The Exeter Advocate, 1923-1-4, Page 15They Do
a Hundred Calories
in. About 94
10 AT a box of little raisins when..
.1.24 you feel hungry, lazy, tired ox,.
In about 9% seconds a hundred
calories or more of energizing nutri-
ment will put you on your toes again.
For Little Sun -Maids are 75%!
fruit sugar in practically predigested..
• form--1eviulose, the scientists call it.
And levulose is real body fuel.
Needing practically no digestion, it
gets to work and, revives you quick.
k. Full of energyand both good;
and good .for you. fust try a box.
"Between -Meal" Raisins
5c Everywhere
Had Your
Iron Today?
our»Mile Names" You Know.
How they' laughed,, those. my
iners, if ou `look through a directory y
I when poor Mr. Basuto carred the drill :vrin, find, e most amazing •number o2 sAy � KEpT
1 for the first tune, ' The story as Mr family names which are identical with
Burke, Burnett tells it fM the Wide those of familiar objects, elements,`
W1Vorld agazine, =is perhaps es amus -1 seasons, animals, and imnleuients, and
maga one as has -ever "come from, the' others which, though the spelling is M,II
d axe sulbatdintiall
t Erica. While. slightly changed, 'y0
� euturneldia-mechanics and ,driving, t'.4,0'.- '
diamond fields of SUi tih A b* for operating, tire vulcanizing, are laughing at 'the drill carrier lilts them. ''If •
I had not Sot T cried when I d:d acetylene welilin , storage staatia;~r,
".h>xf x.91 Aa 'If aas± aea'rne £.xrORNNZYa
. ?�t4ant At
Veat ornep a send tor Torentofreaabouktat,,
Atreo soacoow
r- TO $10 PE`} DAY; IV117T� WAN lE0
e) at once; oily and prairies demand.
the I am sure I Would have had to•give lip 'electrIona work e teach these tr5defl,
radical tr nin only few weertiN rem
howevea we should not forget his March and
May represent
courage and persistence. a months. Day is q work, says .john At • va ad, day n s a
ulna a common name, „ - oar; .of lv1ay • ir'' • i f classes, Wa f
A Kimberleydiamond mine, 'vv. tes,:and ene also finds Weeks, though not Avenue, Mou;ort I�axn'uton, Out Cbe free catalogue; 'iii wages, steady ercl-
ilo ant 1•Iaan ktili Auto Oras Trao,tox!
111. Burnett, was being worked in Week,, Morrow,'too, appears, doke post
ffit a in relatinghis ex- Scli als 103 King West, Toronto
terracos, so that everyone in the mine
had a'good view of ell the workings.
-One of . a gang of .raw Basnrtas who
had just arrived was; even a twenty
foot 'dr -ill and told to go to the' tog of
an incline in the centre of the mine
and wait there until his boss came.
The native srarted.'otf, proudly, car-
rying the drill oil his shoulder. as if it
were an assa,gai Halfway up the in-
aline the drill` came into contaet with
a live wire some twelve feet from the
ground Mx Basuto of course' got a
Surnames . and Their Origin
Racial Origin -English,
Source --A locality.
Appleby day one of those family
names whu i. is a straight development
from the rianie of -a 1 and,
r+aplace, p
course, lm the trek Instance tis^ use as
a satsuma wee.Itfo indd�eartte that the
Pease beaming it had come from that
locality, ;or was ;la some way (*linen,
ed with it
Appleby is the name of a town in.
England. Hence, barring posaaible
usage on ate part of a feudal overlord,
to denote suzerainty, it was the sort
of name thank weal adopted by pea -sons
whao had left that town: and aett1ed.'
other pants, for it would Glave been no
distinction to speak of "a mac as John
of Appleby when he was surrounded
by Rogers, Winos, Ramos, Jamases and
Roberta, all also of Appleby.
