The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-10-14, Page 5•
Ca." .C. Betty'. spent last' w,bek
a,1►iisiting i,n •Dett'oit.
Mise Margaret. Slavin is visiting
' friends. in. Landon,
Mr, Fred Stacey, of Liman, spent
flielnday at his home here. . 'n
Mr. Doc, Smith, of St. Mary&,
*pent the week -end in town..
Miss Viva Bolton, of Kitchener,..
!spent the week -end at: her home
Miss Alice . Carr, of North Bruce,
Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Dr, G.
Knapp, of town. ”
Mr. and Mrs., James Priest, of
London, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Ilers. Wm. Consitt,
Mrs. James P. Campbell, of Wind -
see, is visiting her parents Mr, and
Mee. Jas. A. BeU.
Mr.' and Mrs. Wm, Moore and son
Billie, of Landon, visited friends in
town' on Saturday, --
Mr. Floyd Smith of Stratford bus=
iness college spent the, week -end
with' his ,parents here. •
Mr. James TapP, who is attending'
Western 'UnivereitY, London, spent
the week -end at his home: here,.
Mrs, S, G. Marne is this Week at-
tending a convention to be held from
the eleventh to the eighteenth in
. Mrs. Tames Coxworth, df Strath-
roy, who 'has been spending a week
With liar daughter returned home
onM'Wilson, superintendent
Miss M.
of Seaforth Memorial Hospital and
Miss Lawrence, visited . Miss Helen
Swan, on. Thursday. '
Mrs. Lou Simpson and Miss Moe,
and son Will, of Detroit, spent the
week -end visiting' friends here. They
were accompanied home by Mrs. Ed.
McQueen, and little daughter Elva,
who spent .a week visiting friends
in Detroit.
Owing .to some of the County
Criminal Audit Board iaotglbeing able
to attend its session last :Week it was
postponed to this weeks, ;;,heave Gei-
ger who" is a member:I of tireBoard
h atte ding lits ineet-
a eric n
'sine d
Kinds o
o ` FFAC and All
We are''prepared. to pay yet '_the
very highest prices for your Grain,
and can also�'arrangements, for
*molt* same et' a low cost, advise
ris: by.. telephone or letter, aid, if it is
ronr •wish we will , have • our buyer
Call to see your grain personally.
Phone' 54 " Hensall, Ont.
' NOTICN -We hays 15. cords 'of
wood to cut before the•eii•4'f Octob-
er. Berso'ns./desiring lob apply to
John Bell, Sr.•, Exeter ,10 -14 -ftp
Ings. , w cl .1 ..,teles j
The S. Sanders Manufa,tiring Co,
of Exeter, . ferneerly the:: Jackson
Manufacturing °'ce., have' :reopened
their factory agsin in Heitsall in the
+ sin
Petty Block and,a•are�itiianufactu g
their well, knon ,brand of 'boy's
Mr,•,T. Ca Jo'yfit has Played into
the handsome 'v apartments ,ate has
recently fitted, •ups: over, his store. Mr..
Joynt is alscrenxing the lick work
in front of ,hi% store,ich: adds
greatly to, is a earauce '�! oust Chas,
Wolfe' is doing }e work'n, } ;Fe
Mr.. Carmichqh of thei?iorne• Fire
Engine Co. of incgdrs°ofl, , , s i !'town
on Friday afternoon last pd.•gave•a
demonstration of the eiigi. ®`'he re-
cently sold to the Dutton I Council:
The 'Machine gave sple'n{lid satisfac-
tion tos those present and -the; pump
will be the same as willOM supplied
with arae new Hannah es,• nipiiient.
