The Exeter Advocate, 1923-1-4, Page 7They Do
red Cal ries
in About 94
AT a box of little raisins when
you fehl hungry, lazy, tired or
In about 9% seconds a hundred
calories or more of energizing nutri-
ment will put you on your toes again.
For Little Sun -Maids are 75%i
'fruit sugar in practically predigested
form---.1evu1ose, the scientists call ft.
And levulose is real body fuel.
. Needing practically no digestion, it
gets to work and revives you quick,
1, Full of energy and iron—both good
and good for you. Just try a box.
Little Sun 332 Nt&i
"Between -Meal " Raisim
5c Everywhere
Had 17. our
Irbil. Today?
Surnames and Their Origin
Racial Origin—English.
Source—A locality.
Appleby is one of those tamilY
'.°tAxaes eat& es a straight develonment
Iron the eame . of s. pleas, and, of
mime. In the filet instance ite use as
a., surnameWei to indicate that the
parson bearing it had. come norm that
Locallity, or wa.s in some •way, comma -
ed wilbh
Appleby is the name of a limn in
England. Renee, barring pessible
usage cut the part of a feudal overlord
to denote suzerainty., it was the sort
a name that was adopted by persome
Who had left that town: and settled in
othee parts, for it would been, no
&Affection to speak of Inman. as John
of Appleby wheat he was sursoueded
by Roger% Wine, Ranters, jamezes alixI
Roberta, all also of Anpleby.
Sc•me etymologists derived Misplace
name of Appleby from Aegio-Saxon
sources, holding ant it We, emnbina-,
Won. of the words "apple" and "by,"
the latter meaning "town." As a male
ter of fact, wever, the town was in
-existence befoye Anglo-Saxon times,
and was , known tostbe Romans as
'Aballaba/' which peobably wets the
• Latin yank,'" of a tiritiathl natio.
A., Four -Mile I-augh.
Names You Know.
. ,
a How' they ilangteci;.: these aninerSt you look thrOugh,a diredarY yon
.whon Poer,Mr.- Basuto Carried -the drill. vvill find a most mzing npra-herof
'for the first time! The story, ,as Mr- family nal -nes whiCh are identical With ,
Burke Burnett tells it in the Wide those of famthar objectS, elements,
World Magazine, is perhaps as ...amus- seasons, animals, and impiements, and
ing a one as hee ever come from the others which, though the spelling is
diamond fields of South Afrlea. While, slightly changed, aro tgibatatitially
we are laughing at the drill earri'
er like them,
however, we should not forget hisMarch and May represent the
courage and persistcnce. I months. Day is quite e common name,
A Kimberley diamond mine, writes and one also finds Weeks, though not
Mx. Burnett, was being worked in Week. Morrow, tog, appears.
terraces, so that everyone M the mine Dew Frost, stow, cio.act are all
had a good view of all the workings.: family names, as well as ,Storm, Gale
One of a gang, of raw Basutos who and Rane,
had just fir -rived was even a twen-ty- The cardinal points of the eomeaes
foot drill and told to go to the top of —East, West, North, South. ---are
an incline in the centre of the mine
and Wait there until hi$ boss came.
The riatiee started off proudly, car-
rying the drill 9111 his shoulder as if it
were an assagai. Halfway up the in-
cline the drill came into contact with
a live wire some taelve feet from the
ground. M. Basuto of course get a Examples are Belleek, Bull, Lamb,
shock that sent him flying, and the Eidd, Colt, Badger, Hogge, Haire and
drill was knocked o-ut a his hand.. I Wolfe. You netice thht in seyeeal of
never in my life saw a more 'startled these the oid spelling are -preserved,
native. Whee he picked himself
he stood: looking a the drill; then he
walked all round it and glanced over
the side of the beeline to see if the
fellew who had hit him were hiding
there. Filially he came slowly back
toward the drill and regarded it sus-
piciously as it lay, on the ground. By,
that time virtually everyone in the and Twigge
mine was watching him,
Gaining courage, the native crept
up to the drill and, pateine out his
hand, touched lightly. Finding that
it did not biteshim or kick him, he
picked it ep and, glancing round
again, put it on his Shoulder. He had
taken only one or ttee steps, however,
when the drill again touched the elec-
tric wire, Down went the implement
for the second time, and round spun
Mr, Baeuto. All work had ceased, and.
the whole mine was waiting to see
what he would do next.
