The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-10-21, Page 5TERMMVOVATE' teeter' • 'tenet ettetn, e•teteetteetere. teettte m ens II bank. Mr. Henry Arnoldetlie fem. er manager has retired bat -wall remain a resident of Mr. John Young, ica-met propriet- or of the New Commercia/ Hotel here and hie sen -in-law Mr. Rohe Dniee care of Harrington, were in town TuesdaZ Mr. and Meg. 'Thos. Richardson inoved last Week to the 'louse on the farm of their son :and sen -in-law Chiselliurst, Mrs. Frank Fitzgerald who lately occupied the house has Moved to Exeter. Mr., and Mrs. Richardson were good citizens and will be missed in, Hensel( The young people of the Hensall United church held their regular weekly meeting Monday evening with •Miss Lulu 'McDoetell in the chair and Miss Irma Higgins Acting secretary. Mrs. Joynt very ably gave the topic on CitizeieshiP, and a piano instru- mental was, given- by Miss Jean DouglaS. Our grain mlitket is very busy, large quantities of grain and beans are being dalliN-brought in. The warehouses and inlls are working overtime to hamille the grain, while Mr. Robt. Higgins is makng large shipments a fowl daily. }pascal has long been noted for its grain and prof:Ince market and thie year is no exception. ,. The ladle* of the Carmel Presby- terian church intend holding a fowl super and entertainment in the church. on Friday evening, October 22nd. The. ladiee of,: the. Carmel, church are noted for theirehospital- ity, so a good supper be provid- ed: Mr. Harry McGee, of. Auburn, noted entertainer and impersonator along, with local talent will give the program. .4; t1.41.4.1. I Li:ISO:Mg COUNCIL MEETING . • A special .meeting of the yiliage council,,was held on Tuesdiar evening igrOicit TiptttntvrcP, C• LINTON; ONTARIO - 'Students may enter at any. time. Why not attend the School that has the Highly Qualified Staff, The only School that teachers real Practical Business Training from start to finielat Where High School students and teachers are taught spscial- ized expert -training in HusittbssAdmhilstrationta and S,ecretarial Sallee end are ,sure of a good position, rapid promotion and big income. • COURSES / Stenographic, Commercial, Secretarial, General Office, Olen Service Couiniercial Teachers Couree and Special Coursee arranged. . For Information Write to B. F. WARD, B.A., ,M.A'ccts. ,Princieel Phone 198 • • Mrs. jobn lacKenzie is spending a liENSALL few days visiting friends in Gode- • rieli. . Mr. T. C. Joynt 'was ins London, • The Misses Mary and Emma. John- IVfonde.y on business, ston who for the last three weeks Mies Margaret Slavan is'sending 'Lave been visiting frean.ds in Wind- a few -weeks in London: -. sox* have returned home. Mr. Lee Redden has ,taStee a pogi.- + Mr. and Mrs. Jelin Consitt, of tion with Cook Bros., ettthe-tnill. ''Etratford, and Mrs. Roy Consitt, of • , . ,.- ,.-, truckersmith, visited at the 'home of Mr. Lorne Balla,ntyne, ot .uetroit, , Ilspeerne, Sunday visiting his • radther Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ConAitteon Tues- *elle'Y'e \ •=.0••••••••,m. ‘ . Miss Mary Atin,leagetith, who has been. on the sick list for this last i! W.ANTED two weeks is improving. .. ' 1 PEAS and An Kinds a GRAIN Mr. Laird aoynt. of' the Western * We are' prepared to pay you the liniVersity peoLonttoi, *Rent the every highest pricefor your. Grain, week -end at' his, home here. , and can also make arrangements for The many' friends, of IVirs. S. trucking seine at a low cost, advise Smillie will be sorry;to hear that she as by telephone or letter, and if it. is is confined to her room through:111- ,0w wish we will have our buyer ness. call to see your grain personally. Mrs. James.Teylor has returned to COOK BROS. BULLING CO. her home here after Visiting' friends _Phone 54 • Hensel', Ont. for some time in ,Tuckersrnith and 'Hibbert.