :banished;: and as: tang as the blood is kept pure and,rich the pat- ient will be immune from attack. This proved by the case of Mrs. s, Hewitt, Beach P.O.,' Hamilton, Ont., who says: '"For a number of years I was troubled With muscular rheumatism, which. calked me a great deal of suffering. t would get - rid of tl* trouble for a Mae, but it always came back. friend recommended Dr. William Pink Pills end I have not had an at tack of rheumatism since I took them. and that is five years, ago. ' I have since used the pills.for anaemia and found them equally- good, and i now recontmeucl them 'a any friends .Who . may be ailing." You can get these pills from any - Medicine c dealer or by mall at 50 cents a box or six boxes 'for $2.50, from The Dr. Williams' 1VIedioiue Co., Brock= yule, Ont. High' ]'l The ocks Station between Tunbridge Wella and- Grooanbridge claims to be the only railway i3senen, And seism.c .anntifies.' without a staff, says a Leaden, -lews- papei. It has no statism -Tx -leiter, book- The air of Haven en'foids� the Bilis Anti joy and hope a'ri'd Iiia diet•ille, ills clerk, porter, boolting office, or waiting -room. The trains serving it and he l°' il �u t r bylea by i e are dawnb Y b guard acts in the manifold capacity of a complete station staff. I3 n ed not go out of London to.,find stations run on almost similar; lines. :The Waterloo -Cit;' reailtvay, known to tens of thousands of busi- ness men, consists • f•two termini, one at Waterloo and the. other in elle City, and,at least a third of its length runs under the River. Thames.. A.t,neither station is there a station- master, porter, or booking clerk, for You buy, your ticket on the train as you do on a bus, and throw it away when you get to the other end! There is a railway station. in Derby- shire where trains stop only on one day in 'the week t� enable the tinhabit- ants to ants o,. he village of Blackwell M go shopping to Bunton! What claims to L ; the shortest pas - Sanger line in the world may be seen at Groudie, not far from Douglas, Isle, of Man; It is one mile long, and the gauge is only'two feet. ' It was made to convey passengers =from the en.- trance n.trance to Groudle Glen to the seashore. The engine looks like a toy, but is powerful and well made, and the open cars carry ten passengers. The smallest fully working line Is probably the Eskdale Railway: which runs over tale seven. mileswhich separ- ate Ravengaass, on the west coast of Cumberland, from the foot of Scafell, England. un i n file highest mountain IE the. engine fails to takethe points and runs off the lines,passengers help p the driver and guard lift it bodily back to its proper place!! This novel rail- way carries large quantities of goods as well as passengers, reducing the Cost of road transport in a very dill'. cult country by one-half. Discouragement is the woinst mis- fortune that can befall a meal. It is the death of his strength. London's census fires, issued re- cently, show that there are 341,000 more women than men in the. Metropolis... - Minard's Liniment for Rheumatism, Personal Rights Dr. J. G. Shearer, Secretary Social' Service Council of Canada. A. young man, intelligent and pros- perous-looking, rosperous looking, sitting oppesdts at din- ing car table, said to the writer, "I like a. gates et beer at luncheon. or din- ner and if I want it I'm going to bays it, wouldn't you?" Would you feel justified in joining a bootlegger in a vialatiou of the law, 1n order to :get it?" "Yes, I would," A gentleman of highs standing in a Certain church said recently that he empathized with. the poor bootlegger and considered it outrageous to put any man in gaol for violation of a pro- hibition law. Of course it le legitimate for any citizen to ad:v'ocate and work for the repeal of any law of vehech he person- ally disapprove% Is ft lawful for him to wink at or encourage the violition of such a law?. If he does". does he not become an abettor of lawbreaking? Is he any better than : the law breaker himself? That breezy Western daily, the Sas- katoon. . Star, recently numbered each violators and abettors of the violation of the' liquor laws among "Pariahs., .prostitutes; etc., as outlaws, and out- , casts!" Was not the Star justified? Ie notthe deliberate 3aw:brealier a rebel, and in practice, if not in theory, an anarchist? Ent 'what is, the psyobology standing back of suck law -breaking on the part of otherwise respectable people, as some of ahem are? It is' a mistaken Surging and singing in the 'wind, The upland pines call constantly; I long to lie and watch the sea Of blurring 'bottghs,;$elft intertwined, Or gaze ae 'os.s a steep, dark place Of purple gulfs sunk way below The :forest's .sweeping ebb