The Exeter Advocate, 1923-1-11, Page 6SUMMARY OF WOIILD EVENTS IN 192? a•near ', 1 24 -Murder of Dr. Rethanau, Ger- d Japan on " elialf ea independences! 25 -Death of Six George peeeee Census gi- es 'Toronto a population of noted Imperial Federati�onist. 540,000; Lenin re -eructed head of the, 29 --Irish Free State troops recap- sovio.., 4 tore the Four Courts, Dublin, from Frei, Canadian nickels counted. the rebels. at. the li'[hi in 'Ottawa. The Prince of July. 'Males' tome i. India reported a great 1 --Railway ;saepinen in the U.S. on• staeces,s, ale ceases for Ontario gives; strike. Irregular troops in Dublin the province a population of 2,92c+,054.1 driven'from. their positions_. 5-T1.e Conference Committee at 12 -Michael Goalies appointed head Vtiaehanetnn on Limitation of Naval of the Irish Free State ax,•nay, Armame is agrees to ban use of sub -1' 14 -The Hague Convention fails to mane, "gainst merebant and pea- I"reach an.agreement with the Soviet Government, refusing to give it cre- senger s' 'lrs•. edits without guarantees, a i Eireann votes int G at 21 --Jahn Breeken, born in Leeds, accepting Dominion status with. Great Ont.,rhos Britain 1".a; a vote of 64 to 57, De: en by Manitoba farmers to Vara r' •.entirg. be neat Premier of the province. 10--A* 'aur Griffin elected Pres 24-British Flouse of Commons -Vote dent of i':e Dail Eireann, appoints a to remove the cattle embargo' from eeibinet- r f six, with Miehae> Celims Canada, Finance : Tani ter, 26 -British House sof Lords modify 14-A Provisional Irish Govern- the cattle embargo removal so es to merit ta' as office and the Southern provide for precautions. Parlian, et ratifies the `treaty with . August, Britain, 1 -Premier Poincare refuse's the 21-S' r James Craig and Michael Berlin request to postpone the pay; Collins 'twee as to boundaries be- ment of private debts to French citi- tween Ta _iter and Irish Free State. zeas contracted before the war, Great Death of Viscount Bryce, ex -British. Britain sends four additional bat- Aarbase'.dor to the United States. 22 -Death of Pope Benedict XV. at Rome. 30 -British troops leave Ireland, 31 -The Japanese and Chinese dele- 1_ Iceresa ,appeal•s i1to 'Washington . man Foreign lalani,,�ter, sta Berne - talions to the`Bosplxorua as precaution against attack on Oomstantimople by the Greeks. 8 -Forest sires do, great damage in British. Columbia. Irish rebels mule grates at the Washington .Conference der Free State officers and volunteers. came to a •ieement re the Shantung from ambush in Tipperary, The Brit question. ash Government decide to provide 500 February. air niaehines for Koine defence. Free State chiefs fail to 5 -At Paris the Reparations come toreement with Ulster as to Committee decides by vote of boundaries, Italian Cabinet resigns. three to one to refuse a mora - 4 -f.',•: =e of Washineeton Conference torsum to Germany on repar+a en Lxx,•it.:tion of Armaments; its mans tions for the remainder of the year. cipas1 ac•;:n:plishments were two trea- Irish Provisional Government an - ties res ing to Chinese affairs, deal- ing with the "open door" and the Chinese tariff. - 6 -Cardinal Achille Patti, Area - bishop of Milan, is elected Pope by nounce that irregutlrars must surrender unconditionally. Unemployment bene- fits cosi . Great Britain . £77,000,000 during the past two years. 