- ' NEW LAUNDRY' The undersigned is opening this -week a "Laundry" at her premises in Murdock's Block, immediately west of the town hall. Your patron- . position with the, Standee:a R,ank elands. Councillor Cempbela, a mem- age is solicited, and having good ex - here. His ' foemere poeitfen, at the ber of the committee.was present and perience will guarantee satisfaction. bakery has been taken V, Lorne 'gave the report and it --wee daciae (MRS.) S. 'SMITH . 29-7-4te • Hensall, Ont. Foster. t - to go aheed Land drain the, park pro - A slight flurry of snOW. !ell Moa- perty. Councillors McArthur, Camp - day mornm this district, and. he .bell and Priest were apPointed as a ' 1 in'` ' t MORE= GAMBRILL, A. L. C. M. • wet cold weather of the teat' two days committee to go, on with the work, Concert Violinist has greatly' hindered the harvesting and take upethe snatter of draining ., , Teacher of Piano„ Saxaphone, Vio- of the bean and root &ale- • Ithe diamond, with.the baseball club. lin and smaller instruments. Con- Mrs., John H. Petty, csf MY, spent . The tender of Fred'Ker, a Crediton dealt. engagements accepted. Phone Tuesday visiting her sister,: Mrs. J. for the tile, being the lowest, was an - 161, Exeter. .- 9-7e3t1c. Murdock: Itirs.elVldOck. Who has cepted.• Mr. Kerr to deliver the tile been nhesing a spraieed'ankle 'for at , the park grounds. ' The meeting Mrs. Lou. Simpson, Miss Mae and M. Will Simpson' a:commie/lied by to -beer the report of., the committee Mr. Bert Horton, of Detroit, spent appointed 'at the last regular meet - the week -end visiting friende b.ere. ing of the council to loOk. into the Mr. The's. Spu• psOn has taken. a matter .of draining, the ;public park Miss Eleanor Fisher ORGANIST HENSACaL UNITED CHURCH TUITION IN PIANO 'Terms Moderate Phone 68 )t--- - Wall Paper In the Latest Designs Prices from 10c to $1.50 PER ROLL HARDWOOD FLOORING LAID AND POLISHED Sangster, Hensall • DR. R. P. L DOUGALL Nonor planet° of 'Faculty of aliedleine. and Master of Science, Within -any of Western Ontario. Member of College of Physicians •OA Surgeons of Ontario. !Mice *Fedor:ma east of Post 01-1 les. Residence 114 BENSALL. ONT 4010100.110111011111IM./11. AUCTIONEER .. OSCAR KLOPP Samar Graduate Carey Jones' Au - *Ion alehool, Special COUT010 taken in SATURDAY, OCTQAElla'23kli 1926. *Watered- Live Stock .(all Breedia) at a o'clock p.m.; thetfollotying allerehandise, Real 'Estate. ' Fares FORD TOURING COt, ,in • good • Eaters, etc. Rates in keeping with conditioner ierevalling prices. Satiefaction as- CLYDE BROOD MAsItEi young, • eared, write Oscar Klopes, Zurich. or strtsc• 18-95. Wartch. some time' is slowlY unpreving. , Mrs. John BlatchfOrd "While com- ing away train it'll's: S. Stvari's, home, where she had been visiting; tell off the verandah and hurt •her; knee. She will be laid up foeseetieatinee. . Mrs, At -,Seentote ha e added Zteethe apegarente of • hert property on.! Queen St. ,by betlding a new verandah • of the, very latest design. The werk was done by Mr. James Sangster and Herb. Hoggarth. - Among those who attended the league conventideeet Loncleeboro lest week from Hensall were Misses