The Exeter Advocate, 1923-1-11, Page 2ong osttion
tong -tie so , it sounded every -day a:r2a
,00nunonplace—,-nothingo inake .suon
a to-do abo6t. That was just Mary
Bates ',a way. Folks seemed to get
of loyal Barik of. Canada
aseamed of repeating ,wiTat Mary haci
, • made light •
Total Assets Stand at $479 3Q2 366 — Of This Ammer:a Liquid i
Assets Are $216 048 an Equal to 49 • 37 %. of LiabilitieS to .
,PUblie—Savings Deposits ShoIV Canadian People .Prattse
The Annual Statement a the Royal sincateled ti the ligita assets are Call
Bank a Canada for the fiscal year I Loans. bons, debenturee end
ended November 80-th diselosos the sbocies (if approximately $48,000,000;
istrong mid Pound peal:ben of be ehq on. therb $20 573 6a2'
batik. With its large and conailete balances due by batiks and banking
em„araaatioa throughout the Demise coerespondents 127,89%715 Caue.
ion, the report of the Royal Bank of titan Municipal Securitiee and 13ritish
Canada refleote in a special manner F.reign and Cooe1n Pth Seeuri-
the general eonaitione of the eountryties, other than eanaatata $7,901,9274
On this acconet there -winbesatise Railway and -other 'bonds V3,462,068,,
faction to find that following the re., Profits Well Maintained.
adjustment period for induebrY and The Peofit and Loss Aeaneett ehowti
trade, the general trend of basdriese that groats have been well maintains
Ls evidently on the upgrade. ed, the tetal for *e year, after ,dea
Of the greatest importance from ducting oherges for management,
the public stanelpeint is perhaps, the itemised intermit on deposits maltiag
manner in whieli the eavings dergosits euis pregielon for all bad and doubt -
have been maintainea in the face a feel delete, having sarnounted to $3, -
lessened industrial Itetivitat 'The sub- 958,469, whicb. eepeals ra.40% on the
atantial total of these aeposits manta. This ninnunt adelea to the
ate that that aveal' great laInPeatien balance a Profit antei Less earried
tbe People have been adding Ina' from the previous year, made the
texially to their savings. This 18 a total amount available lex distribu.-
healthy eign, partieularly in view of tion aasamasa groin tale non paid
the large amount that small invest- in aseseesees- assa evens $2,S56,000;
ors have Placed in. VictarY Bonds *ere 1914S tmnsferrecito ()Mee= Pen-
durirw the petit few years. • Total de- don Fund ;100;000; aPProPriation
posits amount to $372,0a%961,
of which $277,595,882, bear inteeest,
Bank's Cash Poeition
MIS made for Bank Preunses of
a400,000; Reserve for Dominion Gov-
ernment Taxes, including War Tax
The Bank has fully maintained its on Bunk Note Circulation $500,000;
usual etrong liquid rossition, the per- leaving an aanotmt to be 'carried, far-
ce/gage a actual easel on hand and ward to Profit Loss of $1,007,514.
in bank to liabilities to the pabhe That the Ileyal Bank of Canada.
being 28.20%. Of total. eseets of has come thraugh the periodof ust-
$479,862,866, liquid: aesete are • $216.1.- meas Tesralo.n., swaeh sl.Hen
048,881, being 49:37% of lita'bilitiee shape Is an eataance of axle stabilitar
to 'the, polio. Of this• amount cash of our Canadian leaalts and. of the
en hana. and Dominion notes total butsinese sagacity of those in charge
$68,986,920. Other principal Marne of them.
Bell Gold Fish. that they sold readily, I deeided to go
Both pleasure and profit have re- into the fish business on a larger
suited frona an expeaditirre of leee s'ealte•
than one dellars in geld -ash kept in I kept the ones of the first let
an ordinary galvanized iron farm
-watering tattle
This tank is 12 feet in diameter,
and about 30 inches deep. standa
near a well feem which the water is deep red eolor. The white este is new
eumped by a wind milk a large ash, fully eight inenes long,
A drain or escape pipe placed in and. the red <me five inches.
the tat* keepe the water constantly
ehanging, ineuring perfectly pure
Water for the farm rank. The fish
bave never in any way interfered, as
they usually stay near the bottom of
the tank.