7 -Premier Poincare submits his t3he Conclave of Cardinals at Rome, •demands for German reparations to with the title of Pius SI. Rioting in preliminary meeting of allied 'chiefs India continue,. at meeting in London and states that 13 --Thirteen dead anti tvea -nine France's financial position isdespee• wounded reported as results of week- ate. Rebels in Cork, collect taxes. Toll end disturbances at Belfast. Indian Government enrols Europeans as spec. sial eonstaibles to police the country. 14-Indascrir,te shooting in the of death in the typhoon in China .on Aug, 2 reported at 28,999. British Treasury department returns the- per capita tax of United Kingdom as £14 streets of Belfast and many children en per head, • are victims: British Government sus- 10 -Irish National forces enter the pend evacuation of British troops city of Cork, the rebels evacuating it from Ireland. Opening of Ontario, after blowing up many buildings. Legislature. 22 -Irish elections postponed for three months. 24_ --Official returns show the popu- lation of Canada last year to .have. been 8,769,489. 28 -Princess Mary and Viscount Laseelles are married at Westminster Abbey amid general rejoicings. . March. 4 -Murder warfare resuixied in Bele fast. 8 --Irish Free State Bill gets third reading in the British House of Com- mons. Rodolphe Lemieux eleeted Speaker of the Dominion Coxximoxrs. 14 ---The Rand 'Government crushes' the revolution with a firm band - and Captures 4,000 of the i ineuegennts.1 Manitoba Government defeated in the Legislature by 27 to 28. Eighty-three dead in ten weeks as result: of` out- rages by gunmen and bombthrowers fn Ulster, 16-Alemecl Fuad Pasha pr.oelairoed King of Egypt. 18--Ghandi sentenced to six years in prison for promoting disaffection in India, after pleading guilty. 81 --The Royal assent given to the bill ratifying the Irish Treaty; Brit-' ' 28-Tempo/early arrangement . to ash; right to inierfexe with Irish al- rale Ireland h3* triumvirate consisting faints abandoned. Five hundred and of William T: Cosigrave, Richard MuI- fifteen thousand coal mimes in the may and George. Gavan Duffy, Twelve United States go on strike. thousand men will; retiirn'to work in April. 1 -Death in exile, of ' ex -Emperor Karl of Austria. Murder and repria- els continue in Belfast. 10-C'onferen>ee of Nations meets at Genoa and Lloyd George makes an eloquexnt plea foe a world peace: 14 -The Four Comte 'oui' ding in Dunn and O'Stvllivan, Irish murderers of Fieldx Marshal Sir Henry Wilson, hanged at Wandsworth Prison. 11 -Nova Scotia coal miners decide to strike. Allies dispose 8,888 troops along Tehatatlja line to bar the Greeks from Constantinople. 13-A2 tlniar Griffith, President of the Dail Eireann, dies sud- dea ly in Dublin. Deadlock between Britain and France regarding the terms to be offered Germany con- tinues. 14 -The thirteenth allied confer- ence on reparations in London breaks down, French, and British policies • be- ing so divergent. Death of Lord Northcliffe, proprietor of The London Times. 15 -Militia sent , to guard coal mines in. Nova Seotia. Bituminous oda-"! strike in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Vir- ginia irginiia setrtlecl. 19 -Pumping crews resume work at the Nova Scotia, mines. ; Australian Parliament passes bill to give prefer- ential duties to New Zealand. 22 ---Irish rebel assassins kill from ambush Miehael Collin., head of the Irish Provisional Government. ONTARIO BOYS' PARLIAMENT For three days a parliament of boys, elected by their fellows. throughout Ontario, sat in the Legislative Assemblyoleainber in. Queen's Park, Toronto. They debated bills .affecting the welfare of boys' work in the prov1nce.' In the pigtitre are .seen, top; right His Honor Dr, Frank J. Day, Lieutenant -Governor; left, Hon, Milt. Walker, London, Premier; bottom row, right, Wilfred Mason, Toronto, Sergeant -at -Arms; oentre; Russell Bates, Woodstock, Leader of the Opposition; and left, Al, Smith, Windsor, Speaker of the House. er of the allied . foveae, orders the Turks to abandon the neutral zone around• the Dardanelles. Kind Con - dentine of Greece abdicates in favor of the Crown Prince, owing to the re- volt of the army and navy.