The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1926-9-30, Page 3liENSALL SCHOOL 1 .,),141,!=gartiz12,
FAIR Yv1?.1.
The Hernial! iiioolfah. -on Sep,
tember aOtli was a most ,saeasssful
affair, four echoole taking part, viz;
Henstal, S, No. 10, ,Tuckersmith,
$8. No, 10, Hay; 8,8, No. 1,4, Hay,
arid S, No. 9, Tuckermulth: All
feur Eichools took pert in a parade,
tae scholars being • iu costume.
Races were held at the ball park.
he names or the prize winners are
given in rotation, the arta mention-
ed winning first prize, the Seco nd
second and se on, The numbers re-
preeent the different sch.00l sections:
WWI Seed
Wheat, S. 8, 14, B, Thompson;
wheat, sheaf, S. S. 14, B, Thompson.;
oats, qt., S. S. 10, Jr 1VIcEwen; oats,
sheaf, 8, a, 10 James McEwert;
barley, qt., S. S, 10, Harold Shep-
pard, Edita Dick; barley, sheaf; S.
8. 10, Harold Shepperd, Edith Dick,
Stewart Bell; sweet corn, S. S. 10,
Alvin Bell, W. Fee, Margaret Taylor,
Joyce Scrutou, Ted Munn, H. Munn;
Soy beans, pint, S. S. 10, Jack Tey-
lor, Hugh McEwen, Robert Varley;
Soy beano, sheaf, S. S. 10, Hugh Mc-
Ewen, Jaek Taylor, Robert Varley.
• Roots and Vegetables
I. 0. potatoes, Heusi/11, Dorothy
McQueen, L. Lindenlield, R. G.
Brock, H. Higgins, Oleve Brock, H.
Broa,dfoot; G. M, potato% M. rol-
• lick, IL Munn, M. Snaffle, M. Hud-
son, H. Foster, Leonard Hoggarth;
D. potatoes, Hensall, J. Young A,
Coleman, No Nanae, May Wolfe,
M. Sinclair, M. Taylor; mangolde,
S. S. 10, Hay, Huge elawen,
Lloyd Lindenfiold, Sid Taylor; aur -
nips, S. S. 10, Tuckersmith, IVIelvin
Taylor, Dorothy •Datere, Bob. Mc-
Lachlan; beets, Hensall, K. Drysdale
D. Elgie, L. :Beeswax, J. Glenn, B.
Dick, kl. Munn; carrots, Hensel', J.
IVIcLachlin, H. Bell, D. Variety,- V.
McLean, R, Glenn, B, Dalrymple;
parsnips, Ilensall, M. Fee, M. Cole-
• man., B. McLean, M. Dick, E. Wolfe,
Irene Datere; onions, Hensall, Har-
old Elder, J. Farqehar, Irene Hog-
garth, Mary Raiser. •
Asters, Hensall, M. Sinclair, A.
• Fairburn, N. Sinclair, 'G. Passraore,
R. McLachlen, M. Wolfe; sweet
peas, B. Dalrymple, A. , Field, 13.
Thomson, Hefei' Glenn, Eleanor
Skinner; Phlox, Heusall, Mabel Fee,
Dorohy Hoskin; zinnie, liensall, G.
• Passmore, M. rollick, K. Drysaa,le,
L. Lindenfeld, H. Bell, A. Love;
African marigolds, Grace Brock;
French marigolds, P. McDonald, M:
D. McQueen; calendula, 'D. „Elgie,
Wilmer Broadfoot, Harold Sherritt;
French rua.rigolds, Billy Glenn, Alga
Bell; verbena, Marion McKay; Cos-
mos, Myrtle Thomson, Mervyn Hod-
gert, Glen Huston, Belle Smale, Al-
den Appleton, Alvin Dell; pinks, R.
Brock, Dorothy Da,ters, 'Ethel John-
ston, Benson Dick, Dorothy Corbett,
Edith Wolfe; gailardia, Jean Bell,
Copkorel, Harold Shepherd, Jimmy
McE-weu; pullet, Jimmy eacEveen;
pen a 3 cockerels and 2 pullets -Wil -
met 13roadfoot; pen of Barred Rocks
:". lvin T'aylor, Harold Elder,. Alvin
indenfield, 0, Taber, 'David Sang-
ster, Sidney Taylor; dog, Harold
.Appleton, Aldon Appleton, David
Sangster. Minnie Sangster; pair of
rabbits, B. Drysdale, Mary Raiser,
Wilmer Broadloat, Alex, Irwin; any ever these fruits are used, drop the; Hoffman.
I Wxlovu1l1
:te D17,L11atP4i
ma e, ormaa Sinclair, Miidred
• Foliage; vitiating -of Farewell, Grace The following is, a list of the prize
Plok, Garnet Mouseeau, 'Mabel F. winnera Of the Dashwood Scliool
MarY.Haiser; Margaret Dick, Erna Fair, The 'number following - the
Warm; writing To ;Englishman, Mar-, names represents' the number of the
. ion Sinclair, G.motnemsak, Jean scheoi 000tion
Rusaell, H, McLachlan, Eleanor Oraill
'Skinner, la Varley; crayou drawing Spring wheat; Melvin Restemeyer
O f Nara, Muriel Hoskins, Mitered 16, Rote Hayter le; sprine waoat
Women are t401, greatest suIerers
frMitt weak, lame end adduce baeks
•owing t9 contimial steopleg, bond-
ing and lifting so necessary to per,
form their household dutieo, these '
beekeches art caused, without a
tioubt, by some .dereitgetrient of tho
kidneys, for it there were not fierne
Weakness there ` the back woul1. be
strong bed well.