bo delivered at Bengali .i , about'
''l rty days and en expert is .io donne
up and stay until our firemen under-
stand it, Tho, eontraet is to be
$1100.00 cash. Hensali has seeur�•
ed a splendid. outfit at a very reas-
onable Woe. -A• number of accounts
•were presented and ordered paid on
,motion, of 1VIcArthur and Priest. The
setting of the tax rate of lie year
-vas then taken up and on motion a
councillor Robt. Higgins and second-
ed. by councillor Jas Priest that the
tax rate be 31 and 6-10 mi11s' made
up as ;follows: County rate 4 mills,
Village ate 8 mills, school rate 8
mills, conttnuatipn school, building
fund 2 1-2 mills; library board 1-2
mill, cement road 7 and 3-I0 mills,
town hall 1 and 3-10 'milts: A b -
law was pdepared setting the rate
and given its first, Second and third
reading and finally passed. A by-
law was given: its first,- second and
third reading authorizing the collect-
or to start collecting 1926 taxes on
of McArthur ,and ,Campbell,
Hensel), is to be congratulated on its
splendid' financial position. The tax
rate of 31 and 6-10 the
all expenditures of the village and
debentures due, including building'.
fund of new school and amount due
en g
An th
cement' nt r
cad. Ano
titer, on e
will be of ,Interest to the . ratepayers
FS the oiling of the streets. This.
last summer by buying the .oil in car;,
lots the council was enabled' to. bi1
every street in' the town at the rate
of 80c on property ' benefitede •East
year it cost $1.75. The tax•rate•:•for'
1926 is'•2�10• mill's' less than 1:925.
The council then adjourned .to. meet
againent the call' of the Reeve.
ixEW LAtairDRY' ;
The undersigned is opening this
week a "Laundry" at her` premises
inn Mdrdebk's Block, immediately
west o the; town hall„ ..Your patron-
etige'is solicited; and having good ex-
ction '
' r ntee satisfaction.'
will u
Qeiilence g ,
.30 -7 -„etc. gentian, 'Ont.
11tOBEli•T GABI BRILL, A. L. C. M.
Concert Violinist
Teacher of:Pianta;Saxaphone,}Vic-,
ing with her •mother, 'Mrs": Mary don. Whine there he attended the
wedding of bis grand daugiitor°,
Miss Gertrude .Andrew to Ma~'. Lang
t3Grtiexi of Detroit,
Ewald, Who liar not been 'Very well, w
Wo wish. icer a speedy recovery.
The fowl enplter et the Evanglieal
chiurob last Thursday evening was a
decided eticoess, the net proceeds.
ainonntia g to. ',$8$5,00, A11 agreed'
it was the beat ever. The program
and moving' pietates were -inucli en-
loved, On' Tuesday evening of this
week the United • eirerch served a
slikendicl supper to -a- large number
of people,
The general conference of the
Evangelical church opened its ses-
sion last Thursday, October 7th at
Williamsport, Bea. 'Delegates num-
bering' 400 are Present from the four
corners .of the earth, representing the
10' countries and 4 continents in;
which this denomination is laboring,
The .pastor of Zion. Evan; 'elical
church is getting a daily report of.
this conference and will bring echoes
a the important transactions of this
august body at next Sunday morn-
ing's service, • In the : evening Rey.
W. YeDreier will deal'. with the sub-
ject "'the Bozarli Conqueror. These''
messages will both be full of inter-
est and intrinsic value. Hear them,
Dr. H.11. Cowen, L. D. S.
D. D: S.
.Word ,was, received M 4 town on DENTAL SURGEON •
Sunday of the death of Edgar. West- At office in 'Hartleib Bloch, Dash-
cote; third son o't''34I ii''ii :Darer j. T. word. first three ' days of week , and
Westcott, of Hamilton,, fornserly of .,t otf'ce ever "th'e Post Office. in
Exeter. Mrs. J. Dinsgale :and her i -,fit tcb.•-- 'art terse• days sof= week.
eeter, Mrs. TayloreeleftiVianday• ev f
ening' for Hamilton tai attend •••the -1 Betoie another .issue of this paper Centralia; .William, of London and
funeral which took place; 'Tuesday: Jeremiah with whom she lived. The
Interment in Hamilton; .Vit~: West- will: be . in,,the ,hands of Many read- funeral took` place to the R'. C. cern:
cote was sick only . with ars the: Dashwood. Evangelical church
f 1 sir er will be enjoyed, by '. eery with `$olemn high mass cele- --
Mrs. Ellen! Barry, one, of the old-
est pioneers of the `Township of
Stephen, died at tie' home of . her
elaugliter, Mrs.. C. O'Rourke, ori
Tuesday' morning, October Otis, :aged
94 years, Mrs, Barry had been bles-
sed all her lite with good health un-
til about three months ago when she
was confined to her bed with dropsy
and on Tuesday morning she passed
peacefully away, The "' late Mrs,
Barry was born in Kerry CountY,
Ireland and came i10 Canada with
her parents when 15 years of age,
first coming to this county, she set -
tied on the twelfth concession of
Stephen where she remained all her
life,, She was united in raarri!age ,'to.