Lil- lian Stacey, Lulu Lindenfield, Joyce', Scruton, Marion' Sinclair and the Rev. Arthur Sinclair. e i Among- the's° ewho attended the teacher' conVention at Gotierich last week fPom this district were; Mr, Wm. McKay, 'Mise, Ellis, Miss Bitch- an.afi, Miss Johnston, MisstSteeterde vele, Miss Welsh and Miss Pepper, • .. , Gordon Parker,, Eael Drum - Mrs. R. Pollick .intquas haying an.moud and E. Shaddocka A commit - auction sale of Sher.househotd effects tee tit the Chief', Secy and Alf. Clark house and two,,lots and ointed to • draw up a consti- Saturday afternoon neXt.ti We e 4.1* bar "32! •'wtuatis'ona,PP rules and .regulations and;re- derstand that after the sale, earsalackle• --XV: port at the next eneeting, The fleet lick intends Ina:king her home iii ,the Monday of the mpnah was selected States. a as the regular night of eneeting.a .A , Iletisten, of Brockville, I , , committee was also • Appointed to Mr. W. A. an on the new manager of ; the stank ..-dt. meet next Monday night to exarnine' Moetreaf here has arrited,in. town ‘the ecieipment airea'clare handand ;report at the ne and has taken over his duties it the kt meeting,. • Disons- 'slow took place as to the deties' of CREDITON IVEre, Fleming, of' Detroit, ire visit- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs, j. Min Mabel Welk, of Grand 13encl, 1 form'er home. Interment teolt place s visiting her Sister, Mrs, Walter at the gvangelical Cemetery, Crede, IsdePliorsen. • Mr. and Mies Thos. Ildwerds and family, of lugersoll, spent Sundey with relatives Acre. e. We are sorry to hear thatMs. j. Oalsep is on the sick list. We 'wish her a speedy recovery. , • The 1Vlisses Sarah and Agnes Linde eay, of Lucknow, visited with Mr. and shall be light," 'Tee iieartfelt syni- Mrs, H, R. Either the pest week. • pathy of the eommuuity is extended Mrs. Schlueter, of Pigeon, Mich„ to tiie mourning family aucl. friends. visited at the home of Mr.. and Mrs. ee, eee., G. R. Brown and relatives for s feWMRS. j".j:".""'"U" days. Rosina (Ginter) Fiultbeiner, born Mrs. Isaac Sims and family, of Ex,. in Wurtenburg, Germany, January eter spent the week -end with Mr, 17th, 1840, died October 19th, 1926, and Mrs. Joel) Sims and other rela- vice Was held. at elle Farleel, Under- teltiog Parlore ineeharge of Rev, Mr, Walker ot the Viet/waist church et le i3attie creek, 1Viic, following which the body' was taken to Creditoe to his' ten, on Sunday afternoon, Oeteber 17, 1926 and a memorial eeevice wee held at the Evangelieal ehl*olle Ray, W. Y. Dreiee ,was in charge :and nreached on the words recorded in Ps, 30e5 and Zeck. e4:7, "Weeping endureth for a night. but joy cometlf in the morning, at eveutide there . NO. 6, HIBI3E010 Tee following is the Selmoi report fer S. S. No. 5, Hibbe Thrt for Septem- ber. oee inarked * missed tine or Mere, examinatious: Sr. HaeltneA417, Norratee Plarkneen i0tt,215 4`; t*Slie Heck - nee' all'eejOhn 'Laramonti 40*. Sr, McGill 326, Jas. Scott M01 HaMilton, 266, Margaret Hamiltolt2, Gordon Scott. 23,e, Plk,riketie Velme AlVie geld 'e 65, Alen Hackney 364, Sarah 'llarlearn 251, Mary Dow 345, doiquborn- 242, 41vin. Scott 301, el. clerstie 1.54* Velma MeNicol *, Alvin Mc'elletil'',0;', 2nd Class -Jean Col- quliouse qas; Mary Hamilton 305s- Ress 11*plierson 302, Blanche Har- rison e4e,4•,e- Bob. Gardiner *. 1st Book-Jeauette Scott 157, Carman. MCFshersoe 150, Elmer Dow, 140, daughter, Mr. and Mrs- Har..17 Beav- Bill learburn 91, Mary Hamilton 40* e at the htnne of her Sou -in-law and ,Rhena MoNicol 40*. 