Huron Expositor, 2000-03-29, Page 22 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, March 29, 2000
Scott Hilgendorff photos
Kyle Parsons has his tongue froze to a metal post in a skit
from She Let me Write With my Left Hand," a Grade 3
production at St. Patrick's School in Dublin.
Cindy Louwagie, Scott Van Roessel, Molly Morrison and Alan
Sinnamon attend a class a1 St. Patrick's School in the past. The
production in Wes Brennan's class will be performed for the
public tonight (marc ?,9) at 7 p.m. at the school, It takes a look
at life in the school over the generations.
Uniforms will be worn
by St. Anne's students
By Stew Slater
Special to The Huron Expositor
The Huron -Perth Catholic
District School Board
narrowly voted to allow
administrators of St. Anne's
Catholic Secondary School
to implement a school
uniform policy starting in
September, after considerable
discussuion at a regular
board meeting, March 27.
Voting 3-2 in favour of a
motion put forward by North
and West Huron trustee
Louise Martin, the board also
gave school administrators
the ability to mandate how
and in what form the uniform
policy will be implemented.
A delegation from the
Clinton -based school,
including the principal and
vice-principal, had already
delivered a presentation to
trustees at the board's
February meeting, showing
variations of the most
probable uniform and
outlining the results of a vote
by present and future St.
Anne's staff, students and
parents. At the time, trustees
said the issue called for
serious consideration. And,
according to director of
education Gactan Blanchette,
that's exactly what took
"I think (trustees) really
wrestled with (this issue),"
Blanchette noted, following
the March 27 meeting. A
report submitted by
Blanchette in preparation for
the vote pointed to two
"Committee of the Board"
meetings earlier in the
month. during which trustees
also discussed the issue.
"What you heard here
tonight was play.:d out in
even greater depth oNerthc
span of two meetings
Mutual Aid fire boundaries adjusted
to fit restructured West Perth
By Scott Hilgendorff
Expositor Editor
Mutual Aid fire boundaries
have been changed a little to
allow Seaforth firefighters and
• equipment to enter the
municipality .of West Perth.
The previous. agreement.
which allows fire depanments
to share their services for
serious fires such as a Karn
fire •earlier this month near
Blyth.' originally was
• contained to all of Huron
County and Hibbert Township
in'Penh County.
Through restructuring.
Hibbert Township has become
• .part • of a ncw. larger
municipality of West Perth.
As a result. Seaforth
council has passed a bylaw
that. allows the Seaforth and
Arca Fire Department to
provide service to all of West
A Huron County Fire Co-
ordinator helps coordinate
what fro departments respond
to major incidents.
In the situation earlier this
m(inth, the Seaforth and Area
Fire Dcpartment.was called to
assist the Blyth Fire
Department with a Karn fire
that was more than one
department could handle.
The expansion of the
mutual aid area was made to
accommodate the
amalgamation of Hihhcrt
Township into West Perth.
Also. council approved an
agreement between the
Seaforth and Arca • Fire
Department and West Perth to
provide the town's 1980
putnper truck with an aerial
nozzle, a driver and two
firefighters if needed.
Seaforth administrator Jack
McLachlan said West Perth
docs not have a similar truck
and wanted to be able to use
Seaforth's in an emergency.
The truck will be provided
to West Perth. at Chief George
Garrick's discretion, at a rate
of $400 per'hour from the
time firefighters . leave
Seaforth until the return to the
Seaforth Fire Hall.
The agreement with West
Perth does not hold Scaforth
liable should it not be able to
respond to a request for the
truck or should a mechanical
failure occur with the
Seaforth also has the right
to refuse to provide the truck
if it might be. needed in the
local protection area.
This agreement is for the
particular truck and is more
specific than the extension of
the mutual aid coverage area
that council had also approved
at its March 7 meeting.,
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5 Was Norm or MITCHELL
already." he said.
Judging by Monday's
proceedings, however, not
much had been resolved at
those two meetings. Trustee
Mike Miller and board chair
Bernard Murray stood firmly
against uniforms, while
Martin was joined in praising
their potential by trustee Ron
Marcy. Vincent McInnes,
who had been strongest in
telling the St. Anne's
delegation the issue required
serious consideration, also
voted in favour.
Both McInnes and Martin
expressed reservations based
on the narrow margin among
student voters in the St.
Anne's poll. But those
reservations were
outweighed by what they
saw as benefits from
uniforms. McInnes said they
can remove the stresses
caused by fashion and style,
making it easier for students
to concentrate on learning.
"People who are less
fortunate than others
sometimes have a hard time
affording a $I00 -$I25 pair of
jeans or a GAP shirt. This
takes away that pressure,"
Mclnncs said.
Murray argued that
students potentially learn
valuable lessons from such
pressures. He pointed to his
own children. whom he says
were given a budget and
given the responsibility of
purchasing their own
clothing. With uniforms. he
suggested. they wouldn't he
able to search for the hest
value in clothing because
they would he forced to
purchase uniforms from one
specific supplier at a set
"When they were on a
budget and they were buying
their own clothing. they
learned to watch for the
sales," Murray said.
There was also dissension
about the long-term effects of
Monday's vote. Miller
expressed concern that
Martin's motion could open
the door to more strict
interpretations of a uniform
policy. He suggested once St.
Anne's is given the go-ahead,
all other schools could
potentially bring in uniforms,
without the board being able
to influence the change.
Martin, however. stood
firm. Indeed, she questioned
the use of the term "uniform"
at all, in the case of the St.
Anne's proposal.
"From what I believe we
saw in the presentation at last
month's meeting, you could
have six different (students)
walking down the street, and
they might all be wearing
something different," she
said, referring to the various
options available in the St.
Anne's proposal. "1'd say it
was more like a very strict
dress code."
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Notice is hereby given that the Council of the
Corporation of the Township of Hullett will be
meeting on April 4th, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council
Chambers at Londesboro, Ontario to fill the office of
Councillor by appointment.
Any elector of the municipality who is interested in
serving as a Council member for the remainder of
the current term, (December 31, 2000) and who is
qualified to do so, should notify the Clerk, in writing,
by April 4, 2000 at 4:00 p.m. in order to be considered
by Council at the above mentioned meeting.
Notifications may be mailed to The Township of Hullett,
PO Box 226, Londesboro, Ontario NOM 2H0.
Rhonda Fischer, CMO
Clerk -Treasurer
Township of Hullett
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