The ie alwaye -kept filled to the
brim with clear fresh, water. Wire
netting is pieced over the opening a
bent, ;shabbily dressed eld man
nodded his grizzled head hi. emplhatie
agrecnnent. Esek Moffatt had brought
his reputation with him when. he had
likOITQa into the tunable -dawn cabin on
the Tanuex. Hill Road twenty years
before. The nei;,.),00rS had looked
askance at the 11:-AVC:Onier. No one
but God knew that Esek Moffett
elearr Ive straiog t, and no ooe
bit God knew how Dear the wortby Atli went well until in the:over the atosts•
aspiration came to perisaieg ia the morning, when they fetehed weal Frank vrieng the etwetee -Cat Of
"rniaeit droveciry taut es iLati iwasngthildsevi. ligThaetrhevrvval-las,t thseannle,ows,:,,,.aretrauTu.m..visiblY shrinking 'alaan his staek`i
Mazy Bat t frame, Hea-vg the 'coat ever a pile
Clopyreeht by the lialieson Book Company
t t. CHA.PTE.R SIXTEEN—(Cont'a,) aseibew had Sapped the mowing lines
1.,%cliraelliove:tiY110.c.':11:Tc)iatsitt:el:rrfeeitila, :iss:e tainhltfet:Oaykr .1,433:',:t:Leernae:'07-ultilhehaeraeyreatel.,:i eseticrittirbOmilfet°,cirlhteorZ613:t*Yi,hie7*°d'-'
s en ar isetonutea the floating ning south el the island and tale "cif labstartcratea, he asked saddenlY,
mom, had lain ed att. their dise veseel• began, to aitunge and "Who's thegt friend to' yeats' whet
owne that motor dory 'round here?",
d k ' tits
other persans to res how liteo, reaa . Uncle Jerity 'fast-e•nea the et et the
' erePandea, 'and be the end bed brought weep her ze e in e, reps.
I evidence them was' 'to tstapport theila elide testa tcaree aft, and Frank and he "That's th' feller," tasial West vett
f , act "BilaMtutnestan, ye mean?" 1
The serious blue eyes el a u nursed the small craft among the "Dare know whet' hia Place la?" 1
IP° ug br eking orestte. It 1 al elc . 4
woman who had listened: to tare home- ' e - ' — vas, i a 'lark "Yee ---bot what d?ye want ham
i iy ea-log.7 eaoany urea with teara, lo • li with ram, and for a" enquired Captain Clerk, erawle
i Then she fell to sataing sally. ,, when the puffs bit in they had to ing painfully upon the wharf. 1
1 ______ _, ,_,_ eyess , e ,0„ , -,e- shoot the schemer up with sails elate "ria git bim t' rem me down V Yer,-
1 4.911,1 c!,4 °Tel. ga w In 1-$' in ting ADA boome snatching at the meuth. Come on, Uncle Show me
i patey, tee some el the 'people tanaes, his house an? Ill teat inea 'oat, Heave
I still reineugherect rtlic girlish iralissere- I erns ,sceet ,g thie phut," bawled. the ahead!"
tion a a decade ago .ana the buey elder man "She's old an' 'hardly able 'rhe two men -walked elong the de -1
1 c hutter ef gossiping tongues. Pew for a &tag like this. Them ol sails
the ugly- tele had "petered tout" with -1 Fear* was not singang now.
I -out leaving a leeting earn/Ica on Elsie men krieve *e vagaries of the .tiate-
1 Graham's good name. But the Fla:: edzare. and w thi;;:g-
I eyes, too maarea to see the ,a,soi,a gees or the whirling rips, and they
aace, paid their 'tribute ea ttenclerl—ap-irelizea
bl"..wfhiPicl'eci: that the
the set :DI the tide Would call apa
i Predation to the kindness 'of n loving-1a.allils their ,stitia arid searaaashiP. The
heart. wind would barely, have bothered a
large telling schooeter, but an old
Saturday Night. forty -foot craft like Judis•on lVforreirs
was not to be driven through tide ripe
in squalla. weather.
"Lookin' dirty," remarked Captain
°I'Et`TAI;te," returned Frank; "but *arts
tb" red flash a' tla Boa -west buoy to
loo'arcl. Once git elaax o' that an' well
down past Trinity an I ain't woreyina
Upl vra-a-tea. aout!"
. A curling crest broke aboard and
'flooded th•e se.hooner in -white 'Wither.
