The Exeter Advocate, 1923-1-4, Page 6Ark1.4-
tie .importance of Colostrum 1
, ... ,.,
- , i
, This big:Ward. colostrtan refers,. to ,
the 'firSt milk given by the coqr alter.
'hecoining fresh. We have always
thought that the value of feeding ,the
first, milk to the calf ,was, to clean out
' and start the digestive Organs in the.
performance of their proper fanction.
.. . .
protected by patent rights. The regis-
tration •maohinery Will include pro -
rep e.sentattv,s, as 'well as
toornmitteeA to fleal With diferent
classes of plant. Applications will By Marjorie Sims
sentatives, lima by the Begitration of the most attractive teams in tnY 11(4 la1111d6r '8°.tisfaderilY.- HearY lin'
Bueeeu who will determine whether or I house, since. I spend a larger proper- bleached muelin is not good, either,
rat the name asked SOT is already inl ton of my time there thaa in any .because it Shuts out too reach light.
' t m beereom ? My certains are made of dotted Swtss,
be firSt d.ealt with by provincial repre- Way should not niy kitchen.lee one Cretenne. rat good beewase it dies
Aderese coMm cealoos to -aesorse-4•trosi, 73 a-delaide st, west, Toronto. It aPeeare ftom tests recently made
use. The Doniinion Hortionturist
, that this position was wrong. , 1
. . .
Et- Pt• h•:-.41ease prescribe a Maim' 1 lowed to help theroselvas theY 11$135.a15%. ExPeriments running ' over two 11- trhell Pass his oPinien. on- ti.le IlleF-
its of the plant and registration will
ration or my cows to supplement' consume a slightlY larger 13).°9°rti°11, years have establiShed the fact
only be given with the sanction of the
oats, verse cora fodder tied marsh haY. readhing in some cases to 7 ear cent., this oolostruni is a real germ killer.
. aigostive tract., te sition has. beee laid before the Domire
fatale aad meal hay az the roughagel The Pl'ice (1 ta1-21"age valles ace"6" wthheicyhoulrillorkariunn.rathte some of tee cavou's ion Minister a Agriculture' w.lw ""
containing from 50 to 60 per cent ‘34 in these experiments were given insat Proves of the plan, and gives hope
and groued op,tR and oorn. as tee eotet ing to its protein content. Tankage
centr 'ea laeks both nitrogenous ele- 'that the necessary aSsistance for ear-
reents, which are neeessarY in mite, Protein use:illy sells at about $55 Per; tives to make certain that their b rving on the Bureau will be rovidecl.
prod. Olen, and suceulence. It woulal tt/u The lower grade Which ,eentems i
, els moved regularly. These calves 'Ilhe Searetaxy •of the Registration
be we 1 to make thegram ration one -1 aicbeteut 4.5 per emit. protein, haS a Mal:- t w'ore niuch Weaker than thoee recede- ,
don Regietrataii Conmottee. The peep°-
. .
ration made tto ,of cowl,. of t e whole ration. It destroya the • e• ous germs
eir -A
• Conmettee and else of the Connell
. pricep ee about $4•5 'Per ten, s.0' Mg colostrum and the death,rate Was •
thin; ateh of bran, eorn meal, and oat; t. . itself is Captain L,. F. Burrows,
same m es high as among those not getting °thaws.
clear. An even better addition would 1 net the cost is about the
I either ease ie relation to the value O' this first milk. Out of twenty-twol
.,be oi take ineel, aboat one 131Qurta Pell the feed. Tankage is a byprodeet eel eaivee which did not receive eaoso ,,, . ,
day Clover haer would mike a value the medern abattoir. It is usually) trem, &level, died,. , W P
inter °inters.
able ideition to the eoarser portiere h t and the larger Calves from tubercular cows an be
solid by feed mere s e When sheep are exposed to cold,
of I.! e ration. One feed of this Per seed steles. raised without expestog - the young sharp winds, they beeome blind.
