The Exeter Advocate, 1923-1-4, Page 16:EXETER AI I'OrATE, TJITJBBDA.''Y J.7111i,'4,; 182¢ xeter ` Markets CH A,NGED .P.VERY WEDNESDAY Local Doings 1 otstmaster Pfaff; 'Who has, been con,- fined to his beet far several days, fs impromitear. 'Tile '`N11sses Merrill Who have been Smoot• ae-ropen,ed an W.edneaday, Wheat • „1._,1,5,.. sufferers. from chronic • ,rljaaxanat'vsn, the teaclters'and students, who, were * Oats• "' „ ,...; a,,,--;'_ have crane to Seaaorth Hospital •; .to away. floe 'the :vacation, retunnpng to Ba Gy .. _... .. 60', receive -treatment tkieix wbrlt. . ll�tatabas Best `fi } 345 Family Flour a, 3.70 Cdr. Jai= •Connor, one of, our moat Pastry 'Flour ... 3.45 esteemed and respected residents, cel Feed Flour 2,00 'eb.rate ] lava nth va-thday ,oar Sunday, 1.50 Dec. 24th, He is in goodhealth, en - Bran .. 1,35 joys all has faculties,; and. gives prom. - Creamery Butter' .... 43 to 45 cse of a nurnb;er of, years, yet' to, be Dairy Butter. 36 to 39 added to ,his, four scare, and _en., New Laid Eggs .. 50 �Ia S Fittorta •verandah Har awls Lard 18 to 22 Larne tU gaief os. Weadnesd .nightlaat Hay per ton S9 00 to 510.00 Potatoes ..... ..... ..75 or 90 Hogs 10.00 ANNUAL MEETING OF EXETER HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY . _ .. The Annual Meeting of the Exeter Horticultural Society will be held(in the Carnegie Library on Wednesday evening, Jaii:uary 10th, 1923, at 8 o'clock pan.' for •the purpose of re- ceiving the reports of the Secretary Treasurer, the Board of Directors, elect officers for the coming year and transact such other business as may come before the meeting. J. G. Stanbury, Secy.-Treas. J. S. Harvey, . President. ANNUAL MEETING "EXETERAGxRICULT'L SOCIETY. The Annual Meeting of the Exeter 'Agricultural Society wall be bed in the Town Hall Exeter, on Friday, January 19th, 1923, at 1130 ,o'clock p.m, for the purpose a£ .electing President, Vice -President and Directors for the year and tran,saetiilg other important business. All members and interested parties should attend this. meettingt• The Directors are particularly re- quested. to meet before the annual meeting at lao'clock sharp. THOS. EIUNKIN R. G. SELDOal President Secretary. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SThPHEN. I wish to thank you for your kind support in the recent municipal elec- tion. VICTOR SNELL when. Mr. W. H. Armstrong',, in order tc� rias; Dr. Hyndman'a car, ran • into at ,.anal:shag tarp of. the( support pasts, then, struck a Hydro pole, thus) saving. a third post, and the verandah train clolial:Si g. Mr. Ariatrong's car was c,on:sciciiL,ay damaged. SHEEP WORRYING DOGS;,, The Municipal World, answer to a question m. regard to the owners of sheep`-worryirig dogs being known, replies as follovv*,s ; "It its only when owners of dogs are unknown, that the council has authority to pay damages for sheep killed, on the valuator's ire-:, port. The owner of the sheep killed by dogs, some of which are knlowni, shoulo take proceedings before a nab astrate, who has authority To, appor• tion the, damage among they respectilve own.'ers of the dogs,. If the atrmountt apportioned cannot be recovered from th;e owner,. of the clog, the municipal— ity must pay the cost. Dogs, known to hill sheep must be k ,led within 48 I hours after notice is given, to owner," SIBBALD-BRIAKWOOD, The, marriagie of Tensile Violet, daugh- ter of Mx, and Mrs, J. B. Ri,ck,,vv.god, formerly of Exeter, to William Sibbald took place at noon, at the .Home of the bride's parents, Central avenue, London, Capt. Rev, John Garbutt of- ficiating,. The bride, who was given away by her father, was charming in her wedding gown of white canton crepe, with long pleated side panels. Her veil was of net falling from a coron,et of orange blossoms, knotted with whitey rosebuds and hemmed with beads, and she carr7ied a shower of roses. Miss Olive MacDonald, of Hen- aa11, was the bridesmaid, wearing a smart frock of sand satin. D. Sibbard was his brothelr's best man. After a trip, they will reside in London. FOR SALE Y. P. C. A. EQUIPMENT.—Such as two bowling alleys and accessories, punching bag and outfit; boxiing glov- les, three trapezes, table games, -two stoves and stove pipes, tables, chairs, pictures and many other articles. Apply to Richard Welsh, M. Pfaff, or W. S. Cole. FARM FOR SALE In, Stephen Tp,, Lot 6, North bow- dary, containng 50 acres(, all in good state of cultivation, well fenced and dram; ad • frame house, bank barn, or- chard, lots water. Apply on premises' or by mal to Ed. Penhale, Hay P. •O. RAILS FOR SALE One -hundred rads rail fence. Apply to Jas. J Carroll, Crediton P. O. ACCOUNTS MUST BE PAID. All accounts due the late firm of Francis & Williams must be paid or adjusted by nate before January 1st, otherwise they will be placed . ;in other hands far collection without fail REMOVED. Dr.. Graham wishes to announce that he has rnnved his office to has ,new home, Main Street, opposite the Mar- ble Works. FARM FOR SALE Lot 25, Can. 2, Usborne Tp., coli-. ta.ning 100 acres, all in good state• of cultivation; good brick house, frame barn, well drained, 'good archard; overflowing spring yielding an abund- ance water all the year round; 10 acres in. wheat, 35 acres fall plowing, done, balance. seeded. Apply to Ed. Kestle, Lot 13, Con. 2, Usborne, or on premises, or by maty, Centralia R. R. 1. OLD YEAR OUT, NEW YEAR IN. Mr. Chas: ' •MQFallas and`' Mr. John' Luxton le* Saturday for Bay City, Mich., to attend the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. 'Emma` Nichols. About three months ago Mrs. Niclacala' at- tended the funeral sof liner brother, the late; Fredera.ck Luxton. She suffered a evoke..,of Paralysis a week or so ago,.and Alice then; her case developed pneurrontia. Mrs Nichol was: barn end rained en the farm now Occupied by Mr. John Luxtoin..' She is the last of a family .sof ten. Miss Ila Joiiustotn, who has 1 'een 4:1erking ,for Mr. ° J. A. Stewart' for a number of years, has resigned her position, ceasing ditties on. Saturday. Miss Johnston was always obliging and painstaking and wi,1i be much milssed from behind the counter at that yes- tablishm;exit The vacancy is 'being tilled by Miss Hilda Pot'e, who has been clerking for- Mr. Willits Powe 1, she commencing her new: duties' Moan - day. Mi.0 Powe is no stranger, to the purchasing public, and wi11 also Jae found courteous and obliging. ON Z3rd YEAR, Mr. C. T. Broolcs,1 s; again aeeei;ved the contract to carry the; mail from the Exeter Paotst. Office to the station and vice versa, fax, four years0 Nov, 1st he commenced his 23rd year .on the job, and needless to say', be, bars alwtay's given. the (bent' of sat-' isfaetiionu A number of the old-time ringers gathered in the belfry of the Triiv- itt Memorial Church on Sunday night at the happy suggestion of Mr. Wills J. Powell, and under rather adverse conditions, owing to broken ropes, etc. rang the old year out and the new year in. It was probably not the most. harmonious peel rung from the old belfry for reasons above stated, 'but it was much enjoyed by those in the tower and many of our citizens, as well as some in the country.