Loggy with the weight of it on her
deck, she eideeped another, which hid
the dock from sight, and Caatain
Mark yelled, "It's aegaira V be too
much for her! We'd better shoot hack
hetet Brier Island—"
"NO! weal drive her!" bawled
•The 'Toronto Hospital for Tnclar-
,44t10E, &n afdliation :With Bellevue elle
Allied Hospitals, New 'York' City.
Ortere a three years" Course of Train.
'In, to'iounx ,wonlen, haVing the rio-
aUlred education, and-det4irotui of be-.
eorefilgnurses.' ThIs. Hospital has
adopted' the eight-houiytem. , The
pupils receiye uniforms of the sChool.
a monthly—allowance and travelling
expensoo to and. trim New York. For
further information apply to the
ef we git in by noon-! woint mind;'
but drive her, Metlies,on, as I'm in an
awful imery."
Ilea laid a 001111,se over towards -
Cape St. Mary's( to run down in the
lee 'ea the land, and it was ten miles'
of -water whieh ie not liltelte;
to forget. Twiee the little dory wale'
deluged, in a sea, and, °nay frantic
bailing upon Westhavee's part saved.
them arom shaeings. Twiee the le(beter-
Mall wanted, to turn back, but Freak-
-would not let him. "Jest a few /nine'
utee mere, Bill," he would say, "ant.
we be oat o' this. You keep that'
engine es-goirl keep -th' amyl'
top to' thy water. She'll be all eighttl'il
And even test he spoke the woade she
almost filled to the evamange. Luckayl
the engine wiae enclosed inside ai
water -tight bulkhead, and whatever!
water poutreel into the cockpit of the`
boat it failed to enter the engine comet
nartment. •
persons perhaps itaderateeel fully how ca hem ain't up to much, either."
for breeding, and eta have two, be
of which were red at one time. At
present, however, one is perfectly
White The other has retained its.
It is interesting to note that when
confined in the customary small, glees
bowl, the fish cease to grow. When
fi.rst thatched they are black but
elea.nge color graduallys
Very little care is required When
the large open tank. They need not
:be fed in summer since. they find ,suffi-
cleat flies- and bugs which light on
the detain to insure the safety of the abbe water. In winter, a feed of rogue
fish lar fish food, once a week, has kept
them in healitay condition. When con-
fined in close quart.ers the water
should be eleanged and they should be
fed, twice each week. 'rho feed. can
be purcha.sed, at a atug store or
Placing the little hats all in a row,
Ready for ehurch on the rneerow, you
Washing wee faces and little Week
ads, •
Getting them ready azisi fit to be
Patting them int& clean. garments and
That is Wiest mothers are doing
to -night.
Spying out holes in little worn hose
Laing by shoes that are out at the
toes, .
Looking o'er garments se faded and
thee— Frank. "This sant navetban.—
Who aut a mother knows- where to The whine ef the wind and the roam
These quiet pets of mine were
placed in the tank leve.eal year% ago.
My first thought was only of the
Pleasane to be derived from the little
bright, agile creatures darting about
in the -water.
They multiplieci quite rapidly and
eventually I had fish of all sizes and
varieties+, brig -ht red, Ted and Mania
red and white, and some with red;
white and black spots, They live there
the year round, seemingly hi perfect
happinese and certainly in perfect
health. In wiarter a layer of ice -sev-
eral incites thick is often eat from
the top of the water so that the
horses can eleink but It does not harm
the fish.
It seemed quite a neveity to Wow,
When changing the water., always
place the fish in another dish of
slightly stetted: water, whaeh will re-
move the slime which eovems them
when in small containera. This slime
is really uncleavliness and does net
tecoustmatate in the large tank where -
the water is kept continualan -chain.",
The eale of the fish Neill not be a
gold -mine exactly, but is an oppor-
tunity to make more or less "ems&
&singe" according to the ewe which
sew them, that they could be can be bad in which to breed the fiat
raised with se little effort and nearly and the market adeantages.
every one wiethed two putchase two Near a city orr on a public highway
or more. Aboot that time a tank was assures a steady market for the WI -
placed at another 'WOE EGroa finding tire output .at good prices, ranging
awarding to. size and eolor, from 15
cents up. A eaear, plain sign in large
lettering, easily seen at a distmee,
plateed at the .gate dmni. by the road,
Neill do the week. There is eometitnes
rs .anbneft t an epportimity too for selling to the
Cha.nging a autton to make it look
right .
That is Nsba.t mothers are doing
to -night.