'We ve 'been feasting for w‘eks oo Of ceurtie knoW hew,
giod smelts out our way---delleiosie, -and sorneethe ego t.lUng m.
tantalizing sinellis. tlled with the, Spice' 4`I -Wee' jut abeutete refneniah .rny
eweeteess that melees pickled peaches room; A wined to nie I could
or grape jelly; pr with the peppery •eot bear it in US 011ahh7 etate anether
PU1zg cr 0 be ling caehup or chid wiriter. felt fleA rnust litore every-,
sauce. Spiced watermelon rinds exit thing new -soft velvet ehairs,
o 0,k, vo Iathryn Drys- sheaf, IVielvin Restexileyer 10, Rate own. peculiar fregrapce threughthued Oriental ruga, a few very won-
dele, D. Drumnipild, Alain Belt; Coe:. I-layter 16; oats, 'Gerald Mason, 1,4, the air all one day; and on another dorfal ornaments, haeigings thick -and
moo in water colors, Jas. Roweliffe, Otto Becker 8. Hay, Edward Gaels-, the smacking' good' smell of gently beavy arid giewing in color; fine pic-11
Marien Maar, Helen Glenn, Viola stetter 8; oats, sheaf, Otto' Booker 8, sinimering apple butter, better than„a tures hanging against delicateneutral,a
Hildearaault, Sohn McKay;• land Edward Gackstetter 8, Gerald Mason bouquet to a hungry boy vvbether he tinted walls. Oh it was all to be very
,seepe scene, Beryl Drummond, Jean 16; barley, Pearl S'cliade 16, Arnold
McLachlan, Dorothy leeskine, Hazel Gackstetter 8, Hay; barley, thean, 1
McLachlan Irene -Deters Doreen Arnold. Gackstetter 8 Pearl Schede
Valley; colleetion, pencil sketch in :16; field cone Pearl 13ender 1(.iia
water colo • Maria Foster. M f wives think the
iS six or sixty, floated -to us all the elegant. I could see it before me dile
way from the house across the creek. and night.
.But the beet smell of „ we house- °Then just as X was about to take
POLO Speaking, judging end Gackstetter 8, Pearl Bender; sweet I
1 aeon; ield . corn, eheaf, Elmer
. 1,
Rear- enow , corn, Margaret Restemeyer, Lorne;
Bay .
Public speaking, Maude McLean ;leder 8 Miltoe. ItVilleit • Cathleeu
Jas. ,Roweliffe, Grace Dick, Hugh Merner, Mabel Bender, Ruth Meyer.
McEwen; Judging competition, Lulu , Roots ited Vegetables ,
Lindenfield, Marion Sinclair, r. •zac- .,- Potatoes, Irish, Cobblers, 1Vaiace
Doueld, Joyce Scruton, Alice Hig- ,Wein, Irene Geuttner, Ella Eveland
gin, Marie Foster; spelling match, 1Lorua Kreft, Stewart Wolfe, Freda
othy Little, Olga Bell, Marie Dick, Ruth ,ICleinstiver, Harry Rinker, L.
Margaret Dick, baby Wow, John -Guettner, Gertie Hoffmau, Antion- -gee.
will give positive relief arid somfort
to all weak, beekaching, u ire ri n g
women, tend make their household
duties a pleasure instead of a burden.
• ,‘'Doana" are the original "Kid-
ney Pills" having on the market
for tee pest 4.0 'years.
''Don't a`acepteti substitute.,'
Put up only by The T. Milburn Co., 11
Liiiiited, Toronto, Ont.
ve Walker, ue Chapman, Dor- IVIiller 8; potatoes, Green. IVIeuntain•
laeor, Arnold Lindenfield, Bobby ette Ziler, 8, -Mervin Willert; iota- Held; writing, 3rd class, Ruth Tie -
Nigel; parade, all sebools received teem, Dooley, Edna Fiscber, Addison man, 'Cathleen Merner, Harry Miller
prizes for parade. Mason, Harry Miller, Edna Maier, Arnetta Eveland Florence Baker,
Melvin Stade, Selma Geuttner; Arne" waiting, 4th and
5th • class, Helen Nadiger R Klein -
golds Earl Zimmer Ro l
s clean soap -sudsy, some carefully hoarded savings from
fresh-paintg odor that fel:lows fall their litidingeolaea end Make the dream
ileum &earring and tells the pleasant 'come true suddenly became home -
story a a home an spickeand-span and eick for my old ohabby room that I
put in order for the winter. That is rir.P4s so soon to loin. Never to see that
the smela we are sniffing appreciative- farniliar crack in the wall paper
ly just now; and every window in the again; never to curl up on that cozy
whole neighborhood fairly bristles sofa mother
with immaculate rruffiy eurtains all sink into the
tied back from glistening ,panes cake cretonne chai
• used to love; never to
arms of that comfit old
r which is good to me
the sash en, a little girl's party dress., even when my clothes are dertip with
I like to go calling at this season, snow or rain. never to sum up my
perhaps because enjoy the walk accounts at tke roomy, scarred old
through the crisp cool air and the desk in the corner; or see my dear,
crimehing leaves, and perhaps because friendly pictures; or leave me- news-
-I like to see the chaeges and improve- papers arta megazines scattered about
, •
stayer, R.eta Hayter, Edna Fischer,
Harold reader 8, 'Verde Rinker, H.