'Primer-ller- vin Date, Donald Ceequhoune Beat er where she had made, her home ter spellers for month, Jeanette Scott, nearly 3.. months because of. failing Lorne McGill. ....Carrie E. -Anderson, Teacher tivese . Mr. Henry Motz spent the 'week- end in London, visiting his daugh- ters, Miss Pearl Motz and Mrs. Wm. Heatherley. Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Brown of Bad' Axe, Mich., visited at the 1;ome of Mr, and' Mrs. G. Ie. Brown over the week -end. Mr. and •ears, Walter McPherson and family moved last week into the house they' recently purchased from health. She came to Canada at the age or 23, locating temporarily at lihrious places in Ontario and finally Making her home, in Stephen. Town- ship, Huron County, near Crediton. She was Married to Jacob Finlebein- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thet er in 1866. Five sons a'nd 4 daugh- an p ters were born to them, Four sons the estate h tot ALEXANDER llimRs i and 2 daughters and father Prede- ,ALD, of the Towiaship of eicGilliv- Mrs. Finkbeiner. eeaaed clavraegnaohiNst_ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heatherley and h . e died 31 lay, c eunt , of Middlesex, farmer, years a1o. One of the excruciatingly deceesed, po died on the 27t1t of daughter Thelma and Miss Pearl sorrowful experienees of this family Mr. and Mrs. George Wright, ot. children in a month's time. The de - was the death by diphtheria of fiye Novenibeer1925, at the city of Lon- quir'eflo forward thir claims duly don, County of Middlesex,. are re- Motz all of London' spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Metz. parted was a member of the Evangel - Windsor, Motored. here and spent ,proven,to 11.[Ellber & Son, Creditone cal church, Crediton ever since her conversion in her maiden days and or either of the. undersigned execut- the week -end with the latter's par- . . d ereeeea LawsOn.aedMrs.Henry Motz return- surviving her are a son, Wesley. _ . ors, oxi.'or before the lst clay of No - eats, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Lawson. Mrs: remaineFinkbeiner, faithful to of Pittsburg,thePen.; zevo end. Thosele e, AND IS FURTHER. GIVe ed with. theni foe a visit. .. ,.. , Mr. Joseph *Woodall, a Howard EN Dial afterithe said date the Ex - City, and Mr. Thos. Woodall, of. daughters, Mrs. Harry Beaver, 'Of ecueori will proceed to ,distribute Crediton and Mrs. R. Huxtable Woodgtock, accompanied by Mr. and ; of Mrs. Percy. Woodall, also of 'Wood- a - elailme- hieh they then shall have theeeetate having regard only to the Hamilton, Ont.;16 grandchildren, of w stock, visited at the home of Joseph great grandchildren, 2 sisters, Mrs. ataaaa,,i t ., . Woodall on Wednesday last. Henry Grismore, of Pandora, Ohio, gt?,tp.a,,at Cr iton this 19th day of The Sunday School of the 'United and Mrs, Janes 1VinxinstrY' 614-kieit'saY October, IV 6. church held ;their Annual Rally Ser- Mich., and many other near refatives ,e IVIal Im McDonald A and. friend. A private funeral ser- vices on Sanday, October 10th. le ,, ei Jos! )'Cartliy;, Exequtors very interesting and instructive ad- vice was conducted on Wednesday :--w.