Huron Expositor, 1999-08-04, Page 1Huron '• 1;0S1 REnTex ssnFoarx AREA August 4, 1999 $1 . incluries ' Sr , Local weather Wednesday Cloud j vyith showers - and thunderstorms High 24 . . Thursday -Mix sun cloud chonte of showers .High 25 Low 15 - • Friday --Sunny. with cloudy periods -sigh 24 • Low 12 . Saturday- Sunny • 24 -ow near I-2 . EErom Env,r'nmen►'anrrriri In brief Citizens' group continues to be ready to support one -tier government A mid-August meeting is being planned by the .Concerned Citizens for the Promotion of a Single Tier Government, says the group's representative Ken Campbell. "We're• looking into 'how we can, position ourselves if the decision they've (county • councillors havel,made doesn't work. % says Campbell. In July. Huron -County council voted against a • motion that the Strategic Planning 'Committee look at the single,tier option to meld • all 27 municipalities into one. a movement begun by the Concerned Citizens' group. The Concerned Citizens,' group has not met since Huron County council's 40 to 21 vote defeating the move to look, at a single tier government for Huron. While,Campbell says his group is not trying to "force" anyone to -go with a single tier system. he wants his group to be able to "encourage" the county to look at single tier again if for any reason. county coprkil or the provincial government does not give its approval to the cuirent restructuring proposal. ' "It's not a dead issue. We have to wait until the action the councils are doing plays itself out." he says. While a date for. a meeting of the Concerned Citizens has not been set yet. Campbell says it will probably be held in -Clinton and include an update on how Huron County is progressing with restructuring and a speaker from a municipality that chose a Single -tier system . "We'd like to hear from a- speaker with experience with single tier government who could tell us how they did it," he says. By Susan Hundertmark Playwright tackles school issues Pagel Thailand visitors untie Pagel KNOB cool al the pool Pees IS Horse play Kyle McNichol ('topl. Shaun Brooker and Kyle Kirkconnell were keeping coot at tt'e :ions pool Thursday afternoon as temperatures and humidity made life uncomfortably hot around town last week ^t'--dgerccr' ;notc Businesses want police here Zq. hours Large break-ins prompt BIA to request more policing': By Scott Hilgendorff _. csdCr='!itgr Atter ••.c,. _ ent ;tire reale-ins. n he,..ar!'. •flour. the- i morning,. The Seafrrth•Bu•ane-. i,upr '.em*nr •\tea .illi like to ,ee officer, 4)n pairfl-_4-nn,r. t .lac • ' ' • . The.iurrent .aintract her•.te•e:n the •trrw°i tnd tlntavto Prm.tnctal Polite •,y e'. ,rtticsr, •tesi,in: ltd 30 the n;wn for 2.0 - hour eacli•Jye - , . 'Vit just don't-. int in:.,n re .r,ndali,m .irt�li treat in,. ,ani $1.-\ Chair Susan 1-j.tlf,;enn•. • t. tew'week.s aUI. rht/usands .1t!collar; north or.;h)thing .; i •alien in .i hraak•ttnc:r,'aer'rOni of a c. ; Melts \year'and - luring the winter. the _: i, ti i--.ma.ned :n i ..unci'; Se.Jf4)rih Jeweler, es -hi :h it ..1-)41, r 14n!' mer4handise hest:_=taken - H.ilipenn2. aid :t ac:dents occurred around J.m...'hen. people know•;here .trent .;lny police girl dtit. m dist~ :n the town-. ri \ Motion' reccar to 1 t B1.\ rritnure. .upp4 r� t recque:st for 21-litJour poin.:if ne which. thr iui,h -the. •ninute,. • will he on Seaforth Council's auil1$,agenda. for pos,ihitr ,iiscuiision. ,. . • • . Halfpenn.s said t:he BI.\ Luncerned :aminal, are a:r.:i_ ;e routines .trod know when the:. ..:an :nme ;m cc'i mmit .rime, r . -These sire protessronals. TheS .cmin•g n .int: :rinL. 'he • places, Thee aren't-k.ds aid H n peens .They're tri and out n'three ,ninute .arid ;nogg esacr;. what•the're taking.' she said. 'ddingr :t - :inc:dental that both mime, took place .'