Mr, F. Barry in' 1849, who prede
ceased her about thirty.years age.:
To this union eleven, ehild:ren were
born, of which six survive to mourn
the loss.of .a loving iliother. They
MT. CARMEL are, Wm. of London; Richard; and
:Thomas, of North. Dakota; John of
Rev. Fr, Corcoran on Sunday an- . Centralia,~ Mrs. : C. O'Rourke; of Mt,
nouncedo \Carmel and Jeremiah at home.
Adolph the 'bonds of Drysmarrdale too The funeral was held Thursday from
Adolph; Denontme, ot Drysdale to ,
Mary Cecile Houlahan, eldest (laugh,- her late residence to Mt. Carmel,
ter,of •Mr. and Mrs. John Houlahan, where solemn. high mass was sung
hen the marriage .to take' at ten reeld'ale by Rev, Fr. Corcoran'
of Step, assisted by Rev. Fr. Larry, of Park-
place the last week ct October. •
hill and r Hogan: of Biddulph,
On Wednesday, October 6th,., the. � •
church of our Lady of Mt. Carmel The pall bearers were James and
-was the ,scene of. a very pretty wed- Michael Breen and john. Gardiner,
ding+ywhtin. Rev.. Fr. •Corcoran unit- • of London, Michael McLaughlin,
is i Madeline Dis- Biddulph., Richard and Thomas
ed in•e' to , Miss M ' O'Rourke, Timothy Collins and Pat -
taint. to hIr. Herbert Hartman,' of rick Sullivan, of Mt. Carmel.
i�etroit: The -bride wore a pretty ,
gown of white georgette . with tuile Mrs. Chris Deitrich and Pius are
veil and carried a shower bouquet;. at present visiting friends in Kit
of white carnations. The brides- t chener. . i son of
maid, Miss enriola •Hartman, cousin Mr. and Mrs. John Hutchinson,
of the groom;, was gowned in a navy . London,. spent Sunday with Mr, and
taffeta, andswore .a large black hat: Mrs, Wm. Mason. Dave Lippert and
Mr. Laurence Rau, ot Drysdale, was 1 Mr. and Mrs. D e PP
best ,man." :.A reception was held at family left on-Monday/for their new
the hone of .the bride.' Congratu- , home. in Inwood.
Iations, _° 1 Mrs., Jas Zikler visited with friends
Thi death took place on Tuesday 2„n Zurich on Tuesday.
of last week of Mrs. Ellen 'Barry, at
he rest a e .of 94 years. Mrs. Barry f
t g f
CROM ' ' 'lsXtat btzasine
and a social til
1!,ini p M+s'Keller, of Detroit, sPent i 'Tie ladies
the v'eeli-and with, his parents, Mr, (byterian church
gild Mre, Penal(:MeIceilar, item' supper on Oetobpr �?
Mr. `Root. nin geriD, ,e,e,nitig sold hall, after whiclt a conger
leis"farrn to'Mr, Parson•s, of Kippers, 'given in the ohu�b. by the Sti
Trio, Supper sa yed' from 5
e'clael , Adrttieslon 60c and 2
Tickets are to be sold at tiro ehurob,.
**e a** **
goon against my grana,"
lan tints the farmer as he »aye for
his thi' g
had a 'very suceeseftll sale on Thurs-
clay last.
Tl1e, 1Vlarion Ritchie Auxiliary met
at the Manse on Friday evening.
