The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1925-7-2, Page 5• THE EXETER TTIESNAI VUCATE !LTII(IIASDAY, R -d, Sid 1111111111111111111.111111111111n1IIIn111111111111111nn11101111111111111111nn1111111111111111n111111M1111111U11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 News gram Hens i IMMO OMR OMNI WPM I I m lim 11 1 111111111111111111 ollu111Im1111�111n11mun111111111n1 �tltiilp111111I11111111�11.1111114111n1111p11111111g1111111n1111111111 1.,.111 Hi.. �� �� HENSALL gh h School Students' dents' Mr. 'George ge Moore, of Meaford, is iting friends in town this week, You are leaving school lave you any plans for the future? • Do Mr. Fred Stacey, of Piattsvilie vi - yea wish you lived near a Technical School or University? Do you ever sited over the holiday at his home think of a Commercial Course as a ateppiag stone to; Higher Places, here. Intellectually and Financially. Mrs, Win, Henry spent a few days A. GOOD COMMERICAL TRAINING Last eek visiting friends at Oro - will enable'you tq take a position in a city. There you can marty.w your training in Music, Science, Mathematics or any branch Mx•s Smith, of Whitevale, is visit- pecially appeals to you. lug with her daughter Mrs. Robert . If you are ambitious, THINK IT OVER. Caldwell. You can LE RN while you EARN, ! Mr, Donald Hoggarth of Toronto COMMERCE is visiting- -fora few. days with his THE .SCHOO OF pare its here. Mrs. E: Rennie; Mr. Sam Rennie CLINTON, ONTARIO, offers cbmplete that es - STENOGRAPHIC, COMMERICAL, SECRETARIAL, and and Miss Sparrow motored to Lon-' SPECIAL COURSES don Monday. Phone 198 Mt. and Mrs. Cleveland, .of Goder- WRITE, MISS B. F. WARD, B.A., Principal' ieh visited on Sunday with Mr. and the Anti -Union Presbyterians held a service Sunday_ afternoon in the Anglican church. The Rev. Mr Rennie, of Mitchell, being the speak- er. They intend holding a service in the same church next Sunday af- ternoon. The Rev. Mr. McDermid, of Goderich being the speaker. Mr. Earl Kinsman, of Chiselhurst was taken to London hospital on Tuesday where he was operated on for appendicitis. The operation was successful and he is getting a long nicely. CHISELHURST • Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Earl; of Zion, visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy McDonald over Sunday. Mr. Wm. McTaggart, of Detroit, Mich., is visiting for a. few days with his brother, Mr. Martin McTag- gart. • Mr. - and Mrs. Jonah Green, and Mr. Win. Green and Miss Dorothy attended the wedding at Exeter of Mrs. Green's neice Miss Dorothy Balkwill to Mr. Milliken, of Zurich on Tuesday. DEATH OF DR. PECK When the news reached Hensall Sunday that Doctor Peck .had died in London that morning at St. Joseph's hospital, a shadow of gloom was cast oven the whole community. Doctor Peck became suddenly ill about eight days ago and went to London for a consulta- tion with other doctors, which was followed by an immediate operation for appendicitis.'. Although • in a critical condition hope was enter- tained for his recovery, but he was unable to rally sufficiently and pas- sed away' Sunday morning. The doctor was a son of Mr. and Mrs.. Nathan Peck, now residents of Hen- sall and was born on the family The league game between the homestead, Babylon line, Stanley Boundary and Fullerton, which was township, thirty-seven years ago and received his earlier education at the little school house near his home. After passings through the common school he went to Seaforth to attend the collegiate there, after a brilliant course there he. entered McGill University, Montreal and studied medicine, and graduated there some twelve year's ago, after spending two years in a Montreal hospital as ,a. house surgeon he came to Hensall and started to practice here, where his success was consid- ered remarkable in the joint field of medicine and surgery. The doc- tor had ,a very pleasing personality andwas loved and respected by the whole community. He was a con- sistent member of the Methodist church and always took a great in- terest in anything, pertaining to the life of the village and keenly enjoy- ed sports of all kinds. Besides his sorrowing 'widow and two • small children he leaves to mourn his loss his father and mother here at Hen- sall and one brother, Bert, on the Homestead in . Stanley. The funeral which was private took place from his late residence, King St. on Tues- day afternoon and was in charge of the Zurich Masonic Lodge of Hen - sail of which