The Exeter Advocate, 1923-1-4, Page 4i eware teacher. , Mr. Walter' Hauch, who visited \+, f� parents hese, ur,in aair.-1 ie Centralia Iretmsrned - eige at •NNaterlaa Drain water from :your radiator ar us'e. Pyridine Alcohol , to prevent freezing, `Put on your Tire Chains 4r i!. zne, VBraunn ' 13spent the, 'heath of t�enty, Wiilsatu.—Tire"r•e ' Toronto, on •Twesday to r'esinne his street,!.,oindanr, on Thursda\..last, Dec n tt may save a life or your par: from =being wrecked .Let us take care of your. Storage :Battery aha ., week -end . in Landon. ' He returns to"4,passed away at his home, 524 Talbot: studies 128, Henry '4'Valsout, a former hi„ hly ,ea• - a: Mr-.- lrvi :Falmer ,of Taranto' 'spent te-eined resident of Stephen gyp: `;Tires' "- the holiday here, the gust of his par- cleceased •had been ailing for. over a eats Mr. and !lira, Chris. Fahner, year. from hardening of the artei�'i',s, Mr,, and Mrs. Chambers and ;anmly but,. 1mis cciidl�tion dad not assume a of the West' are �,pendin,g a dew days serious nature until. about tea 'clays Le a �, pre''vi'atus .to i'cis,derzrase, ivheu� stontaGh: with. Mr. and ,Mrs. Isaac Hill. iYlds- Laura • Smith,: who has been tengaged as teacher at Shipka, has ••,e- signed:<and accepted her bami.. ;chola at Sharon, STH,PHEN For Reeve Polls 1, 2 3 4 5 6, 7 8 9 T°1 Alegi Neeb'32 38 43 68 62 113 48 20 24-•448 D. Webb 48 33 394014 9 37 42 94-356 •tor Councillors, k , Lawson 49 33 52.5545, 25 42 20 69-390 G ,Penhale .42 60 34'46%0,91 39 40 56-454 V Snell 64 57 55 79 25 6637 32 47-462 trouble set' rat. and h,e, sank fast . Luntil the •end came, Mtn. Wilson' was born' in the Township of Ste<pilien, and ihiu whole life was spent it that town,stbip; :with the exceptavm of -a 1ittl,e,••over GOING ABROAD a year being spent 'in Lonndorr, He Was a- man .of sterling ,character, a" good neighbor and:''kind friend, and loris "This fair stage . person got half a death wiy1 be- regretted, by :a::argie million dollars out of her latest matri- circ1e of friends. In, politics he was, moniai;venture. a Conservative and was a faithful ':Court attaches said she hada far- and ar and valued member of the, Methodist away look in her eyes when the deal - church. He. married Elizabeth Neil,by Sion was rendered." whom he is survived, 'toae)ther with two soma, Gorden andf Elmer, who re ° r ."That's the usual symptoms in such eases." ,'Eh?" , "Monte Carlo was calling her."-B1r- -mingham Age -Herald. W: Sweitzer 41 .3.9 52 73 9 66 51 77 527 'side, in Stephen; alsia one broiihler, Elected—Alex, Neeb Reeve; Wm, Mrs. John: Kent, ¥isses Jat>ce kind Sweitzer, Victor Snell, G•eo, Penhalem Rachel. W>.ls,a - of 'Centralis Mrs. Councillors.' John Hays was ,elected- Wm Woad, Landoll, and, Mrs, Matth- deputy reeve by acclamation. ews of - Wjarton. The funeral took 51.7 John of Centralia; and five .sits,tiers: Lucan palace to' the Fairfield cemetery. on . Speedy, Registrar --Mr. Brown, yea have Friday. overcut ,French. Why do you go to Mrs R •Fairhatll-has gone to Ottawa New York so often? to join Mr, • Fairhall, who has ')leen there for some months pas t. Stude—Why-1—er—go to see my ,Mrs. A. „Hooper of London has been grandmother. • The marriage of I1ft.4ss -Jennie Fore-.hierei fora few days( awing, to ;the `j] - if you are