Hrnts..Guettner; beets A'rnetts. Evelend
Kraft, Earl Witmer. turnips; Ralph Gertie Hoffman, Oneida Restemeyer
erayon drawing, .Arnetta Eveland
Ethylda Weld, M. Willert,
Grapes picked before ti seed h
Canning and Preserving' merits my, friends have made in their the faded rug; ..or toast chestnuts or
he fire when the
homes. marshmallows over t
Howard Ila Mason, Evangeline Held, Loretta However that m b I d
formed can be canned by the cold- geed Miller 8; carrots, Melvin lelason lert; 'map South A.merica, 3rd class,
pack method as in canning berrieie! Norman Weeper 8, Stuart *elf% M. of the house across the creek where "I painted two of th
Myrtle Geiser, Amelia Willert, H. my good neighbor of the apple -butter new (maidens in them.
The grapes -aro used for pies and are Miller 8, Edna Maier, „Hubert Res_ Stade, Ralph Genttner, Ruth Tie -
similar to gooseberries in flavor. If , temeyer; parsnips, Florence Guen- man, Amelia Willert' map of North fame resides. And how delightful her lightful little inagazin
Elide Kraft, Albert Goetz; America, 4th class, It'utli Kleinstiver, house was in its winter garments l Pet perfect dear of a lamp
the vines are bearing heavily, the rel ther,
moval of some of the green grapes will onions, Thelma Fischer, Gladys •Antionette Ziler 8, Freda Miller 8, plants in freshly scrubbed pots stood my old desk a vigorou
improve those left on the vines. iiiiaier, Evreageline Weld. ,i Helen Nadiger, Ethylda Held; daia- on the window sills, e hai cl th tin f
very c r an e a osphere o
$he Was Troo010d....
With Hir Nerves
afre. Ames Wench,. 1040 Mable
$e,,Loodon, Ont., Writes:--' E have
been ereabled with iv gorges fel. the
past five yearee and was bad I would
)141T to call my Imsbums1 hoMe froeo hie
Work on many peetisions. took all
kinds of &dere' mediciaes, but with"
out any efface
The lest spell had was about $ix
menthe ago when I felt like a nerYOUR
vrreck, multi not sleep, and wouid. tat
awl my ever nothing,
One dey 1 was terribly bad, shouting
and screaraing, and next door neigh-
bor came in to see whet was the matter
with me, and not being Able to her
she sent for my husband. He brought
ine home a box of
lire said a Mena of his told him about
morixilyees1-1:osinofntdeheteiryful, and IedelriteLtheceoktaintilreeeud
and have not been bothered with, niy
them too highly as I now sleep well,
neighbors' children came culling. Oh,
Ont. T. Milburn 0o., Limited, Toronto,
mailed direct on, receipt of pi•ice by
Priee'50c. a box at all dealers, or.
Why Food Should Always
Be Thoroughly Chewed.
You sometimes bear a man say,
."Yes, I know I eat quickly but I do
everything quickly, so I guess my
stomach and other organs do their
work quickly also. I can't see just
why I don't feel well."
When you suggest to a 'fast eater
that he should chew his food slowly,
he gets it into his head that you want
him to glue each bite a definite number
KIIIVA SCIMOL FAIR of chews, to count them in fact. He
reasons he'd just as soon have
Khiva School Section (S. S. No. 6, some pain occasionally as to sit and
Stephen) held a• most suCcessful Chew his food like a cow, carefully
couritieg the number of chews.
If this were the purpose of slow- eat-
ing one could hardly blame him, but
that ien't really the method that is
zuggesteny food experts. The men-
tal depression that would come over
you as you sat there counting would
do you more Bann thae fast eating.
However, fast eating is wrong- for
a number of reasons. For instance,
the digestion of the starches and they
Keene)), Oneida Rests/norm., Hader Witmer, Lorne Genttner, Milton Wil- self the ether day knocidng at the door it was unthinkable!
e chairs and put
I bought a de -
e stand, made, a
shade, and gave
s polishing, and
contentment re•
Peaches, apiicots and pears which Flosvers delion, water colors, Florence Baker table gleamed in the afternoon li ht maimed.