.:hen -there .tre9 ' 7, itce .i,4i,-rle1 to the. town. •- • V'vhile•,he hasn't hada-hirsute., 'n 4-14,sviiow •i •,, ;ii:t`ti .,'P ion_. ,he helieves•hreat :and.enter. ••t •t,i n.r_ situ,:e tr: nix , •"t stunt recall stn.thine like •,u... hien .1/4e ha: ','v, she ,aid. -•— -- - - • - -- - :Halfpenns •. as under :he mire'-tt:n nt-i ire 401 n fur.. from -4 a.m. tv ti.p -ur t';r )PP •_ t, • i, iC":., 20.hours each :;t . Staff Sergeant Gel'r_._ Lc;n,har• • N ht' ". • f Clinton •and •Seaiorr nt what hours ptolice are not ,r, .sur. .ti Seat rL not want to•put that ant,rm.tt,, ti.,cit :ager: r i. -i, criminals: •He did ,ati that ...stifle there Jr-. ,tor ciur, nt,t Huron detachment has- or f-cers on r'.ar d A nese -nutid'. :ire ,uppu:ed to brie them •air +ugh 'he . ir. c u • - mr,imu:e, n See OPP, Page 2 U Quoted 'We just don't, want anymore vandalism or break-ins',-- BIA Chair Susan Halfpanny ural project expected to begin this week Business Improvement. Area Inco By Scott Ht'Igendorff Expositor Editor The town's Business improvement Area has been incorporated. allow ing it to begin fund raising plansao help support a mural project. ,"This week. everybody finished signing the-' documents to have the BIA incorporated." said Chair Susan Halfpenny. Already. plans are. prepared for two murals on the sides of Seaforth buildings with work expected to begin on the first this week and at least .two other murals in the planning -stage, rporates to. begin fund raising Artist .Allen Hil_endorf.-from Chatsworth. has taken photopephs and postcards to -develop the murals and w i I I begin first on the band.' • Each mural is expected to cost about 515.000. Halfpenny said there are plans for fund raising events that the BIA .will announce later and donation•boxes will be-available.at area.atures._.__ She said some • individuals have alreadve contributed donations toward the Seatorth Uistnc't High School All -Girls tifarching Band mural. Some of that was received during. the past few months when the band faced losing funding. from the school board. The town has also summated toward the first mural, It was that issue that put the Se:in'rh Band n ne top spot as..i mural .uncept. • Cathy Pletsth and Cathy Elliott,. tiirmer Local Architectural -fid%isuryr Commtuee members. had• "beenasked by the Bi.\ to use their local L;\C.\C. and curnrnunit' resources to conte up with..spine mural concepts. • .The hand. with a history in town Dating baxk ru —the i 430x; carne tii'itnpotianr i` ea -and the -dun ere looking through old sear hooks tor photographs of the band. But the picture that w-orked best was found through Hazel Hildebrand 'whose husband. George. Se. ARBORETUM, Pape 2 `Memory Lane' arboretum project continuing to grow By Scott Hilgendorff Expositor Editor• Memory Lane 1. a project that will never stop growing. This year has seen about 20 trees added to the town's memorial park; next to the high school. • ' it was started Iasi year as a place where people could purchase a tree in memory of a 'family member with a plaque honoring each person. "We had approached the high school and they gave us permission to use that piece of property with the understanding it would never be used for anything else." said John Forrest. public works superintendent for the town. maintaining the Project. • 'hat property will always remain a memorial area," he said. The town's two funeral homes distribute information about Memory. Lane and it is also available at the town but to date, only one plaque has been placed in the park. Forrest said when the project was originally proposed the Seaforth Lions Club and the Seaforth. Agricultural Society had also expressed an interest in purchasing a tree in honour of past presidents each club has had. The trees are small right now and with plans to add even more varieties. the project: is also growing into an arboretum. The Ausable Bas Yield Conservation Authority w, is briwght in to help design the park with an arboretum in mind. • - There are about 23 •different kinds of trees in the park and people can pick the. one they would like to have in memory of a loved one. The name of tree is listed on the plaque. 'There are stilt plans Tor about. tune more trees and the 'arieries-range from 'pin cherries and tulip trees to, ash and and Kentucky Coffee, Tree. .Between .t nursery in. Bavtield and one in Hamilton. Forrest said they have been able to find all the trees picked out 'fur the project, by the conservation authority. Unce.alJ the trees are sold. the arboretum aspect of :hc S« MURALS, Pogo 2 Your community newspaper since 1860