The native stared at the thrill as if
he expected to see it get up and at-
tabk him; then, ceouching low, he
crept to the side of the incline to mate
sore once again. that no one was hids
ing there. Returning he picked, up a
good-sized rock as a weapon and ap-
proaelted the drill on tiptoe. He stub -
he -d it with his foot; he rolled it over
two or three times; then stooped,
glanced round and began slowly to
pie k it up. Finally he got it on hie
shoulder and, still looking suspiciously
about him, started upward. again.
Everyone was now holding his
breath. There was net a sound In
the whole mine. The native took one
step f °rivers]: and then, presumably to
catch the fellow who had; been hitting
the drill, jumped suddenly round. As
he turned the drill. touched the Vire
again! Mr. Basuto must have got an
extra dose a current that time, for
the drill flew over the side of the In-
cline and the unfortunate native Was
knocked flat on his back.
Until then he had • not spoken a
word, but the howls and yells that he
uttered as he sprang to his feet and
rushed 'headlong down the incline
would have done credit to an imp. And
the roar of laughter that went up
from the mine a' seeonct or two later
was heard in the centre of the town,
four miles awayl
The Power of Love.
a**Ifflf Advertlsc'mcnto
latA. T .adA)CILKE,
'YPPge Otreet, Toronto. li.oKlotoar,
A nt Attprnevi. Send or ,fros bookie!.
AUTO i$03100Z1
',If i:ba,ei '°,4t.' Iligot'T .11'.,'1.a,. e v9hell8I ti'm acetylene weldin storage .liattot '
a titi jtfanTo' aOhtliseliaOrcle;c1hc'Riatiripic4asnYda: riPdix:2aidNilresiVnAdg°,17,tlyas,c11: .., :.
,.., tor operating, tire vulcanizing; 4t.-Y•t
,aomrk,Soure I would have ha,t1 t,o give ,pclelurefteitetrailc!Aldtroa...1.11tii.nsTitteolitieyaethe wthveers'adr4
AVenala.,1VyI4301,1,11jt 1-InarnA,Iltienn18., Opt ,' Cef he ' fITIroPey'lj`iatV°Y8i. ;ingi'lllvav.itieFo' Csa'll'iTt. ;racelial:e.
doae Post Office, in relating ex -1 -
schools, .168 Mng ,West, Toronto, .. .,
periende with the medlaine,,„ ,.. '
"My kidneys' Lad bothered me for NNITILs.r.,..? AT anst01-__ ...„..
folir years and I Nyas seldere. tree from virBi BEQUI11331 FARTItti:7$ TO FICIT,.. i
sale'Ths. Co., Dept. 'A, .Orillia, Ont, . .1
hack -eel -1e or rheumatic Padjl° naY chine o7"buys Illaatnbd?'71e*reitie ,
rigat arra and 'shoulder. Lwai5 in stneli tIon• send postage. The Canadian Whole.
represented; Moon, too, and Starr, a bad fix when I s-tarted taking Tanlac
though not Sun. that I could hardly go. My baclt and
Many of the cornmon colors furnish shoulders hurt sobad it was aao, could c oRD
would verde home frOin wOtc31450 tirod
A very tonsiderabie slumber of I dreaded to Move after I got settled
names' arise from the animal world. clown;
"Before I got Tanlac wee thoroughlY
diecouraged, for I had tried most every
medlcine.anci kept gettimg worse. But:
hithiasbainuetddtc*ILIver efilealtatbteettr erI started on.
the second bottle I pieleeel up rapidly.