- Gexnaany pays the August and September allot- ment to Belgium..` 80 -Kemal Pasha agrees to armis- tice conference, at Mudania. Turks withdraw from Chanak area. October. 2 -Armistice declared at the Dar- the Alberta and British Columbia coal 25 -Loyal Irish troops retake the Commercial Cable station at Water- ville. 26 -Canadian National Exhibition at Toronto opens' its 441h season with a record attendance c'f 7.1.,000 on first Dublin seized by Sinn Feiners. days 19 -Death at Vancouver . of Mar- 30 --Canadian o . quoted at par j,orie P$ckbhaaall, Canadian poet and novelist. 21 Russia agrees to termie of the allies on basis 'of recognition by the powers. May. 4 -Irish factions agree to a truce to fighting. Gen. Chang Tap Lin defeated by ` Gen. Wu in sevex+ai bat- tles in Chinn. 6 -French demands and 'Russisoare- f usra1a block aigreeme it at Genoa Cone feren:ee. 8-I•rlsh Prreee. State Goverxirnent takes aver from Britain evert* import- ant deparrtment 20 -Sinn Feiners invade Uisterr and burn many public ;buildings and wreck railway lines: The P. & O. S.S. Egypt lost im collision off Ushant Island and 100 lives lost. 30 -Conference of Irish . delsg'a•teS with British" Cafbinet at a deadlock. 81 -Crown troops,' are sena to pro- teot the Ulster frontier. 4 Clrrisiian., ira Smy..rna, June. ' 15 --The fire in " Smyrna destroys 13 --During the past two years nun- three-fiftbs, O1,- city and renders anon ,in Belfast slow' 40G per, ors. On- 300;000 homeless, it is said tar10 LegaidatUre prorogued; 21 --Britain refuses to , it.(raw 20--lrisli e'leetione ;.tow a majority troops ,from Chmak to European, side ixr favor of accepting thr. treaty • -iit'h (of 'the Dard''anelh s. - President Fiord- 21 - i ord Ilritain. 1 ing moi, rtas the U♦ 5 Tariff 'Bili .` in New York es .sket, Turks defeat the Greeks in Anatolia, 31- The. Reparations ".Commission relieves Germany cif the ,necessity for cash payments for the remainder; of the year. Anthracite strike in tiro U. S. virtually. ended, Nov •Scotia ' min- ers accept new wage agreement. September. 4 -Third Assembly of the League of Nations 'meets at Geneva. - 7--Sou;t'hern- army of Greece . sur- renders to the Turks•and Athens Gov- ernment proposes to,evacuate ' Asia Minor. . 9 -Irish Previsional ParlienLex:t: holds first session in Dublin and Wil, liaxn Coss Ove is ` elected' President. Canadian National Exhibition at To- ronto closes .with a paid, attendance of 1,372,000, tlie.higheiton.record. 12 ----Sir : Herbert Samuel Calces the oartih as British ruler of Palestine. 13 - Turks commence massacre of danelles. 4 -Forest fires raging in Northern Ontario. Relief trains despatched to the distriet. Dominion Goeernrnent appoints new board to control the Na - tional Railera s with Major -Ge lora) Sir Henry Worth Thornton, President of the Great Eastern Railway, of England, as 'head. Military agreo- mient signed at Mudania providing for the evacuation of Thrace by Greeks. Irish Provisrional Administration de- cides that in the new Parliament the menibershiep .of the lower House shall be 132 and theSenate56. 