going to use it, tse�'C qt• eve . rasp of Granton to NLutcHell Hasket<ll mess- rnn�r , . '` e s of her gister-' w Mrs, Bus - Week, If not, let us store.' it • •,overs. f Lucan.,was very quietly solemnized lo\igh, who has Somewhat recovered.. ,Jivinter at 50e. Per Month. ' `at S't. Johns Church, Kitcb,ener, Dec, 1M1iss, L, Baynham .hats tone to visit 27th. After a trip to Toronto they at her h'om'e at Shipka'for•a few, days;.. wad;-res•de on the groom's,.farm.near Mr. and>its. W<R..Ellyott Mr., and tLw an Mrs, Murray :Elliott, and Mr,` G f urge sr Stanley= .Fatxgerald —A • quiet weed- Hicks attended, the funeral in ' don ding wac•, .sol�emmlpzed on Den 27,' at. , Friday of, Masi, J - Paisley for that sera'z Wa b2n w.J. Cottage, Tha;iiclaleeyy the city, Mr, said; Mrs. ];. C. Flitzgye;r-, .Mr. J. Dempsey who has •been vis_, t homst of , a'ld when their sectand daughter�jer- sting, has grand parents, Mr, and Ivfrs. • the. Viola, \utas .united in marriage to J. Dempsey': has;reterned t< Toronto Wilbert J. Stamey, ,Sion of Mr. - and where he is attending University, Mrs.John. Stanley, Lucan, The tier- Mr. J, Brawn}, who has, bees on, 'the ernony took place under a bridal arch;• sick gyst' for soave few days, - is ,able Rev,, A. Kellam officiating. The bride, to be up in the village, amour Who was givern &i, marriage, by Jrefa,- Mr. J. Kent received a message on The Exeter ,Ad vo tate Sanders & Creeah, Proprietors, Subscription. Price—In advance,' -Si SO per year in Canada; £2.00 ,it ' the. United States,: All subscriptions net - paid in advauoe 50o. r r i eharged, n, Theo • wore a French blue. satin: gown; .trinuned with gold beac}s, 'Attie Was c f 1us sister, Mrs: Hawkshaw ani Tor Marion. Stanley, sister of the grooms onto.. The ,remains \Vere -.brought. to and Master:Evert Dufton, nephew of Lucan for interment on Tuesday. ;the „bride. acted as, ringbearers�l Af- MMiss;Irene Bird 'of Lendoni spent a d Saturday informing hirm of. the death '.ter a dainty luncheon, served by four few days with her cousin, Miss Wart h THURSDAY, J.N. 4th, 19237. Crediton:, VULCANIZING --I wish to -announce', that I do all kinds' of vuicatr rang, a'�ueli. as Rubber Tires, Rubber touts and Shoes, Etc. Prices reasonable and, good work guaranteed. We <alsa..han,- friends of the bride, -Mr. 'and Vila. ,Stanley left London, on. an ,extended tour to Chattanooga, Tennesae.e, Willis: • , Miss 'Helen Hodgins of London vus- :ted with, Miss Ge,nesriteve Q'Brien; for a few days.. ],ase week, . , Greenway - Dashwood 12essrs: Lawrence- Pollock; W. J. Pollack and. Jas..Young visited ' 'Mr. Mrs. Oscal' Sherritt of Granitan last weelr ICLopp: a family, Zur- r'George, ich and. M.r. and Mrs. Edmund • Walper -raster. ricGallen and . err dime and family wiere 'vis tors at the; Bonne Harte have recovered d foam am, ;attack of 9aundiae ale seclarid hosed tinea a of iVir. Canner L. ' ail(per; ; ff Ir; and :VLrs:•, •'lVlell• recery d; �svard 1VLr a d Mr s Hazetn, Dark' of win -d_ ryl er 'i g ' 'VI ;' Theodore Walper .',spent "'a da. JOS. HAITI; : "Crec1%tr n sor: wrere guests .of Miss Edith Walper. • of.r •the . sudden death front sea et •ev- �af thew little grandson am Muchr- f•er F g iLr, Hillard Sparlirig, who has beef - Mry Herb Gasiserd andr friend4 ..' .IVir, .y Qur January ;thaw came' on ala . spending the h•aii'days at the, home o1 Queenan of "Detroit vjsited \v.tth NLr. ahead of schedule. ,;Lr. and �•1rs, john, Smith, returned' to Vlissimne Sunday \Su -be obsery his, home at Walkerton. '' and `��Irs. 1r. 