animals by heatieg the eolostrum to Treatment, five or sec drops •of sat -
140 deg. F. for thirty minutes. This mated solution of boric acid. in the
destrOys the tubercular germs but' eyes, twieaa day. Keep it ale several
does net decrease the disease -resistant days.
or immunizing properties of the eoles-I Wher: you stop,, the team. on the
trum. „To prevent thickening the cohe read, put the blankets ton. Have horses
estrum should be heated in a double sharp -shod an icy roads.
cooker or in a pan placed in a bucket Water stock in the lbarn rather ;than
M! het water. A large nufeber of turn them out ie stormy weather. --
Keep fall pigs growing. It doesn't
pay to rough them theough the win-
ter. Get' 'em seedy for early-sprieg
da; eauld be a suitable amount. From
zo 25 pound.s of either turnips or ----
, e ttete to keep mY
rev:a:els a day to ,ach aninial would `In '2' - -
the suroulenee a the ration. sheep in an old hen. eoop this winter.
Will chicken lice stay on slheep? If
:34—would you kinaly g' they will what eh:Mid I erie to remove
we me
tee veinier: or: feeding rye to dairy-161°ml- • "
. , such as oats and corn? bUilding termed a hen 000p is eoree-
. that the
ea', `e, Le., in connection with other Answer:—It is presumed.
lewer:--Rye is an unsuitable thing mare than the male ne-Plies,
to t dmry cows for the beal kept.
rather ahouse i ,
n. which fowls have. calves were raised on 'colostrum thus
that this grain is sabjeet 130. ' '
Poultry lice are quite un- treated and are doing as vvela ,in every
h They elo way as the calves which nursed their
feed 0 ' •
, lately to remam on s eep.
other one room, excep y
The kitelien I greNir up in was ing, y „
It Volt an endless time to mop: The toe give my windows the fresh, crisp
window, looked out an the hog let and look I love. Because of the ainoent
all could see was mud. The stove aleaeare I get /rem these curtains.
came out in the middle af the room I am perfeetly Willing to stiend the
and I had to walk around it to get time it teltes toiron them. E eou,
back to the siek. The pantry was do net aave the thne or desire for
across tee roam from the stove and cm:talus like me, try this type: get.
the table and the miles to be walked vere slesaY, sthin tunbleaelied
in bringing dishes from the dining for sash curtains; Crocbet looes across
room, across the kitchen to the table each end -arid ittl the eurtaixis or. two
,,ler the window (washing them while lode—one at the top of the seal and
we .grzed. mournfally on -the hog the ether at the bottom. These 'car-
eens), then carrying them back again baillia-do not blow out over thin
---some to lee put away in the pantry, whet the orindevre are <Ten and can
and some to be returned t6 the dining be pushed aside 'to let in onanueli
roorn—the miles did not add anything'ight as desired. If -the rods are
to OUT zest for housework .. I fastened 'to the witid.ow casing, the
ailed d irened in pleats
ta as:nee of ereet Ergoted grain • , • eteweeee dams.
' - ' - ; not remain on human beings.
l'b well however to oleanee the house ••----a-------
i' 'hie to 'cause Prerarture birth .td
'th '111d tilefrefcTe flie avoided with all e 1 ' ' . A Canadian Plant Regis -
breeding nnimals. lel this class of vetmin Poultry lice
are usually found ha cracks and ere- tration..