It wenn long until Tauten bad me in
shape to where could do a bard, day's
work and then come home and mix
concrete and work about the amts.() un-
til dealt. I mot had a. ;Agit of my
old trolibles since I took Tadao It
gave me a better appetite and made
me feel better all over. I don't eoem to
tire any more and can work heed all
day a,nd still feel flue. Tonlaci. one
talthr4n17 agrcelasts"old by all good draggIsts.•
names. There are Black, White, Green,
Brown, Gray, Pink, and Scarlett.
do' to get °Pt Of had in the nmYraings.
• Birds give us Wrenn, Heron, Crane,
Crowe and Lark. Bird itself is also
a not unman -ace naate.
From plant life we. gather each
natnes as Rose, Viewer, Berry, Cotton,
Rice, Oaten, Bean, as well as Almond,
Oakes, A•she, and Pine. We also have
parts of plants, such as Beet, Branch
• Haddock Roads Bees and °rabbit
come evidently from the fish creation;
and Ohureh, Temple, Tower and Ales
bey are from familiar buildings.
Parts of buildings are represented
by Wall; Post, Hall, Leek, Bolt and
several others.
Many names are the sazne as those
of household implements. We maY
quote Shears, Scales, Bell, Broome,
Mallet and Sickles.
Natural features of the landscape
provide Hill, Pond, Field, Marsh,
Glenn, Dale, Brook, Rivers., Banks,
Meadows, Moore, Cliffe, Ridge and
others too aurnerous to mentien.
Oountries provide Eneland, English,
Britain, Ireland, Welsh (for Welch),
Norman, Freneh, and many others.
But the list is practically endless.
Variations—Curtaln, MacCurtin, Mao -
Curtain, Jord'an, Jourdan. '
Source—A givenname.
At the outset it should be explained
that the toms Jordan and Jourdan,
when they really are developments of
the names • Isi this group, represent
Merely arbitrary 'cliengess on the part
of the bearers from an Irish name to
an English tisane that happened to
Sound a bit like it. Suchchanges were
frenuently made as a result of Eng-
lish laws promulgated in. Ireland at
varilone time prohibiting the use .r4
native n:emeaclattue. • "..
There are two Gaelle spellings of
the name from nneitk this- group
anglieizeda forms has developed. They
ale "O'Cuarthialef' encl. -"O'Cruitin,"
though the More ancient deedg.natilan
of the clan wa,s "Clem Cruitin."
The clan naine was derived from the
given name of the chieftain Who Sound-
ed it, one. "Craitin File" or Crinitinthe
Poet" As.: IlleaTY as pan be judged
item available records, wlatich 'are eel,:
twin as to genealogy; but e bit vague
as to dates, Vale chieftain lived about
1100 or 1290 A.D. The 'clen he found-
ed is. an offshoot ot the O'Conors of
• A, -Labrador Pet.
At my Labrador -pets none, mates
Capt. Georgie Cart -Wright in the entry
in his Laiseador Jorreal for August 14,
•'1779, was so attracifire ...sea deer that
had been captured when very young.
I took a walk round the island, but
saw tr,,othintr. was.attended by nay
neat deer. whteb, is =NV pettedly
tame," and I shall ,7 make some re-
marks on 'thee° nimais. Notwith-
seamding . reindeer are natinally very
tinalactiOS, yet no creatureIa
(10 soon so effeCtually tamed if taken
young; but Whit tireq• Man be when
caught:afterward:al cannot tell. They
net mt17 grow Yarn bald. but allsto ohm'
great 'affection for rsicill men and dogs'
as they take .a liking to`asui -have a
peat spite against thole "Sae affront
This deerof mine' has lier,d its fall
liberty ever Once+ the fourth day alter
a Was caeght (except a few- Thighta
()ontnement to the crib. Xat the doge
should kill it when we were all asleep)
but slace that it has" constantly' lain
out. It is 11.ot in .f,t13.e least alarmed. 54
• *X,* 110160, 1'0(t even at the report of a.