-e4, tg ' Ansa Craig dress -was afternoon at 2 o'clock from the brn oe - given YY Mr. J. H. Holee- ' R•ake -to Creditors. then, adjourned. .t. meeting was held in the Tovan flall on 'Monday eveaing of the young men ot the willage to organ- ize 'Fire Brigade,so es to ale &tie to Itaindleethe new. fire engine whan, atriyesatterwEt Rates was • appeint-t ed cliaittitiate.of 'the, ineetirteand Saaclaocit,, eneretaiter' Bates addreasea Yhe!ilidetiiigs fora few eniiihteCah th� 'argatiliation and thework of -e' fife brigidet • ;The f- fiieri 'The -brigade were then ap- 'pointed: . Bates was glean, the position ot fire chief; Geo. Brock first lieutenant; Dr. Campbell, 2nd lieuthnantn.Temes Foster and Orville TWitchell; drivers and Chas. Moore, chief engineer. Tile e'emainder, of the fire brigade appointed were Alt, Clark, FranktFerquhar, W'm. Fear - burn, Donald McKiniannt Herb I-Htg- the officers. The first heat.' is to mann and was greetly appreciated of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beaver by the .t by all preseht. Rev. W. Y. Dreier. Interment was Rev-. W. Ye Dreier of Zion Even- made at the Evangelical cemetery, gelicel church, Crediton and Rev, E. Crediton, in the family plot. The Becker, of Salem Evangelical bereaved members of the family are church, Hanover, are .exchangaig assured of the .sympathy of their waxy friends in the community. pulpits for: next Sunday, October 24th e ,Each of the above were form- er pastors in.the churches where they • Will -serve tee:Sunday.. Next Sunday evening, October 24, the pulpit oe the United church will be occupietLbYnthe pastor, Rev. E. S. Hiscocks, who will Oliver a, special message. Aleemembers and friends' are ceedially linvIted to be present. And please, Temembee, Sunday, Oct. 31st., the date for our next Commun- ion Service, iReePare ter it. , TAN LATE -JOSEPH HAIST The late Joseph Heist, son of Jacob azieElizabethHaiettwas been; October 14tha. 1858, 'in Stephen. Tie, *ale Of Cadt en onthe Heist ,home- atead: neat daba,t1VIrePahl Schenk kid 41ied.,In, Battle eCkeelte` Mich., at the home . *OF t and' deagater, 1Vkr, and Mre.aW. B. Nier- gaaali, on Qcntober 13the; ale depart- ed lifereoei day prior te his 68th birthday,. ladhlth failedehim a little more than a year ago and he contin- ued to decline in strengtli regardless oj, 411 that could be done by the var- ious physicians to which he applied for _help. About four weeks ago he compeuion undertook a mo- torltrip to ,'visIttwith their children and loved Opeaeat Thedford, Detroit, Battle Creek and Ann Arbor. Thie visit though: 4hysically 'wearying to hinrwas a ye .satisfying and enjoy- able event lilt his life. He was so pleasedeto Meet all hie children in their home's and when this wish was accomplished it seems as though he felt like saying as one of old: "Now lettest than thy servant depart in Peace," Bis end:wee peaceful. The deperted broeker was on. May 28th, 1881: united tia marriage to Mary Merlock. To thie union 1 son, and 5 daughters were born. A son 11 years old nand a datighter. 7 years old pre- RIPPEN , WANTED PEAS and All Kinds *of GRALN We are prepared to pay you the very highest prices for your Grain, and can also make arrangements for trucking same at a low cost, advise us by telephone or letter, and if it is your wish we will have our buyer call to see your grain personally. COOK EROS. MILLING CO. Phone 54 Hensall, Ont. Dashood Dr; H. H. Cowen, L.Ii. S. • a-Sa "MT, aeltPEON s At office in Hartleilt Block, Dash- wood. first three days of week and at office ever the Post Office, in Zurjoh, lace terse days of week. • Mrs. C. Finkbeiner and •da7ughter Catherine, have returned home after visiting the past 'few weeks With her daughteralVIrs. P. Htubble, of Sarnia. Mr. Ivan Lippert left on Saturday for Burnips, Mich., where he will re- main. Mr. and Mrs. S. Ireland, of