The Exeter Advocate, 1923-1-11, Page 1EXETER, ONTARIO Prices advancing on Bran and Shorts. Lay in your supply. Manitoba Flour . . . $3.75 T.hURS,PAY` JAN., 11, 1923, On Feb. 1, the Poistoffi,ce Depart- Local Nevus 1 School Report meant will inaugurate a new system• .of d R. G. Seldom PHONE 81 W. The Men's Store Buy Clothes At laman 's SUITS from $15 to . $40 OVERCOATS from $10 to $35 SWEATERS .., from $3 to $7 UNDERWEAR ... ...from $1' to .$2 COMBINATION UNDERWEAR from $4• to $7 MUFFLERS from $1.50 ito $2.50 SHIRTS ... ....., ...from $1 to $2.50 TIES ,•• frldm50c. to $1.50 • BRACES , from 50c. to $1.00 GARTERS ..;efrom 25c, to 50c SLEEVE HOLDERS ...25c. to 50c. HANDKERCHIEFS in silk, ]mean and lawn. <r SOCKS in silk, wjoal and lisle:_ JiAT,s r ...:•.. firm ; $2 to $7 CAPS y. froml 50c: to $2.50 W. N. Tarnan Tailor& 1 °u.rn. sn.er Our Corner advising about the despatch of reds- R. ea'is a e - Mr. John. W. Taylor is confined to The fallowing result shows the rel- tend articles . The. change affects `14e bed tlrnatngh :linters:" ative standing' of the pupas of Roam only the record ,of despatch of rega'si V. of the Exeter Public School,- tered articles, and the new ruling will, Mrs. E. Sanders is recovering after Sensor IV. -Eugene. Howey 78 per a'. greatly improve the system now in an rllukesof two weeks. Force and will lessen the danger of Mr, Percy Hewett is i11 with quinsy registered mail being last, as well as and confined to his''hame,. render that department much ;none ef- ficient. Numerals have been used to good.advantage in drawing up the rntew Ask for The Advocate clubbing lust when orderine your papers. 4.0 The thermometer ¢registered 3 below system, and after thea first of the man, zero during Saturday night, fir a number placed after the name Mrs. 'Redden iii :ill aril unable toe of the place from which the registered Attend 6n he,r duties at the Jackson article is sent well' fumy describe the Factory. registered article through the entire, The Salt Well resumed operations transit. The riew instructions also ,,en,'Monday, having previously cloned state that on and after Feb. 3. tale, aye- clown for want aft coal. kniowledgment of registered mail will be discontinued. Shortly Parliament will assennible at Ottawa for thy. Session of the present year. Some significant changes have take/Z place sircq the last s:esslioan, whereby the Liberals will bie in a stronger position than at any time since, the last elections, owing to cer- tain, of the Progressives going ..over hence e. t to that party, lr an el th y will. doubt; less have a working majority. This being the case Canada will look to the Liberals to carry out policies and promises of which" more was heard, s t' st than hassice be on the hisn been heard in theHouse.The moist im- portant policy esseintial to the welfare of Canada, is that of econ ioiny and retrenchment. During election time ,much was made:, of 'this policy ma e.marh theiHen MrK` who byw d uig, Y attacks upon the 'extravagance of the previous administration; and critized Mr. Meighean .with a severity whilch clearly calls for a policy, of the strict- est .ec,anomy. Quite a little snow storm prevailed on Tuesday, and it would not take There are t ilr a disttaet, species aa• much more to make_ good sleighing. • pine. native to Canada,bait, of these iMr. R. W. Fuldel as able to silt up three are ,of little un!Gemes!t from a and to walk around the house a little now and hopes soon to be, well again. practical standpoint. The other six are of .great commercial rarnp:oa?tautce; ! Hockey Ennis are rarely missing the they comprise, in the East,' the white' h!ockey games this waniter. There is red, and jack pine, and in the. West. • great lack of anything to