gun fired close to it;' but At Is mu
.terriflea- if any dog rune: aftem or even
near it, and any runaing of the people
• blatantly. affrighte it; but the moment
fl1a utet, t is so too. TA will. oftun go
itp to a dog and when to the; it 9s, well
eicquainted with eel of mine and. will
lie &owe by the Aro amongst them.
believeAlity scarce ever -sleep, for
tte muck as I have watelled Me 1 never
could observe* that it was aatee.p, OT
kei)t its eyes eloped more than two
imconthi at a Vane, ap_44,1f 1 mtried ever
.so little, drt, would start up when
have lain down an..the bed, et a time
, - . a
when it was, lyingcm thefloor, it mould
start up eeery. five *rant nainutesand
come to see that I was not gene; and
having lieked my fa oe et sucked my
neck, handkerchief a little", it would
quietly' lie dein again. 'When at any
time it lost me it tv-ould ran about
granting like e hog, and never rest un-
til it lied found 'me, -when it would run
• up to we in fun -speed. Sometimes I
herve diverted 'myself with stooping
and sunning both after' and from it,-
-wflaith pleased It macho and it would
do the same and frisk about in the
atone Manner as. I have seen the wild
calves one among,, another; and I have
likeWse. observed that when it is
,frightened ,It. ,erects its single, -Which
at all other" tintea haagedown, '
The help had its origin about two
thousand years ago. To guard
Good Health Maintained Through
• Sorae tinie ago, a treveler in Oen-
taal America [became interested ht a
young negro and brought him North.
After_ transplanting him, the negro's
photograpk was taken. It showed a
very crude, rough individeel, but ape
patently a great physical strength.
Every thirty days, for six months
thereafter., the man had his negro pro-
tege photographed, and at the end of
that time placed the photographs side
by side to note the change which a
new, encouraging, stimulating ere
virentnent was- working in him.
The improvement was, indeed, mar-
velous. One could see how, from
montheto month, kindness svas regis-
tering its softening, refining, spirit-
ualizing effects in the facial expres-
sion of the rough, coarse negro. At
She end of Ikesix months, one who
did not see the -Whole seri:4e would
scarcely recognize the face in the last
photogeeph as one and ,.the same
that in the first, As a matter of fact,
iet Was not ea same. Love and kind-
ness, the opening up of the mind by
°climatical and truining, had developed
the man's soul and transformed his
face into a new one.
That is always love's way. Nothing
else has such power to lift the life
and beautify the personaliitY as love.
• Rich, Red Blood.
There are many men. and: women
who, every few weeke, have spells of
weakness, during whicb. time they are
little better than invalids; yet at other
times they feel very well. Why does
their health fluctuees so?
In the case of men worry and over-
strained nerves are usually respons-
ible for this state of unfitness and iii -
ability to face the anxieties ot daily
As for women, her back aches, she
is dizzy with sick b.eadaches, and often
has • stabbing pains in the side. The
only real health is all-file:year-rowed
health; and the secret of it Li good,
red blood and plenty of it. One way.
to keep the blood in good condition is
to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pille. There
le scarcely a nook or corner In Canada
where someene will not be found who
will tell you the benefit they have had
througb, the use of these pills. And
the reason is that throegb, the im-
proved condition uf• the blood they
strengthen and tone up the nerves of
worried, enfeebled men and women,
and at thesame time have given new
vigor tole, d.elicat girls and thin
weedy boys. The value of these pills
in all run down condinons is shown. by
the statement of lira Lawrence
Brown, Walton, N.S„ • who says:—
"When I began taking Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills I was in a weak, bloodless
and nervous condition, suffering from
all the ,depressing symptoms that ,a,e-
conipany this rue down state of health.
I had taken much medicine but it did
not do mo any good, and as I had a
family of small children, I was much
diseouraged. Then. reading about Dr.