vices or behind boards near the roost -
R. K.:. -I Itaye twenty-twe fall -pigs 1 ing quarters. All loose 'boards Should A movement lias been eet on foot
and I he e no milk, only what 1 Wel therefore be removed and die kouse for the recording and registration in
and that is half water. How would , given a thorauga disinfecting wash; Canada of new varieties of herbaceous
tankage go and how much should I; preferably put on by e
- spray PlimP. Plante, shrubs and 'trees. At a meet -
feed to each one lumdred Pounds of I .A, three ,per cent. sohitiou a-creoltin jug of the executive committee of the
weight of pigs? Please tell me where', or a hot lime wash should be effective. Canadian Horticultural 001111,01, aela
I can buy it and its probable Price. 1 Unless the building is much larger in Ottawa on Nov. 13, it was decided_
Answer:—The Dominion Expexi- I than. the terrrt hen ..soop would suggest, to proceed with the establishing of
mental Farms as a result of exeeri-!the sheep should by Gila means be the bureau on the basis of a report
meets carried ou in the feeding of i given an outdoor run. In fact they Prepared by the Registration Com -
tankage to swine, lave adopted twowould be the better for this in any mittee of the 0oraneil. -
system of using tale feed,- which ie I ease. The registration aroposea is intend-
ed to protect the name of a new var-
found to be a very useful substitute -
tor milk. One is to expose the tankage C. Ro—Cau you tell me the reason iety and the rights of the eriginatar
If the owls are kept busy eastobe
ing in litter, they do not mind tJhe
Seed Corn Needs Air.
Give air a chance Where seed corn
is stored. The air should .get 'to every
kernel el the ears, This. means that
the corn should not be piled an shelves
or even laid on the floor. The best
plan is to sling it up with twine or
stick on nails eo that no tero ears
touch each other. This. will provide
fox the free circulation- of air and
thereby increase the germixation.
Farming is a game of pat and take.
The more you put in of fertility and
in the same .sense that inventions are care, the more yon take out inecrops.
The iloer was always dark because: c,i_Lr't4a131' ral'ed with the win-
adlalsr;k tefl°°lIbir gdIdanntlet", swIl°o\vodwpoortke: The ';',17;:eiraTil"Ypiy ' need ironing blit
wathed out at night,
dark green for the same reaSaa. thaY 'axe dried in pretty fresh f o1iL
siaetched on the ods ,and by mornieg •
Those readers of dile 'page who '
I use colored loops to make them more
have never worked in any but bright,
cheerful, sunny, small, convenient
kitchens can never appreciate them as
I do miee—after the kind I have de-
I decided that My kitchen was too
big and I find now that the ten by
twelve floor space is all I teed even
for my large family. Our house has
a living room in which the family
can "live" so I do not need to plea on
esing the kitchen for anything more
than kitchen:Mg-in! •
There's so much beautiful in Nature
to be locking at while working, that
what is the use of staring at barn,
alley, or hog pen ell the time? The
windows over ray ainklook out :el the
read, and on some days I have a movie
all of my ovni. 'Me other WiThlaW3
in an open box in the pen and 'allow ithat my five-montleold pigs have
the pigs to help Mselves. At the- piles? What can be done for them?
same tinie they are give eatisfying I Arisweee—The ailment .complained
rations of • either dry chop or sleepy) of is probably due to" constipating
feed. The other system is to mix the ' foods and the need of exercise. This
tankage with the chop and, feed it can be corrected by adding a &Mall
either dry or in sloppy eondition. proportion of raw linseed oil to the
When the tankage is mixed, a proper- ration, feeding liberal quantities: of
tion of from 5 to G per omit of the atots and allowing for a daily run an a
mixture is used. Whenn
pigs are al sunny yard.
The use of mil. It In producing eggs
end poultry meat is beeoraing .more
eral as the .good, results are evi-
t. Breeders 'who do not produce
milat at home can -often buy the coin-
' tnercial sezniesolid buttermilk, ExPeri-
ments have proven that live pounds of
sour skim -milk Is about equal to a
pound of the comanereial "Semi-solid
The casb value of the sour ref& foe
poultry feeding ie rather difficafit to
determine, but a fah- paiee of seven
cents per gallon. has VS1211117- been. con-
sidered fair. 'The commercial semi-
solid buttermilk usually costs close to
fat= omits per patina, although. the
east is greatly influenced byethe am-
ount purchased and, the freight rates.