Some et neo1ogiets derived the place
nasus ef Aplrleby from. Anglo-Saxon
ao'urcees, holding` that lit is, a sombJna-
tiom, of tine words "apple" mad "by,"
the latter meaning "town." As a mat-
ter 'of fact, however, the town was In
existean'ce before' Angio -Saxon, times,
and wans.: known to the Romans as,
"Abalktba," which probably was the
Latin version of a British name.'
Dew, Frost,.'' Snow, Cloud are all
family names, as veli as Storm, Gale
and Rene.
The cardinal points of the �compaa•
—1;ast, West,; North, South --•are , al^l
represented; Moon, too, and' Starr,
th'oug'h not 'Sun.
Many of the common. calors furnish
names. There ere Black, White; Green,
1 tt
n Pi
all(' Saar e
Brown; Gr Pink, n
B Gray,•
A: very considerable numloem of
names arise from the animal World
`Exarni les. axe Bullodk, Bull, Lamb,
shock that " sent him flying, and the Kidd,,: Cot, Badger, Hogge, Hare and
drill was knocked out of,, his hand. I
never in my life. saw amore startled
native. When he picked himself up
he stood looking at the drill; then be•
walked all round it and glanced over
the side of 'the incline to see if the
fellow wftxo had hit him were hiding
there, Finally he came Slowly hack
toward the drill and'regarded it sus-
piciously as it lay on the ground.. By
Wolfe. You notice that in several of
these the.old spelling are preserved,
Birds' give us Wrenn, Heron, Crane,
Crowe and Lark. Bird itself is also
a not uncommon name.,
F4r+om. plant life we gather �h
names as Rose, Flower, Berry, Cotton,
Rice, Oates, Bean, as well as. Almond,
Oakes, Ashe, and Pine. We also have
parts of plants, such as Root, Branch
that time virtually everyone , ixi the and Twigge.
mine was watching him. Haddock, Roach, Bass, and Crabbe
Gaining courage, the native crept come evidently from the fish creation;
up to' the. drill arid, `putting out his and Ohurefh, .Temple, Tower' and Ab -
hand, touched it lightly, Finding that', bey are from familiar buildings,
it did not bite .him or kick `him, he Parts of buildings are represented
picked it up ' and, -glancing round by Wall, Post, Hall, Lock, Bolt and
again, put it` on his shoulder. He had several others.
taken only one et. two .steps, however, Many names are the same' as those
when the drill again touched the sled of household implements. We may
tris ,wire. Down went, the inpleriient quote Shears, Scales, Bell, Broome,
for the second time, and round spun Mallet and Sickles.
Mr~. Basuto. All work had: ceased, and Natural features of the landscape
the whole mine was waiting to see ,Provide Hill, Pond, Field, Marsh,
what he would' do next. Glenn, Dale, Brook, Rivers, Banks,
The native stared. at the' dirill as if Meadows, Moore,` Cliffe, Ridge and
he .expected to see it get up. and at- others too numerous to mention.
tack him; then,'crouching bow, he Countries provide England, English,
crept,to the side of the incline to make Britain, Ireland, `Welsh (for Welch),
sure *nee again that no one was hid- Norman, French, and many•others.
ing there.. Returning he picked Sip a , But'the list is practically endless,.
good. -sized rook as a weapon and ap-
prowled the .drill on tiptoe. He stub -
bed it,with his foot; he rolled it over
two or three times; .'then he stooped, '
glanced round and began slowly to
pick it up. Finally lie got it on his Good'Health Maintained Through
shoulder and, still looking suspiciously Rich, Red Blood:
about him, started upward again.