shout the Western whr,be. pine, the Wesitern yelbow pine, aiivd the lodglepole, or Western jack pane. about. The trouble with frosty air as a substitute for rouge is that it gives a glow to the noise as weal as the The. columns of the Advocalte are cheejts_ open for short letters to the Eciiator Mr. A. j. McDeju has been show - upon the topics of the day, out as- ing decided ampnaveaulen,t the last `few sume laca responsibility for a he opin- days, and haves are now :enterltarne+d ion.s expressed in such communications. for lads recovery. All letters must be signed by the On Tuesday next the Seaforth First writer, Not necessarily for pub]ica- Degree team will cantle" Ghat degree. tiara, -hut as a ma:tte,r of goad faith. on five candidates in the Exeter Lodge 'Such a policy has' not yet been in troduc:ed. The debt of the country has not been c ecreasl d, but : on the contrary, promises to be considerably increased by the loan' of $150,000,000 which is now under conisaderati�onn. The deficit ori the aperatilon of the Gov- ernment railway system is now atm - fling over a million dollars pen, Week. The finances of Canada are not im- proving, and the country is alapiping deeper and deeper, iri, the, mire oft debt, It is to be hoped that the tFinaurlce .Minister will introduce.; a system' Which will automatically segregate from the revenues of the. Post Office Depart- ment the revenue derived from the stamps on checks. This should lave been done long ago, when the 'tax was increased. Revenues have been high from this source and to allow this revenue to ga to the credit side of the postal department is simply to encourage extravagence and ineffici iency in that departmenit; and give it iy false: standing aa the Public accounts. The public looks to Ottawa 'Go sirb- st3tute action for talk.• People who operateradia outfits re- quire to have a license from; the Mar- ine and Fusheei�es Dept„ Ottawa, or they are liable. to a heavy .fine. An amateur's license costs a dollar, and. a lot of valuable literature from the department including 'a. 1]s t,, of broad- casting 'stations in Canada. acres with it. DR. JOHN WARD - CHIROPRACTOR & OPTOMETR1ST HAS MOVED TO MAIN STREET,` SOUTH of Y,P.C.A. EXETER A.GENTS FOR. "THE HOIJS1i OF 'HOBBERLIN" Phone 70. lunior armers No doubt y,au havel been making; a study of the best feed far pigs, If you can find e feed containing, 19 per cent, of protein, and only 5,36 of, fibre, surely, that is the feed you lia,Y;e been look • - e This feed wall "3a known as BACON BUILDER and can bi had at very le ona!ble price, Try it. :arvey Bros. room of the Oddfellows. D. D. G. M. A eiewspaper ,published in the cen- Harburn will also install the officers tre of a rural community at a,ruam- on the same occasion. ;:nal, price of one and a half dollars :remember The Advlocate` has a per year is about the cheapest thing newspaeper clubbing list that includes on the market to -day. The price does ay daily or weekly inewsva,p0r or any 0 c theca n arnd of over cost of ubla to not p , ruNnthly journal. We save you the other revenue mustbe drawn fabm a trouble of sending for them, and in sources besides subscription. Imost cases save you a little money The, library of the Dominion Ob- besides; seervatary, Ottawa, consists at present W E ,of Calledonlia,, Mirttn send Dr • J Mrs. McTaggart, Mrs. McLaren, Miss 1 Dr. J. W. Browrning and sans -Dr, cent, Frank Creech 74, Hugh Creech 73, Marvin Flowey 68, Marjorie Clark 64, Kathleen Heaman 63, Marjorie Medd 63, lone_ Russell 62, Florrie West 61, Mabel Win.egarden 61, James Comae- 60, orrnaor 60, Muriel Howald 59, John: Kuntz 58 Teddie Taman 57, Jack Gambrill 55 Reggio Beavers 53 Lva Betts 51, Jim, Betts 44. Junior IV. -Vera Mooney 