There are quite a few poultrymen
mixing their own dry mash by pule
chasing the semi-solid buttermilk for
the protein and then adding as much
bome-raised pain as possilale, plus
the necessary items p-urcliased. off , their
neighbors or' elevator. This makes
an economical mash and the P°111-trY-
roan knows what he is feedine,.
There seems to be- a 'maize to feed-
Shipping Potatoes in Winter.
To make a box ear safe for Shipping
potatoes in weather that his below
freezing, the floor, walls and, ceiling
of the car must ba co•vered with build-
ing paper held, in place with laths.
After papering, a false floor should be
laid on supports aunning lengthwise.
Tbis allows a free air 'channel, four
to six inches deep, below- the false
floor and, extending from the centre
of the ear to either end and connecting
with vertical air -Passages fora:edu by
false .wells built four to six inches
from the ear ends. False rwra.11s, also,
should be built, a few inchwafeem the
sides of the car.. Thee 'folio floor
shOUla IVA cover the, Area between the
doers. Here a stove is installed, if
the ehipment is likely to pass through
severe weather, A false door should
be built Orti one side for a .stovepipe
end belkheade put across the ger at
either side of the- door a forrn
"well" for the stove. These false
walle as well as the centre buladieads,
risa. well toward the ceiling, and with
the false floor fonn two large bins
around which •the air continually ,che
collates. The bins should be lined with
Parents as Educators
Making:Ike Most of Stories --By Mary' Frances Davis
One of the most valuable aseets ef
the mother of small children is the
ability to ,seareh theouah her t-rea.stire-
house of stories atid and just the right
one for the need of the moment.
All children loye stories,. and
eager to listen to any interesting one,
but by giving eereful thought to the
selection of herr 'stories a nualtex.rasy
make them. dm:tribute direetly to the
mental and spiritual development a
her ehildeen. The real purpose of open up the world of fairies and make -
telling stories is to give joy, and of believe. ,
course this primery alit- should al- Children. of kindergarten age de -
ways he uppermost in the , raind of light in tatiryttales, becense they stim-
the nexrator. lulate the imagination. In this stage
The simplest way to classify stories of mental development the imagine,
is according to the age of the hearers. tive powers are Very alert, and. little
Nurserry. rhymes are usea univereally childeen live abnost as much in -blie
as the vexy first etoeies, for they de- world of make-believe as they do in
light children. who are still mere line; the real -world. • Because a this their
bies. The jingling rhythm first at-; minds crave fairy tales,
tracts the attention, and after many Natul'e lessoal mayebe taught beaus
repetitions, aseihe little minas develop tifelly and hn,pressively theougb
the worde begin to convey mental pia- ; stories. Children enjey these, and ae
tures, and the - story is gr,aduatly '1 the same time gather much valuable
understood. Many babies only two ;information. ,
years old recegnize and enjoy meet of Boys are especially interested in
the Mother GOOla 141714eS.. true stories of heroes, and many his
There is a slight gap between. theito'rical facte may be presented in, this
stories given in storeebooks. We have'l way. -
found that tweeyearsold children Several recent collections a thil-
geeatly enjoy simple tales relating drees stories are indeedaccording
their own pereenal experiences, when' to the (Moral lessons. -they contain.
told in a clear, direct manner. or
instance --"Once a little boy named
Peesten went, 011t for a walk, and he
fell down and ..beea-n to cry. His
friend, the squirrel, ran down from a
tree, and looked at him. Then his big
friend, tfhe dog, ran to him and bark-
ther.' So the little boy etopped 'err-
ing, and .stood up, and emiled at dl
his friends:" Mothers will find ample
meterial for these borne -made stories
in every -day happenings, and: should
use simple word.s and keep the action
The stories eihat naturally follow
these fall • into two eleetes, those
which. relate incidents that might real-
ly have happened, and those which
attrDnuetetihv'ec.urtain.; fee' -the full length
window are satisfactory. These cors-
elet of a pair foe each sash, those of
the upper wail being finished- at one
end bhesclev.invgimuband athtefhpeadort1;01
the low& sash with a heading at each
end and run them or: two 'rods whielt
are fasteeed to the casing. When the
lewar window -is opened the
eaatt curtains slide up under the upper
pair. Light oan 'be let in from or ehot
out from either saeli as desired. There
is a pretty seersucleer materrial an die
-market which does not need ironing.