Everyone was now holding his There are many men and women
breath. There was not e. sound: in who, e'ver�y*,few weeks, have spells of
the whole mine. The 'native took one weakness, during which time they are
step forward and then, presumably to little better than invalids; yet at other
catch the fellow who had been hitting times they feel very well. Why does
the drill, jumped suddenly round: As their health fiuetua':s'so?
he turned the drill, touched the wire' In the•ease of men worry and over -
again! Mr. Balsuto must have got an strained nerves are usually respans-
extra dose of . cuire ;t that time, "toe ibie for this state of. unfitness -and in -
the drill flew over the side of the in -ability to face the anxieties of daily
cline and the unfortunate niatsve was life.
knocked fiat on his back. , As for women, her back aches, she
Until then he had not spoken a is dizzy with sick headaches, anti often
word, but the -howls and yells that he has stabbing pains in the" side. The
uttered as he sprang. to his feet and only real health is all -the -year-round
rushed headlong down the incline health; and the secret of, it i good,
t. it. One
would have done credit to• an imp. And, red blood and plenty of way
the roar of laughter that went up to keep the blood in good condition is
from the mine e; second or two later to take Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. There
was heard in the centre of the town, is scarcely a nook or corner in Canada
four miles away! where someone will not be found who
will tela, you: the benefit they ease had
"sextette& with: the medicine.
"My kidneys head: bothered me fee ItNiWy11211 es"- :1[01111:0.
four ears erns I was °seldom free from . E REQUIRE P.a7111iS TO •wNIT
„ allergia"
right arm and s11 oulder. I was in snxeh #ion; send postage. The aanadrlan "VPbolts-
a badfilc wlie; I started taking Taixtac iI sate _sena Co-. Dept Ori114 Put;
that T; could ;hardly go. MY ila ck and i s'o eath ,
shoulders` hurt so bad it was ail I could wooD, '6LAB eel?, auATt
do to get mit. of bed in the mornings• Cj Re1d Bros., Bot"ixwell, Ontario.
o e
arks d
e from try
I w>auld come hcrzn oi�i 'AQ
I dreaded to move after 1" got settled
down ilbrob sILVEIr. BI,n-G;cC li'(] ' ae
. pups, adults. Reid Eros., ri3ot well,, •
,..Before I gat Tanlac I was tliaroughlY Ontario.
discouraged,, for I had treed most epemy
meddeine and kept getting worse. Bet,
Um abut two weeks atter 1 started en
this medicine 1 felt better and after
the s'econ'd bottle I picked- up rapidly.
It wasn't long until' Taniae had me in
sieape to Where. I could do a "bard day's
work and then. come home; and mix
camerae and work about 'the'house un
til dark. I have net had a adgn of my'.
cad, troubles since,-, took • Tented. It
gave nie a butes appetite`'and, made
me feat better all over, I don't seem'ta
tire any more and can Work hard all
day and still feel fine. Tonlac is der
tainly' great." •
Tanl&c is: sold by all goad druggists.
The Choir Invisible.
p for lie at hone, - shier` with tad,"
baekaehe or rheumatio'pa>tna In my j ci,r,o or by hated'. arils For
Variations—Curtain, MacCurtin, Mac -
Curtain, Jordan, Jourdan.
i Origin—Irish.
Rac a
Source -A given name.