the deceased was past - master: Brethren were present from Exeter, Clinton, Seaforth and Blyth: The medical profession was well represented, doctors being pre- sent from all parts of the county. The floral tributes were something • JUST ARRIVED THIS WEEK magnificent. Beautiful 'wreaths and sprays banked the coffin and re- quired three autos to convey them to the cemetery. The service was -ALSO A CAI{, OF conducted by Rev. Mr. Sinclair as-, sisted by Rev. Mr. Naylor. The pall bearers were M. Drysdale, A. W. E. Hemphill, W. A. MacLaren, Laird Mickle, A., L. Case, Robert Patter- son. Interment was made at• Bay- field cemetery. Out of respect to' the deceased all places of business were closed for two hours. The doctor's place in the community will be hard to fill., played Monday night was won by Boundary. 14-7 was- the score. The Boundary baseball club do- nated $25.00 to the Chiselliurst United church which was very grate- fully accepted. The Union S. S. Weenie which was held at S. S. No. 10, Tuckersmith, was a great success. The races be- tween the school children were very exciting. The softball game between the boys and girls of Hibbert S. S. No. 7 and Tuckersmith,No. 10 was won by Hibbert. The softball game between the Chiselhurst girls and Hensall girls was won easily by the Chiselhurst girls. The baseball game between Hensall and the Boundary was won by Boundary 9-7. Ferris Cantelon pitched for Hensall; Bert Horton pitched for the Boundary. 111" -Both boys pitched good ball and each received good•support. by the fielders. Everyone who attended the picnic had a real good time. Hensall Tile, Brick and Block Yard A FRESH CAR OF CEMENT GYPROC has arrived and we have it hflsll- lengths 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ft. • Phone 7 DR. A. MOIR, L. M. C. C. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone Pte` feated by the score of 10-6. Lennis O'Brien started in the box for the DR. J. W. PECK visitors but the Hensall nine seem td have developed a great "batting Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, eye" and Lennis was forted to leave McGill University, Montreal; Mem- the box in the early stages of the her of College of Physicians and game and Gascho tpok up the duties -Surgeons of Ontario; Licentiate of of moundsman and for a time went Medical Council of Canada; Post well but after a round. or so the Graduate Member of Resident Med- Hensall boys got next to his slants Won Lost P.C. ical staff of General. Hospital, Mont- and' pounded out several hits which Crediton 4 1 800 real, 1914-15; Office 3 doors east also drove in several runs for the Hensall 3 1 750 of Post Office. Phone 56, Hensall, local nine and at the end of the 5th Dashwood 1 3 250 -Ontario. - he was taken from the box and was Zurich 1 4 200 replaced at the rubber by Lee Hoff- man, who- held the opposing team scoreless for the remaining two in- nings. Wilson Brintnell, our youth- ful hurler put up a good brand of ball and was seldom in -a hole which was- seen by the fact that he pitched of their friends and relatives met at the entire eight innings. In the their home in honor of the 25th an - seventh frame the Westerners notch- ed 4 runs due to a couple of hitS and- an error bringing the score up to 10=6 and for a short -time it looked as if the visitors would stage a real rally,. but the local crew steadied down and field the above score till the finish. - It was really too dark to play the last inning but the Zurich crowd were hard loS,ers and insisted on another chance `to win, so, like good sports the Hen - sail boys again t b ok the field and erased 8 more Zurich sluggers which 50 PER %� ended the gams. A large crowd of 1 d i • spectators were ofit and the Hensall lads wish to thank thein for their interest,and support, which the team OHI YES? hope to Merit in future games. Leroy She is so sweet and pretty O'Brien umpired a good game be- A vision fair to see; hind the plate and gave everyote a She has a hope chest ready fair deal, an Brintnell looked after For the day she Marries Me. the • bases. Batteries -For 'Zurich, ,Such pretty things it holds, O'Brien,•Gaseho, Boffitlan and• Bed- But a shotgun lies on top- ard; for . :Hensall, Brintnell and You think I'in gonna marry her`? Idedden, I'll tell the world I'm not; HENSALL OUTSCORES ZURICH 10-6 IN REAL EXHIBITION The Zurch baseball nine appeared on the local lot on Thursday evening 70 - HENSALL of last week in a scheduled game with the Hensall