This material eorees all white or white
beckground with oolored stripes.
Finished with 'a simple little tottert
edgite that coats a few cents a yard:
full length gives me a 'view a flower et- is most setraebee,
and vegetable gardens and the drive- Gingham curtains finished with
way. Just grass and trees in.ake a raknack. beadet exeseharree
restful view. dimities and awisees are satisfer,-
The Best Position. tory xresteeials.
I really had some things to enjoy The Cozy Corner.
tchen One was the ate cozy corner aoes more rbluni ane
in the old
breeze from the south and another ether one_ehieg to make my kiteheeeo
Was the shaded west window that let and, thereeere reyselfeeebeery, I sat
enough a the afternoon slim in. to eensiderabse tinKt in teed deek green
keep things cheetfule „The tree out- ketehen, oleo, et:might, ordinary ..eett
side the west window peved us from a
bot room when getting -super reedy.
lVfy own kitchen .hate a door and win-
dow on the 'south, and two half -
windows over the aink on the west.
I have been in many delightful south-
east kitchens but wanted the east
side -of our house for the long living
xoom and elm parlor. I have Always
said, that if we built our kitchens first
and then built the rest of the hosee
around them, we -could have ahat
wish antl the kitchens would 214 be
stuck tett; the 'only eornee left for
Proper ventilation makes sachem big
Milk that cannot be expeeSsed ese- , t -are. or =barnyard Manure.
el, cash. It Ins the yet,arames which
. area growth. end. vigoe. nreeding
stock that have their ration'
seem to eroduc,e. -neon hatehable egge
than hens whith get a their protein beef ecraa or fish serap. .
In feeding liquid sour milk and. but-
termilk tlie 'dishes should. he frequent-
ly sledded a,nd ecrubbeci. with a corn
cob to loosen the gtunmy accumule-
tions. Dirty inilk seems to be a Source
digestiee troubles, Do not feed aVar
The totservation and A.pplication of
farm manure is a matter of vital im-
Pteetance to fermers, bile amount of
available Plant food iei thee soil is, the
principal factor in determining arop
Barnyard manure is the most effec-
tive fertilizes- and best soil improver
known. Each ton contains approxi-
ena.tely 10 poUnde of nitrogen, 5
pounds phospborie acid and 10 pounds
of petash, supplying three essential
milk in any type of fountain whica: elements' of plant, food. For increase
=mot be opened up so you can see ing soil f.ertility farm manure is un -
all the ireade when it is rinsed and equalled and it is ore: of die most
cleaned. treatable assets ,of the farm. Themes*
manure the larger the crops the
Ykigtit Type of Flog, Essential l'firg
er. the crops, the more live stock
that can be kept Which in turn. will
To Export Bacon Trade. predace more manure and hesrease
.Addressing a body of senior officials crop production. -
of the lave Stock Branch of the Fedi- All the liquid menure should be
eard Department Agritaltrure Ot- SONO SS it is far licher at nitrogen
alma a few days ago, Dr. a is.„Gee- and potash than the solid exclement.
date, DeptIty. Wanister ea.tete. Depart, The floors and gutters in the Stebles
mute pointed oat that at. the present Should be soundand liquid -tights auf-
time Otinadrlan bac= Ce the Ileitis& ficient litter or beading material
Market is, losing rather than gainiag shookl, bp used to take up all liquid.
