The Exeter Advocate, 1923-1-11, Page 4Motorists
1Jrain water _from ,your radiator or
Pyridine Alcohol
a prevent freezing
Put on your
Tire Chains
It may save a life or your car from
being wrecked
Let us take care of your
Storage Battery,,.:
if you are going to use it, test itevery
week. If not, let us store it over
winter at 50c. Per Month.
W. J. Beer
The Exeter Advocate
Mr. Hugo Shenk had the misfortune
to cut his hand ,badly While cu,ttatn+
Meat" the other day.:'
Mr. H. F.-Eilber. its iaad up,?at pres-
ent With a sere hared, the result 'of (a
spike being: 'driven through:his finger.
Ma Wm. Marlaey' is quite ell with
pneumonia at present, Nurse B. elor-
ley is attending him. Friends lope
f+or a {speedy recov;ery.'
Mrs. Jas. Shipley and Cara Harness
have ,returned front, Michigan, where
they spent the paa't two weeks.
•Mfr, Jas, Squire has• recovered Some-
what, after being confined,' to his room
with. quinsey.
,Mrs Ge,o.. actllion: is ,with her sis
ter, ,Mfrs. John Parkinson of Gran;t'on,,
who is recover$n;g from pneumonia.
Friends will regret to learn that Mr,
Harry Rodd 3s in London unidergaing
treatment for cancer of the face,
:Mrs. F. Bragg of •the, 4th Line,
B1anshard spent a few days with her
sister, Mrs. John Hazlewood, who has
tree's quite ill with; septic sore throat
and refection of the eye and ear, .but
we are pleased to, know Ae will roc on
be around again,
Miss Grace Duffield has returned to
St. Marys, after spending, the vacation
at her hozne here.
Sir Allan B. Aylesworth, an, old sup-
porter of Laurier and self-confessed
partisan of the Liberal party, has been
apDc' nted,. to the Senate, succeeding
to the vacancy caused by the death
-of the late Senator Proudfoot,
Stephen Council
The newly elected Council of the
Township of Stephen convened in the
Town Hall, Creditor', on Monday,
January 3th, 1923, at 11 a.m. All
Members were present. After each
had subscribed to his declaration of
Sanders & Creeah, Proprietors . office, the minutes of the previous
meeting were read and adopted.
Penhale—Hayes "That the Reeve
and Clerk be. authorized to sign and
submit to the Minister of Public
Works and Highways of the Province',
of Ontario, the petition of the TQwn-
THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, '23 ship of Stephen showing that during
the period from January 1st to De-
cember 31st 1922, there has been ex-
pended upon the Township roads the
sum of $7,921.63 and requesting the
statutory grant on that amount as
provided by the Ontario Highways
Act and amendments thereto." Car-
Hayes— Sweitzer: "That By-law
No. 301, being a By-law authorizing
the Reeve and Treasurer to borrow
certain sums to meet current ordin-
At noon on Dec, Z7, in the Lambeth ary expenditure of the Corporation,
Methodist parsonage the marriage. took having been read three times be pas -
place of Edna, daughter of Rev. and sed and signed by the Reeve and
Mrs, Selby Jefferson, late of Ceedi- •
Clerk and the seal of the Corporation
ton, to Rev. A. C. Motyer, B. ka •E.,
sae of ma and alas. Motyer of Haan.. -.attached thereto."- Carried.
ilten, Bermuda. The bride wore a- Penhale—Hayes: "That the fol -
smart attire of gray and silver,. with ; lowing officers be appointed for the
ooze -age bouquet of sweetheart rases. year 1923
Rev. Selby Jefferson, rather of thei Assessor, Jos. C-uinan,-salary $850.
bride officiated. Shortly after The cer caretaker. Ernest Guettinger, salary
emrny the couple motored. to London,
where they took a train for Buffalo; -$25.00; auditors, Thos. Trevethick
N. Y., enroute to Boston, Mass., where and Freeman Morlock, $8,00 each;.
Mr '1lotyer is taking up post -graduate Board of Health, Alonzo 'Hodgins;
weak in the religious educa,tioana: a Sanitary inspectors of health, H. F.
Airs. Sam. Eilber, who, has been pis- Eilber, Geo. Merrier, Wm. B_ Oliver;
iting relatives here, has returned to directors of athletic field, Alex. H.
ser home in tJbly, Mich. Neeb and John Hayes; school attend -
A meeting of the Women's Institute, ance officers, H. F. Eilber Nos. 1, 2,
at the home of Mr. Dan,. McT{saac 3, 4, 5, 14, Unions No. 9 and 13;
on Mr. ednesdayClarence afternoon W. B. Oliver Nos. 10 and 12, Unions.