Mrs. Denays gave a talks on Spain of
which"country her father was a nits-
sionary for thirty years. .After the
o Your Garage
Roof f g
ou garage that will harmonize with
Put a, roof on y , r
our iome and fit into any surroundings --- a Brantford
roof of Asphalt Slate.•
} _
' tant lastingand economical, . 20
Fire' resistant,
-i� n.iesse e seise s..r e rrrr
Wm%(���7'� 'ia►�►�aataalmealesomesete�)
i Ism
;! �,�..® �'!!tae,►�`1�.��vd�Ar►�sae►•eetaMa..
-_ ■ ■
�`�._ �.... moi.. ■fl�... �l�•ei �.. I�
1-1-11.111 1 1� 11 11
Brantford RoofingOaim itect Brantford, Ontario
Stock Carried, Information Furnished and Service
on Brantford Roofing rendered by
Ross -Taylor Co., Ltd., -
g 11(11111((1[IIflf1111111111111111
enjoyed .goon health and was able to J Il111(11lfin(1(Illl(((IIl1NIlll�l(I(III►lIli61(I(1111111111(Illllllllll�lllllll I
attend to_ her liousehold duties up
until' abouta: year ago when she be- ,ene
gan to fail. ' She was one of the
early settlers of this neighborhood.
She is' survived by one daughter, • =
Mrs Katherine O'Rourke and four
sons, Richard of N. Dakota, John, of
i k 1 a few days+ wi .• • _-
,pnetvnxonia:. I a, ,� f ,.•;• s hot ow PP
Con- Mrs. Smith who has living in the many visitors and, islands: from far' brated bX Rev. Fr. Corcoran: Rev.
lin ,and smaller instruments. i promises Fr Hogan, 'of Luean, as deacon,. and
i anis ecce ted Phone:`building• west a`f;axbe own' Yea 11 has 'and near` than thew a last year • in.Fr Lowery; of Parkhill, as Bub -
161 Exeter m P
�t31' Fixate!, ; 9-7-3t1c' f moved sto' the honini Sgt p ,Brown & w Bette
. J ifl{ so on' •Main which about
_ Ckarlke's' tilacksin P d Mr, and M
one thousand people• deacon.
rs. Herbert Hartman }
usiness. I:B ng' •an ex- en's .Mission' and Aid
left for their home in Detroit this --
er laundry. b week '
d h �Il' likely do Society of :the Evangelical ,char Messrs
ed banda
Miss Eleanor Fisher
St. where she intends ,to :,engage in participated. Wok
e i
well. Her son who was badly hurt held their annual business meeting
confined to liis ,homer' is improving
CHURCH' while threshing.last week and was noon The reports indicated a;very of London Mr. M. McLaughlin and
of -can
ea he l -•of Lu
call, T Wim
�73arr ,
t ser t Mrs y,
a' a sister, ..-
s e r
.� ros
arca F ,
tl'i7ITION 3N= PIANO anAtt,able to be out again , ..:. p p el
�.. ficers eleeted.,aret Pr�esidelit; <i4I'rs..3s: 'xnd''Ja'ineycw:tira'sey�,'bf 'Centralia. at K
'1'ems' Moderate Thong '68 _ At the United church services on
i k `af' Hold' .0 Reid; .-sloe-Pres llirs, rF,B.MeyerF tended the I'iinera'l,aof the tate lyirs• • E
Sunday 'Rea.' Mr. Kaipatr c- , n ,.�rn. 1 Rec:'rSedy., Mrs. •Eo Neebr icor SeeS^•; Bari`p. an fi tisdaY."
iriisville; preached to ;large co4rgre- Mrs. R. A. Goetz . ,Treaauiei; i'M-rs:a ;Mr; Jeronfe, O'Rourke, sof London
gations ".both morning%: and evening., w e11;,:Piaeisb; Mrs. D; 'tieman. attended, the' funeral of his grand-
Nellie ..
service a bur!Week.
s 1:# mlast ent
,• g', Barry,I s
At the. morning �-J. 'Eidt, ,of ,,New mother, Mrs.