'Otsteinlxein' last week. ' ed in the .aM.•etlodist Sunday.i.Scihipol Volley Balli is in full awing � :am ;Miss •J., Idartlepb af• I:arudan i s visit-' next Sunday. the vacant school room being fitted 'nighes parents, :Nets. J: Turner is under Dr. Wilson s. :a ,VLr. W hl of K• heiuer visited attack .f, e ' We Registrar—Do You mean'the one I saw,, you with last Saturday? Wonder- ful how these old' women get around nowadays!—Yale Record. -. 'Clear as Mud. Englishman= -What "do you mean by "giving- a man the air?" - to 'him . ut- i •a can ' atop ---'P n, P er Am g .. •ting the skids under him, giving him the gate or checking him out. Under- stand? - up as a recreation, room. They • 'Il care with an at ac O . gripF • i relatives ,}tete coyer New; 2 earn. seem to enjoy the gamy.., ; ,,,, h,er a speedy raav-ry, Mr. Ling of WaodstolCk'tnd • :iMr . :‘Zi:ss Alice , last, w spent a few Owing to the bad, weather there was =fiafferon of Hespeyler vrsiaed 1VIa days in Zurich last, week: ' a very small congregation) in the Meth, Lorne Brawn a, few days the pasrt , `Liss Emma- EIlers left on Friday'far rndist Church on Sunday to hear the Ttrtrherier where,she will $ora her par- v yinsp'rim g N Year's massage of week. Englishman ---Oh, ;perfectly. But ;what do all those things mean? Merle' Clark spent the w ell' encs She has taught m Sharon school ..rhe _oaai Rev. D... Wa114altns, ":Bao ;,cold in Walkearville. - • •g , Ca several .yearn olid befo leaving I, Quite a number from here attended` Watch might sarvi were h'ld• tm \vas, prea,ented with a beautitul, cut- the funeral of the late Mrs • John .%thea Evangelical Church on Sunday eev giasa, salad bawl by, the pupils Miss Wilson. th.nVma Ramsay)•in •rAikona coxing. t .:Ehlers has accepted a plds:ttiaa an a st week. For her, death came as a lilts. Sam. 1lillier of Ubly,IicliN,tus. school- m,Kitclieaier. release from much pain and suffering, visiting fronds and, relatives in town,; hire •thee sympathy of all goes ,to the - Mr. Herb. Trevethick of Mel:fort.' The first carnival of the;season faui'ly of seven who ,are left alone YIELDING TO FORCE'' Sask., as vtsifing at the home of Mr ws••held in, Gasser's min on Monday- s;a ealy i, life. Thea'; are being cared Her Mother- Nonaen8ei Hover could A Place for Reflection. Visitor from London --Do you mean to say you do nothing but lean on that fence alt day? Why, I should go mad Inaweek I Native of Rural Village—Aye! Some would. But it's all right for a chap who; can do a bit of thinking for 'is - self. Vicarious Amusement. - "Don't laugh at me, boy!" said the sensitive getter who had fowled. "I-wasn'tt ; sir," replied the. caddie. "I was` iaughin' at another man.", r� "And. what's funny about hint" "He plays golf awfully like you, sir." Father Was In Error. Suitor—Mr. Simkins, 1 have courted your daughter for 15 years. Mr.-S.—Well, what do you 'want? Suitor—To marry her. Mr. S.