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The Exeter Advocate, 1923-1-4, Page 12
otorsl Beware teacher,. Mr, Walter Hauch, who 'visited. flee Centralia •:, ,pareai,ts here.' during the holidays, liar' returned to college at Waterloo, •--=- Mr. Lorne Brawn, °B A,spent the ,Veath ef Henry, , Wilso,n—Tliei,e aceel�-end • in Leeden He , •returns to ,pessed away 'tt his. liorne,• 524 Talbot Tbeonto bin'Ttiesday to xesiume his street L.,andonr,:en'Thuradt.,v lest,. Dec.l studies: 28, Henry Wileoa, a, farmer highly es- a ed� resident o t •e T e. ,es - Mr. Irvin Flkxncr ;oaf Taicriata 'speutt teem 1 n � S eph n. Tp la the holiday here, the guest" of his pax- deceased had been ailing for over a' efts Mr. arid Mrs. -Chris. Fahner.:` year: from hardening of the arterk',s•, Mr, and, Mrs. Chambers and ;eines but his co,r s1 tien ,dnd not assume a of the West are spending, a, £ew days serious mature until. about ten 'days prev'i'ous. to hie. demise, when stomach trouble set 2a and sa,e sank 'fast until the 'end carne. • Mir Wilson was born in the Township of Stephen and ijilp whole life was spotlit i.ar that townsihip,y with the exception • of a little over a year being speat.in London. 'He,was a man, of sterling chary ter, a good Drain water from ;your radiator or arse Pyridine Alcohol " .to prevent freezing, Put on your Tire Chains It may save `a ]ife or .yeur c" being wrecked . - Let us take, care of -your•. from Storage !Battery- . with Mr., arid ,Mrs. Isaac Hill. Mils, Laura Smith, who has•. been engaged as teaolver at Shipka,, has e- sigeed and. accepted ,her home school at Sharon. •STEPHEN. Far Boerne neighbor and lied friend, 'a and Iters Polls 1 2 3 4 5 6 -7'- 8 9 T'1 death wiy1 be, regretted by .a "Wale Alex Nreeb 3238 43 68 62113 48 20 24-448 circle of friends; In ..politics he was, Le- Webb',. •: 48.33 39,40 14 9137 42 94-356 a Cornservative and • was a eaithiful For Councilllors and . va'lued' memoir . o'f• the v2 thadiist E. Lawson 49 33 52 55.45 25 42 20 b9-390 , 'I -le married Elizabeth Net G' ,Penhale 42 60 34 46 46,91 39 40 56-454 whom ee es, survived, 'together •with .church V. Snell 64 57 55.79 25 66 37 32 47-462 two ,sons, Gordecn, ,and 'hilmezf, who (re - W. Sweitzes411,952735197665177 527'sid'e in Stephen; `also one bfolthler. John of • Centralia, . and five,, sis;Ners • Elected -Ales. Neel) Reeve; Wm. we; John •Kent, Misses Jane land Sweitzer, Victor" Snell, Geo. Penh*, Rachel Wils?od • of Centralia, Mrs. otrssicillors, John Hays- was elected Wm, Wood, .I..on,den, and. "Ars. Match eputy reeve by acclamation ews of Marton. The fusieral • took place to, the Fairfield' cemetery on,'' Speedy; --�-- Friday. ~Registrar=lair, Brown, yea have GOING "R$ROAP "ThI6 fair stage person got half . a million, dollars out of her latest matrl' monial" venture."- t ""Coi< rt `attaches said she had a ,far- away look le her eyes. when the deci- sion was rendered:' "That's the usual symptoms in such; cases "`Eh?" 'Monte. Curio was 'calling her."