and flow To sunshine on the mountain's face And lower still; to clustered fields All primly checked in varying green Or yellow where the grain's bright 'Sheen Gleams wavering' like burnished shields. a From tin hontesteads, white and ,red,; y Wee, tiny thread5of` smo3fe:aeeendt Anel tiny, f1 urea:Wend and wend 'T*Ixt house and. barb .and' yard and S had. • Lowlands are tooremate franl Heaven, They batik the eyese far, perfect sight Viet p1urvges frons. the hills' sweet height, • Where understanding, peace is given! —Katharine Salvia Oakes. e man has a divine right to da as he pleases, and that the majority have no right to limit this, his supposed liberty. What about these personal rights? Have we as individuals many if any rights that are `divine' or 'inalienable?' Are not the great majority of personal rights sdmply social privileges—O.K-ed by society? And if bestowed by society then are they Dot liable rightly at any time to' be limited or removed by society?' Take the so-called constitu- tional rights guaranteed to Americans in terms of the Declaration 'af Inde- pemdence, viz: --"to life, Iiberty and the pursuit of happir_esss," Are these eights inalienable? They were sud- denly ud denly removed for millions during the war, Band may be so agfain for a similar reason. Society gave. Society can take away. But even in peace and in nominal times the individual cannot use either life or liberty as he pleases, nar pursue happiness any old way he ehooses He must respect his neigh- bor's rights. He must respect, more- over, the will of society expreesied in law Law is. essential to personal liberty, and liberty is necessarily limit - 'ed by every few. That is the price the individual pays' for the privilege of liv- ing in a state of civilization,. The more advanced the civilization, the' more limited ig personal liberty. Health laws, lawsofsanitatiion,'San- day laws, laws for the protection of life and property a,nd all civil rights IVOtLD NOT BE' WITHOUT UT BABY'S 01111 TABLETS. LONDON PLE ARE DELIGHTED H]s Wife's Two Years. of Trouble Is Now Ended, Says . Frank " Westlake. "Tanlac ltasmade all the difference ie the world in my wife's health and; we are both c,•eliglited, :Paean, a 1>n - Westlake, valued employee of the Pub- lic Works Department of London, Ont., residing at 40 Langarth St. "About two years ago mY wife un- derwent an;, operation that left her .badly run-down and she simply, couIdn't get backher strength. - Hee appetite loft her and • she could hardiY eat enough to keep going,• The least exer • tion would tips her'.out completely, She would. lie awake boars at night.. too, and morning found her just ..as France in• the world weir •'1 s't 57 per" cent, of her made eopul'ation between the ages of 20 'and 81 years of age.• Onee a mother has used Baby's Own Tablets for her little ones she would not be without them. They are the ideal home remedy for the baby; being guaranteed to be absolutely free from opiates or other harmful drugs. They are a gentle but thorough laxative and have proved of the greatest aid in cases . of constipation, indigestion,. colic; colds and simple fevers. Con- cerning them Mrs. Ernest Gagne,' BeausejotCr Que., writes: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for constipation and colic and have found them: so suc- ceseful that I would not be without them. I would strongly ,recommend every mother to keep a box in the house" The Tablets are sold by medi- cine dealers or by mall at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, Canadian Spruce. Spruce lumber forms about one-third of the total annual -output of Canadian. saw -mills. Spruce pulpwood is used 1n preference to all others and forms over two-thirds of the total quantity of pulpwood consumed in Canadian pulp -mills and exported in the uhmanu- factured state. The 'wood is consider- ed to. be the best material for pulp manufacture on. the markets of the world, A Jubilee Mrs. Nextdare-"I noticed your hyalite all lighted up last night." Mrs. Hiram Offum—"Yes. Our cook just completed a week's, service with tis and we were,. giving her .a party in honor Of the occasion." IF STOMACH IS TROUBLING YOU AUTO SilISflii7i'r TO. $10 PEP,. DAY; M N W.A1T .Ti) at once; city and .prairies,- amend. automobile mechanics and. clr lfig tree - for operettas.% ' tiro 'sutleat3ltj , oar acetylene,:' welding. krk4'age •Rttizre el,eetrlcal worlf, We teach these trades, practical training, only few weeks re. In * nut�ed; :day -night claaises. write for Instantly! End Indigestion .IA frse oetalcgite,., tt tva es, •steady qm, .p1ornzent, H iphi1i Auto Cray Tractor or StomachMiserywith abcolv.,.1 3isitig west; Toratxtp, rAELP AN2' 7y:.dtZ EIRP WANTI'1D, WE REQD1.11331' HELP c knit on' woo': D ke for us -at home? _either with maorofne or by hand. Send stamp and aad0ressed envelope for information. The Cabadialt 'Wholesale Ib trithtting Co., . Dept. . ty r.:vn,.. rti.,+ .. 