—Well, I'm hanged! I thought you wanted a pension, or something:—London Tit -Bits. ...ick. evening. Jan. 1st anti -was' a• decided , far by her brother and sisters: -Dur- Jack Huppina compel youto kiss Mrs. Heist and AGertru:de spent :the` isu;ices.s. 'Ihe acre vitas rn !excellent ! ing 'her °residence here Mrs. W; ys;on him? and • week end with the formter's peeptrIts.,coa>ditro¢t. The following wan, prizes \vas • an' active member and worker in Profitable Opportunities are offered- to -day • for investment int Government and Municipal Bonds yielding a high return, The purchase/ or sale'ofsuch securities can be arranges ed at atny of our branches. Ott monthly list of offerings will be sent on'request, 10414 671 THE CANADIAN BANK -OF COMMERCE Capital; Paid up $15,000,000 Reserve Fund $15,000,000 M. R. Complin, Manager. .; R. S. Wilson, Manager. Exeter Branch Crediton, " ,- Dashwood " at Bente;!Ter' , ..Ladies National, Letter GuentherGrace , Chwrch. Cora Coaingtond Why, he held ma Mrs. Garnet Slveiitzes' la able to $xe lits. -rMutnp,p saround again, after being! under ; •'tine Gents National, Mervyn Tiernan, doctor's care for the past few weeks Jain Gu+enth'er. The marriage took place in Creditoai Ladzes' Fancy Costume, Gladys on, December 27th of Mrs..' Margaret Gteezuhter, Myrta Hoffman:, Drager }.f Broadhagen, to Mr-• Alfireck ,Pelts Fancy, Czar Steinhagen. and Wilds of Dashwood. The newly.: mare '4Y . Gasser, • idle in, McKillop Tp... Ladies' Consic, Idella Baker, Grace pied couple \vill-res Kellerman. near Broadhaget' i(Ca `e Czar Kellerman and Miss. Julia Hauct, who has been =mi5 ;Gents' Comic, , sting her, parents, returned' to 'Poet;rs Lloyd Ldighaffer., '- -ton to resume her due ,es as •--school rrlS Fancy, Laura Mae Reid and jcd 'Hoffman. - .-� • „Gills'' Comic, Grace Guenther. B,ay. Comic, Harry, • Hoffman,'Louis, imin.er.' 6,01s' .half -mile race; Grace Gwen Cher, Alice" Hoffman, -oys' .half -Wyle race, Kenneth Wain' 1 `gene; Tieran. , -.`-Ladies' half -mile ,race, Lizzie .'Hart- lii>; • Grace i�eliermam .Gezits' one mi% race, Royal .Gainer, Vdtz. hve]a}nd. Self F ' servation --Nature's First Lav -Heed It! Preserve' Your',Strength' -TtlIsonburg, Ont.—"Ever. since I can remember: Dr'. Pierce's medi- cines were. used in -our family at home anc%,ther never-fa.;iie•d to give goad'yesults The 'Golden,Medi `„ caI Discovery' was ti ' used ` ,as: a. .tonic and blood purifier also forbronchial. trouble and it proVed .excellent. > I myself have taken'the '115iscovei'-y' for bronchial trouble and Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription to build me up when. I ,was rundown, and they were both very beneficial. "I feel safe in recommending all' of Dr. Pierce's medicines knowrng,thetn- ' to be good."—Mrs. Clifford Mitcleli Obtain these famous medicines now at your nearest drug 'store, in tablets • or liquid, or send 10c to Dr. Pierce's Laboratory in Bridgeburg Ont., for a trial package of any of his :refine- dies. Write Dr. Piem: oe, , President Invalids' Rotel in Buffalo, N. -Y., if you desires free medical advice. Local Doings IINSTALLATION OF .OFFICERS, The . newly: elected officers of • laeb- anon Forest Lodge,- No. 133x,, tY F.' 8c A- M., 'were duly.installed, anuci i nveat-1 ed On Wedneisidaly, emiin N kali by V. Wor.,Bra. M: Eacrett, ass tsted-by oth- er ',Past 112as!ters, as follows‘,—W. J. M. Sou"thcottt , S.W., H. Bagshaw; J. W., . J. G,: Stanbuiy ; •Treast, G. H, Sanders; "Sec •, . R. N. :Creech Chap - aqua, Rev. A. .Sinclair; S ,D„ Rev. G. M.. Chidley,; J. Dc,;Tt Pryde; L G:4 W. R. Franye;S. S.;11. O Southcott; J. S., J„' B. Pryde; D. of Cr, Taman.' At- the close, a lunch was served ani a few short addresses were given. tWildfong Tieman,—A pretty , %Voi ding was solemnized at 413,#1, , on Dec- e.tnber '27th, at the home of '1Vlr,':'aakd Mrs.