—Bir- mingham Age -herald, Lucan 'flier marreag.e of Mess Je4ii e Fore - If you are going to lase, le testi,t jev'try, rnan; of Gaalnton to - £nutshell: Hasketitl, week, If riot; let us ,storeit ' .oyer af,Lucerne was very quietly solemnized. .ivitlter at. 50e. Per Month. eer The..Exeter Advocate Sanders & Cree,:h, Proprietors Subecriptlon Price—In advance,' $1 50 per year in Canada; 52.00 7r the United States. All subscriptions not paid in advance .50o. <.r•s charged. THURSDAY,' JAN; 4th, 1923' Crediton 'VULCANIZING -I wieh to asixrai tice that Ido all kinds' of •vulcana 'nog,'such es Rubber :Tires, Rubbier Boots and Shoes, •Ete. Prices reasonable and` good work guaranteed. We 'alsohan,- dle second hand tires. JOS. 'HAIST, Crediton., • Mr. Hillard Spa. -ling, who, has been '%r' t`wc" with fsieirnds hexes g Our January thaw carne one - day spending the holidays at. the home f ilir,-•Herb Gailser and friend ' Mr. ahead of schedule,' • „''; Mr. and Mer. Joann Stiicstle-rete aecteto dad, i ,azi of Detroit visited with anti yiissro ary Sunday w;i11 be observ, acrd Ire. E. Ottterrbeimr last. week° his home a,t• Walkerton, ed ^n • the ��Lethcodis,t Sunday Scihliarj . Min Be Harrtleab 'of, Lorndon visit. next , .., ," Volley Balli is in full. swnig �1ga=ut, ,,neat Sunday. 'the vacant .school room being ••fltt�ed red her psrearts. Mrs. J. Tanner is under Dr, • Wils'We up as a recreation room. There/ all VIr. W,m. khlers, iaf•KrYc'etner visited care with an attack of grippe. We i , era£ nes Iaere cover Niew' X ears,. wise her a seem to enjoy the game. speedy r GQ.v 'Y . ' Mr. Long of Woodstgck anc1' Mr: tMrss Alice Hoffman spent a few Owing to. the bad ~leather 'there was Kafferon of Hespeller: visited-:1\Ir, dayts' an Zurich last week. a very small couigregatioly in the, Ms hr:c Lorne. Brown a few :days ° •the. • pasrt , f 's' :brains. Eh1erQ left on,Friday far adsst •Chur.,h oir Sunday to hear the Mrs, F, Faith* has gone° Ottawa overcut;'Fr'ench. Why do •you :go to to Rim ' Mr, Fairhall, who has ; (been New York so 'often? there foe -some" months past. Stude—Why—I--er—go to . see,..,..my Mrs:. A.` J,-kooper of London osis been grandmother. here! for a few' days( oivjiagr, to .the,1i]1 • Registrar—Do` you mean the one 1 ` mess` of her sister-nnelaw,, Mrs. Bus saw youwith last. Saturday? Wonder - lough, •'who-. has sonnewhat recovered; ful howthese,ol.d. women get around .cowad'ays l—'Yale :Record. et qt. Johann Church; Kitchener, Dec • .;Mass E. Baynham has emit, to yrsiti 27 -the ' After a -trip to Toronto they, .at her home, et Ship]ca for a,few day& will reside on 't se'gr nut's farm 'near' . Mr. and :Mrs° W., Re Elliyott.'Mr. and Mucin. , :Mrs. Murray heliOtt, and Mr:' 'George Stanley -Fitzgerald: A quiet teed-'. Hicks' attended the funeral, in 'London` dine wee solemnized` on,D,eb. 27,` at, on Friday of Mrs,' J. Paisley (of that Woonbine Cottage, Thorndalcei, : -; the city.' • •� . h'emae'af Mr. and, Mrs. E. C. FFitzgjelr- .Mr., J. Dempsey ; w,hlc ha's been 'vis aid •when. their second daughterti Jen- itin,g: axis grand pa,renit's, 1VLr.,• and Mrs. sire( Viola,' yeas unitted'is marriage to J."'Dempsey, has returned to'.TA•ronto Wilbert J, 'Stanley, ,scop of Mr, • and where he as attending 'Univtrs;ity. 17rs: John Stanley, "Lucaar, he.; tier- vIr. -J. Brown, who has been on. the 'enemy:, to place :u e a bridal arch, .sick }list for some few. days; is able erar ny took pl under a 8l x , Rev.'A, Kellam 'offic3atjng. The bride, to he up an the village agatiza , who+ was given in marriagte;; by bei•:' fes Mr. J. Kent received a message .con t11'er,' wore a French blue satin gown. Saturday. informing him of the death :trimmed with gold beads; leittlea Mies of has aister, Mrs; Hawkshaw in Tor- Mariroa Stanley, ,sister of : the groom, onto.. The ,remains Were, brought to and Master Evert Dufton, nephew of Lucan. for interment on, Tuesday. tine• bride. acted as ring b'earerse A4'- :Miss Irene Bird of Lendon spent a ter a dainty luncheon, ,served' by .