At tike outset it should be explained
n� and Jo
formnxia Jourdsrn ,
when they reahly are developments of
the names in tlydit group, represent
merely arbitrary changes on the part
of the beareoe from an Irish name to
an English name that happened to
sound a bit like it. Such changes were
feequennrtdy made as a result of Eng-
lish yaws promulgated in. Ireland at
vomiters times prohibiting the use of
native nomenclature. -
There are two Gaelic spellings of
the name -from whitish this group of
aanglieized forms aims, developed. They
are "O'Cuee tJlilain." cnd "0'Cruitdn,"
though the more ancient des gnatien',
of the clan was "Mann Cretin,"
Tlie clan name was derived from the
given name of the eleleftadn who found
ed lit, one "Cretan File" oe Grtultin the
Poet." As nearly as can be ; judged,
from available records, wbeca 'ase cer-
tain as iia genealogy, but a belt vague
as to daters, this ohdethala lived about
1100 or 1200 A.D. Thea clan, he found
ea is an offshoot of. the O'Conors of,
A Labrador Pet. so little, 1 ^ would start up When i'
Of my Labrador pets'nonve; writes have lain *own. on the bed, at a time
wlr . • it • lyingn the floor, fit would
apt. George Cartwrig^h t the in entry
was o
in his LabradorJournal for Avgust,14, start up every five or rids minutes and:
1770, wase so attractive a deer that a to s^ee that I was not gone; and
had been captured when very young having licked my face' or sucked my
I took._a walk round the island, but neck band]rerdshie! a little, it would
-._ fl'aietly'lfe doom again" wheal at any
saw nrof I was alienias by my time it lost role it would run about
y oning •dear. wh fah is naow pexl'ectly
;minting like a hog, and never rest un -
tame, an0'1.1`,,,ashohese. aan now male® sooYis re� til 4t had found me, when it would run
mar'izniodmala. Noi:vith=
wild and timorous, yet no ereature
iso saoct aio effectuall, dawned if taken and rnplensnhog both after and from it,
jaung: but what- they' may be when which pained it muck; and it wwould
iuiught afterwards I cannot` tell. They do the same and frisk about in the
not only grow very bold, but also show sera manner as I have semi the wild
great affection for scat men anal dogs eves one among another; and I have
likewise observed that when. it is
ase they take a: ; liking to and have at single, which
great site a.galne. these Nilo affront -frightened it its o
them. at all other times hangs down..'
avtanding reindeer are ' naturally eery ne to rove in full speed Sometimes • I
have diverted myself with stooping
Plata deer of mine has had its full
liberty ever since the fourtl> day after
it, caught (except' a few nights
c jenfinemeait to the crib, 1st the doge
should till it when we were all asleep)
but. since that`''i4.ihae constantly lain
out It is not in the least alarmed- at
i nY noise, not even at the report of a'
wan firedclose to, its; but,. itis mash;
'tereh eaelf any' dog runs 'after or even
rt r it,•'and. any running the peopl0
intently affrliat@ it`;• but the moment
ill is quiet, it de'ao t o• Ik wilt often go
ttp to a deg -sad xime11 to.hh>!.m; it ie. well
,With, n.11 ef mine and will
*e down; bby the fire saec*et •them.
I"believe theyecar ,ever sleep; for.
es much a^s I have watched this I never
could, , obaervet that it was' asleep; ,er
ikept its, :eyes clese,d mare than two
saddling, ata time, and if''I moved ever
- The halo had its origin" alliout two
thousand years ago. To guard against
the. passibility ef, rain staining the
The Power of Love. thiough the use of these pills. And
the reason is that through the im-
Some time ago, a . treveler in Cen- prover, condition of the blood they
teal America became interested in a strengthen` and tone up the nerves of
young negro and brought him North. worried, enfeebled men and women,'
After' transplanting him, the negro% and -at the same time have given n,ew'.
photograph- was taken. It showed a vigor to pale, delicat , girls : and. thin
very crude, rough individual, but ap- weedy boys. ` The value of these p111s
parently of great physical strength. in all run down condinons is shown by
Every thirty day's, for six months the statement of Mrs. - Lawrence
thereafter, the man had his negro pro- Brown;. Walton, N.S., who says:
tege photographed, and at the end of "ween I began taking •Dr. Williams''
that time placed the photographs side Pink` Pills :I was in a weak, bloodless
by side to note the change which a and nervous condition, suffering from
,new, encouraging, stimulating en- all the depressing:symptoms that en-
vironment was working in him. company this rundown state of health.