- hire' Tiernan; When 'their'young- -est daughter, . Emma Pearl, becat ole the bride of Garnet C.-Wildforug, youngest soh of .-Mr. and Mrs.' Joseph Wiidfosi,g, With Rev. W. Yager officiating.. Thebride entered theoparlor • on the arm -of her: father' to the `straltnia. of Lohengrin's wedding march played by Miss +1'firua Ehlers. She looked charming in a, dress of $ivoiry canton. Crepe, trimmed with -pearl,-ornaments, olid flowing embroidered , we l caught with lilies :of the valley' and "carried a'shower, bouquet of rases. ' Her only rnament`was a string of Pearls,' the 'gift .at the groom:” The. Misses Luella Merner, and Mel- ia Bender,_ made "two charming 'bridles mhrds in pane blue canton ante p'oJc crepe de then?, and carrying bouquets of pink roses. I, The groom was supported by the bride's two ,brothers, Addison and Ira Tiernan, , while little Mss Ruth Tie- rnan, cousin of the 'bride, in r;s •dreras, of, pale ::sink organdie; -nae a danty HLTRONDA1. E In his arms' and kissed me till 1 just had to kiss him back In self defense. One Point of Agreement. Held a conference every day, Had important things to say. Flach one ended up ip turn With a motion to adjourn. HE MOLSONS BANK INCORPORATED 1855 ' Capidal Paid Up ;14,000,000 Reserve Fund 55,000,000 Over . 125 ''Branches, OPPORTUNITIES TO BUY CATTLE horses, farm implements,.et.., cheaply are' constantly twang up. The fan mer with money saved is the one who gets these: snap's. Piara,e your crop earnings Int; a Savings As:couant with the nearest branch of The Molsons Bank, where, while earn- ing interest and being absolutely safe, your money its available at any minute. Deposits can be made by rnaiil., EXETER: BRANCH, T. S. WOODS Manager, Centralia Branch open for business daily, A. Matter of Spelling. Mr, Exe—I don't approve of -'that suitor' of Helen's; :He seems to be a man without principle. Mrs. Exe-Why, John, he has. a 4prineipal of' $500,000, and it brings him •eight per cent annually. The :•Hurondale Women's :Institute met at the home of .the Misses' Ked- ,dy on ';Wednesdy, Dec. 27th,. The business disposed of the "following programme was put on - Olive' and Pearl Wood • ,ga'fe an',instrumental duet, areading by Miss. Hattie Ether ington,' an interesting and instructive paper,:on Women'a part in 'Canada's progressa ery ,by Mra, "Passmore, then - everyone took part in ,community . singing; • Lunch was then served' and a social halt hour ''spent. The next meeting will be , held at the -homes of Mrs. C.Pym. - Roil Call, , "Ancient e „, How's Your Liver? , years ca x, ''ere-cureU ?-i le Kept, If You Observe This One OiI Ie 'r ra mask.