‘ The• rangers were,: Tiros. Sanders, Robert Dinney,. Day. Davis, Harry Jennings C. H. Sanders. At the conclusion of the peal, the ringers, the rector, Rev. Trumper, and others, participated on a 'luncheon 'of apple pile( and Devon- shire ct'eam, donated by' Mr. and MTS. Powell, which all enjoyed. Yum yum 1 l Mrs. Joseph Senior went to Victoria I-Iospital, London, Teusday to under- go an opeiation. Mr. Herb. Txevethick of Melfort, Sask., formerly of Exeter, is visiting with friends in and around Exeter. He left Exeter quite a nbsn.ber of 'years ago, with his parents and has resided in the Went ever since. .. COAL HEATER FOR SALE.—Base burner and oven, in first-class; keon.di- tion. Apply at this office. COUNTER CHECKS. When in need of Counter. Checks cal; on The Advocate. We can furn- ish you with all kinds at right prices FOUND. -11 place where you can buy British -American gasoline at 31c. -R. Mackenzie & Son, Exeter North'. PROPERTY FOR SALE Consisting of house, stable and 3 lots o° !and, situated in Exeter North can Main.Street. Apply to H. Biier]ing Hay P. O. When in need of `insurance vee E..J, CHRISTJE' Canada Life Insurance .Agent, Also 'Fire and Accident insurance. Exeter -- Ontario.: SALVATION ARMY SERV ICES Services as. usual ,next Sunday. Services in Town. Hall 11 a.m.-Hbliness Meeting 7 p.m . --Salvation Meeting. 2,30 p.m. -Sunday School and Bible Glass, Cottage xn.eetings in North End :ran Tuesday night. Capt. Hopkins Lieut, Hoskins AGED LADY PASSES. After an illness extending over, some years, duce largely to old age, the death occurred at the isosnte of her son, Mx`„ J. 1. VanceF N. B. •Us borne, on Dec. 31st, of .Mary Jane Armstrong, widow of the late William' Vance. Born in Usborne, she had re- sided their a1,1 her life,. and was high- 1_v respected and esbeemled by all who knew her. Besides the son men- tioned, she is survived by two daugh- ters, Mks loam, Simmons of Hibbert, and Mrs. Wm. Frasier of She west. Three brothers also survive, W. J, Armstrong of Emily City, Mich,, Ir - w n) Armatrang of Exeter, and George Armstrong of Paris. Thefuneral was held on Tuesday, interment taking Place . in Stalffa cemetery. Y. P. C. A. WANTED -A than to take charge of the Y. P. C. A., for one year Conditions .: and salary apply to ' either' J. S. Harvey, Rich., Welsh or W. S. Cole: arte.ge Trains tat Trivitt Memorial Church 11 a.m.—"By' the. High Priest's Fire." 7 'p m.—"The Leading of a Stara" Rev A. A. Tramper, Rector,. Mr. Harry Fuke of Toronto was home for New Years. Mr. Thos. Harton of London, was in town far New Years. Ted. Twain visited Donald Glad -i man in London last week. • Mrs Mathews of Toronto, spent a few, days with Mrs. F. A. May. Mr, S. G. Bawden of Goderich \vast a.visitor here for New Years. Mr. Alex. Stewart of Lori•dan spent the holiday with his family beide Miss Margaret Gladman of London visited with friends • here last, week. iVir. Berry of Ingeasoll ;pent rth e holiday with his daughter, Mrs. Seldon •;Vir. axncl `Mes. W. J. Heaana;n, spent the New 'Year in, London with rela- tives. Miss Jessie Manas•on of London was up over the New Years with her 'par- ents. Mr..2nd -Mrs. Win. Snell, spent a few days with Rea. James. Snell Ian Dutton. Mr. Wm. Ryan of Waterloo spent a few days with friends here over the; holiday. mfrs. W. R. Dads of Mitchell is spending the, NI/linter with her' daugh- ter, Mrs. Fred. May. Mr. W. D. Wood, returned 'to Wind - SOT, after a couple weeks' visit with) the Gillespie family. Mr. Edwin Braund of BrantdosK1( spent a. few days during the welek with friends • in town. • 4DAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote; B.. A., Minister 10 a, ni, Sunday School and Bible Classes, 11 a.m.