69, Lillian Baker 68, Vera IvMD•onald 66, Irwin Ford 65 Doris Salter 63, Lyle Dis- ney 63, Stella Northcott 62, halt Walter 62 Harry Jen lags 59, Alda. McDonald 58 Harold Skinner 5'8,Greta Bloomfield 57, Wanetta Nelson 55 Catherine Woods 54, Nona Reeder 54 Sydney West 53, Ida Mitchell 50: Irene Bierlin:g 5,0 Clifford Hutchinson, 44. G. S. Howard, Principal OFFICERS ELECTED BY HURON OLD BOYS; Toronto, Jan. 6. -Huron Old. Boys'. Asaa(ociaition marked the 23rd year of its existence last night when the mem- bers gathered in annual m'eleti& in the assambly hall of the Celn'tral Y. C A., College street. Addrtess- esr remilaia.ceant of Huron County were given by School Trustee W. O. Mc -t Taggart and R. Holmes, Ex -M. P., of West Huron. Mr. 3, A.. McLaresi pre- sided. The election of officers resulted as follows : Hon, presidents, Sir John Willison, W. O. McTaggart and F. W. Hodgson; president, J. A. McLbrern; est 'vlice, Mrs. L. S. Scott; 2n;d vice Mrs, R. C. King; 3rd vice, Mira. Nt B. Cobbledick; sec'y, E. Floody; as - Ji L.M. F an f.rr- �t tt-sec' Mrs,l sm , Crm, Y, T Flyane racial -sec y, Miss Grace l�ervton; tress, John Robertson; auditors, J. A. Cam- eron and R.. S. Sheppard; eexecutiavvie ciammittee, Mrs, Martin, Mrs. Beck, Mrs. Floody, Mrs, Fagin;, Mrs. Morris, oaf about eleven t us nd boundvol- ' b ao l a<lou of Emerson, On performed ser•- Campbell and Messrs. H. W. Timmins,: inners, pruic. pally sof an astronomical ious operations an the fallowing in R2, Holmes H: J. D2arris, S. 'l.'. Scott, and mathemalticall mature. 'Mils . is this neighborhood :-John Ballant .ne believed to be onee, of the beat:of the Y , G. ,Nen R. R. Kink, J. N. L ob- Farquhar;; Ronald 'Flfard, Elirnvil;e; G. A, Newt�om, Cracker, •B. Cab - newer astronomical libraries in ,ex- Miss R)orathy Gould, Lake Road; Wm. biedick, W. J. Young, E. J. Was hi, j. $stersc e, SANDALS 161 C1t 1s01i Centralia .The Flax Mai ceommenced the Sea- son's work of scotching last week, Mr, Wm .Colw:1I, who has been in the West for the past thr`e'e months, returned home on Saturday:' Mrs. McLean and; little_ daughter, who have been with friends in St. Marys., for the past snanth, returned hame int Sunday. Mr. Cecil Eaman, whin has been ac- contntant in the Bank here, has been transferred to Brisden, and Mr. Me - Falls of St. Marys, takes his phyte her. SCHOOL REPORT OF S. S. No. 14, Stephen,, re Examinations held in December, -Sr. 4, Genevieve O'Brien 85 per cent Harvey Godbalt 71, !Vlur- ray Neil 68; Jr. 4, Jean Spencer' 74 Jewel Spen,ncer 63, 'Mildred White 58 Jolla Smith 56, Sr. 3, Hazel ,Smith 89 Wanda Willis 83, Verna Smith 63, Gar- field ar field. Nell 50, Jr. 3, Wil1'�a'am Richards• 70, Sr. 2, Gerald Gadboit 66, Jr. 2, Minnie Snaith 83, Marrilon Sirir,clair 83 Earl Frey 62, Geta. Vtr ite 49;. Steelier First, Gwendolyn Hacks, Mabel Smith! NIaumice White; Jr. First Edna Sch- ultz Donie Essery. Andrews Exeter. �hBeckand Dr pb„_,.ps Major Joseph A p b . t E A R B. Stanvbury, Thist marked the 20th Two Scotch brothers, had sworn off. Presbyterian minister in Exeter • went after the profes.sin.g Christians c ars'ecutive year in which Mr. Floody Sanely suggested keeping a bottle in f rakifr ,t ec 'arm to ke has been elected secretary, Rev. C. do the stares stay .open ' was chosen, as chi»lain. It was decid- gale, of illness. It was, purchased and lir making i necessary put away. Ae£fer three days Sandy stares open until 12 on Saturday A, Seager, provost of Trinity Collegie r an he seal, because • th:e shoppers are coming ea ed t•o .hold the, annual at home on Feb. , n7hts, But could b ear it no longe d 1 ' 3 • "Angus, I arch ll," "Co.a late, said 16 next. in Oddfellows Hall The as - Angus, "I was ill all -day yesterday." do• the shoppers go because they , -_ has .. membership. l rnn kaiow the stares will be a, a, i ___:_ The presenit y,eair will stand as a � don Advertiser.