Clarence Eilber spent the week-
end with his parents here. 8, 15, 17, 18; Chas. Steinhagen Nos.
Miss Martha Hauch of London spent 6, 7, 11, Union 16, Separate No. 6.
the week -.end at her home here. Pathmasters—Hector Mitchell, C.
Special services are being held in Anderson, Cecil Walker, A. Francis,
the churches this week. - H.' Shapton, Geo. Hepburn, Rd. Day -
Mr. Herb Fal'ner is on the sick list ey, Sam. Redden, Wm. Winer, Chas.
We are sorry to state that 4I s[ter
Box, Frank Triebner, Jr. Frank King
Eab nor was, taken suddenly ill of ape Eh Ring, Thos. Wein, John N, Mor
pendicitis on Sunday evening, and was lock, Peter Martene, Thos. Chambers
taken -to the hospital at London 'ora Robt. Gower, Chas. Eilber, John
Tuesday for an operation. We hopei Wein, John. Schroeder, Gottfried
to hear of his' speedy .eco (erase °I Wein, Ed. Hall, Thos. Yearley, John
Mr, Roy Wolf Ieft last week for 1}.e Wilhelm, Sr., Simon Hartman, Josiah
:trait to take a ;position. -. Cestle, Jos. Glavin, Theo. Dietrich, D.
Subscription Price—In advance, $150
per year in Canada; S2.00 in the'
United Statea. All subscriptions not
paid in advance SCG. + •••, charged,
VULCANIZING—I wish to announce
that I do all kinds, of vulcanizis g,:such
as Rubber Tires, Rubber Boots and
Shoes, Etc. Prices reasonable and
good work guaranteed. We also1 an-
dle second hand tires.
JOS. HAIST, Crediton,
Perk Up and Smile
Blues and Backache Vanish
Toronto, Ont.
`Less than a year
ago I was in a very
my back ached
dreadfully and 1
could scarcely drag
c myself . around- to ,:
/7 do my housework.,_,
!0 I started tatake Dr.
fa6ePierce's Favorite
- '/ �� ` Prescription and I'
cannot praise it too
highly for the great benefit 1 re-.
oeived, The backache and pains dis-
appeared entirely and I soon was re-
• stored to perfect health. I know that
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is
the best woman's medicine, for noth-
ing ever helped me as much as this
'Prescription.' I have no hesitancy,
in recommending it to other women.
who suffer as I did."—Mrs. Kathleen
W'hillans, 18 Brookfield St.
Reap the Reward of
Perfect Health
Orilla:, Ont.—"I bad a bad case of
woman's trouble, suffered from back-
ache, nervousness, and disordered di-
gestion. ' I had great pain all the
time, sometimes X would faint at my
work, .1 had one physician after an-
other but they did me no good. I
then took nine bottles of Dr. Pierre's
Favorite Prescription and it fixed me
up, all right, I look much better and
feel fine; 1 will recommend the 'Pre-
scription' to all suffering a$ I `did." ---
Nies. Maybello B. Gratrix, Box 940,
Health is molt important to.-e-riry
woman, You cannot afford to neglect
It when your neighborhood druggist
can supply you with Favorite Pre.,
sc ription in tablet„ or liquid, This
Prescription is made in Dr• Pierce's
Label atom in Briariaburg, Ont, Send
10e Mere. it you WWII a trial Pkg.
Barry, David Lippert, Wm: Deitriehe
Wan. Stade, Alex McLellan, Newton
Clarke, Ernest Hutchinson, .Henry
Link, Ed. Desjardine, John Houlahan
Geo. Scott, Milton Betz, Chr. Fink-
beiner, Russel Warner, Pacide Des-
sardine, John Berney, John Marriott
Geo. Mason, Augustus Latta, James
:Pollock, Samuel McLinchey, Cliff.