5 Torrential i t forest fixes 1'7 -The Sultan of Turkey given refuge on British warship. Four Irish civilians shot for treason in -Dublin by order of "the Free State Govern- nient, 18 -.-Political upheaval in : Pekin leads to Dr.' W. W. Yen taking the Premiership. - Abdul Medjid Effendi elected Sultan of Turkey. . 19 -Near East Conference •opens at Lausanne. 24 -Erskine Childers, lieutenant of De Valera, is executed by order Of a Free State military court, 25 Turks take possession of Ad rianople and assert ever-eignty of all East Thrace. December. 2 -Prince Andrew of Greece, a bro- ther of King: Constantine, diismassed from tile army and exiled. Timothy Mealy appointed Gov"ernor'General of the Irish Free State. 6 -Irish Free State formally in- augurated at Dublin asp a Dominion, and Cosgrave is re-eleeted President. Japan returns -'Shantung to China. give Germany . a loan tilQ the repara- tions question is settled. 19 -Seven rebels exeoated:: at Dub- lin for having •arms and explosives. Communists and Fascist clash , in Turin and ten are killed and twenty wounded. Prelinrinary estimates give the, value of Canadian crops for 1922. at nine billion dollars. 21 -The ancient Basilioa at Quebec city burned . down. 22 -President Harding signs postal agreement with Canada. 28 --Report of Can; Nat Railways for the year will show a reduction in its operating ` deficit of $17,000,000. The British fleet: is ordered back to r the Dardtanell�es from .Malta. Tiirlau complete reply to British note, insist- ing that they moat have Mosul. Irish rebel% blow up. music store in Dublin. 29 -British naval units --are rushed: from Malta to the Dardanelles,'owing to - develvpm�entss at -Lausanne Peace Conference, where the Turkish dele- gates refuse' to accede to Lord Cur- zon's demand to recognize rights of Christian minorities in Armenia and Anatolia. Ismet Pasha sends a note to Lord Curzon reaffirming the Turk- ish olaim t0 Mosul area, and demand - leg that emand-leg,that the oil district be turned over to the Ottomans. Terrific gales:on the North Atlantic pile up- slips on the coast; The Week. Markets ets Toronto. Manitoba wheat -No. 1 Northern, $1.24%. - - IVtanitoba dots-N'omimai. Manitoba barley -Nominal, 7, -Rebels in areland murder De- All the above, track, Bay ports, u S Hal member of Parka- A•mexican corn No- 2 yellow, Bac; merit, and wound Deputy Speaker Pat :No, . 3 yeilo�w; 87c,` :all tial). The Ulster ParliamentB l '' votes the'Province out of the Free Beek -wheat -No. 2, .75 to 77c.. Rye -No. 2, 83 to 85c. Millfeed-Del., Montreal freight, puty - orxen i 'rains s op ' e e can es, Haileybuiy district; ',5,000 persons reported homeless,- with a death list steers, good," $5 to $5.50; do, fair, $4 to $6; shockers, good, $4 to $4.50; do, fair, $3 to $4; calves, choice, $13 to $13.25; do,med., $8 to $10; do, comer $3 to,"$6.50 milach, cows, choice, $60 to $80; springers, choice, $70. to $90; lambs, choice, $13 to $13.50; sheep choice, $5.50 to $6,50; do, culls, $2 to $2.50; hags, fedrand watered, $10.75 to • $11; ••do, f.o.b., $10 to' $10.25; do,' country points, $9.75 to $10 arleY Ma tmg 59 to 61c accord - O'Malley. 