The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-8-27, Page 84 The New Coats For Fall and Winter Are Here We invite you to eoine in and see our display of new coats for the all and winter season, New eloths, new styles, new flares, new ftlr trimmings, new shades and new loW pricee. See our coats first awl see them. soon. $2. Shirt§ now Selling at $1.49 The men's and boy's fine print shirts which we are now selling fbr $1.49 are the kind you pay $2.00 for in almost any other store. They are well made guaranteed shirts in good zephyr materials and pleasing patterns. They hay& soft reversible cuffs and you save 50c, on every one you buy at $1.49 each. Boy's Khaki Bloomers 98c. JuSt when you need to buy them for school'Vear these strong drill Kh,aki bloomers have been reduced frm $1k50: to only 98c. All sizes from 6 to 14 years. We can outfit your boy kfor school from head to foa, and,save you real money. Why not give us a chance to quote prices on boy's clothing and shoes. This special offer includes five different patterns in. 97 -piece dinner sets to.be sold for $24.95. Three of these sets are in gen- uine lVfeito, hand painted, chin.a while the other two patterns are in guaranteed semi -porcelain ware of the best quality. Our Grocery Prices Large lemons only 39c a doz. 2 tins choice salmon fori 35c 4 boxes good sardines for 25c 2 lb. ginger snaps for 25c Shredded Wheat 2 pkg for 250 Kellog's Corn Flakes 3 for 29c Bring your Gillex Coup ons to us and save 10c 7 bars Castile Soap for 25c Royal Yeast Cakes 5c pkg Metal Tops for Jars 20c a doz. Seedless Raisins 2 lb for 25c 2 lb. Mixed cookies- for 35c. 4 bars Laundry Soap for 25c. Rubbers for Jars 3 doz. 25c J. A. Stewart 1 MOINE mimmusaressamen Gigantic Furniture Sale • IF YOU ARE CONTEMPLATING THE BUYING—OF :FURNI- TURE BE SURE TO INSPECT OUR LARGE AND MOST UP-TO- DATE STOCK. PRICES AND QUALITY UNEQUALED. LARGEST STOCK BETTER SERVICE "THE HOIVth FURNISHER" 0 M. E. GARDINER FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND ElVIBALMER FINEST MOTOR AND HORSE EQUIPMENT at DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE LONG DISYANCE CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO OPERA HOUSE BLOCK PHONE. 74.1; 14W 1 MaralleinlaMMEIMEMIMMENIERMIllie Men's Stora Phone 81w • 9 Men's Store 74, 4.14 What Men. ee When Slimmer Comes Cream Flannel Trousers, Grey Flame , Cream Serge, Khaki and Fancy Tweed Trousers We have an exceptionally fine range of Men's Fine Fancy Shirts at a very reasonable price. COMBINATION AND 2 -PIECE' 'UNDERWEAR. , SPORT BELTS, FANCY AND PLAIN HOSE TIES, HANDKERCHIEFS AND SUSPENDERS Ready -to -Wear Suits at $18.00 to $.19.00 . TR M Merchant Tailor and Gents' Outfitter soli Earl, of Boxy, QUebee Visited in towii with relatives and friends o'er the week end, Iee,ving Tuesday for the latter" place, 'where Mr. H. Spaeltman. will spend:413.e balance of tbe StimMer -and winter, to the office a sprout about eight mc so o file pit Of a date. The root is quite in the garden evidently from date `stones that W6rd thrown. out at one net. it r. oittheott, of Jeanettee oectipied the pulpit i5f the -James St. Siinday the a.bsende of the pastor, IteV. E. Shop - continues to improVe. Next day ASV, IV« II Donnelly Will be the At this partioular season the Ex- eter Cemetery is 4,beauty spot, re- flecting much eredit on Mr. Ford, 4xe caretaker. There 'is, however, room for improVement in one line -- namely the striiightening tip of some of the oldest tombstenes or monn- Ments, which -are leaning or out of plumb owing to their many years Of standing and. whieh .1ta,ve become more or less of an ,eyosore, Some of these, doubtless, have been ne- glected owing to the relatiVes mid friends of the departed having left the community, or they too have passed away. Monuments should not be neglected, simply becttuae there is no one _Jett to Took after them. We ,tio net knbw -w•hero to attaeh the blatne but we think for all the cost that something should be dove to inipreveg,•this defect in Exeter Markets Wheat $1.30 Oats ,46c Barley 68c. Manitoba Flour $4.30, Pastry Flour $3.90. Feed Flour $2.00, 13ran $1.50 Shorts $1.70 Creamery Butter 42c 43c, Dairy 13utter 33-36c. Eggs, Extras 32e. Eggs, firsts 25o. Lard 20c Hogs, Selects, $14.55, Hogs, thick smooth $13.25 t. LOCAL t • Four more days in A.ugust. Mr, Jos. Bawden, of Ridgetown, is visiting in Exeter. bk. Wm. Hill of Toronto, visited with friends in town. Labour Day is the next holiday, Monday, September. the 6th. Mr. Nelson Sheere, of the Jones & May staff, is holidaying this week. Miss .'Jessie Manson has returned to LOndon after visiting with -her parents. Mr.. Wm. Penhale Jett for the West on Friday, where he will spend several weeks. Mr. end Mrs. Jas. Bingham, of Sarnia, spent the week -end with Dr, and Mrs. Browning. Mr. Morris Senior, of Toronto, is holidaying with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Senior. Mr. and Mrs. 'Wright, of Thorn - dale, spent the week -end. with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Powell. Miss Muriel Bowers, of Toronto, is visiting at the home of her brother, Mr. H. Bowers. THE „EXETER TIMES-ADV9CATE howls and Slnners,' The Minister p.m,—"SpiritUal Religion." The Minister JAMES ST. UNITED CHU1101i OF CANADA Rev. E. Sheppard, Paster Organist and -Choir -Leader 11 a.m.—"Life 'without Religion, and religion Without Lite." $ 3 p. m. ---Sunday school and Bible Death," A. 'discussion of the fu- Eure life. • Mrs. W. H. Thornton, „of Windsor visited for several days with hei mother, Mrs. S. Handford. Mrs. R. J. Smith and daughter, Mary, are visiting with Mrs. Geo. Hunter for a couple of weeks. Miss May Jones and Miss Alice Handford are holidaying this week at the "Mayflower" Grand Bend. Workmen are renovating, the building south 'of the- Central Hotel recently purchased by Dr. Ward. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Perkins and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Will Butler in London on Sunday last. • London spent a couple of days at Grand Bend with Mrs. C. 4. South- cott Miss Florence Marchand after a visit here with her. sister, Mrs. C. H. Sanders, returned to her home in Otterville, Monday. Miss Reta Robbins, of Stratford visited with;Miss Grace Creech. Miss Creech, and Miss Robins spent the week -end -at Grand Bend. The fail of 1925 will remain. a close season for black and grey squirrels. Not until the fall of 19- 26 will be' the_open season. Mr. and Wfrs. E. Howald and daughter, Muriel, and. Mrs. F. M. Boyle are holidaying at Grand Bend Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Teale and daughter, Miss Lilla, and Mr. Bruce Screaton, of London, visited Sunday at the home of Mrs. Thos. Sweet. Dr. E. S. Steiner and wife re- turned Monday from Rochester, N. Y., where they were called owing to the death of the former's father. Mr. R. E. Davis, of the Canadian Bank. of Commerce at Blenheim, who was 'home for a week on sick leave, returned to his duties on: Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eisler and dhaghter, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nash of Sarnia, spent Thursday and' Friday with Mr. ant_ Mrs. j. W. Powell. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Shettler and children, of Buffalo, formerly of Dashwood, who are' camping at Grand Bend, visited in. toWn ' on Monday. Mr. Stuart Stanbury, who has had charge of a Boy Scouts camp. at Lake Vernon in the Muskoka dis- trict fot the summer months has re- turned home. Those from a distance attending the .funeral of the late Wilbur Vale Vale of Toronto, Mrs. Dell and' the. deceased's step sons of Merriton. Mrs. jas. Pickard of Toronto, ac- companied by her nurse, Mrs. Bail- ey, are visiting with. frien.ds1 in town. Mr. and Mrs. E. Harwbed brought them up' by auto.' ' Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Charley, of Ann Arbor, Mich., who have been visiting the former's mother, Mrs. Coombes, on Ann St. and with °tiler friends, returned to their hom.e on Monday. Mr. Geo.'Hunter left for the West on Monday of last week. He met his aunt„ Mrs. Ormston, of Brook- lyn, at Toronto, and. they will visit in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Mr. and Mrs. C. Patterson and daughter, Marion, Mr. Rd, QUanCe, Mrs. D. Russell and daughters Bertha and Edna motored aver from Detrbit and spent Sunday With. rela- tives in town.. The Shamrock Medicine Co,, Who are holding forth in Victeria, Park With a free show nightl3r, are at-' trotting large crowds. They have disposed of ,a lot of Medicine for. internal and external use, Mr. V,Vin. Pollock, of Detrdit is visiting with his sister, Mrs. Chao. Perkins of town. Mr. Pollock was a former resident of Exeter, but left here over' 40 , years ago. I -le notes many changes in the, old town. Miss Maud. Lyons, of Londesboro, a deatloriess of Montreal who has been' hi BerittUda en a three week's vacation, spent the week -end with "Mr. and .Mrs., Hardhig and With her sister, Mrs. A, Herslake, of tra- Trivitt Memorial Church 11 am.