Willia,ms, Pink Pills I decided to try
them, and I can hon.estlY say that I
feel these pine have saved ene from
The Choir Invisible.
Oh, may I join the choir invisible!
Of those immortal- dead who live again
In minds made better by their pres-
ence e
In &elite& stirred to generosity.
In deeds of daring rectitude, in scorn
Of miserable aims that end with aelf,
In thoughts sublime that pierce the
night like stars, •
And, with their mild peesistence urge
man's search
To vaster issues.
lots. 74014 Eros,„ )3othweli, Ontario
Pups. adults. Tteld Bros.. Bothwtui,,
used, pulleys, saws, cal/A hosso,
tlestr pricesrahorl PP esi dnt suTboip)Canada.oatttut o toprui oBv 01A u an rt to 7.1
Girl Who Smells Colors.
Remarkable gifts are possessed byl
an English blind and denf girl who,
spite of her afflictions, ean detect'
sounds and distinguish colors.
Sh.e can listen to a conversation 147,1
resting her fingers on the spealeede
throat, head., or chest. She can eVen-
"hear" by holding a bi/liarcl ,ane cifte
end of which is placed against the Ver-
• son talking. These feats are made
possible by the fact that she has
learned to translate the v-Zorations
caused by ispeech into words and ,
seuBteyn:leasting. her fingers in the reedy.
ex she can conduct a telephone con-,
versation without difficulty.
Her sease a smell has been de--
veloped to an extraordinary degree.
She tells the colors a obletts by
smelling them, and In the sa.rae
ner she can describe the dresses her
41S17e.'scantilaelltr:adaze" books in ingbig type
and, distinguish the value of notes by
running her fingers over them.
So te live is heaven:
To make Inlaying Ilueste 1 the world
Breathing as beauteous cater that con-
With growing sway the growing; life
of men.
SD we inherit that sweet verity
For which we struggle& failed and
• agonized .
With 'widening retrospect that bred
• despair.
Rebellious flesh) that would not be sub-
A vicious parenrtshaming still its child..
Boor, anzions peoltence is quick dis.
'solved; .
Its discords, quenched by meeting har-.
Die in the large and charitable .air;
.A.rtd all our rarer, better, truer self,
That sobbed religidusle in yearning
• song, • -
'llhat -watched to, ease the burden of
the world.
LaborriouslY treeing -what mese be,
Ana what ratty yetbe better—saw
within -
A worthier image for the sanctuary,
And shaped it forth before the multi-
• tude. •
Divinely human' raielag worship so
To 'higher reverence MOTO 'fixed with
. love—
That better self shall iJive till human
Shell fold. ite. eyelids, and the Mallen
• sky
Be gruthered like a scroll wIthin the
- tomb
Unread forever.
This is life to corm
Which have made more
• glorious
POT u who strive to -follow. May I
That purest hes-Ten, be to other souls
The cup of strength in some great
agony, ,
Enkindle generous ardor, teed pure
, love ,
Beget the smiles that have no crueltse
Be the ,sweet presence od a good dif-
And in diffusion ever more Intense!
So stall I join the their.
Whose rauele is the gladness of the
..—Geonge Eihlott
prolonged misery. My heeith now
good, and we now keep. the pine in the
house. for 'use. as a, faniily niedteine."
You ,cap, get Dr. Willianisi Pink Pills
through any, dealer in.medicine or by
naafi. at 50 cents a box or six boxes for
$2.60 from Tap Dr. Williams,' Medicine
Co., Brookticeite, Oat.
Where Women Mustn't
• Whistle.