' r „,.lea ing solo: rs• C: 'of Gode-
�oylfl rendered; a �e Y. P , � ,, visited her.:parezztsu;Mr and 'M Mr. and Mrs. Pat. Casey,,
Sinlair to`oi they cervi, srattlioimes- Stade last week. reel,.called oil friends here on Sun -
'vine and. k the d meetii g a large Miss. Hazel .Snell, of De�''olt,, spent day...
number the week -end with her parents: • M. .Mat. :McDonald held a Very
number of old f t ell s,; Mr. Sin Mr. P. Mcisaac is visiting in •De- successful sale ott Friday last.
was stationed at `�FIolhtesviile years ¢ ? -
P. McLaughlin, Breen 1
at the churchlast Thursday after- Brothers; Misses Breen, Mrs, Howey,
Wall ', Pa
n .the Latest Designs
Pricesfrom 10c to $1.50
J. Sangster) Hensall
� stere �
Norio! graduate of. ,..Faculty of
fitdieine, and 'Master- of.' Science,
paiyersitg'' of Western Ontario.
'Member of • Obllege of Physicians
SWUM. of. • Ontario. '" Office
doors east of Post Office.
tiiti Residence 114.
Honer Graduate Carey Jones' An-
s Sion School, Special course taken in
aden'letered Live Stock (all Breeds,)
Merchandise, Real Estate, Farm
ladies, etc. Rates in keeping •with
prevailing ` prices. Satisfaction &s-
awed, 'write Oacar Klopp,- Zttrich, or
3arfee 18-t3. Zarich-
stead Office, Farquhar, Ont.
President, JOHN -ALLISON
Vice -President, JAS. MoKENZIE
4�BN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for
Osborne and Biddulph
LIVER:HARRIA, Munro, Agent fol`.
I•libbert, Fullerton and Logan
Secretary -Treasurer
Boit 98, Arn,S
Exeter, Ontario.
Solicitor , Exeter
,}a, tree
Mr..'J 'Hoffman,,of London, visit-
Pao a f
The Young poihetgrated., •ed its 0. C NTRALIA
on Monday evening' with ,a.,lerge at- were Sunda,y,,visitors , in, town. The members of the Ladies' Aid
tenda'nce, • Miss ,. Mm
Ethel urdock' "pre- Mr.:Hoer :Guenther', ,of the Can- held their regular monthly meeting
siding and Miss Ay -is Lindenfield as adieu Bank of Commerce, Owen last Wednesday afternoon. in ch
held the ir r
egul r meeting IVxr end Mrs. R.Stade, of of Zur
ich '
secretary. The topic,*"Korea" was Sound, is spending his school room of the. church. Lunch-
given by Mrs. Charles! McDonell, a 'town.
reading by Miss Katie; Scottand a Mr. P. Bpw", of Detroit, is visit -
piano instrumental by 1Viise, Gladys ing in this vicinity ,
Luker we're' very ably given. The Mr.' and Mrs. L. Edighoffer., , of
meeting then closed be/repeating the, Mitchell; "visited friends here on
Lord's Prayer,. , •fi` t , :;' 1 Tuesday.
The W. M. S. of the United' church Rally Day will' be observed in the
met on Thursda' aaa, Mts.6 Rev., Sin- Evangelical church next : Sunday.
claire vice -preside -n , the chair. I , Mr. and Mr. F 331d, Kraft are on
A very interesting'' Meeting' was held motor trip to New York, Buffalo and
Mrs. A. McDona} , read' the 'bible other points.
lesson; The lessee story Ons ably Thursday eve., Oct. 21, is ,the date
b';: Can$elen : The ,of the big fowl supper of• the Evan
ijnary Society are gelical church, Dashwood, to which
b 'e neo t Thursday the whole , community is invited.
s Ool *nen, • 0f the Wilfred Merrier and Herb. Willert
taken by Mrs.
ladies of the Mis
having..a. quiitng
afternoon` in • the
United church.
t • .;,;,, • returned to Detroit Saturday after
Sunbeam Mission Band of the spending the past week with friends
Presbyterian ciiurdli social I. he e. business men of town have
meeting Saturday ffiafternoen,,Y Pro-
gramme' of recithe ons 1 y . Dorothy decided to keep Tuesday and Satur-
Little, Dorothy Haskins, • Margaret -day evenings as the open nights for
Haskins, solo ".by1 1 ouis Drummond, business.