• _-__ record, in the larrge{,numbler of music- INAUGURAL; MEETING. ipalitaes that have eiec\tLedi their count cils by acclamatiyon. In the riding of I, The ,inaugural meeting of the Exe- West Elgin there wja,s, not a single ter Council was held in the Team. Hall contest, on Monday morniin,g last, when 'the ;- m,eeting was opened with prayer by "Clay makes new complexion." I,+f Rev. James Foote of Caven Church. years ,oras fee_ wnd dead in bed at ,the. that is se_ we know' lots of little boys The. Reeve and Council took and sub- home of Mrs. Johan, Bushfield 01 who should develape into beauties: scribed to the oath of office, with �t1�•a Logan. He Was in, apparent good exception of Mr. Ellerington, who was health and it is believed death was A woman does:n't always think about absent. The reeve gave a short talk due to heart disease.A widow, two her books. At times she thinks about on the work to be done this year, and' suns and two daughters survive. The some 'other woman's looks. • as the council was the same, as ilast remains were taken to Blyth for, in- year, the committees were, left as be- termeuvt. The 'bachelor divides woiruen into fore. Adjournment was made until twos types : the clinging;,vine type and .Tuesday evening, BLYTH TRAVELLER FOUND DEAD IN BED. Mitchell, Jaen. 8. -Jelin Colclaugh, a drvgoods traveller of Blyth .aged 58 MINISTER ARRESTED AS Rua -RUNNER Edward Allen of Seaforth, aIso Cltarg- With Liquor Smuggling. Sarnia, Jin. 9. Rev Roland Crouch; of Port Huron, formerly Free Metho dist pastor in that city and Edward Allen; of Seaforth, Ont., were arrested` in, Port .Huron this, afternoon by Am- erican officers actiing with Inspector, W. J. Coulter of Sarnia, and Inspec- torcared •Whitesides of Hens h all g, a t e.itlr emu liquor across h �v smuggling bor- der from the United . States to Sea - forth. A many • named Jas. McLeod, said to line in Sarnia, is already in jail an. Seaforth. It is alleged that the liquor • r o nes e: emu ed across aanta urh been, ,n gg Canada for some time by Crouch in(a coupe and his garb of a minister err abled ham tea avoid search on many previous occasions. The liquor which has been sanuggled is (said; to e: Mich- iganlike ' e with kick moon barna tca ^t.'aru a rs Missouri mule. the clinging gown type. The first time Eve gave Adam. a. GASOLINE CO.MPAYN ASSIGNS. calling down, he probably referred to' An assignment hens been made by it as a rib roast. the Pure Gasoline Company, Limited. of Toronto, The company &olld "En- No church ever had to stop in the ergy" gasiouine, and wasp well known by middle al a collection OD go and that name ,in this district. Loca], share - empty the plate, hsolders have received word: of the as- ' sigma -sent. A meeting- ,of the share - S ti live, girls, that you wild be given hioldersw; 7.1 he head in Toronto on away by your dad, not by 'r aur catty January 18th. friends. Whether the gasoline was: of better I{ grade wje are !riot prepared to say, i STILL GOING STRONG. but certain it is that the 'nperatiouvs of the company reduced the place: Of the 1007 newspapers' published of gat to usleirs ,in this district ]aslu in Canada last year the weeklies had summer. a total average circulation of 1,924,223 --- copies each. issue. This• goes to show Mrs: Rosds,torn was in London that the place of the home newspaper Saturday. .is - nnet being invaded. Rather does it Mrs. T. •S. Woods; and Miss Marion inetljcate that its place is ye,t warm :m, were in London on; Saturday. the hearts of its countrymen. Mr. Frank Taylor is visiting with his sister, Mrs. McTavish at Shakespeare. Mr. S. TVL Sainlderslwase in Toronto r" .l' a. few days •dtsnang, thea twelek :ary bus: �G.