'Montreal. of 47; Haileybury, North Cobalt, ing to freights outside Cain American No. 2 yellow, 92 to 93c. . Oats -Cali. western,: No. 2, Thornlioe, Heasiiip and Charlton de- State. The allies waive their Claim stroyed, and New Liskeard and to maintain forces in the Dalydanelies zone:. bags included: Bran, per. ton, $24; 8 -Four leaders of the Irish rebels, shorts, per ton, $26; middlings, $28.50; :Pats., firsts, x$7:10; do, • seconds, $6.60; or O' nnor team Maliowes Jas good.. feed flour, $2: stroxig baler ', $6.41; winter pats:, " ' 011.2 wheat --t 2' whine id • voice, $6:50.' R251.eBed oasts-Ba3• of 90 McKelvey and Richard Barrett, exe- 112 00 rd. to Erol ht outside• lbs.; $3.ib to $3.25. Bran -$24„ Shorts $ g Englehart seriously damaged: 1.9 -Lloyd George resigns British Premiership and Andrew Bonar - Law is invited to form a new Administra- tion. 25 -The new Irish Constitution Bill. 65 to 66c; do, No. 3, 60 to 61c; No. 1 feed, -68 to'59c; No. 2 local' white, 56 to 57e. Fiore -Man. spring' wheat ctited at Dublin in reprisal for the %ro. 8; X1.07_ to 7.09. $ $ murder • of Deputy Hales. " passed the third reading in the Dail 11 --The. Four Premiere' Conference Eireann. an London adjourns till Jan. 2, unable 26 -The King dissolves the Impea•-- to agree as to the reparations policy ial Parliament, Italian Government with -Germany, and Premier Poincare resigns owing; to the •Faseisti ulti- matum: 30-=-Mu.ssolini ' enters Rome and fornv a Cabinet. November. 1 -National A:ssenr ly at Angora s declares thie Sultan of • Turkey de- pose 1. 3 --British Government •agree to remove the restriction on Canadian cattle, subject to` inspection equal to three days' quarantine. g ---'?ii k�ncl gives iihr' Prince of, . 28-H-'1`lie allies decide ;tao' starprende, iY cede ; .a magnificent reception an la+is r Ea -n o-.ri Thrace to the 1: teak , iru t tha a turn "roin'Ird' .a, it?u lar ar les-•.rai;u t _,' p :e nectar ,, 'ia and,. e I d xe 1 , l e ,lac cl 22- - ; vela - k i�'ar�ha; a i yet .r as t i- ] i . ow y, c r I Sr Il`e i _ ix � b�' ,cYti sl" dead " r x n � t b• Greece r•usn ttw troops a. I is, e : v h -ti n n x nixas i � T vniaar; the a4�ya5, ria a• -;e t,.;alrtiir"ed 2- tie; ±'oris) Ilaring✓an; Coininair.d- r .r 1 League .of Natio xs. toward ri.htraee, insisting on the aoeup,ation of the Ruhr. 14 -Sterling in New York has , sen- sational rise, closing at $4.54%. At, Lausanne Conference Turkey agrees' to guarantee the. safety of minorities. 15 -British. act to remove the em- b'argo an Canadian cattle becomes. law. 1? Dublin crowds . give last of., de- parting British troops a very friendly! send-off. 18 -New York bankers decline to GIRL CHAMPION A CANADIAN •rza o nii.ezitai.ional 1a,diios sI` chile otiscnipioon, a ass61.'":13'6'. :Flohil?.,ozi,, of. 2:93 � 4 . 'GF,. i ' ' o i. �' GLll,, 1 22,tzal,s rn 0 ,er.;aiad• uU �ettiliui?I 1r, �T.3.., aeoertl Thc. x woo skar„c,clJ 1 t• is ,�r. *ii.l xa.nar a,ni] .he. exalr pio•i,bili cverii, its z)lydrla ,Qxo �a-a�; to c,rmiretc .las v tc, , :T' �tvon substituted: �i x, Ontario No. 2 white oatsoe42 to 44c. Criteria' •corn Nominal. Ontario flour Ninety per cents, pat., in ;,otos 20gs, ;e.30; prorirbc o:42c No. 1 s•bock,_36'to 38c. Dta- shipment, $6.20• to $0:30; Tox+on�to t car Iots 90c bane $5.1 . � $n:20; bulk seaboard, t Per ba , . $6 to $5.10: Canners, $1.50;. �laxny cows and •s- . , heifers, eons. to fair quality, $2 to 88; • Manitoba flour -1st pate., in codon sacks, 37.10 per {bbl.; 2nd pats., ,$6.60. Western steers, '$5,75; calves, picked, Hay -Extra t,. 2 per ton track,- $12: iso, good lots, .