4 ' " 1 .4 e Sin ....] Pa es Da p pp As soon as you; eat a tables •or two of "Pape's tiapepsin'" your, indigestion is goner Heavy pain, heartburn, Batu lence, gases, palpitation, or any misery from a sous acid stomach ends. Cor- rect your sttmacly and digestion for, a few eente. Eachpackage guaranteed by druggist. . tired as whee she went' to bed. She suffered terrible splitting headaches, her nerves were on edge and she got very little pleasure out of life, "But three bottles of Taula.c simply he can do u her •o her feetagain. S put n her: housework easily now, the head- aches have gone, she sleeps .soundly and her appetite ie a jay to behold,' 1 can't find words to express my grati- tud&' Tarlac is for sale' by all good drug- gists, Over 35 million bottles sold- eaored sphere, of personal liberty and individual rightse And all these limi- taatlons of liberty are imposed in order to effect the .observation of liberty. , The Sunday law 1& built on the print ciple that liberty of rest foe each de- mands the law of rest for all. Oiee'e own. 'property or life is only safe be- cause alt men's' lives and'property are protected by law; Law is always justi- fied If it is for the general good, no matter what litaitattons, of personal liberty or trampling on personal opini- ai>s or.deshese may be:involved. Gan any mean who does not recog- nizethis feet and will not respect laws whether they are pleasing to him or net be rightly regarded as a good citi- zen? Can' democracy be safe on any idea about ;personal rights.. They thfnk involve invasions of the sphere, the other bases.? - ®OD HEALTH, the signs of which are so plainly kir written in looks and actions,, comes • from within -- the natural result of right food, such as Grape -Nuts. Crisp, delicious and soundly•nourishing—easily digested and quickly assimilated—Grape-Nuts brings happy smiles at the 'breakfast ;table and'happy feelings afterward. All the family will thank you for including Grape -Nuts in your grocery': order today. It's ready to serve.'in.. a moment with cream or .milk. rapeNti is THE BODY BUILDER tc ' res a Reason" Made by Canadian Posturs. Cerer3 Company, Limited 45.'Proat Street, E. Toronto Factory: Windsor, Ontario COARSE SALT LANDSALT Bulk Carlots TOPQN'TO SALT WORKS. C. J. CLIFF- TORONTO . 3nerica°a Pioneer Dos! nemsdie/ Book. DOG DISEASES and Row to Feed Mailed Fr to Ma 1 danyA.,6= dress bye thAuhor. a.• Clay Glover Co., ino. 129'.. West 34th Street New York. U.S.A. Toothache ? Minardis Liniment makes an ex- cellent counter -irritant. Bathe the face and if there is a cavity n the• tooth place in it a. piece of cotton wool saturated with Minard's, Minard's' Liniment , The Family Medicine Chest. O .�000 6C›0000"; .04 i Bad Breath qg Overcome i+ S fibre breath is asi nof decayed teeth, foul stomach or unclean bowels." If your teethare good, look to your digestive organs at once. Get Seigel s Curative Syrup at druggists. 15to 30 drops after meals, clean upyourfoodpassage a and stop the bad breath odor. '2 50c. and 81.00 Bottles. Do not buy substitutes. Get the genuine. 40c=40004---00‹::=400004ao-^�or 410004moo Filled the Bill. A woman :inserted the following ad- vertisement in .a newspaper; "Wanted, . companion for a lady; must be a total abstainer; must be cleanly in hi& habits and know a little about nursing. Comfortable home, no salary." A few days later she received by ex- press• a basket containing a tabby cat. An accompanying note said: "In reply to your advertisement, I recommend bearer. She is a total ab- stainer, cleanly in her habits and knows a little of nursing, having brought up a large family. She will be pleased to accept comfortable home and requires no salary." MONEY ORDERS. Remit by Dominion Express Money Order. -11 lost or stolen you get your money back. Slightly Puzzled. "The doctor said my illness' was caua'ed by a. germ." "What did he call it " "I really" can't remember. I caught the disease but not the name." Mlnard's Liniment for Neuralgia, -That or Nothing. He was 'unaware of the eccentrici- ties: to be found in the wild American West when be entered what seemed to be the aniy hotel in. the place. After ushering him to a table and giving him a glass .of ice •water., the waiter in - (Mired: "Will you have sausages ox toast?" "No, I never eat 'em," the guest re- plied. "In that case," said the waiter, "din- ner is over." 0.9 Canadians Use Much Butter. Figuresjust compiled indicate that each person cin 'Canada . cansumes a total of twenty-seven pounds of butter