��� iJ (1 nese. iv1iess. Gertie Wainer has unturned to Mr, and -Mts. Garnet Wildfo:ng left Toronto to resume h it dutiesi as mini- on Monday:. for Detroit,' where they finer, intend residing ,Airs. T. 0, Southcott returned Sat - Mrs. Henry England returned Sat- urday from a visit 1 Brantford and urday' from London, where she under- Went an Preston• ' operation, �]' P Mr and .Mrs. Ericson of Aberdeen, Mrs. Rueben Goetz has ae.turned from a visit in Sarnia. 4 South, .Dakota, are vasrting .with 1Vfrs, Mr. G. Nadiger is visiting in Pres W. Ga Bis ett. on t School re -opened last week. Miss Mrs. VLr:aod, who has been, visiting Avery sof Mitchell 110,s been eehgaged her brother, Mr. H. S. Walter, re- as teacher for the jtinaar ricin, .of tour turned to Hamilton can Friday. school.;" Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Montgomiery left Monday on their return to Weyburn, after a visit at the home of Mr. - lea'', Handford. Mr. Harold Wright, who is attending' college; at Toronto, visited at the home Of Mr, Wm. Ford, Usborne, for e few clays. • Mr: and Mrs, Ed, Heideman were men's Association wii be held in the ,called to Toronto on Friday owing to the serious ii, es's; .af their drug Carnegie Library on. Wednesday, don- ter :Mise Emma: 24, at 2 o'clock for the purpose of Take potice.that from rad after this ANNU,�1;lra MEETING Exeter District Branch of the Ontario. Plowmen's Association' The annual meeting of the Exeter District Branch of the Ontario Plow - electing officers for the ensuing year. and: transacting other business. A11.3"- one nyone •interested should attend this meeting. The Directors are particularly re- quested to meet before the, annual meeting at 1.80 o'clock sharp: J. T. ALLISON W. H. SIJAPTON President Secretary NOTICE . date •I, Richard •E,Ls'tjon, of the Town- I Perth, farmer, Will not be responsible .for any debts coutractedlby, or arn,be-1 h Lt of my wife, Lenorah Elston., Dated, January 9th, 1923, laICI-IARD •ELSTON,. slap a of. Blansliard, in the County of We seem to meed a law compelling hotels and re'startIRntSi to label their salt and pepper shakers so they cane be told apart. BIRTHS Coyle -In Wirnds,'ar•, an, Dec. 31st, to Mr. and Mrs; Jack Coyle; nes Belle Gould, a daughter -Marjorie Belie, Wein-At Dashwood, an June 3, to Mr, and Mrs. Herb Wein, a son. MARRIAGES 'Petreau-Neeb-At • the Evangelical parsonage, Dashwood, an Jan. 2, Miss 'Myrtle Neeb, to Mr. Ira Tea- reau, both of Dashwood. Radcxffe-Foote-In Toronto, an Dec. 30, Earl Radcliffe, son: of Mr. and :Mrs, R•abert Radcliffe of Granton;' to Masa Jean Foote, of Toronto. DEATHS Steinbach -In London on January 5th Daniel Steinbach formerly of Zur- ich aged 76 years. PHONE 16 J. A. STEW lattaataiatarsiataaaamon PHONE 16 When we ars STOCK TAKING G you will find man BARGAINS on our Counters. FLANNELETTE ENDS in a -variety of lengths and patterns. These are good cloths and will clear at 20 and 25c. per yard. e t PRINTS for apron's and holies dresses, pleasing patterns a 20c. ad SHIRTINGS in Black and Whitey and Blue and White, good heavy weight, and cut in shirt lengths, priced at $1.15. SPECIAL PRICES ,cia Ladies' Coats, -Fur Sets, Sport Hats, Brushed Wool Gloves, F,aricy • Handkerchiefs, Dress Serges hosiery .and Shoes., • Men's and Boys; Overcoats, and Suits, • Fur Coats, Sweaters and Sweater Coats,. Underwear, Sox, Heavy Rubbers and Work Mitts BUY YOUR GROCERIES HERE. Shredded Wheat ...,... 12c. Corn Flakes, 3 for 29c - Oatmeal` 6 lbs,' for 25c, Cbristles Sodas 15c. per lb:. Palm Olive Soap, 7 for 53c, Seeded Raisins, 180. per pkg.. J. A. ST WART Bring us your Butter, ,eggs, and Poultry.