instrumental duets by Beryl Drum -1 The Dashwood band spent last
mond, Irene Deters and Mabel Work- Friday at 'Medford where they were
man were enjoyed ;by alp. Presents
s for
Kuntz and Miss Jase-
re , given to Iatte Hogg the EndRhine Feeny, of Lansing, spent the
Bea. Smith for attending the year; `week -end at the home of Mr. and
Beryl Drummond highest :for new Mrs. John Kuntz after an extended
members;out MabelfRlent rnn for mak- trip to Washngton, New York, Buf-
resting most of talent money. •'rhe filo and other points.
of the time was spent in games
and lunch'
The regular monthly meeting of Mrs. G. Cook, of- Detroit, is visit -
the council was hold Monday even- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Hast.
ing, October 1.1th, all members pre- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hartley were
sent. The minutesof the last meet- visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Hiscocks
ing were read and adopted on Motion last Sunday.
of Higgins and Campbell. A dean-, Miss Madeline. Hoist, of Detroit,
tation from the sport's committee , visited itbeher parents Mr. and Mrs.
was present and interviewed the , Ezra .Hoist for a"few days•
council as to draining the park lands 1' Rev, E. S. Hiscocks attended the
and gave prices that they had scour- t Huron Presbytery\ at Bayfield on
ed from Fred Kern, of .Crediton and'` Tuesday.
W. E. Pfaff, of Hensall. Council ! Mrs. August Hill, of Kitelisner,
lo'ri Campbell and McArthur were and Mrs. Wa11ie Hill, of Detroit,
appointed to look into .the matter ' Miele,, visited in town for a few days
and report. Mr, „Carmichael, of the , last week.
1 •ne Company, of In! : There will be no service in. .the
Lorne File
eon was served by Mrs. W. J.• Par-
sons and Mrs'..Roht. Smith. During
the business part of •the meeting it
was 'decided'to have .a fowl supper
on the'evening'=of Nov, 17th. '
Mr. ' E. Abbott spent a few days
in Windsor last week.
On Sunday, Oct.:. 24th, Rev. Snell -
of Londesboro, will conduct anniv-
esary services in the church here,•
while ' Rev.:•Mr.,. Irwin will have Ee-
charge of anniversary services at
Londesboro on the same date.
Mr. Wm, Rowlands, who has been
the doctor's care for some -
time past, Was removed to thehos-
ital in London for medical treat-
ment last Saturday.
Rev. Oaten, of Toronto, will have
charge of the services in the church
here next Sunday
Wilfred Huxtable and Gordon Cul-
bert who have been in the West for •
A -'rather breath :taking word, isn't it? And it has a meaning just
. as big: We looked' it up in the dictionary and found this definition,
r '
"method. of treating diseases by mental suggestion."
and thins of vastly varying characters., are used'tor
Many things, g *sass
ra eutic purposes; the main criterion being that they p
psychotherapeutic P
the ,quality---yhich -will make .a arson forget himself„ In this way many
people; tortured beyond belieft ieever-wrought'n?rves, *hell-shaelt, etc.,
b sunre ilia!!. firdinarq
haoeabeen led back to,neraim and are enabled to; re
°mode of living ass;"..;�f •
What could fulU1ll tis,,lurpose better than Music? What. is there
with a greater power for drawing.a person out of himself?
Nor do we have'��i;o he "mental cases"to feel the therapeutic ben t
of music. - After elle: it as rattier difficult to draw the line beween a
normal person's day dreams and fears and the so-called "delusions of
grandeur or of persecution" et the insane. The difference is one of
degree not of kind;for fundamen't_a11y they are the same.
Wouldn't we all` do:.hetter.`.to think less of ourselves and more of
others and of life as la whole;? We all feel, or should feel, the need of
Music to make' us •forget':aur petty cares and grievences and to make
us more tolerant of others.
A Band would. Yulfill this.!need, and would fulfill it admirably. Just
as Music is the mopt;belovedrof;.the Arts, so the Band, among all the
other forms of music, is the utast: universal in its appeal. For everyonee
from the very young' to the very old instinctively listens appreciatively
to band music, and is- consciously or unconsciously benefited thereby.