Strat- ford, spent Sunday in town. atriss Flosie Kleinstiver, of Detroit, is visiting her pareets, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kleinstiver. Mr. P. Moffat, Miss Letta Guenth- er and Miss N. Geiser attended the teachers' convention in Goderich oxt Thursday lend Friday of last week: Mrs. Cook, of Chicago, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Stire. • Miss Fanny Preeter, of Kitchener, AUCTION. SALE look after the water epee • see that, I there is always a supply' on hand and deceased hineaa,bout 31 years ago. is visiting friends in town. There survive a sorrowing compan- Mr. Wm. Brenner, of Stratford, a es 2nd Lieutepant Dr, Campbell, is taa ion, 4 daughters, Mrs. W. R. Nler- spent a:few days n. town last week. OUSE AND LOTS, FORD CAB,cat ereand the 32 foot ladder. garth of Battle Creek, Miche Miss Itire and Mre. Hy. Willert, of Royal HORSE AND HOUSEHOLD Arrangements will *have to be made Pearl Heist, R.N., of Ann 'Arbor, Dak, Mich, are e visiting in this EFFECTS La. to Partition oif and heat a portion vtcinity. . The. nudersigned auctiOneer -has of the fire hall for the new engine Mr. Levi Hamacher, of Detroit, is been instructed by Mrs. M. E. *Pa- and also for a suitable place to hang spending a fevv days in town. lock Ste seal by, paibliceanciten at het; the hose to dry after being usecl; but Mr. P. McIsaac has returned after residence„ „ wee 0 e; ,, ' in the meantime, weeweuld suggest spending the past week in Detroit. CORNER OF NELSON AND MILLS to hang. them on the fire chief -who • Mrs. Robt. Hayter spent the week - STREETS,..: HENSALL is tail entangh for all practical Par, end in. Stratford. poses. The new engine is being ;hp- Mr. and Mrs. Ed. traft returned ' plied by the Lorne Fire Engine Co.,- bome Saturday after spending a week of Ingersoll and is already under on a motor trip. . construction. • The new Chevrolet • The death occurred on Tuesday, chasis which was purchased froni Mr. October 12th, of Robert Heideman J. McDonell, orHensall,,bas, been de- at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Schenk of town.. Mr. Heideman reached the age of 'Z2 years. His remains were taken to Stratford for burial. Miche Mrs. Harrison Holtzman, of Detroit, Mich.•, 'qrs. Wm. Watson, of Theclford, One.; 6 giand-children, 1 sister, Mrs. Gtelfrey Wein; 3 broth- ers, Noah, Sanapel and Jacob, all of Pigeon, Mich4oand 'many near rela- tives and friends. The late joeepb. Heist began his cbristian life as a youth durin.g' the ministry of Rev. S. N., Nioyer, joined Zion Evangelical churcb. and remained a Zaithful member. He was a devoted husband and a loving father. He took an active part in the work of the church and held various offices such as claes leader\ trustee, choir director, etc. acceptablY. A memorial ser - Wyclemetrimmlnoeer•Frms•darmeavensatrwoodr 1136,13ORNE & 111013BERT DIUTUALL FOIE INSURANCE COMPANY. Noticdto Creditors. IN wag ES4,ATE OF MARY Aga' RULI*D, DECEASED NOTICE ilaithereby given that all Persona. havings claims against the estete ;of MARY ANN BULLARD, late teethe village of Remelt, in the Coentee• a Hutola, wiciowe deceased, eligible for registration. ! . . livered at the Ingersoll factory, and HOUSE AND ' LOTS -ea lots Well the delivery of' the New engine will fenced, 2 other lots on which a frame be made' as soon as possible. In the house and barn are situated; herd Meantime the new volunteer fire and soft water and other coeveniene- halgade will get Well organized and es, a I