lent jam thus: To .2 cupfuls of fruit
are imperfect can -'be made into excel-, Geiser, Thelma Fischer, Aileen W11-1
let, Norman Walper 8, Mabel Bend- etie Witmer;
Asters, • Selma Genet ,
Harry Miller, Ralph Genttner, Eller-
landscape, •Antionette
house cleaning smell" was every, passed me another li
invigorating "just finished "I know now," else
ner, Myrtle Verna Kraft, • Hubert Restemeyer, and the
cut into small pieces, add 3 cupfuls of er; sweet peas Margaret Restem- ,Ziler 8, Ituth Kleinstifter, Verna no home should ever
remarked as she
on cooky, "that
be rudely dis-
w turbed. New things may be added,
Ito should be added front time to time, and
he old things or inartistic things should
be discarded, but the intizratte cozy
w feeling that only comes from '1,1;sec/ea
tion with one's belongliags for long
ed periods of time should be treasured
t- and cherished as the dearest ef one's
sugar, and boll together for one min-!eyer, Albert Goetz, 'Jean Weber 8,1Kraft, rlorence Baker, Reta Hayter,
ute. Then add 1 cupful of Liquid pec-' Myrtle Geiser, Irene Genttner; phlox , Maurice Klumpp,
tin (obtainable at grocery stores) and Pearl Weigand, Ruth Kleinstiver, LI Competitions -.
Public speaking, Ruth Kleiustiver
Guenther, Loretta witmer; zinnias,
boil for another minute. Remove from
, W Ile t, Mel- ging in beef cattle, Addison
Are and stir until partially cooled so -
Lorne Rader 8 Irene i r
Mason, Irvin uenther, Norman
tvin Restemeyer, Harold Rader 8, A.
fruit does not separate frem the syrup. I Gackstetter 8, Ruth Meyer; African Weeper 8, Norman Rader 8, Irwin
Shredded pineapple *AT Juice raarigolds, Lorne, Genttner, • Rosie
the Rader" 8; hitching competition, Earl
,(canned or fresh) can be used instead Willert, Reta Hayter; coreapsis, Witmer, Wallace Wein.
of the fruit mentioned. 1Mason; calendula, Maida Wein, F. I
Delicious mibt jelly can be made Guenther; French marigolds, Addi-1
with the spesirment which growe so son Mason, Ethylda Held, Harry
a,bundantly in some places. It requires Hoffman; verbenas, Verde, Rinker;
My friend was roiling out a fe
cookies for the little boy next door vr
likes to come 'calling just as I do. S
gave me one, a lion, I think it was.
"How happy you are," I said. "He
"Yes," she -replied, "I am content
now, but I almost. ruined my conten
merit a few weeks ago."
Chapters .2 to 4 describe' the ar-
pourtga og sugar, juigs a lemon, cosmos,. Arnetta Eveland, Wallace'
rangernent of the camie and the order
cupfulo spearmint eaves, 1 otire
b , Wein; pinks, Ella Eveland, Dorothy I of -march which is fol owed here The
1f t 1 October 3. Israel Journeying Toward
Rader 8. gaillardia, Alb t R d 8. ' tribes whosetents''t h d
Liquid pectin and 1 teaspoonful green sal 1 1 s
p g osi Pearl Bender. home gar- Canaan, Num. 10: 11-36. Golden of the- Tent,sanctuary went first. Two-!, school fair ori Septe
vegetable coloring (obtainable at drug den bo ' '
tartlet, Ruth Tiernan, Harry Text -Come thou _with us, and we groups of Levit,es followed, carrying rfine list of .sports we
stores). Add coloring and stir until Rinker, 'Mulls- Reid, Seale- Held will ci thee d N b 10 29 theira i d L
o ee goo .- um ere : . ppo nte portion a the Ten,t • there was keen co
dissolved: Add spearmint - leaves, ' Helen Nadiger, Myrtle0 '
, aiser. ANALYSIS. - structure and furnishings • (see 4:21- Illarry Smith -won the
strained lemon juice and sugar and, Poultry I a „, ., .. „ 33). Then came in regular succession ing the greasy pig
IIE DEPARTURE FROM SINAI, 1.1-16. the tribes on the h ' 1 • • .
south side, another the prize -winners:
bringt boil,Add pectin tstir-I. Cockerel,*
o i a once, Harry Rinker; Melvin og.
ring constantly, and bring again to Restemeyer, Arnold Gackstetter 8; 1 THE ORDER OF THE MARCH, 14-28. group of Levites, the tribes on the I Roots and Veg
III. THE INVITATION TO HOBAS, 29-32. west and 'on the north. The word ' Rural New Yorker
boiling point and boil for a half- pullet, ' nrelein Restemeyer, Harry;
minute. Remove from fire and if fresh 'Rinker' Arnold: Ga,ckstetter; pen of ,'IV. nee ARK AND THE CLODD, 38,36. sanctuary, iri v. 21, should be render- !Kinney; mangolds, r
d "hol things" that 's -es '
Rin 7t i s see or
spearmint is not used add 1 teaspoon !three, Harry Rinker, Norman Wal- 1 INeeonuaresee-The Book of Exodus ;
Merrill Restemeyer, Nelda. carries the story of the great journey I furnishings of the sanctuary. IIrvin Rate; mangolds
Ratz; garden carrots,
ful spearmint extract. Allow to stand 1 --)ter 8'
. . assold Arnold III. THE INVITATION TO HOBAB 29-32. 'Irvin Ratz: dark red
, , Gackstetter 8; 'of the peo 'e of Isr el as -far as Mount
miser 17th. A
re run off and
mpetition. Mr,
prize for catch -
Following were
potatoes, Helen
ed, Earl Ratz,
, yellow, Irvin
Bernice Neeb,
beets,I Rats,
onions, ',tactile make up the largest part of your Agra,'
cabbage, Ole- should get a real start in the mouth
er-Neeb; tallest as these starches mix with the saliva.