•aur few days with her cousin, Miss -Wanda „friend; • of. the Bride, Mr, and. Mrd. Willis, ' 'Stanley left "Landon on. an extended, .Miss Helen Hodgins of London vis- ..eour.-tie Chattanooga; Tennessee, . ited with,•' Mass 'Genevieve' O'Brien for ,._»: a fear days last- week,; Greenway Dashwood iNressrs Lawrence Pollock, W,• J. Pollock .and"`�Jas, Young' visited' bet, -- T. Sherritt of Gra'iriton last week" Mrs, Oscar KLopp wind fa;naily,. Zur- ic .and, Mr. and Mrs.; Edmund" Walper Master •' Ge°treocve ol,len 'and ltddn,e an family were v .sp'itors ' ea the, home Ha • ibe alive leccver tl frim aur a tact et isir. Casper L. Waliper: , , sof ,Jaundice: a.nud Mrs,.Ha `en, Dark .of Wind ' and \2rs: ialellia received tirlev- of the sudden cleathefrom'Searlet fe?ve " c#nere guests of Miss Edith Walper, er ,of °their Tittles raunds'on in • liuchi- Mr.;.:. he,exdore Walper_.speait .a day=. - Clear as Red. ' Englishrnan-.What do'yen mean by "'giving a. man the'air?" American—Tying a can to him, .put- ting the `skids under him, gieing him the gate or checking him out. Under- stand? Englishman—Oh, perfectly. what do all those things mean? A Place for Reflection. Visitor from- London—Do you mean to say you do nothing but lean„on .that fence all day? Why, I should, go mad in a week! ' Native of Rural Village—Aye 1. Some would. But it's all right for a chap who can do a bit of thinking for 'Is - sell. But week. ha c.heuner where.she, w111 John her par- very.; inspiring New Year's.ma,ssag,e,. of Mss Merle Clark spent the week -exits. .She has 'taught in. Sharon school rhe' pas't•orn• Rev'` D. well. erase, Be A. end in Walkerv311e. f3 ..se`ceeral years and before leaving Quite ;a=number .tram Here attended: WatchL.night serviced Were held:lin was l iiresenteu with, a beautiful cut elie'-funeral of the, late ivies, c Jolin the kvangelrcal Church ,on Sun:day'.cev= g a .salad bawl by the pupils. Miss Wilson (JJmurna Ramsay) in. Arlo',. Vicarious amusement. "Don't laugh at Me, boy!" said •tho sensitive golfer who` had afoezled. "I wasn't, sir," 'replied the eaddie. "1 Was'^iaughin' at -: another man.' "And .what's funny about him?" "He plays golf awfully like : you, bar.". ? Father Was in Error. • Suitor= -Mr. Simkins, I have courted your daughter "for 15• years. 'bar, S.—Weil, .what do you went? Sultorq marry her. 31r. S.—Well, a Pm hanged t I thought you: wanted a pe ee.te, or something.—London Tit -Bits.• ening. ...i 1Eblers has accepted a plosatron Pari a ,est week:: F.or her death came as,- a Mrs. Sam. Silber of Oily, Mreb�.,eis 1 .school 'en: Kitchener. releesce„ from muchpain and sufferrage visiting friends and relatives in town The: carnival of the' aeasan but the sympathy of all goes eta lila sk Herb. Trevethick of "Melfort,€ane- of seven who are, left, atonia Bask., is visiting at the home of- Mr, was rated' ie. Geiser's rmk on 1Vloiiday so: eaYy In. life.: T1ve�y, are. b iaig cared . and Mrs, Thos. Trevethick. evening...Jan. 1st and was ,a decided , for; by her brother and ssters, eDrri Mrs. Heist and . Gertrude : spent'athe su::cesee•'The ice w,as itr,w lexcellemt l Ing' her residence hare netts: W?'