boys and were de - Mrs. Jas, Patterson. A number from town attended the baseball tournament at Thames Rd. on Dominion Day. Mrs. Brenkcott, of Kitchener vis- ited over the week -end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ortwein. The report of the Conservative Meeting held in Hensall on Thurs- day last will be seen in another col- umn. The holiday passed quietly in Hen- sel]. quite a number going to the Bend and Bayfield and some. to the sports at Thames Road. The ladies of St. Paul's church held a successful sale of home -cook- ing in the basement of the church on Saturday afternoon last. ' Mrs. Nathan Warrener, and child- ren of Pontiac, - Mich., who were vis- iting friends here last week left on Monday for Goderich to visit friends there. / The Unionists of the Presbyterian church held service in their own church on Sunday last. The Rev. Mr. McHaffy, of Owen ..Sound being the speaker of the day. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett of Hay gave a •birthday party on Monday June 27th. The occasion being the 14th birthday of Miss Bertha. Quite a -number from Hensall attended- The results of some of the Hensall Public School examinations have been received, but, owing to the crowded condition of our paper, will have to be held over until next week Mr. Wni. Shepherd has made a nice improvement to his property by having. his house. stuccoed, the work being done by Chas. Wolfe, and a nice verandah being built by Jas. Sangster. A grand Rally 'of all the Mission Bands of Huron Presbyterial will be. held -(D. V.) at Blyth, Friday,- July 17th, two sessions, 10 ' a.m. and 2 p.m. Full program, every band tak- ing some part. Special speaker, Mr. W. B. Djang, B.A., a young Chinese student at Knox College. Neighbor- ing bands cordially invited. Picnic lunch and games at noon hour. MASONIC LODGE ELECTS OFFICERS On St. John's Night, June 24th the Zurich Lodge No. 224, A. F. and A. M. at Hensall herd a meeting for the purpose of installing its officers for the coining year. Wor. Bro. Robt. Dalrymplehad charge of the instal- lation and the following are the of- ficers:- - W. M. Donald Brintnell, I. P. M., M. Drysdale; Sr. W., J. M. Bell; Jr. W., John Bolton; chaplain, VT. C. Davis; I. G., A. Traquair; Tyler, Jas. Priest; Sr. D., Armour Todd; Jr. D. Dr: McKinnon; Sr. S., Hugh McMur- trie; Jr. S., R. D. Bell; Sec'y, A. Hemphill; Treas., Jas. Bonthron; Director of Ceremonies, F. Manns, HORTONEU- BER NUPTIALS A very interesting wedding took place at tke parsonage on Saturday afternoon June 25th when Mrs. Mamie M. Horton of Hensall was un- ited in marriage to Mr. Christopher Eilber of„Zurich by Rev. Arthur Sin- clair. After the ceremony was over the happy couple left on a wedding trip -to Buffalo and Niagara Falls. On their return they will reside in Zurich. There many friends ' heart- ily congratulate them. LEAGUE STANDING The South Huron Baseball League comprising teams from Grediton, Dashwood, Zurich and Hensall have played about half the schedule and up .to this time the standing is' as follows: AUCTIONEER . •OSCAR KLOPP Honor Graduate: Carey Jones' Au- ction School, Special course taken in Registered Live Stock (all Breeds,) Merchandise, Real Estate, Farm Sales, etc. Rates in•keeping with prevailing prices. Satisfaction as•• eared, write Oscar Klopp, Zurich, or wire 18-93, Zurich. , WHITE PINE Jxs dressed on both : 4 v matched sides at 4$ lir Celebrbate Silver Wedding A very interesting event was cel- ebrated by Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Chapman, 2nd con. of Hay, on Fri- day evening last when about sixty THIS IS T31'k', TIME- T.L'O STOCK SP WITH, GOOD 'GOAL WHILE. •1'OU CAN GET IT AT A LOW PRICE WORT' ;�r r .CLL'7, AA T GEATT•Tt l niversary of their wedding. The guests who arrived about 6 pan. par- took of a very dainty and appetizing luncheon served by five young gen- tlemen, after which Speeches were madeand toasts given. This feature was ably presided over by Rev. A. Sinclair, at the termination of wl►ich several musical numbers were given by Miss Johns, Mr. L. A. MacKay Mr, F. Cantelon, S. Ronnie: The re- mainder ntaincter of theeven i pleas- antly ing was p antly .spent in a social way, renew- ing acquaintances and other forms of amusement. .Dashwood Dr, H. H. Cowin, L, D, S. D. Ii. S. DENTAL SURGEON At- McCormick's ` 131ock, Zurick, every Thursday and Saturday MAIN OFFICE Iiartleili's. Block --- Dashwood, Gist, Mr. and Mrs. B. Kitchen and fam- ily, of Toronto,. visited friends in this vicinity. Miss Hilda Snell, of London, is visiting at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Yeates, Miss Mar- garet Yeates and Mr, and Mrs. Kit- chen, of Sarnia,' visited with Mi, and Mrs. Harry Kraft on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs,- Saps Elsie, of De- troit, visited with Mr. H. Elsie on Sunday. Mr. and M to Detroit. Mr. John sis- ter, Mrs. J. sly' spent Su North Dakota, Mr. and and. Eilber. Quite a n Mr.