—"Fruit Bearing in Chris- tian Life." ed?" This sermon is being de- livered by special request. MAIN STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. F. E. Clysdale, Pastor 11 a.m,—"The, Religion of a puz- zled Disciple." 7 p.m.—"The Servant as Wonder - Worker." Worship Here, We teach the Lux- ury of Doing Good and Living Well. -- Everybody Welcome Ijorses for Sale OR EXCHANGE—, 15 rivers and 6 heavy horses. WAll I or exchange. Frank Taylor, ei. FOR SALE—Two building lots on the corner of William • Victoria streets, also w. kaho 8x18, black- smith tools, ram s, saws, vice, anvil, bellows Apply to Mrs. HOUSE FOR ""ALE—A o storey on Market S an. Apply to All those who desire to, attend the Fall Ternfof t e Exeter High School comniencing tesday, September 1st should regis r With Secretary, Miss K. 1VIC aul; ' once in 'order to secure a s- These will be al- lotted er of registratien. FARMS FO SALE—A feW choice kets. Pri right. Apply to Thos buildings nd Cameron. Aunt.. Box 154, Exeter. Tuckersmi and er,t. -Good located as to mar NEW STAR SEDAN—At saeri- fice tor quick ale. Go assort- ment of used cars, f $100 to Pilon, Huron ge, Exeter, Ont. 895. Apply 'a For Sale deuce on th Exeter know late John ing to pure That f' e brick resi- east ide of Main St. as le property of the er ake. Parties wish - e apply on prenlises. TWO BO Close to hi 280, Exeter, On DER sc • For Sale s Swiss Music Eon 'and selection, cheap. Show cases, 1 large, 2 small Good heater with pipes. 15 candy ' rs; sui/table for sugar, rice, etc. 2 notion, 17"sore use. Good Cheer Range, small size. Cheese case, cheap. Good used piano, 'good organ. Use our Service for selling and locating. Inquire POWELL'S BAZAAR Phone 55 and 122 FOR SALE OR RENT 100 acres veeir- being lot 21 S.T.R. On le property. is a brick ho se, - nk barn and other building ; . acres in grass and stubble. a y terms. Apply LOST—Straye from 4, con, his front leg. ny formation will be appreciate b T. Rplet. buggy, and FOR SALE—I, wagons. Apo 13? -49 ter North. FOR SALE Titan tractor second-hand Single furro Wm. Ward. Secon and 1020 shape', also ut riding plow' first-class repair). Miss Florence Norry, who has been spending a couple of weeks vacation in Windsor, returned home oil Saturday Misse8 Francis Pearce, of Itensall and Moore and Margaret Lumley, of St. Thomas, visited Mrs, W. H. Johnston .on Ttlesday. "Mr. anelVirs. F. W. Glacitnan and 1Vtiss Margaret Madman and Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Wheeler left recOnt- ly on a motor trip around the lakes. fOuto they- will visit Detroit, Cleveland, Buffalo .and Niag;a,ra Palls.", ---London Advertiser. THURSHAY, AUGUST 27th, 1925 trimsniummillowillmwomoloniffinumommomoulloonouloonnwoopionowollomouRipm.ma..... and . 'Winter, Coats. E. 'We 'are.re4dy.f6tIfie..,earty b•uyer,. • .sf4f the. *pry. latest s:ty10 :in.:coats for.. this lomM ffi MONO MINN IMMO MINIM Ladies' and Misses' S. C. In peautiful shades of brushed wool. A lovely Warm. coat for the cool evenings. Misses $3.75, Ladies $4.75. New Dresses We have always something new to show you in dresses. see our new nutmegs and pansy purple shades. Clearing of Summer Dresses The balance of all summer dresses must be sold. We have reduc- ed, the prices on all lines. Dresses from $5, $7 and $9.00 all reduced to $2,95 each. These are real bargains. All Linen Towelling All linen toweling 'of splendid, quality suitable for roller or tea towe* A limited quantity at this price. Per yaril 20c. Linen Tea Towells Pine English make all linen tea towelS, with red borders, hemmed and ready for use:,. Regular 35c value, our price 25c, New HeavY Work Shoes $3.95 1.11.111111 AMMO A splendid shoe for i:ough wear in black or. tan, made by one of the best makers. This shoe is well worth - the money. Try a pair $3.95. THIS STORE