Calling the little onete round! her
Healing them lisp forth their sweet
crirening prayer,
Telling them over the story so 'ad .
the Slatting onued. "Wbat's tin
How the Lord t gathers His lambs to ,lniatterap, he awaited. ena sheet
of the breaking rips ago -wriest Ins ut-
terance, and with the spray aria ram
lasthing them they hung aft by Ile
vaheel, while the little craft relaxed
and tuaniblea among the turmtoil.
The mournful hoot of the buoy
whistle to leeward barely remelted
their eams, When the little boat reaied
down to puff and shot up into the
wind with a glutting and banging of
eaile. Frank put tithe helm up again,
but 'the ectlacuoner did not fall off and
serted Neater-aront street, stain -Ming When at last they fetched. up undeen
over lobstem crates, lalleYs', and Old- the lee a the Oaae, Matheson 'wiped
l'Itriheet; stErvadePne eithliongng 'math: altileleesr efaculhwtecl!a'e'ceI jesttlIelabzelutilP
lecitualkoten, eattodwnasd
aolathethe,sF. ra"nalicinesphilavceere-ad in1119ie twht pPoral7riej,cloisaQuirililtvecelrl gittmnr ae'ver
e hau-
Westport," remarked he. "I've Marti ed out in zny,bunk t' make a mar like
new -thin" but a rooster aterowlin earlice that again—not even ef tia King of
we landedt---" England, elf& mute an/ ask me."
"Here's Bill's place," interrupted eHat her eaughed Weethavert
tthlteTe io!''eorheciiienistermorfandaatnlinea'avirytaSselllin'bel3zio:sgelciealeidu,ipliettat7agent:' ntyakleinleaki'ha:nislInclemoBstio,rbtemm'sehke:I:411
the two explained. their mean& liand at bailie, em." And the other
"Run me de -wit, Mr. Matheson, an looked over at him in astonishment.
Nett! tit
puzbao Street, Toranito.
pobootho New Life Raineda.
Dear SI:I—It affords me more
titan mare pleas-utre to add m$tesstateotta to the mane am ear*
utheady have ta merit&
OZ your New Life rnediabie f.or
eelaticra ama rhearmattexe 1 was
great softer& for alougtime atitia
sciatica, e'.4aearring of your
medielne, 1 premixed two ban).
a cured e completely,
itaSt irmao year ago, ead Salve neat
es' lama troubled singe.
Treeting your medicine will bet
come nuivereallalmetwo. a14 mere,-
as .believe will,- sufferer
arto teke it.
t ara youre /rel* Wely„
De bottle for One Dollar. boat
PIN* Dollars, ;rens
t dateet frOM
Weak aa lie -
His fold, • pertea? Take tahOlt an' I go'n see."
Watching, them listen with ehildish Harding the wheel over to his unele,
delight, he °lowed his way for'ard In. time tee offer. ' • 1.Na-itched, "What% that?" be .eja
wasn't just the weather embed lated Ihiactily.
That is what mothers are doing see the jib 'rip itself into ribbons. I It
to -eight. amazes!" he snapped out. "Jib's for a twenty -foot . motor -dory to
, I gone!" He t-unibled aft again and I wrestle with, and when the little craft, Westhaver calmly. "Only Qat Roe.k
"Navvthin', nawthin'," anewexed
CreePing ao softly to talce a last peep, cqinmuuleatelcli
• the intelligence to Wei:swung through the eastern passage down to loo'ard dean' a bit o' °atm, -
.After the lattle ones a:re feet sweep, uncle, "Shea never headI u'l) for Yea- she VMS Met by a tuanadmig breal of ewaraany,
Anxious to know if t.he divildren ans Inatne'l ain't staetira t' split as' she swooped ever their cresta, „Both,
her as1 alatheeon stbood. up and glanced. att
mouth now. Blest ef that rotten oli' sea which almost piteh-poledt
the. white Witten thundleting over the
rail make it worth yer
"Oh, that's right," wad the otheal
sleepily. "When d'ye want V go?"