�san. week ..end with the former's par'en%ts rco¢id1t nn:: The followning won prized—ewas active member and workeraih. at BenteilleS Ladies National, :Le"tta ' Guenither, Grace hurt Mrs. Gannet Swetitzer is able, ton hean r"s�'Y Kiumpp. na+ound' again, after beingi under the ' Gents,' .National, Mervyn Tiernan, d'octor's care for the, past few weeks. Jack Gunther. The marriage took place in Crediton Ladies''' Fancy Costume, . * Gladys on Dece-nber: 27th of Mrs. MargareiHoffman. Guenther, Myrta Hoffma 'Drager f Broadhageun to Mr. .11frecl ; CTetlas' Fancy,, Czar Steinhagen and Wilds of Dashwpad. The ;newly ?ii'a - Royal:Geiser. ried couple will reside in McKillop Tp. Ladles' Comic, Ide11a Baker, Grace near:Broes.dhagen t = Kelt�rrhanr. - Gents-. Comic , Czar Kellerman, -:and Keen Forest Lode, No. 1331, A. R &,. Miss Julia Health, ecu has bee¢) . d and reveal ilii. herparents, returned .-to . D/le'a_ Lloyd- hdighoffer: • : A• M„ wie.re, dully; inettall . t > g bQ,e • Gir.s Fanc ed :o�n. We le tvrrr • t ton to resume her duttiies as scat ; 1 ' ''' Y, Laura Mae Reid and lay of • 7a `'bY V. • . Won-. Bro.. M. •Eacrett, asszsted;by otter, ,er 'Pa,s.e. Mashers, as. £olldw'i;—W. M•,, J. M.. Sioutlicott;. SW., H. Bagshaw; 5. ` W., J. G. Stanbury; TreasA, C. H, Sanders; Sege R. N. Creech; Chap- leiti Rev'A..Sinc]ar; S. *D.., Rev. G_' M. •-Chidiey ; J. DFF, TI. Pryde,; I G. W.:R, Frenye; S.,,S,;,H, U Sauthcott;, J. S., J. B. Pryd;e; D. of'Cie W,: We: Tarnenn.. At the. clime, a_lunch wan served and a' few; short addresses were given, Local Doings IINSTALLATION OF OFFICERS: The hiewJ,y 'elected officers of Leb- Self Preservation -Nature's . , First Law—Heed It Preserve Your Strength T 411 s onbur Ont.—"Ever since I can remember, Dr. Pierce's medi eines were used in -our :family'' at home.anc. they never fa,•iledeto ;,give good .results: -.The 'Golden: Medi- - cal Discovery' was r ' Used as..:a. tonic and blood purifier also for- bronchial ",trouble and it proved eatcellent. i I myself have taken the 'Discovery' for bronchial trouble and Dr. ' Pierce's Favorite prescription to build -me up ; when I was rundown, and they were, both very beneficial, "I feel safe in recommending.al Of Dr. Pierce's .medicines knowing them to be ` good•" -Mrs. Clifford 'Mitchell.. Obtain these famous medicines now at your nearest drugstore, in tablets or liquid, or send 10c to Dr, Pierce's Laboratory in Bridgeburg, Ont.,for a trial package of any of his reme- dies. Write Dr. Pierce, President Invalids' Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., if yeti desire, free medical advice. t -cow's Your Liver? Al,rce Hoffman. Girls' Comic, Grace.. Guenther. Brays' -Comic, Harry. Hoffman, Louis Zirntpex.:., • Girls' half -mile race, Grace Guen- ther, Mie Hoffman. Bays' .half -mile race, Keanneth Wein Eugene, Tiernan, - Laci ees' halfemile lace, Lvziie Hart-. 