If they reach the stomach before di-
gestion has begun they have to wait
until they get past; the stomach into
the small intestine before any further
digestion takes place in them. This
s im arxd remove leaves,, White Leeson's, Maida Wein, Wal- Sinai and the s-ecend year of their life
"Hobab„the son of Reuel" (or Rag-lBernice Neeb; large
pour quickly inte glasses and peallace 'Wein, Sheldon Wein, Ervin in the wilderness. Numbers continues , uel) is called in Judges 4:11, as here, Dietrich, Roy Willert;
while hot. This is nice to serve wieeiRader 8; 'Barred Rocks, Melvin Res- , theato of the foitieth year, when ' the father-in-law of lefoses. The Re- ment McCann, Bernie
Oleata ot use as a garnish,for salads. yer, Louis e gan 8, Jean
Candied lemon and orange peel can Weber 8, Norman Walper 8, Myrtle they ha reached the plaMs of Moab vised Version renders the Helarew1corn stalk, Robert F
and had subdued and taken possession: word in these two passages, "brother-1Schroeder.
be used in fruit cake, puddings and: Geiser, Meryvn Willert; any pet,
lof the lands of the Amoiates east of i in-law," influenced by the fact that, in
mince -meat, or as a sweetmeat. As Al , Jordan. The book receives its name in iExod. 2:18, Reuel, the priest of MI -1 Asters, Bernice N
'Vernon Becker 8 .Albert Becker 8 t
; the ancient Greek and Latin versions dian, Mesee' father-in-law. Im Exed' I Smith; Dahlias, B
leen Willert Louis Weigand 8;
this is the season for lemoriatie, when 1 -
re trained dog Florence Baker Gertie •
a that it contains two enumerations of here, as in many other passages, that RRegeier: I3er
. pet; Edward Corbett, Harvey Huda peel, either lemon or orange, into, saki Live Stock • 7"
lynn, afaitrice
eeb, Mrs. H.
e Neeb, Laura
nice Neeb, M.
N b 1
means too much unprepared starchy
food to be handled ther-e. Then if you
eat rapidly, the food is, of course, not
broken up, but reaches the stomach in
large pieces instead of being finely
divided. The teeth were meant to do
this. That is why they are located
rt Jean Wil- right at the entrance.-
Willert, Eddie This unchewed food reaches the
Clarke, Gordou stomach, and as the sthmach hasn't
Flaherty, Jack any teeth, there is bound to be troulie,
Abegall Flynn,
some delay in handling the It
D. eggs., Irene
and 3. h ' 1'1 d t I • Orn1c
ng is ,e rem • ,
Son, C. Faber, white eggs, Alex. Mc- water, but keep each kind separate. In '^ Beef calf, Harold Kraft, Earl Wit-
Murtrie, Harold Shepherd, _Trete two or three days, pour off the brine' men Wallace Wein, Sheldon aVein;
Iloggarth, :Hugh McEwen, Jean eic- and wash the peel in clear water. Then1market lamb, Lorne Rader 8, Harold
Lean; brown eggs, Maude McLean, .
cook steadily in plenty of water, the Rader 8; bacon hogs, Helen Nadiger
Mary Coleman, Mildred Smillle, A.
Lindenfield, Alex, IVIc,Murtrie, Har- lemon Peel for three hours, the orange I Harold. Kraft. ,
old Sherritt; design. made 'of flovrere PeeFfor two„ hours. Diain, then place! Domestic' -Science
Mabel Workman, Roy Patterson, .A. over the fire in El, thin syrup made of F
Coleman, Grace Brock, Oli•tte Brock,
sBen. Drummond; market lamb, Mil-
-dred Smillie, Billy Glenn.
Domestic 'Science
Graham or bran muffins, Marion
McKey, Emma Wurm, D6rothy
Elgie, Alice Higgins, Harold Shea -
rift; home-made bread, Hazel Mc-
Lachlan, Olga Bell, L. Lindenfield;
oatmeal cookies, Jan Russell, .Ray
Patterson, Olga Bell, 'Irene Hog-
garth, Lorne, Elder; M. Shiclair;
• currant tarts, Maude McLean, Jean
Russell, 'Jean Bell, Grace tDick,errma ,
Wurin, A... Fa irb urn. ; dark ceeer
under 10 years, Maude MCLean, R.
Bell, Dorothy Corbett, D. Drummond
A, Coleman, Emma Wurm; apple
pie, Sean, Russell; Dorothy ,Little, J.
McLachlan, Jo-- "4",eil, Florence -Me -
Donald, Ber aimmond; . caVY,
Grace Dick, o thy Drummond,
-Beryl Drunimone, Margaret Dick,
Glenn, M. Sangeter; school lunch,
Irene Hoggarth, marion
W. Drummond, Dorothy Hoskins.
.4.• Patch on ginSgehNe.vinnig; Scruton, H.