rowel. This conclusion was drawn Manure for care, vehicle is ate a
from a Study ,pf maa'kerts while in Eng- the princepal crops entering into To-
landea fair Weeks' ago. Compared with totions of all stoat fatale Beetere
Datesh bacon whiel: easily tope. the Canada, eau be applied as ma& by
Import marke't, Canadian sides were deawing it directly t� the fielas and
too short and in many cane tee thiok readiag it where corn is to be sown
of ferenoe in, price betereeri Clenadian'and revere' not only a saving of labor but
euud, This was on the wholesale 4hiltg and heating,
he given to the retail: 2narlost mandLITY at the' command of farinerie
clien &air" wailiag for cake to bake
or for the `Ws% kettle to boil or watch-
ing the meringue that. had to be
seatched ;out of the yen aa, just the
right second. do uot niind sit -ting
in. the latchen I have 11`QW end. I 'find
my friends- std. neigabotre like it. too.
Over by the long wiadaw I have a
comfortable little sewing rocker. •
There is a book -shelf undee the win-
dow b-ecapse I like to read some.
thing foesides a cook book once in a ,
'while. One neighbor said to me,
"vehene-ver I have a minute to rest I
want to get away flora ;my kitchen -I
clear outof it" Well, may be I should
difference -at giviee us a 000l room, feel that way, to,, if I had •te work ui
i ..
to worlt in -when necessary and pro- , her kitchen. Mine ie not the load
eooking that we do not 'wish in tIle Aaorther neiglhor aid, "don't yo
vides a, way ito dravr off tlie *dors 611.0,:rn always wanting to get away fione
other Part- of. the house. I enjoy the , think a rocking ehaie is too 'ixkod for
'c smell of gingerbread, but need the kiteheroe ad 1 replied oat ms.
This, method. el classification is very
usefel to mothers who like .te. use
stories as a means of discipline .- A
skillful story -teller May relate her
-story with the idea of cerrecting
some childish fault, without losing
the fresh, appealing charm of the
ed ,Bowewowe Then , along oarne his, story, itself. Perbeeie taus , is th
sister, and said, cry, littletBroapreme test of a good -story-teller.
I always announce to the whole family
that I've let the potatoes boil dry or
the eggs scorch?'" ,
Good light is necestary for effi-
ciency. The woroan wait> for eleven. the kitchen than does die picture, An
years lighted a match evexyatime she 13.,,dian ivias,saere, eengiteg over the
looked into tbe ,even. was wasting bed in the spare room where the guest
matches, enaangering her life ,and the is supposed to sleep peacefullY! A
hoose, afid cutting her efficiency a, comfortable, substantial rocker, either
least in half because the haniCholding wicker or wooden, bee suet as dea.
ttlieurninlittieltinmgatoelri twaaskingn.of;yhoelpd auitn. ranit;g4e polareteaibniet.heAktiteleahenst aIstthhieniscinks4
Later on she found that she could get The: things yrhich it seems to me,
plenty ef light into her 'oven by Simla. make any kitche-n cheery, zee its size,
ly turning the stove around. ets coolness its brigatness end its
Light should come from over the eoz.ifiess. And so, -in contrast to the
left shoulder. , If it does mot, wework dark green kitchen of my girlhood, my
in our own shadowA• For this 'reason kitchen of to -day is eomfortably emall ,
a central light is not satisfaotoree and eheerfney bright. 1 say this. he-
eanh wOrking CsiPaee Ineerlis its own light cause it could be glar'ingly bright. 1
I had one light put in over the sink, like to look are of its windows and
one near the lenge .and a third near watch passethe on the road- And when
my mixing eabinet. I Might have had i ars tired and want to rest a minute
a central fixture into which to eerew e elan, rest right °there, land not have\
a three-rwlay socket. Then I could to go th110110, the dining room- or up,
have used three cords, and had my tsphtthiaultoi tem:the. Tr eanga i;aomrop.t”o, fi.n. d. a
three lights, wherever I veished. If 1
could not have had electric' lights, it e keep a pot of paesiey ese setney
.12VI:itall..........tdonnit ay=enWtmo.lvrntss-. n'thectereadooki ditrwgreetakeil,grel. ge7Whwi:at tegh.eantillindelliffgd'erxehlakcentli;t1
ing surfaces aral put lumpson them makes! It would ha:ve cheered up nay
Curtaisis have a place in thekitehe
. -
Question of Curtains.