$U; do, com., $9.50 -$26. Hay_ No.2, per ton, car lists, $16 to $17. Cheese -Finest easterns, 23 to 231/20. Buttery Choicest ' creafnery, 38e. Eggs -Fresh, 48c• selected,40 5 •ccs g , Toronto, 11 to'' 13 • 'miixed 10,50; to to $10, thin sheep, corn., $4, hogs, $12; clover, $8 to ,$11. Straw -Car lots; per ton, track, To - Cheese ---New, large, 25c; twins, 254ac;• triplets., 2611e:; Stiltons, 27c, Old, large, 27c, twins,28c, Stiltens, 29c. Butter Finest creameryprints, 43 to 45c; ardinaey creamery prints' 40 to 41e. . Dairy, 30 to 31c.' Cooking, 22c. Dreased poultry --Chickens, 4 lbs. d 26 t 28 d 3 t 4 lb 23 to selects and ` good • quality butchers, $11.50 to $11.75; sows, $9 to $10. ---Q NATURAL. RESOURCES .BULLETIN Canadian boys and girls are farm- ing ' fast . friendships with • birds. Eighty thousand"_copies of "Bird. Houses and Their Occupants," .pub- lished by the Dept. of the Interior, at Ottawa, have • gone like hot calces. and the whole:edition has been exhausted' aiv • up, o c; n o s., in lees than a year. So 'great is the lbs,, 20 to 23e; geese, 28_ Eo 80e; dick - 25c; fowl, 5..lbs. and up, 26 to 28e; demand that the gsxvernrnent ass have do, 4'to'5 lbs:,; 23 to 25c; do, under 4 ing another edition. printed to tell ldngs,<30 to -33n; turkeys, .40 -to 45c. ' 3roung. Canada how • to build houses Margarine -20 to 22c. - Eggs-No.`1 can,uede, 38 to 39c; se- lects, 44 to 45c; cartons, new )aids, Beans -Can Band -picked lib 6xac- primes, 6c.. Maple products--Sya'up, per imp. gal., $2.50; per 5 gait. tin, $2.40 per gal, • Maple sugar; lb., 2a to 25c. •• Honey -6041b. tins; 12 to` 1211 Per lib.; 5-2ye-lm.'tins, 13% to 141/ac per lb,; Ontario `comb honey, '•per. doz.- $3.761 $4.50. Potatoes-Ontarios, No. 1, '85c; No. 2, 75 to 80c. Smoked means-- Haans, ailed., 26 to 28e; cooked ham 38 to 40c• smoked Approximately 220,000 husheeis od !roll's, 26 to 280; cottage rolls, 32 to wheat left •Calgaryy ,on. December 12, ,. 35c; b oak-fa�s+ti. bacon, 32 to ISa; a'pe- according to: returns furnished by' the else) brand breakfastliacron, 38 to 40c; local grain:` inspector. , 'I is is the baeksy boneless, 39 to 43c: large -1 quantity of whoa:t brat has Cured meads ---Long clear bacon, '60 to 70 lbs,, $2]; 7fl to' 90 11is.•, $20; 90 ever ganee forwaad i any :;one day in lbs. and up,; $18; lightweigh'. rolls, :in the history of 'the: new route via the barrels, $41; heavyweight rolls, $37. coast 'city and Panama Canal to the Lard -Pure' tierces, 16c; trbs, United. Kingdom and continent. 16isc; pailsi 16atc; prints, 18c. Short- ening tierces, hort-ening`,tierces, 131r to 1.4c; tabs, 14 to Lc a.1") cxpcirts`;scnx lar iisla 143/2c; pails, 1417'2 to 150: pi -hits, ,17 u10 is to Soreig•n iti E -:ccUs diming the; to 171/2c. aired ratio months of 1922 ,ornounted: Heavy steers, choice, S. to 38; to 195,490,114 board feet, as con mPared- braitchor stteeas, choice, $6.50 to $7; {ro' .vitt 122,122,013 :feet in Lilo CO good, ;$5,54 to $6; do, med., $5 to ponding poiiod, of, 1933 ' Si'.tincx'ease $5.50; do, cors;- $4 to n4.50; luuteher e cf c.v- - 73;001,000 `£set: Shipments heifers, choice; ,(;.25, to $6,75;.cto, e 'were made to Arrest .lis, aiAna, Eg1711A z 1.<I o _ to ,r .a t ,b n corn., d, c med., .. Q y H � Q+ t ) $ , r - , inc oirtli Afn ica • ,� e i:�;i�aaa, Now Zealand � �, s„ choice $4 .50 to ,�5' _ c.o . Iru�tclier . ov , , , Med., •3 to . 4: -canners and cutters 'United Eingdcun and Co itineixt, Phil- $2 to 42.50; butcher hills, good, $4 to ippines, Crnitec1 States, Smith Sea; Is - $5 do, corn.. $2.25 to, $2.50; feeder In •uds, and South America, that birds `like. The booklet contains directions and working designs for the building of all kinds` of bird houses, No charge is made for it.• Tornnita'ea popiilation during the'yea.r increased from 522;942 to 529,083, an increase of '6,141. The a!sseissment in- areaeed from 776,134,636 .to" $$28,165,- 835. The latter sunx .wilt; however, be reduced by the court of revision and the - county judge by the amount of approximately $4,000,000.