• and M family of Thedford Jos. Ha rs, Ed. Beaver and. fam- sly visited in �urich on Sunday. Miss Gert ie Fisher has returned Freid is visiting his Kellerman, Mr, and M rs. D. Tiernan 'and fam- nday in Thedford. Misses Ve rda MMentor and. Lucille Wiliest, of W indsor, spent the week- end in town Mr. and M rs. J. Kraft, of Cavalier; pare visiting the for- mer's mothe r, Mrs. H. Kraft, Crediton defeated Dashwood at Dashwood o n Thursday last the. score being 3-1. Mr. Jacob - - Finkbeiner is improv- ing from his recent illness. Mrs. Wes. Wolfe and family Mrs. Chris. Finkbeiner of Dashwoo d spent last Sunday at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Geo, umber of the members of the Or ange Lodge attended special servic es in their honor at the Anglican chu xch,.Brinsley. rs." W. S. Watson axd hedford spent Sunday with the la tter's parents, Mr. and ist. CENTRALIA Miss Carrie Davis has accepted a position in the Creamery office. Mrs. E. Anderson, who went to the Victoria hospital for treatment, is somewhat improved, Mr. and Mrs. E. Abbott, of Wind- sor, visited over the week end with the latter's parents. Mr, _and Mrs. C. Fairhall. • Mr. and Mrs. F. Willis and two children, of Marlette, Mich., visited 'last week at the home of Mr. Thos. Willis. -- The Isaac '1V. of the Village left Saturday' last for Burford Lake near Wiarton for a few days angl- ing. We are glad to hear that Mrs. Samuel Bias, who is in Victoria Hospital, has so ,improved as to be able to sit up. ' Mrs. Anderson of the - villa.ge was taken to the ' tfspftal in London last week. We hope for a speedy recovery. • Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fairhall spent the week -end under the parental roof. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. E. Abbott. We are_.gaad to note that Wm. J. Smith, our genial miller, has so re- covered from his recent illness, as to be able to get down town again, though still in a weakened condi- tion. The chopping mill will be operating again after July 1st. Mr. Curry, student, of St. Thomas preached two fine sermons on Sun- day. Rev Craw, of London, will preach next Sunday and will have charge for three months. Mr. ,Wm. Caldwell went west last week. • Centralia have every reason „ to feel proud of their cattle men, By- ron Hicks and Win. Colwell, who since Christmas have handled in the neighborhood of 4,000 head of cat- tle. Byron Hicks. shipped his last load of stable fed cattle from Sea- forth last Saturday and the same day he shipped his first load of grass cattle. Most of the cattle has been shipped to the British market. Mr. Bert. Dovefield has returned to work at the Shamrock creamery after beaing off for two months ow- ing to an accident. Miss Anderson spent several days in London with her mother. ELIMVILLE - Rev. and Mrs. H. E. Livingstone left on Tuesday for -a two months' trip to Ireland, which is the form- er's homeland. The best wishes of the whole circuit go with them. Rev. Andrew Boa is•, supplying in their absence. On Wednesday of last week Mr, Will, Elford's barn had a narrow escape from being burned. About one o'clock a fire was noticed by a neighbor in the barn yard on the south side of the barn. The neigh- bors were immediately called and a large crowd gathered in a short time and the fire was soon under control. Mr. Elford was in the house at the time and did not know any- thing about it until called on the telephone. Some hot ashes had been emptied on the manure pile during the forenoon and had caught fire while the men were at dinner. A few minutes more and the barn would surely have caught as there was a very strong east wind blow- ing at the time. Several teams and wagons drew the whole pile -of man- ure out into a field during the: after- noon, thus removing all danger as it would have been difficult to have put the fire out with water, . S. S. NO. 5, USBOIBNE The following is, the report of S. S. Mo. 5, Usborne, for the promotion exan inationss: IV Class - Helm). Ratcliffe 80, Violet