Ketinetin, Hazel Meteclileni Dorothe
paters, Florence McDonald, Dorothy
Hoskin; soak leg, Lulu Lindentleld,
Irene Deters; knitted wash • cloth;
Marion McKay; teaa towel, hemmed,
Jean McLachlan, H. Kennedy, M.
Hemphill, Dorothy. McQueen, Ireae
Hoggarth, L. Lindenfield; ' work
apron.: hatiOnade, Joyce Scruton, H.
Glean; toy artimal, under 10 years,
Dorothy Drummonde embroidered
towel, Floreuce MeDoettid, Marion,
McKay, 'Helen Glenit, Beryl Drum-
mond, IL ,Kennedy.
Any.' model in weed, Jaok. Young.
H. McEwen, John Farquhar,. Jimmy
McEwon; bird house, A, MeMurtri-i,
MoEwen, Hugh Metwen, A. AP-
epleton, Shorritt; 1.11x named
-aitt4aots, N.' Lorne Elder, IL
Sherrill:, Lloyd Lindentield-, Hugh
McEWea; rope.aplicing, Harold Sher.:
ritt; noxious ",i,veeds and eeeds, Rod
Tavern; Hay, S. S. No. 10; commer-
cial woods and. leaves, S. S. 10,
Tuckersmith, S. 8,, 11; Red Tavorn,
Aet and airri t iug
Map of Rayon, A. Bell- Mc,
Kay, Lorao Elder, Olive Brock, Hay -
Old Sherritt, M. Hemphill; map of.
North Americo, Grace Dick, M. Dick
Ifugh Metwon, Jamee Roweliffe. 11,
irpeliall; product map of Now On-
tarid, Sean Russell, Melee McLean,
Jean McLachlan, klarOld ,Shepherd,
Robert Varley, -Doeeeu Volley; writ-
- • . •
School lunch, Albert Goetz, Reta
re assold, Evangeline lield; bran.
simmer until the s
equal parte a algae and water, and muffins Loretta Witmer Alice Beav-
the people, the first (chaps. 1-4), at the narrative is drawn from two o
Canal in the second yeer of the vtilder, more older sources, en which ther
! don Rate; plani, Audrey Yearley, 1
nese soiourn and the secend (ch. 26), was seine difference as to the name
and 2nd.
or under, R.
in MO a in & fortieth year. Chapters Moreover in Judges 1:16 and 4:11, he
laa'ir pigs, L3i1MeoSnrhs
1-10:10 tell of a aeries of events at is called a Kenite, but here and in
Sinai, and contain also various regut Exodus a Midianite.
lations governing the life of the people "Come thou with us." This invite- . Pets
Rabbits, Roy Witte
and their religious duties. Chapters tion may have been given before leav-
lert; pigeons, Roy
10:11 to 22:1 tell of the journeys be- ing Sinai. The story of the visit of
Yearley; cat, Jimmie
tween Sinai and Moab. The remainder Moses' father-in-law to him at Sinai
YreleP is bone away. ; er; tea -biscuits, Kathleen Merrier, of the book is occupied with what took is told in Exede Chap. 18• It is grab_ Raft; kittens, Albert
The peel is then tender, transparent, 'Eileen Beaver, ' Margaret Willert, place in Moab
ready a very thick syrup, and when
and sweet. For the- candying, make' Florence Baker, Ruth Kleinstivere I.
1Gertie Hoffman; tea cookies, Alice e 114 8 N the invitation to join his follovri
THE DEPARTURE FROM SINAT, 11 13 Judges, that he did Ultima
able, from the reference tteolyhacizneepint ;ELvawelsyonn;Owlahriktee; egbgrso.w
mg ,
I Flynn • Earl Rantzmi, ts
beilieg hot drop in the peeling. Take Beaver,, Edna Fischer, In the second year" Compare the with that of Moses. He learned that
fieen the fire and etir, and in a mom-
' orence Baker, currant tarts. M.
Restemeyer, Nelda Faesold, Helen
ere A will turn white and sugary. Nadiger., Ddrethy Rader 8, Gertie
Then' roll each piece Of peel 'in, dry Hoffman, Ile Mason; apple pie,
granulated sugar and it is ready to Amelia Willert, Margaret Willert,
pack aria atore in a cool. eller place. To 'Margaret • Restemeyer, . Ile Masoa,
candy grapefruit peel, use the method Neida 17118801d, Kathleen Merner;
suggested for orange peel. . candy, Myrtle Gaisee, Reta Hayter,
Florence Baker, Sadie Held, Helen
dates ' -1:1 and ' E - d
r 7. They had been ten months and
Debibiettee. 1bleiys, at sibai.. ,compare also ,ple of Jehovah. His going, too, would t Greenings, Earl Ratz,
be as Moses saw, of great advantage- Cann; pears, Ida Gla
, , . ,
"The cloud was taken up.",. The ap- to Israel, for he knew the. 'wilderness I Clarke; plums, Green
9:151-23 and .Exod. 40:34-38.- It was roisbe
best camping places, and i D_ ietrich, _Evelyn Clar
would'e to Israel "instead of eyes." !Dorothy Kenney, Albe
pearance of the cloud is described in
the visible symbol of the„presence of IV THE ARK AND THE CLOUD, 33-36. L., roultal,
White Leghorn% a
in a in xod. 19.1 an it was indeed good to go with the peo- Apples, Baldwins,
Gordon Betz:
Clement Mc- This subdividing of the food is net
iaville, Evelyn the only cause of trouble. The teeth
Gages, Pius and gums do not get the work or exec-
ke; 9113121*ln' else that they require. Poor teeth and
rt Flaherty. soft gums are due to this lack of um.