Sii.exrit, Humphrey Webb, Edward
Walper, Wm. P. Desjardine, Ed. Gi11
Roy Holt, Austin Hayter, O. Wood-
burn, Thos. Isaac, Noah Gratton,
Dyron Hicks, C. Jones, Wm, Grieve,
Patrick McCarthy, Dennis Mahoney,
Desjardine, Rd. O'Rourke, David
Steeper; Jerry Brophey. -
Fence Viewers—Daniel McCurdy.Jno.
lvIorlock, Ezra Haist, Davi: McKenz-
ie, John Ragter, EI3 Kim&, W. J. Brown,
Geo. Down, Auafin Hayter;
Pound Keepers --Win, Moffatt, Hiram
Shapton, W. B, Gainers Theo Dettech,
David : Eagie,soln, Geo. Webb, Alvin
Baker, Arthur Aamc, Chr, Finkbeieer,
Artbur Baker, Jos. Brenr,,er, Fred Pree
tea-, Silas ,Starnlake+, Lrewip .Kraft, Dale -
id Steeper, Jerry Bnaphey.''
Corr Tag .Irnispeefors—Nelsoin Baker'
Cons. 'I. to 7 incluarti ie;• Mat, Swei tier
Cons. 8 to 15 inclusive; R.dbt: Ca:
ruthers; Cons. 16 , tr 'West . "Boundary.
- Carrried.
Snell—Sweitzer—That the Reevere-
quest £George. A McCubbin,, OIrSx,
pro spar e':a pian forthwith
of Lake View Park at- Grande Be,r,d
being peat sof Lo4,1, Cotta, L;R.M .,: per-;
stisntt be the Plans a,nct Registry .A,crt;
a'''isle yes—That I3y4aw No,''
302 being 013y noralo grant' a tele -4
phoria .franc hh o deer Ctentralia 1,fousnt
Ca,rbla elephpotO CO, Limited, .for
tern of sen ycfreSto tssa [,a3ntsim t[i h-
wry in the i wash 15 : Fatephetr,
having bar +t seal throes tirnieS he,llas;a :,,
d .signed oalfa d.M lit"l l)d,
The Collowi,rng otftgr a SVi�L� p Ys�c!el:
J« hn'Veit: gr adii.g 5,00, 'f`raasur er i or �
Province re C)a',t triol ammere nit tkk-
ets, 10,00; l"aifit tlrio�i� ac,c:a,' 3,05; I)r,
Cleansed by vacuum pressure.
Packed in.spotless warehouses.
Sealed in airtight aluminum,,
IV Mi.". Kms
is sweetly. clean, .wholesome. delicious.
J. J. Williams, ac re- Alma Walla -one
19.50;. Express charge's 60c.; .Municii-
pal World, supplies andf subscriptions,
8.60; Sundry persona, expenses munic-
ipal electron, 134.88; Dr. R. H. Tay -
Dor, acct. re insane iindngenit 6.60; Dr.
G. W, Racey, ditto 7.40; Jonah Kes-
sell dragging 2.50; Henry Eylbes, Tp.
Road Supt for 1922 45.00.
The council •adjourned to Monday
Mrarch 5th at 1 p,xu
Henry Eilber, Clerk.
Greet way
Mr. Hector Murray has .returned to
Detroit, after spending the holidays at
home. He- wa.s accompanied by Man -
ford Belling, Orville Hayter and Ar-
thur Webb, who intend to 'work therm
this winter.
Miss Alma Stewardson has return-
ed from a holiday . spent With, Mrs,
George Oliver in St., Marys.
Mrs. Gordon Ulens spent New Years
in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Pollock and
daughter have manned from the West
and are visiting relatives, here - and at
Grand Bend. -
The members and adherents of the
Methodist Church are u.rged to at-
tend the services regularly during the
next few weeks, as•the pastor purposes
preaching a series of sermons. The
subject next Sunday will be, "What
Jesus was."
A quiet and pretty wedding was sol-
emnized at 4,30 o'clock) in St, Andrew'$
Church, Moosejaw,, on New Year's af-
texinboon, the Rev.. J. A. MalcKeig .n,
B.A., officiating, wheal 'Miss Agnes
Pearl, eldest daughter of Mr. and Kra
E. Ryckman, 250 Axford St. West,
formerly of Chiselhuu'st became the
bride of George Henry Ring, eldest+
son ,of the late George King and Mrs.
Ring, 561 Fairford St East, The bride
who was given, away -by her father;
wore a smart travelling suit of brown
velour and careied a. bouquet of or
phelia roses. She was attended by
ber sister 'Miss Ruby Ryck,r,ant, be-
comingly attired in 2, dress of navy
tricotine,'carrying pink carnations. The
groom was supported by; his brother,
Mr. John Ring. Music was played
throughout the ceremony and during
the signing of the register by the or-
ganist, Mr. Cyril Hampsh.inel: Follow-
ing , the ceremony the bridal party re-
turned to the home of the bride'spar-
ents where suppler was served. The
happy couple left by 'the early even-
ing train amid showers! of confetti and
good washes to spenrdi a short holiday
at eastern- points On their return
Mr. and airs. Kink will reside, at Suite
11, Cecelia Court.