each • year. -. This is the . largest per capita consumption in the world. The United States ranks second with an average of eighteen pounds per 'person each year. Sweden leads in the con- sumption of milk, and Switzerland in the amount of cheese consumed, Mutual Gratitude. Two men grew rather heated over an argument as to who was the better man; and the following conversation took place: Englishman — "Well, I'm English, and I'm thankful' for it!" ;Irishman—"Well, •I'm Irish; and I'm. thankful--for'it. ' What 'do, you say, Scottie?" • , • Scotsman -"Well, I'm neither, and I'in-t-bankful far it! Hia :In.n. ovation. "MT, I1toekingham . has great pre - Pence of mind." "Is, that se?" "Yes, while lie was proposing to Mise Stron'gllead instead of saying, Will you be mine?' he said, 'May I be yours?" • ...=-- ISSUE No.2—'23. CUTICURA HEALS' LARGE RINGIVORM On head. Itched and Burned. Could Not Sleep. "A large ringworm started on my head. Each day it grew larger and itched and burned so that I used to have to get up at night and bathe it. The hair around it fell out and be- came very dry+ I could not Bleep at night on account of the irritation. "The trouble lasted about a month. I began using Cuticura Soap and Ointment and after using about three cakes of Cuticura Soap and two boxes of Cuticura Ointment. I'was completely healed." (Signed) Miss Lucile Bond, 606 S. Lea St., Roswell, New Mexico, Oct: 3, 192I. Cuticura Soap, Ointmentand Tal,. cum are all you need for every -day toilet and nursery purposes. Bampiellaeh PreebrMall. Address: %inane, 5&m•. ited, 344 Bt. Paul Bt, W., Montreal." Bold every- where. Soap Se. veerryywhere..SoapSe. Ointment26andai0e. Tatctmarbe. 'Cuticura Soap shaves without mus: 'Partiest m s s,c FIEVIINO FEPR5 . i'Su LTINti, OF lilNLb. NEW QP.I .Used, pulleys, saws, cable, honk, etc, .shipped subject to a.ptrroval at tow., eat prices in Canada- ,York Betting co.. 17 6• York et,:. Toronto Nothing' makes a ;,usines% man so absolutely mnd'ependea t as ready cash. If Cascarets0c Best Bowel ... o el Laxative When Bilious, Constipated' - z To clean but you without t ut cramping or overacting. take Cassa. rets. Sick headache, b3iiausness. gases; indigestion, sour, upset stomach and all such distress gone by .nzornieg. Nicest physic on earth for growuan and children.. lOc a box. Taste like candy. WOMAN SUFFEREO FOR MONTHS Weak and Nervous. Made Well by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Webbwood, Ont.—"I was in a very Weak and nm -down nervous condition, always tired, • from the time I got up until I went to bed. Sleep did not rest me at all. My sister recommended Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Come pound to ene and others told me about but it was from my sister's advice: that I took it. It did not take long until I felt stronger, Headaches left nfe and my appetite carne back to me. 1 amu a farmer's wife and have many thins to do outside the house such as milhmg, looking after the poultry, and other chores. I heartily recommend the Vegetable .Comppoundto all who bavethee same trouble I had for it is a fine znedi-. Gine for women."—Mrs Louis F. ELSAS SEE, Hillcrest Farm, Webbwood, Ont. Another Nervous Woman Finds Relief Port Huron, .Michigan.—"I suffered for two years with pains in my side, and if I worked very ranch I wasnervous and just as tired in the morning as when I went to bed. I was sleepy all the day and didn't feellike doing anything, and was so nervous 1 would bite my finger nails, One of my friends told zne about, Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Com- pound, and it helped me so much that 1 soonnfeltfine. "—Mrs. mARr,..ES BEELER, 501 14th. St., Port Huron, Mich. 1 Women who suffer from anyfeminine . ailment should try Lydia E. inkham'a Vegetable Compound. C Break chest colds Apply Sltan's. It draws wives - ton to the -surface. Starts blood circulating freely and thus breaks` up ibe cold/ Slog's Liniment —kills pain! . Made in Canada . 1 UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you: are not getting Aspirin at all Accept hilly an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out . by physicians during 22 years ;and, proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism. Toothache` Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain Pain Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets—Also bottlat of 24 and 100—Dntggiste. J, pirin is the trade mark (registered In Canada) oi' Bayer 1tan-ufacture pi Moo e- acetieactdester of Calteyileacid. 'While it is well known that Aspirin m cna ftQ paay er i . . manufac_A, to assist the pouffe againgt imitations; the Tablets of Bayes side be stamped. with their general trade mark, th. ' B8 '* OrPe ."•