—"Loyalty, to Christ"' • The Minister "Jesus as ,Life" The Minister Boy Scouts W111meetMonday evening JAMES ST. •METHODIST CHURCH Pastor" M. J, Wiasortr; B.A.' The lAiniater at r' both services. 11 a..' rn — 3 p.m—..Sabbath School,'Christmas 'very 1 7 gym*, met during the , holidaay sea- , et' us, to d hoabe; eve ybe friends to„!t1a,e E•.Ast iSI�T :GS • HA:Siv 8t lrtl;mac appropnate.. Alt <',rnvnted; MAIN ST, METHODIST 'CHURCH Rea 'Geos• McAlister, "M dA.. Ishe 21 r3 a Begun tun ,the Y 1 .3 para Bible Scthuaol frim Some New' Ye`ar's "Tihoul .AT BETHANY p m l ev W -2, G: H. McAlastea Mi-, 'Tani Carling and, fainly; of Lon- don spent the New, Year with relatives here and at Centralia.. Mr. 'Chas. �family K and Kerr of God- ericii were visitors in Exeter •and oat Crediton during the we,ek. Mrs. Richard Hoskins of London spent Thursday here with her parents, 'Mr and 'Mrs. Win. Treble, Mr., Aquina. Sb•eere left Tuesday on his ' return to Detroit ,after spending. ten days with his mother., here, Mr. John W. Mallett and son, Keuir meth of London visiaed with Mr. and Mrs. Esti Heywood over. the New Year. Mn Jas. Sweet -airy of Oshawa, vis- ited w^r)tih, his parents, : i12i^: and Mlrrsi Jas. Sweet, during the holiday .Week.1 Mr. Harrold Kuntz returned to;Wind- s,or, after spending the holidays with his parents, Ms. 2,ad Mrs,: Wni." Ku stz Mr. and Mrs. Harley:' Sanders xe, turned Saturday ;:to their borne in 'i'4Tsndsor agt•ei• a couple • ' week, ` visit PHONE 32 PI3ONE 32. S'T'ORE OPEN WED;lvESDA Y, THURSDAY, .FRIDAY, SAT'Y EVENINGS THIS WEEK'. C EARTN\TG ODD LINES AJ TDREMNANTS, W!eliave just finished Stock Taking, and having, gonr;e thoroughly thru • our, stock ar,e .placing, orf sale many odd (fines of merchandise and remnants, at greatly seduced prices. Call' yearly an:d get first choice on these Bar- gains. Ladies '& Girls' WinterCoats Must Go We stilll have a few good Winter Coats for Ladies and Girls: w;hilch trust bet cleanad nut at once regardless of price. Don't miss this appor- itN'nilty :ta get'¢ real good coat at Bargain Prices CLEARING OF FURS, 'We wart to sell every 6et of Furs; in our Storethisirn•and,, so every set =sit he sold regardless o£. cost, We have such popular, furs as Nat- ural and Sable Wolf Fox, Muskrat', ate., to clear at nearly, half price. A BLACK DRESS SILK BARGAIN, 75 yards only 'heavy weight, 36 in. black Pailette dress silk,extra good wearing ,gpality very special value this week at $1.59 yard, DRESS SERGES We have a large stock of Odd Liens of Ladies' and Childrenjs: Dress Materials to clear this month at ,Heal Bargain Prices. LADIES AND MISSES DRESSES. 