A slow oven} will not spoil your,
baking when you use
That this Bank isanxious to assist the ago
cultural development of Canada is shovitai
by the fact that two»thirds of our borrov ug
customers are farmers.
M Application for credit from you will
be given the most considerate treatment.
Capital Paid up $15,000,000
Reserve Fund $15,000,000
» . M. R. CompIip, Manager.
R. S. Wilson, Manager.
Exeter Branch
Crediton "
Dashwood "
Gaapital Paid Up 5.4,000,00.0.
Reserve Fund $5,000,000
Over 12$1 Bran^.hes..
requires that every -member of the family be made a
partner. That the earning from some partianlar pro-
duct be allotted to each, member. TJien good sense
indicates that these earnings should go to swell their.
savings aaa:count with The Molsons Bank. This will
make each one ambitious to make his product pay.
Deposits iiy mail accepted:
T. S. WOODS Manager,
Centralia Branch opens for business daily.
Furniture Bargains
Funeral Director & Embalmer,
To help bumed Oidaiio Face a
no winter ?
W. H. ALDERSON (Ci,ainman)
Toronto :said of Trade
A. J. YOUNG, No -P13 Say.
Ontario Government
GEO. G. COPPL EY..Ham:tca and
JOHN ELLIOT. Belk,•dle.
Onta= Associated ds of Trade
and Ch of Con=terce
Canadi-.. Maa,:£ar. cera Anon
GEO. S. MATfl4EWS. Bransford,
Western Ontario 1' armed.
-Boards of Trade
MRS. M. SOLrfER,TroctMiIIz.and
R. A. MdNNIS,Fat.
T. & N. O. Aaso ed Boerds oo
Tade,and Ea= Orgranancoa
in Hort/aro Ontario
KOrstao cipalAsaontation
J. . ed'armez. of TOn� «
MRS. H. P. PUJMPTP4Toron+n
Ontario 'Mirka
r=•, 6n Red Cross
MRS. A. H. Wfirr .Cate
Women** fortitote
HE indomitable folk of Northern Ontario deserve your practical sympathy.
Remember, eighteen hundred families have been burned out—and must
start all aver again. These 'wonderfully rich farms, mines and aggressive
young towns will re -build and come back to their own—but it takes time. And
in the measvvhs"le they must live, they must have temporary shelter and there's
nobody to giro it to them if we don't.
Suggestions for contributions from Clubs,
Factories, Organizations, etc.
1. $500.011 wilt provide a Shelter Shack for a Family and Rough Stable for Cattle.
Z. $350.00 will provide a Shelter Shack for Family.
3. $200.00 will provide Food and Supplies for a Family to May 1st, 1923.
4- $100.oe will provide a Wagon for Settler.
5:. $75.00 veil provide a Set of Harness (double).
b. $50.00 well provide a Set of Bobs or Sleigh foga Farmer.
7. $25.00 vat provide a Sewing Machine for a Home.
8 $20.00 it provide Kitchen Furniture for a Family.
9.. $15.00 wi prove Cooking Utensils for a Family
l0. $9.00 w feed a Family for a week.
1 I. $5.00 provide Needles, Thread, Buttons, Scissors or Yarn and �«
Knitting Noodles, etc. to help, outfit a Home and Family.
12. .$.1.00 wit -feed and supply a child for a weelc. -
Make Christmas come back .again_
Picture .a C in a nearly bare ,shack in a burned out town in a Northern
winter, , Hwaskrerla of children up there, remember. Make a money contribution
new and'sirow your northern fellow citizens that the .Christmas spirit lives and
has a real noaoaiag in Ontario. All they ask is bare necessities—they deserve at
least that roach.
Now it is up to yore—every public spirited citizen and chariteble organization.
Spare one der, five dollars, one hundred dollars or whatever you can. Spare
something from your Christmas cheer. Make Christmas up° there a
little less than a grim tragedy. Remember, not comforts, but bare -
necessities in the grip of a, northern winter, is all that they ask. Send
today? Make cheques payable to—
The fern Ontario Fire Relief Committee
Royal Bank `Building, Toronto.