get ready for their new duties. A Mend Offiee," Farquhar, Ont, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -2 iron good deal of enthusiasm was shown President, e JOHN ALLISON beds With springand Mattresses, at the meeting- ' and we know the • Vice -President, JAS. McKENZIE one wooden bed ancitapeings, 2 dres- boys will take, grat, pride in their DIRECTORS sing tables, with miriors,, oak dresser splendid new engine. Reeve 'Geiger' PRANK McCONNELL, SIMON DOW wash stand -wash bowl and pitcher, and Councillor Higgins were 'present ROBT NORRIS, WM. BROCK white granite bed Pate Pair .Pillews at the meeting. The council intend AGENTS and bedding, 3 oak rockers, unhol- Patting in several more tanks in dif- • JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for stared couch and rocker reed sew: ferent parts of the towu so there Usborne aud Biddulph ing chair, library table, stand, will be plenty of water. )LIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agett for pictures, dining room suite, claire,. Fullerton and Logan kitchen cabinet, kitchen table; cloth- Ilibbert,• . W. A. MISHIMA+ es bar, cupboard, clishes,1 a butter - ' - Secretary -Treasurer • crocks, Copper • boiler, 2 galvanized • Thames Road Zan 98, Exeter, Onterio. wash taps, wringer, tub stand, cloth - .G .. LADDIAN & STANDIJR1t es basket, step ladder, lattn mower, Threshing and. silo filling is the e .Solieltors, Exeter 3 'large crocks, fruit, 3 rugs; Bissels "der of thday. eme............e...............-„. vacuum sweeper,_ dust llioPs, new Mrs., John elodgert ,aid children - broom, wall mop, WihdeNv cleaner, ad Mts. tVIcKay spent the week -end Oak Treasure heatet, tanner range, With friends at Parkhill. I almost new; NeW;progrese 'oil stove Mr. encl. Mr. Sohn .titincan and wittel4„leueners, arie oven; coal oil Mr, and Mrs:, John 13011? of Exeter, hea.ter.eeecieltiege ,; peensile, garden Finerit ,S9ilde,y1 neat Hensel. toels, ete• 1 LI i Dent forget the Ann t-.r71'.-S'Ese-Tr*I. nil •Rubber-itirecl'f:euggy,le 3 i steel -tired ROI ettpeer atVluitieS Road thurch two cutters, two eets '04, ifFti? 'Rif: 40,201: siiiver SerVed :from 5,.s boggles, liglOww8•10n, ...-14. 1#4-''' tarb, iieetifl.SiiiidaY661.1,0%r11.ith ,antPTues- nees. • e• el, „• s-, 1. .,..,.. t. , • , ,.. 1. „ el . , ,,,, , ;.s. 1,•( , .. Itivars1,4 wurn.71' "Ac• ,'1.nir,' t eilidaSs ttfc-1.6.,1. 'And Heitseneld effects, Ceele Car, ceildeen, ' of C. Wilton.; gpent etincleY Horse and Real Estate will be sold with Mr. Andrew liodgerte subject to reserve bid, -terms of Mr. Gordon MeDonald aild sister, which will be ade known on day Mi ag Mary, spent Sunday With their ' f Sale, or may be had 011 applies.- sister, Mrs. Green, near leippen. A. * A i CLATWORTIIY .‘t't t , 1 , 00 o • We, are pleased to hear Mrs. Mil - MRS, 14I, B. Potroomt, ProprietteSs toll McCurdy is sonieWhat intproVed ,011ANTON osoAn KLOPP, Auetioneer after leer teceat iiIneseit PINE ;. 0 4 SI 11Stip. matcheil dressed on bah aided tat .c..) PER M. ono, Is nig Tiztm tro moot 'win 'Joon. cao; 'yratim gm CAN GET IT AT 4 IOW, • Ir10431 wlio died on ei- *the' 14th day of September, A.D., 1916, arl'4' re - Milted dejiver to Henry Horton, Bencatielet, Opt., the executor...of the said Asegteee hee solicitor, on or be- fore- 'ti 101.1Paby of November A.D., 1926; it full stitement of their claims together :with particulars thereof, aka 'Ieleigjiatuee of the securities, if any, held by them all dulY verified by'lftlitielteee , AND ri4,15E.NOTICE that after the Said:IA.1# rciential- ed date the S,0<i•eX'.