—"I have taken Dr. holden Medical Discovery for` liver trouble and found it excel- Ieni and would not be- without It. 1 suffered from congestion of the liver about six years ago and I always say that this medicine cured me. I have also given it to- my family for colds and it cured them in a very short tune." -'Mrs: Endch Mitchell, ; Boa little ring bearer. The groom's gift to- the bride w'as;a string of pea it, to each btfaesma d a= bar -pin, to the 'groom.amen• pearl •tie-- pin,s and to the ring bearer ,. a little gold ring. After the ceremony a ,sumptuous wedding dinner, was served to. abossi 100 guests. The happy cnnpl,e are leaving for Detroit, where they intend to retake:ntheir• home. They carry with them the hest wishes of their many 139, trends. • His Status. "Paw," asked ;little 'Letser Livermore, who has an inquiring mind: "What is an honest yeoman?" ` ."That, my -sen," replied the astute sire,,' "Is merely a polite name for _a man who can be worked." Furniture Bargains BIG REDUCTION IN FURNITURE, Wit, CARRY THE LARGEST AND MOST 11P -TO -DATE STOCK. c , el ,0,.BUY ' HER:. AND SAV ,E MONEY Funeral Director & embalmer, ARIN R .L7ti • E • O• ..D Phone 9 - ERVIOE OATISFAUTION Start the Year right by buying MEATS `' 4a% the Shop ,,F • RIVERS' MEAT . MARKET WHERE QUALITY IS • ,HIGHER THAN PRICE.' GRANTON onf Dec. 27th when, their only daugh- The home ,of Mr. and ?Mins. Robert ter,Vtho a was ,iinnited in marriage to Kew at Springdale Farm, ' B.lashlarci't Parton S. Ndxoin son of J. -E. Niixoni. Sivas the scene °Ufa pretty._ ' wedding of Granton." . ,Unpleasant News for Suitor Young Man .(to messenger . bby).- Whatdid Miss Brown say. when you gave her the Sowers?, a Boy, ��e ..tii"e•'fellow who was ; ,Slie.ask d. �,:..,. sitting wth:het if.he ;would like one for a buttonhole, . •'Obeyed Orders.' "Did you desert your •wife?" asked � the Tottenham magistrate of a de-" fendant aS to o and 1 always .She old, me g , • y , do . as I am;' told, was the reply. London Tit -Bits. Flights. "How do you feel- when • you are soaring . in flights of oratory?" "Same as a regular aviator," said Senator Sorghum: "The soaring part is: easy. "What you, worry about is where you are going to land." .One View ofd;an.Optimist. Mr, Cheerio --Whys worry ',over what yon owe? Cheer. up. • Be -an optimist. Mr. 'I3loobody,_ 1. ly good fellow, optitniSt is a •man' who liasn't enough ' credit to borrow trouble: London •'Answers: Not in the Inventory. "Did Jobson's purchase include also, the ;good will of the business?"" , riuThere "wasn't any good will. It was:, a coal dealer Jobson bought out." isT,W�6tUNIVER.�Y� - .;,.. ZnEWESTERN ONTAR.IO UNIVERSITY ) LONDON, • ',c 'Ever . Father and y 'Mother • This is they era of ; progress. .. The call P g for ' trained, men and women to carry forward in Medicine, Science, Engineering and Fine Arts is stronger than -ever before. If you would: help •' children P your c lldrenmake the most their lives you should give them the best education you can afford. A universityeducation is the:first essential for our future' ,.. leaders. • A college stands at your .door with open gates readygive therm g Yto complete courses in Medicine;•Arts and Public Health,' - Acl;tt s_ sign is by. Junior Matricula- tion except for special or nurses courses, and the ' fees are so low that any one may attend: • Western University degrees are ',universally Y FM, information apply to DR. K. P. R.'NEVILI.E • Registrar London.' Ontario Ifl _j,