The improvement was, indeed, mar- I had taken much medicine but it did
velous. One could see how, from not do ma any good, and as I had et
month to month, kindness was regis- ,family of small children, -1 was much
tering, its' softening, refining, spirit- discouraged.:: Then reading.about Dr.
ualizing effects in the facial • expres- Williams' Pink Pills I decided to try
cion' of the rough, coarse negre At them, and I can honestly say that I
the end of the six months one who feel tiles') 'pills have saved me from
did, not see the whole series . would prolonged misery. My health Is now
suareely recognize the face in the lest good,.and we now keep the pilin• in the
photograph as one and the : same as house for use as a family medicine,"
that In the first. As a matter of fact, You can; get Dr. Williams', Pink Pills
it was not the same. Love and kind I through any dealer in medic1 o d,r by
nags, the opening up of the mind ; by -mail at 50 .cents' a. box or six boxes' tor
education and tn.ining, hid developed $2.50 from The br..:Willialius Medicine'
the inan'a soul and ' transformed his Co" Br°°114; ai*Re, Ont*
face into a new one. `
That is always love's way. Nathi thing Where Women Mustn't
else: has such power to lift the life • Whistle.
Obi:, may I join the choirinvisible!
Of those immortal dead: who live again,
In minas made better by their•. Prez
once live
In pulses stirred t'o.generoaalty.
In deeds of daring rectitude, im scorn
Of miserable aims that end with self, .
In thoughts sublime that pierce the
night like stagy
And with their mild. persistence urge
man's search
To vaster issues.
So to live id heave,.:
To make.umlfying music in the world,
Breetten^g es beauteous order that' con-
With growing away the �g life
of man.
13o we inherit that sweet purity
For which we struggled, failed and
With widening retrospect that bred
Rebellious flesh that would not be sub-
dued, •
A vicious parenit shaming still its child,
Poor, anxious penntenrce is; aulek dis-
solved; .
Its. discords', quemcbd by meeting har-
Die in the large and charitable air;
And all our rarer, better, truer self,
That sobbed religiously in yearning
Bran watched to ease the burden of
the world.
what must
Laboriously tracing be,
And what may yet be better—saw
A worthier image for the sanctuary
And shaped it. forth before the multi-
Divinely human raising worahp so
To higher reverence more fixed 'with
Mat better self shall live till human
Shall. fold lts eyelids, and -the human
Be gathered like if, eeroli
Unread forever.
and 'beautify the ; personality as 'love.
Mrs. Alfred Tranchemontagne, „St.
Michel' des Saints, Que., ;writes^: --
"Baby's Owe Tablets are an excellent
medicine. They saved• my baby's life
and I can highly recommend theme to
ails mothersi." ' Mrs. -. Tr�amrchemon-
.tagne's"experience is that of thousands
of ether mothers who have tested the
marble faces' of their gods the Greeks l worth: of Baby's Own Tablets. 'The
used to' protect them: with large' Tablets area sure' and safe medicine
metal plate placed over the tap of the far little ones and never fail ,to regu-
reard. These were mistaken by painit-
ei's in later years for cmiblerne of di-
vinity. Accordingly, our Christian
saints are pictured with tie rings
which we calla halo.
NVIiera ordering goods by mail send'
a 11oman1on Eepresa Idone,y Order.
Five ch$ 3 9a London are now
used as factories. • .
Mlnard's Liniment far, GA
et In Govern,
late, the bowels and stomach, thus re-
lieving all the minor ills from which,
children , suffer. They are sold 'by,
medicine •dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr: Williams'
Medicine Co. Brockville, Ont.
Wealth "!brings - power, but what
most :people . need -is' -more control.
For mining conal, or quarrying rock
without blasting an, Englishman has
invented. hydraulically • operated tele -
Seeping rams to be inserted into the
•material to be removed, •
Numbers, of things are taboo among
Cornish isi fisher folk. 'No woman is al-
lowed to whistle or bad luck will sure-
ly ;follow.
Taking a• -pasty to sea is. another in-
vitation to:disaster' while bread must
be carried at board either in slices or
as a whole leaf. A half -loaf of bread
lu a fishing boat signifies that only
half. the usual catch of fish will be
AnJmals are regarded .with particu-
lar disfavor, and doge • and cats morn
net .be meationed when the nets are,
out. a.:
Pdl:clhards have been scares in St.