=, :ecutdr4vi11 prodeed to distribute 'the 'oetate'tef the said deeeased;amongete the" persons_ entitled' -thereto having regard I:4)14y to such claims as he. shalleMkreceived dee notice and in ;ace Rre 'two telfilitton, Ontario, this 141h Oc Ober A:De 1926. ciastONE, Clinton; !Ont. tfeelieftor for said Executor ; CgNTRALIA The 1ViisSee IViloon are this week with frlend$ in Toronto. ivir. W. T, CeiWill bas gone on a bueineee trip• to 1311111)0g sled Mol - rt, Seek, Re,Vitedst Mgr.aellidMfaLLes. 1dcn and /•" (7e111-: atives iu Toronto atcl Whitby, aud Mi'. FCi irbarn, of Windsor, Were weele.en nh eete wit the formeea Parents, IVIrs, ivho C114ount. ele s bean eal ilaBe returned_ home- Mrs. Irwin is visit - lug with relatves Toledo thie month. Next Sunday', October 24th, wfil be/ Thanksgiving and Ha,rvest Home services in the -United el:Lurch' here, when Rev. Byron Snell, of Londee- boro, be the speaker for botle Morning and evening serviges, • There are two periods when the fishing is good, before you get tb.ere and after you leave. e4seltil • 4 'I made my first call home to -day 599' Two salesmen met in a small. hotel. , Said one : "Do you. know Jim, although have been on the road over four • years, I never thought of tele- • .r.e phoning home W.1 today -was. always content- to 'drop a line', " every couple of days. Prom now on it's going to be differ - tent! Xy wife was so glad to .h..e.ar my voice -said it wolild brighten her whole- day. • .telephorreber every 'second night around nitre o'clock, or if I happen to be on the train, 1'11 call around breelSast time; she's sure to be at beetle them?' , Every day mantr Salesmen 'tire using Long .DIS- tancato keep in teach with the folks at hinise. At slight ex- pense they enjoy a few rain- -sites int:hi:late talk that means e ego manch. ia-gf.ordOsi:Leces FoR youR BARN ROOF I., • . . -,,-1:7s&Brantford Arro,Lock Slates. Neither gales, rain; stiOriiii? frost can budge them and they last- for years. The low price and „small. laying poet make them the most ectitiomical'roof of exceptional: valtte, You can lay them over tlie oldeislaingle** :eliou. a,y, 1 .0.4,404,4.411i. 411- wir. • `4,- a .4*- /kr ///..• AMP- -0. AO"' • 'Mb. 40, .61.•410" \A J. rsar ra arelAll dectlinti- Brantford; Ontario • Stock Carried, Information Furnished and Service on Brantford Roofing rendered by Rbss-Taylor Co., Ltd., Exeterk • for tconoreicaeTraesportation . • CIIEVR.OLET Coupes for salesniett's.use and Chevrolet Utilite; Expriss Trucks for hauling and. delivery are speeding up business for ihousseds of firms io Canada.. Careful owner records show that Chevrolet pays for itself teany times over in lower operating costs, in freedom irotil tie-up y arid in longer li(0. These records prove beyond doubt that Chevrolet cars and trucks pro, vide the tamest economy of transPertetien in Commercial Use. Ask your Chevrolet dealer to show' yeti the reports of actual Chevrolet owners, They tnay suggest ways iri which Chevrolet ran:to:calm your business atid caa.down your costs. The Smoothest Chesiolet, in Cheerolet history is setflego „ • at tile Lowest Price or which' Chevrolet has ever been • iota iti Carearla.Askabout, GiVIAC Plan of Deferred Payineats. Roadster • •$610 Comae; t$81(isa Sedan •$920 . Spoet • 715 „ Ceeeh jett10 • Landau Sedan "970 ' Touring 640 Coreanercuel Chassis e s '495 Sport 715 Utility Press • " Pricas at Peretotty.,,'0, , • razes tetra '•'' Mcljonel16071rage, Hensall :t•