25 only Ladies'' and Misses Northway Dresses in beautiful Styles and Exceltiennt Qualities of Serges and, Tricotines, must be, sold this month, These 411 bel at real Bargain, Pric,el . Big Reductions in Men's and Boys' Overcoats, Heavy Mackinaws, and Fur Coats See our Fur Coatsior Men at $25 JONES & MAY AGENTS FOR HURLBUT \SHOES L R. Carling, B.A Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public Commissioner, Solicitor for the Mol- sons Bank, Etc. INVEST YOUR, FUNDS iat Victor g, Dominion of ,Canada, Pro- vincial and Municipal Bonds, all legal investment for Trust Fundi. At - existing ,prices from 6 ,per cent. to 7 per cent. can lie obtained from these bonds. orders received by. me. Money to loan at lowfest rates of interest Office—Carling 'Bk., Main St, Exeter The Exeter Advocate Display Advertising—Made known on application. Stray Atlantis—One innsertien 50c., three insertions $1.00. Miscellaneous articles of not more than .fide lines', For ,Sale, To -Rent, Wanted, each insertion 50c. Lost and Found ,loess 25c. an insertion. Local reading notices, etc., 10c per lune per insertion: No notice less than 25c. Card of Thani& 50c. Auction ,Sale S3 for one insertion and $1.50 for each subsequent in- sertion if under five inchesin length. Legal advertising 10c. and 5c. aline. Farm pr Reap. Estate for sale 50c. each insertion fots one month of four insertions, Mr. - and ;Men. T. O, S;outhcott-'lpenntl the New ..YeYa(r in. IBrenitford, the lat- ter going-; ea to PreSto.n for' ia few days: Mr. and Mas, Newman, • after a few days'With r Mr. and Mrs.,, R G. Seldom, returned to thein .host in Kiaigs'ton an T iesday Dr. C'laree Wood and'_ Mrs. :Wood, af` Blyth w,ere liese dv!er• the holiday, Meth the. "farmer's paa•etits,: Mi, •and Mrs. 'Frank MISS; :4Larjori.e T isn ck;,anld Mr, Ar their Jacks at of down are. •gtidja(ts` Of the laitter's' aiijn{t r}s Jos. Su;titop4 far.' the NOW., Year...-. llMr ' aind Vl,r,s <N C. ” ieatnf. A l daughter mss Mlalid4 of Norsdue]i, speht a few daySi.,With 3tr, Hertb'sl par- ' 'and 141m Jaimies Henn; P, f ter, '.tl? e Ghxr's'ktnau ".died I�I'Or- Yea tt634Qa<ys, ;the teacheraj 'fie. Normal nil other ficollege.aivd unnversity, 40- <4)ts .leave rettbr-med to the r duties f OnBROS.. ST PHONE ,134 PHONE 134.. Wish h all a Happy.• New Year e w � full of Prosperity and ' Good ti • U 0 RAND TRUNK RAILEM THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTh Between MONTREAL:- TORONTO, ONTREALTORONTO. DETROIT and CHICAGO Un xoelied dining' car service Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor cars on principal day trains. Fuld in>faranation fstoan any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, orC. E. Horn- ing District Passenger er Aunt, Toronto N. J. DORE Phone 46w Agent, Exeter The correct' wary and the easiest way to dispose of 'some .property or sell sonie small article, find a tennant for your house, or an article you have lost e bre o . or help when yon want is to insert .a small advt. In the "Want Column" of the Advdcatte, ARTHUR WEBER Auctioneer,— R. R. No. 1, 'Das( wood Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co. Farm and stock . sales a specialty: Four years : experience. DR.' A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McDcneil's Stables, John St., Exetee (lately occunied by Dr. Vining) Pone 26w Dr: G, F. Routtston„ L. D,i S., D. l DENTIST Office over Carling's Law, Officer Closed Wednesday afternoons;." Dr.. A. R. 'KINSMAN, L. D. 5.,, D. D Hoeboa•' Graduate Toronto Umb�acsit�: Office --over ' Giadman• &" Steirdbuurr' Office,Main Street, Exeter. • PR.AIa1K. TAILOR . Licentsecl. Atectoloneseir forr':Cauarvttee •et! Hu�tan toad M%ckUe ere . Pric!ea Rea,10Ig 1e nd Satltfaetaoq ' r Gua+,ranoadd Crediton,, Oeturjo ON!EY Tedi. Ll wte+, a ge aarontnt o f pravatil film to wan on farm; and ^.vWagwa pIO ty• at bow- rates .o,f 'iaiterest GrLADMAN & , STAN/IL Baldi#tteEte, $lie EQ0,1aiMteN TI SU ON SVi Ula CC ML SE TI: BR G.1 SL HE SC JI Cr u