Why not boost+for a band? Twenty men would make•an excellent,
start and surely there ,are mapy.;.times that number who would be gager
to play in a band. ` Soon they would be able to entertain. the citizens
upon all public occasions, would establish a stronger community Spirit
and would, in time, bring honor, distinction and fame to your. town, just
as other bands have done for their communities. Give the movement
the whole -hearted support it deserves.
Upon request we will gladly send information regarding the organ-
ization of bands, experiences of other bands, band contests, etc.
An editorial advertisement inserted in the interests of more and
better bands by
some months past, arrived home last
. ills SoniCo. Lie
The . �. S
Saturday. -
ing •at Victoria Hospital, London, ec
spent, Sunday afternoon at her home
Miss Ada Mitchell, nurse in train -
Mr. G. and, Miss Hilda Isaac, of
d were home over the week-
145 Yonge street, Toronto 2.
turned -- !11l11111(111!((111111(111(1111111111111111111
end. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!
Mr. Thos. •Mitchell has re 9 i 6 {{ { q
Koine after spending a week in Lon- 1111i111l1111111lIlllf llllllllll ,m awuar•re..,
�°,f_'-"""", gersoll and Mr. icicle, of the Melds 1 Crediton 'United Church next Sun-
-0..ire Engine Co. of Woodstock, were day evening, October 17th, owing to 1
a resent 'and addressed the council anniversary services at 13rinsleY.
p rices on their 1! ire l Mrs. Adana Geiser and son Gordon
. r,. d •ave their p 17
' k
Engine equipi
nen: After healing have reta
nit g to theirhomehome at e -
both representatives, the council , ined
troit alter spending a few days with
took up the matter of the purchase relatives. -
of a fire engine, After considerable ; ..11fr, and hYi s. Carter,.' of
discussion ,Mr.-. Cakni1ehael s tender•1''4V'indsor, visited a _Leview days with Mr.
was accented. The tender awls for and ,Mrs. :Conrad ' Kuhn over
a combination pumping and ciientical l Mr. and. Mrs 'Ed. Bert:min has re -
outfit, two chemical tanks of the 1 turned .borne pftar Spending a New
very latest pattern, 2n0 feet, of. t days with Mr. and hers. H, K. Eilber
ellen cal hose, an extenston ladder, and relatives.
and a roof ,ladder, and all other heck -end,
equipment that goes with a first I Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Rirtzel and
class combination outfit. The whole, son, of Detroit, visited at the home
was to -be mounted on a flow Chev- I of Mr. and Mrs• ,Toho Hlrtzel,and re-
rolet and when finished would. natives last week.
be an Al outfit, The engine is to Mrs, Tenter, 'of London,is visit -
y matched dressed on both
sides at
MIS IS Ji'.lh'I81
• PILIC9i7
.a LLAT Tib Ogley
at -i rix co
Utility Express Chassis $'130
Roadster 8640 Coope $s18
Sport Roadster 715 Coach 810
Touring 640 Sedan 920
Sport Touring 115 Landau Swish 970
Coniotsrclal Chassis $455•
Prices at Rectory Taxes Extra
CF -9t8
almost every fine of business
aa the Chevrolet Utility Express
truck has established a new record
of economy in operation and mairi-
Truck owners are amazed at the low
upkeep, costs of this Chevrolet otto-
ton truek and the day -'in, day -®lit
service ander which it stands up so
The smooth Chevrolet engine pro•
vides abuttdaat power --even for
considerable overloads --ort lulls and
rough roads.
A dose iaispectori of the utility
express chassis said thd`recordsof
Chevrolet truck owners will will explain
to you the performance and eco
atnyr that have made Chevrolet the
world's third largest producer of
trucks and commercial cars.
Ask your Chevrolet dealer for dee
sctiption and prices of the type qq$.
,.bttdyy most suitable for your tad,.
ness. Atty regular body style may
,be built on the Chevrolet Utility
express' chassis.
The Smoothest Chevrolet hi Chev-
rolet History is selling at the Lowest
i?i ice f+ r which Chevrolet hes eve*
t,eeti solei in Cantada.
Ask about GMAA Plan of Deferred
WileDonell's Garage, Hensall