Huron Expositor, 1999-12-01, Page 12News
Public gets first look at plans
for amalgamating Seaforth
Some concerns savings
doesn t matter much
By Scott H$gondorff
Expositor Editor
Despite some concerns
that not enough savings
were being generated and
about the fairness of how
each municipality would be
represented on, "a new
council, there was little
negative reaction to a
restructuring plan outlined
at a Nov. 24 public meeting
at Seaforth and District
Community Centres.
About 125 members of
the public were given a first
look at how the Town of
Seaforth, Village of Brussels
and the Townships of
Tuckersmith. McKillop and
Grey would look. if
going to have a weighted.
vote?" he asked.
A transition team,
consisting of administrators
and councillors from each
municipality. worked out the
restructuring plan and is
recommending that structure
of government.
Tuckersmith Reeve Bob
Broadfoot said the team
thought- that system would
be good for the first term of
council for the new -
Seaforth Mayor Dave
Scott said. "It will he
examined after the first term
of council. It's open to
change after that." . ,
.A McKillop Township
resident asked about staffing
He also said the three years to harmonize
committee that put the plan their bylaws.
together was concerned the Provided the restructuring
staffing numbers were high plan receives approvalfrom
but that They would all the municiaplities
seriously look at reducing involved. Huron County and
them as -soon as possible. the Ministry of Municipal
He said the obvious . Affairs. a transition board
savings under the will • work toward
amalgamation come from implementing the • plan
sharing engineers and between its approval and the
consulting firms which they offical start of. the
can tender out to get better amalgamation on January I,
prices for the combined 2001
municipality. That board, . will be.
Office staff would he responsible for changing
reduced eventually but Scott some bylaws while others•
said the original thought will be harmonized by the
was that most of them new council.
would still he needed during "This is all going to take a
the transition period. period of-time..It-will he a
Ralph Watson, -reeve of busy three years for thc new
Brussels said the province council," he said.
originally said there would Maureen Agarof
he savings by amalgamating McKillop Township asked
but • most small that. if the municiaplity
. municipalities already run a becomes larger. will they
-actively promote it. as a
good area to ` locate
"Are we lookingat
promoting. this arca and
making it stronger?" she
While not an arca
itemized in the
amalgamation report, -Joe
Steffler; chair of Seaforth's
Business Retention and
Expansion Committee •was
asked to speak from the
That committee has been
devoted to finding ways to
improve and attract business
to the. Seaforth arca and
Stefflcr •said. under
amalgamation. the -entire
area become part of thc
community for which they
will he working.
amalgamation plans receive changes that were outlined ,'tight ship. - •
approval from the in the report presented at the "We couldn't • see big
municipalities. Huron meeting that included the savings," he said, adding the
County and the Ministry of creation of a full-time fire driving force behind
Municipal Affairs. - - chief and a transportation- amalgamations is political
Under the amalgamation, coordinator. He wanted to and that. separate or joined,
the five current councillors, know whether existing staff they all have the same
with 27 Council members. will he hired for those new. nurtther of roads to look
would be reduced to one positions or will new staff after. -
council with 12 councillors. f members be hired. "It's hoped• in the long
The current municipalities • Another ratepayer was run. maybe 10 years, there.
would become wards and - -concerned there weren't will he some savings," he
would each elect ._two_ enough positions being cut sai
councillors with a mayor with_ staffing expected to Concerns were also
and deputy mayor elected at drop from 11.5 -employees toexpressed about bylaws and
rules surrounding
severances that are different
in each municipality.' -
Grcy Township Rlceve
Robin Dunbar said
provincial legislation that
set out the terms for
restructuring in 1995. gives
the joining municipalities
$ernie McLelland. a
Tuckersmith Township
douncillor, was concerned
about the fairness of the
10 when all five
municipalities join. -
I think our existing staff
will he given a chance to
apply for these positions.
structure since each first," said Scott.
municipality had different ! - He said the job
- populations. descriptions aren't carved in
"Are those representatives stone.
THE HURON EXPOSITOR, Docembor 1, 1999-7
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