"I Ichi, itudeesta.nd now," be mu.r.
mused to himself, "how that yam
shaver got hie reputation, Frighte
"Neve—right aow, replied Friank, • hie gang 'Meet to death us sho
"I don't went t' waste any more tune. water ce ',archer in n. u' -wester
'We've bin all night a-ontede ,leanal did he? Hugh l 1 believe it, fox hea
Long tCove, in a little bit of At vessel, a elog—a proper, riperotaxing dog, ant
but we bust our jib off tin Settawest , n e
Ledge atin had V make a s.leo.ot_ for
a, very nice morass' for
1111"ThrTilfouttair clioin"e dieenihinjeetedd. theup tomathil; mate aaaay. The wata 1.Faa died ao.wa
Signealaaltenstrocaren thaste—hoo't' f* or storm ttmaenteltous bewell'erl ollrtgthinerferolvm"thae
e4ms-'" eia'euhteci: Westilajv'erz% "Yoe,' aouthiaxtd—a swell which hove Owen'
291111416hatheeensongine.lasUrrgherlstee,TA3nall htleiltellk4-etreend wathtereni. bLetikweeena,
shipper. Wait till git clothes on steeple -chaser rushing the hurdlea,
an a bite to eat. Draw to tin stove they swooped over the great undirla-
tar' an? dry ,Yeerselaes. th,e, tione with sickening plunges, until
totle:a.aroman OaD =age ye sante lama teat Rock bell buoy cla,riged warn-
' Ing then. Then the engine., whittle
Within half an hew Nms' mulkY,•up to that thne had been mining like
and Frank turned) to his uncle and a clock, gave a few coughs and; stop -
said "Thar's no oda for you „e go.
an try tan' git a new jib. Ial Shovr len
same back, alaedmi. stallartheodsecnr:lhiciovno: tthhechafityc_hwhisaaect
Stay -with aln boat 'tit 1
this afternoon 'or to-neorrow•rnervini7 but the engine remained: quieseent,
,,' !and in the haste born a feafthe lob -
"Go an' turn in, CaVelt,'' sail(' german yeniced the movable bIllk-
MaantA;e: nidir urlY,Ther. cal'ecurblortIor'llivifryest!flele'igiariv:ir3reisarthabtheut;t rhelaidaroaritrna;mugt°toouto, tefinra.m7e3Woutlioa: veaviaNNue.tadblsetowattnePstk;aimnehien;
matiern, gladly availed himself ol
R was eleven otclock when. they
fetched to windward of the North.
west Fairway gas and whistling buoy
d beaded for Cape Forchu fiva
I retail firms in the city. One good way
to introduce wares, is to interest a
grocer tO on eornmission. 'He ca -n
place several small aquariutas about
6 in in diameter with two or three
fish in each, in *e winclew along with
his other display. They willl add to
the attractiveness of the window and
will find a ready market In a small
town, he may charge little or nothing
e th
fois eervioe.
I final it more effective to place a
earclboaed Agit one or tevo etore
windows, giving my name and the
places of the fish.
Tucking the blankets round, each. little "We can't make it now!" ahouted1i,janer,saat.clafkl'esonnk, tith ye heyngit: great black bulk of law eat-leke mono-,
want, - e well—"
anan, the other. "In with tin mains 1 and hatch arawn almost -to, nursting the
- I I
rth a ecant thoueandleet to leeward'
Kiesing each little face, all rosy and 'we'll run for West -Port. Quick, •or cougliing motor as. she plunged: ns, the ',Aanaadritighletysilihhtegacriveoctliinitemailichil7a..ow"Get
alight—. &eat swamp in -this bovelie drink. sea -law. The rain had ceased, but
That is avant meth daa.n. We're 'Illtst eatep o' di' blatne'sbuogl" it WGS blowing. stiff from the south- g°nweesct%)ansnerl" a. odded. ware are ef you
totnig,thlt. ".- Ripping ont healthy:1, Bank. erath.e: east, and when they left tite bar loom don't gat that engine fleas:oaf, we
gneeling down gently .iseatei
-----te eae" clawed, the mainsail down andetiecl it land was shut out by a damp, fog-
, mas on Judson Morets et sails, Prank of Brier Island astern alt seven of aittleemiira do9e,, .ttliaytes.t,i. abet nava for
white bed, up. "By the ol' Judeel" lie said' bit- 'like =1St The lobsterman bent to the engine
Lowly and meekly eho bowie -down. her tertil5r. "El 1 ain't the ocriginal ring -I Frank bad never been in a motor- again ants nverivauaed it in feverieh
heed, tailed Jonah, 1 don't know who Isla boat befolioawnalquittieekstoltshee'tomhiakse Intl-- ilibtettebuazinidord every awatimitnine gthtahreoabkeadsaTekofe
t• e . , • .. y , t
Praying as +Only a mother can pray, He started the feresheet, and the .panson.
acted sguade and: keep abem from going echooner wore round and headed' for , The other pondered before replying. ,peaspiratiaa &arca off his tam
,"Look. pleasant, ,pllease," said the
photogaspbser to his (more or less)
'fair sitter. elicit! "It's aaa over,
ma'am. You may realms 71011.r. na-
tarel expressian"
Minarda LIaiment for Cotiahs-S Colds.