Numbers of thinga.are taboo ;Meng
Corr_ish fiSher-folk, No Woman is al-
lowed towhistle or load luck, will sure-
•, mrs„ Alfred Trancheinoetagne, St.111Y. f°116w'
agru:'a.' 'wreXict:isle:17t i rb 1:7 a:C. a' raat IttIvrar geo lo2, lalpibasftos,y" at e Arc: ehw6leahthallie7111:abarieamthe8 afd:h6e1 nrr'setijao6;t:
medlcia,e: TheY saved My baby's:life an
and I, Can ,highly recommend theni to rl 111: -11111g boat ailgrlfles th°It (IPIY
'all mothers.", Mrs • Traara, 't -4e tateh of fish virin be
tagne's experience is that of thousands tiaken"
'the -possibility. of rain staining the 'of other mothers who haVe tested'tixe' Animals are regarded with particu-
uied protect 'them,' virlA A
Ta,t4e,ts are a sure and Safe medicine" lirDt bo meuticaed when th3 nets area '
bar distat.-or, and doe and oats must
nutrbk, fa,c,es, of their ipds,the Greeks worth— of Baby's 'Own' Tablets. 'Th
I'Pet#141)htte 134:t.'eed aver the tel) of the. for little- ones and never, fail to regu-
'beald. These ;'were' mistaken by Paint- late the boWels and Stomach, thus re- rirleibiatt€13' 11167'e "been 8'ea'r'C'e St'
CM in later rears for ctlibien10 Of di- lieving all the minot 111S- frenn which Wee BaY '1171ce the' radlwaY
"-saints are .pleliuired with the " ring di d I • that the oiagine whistler'frieleten th
,me c ne ea els oi y man at 25 . . e
which we call a halo.,
vioity. Accordingly, our ehtistian
children suffer. They are sold by qmg lte silOrei, and ifsbernted beaielre
cettM a box from .The DT. fieh away,
Medicine Co., 1-3rockvi1le,, Ont. •
Wealth 'brings 'power, :but -what
most people need' 15•Inore -control.
For raining coal Or quarrying rock
without blaSting an Englishman has
invented hydrenlically openated tele-
scoping rams to 12e `itiscrtedr into the
Inaterial to be emoved,
When ordering go,eds by mail eexcI
a Dominion klennesoe laioney Order,
Five chapels , Louden are now
used as factorise.
• - •
. .
nard's Linlmerit for Garget In Cows.
St.Ivee decline flmt fish are
, ,
Very nineawisi.g." When deg -fist were
doing damage tc- the ,n4.,p.a some' frSher-
Men caught, one, al ogged it, end id, it
go eget', total). its tellews whet would
happen if they did nOt clear out of the
MInard's Lfienneet fro: Olstempere
For Sore Throat,
Cold in the Chest, Etc.
In Blisters, Itched and
Burned. Cuticura Heals,
were badly disfigured with eczema.
• Soap and Ointment and alter using
of Ointment he was entirely healed."
_Taicsi,i,gcumwineycoyn,a.meltivheves face and hands
• Cove, New Brunswick.
41 was advised to use Cuneura
three cakes of Soap and three boxes
!tog w°.ofauslsdlee8r0e1: wt an°neijtihs°erthludaee*GyhilnHOrae
Make Calcine Soap,- Ointment end
Ile was only three Weeks
sore and red. It caused
old when it broke out in
itching, burning and loss .
lblisters, and the s kin was
i"daldi TwYlytoileWtp°Irr rePare.Y°utino gnss.
=ad, 8414 Bt. Paul St., W. Kontreal." told every-
where. Soap 25e. Ointment= and 50e., Waleant 2.4e.
Mar CutieuraSoaosbaseawithouttaus.
AnterIcag reozieer nor awned -tea.
• Book On
and 1-10Tir to Peed
Mailed Free to any Ad-
• , dress by the Author.
U. 129• :W:ee,srGtol:2kv46.trlut 7Ss0, StreetAp:1.°'
Bulk Cariots
daiiy trains Via the Santo. We,
Pullmans %,is. Grand Canyon Park,
also to Southern Arizona.
Fred riarvey nieviei "nil the way,"
May lsend you our picture
V. Uonary, Gen. Agoat.
gaata PC
404 Fr o
Grand Cenyon Line
ISSUE No. 52-=--,-"X'