1eib, ,Grace Kellerman. Gen one "mile race, Royal Geiser, Lea. : tv'ela{nd. . i-iealth.IsKept, If You Observe This Sintaluta, Sask,—"I' have taken Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery for liver trouble and found' it eecel- lent and 'would' not be without it, I suffered from congestion of the liver aboat Six years ago and`I always say Wild£ong T,iema'rn=A: Pre" wed- ding ,Was ealemeizecl. at 4 pin art Dec:, ember- 27th, at the home of ' Mr.:ahi'ci Mrs. Ezra Tiernan,, when; 'their young= est daugbtee, E.mma Pelar1;'becarnie the bride`,ef Garnet C; Wildfong„youngst- son -of Mr. and Mrs.` Jo'sej?b Wildf'ong, with Rev. W. Yager 'officiating. The' brideentered the parlor on the 'arm, of her father to the s'traiuiii' rrf Loliengrin's wedding march played by: M.isa Mina Ehlers. She .looked charming in a dress: flf i,v ob y , canton crepe, trimmed with pearl ornaments, and ` taawing embroidered veil caught' with 111 es of ,the valley and ,carried a shrNwer bouquet of rases.` Her' only eniament":was • a string- of pearls, ; the gift ;of the :groom. The Misses Luella Merrier and Idea la•:Bender'. made two charming brides' maids in. pale blue canton. 'and 'pink' crepe de chene and carrying bouquets of pink roses. . The groom was supported by the bride's two ;brothers,. Addison and' Ira` Tiernan, while' little Miss Ruth .Tie- mao, causin of the bride 'In a :.elriese of ;rale pinkorgandie, made a darnty little . rine -bearer,, ' • - The grooms gift to the .bride wasen'. string of pearls, to each bridesmacd a bar -pin; to the groomsmen peaxl..Lie- pais and to. the ring bearer a;1yttle After the:.ceremony - a"".su,mptuous, wedding ,dinner was served to ;abatut that this medicine.eured me. I have 100. guests, The happy co• uple are also given. 3t' to my family for Colds leaving for Detroit;' where tri yr entend, and. it cured thein in a -very short to make tb.eir ha,tife' They, carry with; time!, Mrs, Enoch Mitchell, Box them the best wishes of their riiany 129. : ) friends. HITEONDALE • The-Hiirencaie'Warren's Institute Mee' at the • home of the `MrasesS:"K.ed-: dy ;on 'Wednesd'a'y,.. Dec "2/elie i Tlie n, ;bitsiness ;:disposed-a7f-'"£lie ' foilowi6 programme (was put on; Olive .and', Pearl 'Wood gave an instrumental' duetea reading by Miss Hattie Ether $ in 'ton; an ,interesting .and „instructive pP, a er on•>Women's "part in Canada's progress by Mi s,• G. • Passinore, , then •eperyone .took' part in comrnnnity' singing. Lunch Was then served and a socialhalfhour spe}it.'. The next meeting will be held at thek home of, Mrs. C.Pym, : Roll Call, ,,"Ancient• YIELDING TO FORCE Her Mother Nonsense! HoW could . Jack Huggins compel you to kiss him? Cora Cooington:. Why, he held me In his arms and kissed me till I Just., had to kiss him back In self :defense.` • One=Po)nt of Agreement. Held a conference every day. rlad Important things to say, • Each' one 'ended up in turn With a motion to adjourn. • A Matter of Spelling. Mr: Exe—1 don't approve of ,that suitor of .H'elen's He seems to, be' a Man without principle.' - - Mrs. Ese-Why, Join, he . has a principal' of $‘500,0()0, and it brings' him .eight per cent annually. His Status. "Paw,"askedlittle Letser Livermore, - who has an inquiring mind. "What is an honest yeoman?" "That, my my son,"`replied the astute sire,',merely . a, polite name for, a man wiio can, be worked." Profitable Opportunities are offered today. for investment in Government and Municipal Ponds, yielding a high return. The purchase or sal of such securities can be ar'rang. ed at any of our branches. 