; The hurried exiting of concentrated
ramie Clarks
Ratz; Black foods like eggs and meat is a melees
iech, Jimmie mistake. They need to be divided into
atz, Roy Wil- :mall particles just in the same way
as other foods. $o don't hurcy in
your eating. It le unwise and harm-
Some people are terribly disappoint-
ed because the worst never happens.
'Mosquitoes are said to be capable
is surprising what the stomach can do
sometimes in sueh cases but at times
the effort fails.
God in his tabernaole and with his "The ark of the covenant" contained Plymouth Rocks Earl
• Nadiger, Florence Guenther e light poeple. *It represent,ed as leading the tables of stone on which the ten , Minorcas Pius Ditr
• For Timberneck I shut the fowls in Wolfe, Margaret Restemeyer, Helen p" ar Y ay, art o tames1c f "th et' eiClarke; ducks, Earl R
, u
layer cake,. 1V1yrtle Geiser St art the people on :their journey as a col- commandments were written, some- I '
their mom, and give them water to I`Tadiger; dark layer cake, 11a: Mas- fire IT night Exod. 13 :21,,.; 14:19 arid sometimes as "the covenant." Apgar-
di.inkein which I put a pinch (what on, Ainelia Rader 8, Oneilda Res- 24; Num. 14:14; Dent. 1:33; Psalm ently a party bearing the ark svent,onl Bird house Alex.
Manual Tr
I can hold. between the thumb and temeyer, Helen. Nadiger, Margaret 17:14). Again it appears, as descend- ahead of the main body to choose a Raft; milking' steel,
yter. Ruth Meyer ing from the sky and standing "at the camping place.
door of the Tent," and in it or through "When the ark set forward." The • arm'
IC E. Ratz.
r a.ngan-, Ha
tResterneyee; cream puffs, Reta
forefinger) of potassium pe
Domestic Sci
4 These little ur 'e metall' •
Dietrich, Earl
Clement Mc-
tae. \ P sce
looking crystals can be bouglit at the Darning on woollen hose, under it, God speaks to Moses (Exod. 33:9-- regular ritual of the journey is here Light cake, iced,
11; Num. 11;25; 125r Deut. 81:15; described. When they set out upon Irene .Flynn; dark cal
drug store. An ounce will :apt a long 10, Alice Beaver; quilt bleck, under Psalm' 99'7)- In other passages the the day's march they Prayed that the Mawhinney; apple pie,
12, Eileen Beaver, Ruth Tiernan, A. cloud covers the sacred Tent, or Tab- Lord would rise up and go before tbem H D• r i h.
time, I gave the -birds notating to eat
that day, and pothing else to drink,
, , Beaver, Mary Meyer, Margaret Res_ ernacle, and remains .over 1 , g g
't lowin
but *this medicated water. About 2 as with, fire by night, and is lifted up
tetneyer, Rata Fossald; patch on
o'clock 1 grrent fresh dose, as. it loses garment, - Zita Nadiger, Florence 84381i Num.
the camp is moved (40:
taker, Margaret Willert, Nelda FEW- a 4-6a i l'Innl• 9:1542-'1'; "lin 105:80'
its strength in a few hours. -R, D. • 1 Whatever the form of the aearance
, so er e Hoffman; plea apron,
1,1 G ti
Mrs. Lawson,
re, iced, Mrs.
Mrs. Willert,
i r• of flying a distance of a mile and a
Smith; Graham muffins, Mrs. Law-
son, Gladys Ratz; currant tarts, Mrs. halt
Wm. Wearing, alonica Dietrich;
home-made_ candy, Evelyn McCann; Troubles are like, infants; they only
cookies, Abegail Flynn. grow bigger by nursing.
HeMmed- teaSetworegl, Jean Witlert,
Evelyn McCann; crochet work, Thel- FOR
• Ruth Raeinstiver, Ethylda Held H. was it Was recognas -------------
er; blitton. lipase end buttons, Alice God, guiding, protecting, or speaking
I Kathi n M G ti the vniderness " Whether or not some
• "
1 Nadiger, Alice Beaver, Eileen Beav- sYrahol of the spiritual presence of
The Torture of
ECZEMA Beaver, Sadie Held, Eileen Beaver, in Ierael, during the journey through
Eczema, or a t te m, as
commonly called, Is one of the most
agonizing of all skin diseases.
The, intense burning, itehing and
Snlarting, especially at eight, or when
exposed to heat, makes it almost un-
bearable and relief is gladly weleorned.
There is no eemedy like
for giving relief to such sufferelei
no remeay thee has done, or can do
more for those who are alinost drive*
to distraction 'With tho terrible tor -
ter() of eeZenift.