Ives' :Bay, since he railway was built
along its shares, and flaermte . believe
that the engine 'whistle frightens " the
fish away,
' St. Ives' People declaa thrat fisilii. are
very, "knowing'." When dog -fish• -were
doing damage to the nets some fisher-
men: =tight one, flogged it, and let it
go 'again to tell its fellows.: wham would-
ha nen if they did not elesir' Olt --of:tae
r '. p tel'
Min�ard a Liniment for isternp O1
3 i1LPiNG OF ALL. Ri I)t. NSiW e
used, pulleys. paws,. cable. boss,
ete,°shipped subjeot to impreval at love
est prices' in Canada.. Terir Belting
118 York St., Toronto
Girt Who Smells Colors.
Remarkable gifts p
ar>: Fngidsli blind and deaf' girl who
spite of her afflictions, tau setae
sounds and d$srtinu+iiisit colons.
She can, Ixsteix to a eonversati.oxl
resting her fingers on the spear
threat, head, orr' chest, She ^can. e
"hear" by holding a billiard cue
end of which 3s placed against the pe
sen talking. These, feats are niade
by, the , Tact that she
learned to translate the vibrations
caused by speeds, into words
° By placir>!g her fingers in the rave
er she carr conduct a telephone co
veT$atilG2r without difend
Her sense of smell. has been
veloped to an extraordinary degr
She tetIe the +�% ofi objects
smelling them, and in the same m
describe the ire -
within the
are possessed by
r t
an -
m r she can eelb ssses her
fellow -students awe wearing.
She can "ready' books in big type
and ddatinguish the vadete of notes by
running her fingers over them.
This is rife to come
'Makin.martyred men have made more
For us wlvo strive to fallow. May I
That purest heaven, be to other souls,
The cup of strengtth In some great,
Pinkindie generous ardor, feed pure
Beget the smiles that have no cruelty.
Be the sweet presence 98 a good dif-
fused, -
And ht diffusion ever more intense!
So stall I joie. tine -choir invisible,
'Whose music is the gladness of the
—George Elliott.
For Sore Throat,
Cold in the Chest, Etc.
hi Blisters. Itched and
Burned, Cuticura Heals.
" My nephew's face and bands
were badly disfigured with eczema.
Hewes only three weeks
old when it broke out in
blisters, and the skin was
sore and red. It caused
itching, burning and loss
,jj))}�11 of sleep, and the child
_iwas so worrisome. He
could rest neither day nor
°1E was advised to use Cuticura
Soap and Ointment and after using
three cakes of Soap and three boxes .
of Ointment he was entirely healed."
(Signed) Miss Mary Worr, Youngs
Cove; New Brunswick.
blake Cuticura Soap, Ointment and
Talcurnyour dailytoiletpreparations.
6ampiasch rx.eby WM. Address•'Zymane.xrm•
!tad, 344 St. rata at., W., SRantraat; ' sold every-
where. aoap26e. Ointment26:and 50e. Talcam.26a..
gar Catieura;Soap shaves without mum,
America,: pioneer nog 'nemesia;
33ook, on
and JIOW to Fomli
Mailed $tree to any Ad-
drepa ley the Author.
S. ClayGlover Go., Inc.
128' est 24th Street
New York, U.S A.
Bulk Carlota
d dally trains :via the Santee FO.
3'ullrna.ns via. Grand Canyon Pa#k,
also •to Southern Arizona.
reed Harveymeals "all the wa.y:"
Mo.y 1 sed you our picture
]?. T. 3Sendry, Gen. Agent
re' naiinay
40.1 Tree Press Bldg., Detroit, mace.
Phonet Main 6647
• nd Calr on Line
1SSUE No, i2 '1'a