WILL CLOSE EACH 'WEDNESDAY 'AFTERNOON DURING THE MONTH OF AUGUST. Southcott Bros. riN THE PUBLIC EYE twag-2,j0ZilsdlarAeze REPAIRS We. are now prepared to do al! kinds of repairs on broken frames, whereas before, we had to send then to London or elsewhere. • B(EAVY SHELL, FRAMES TO YOUR OWN LENSES, WHILE SPECTACLES, LARGE LENSES, Dr. John Ward CHIROPRACTOR & OPTICIAN MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT. PHOE 70 BIG — Furniture Sale NOW ON BUSINESS HAS BEEN GOOD, BUT WE WANT TO DO 1V1ORE, AND -iv ORDER TO DO SO WE ARE OF- FERING "SPECIAL DISCOUNTS" -DURING BALANCE OF July and August COME IN AND SEE US BEFORE' BUYING. R. N. ROWE EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR ' SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Phon.e Bus. 20W House 20J ONIMINNIMMINIMMIMMINMINS LIGHTNING RODS Shin -Plat and Rottn.d Ca s. We have the a _rimy for e above lightning ro s. Le s quote you prices, OI c a inspected and repaired. years' experience. Bruce llifitchell, rut,. No. 1, Oen- tralia• phone Crediton 29 r 6. Works - One of the hest eqttipped steps in mad No article too difficult to make /n answer to your intiniry re grind, Ing .cYlinders for `us, wenId say ,that We are well Satisfied, having fditnd the werk all that could lie -expected., The blocks in out estimatiOn are as' gOod ,new ones. r Mgr,, Exeter dart. Co, Write, phcine.br coine and see us 'Adviee freely given COAL—COKE AND INSURANCE YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED E. J. cutrziwriE OFFICE: North of Elliott and Johns Safety R4ior Blades Sharpened ( any- make) SINGLE EDGE 3c DOUBLE EDGE 4c Perfect Edge Guaranteed W. S. COLE, Druggist CLEANING- PRE.SSING and REPAIRING • If you want to look like ,a man, and feel like a man when You are dressed up, there is only one way and that way is ,o let ELLIOTT AND jOHNS Make your Clothes We 'algo do CRleepanaiirnign,g Pressing and W. R. Goulding Organist and Choirmaster James St. United Church Instrucction m Piano Vocal Organ. Theory Supervisor of kusie in Schools Studio Victoria St. ' Box 57 CONTRACTOR Cement and Carpenter Work ESTIMATES FURNISHED Housee and Barns EXETER :—• ,ONTARIO , Phone 1-52W Wood for Sale A QUANTITY OF DRY WOOD FOR SALE H Bagshaw TRY US Phone 58W VIOLIN AND PIANO INSTRUC- Pupils visited or received - Terms Moderate Concert Engagements AccePted, ROBERT GAMBRILL Phone 161; Exeter DR. ADRIAN B. GIBSON VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of the Orita,r1O Veterinary College 1915 Office and Itegidente, 310081,St., AVOSt; Of James St. Ridded Chureh PHONE 90, EXETER VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of th4:,7 itilintario Veterinary TANI& T150"1V1, 1)T - Phone Residenee Ann St. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. , 'Loans', Investments, Insurance Block,Main St. Exeter GLADMAN & STANBURY 'Barristers , Solicitors &c. Money to Loan, Investments Nadi Safe-deposit Vault for use of our Clients *without charge. Exeter London Bengali R. McINNIS LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOB For best results let R. McLunie handle your auction sales. FIVE YEARS EXPERIENCE HAY POST OFFICE • DENTAL SURGEON Late Listrict Den.tal, Officer 0$ Military District, Number One, Losmi don, Ont. Main Street, Exeter, Ont. Office Phone 34W Residence Phone 34J Office closed •On Wednesday only. Dr. G. F. Roulston, DENTIST • Office over I. R. 'Carling's Lar; Extractions Under Oxygen, Gas. - At Grand Bend every Wednesdap; during the summer mOntha • IlonOr Graduate of Toronto •Univer-• sity DENTIST office, Main Street Exeter. DR. W. E. WEERES Physician and S,urgeon Office—One door south of the Office Closed Until September Wee FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER for Huron and Middlesex , tARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices reasonable and satisfactiog, guaranteed VetOrinary Surgeon Office--MCDO'nnell's Sales Stables en Johl,St. Phone Calls receive promPA attention. Phone 26w , THOS. CAMERQN and James WATSON Licensed Auctioneers Salea condtictgd in any faction guaranteed. • Charges Medi, erate. Orders loft at this office WiN be prciniptOr attended to.. ILL 1, 1Cirkten, Phan. Kirkton 4r2.• == rommo velOMM Ammo ANIMA IMMO AMMO AMIMM AMMO YMNIMIN MINIMS 41111111. IRONY MEMOS • MIAMI