n '61iltalt, tooill.s welild' ba-ve done 17mrlds1 fo
The Trees pan't Strate, . meUt trf electricitY far the tr•Itlisfil°1-•
tation compeniee, and ear users t.,
One daY. this summer, after reading power see the danger a being mt. '
' thart WAS Mb. vast Sprmg tn. s sen,, evfn strikes ,may serve imeame
fine l'tiles of al -body maPie s.toveWeod enteeprises. So that We ean t*. thia,,
waialy,t1,.ikrie onkteele.117,iia.bifwipe:;:thIned.e,.:taso:;d%natteavidrearni:g-1. Itit(lelPeueseipal-ladelititaiooeonreoa7dullyservT110::lourthe etilvrain:06,r1 ' '
a ralliba &rough the wood*. In the ecal stipple, wlach is, in danger of be -
soning prorperly for use next winter, poses never dreamed of bythose Who)
Int 5.1.3betrukeitetbahetnwset'uvme13: butif,.tothours: 1151' v;,,Ifdle.7:011:74: ILO%
enough to -practice re -forego -don and
any :shortage we will not find it nee-
-q-sary to burl the furni`ure or tear our slinggles and,' foolishness to le
ile. the floors ' gut ,-ti,e4 to keeT us uLtchtilor.the right coirtrse.—Peter Me -
warm. We went through a winter in
tiashnedh:v[endaarnie-lvIriot:oiqu'atiFicill'illgid 0Vfnl'°v°11 A woodi—met 0:-.407-erY farm, mai
\Table of a Woodiot.
their ear-IlloYees Will quarrel at docan 'GI reirxleestarylra(dbefatjnher;oulnesfordfuseelienanntill
tention, but if the coal, operators and
mean 8-0 much tous a5' it does -1'`) city ally would make about half of thei
people. The woodlot is a -Ma of 1--1-1 population of Canada. wholly lade-,
fax the home t' a- I-, 'go, -01 pendent of , lhe C-Clf.A. 111.111-LTS• and ita-,e4 ,
if(terieerIPI:igil isltpinituAlatscITorloaZestaGSoclir'llir :gall 17eaciPingminetheoPy,r1to'31'iisrien.3 lit',,,,Iii!rnirTtg.t,:er all
to eornmarel the best prices, The clif- fallowing seas"-• This 1Yractits
yeaRanish ,rkvas about three cents per revents loss in p ri food
were frosri
:7,141tet d itedi etude that With flea amoura of max:
llhated that a wider difference be... is not desirable to plow it =dee too
ieneentelee Canadian and bacon 'was deeP/Y.. **ell ine117r-ra464 with tha
the rale Dr Caisdale con- frit Ave 1044.0P sat 14; 1Y.F 11:0
ferrite ItAKCAI the surface so
ficlence rhat bog, grading, now being „
establislad, tuotild toad to..rostOne- be an* IrwrOot.
Canfaila her lost. inestigo !the. paaty .aud tbia) lard*: #72a
ortance for Canadian. bar.,44, Zwitra, '101",060.41
. .
arket, which is the only onitlet of young nroP lebiao it is) least arebs
`TeRateGe Tea
Sar4004 15'
slibR-reft AHD
thinges too good for the,kitchen ,
is built to Serve its purpose. Spindle -
legged 'rockers no longer good eneleg'h
for the parlor have no moee place in
, country,' for- many. farmetTs air:603.7'1 ,
that:it is not zafe.'6Q be entire -1 The anaa who works kt ryCattP
.ItY 'dependent On ,outside,s, supPlies of , sip with rills
o'S.• U 41, twill alsopromote,' the -dotua starts