'Our monthly listof offerings will be sent on request. ¢71 THE CANADIAN BANK --OF COMMERCE Capital Paid up . $15,000,000 Reserve Fund $15,000,000 M. R. Complin, Manager. R. S. Wilson, Manager. Exeter Branch Crediton. " 22 Daehw"od "' THE MOLSONS SANK INCORPORATED 1855 ; atPate1 Paid Up £4,000,000 Reserve: Fund $5,000,000 biter 125 Branches. ` OPPORTUNITIES TO •BUY. CATTLE horses, 'farm implements, 'etc.; cheaply. are constantly tug up. The farrrner with, money saved is the one who gets these snaps. Plaza your crap 'earnings in a Savings Account with the nearest Wench of The IvIolgaas Bank, where, while earn- ing interest and being absolutely safe, your mosey is , available aft any minute.. Deposits ua'n be made by marl, EXETER; -BRANCH T. S. WOODS Manager, Centralia Branch open for business daily. Furniture Bargains BIG. REDUCTION IN FURNITURE: Wi CARRY THE. LARGEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE STOCK. s i.e BUY HEIth AND $AVE MONBY Funeral Director & Embalmer, • GARDINER • •Phone. 9 -• OERVICIR ATXSFAOTION Start the Year right by buying MEATS 'at the.Sanitary Shap. { - RIVERS'' IVEAT MARKET WHERE . QUALITY • 'IS HIGHER THAN PRICE, .GRANTON an1°Dec. 27th warp. their only daugh- The home of Mr. and ,''i'!ns. Robert ter, Violet; wiaas united. in marriage to Kew, at Springdele Farm, 'B1anshlaad, Parton. S. Nixon, sora of J. E. Niiiconl. pee the scenes of a ,Aretty wedding of Granton. Unpleasant News, for Suitofi:i' • Young Mafia (to ,messenger.; boyl�e What did Miss Brown say, sben=.you ave her the flowed s.?._-_, • Boy—She asked the fellow who -was sitting with her if he would like one for a buttonhole. Obeyed Orders. "Did you ; desert your wife?" asked the Tottenham magistrate of a de- fendant. . "She told me to, go, and i always do as I am .told," was the 'reply.• London Tit -Bits: Flights. "How do you• feel when you are soaring' in flights of oratory?". "Same as a regular aviator," said 'Senator Sorghum. ,"The soaring part :is easy. What you' worryabout is where you are going' to land." one View •of. an. Optimist, • Mr.. Cheerio—Why worry over what you' owe? Glirs'er.up. Be an ;optimist. Mr. Bloobody-My' good felloty, - an ;,.optimist is a :roan win) l,asn t:v enough, credit for borrow trouble, ----London,. Answers,; Not in the, Inventory. "Did-.Tobson's iturchase inelude-also the eriod tvil1 of the business?" "There wasn't any good will., It was a coal dealer Dobson bouglit out." WtSTERN UNIVERSITY FF THE WESTERN ONTARIO UNIVERSITY) l LONDON., Every_ father a - , ry F ; and Mother This is, the•eraof progress. The call;for trained men ;:and ..women to ;:carry forward,• - in Medicine, Science, Engineering , and Fine Arts is stronger than ever before. If you would, help your children make the most Of their lives you shouldgive them .the ,best education you can afford.' A university education is the first essential for our future leaders. A college stands atour door ©r With 'Open gates ready to give them complete p ete courses in Medicine, Arts -and Public Health. Admission is --by Western Univereity Junior iseatricula- degrees are universally tion except for ", P recognized.• special or nursesi-1kl 1 Courses, and the eig• 1')4\Ifees are so low that any one. mai! `attend, • = . For information apply to. DR. It. P. R. NEVILLE Registrar London. Ontario 12 •r, eee rY