Frayne 76, ,Kath- leen Godbolt 74, Garnet Hicks, IL Class. --Mack Ratcliffe 83, Roylance Westcott 78, Harry Frayne 75, Rob- ert Frayiie 71, Delve, lather 65, Ed- ward Armstrong 54, Geraldine Arm- strong 44, Earl.Heywood 42, Dal - tea Heywood 33. G Via eT eller N 0 Sorl, CredCreditonMrs. (Rev.) McTevisli and sons are spending a few days at the"home of her parents at Ripley. . Mr, and Mrs. Gee. Hirtzei and Ivan, Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Winer and the Misses Phyllis and Alma, Mrs. Iduxtable and Mr. and Mrs; Omen Winer and son Donald spent the week -end at Grand Bend at Kuilion; in cottage. The Evangelical parsonage, Crodi- :ton Wesas klao scene of a pretty wed- ding on Saturday, June 27th at 8 ant. when Gladys Lorraine Wolfe was united in marriage to Lloyd Roland Geiser by Rev, W. Y. Dreier. The bride looked charming in.a mauve . satin crepe gown with hat to match. Rise Maleeda Shenk ac- companied the was and Mr. Lorne. Finkbeiuer was best man, After the ceremony . the bride and groom left for Detroit for a short honey nitohn. Te annual Children's Day Exer cises will be the order of the day at the Evangelical church. next Sab- beth morning and evening. An- ap- propriate message will, be delivered to young and. old- by the pastel'. at the morning service and an excel- lent - program will be rendered 'by the members of the Sunday School at the evening-. service, consisting of addresses, exercises, .pageants, reci- tations, choruses and other special music. We, welcome you all. - Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Foist and son Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Hoist motored to the Evangelical camp grounds near Mildmay on Sunday morning and returned .to their home on Monday. A multitude, to the number -of 1750 populated the beau- tiful grounds- on Sunday last. Rev and Mrs. W. Y. Dreier are also tak- ing in this interesting spiritual event and will return at the end of the week. Mr. Jake Finkbeiner, of the Cen- tral hotel, has been sick for a couple of weeks, but is improving favor- ably. Mrs. John A. Humble, of Sarnia, Visited. at the home of her sister, Mrs. Ed. Fahner. Mr. and Mrs. Ben. C. Hertel, of. London, spent the week at the home - of Mr. and Mrs. Ed: Palmer. Miss Lizzie Brown is visiting- at the home of her father, Mr. Bernard Brown. Mr. Garnet Sweitzer of New York formerly of the village, is visiting relatives and renewing old acquain- tances. Mr. and Mrs. Fred James and family, of London, are visiting the latter's mother, Mrs. Louis Wein. Mr. and Mrs. Mose Foist, Mr. -and Mrs. Ezra Hoist spent the week -end at Mildmay. Mr. and, Mrs. Dan.. Oestreicher motored to Hanover. The latter's mother, Mrs. Robe, returned to Han- over with them. The married men of James St. church Exeter defeated the Crediton soft ball team on Monday evening by the score of 16-14. Miss Cora Stalls has returned home after spending some time in London. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Marr of Cleve- land, Ohio, are visiting Mrs. Marr's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Either. Dr. and Mrs. Orme and Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Maynard are away on an extended motor trip. Miss Emma Orme and Miss Ruth Tinney of Buffalo are visiting at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Orme. Mr. Fitzgerald of the staff of the Can. Bank of Commerce has return- ed from his holidays. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Either, accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Eilber motored to Goderich on Wednesday. Mr. --and Mrs. John Young and Miss Many Youna, have returned from visiting relatives in Lucan. Mr. Harold Young spent the first with his grand parents,.Mr. and Mrs J. G. Young. "The- Faith of John Calvin" 2nd in the series of "Faith of our Fath- ers" will be the subject in the Unit- ed church Sunday evening. Come and hear this massage on the mean who thought of God has through the cen- turies appointed the destines of na- tions and given dignity to the per- sonal life of men. - CREDITON PUBLIC SCHOOL The following. are the results of the promotion examinations for Room I, Crediton Public school; Jr. II to Sr. II -Honors, Fy1a Wuerth 85, Eugene Beaver 76, Annie Wag - horn 75; Pass, John l\facTavish 73, Jean Richard 64, Dorothy Hill 62; Promoted, Edna Geiser 57, Clarence Fahner 55. Sr. I to Jr. II -Honors, Marguerite Guettinger 85, Karl Kuhn 84, Arthur Hoist 82, Carrie Fahner 80; Pass, Harold Wolfe 64, Gerald Smith 62; Promoted, Nellie Haggith 59. Sr. Primer to First - Honors, Dorothy Schroeder 80, Pass Harvey Waghorn 62, Eva Dodge 61. Jr. Prissier to Sr. Primer -Sara Dodge 70, Glen Haggith 68, Rose Dodge 58. Jr. Primer -Honors, Gerald Schroeder 90;- Pass, Le Roy Schroeder 74, George Woodall 71, Martin Morlock 68, Eleanor Hill 57. Ethel Mackay, Teacher SHIPKA The strawberry festival which was -field at the United church last Monday evening was a. great suc- cess, proceeds amounted to $88. Mrs, Fred Sharp is spending a few days in London visiting her sister, Mrs. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sherritt of St. Marys exiled on friends and rela- tives it this vicinity last Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. F. La Fond and Mr. and Mrs, H. Humble of Sarnia visit- ed With Mr. and Mrs. O. Finkbeiner last Sunday. Mr. ancl.,;. Vlrs. W. Sweitzer and family anent last Saturday in Lon - den, Mrs. W. Yearly of Crediton is vis- iting her daughter, Mrs. Albert Keyes, The Ladies' Aid will Meet at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Lue. Shrader next Wednesday, July 8th ata nat.. House Feinting Beautify your home, as well as protect it, with a couple of good coats of PURE PAINT. Paint is no longer considered a luxury, it, Is, an absolute necessity :fpr the protection of your property frena the elements. PAINT NOW The weather conditions .are ideal for out- side Painting. Consult us at once about that job you have been contemplating having done. Ow Prices are Reasonable, and we use the best materials obtainable, G. 11. NIARTIN 658 Hamilton Rd:, London Ont, "Our Prices are Reasonable" s PAINTER AND DECORATOR Phone 7.967 or send a card for appointment. GRAND BEND - Mr. D. Webb of Toronto is visit- ing his parents Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Webb. Mrs, L. Ravelle fell recently and hurt her leg and is at present under the doctor's care. Mrs. Fritz of London is at the Brenner House for the 1st of July. Mr: Lawson started the Walker drain last week. WOODHAM - Miss Dorothy Mills of Toronto is spending the holidays with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Mills.. Quite a number from here attend- ed anniversary services at Kirkton and Coopers on Sunday. School closed on Friday. Miss M. Pickard, teacher, will spend the holidays with her parents in Exeter. A baby girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Jaques on Thursday last. MT. CARMEL. A number from this neighborhood attended the celebration at Grand Bend on Wednesday. Mrs. P. Mahoney and two child- ren of Munson, Alta., are visiting friends in n g this ei hborhood. Mr. Charlie Ragier accompanied. by-1Vliss O'Rourke attended the Ragier-Ducharme wedding at Zurich on Monday. Some of the sports here took in the races at Strathroy on Wednes- day. Mr. Win. Barry of London is spending few days with his mother, Mrs. Ellen Barry. at Khiva. We are pleased to state Mr. Jos. Rowland is able to be around again after an attack of Summer Grippe. Mr. Pat Reasdon purchased a Ford- Sedan last week from Mr. Ni b Snell, Exeter: - MMr. Andrew Morrissey of Brock- ville is visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gus. Morrissey. Best' of all Fly Killers, 1.0e per Packet at all Druggists, Grocers and General Stores SUNSHINE Miss Inez Creery of Sydenham is spending her holidays at her home here. - Mr. and Mrs. John Fletcher and Mr. and Mrs. C. Fletcher visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. Lawrence of Sea - forth on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Routly<, and family attended the Hamilton re- union held at the home of Kenneth McKellar on Saturday. - Eleanor Skinner of Hensall spent a- few days last week with her aunt Mrs. Pullyplank. - Rev. A. Boa will have charge -of the services next Sunday morning at 9.30. Sunday School at 11 a.m. When customers go to the country manly grocers - and butchers continue' to . supply them by calling up out-of-town pros- pects in a circ of 30, 40, or 50 miles on an ap- pointed day and hour, and getting their orders. Grocers say they can well afford to do so on weekly orders: Deliveries are made by truck or express. Visitors renting cottages at nearby points readily re- spond to offers to supply them, and this is usually profitable business. We would be glad to help you work out a plan for reaching this trade. T -Still the Greatest Value in the7%"World ant Service Depot, MILO SNELL, Exeter