Grand Psaesage. "Slam now, you or "It's 'mast blitattY mile -down to th' "It's no use," e said at lest. "Bate
barge! Yeira run home e. eig'ht Cape, but with this south -easter ant tehen' I ain't got ta
quickelan ye'll head tb! way -want title eetti,n' tagin us we ain't aegoina to ries y give mt. a,
t' go!" make bit' run in leefan five hours. I
It was just breaking daylight when got a goo 4 strong engine here what
they shot into the eastern passage kin shave her along- 'bout ten mile
and glided in alongeide one of the in sleek water, lout with wind ant
Westtport Wharves: tide in our teeth we kain't make
"What are ye pleemin' t' da now?" inorePn six."
enquired Unele Jermy, after hie "Um! 'Tie five ,oatletelt now. Waal,
Mary Bates's Way.
Though the bit of hill eotnitry was
thinly people, one of rale low,
weatherairowned fartnhouees was un-
nonefertably overcrowded one mainy,
gusty winter afternoon The minister
had mentioned filo "large committee
oa netighbers ana friends," in his brief
werosalts The deceased he had said
was a stranger to him, but evidently
ell who had 'known her had held her
itt high,. esteem.
"Marry. Bates," said a nadelle-aged
woman, wipieg her eyes as ehe stood
beside ate eoffin,, awae one a the kind
Who always believed the bent of every-
body'. met ein, Of it either. Mary
had ouch a Wild, quiet, convinced
way wita het that she made the fate '
she talked with tbelieve a {poi deal ae
ahe nil A story'd stext,---sone term-
ettay, tdtairtegmg etery, don't you anew,
--and Marra cat it: oYer, as She'd cut
a &gee that dithrt fit, She'd trim out
Jae ugly part lied like enough explain
what was letz.zieg oh everybody's
Kiwanis favties Active laniagiititon. Folic
4,0460 areesetasse
MPRESSt1) with tlae fact that Canada's tutuie progress and the future of lier national reliever; to
J. letge' extent depend 'upon a progresaivo and trigorohs.immigristion policy, the Itiwanis Club of Montreal,
recently set afoot a campaign in favor of a change in the 'immigration laws of the country. The campaign
was a distinct success from the start and through the efforts of t'ne committee appointed, a Riwanis immi-
gration day was observed in most of the Canadian cities en which Kiwanis Clubs exist. The above photo,
sa of the ItIontreel Eiwa,nis Immigratiori Committee. From left to right the members are: Hy. E, Webster,
Leo S. Tobin, Andrew C. Gardner, Ed, N, Howell, Secretary; Ed. A. Cunningham, J. Wee. Tt.ylov, Chairman;
Ailae J. aleiltletolin, jee Stanford, ICiwanie Club Presidein; Douglas Bremner, f)yeu ),(151liani ,110,
Cbta.a 4,1 RW011ot gitanaja Age1P.ArY0 and Flank 4,
spare set sheath
(To ibe continued.)
Women Can Dye Old
Faded Things New
in Diamond Dyea;:
Each package of "Diamond Dyes")
contains directions so simple anyr
Woman can dye, or tint her worn,
shabby dresses, skirts, waists, coati,/
stockings, sweaters, coverings, draper-
les, hangings, everything, even if she,
haa never dyed before, Buy "Diamond
Dyes"—no other kind—then perfect
home dyeing is sure because Diamond
Dyes are guaranteed not to spot, fade,
streaa, or run. Tell your druggist
whether the material you wish to dye
is wool or silk, or whether it is linen,
cotton or mixed goods,
The Exceptions.
Mr. Downey was holding forth withki
honest pride touelhing his finanoial Ina
"Barring me landlady attd me wash-,
ersionsann said he, "Oi owe no matt Eta
tilnartia Liniment for !Berns sa. Scalds.. •
During its irfetime the sturgeon
lays about 7,000,000 eggs.
tracked lips,
Makes you/
clear and emoottat.