Manufactured only by The T. Mil.
bath Co.,;I:buited Teronto Ont.
ee erner, Gertie. Hoffman; •
,! darning on cotton, Florence Baker, Siniple natural explanation of this re -
Ruth Kleinstiver, Margaret Willert, markable phenomenon may be found
Mannind Ti•aining • that a traaier of burning coals stood
we do not know. Some have supposed
Amelia Willert.
Home made" kite, Irvin. Guenther, at the door of the Tent -sanctuary, and
Ervin RaderA, 'aarry Harri was carried et the head tlifethceus'IntotinTic611i.
Rinker; knots in rope, Addison Mas- ing people, as hoe been
, a ace e re, patchon grain companies of pilgrims, or even of
-liege Stuart Wolfer chicken feed arthies, but this can not be Proved.
hopper, •Norman Walper - Ervin Sir Walter Scott's well-known hymn
Rader 8, Milton Wolper 8 a -model in very beautifully conveys to. us the
wood, Norman Walper • 3, trein , profound and comforting religious
-Rader 8, Milton Walpor 8, Harry truth which it contains. The first lines
Millef7 Emil Becker 8, Gerald Mas- are as follows;
on; paper cutting, John Meyer, Mur- When Israel of the Load beloved,
ray Wolfe, Leonard Shenk,. Carl Out from the land of bendage came,
Maier Eileen Beaver, Reta ossald. Ker fathers' aoci before her moved,
Nature Collections An awfal guide in smoke and flame.
Noxious Weeds, Antionette Ziler Tito testimony is the name given to
8; named woods and lea -es, Verna the stone tableta upon which avere in -
Kraft. scribed the conimandinents of the leer
Drewing, Art'and Writing of Moses, and which weye laid in the
Map of Huron, Ila, Mason, Regina lark and so within the most holy.plece
Miller, Lorna Kraft, Margaret Res- '01 the Tent -sanctuary (compare Exert,
temeyer, =toe. Willert, Elia Eve- , 31:18 and 25:22).
land; writing, ist clam, trete Pas- I "The cloude abode (or settled down)
sold, Maida Wein, John afeYer, Carl , in the wilderness of Partin," as a sign
Maier; Writing, 2tid class, Ila Mason , that the people were to hat arid en -
Paging, Miller, Phyllis IReid, Ella, ' amiss theter This Wilderriess lay to
teeland, HarOld Kraft, Evangeline the mirth of the Penineula Of Sinai,'
1 -
to scatter their enemies, and 'when
theynight,o ie
turn to dwell with .them as an over-
sharloiving and guarding Presence.
° Tankage for Nursing Sows.
Tankage has been proved at the
Brandon Experimental -Farm to pro- ma Neeb, Jean Wrlert; quilt block,
vide a useful ,art of the ration for Evelyn. McCann, Irene Flynn; band -
'sows raising lifters. A test was made made doll dress, Monica Dietrich,
with three sows with litters of twenty_ Bernice Neeb; embroidered centre -
seven pigs, end three with litters of Piece, Edna Witzel,Mrs. McCann;
tWenty-eight, all approximately of the hand -made tea aprand Drawingoix, Edna Witzel.
same age. The re* ration fed •one Art, Writing
group was made un oi oat chop twist, Map of Huron, 2nd class, Helen,
Kinney; map of North Arns'rice, 3rd
parts, barley chap one part, bran one' class, mete
Nome, Mildred Nee
part, and Shorts apo part, with three map of Canada, 4th class, Beal
per Cent, oil cake meal added. The Neel); writing, lst verse of "Little
second group was fed a similar ration. Thing," in pencil, 1st class, Laura
but included teh per cent. of tankage.' /tegler, Pearl Kinney; Writing, and
Seven pounds of meal per sow per day 'verse, "Gentleman of Ten," in pencil
were fed in each case. The extra cost 2nd chess, Helen Kinney, Dorothy
of feeding the sows with tankage foriKiriney; writing, "Crossing the Bar
tweritegive days was 63 cents. The
sows receiving the tankage lost 20%
pounds less than those, in the other
lot„ while the litters of the tankage-.
lot gained 12% pounds more than
those in the check lot, This test is
reported in the Brandon Experimental
Farm repert for 1925; available at the,
Publications Branch of the Depart-'
merit of AgricUlture, Ottawa.
A peanut butter sandwich, a jam,
eendevich, raisins, a cooky.
••••••••••". ,••••••••101
id Cholera
Infant m"
in ink 8rd class, Roy Willert, Jean
I Willert; writing "My Native Land,"
' in ink, 4th elass, Gordon rtatz, I3er-
nitte Neeb; water telex, Roy Willsrt,
Jean Willert; crayon sketch, Dorothy
Kinney, Laura Regier,
MISS B. Field, Teacher
This valuablepreparatioe has boon
man, no matter what his posi- on thii: orluu.ragiottogrgrotfozirtitsts0 yeieloarvs,critd.
worth more than aco Year to the Ira
tion in the Free State of Ireland, is 61145 putging aria diatrhim op ehOicra,
ed bit the North Tipperary Partners', Put up o b T "
tuition," was a receet rem_ 'Oen Pasa- feature y y he 1..writbuta coy
Limited, Toronto, Ont,