Huron Expositor, 1999-05-05, Page 11THE HURON EXPOSITOR, May 5, 1999-11 c r4 I!' R & J CUSTOM CABINETS General Carpentry Robert Glanville 527-2628 Fax: 527-1570 pmt& COIC11TE CO. Ittt /.1R. 4 Mitchell 348-8901 - *Quality ready mix •Radio dispatched 1. unit •6 day delivery H000. chi... ft.do, tit say.Asr A.1wr Evenings Call LUKE 348.83031or CLEM 348.9658 7 SILLS HOME HARDWARE SUPPLIES FOR THE HANDYMAN Bottled Water Refill Station • Plumbing • Heating • Electrical • Paint CARPET CLEANER RENTAL FIRE EkTINGUISHER Service & Re -Charge Depot GLASS & SCREEN REPAIR For All Your Hardware Needs Main St.. SEAFORTH 527-1620 Vise,114, Heim Cart AM Express. Interact w ��Rt.'1ir McKILLOP, MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY 91 Mata SL South, S4aforth Office 527.0400 1-800-463.9204 Fax 527.2777 HOME, COMMERCIAL FARM, AUTO COVERAGES Bob McNaughton S27-.1571 Graeme Craig 887-v3$1 Donald Taylor 482-99"6 Banter. MacEwan & Fagan Insurance Brokers Ltd; 524-1376 loon Wise Insurance Broker Ltd. 482-1401 Exeter Ins. Brokers Cockwell insurance Brokers Ltd, 235-2211 156-2216 BOX & SMITH Ii $6. FUNERAL CHAPEL We are dedicated to your confidence" at 47 High St. Seaforth 527-1142 - Office 522-0360 - Res. CHRISTOPHER M. SMITH Funeral Director s• RALPH *lb ,� WOOD 446 ELECTRIC • Agricultural • Commercial • Residential CALL SEAFORTH 527-0448 B.W. SEAMLESS EAVESTROUGH1NG Siding, Soffit, Fascia Leaf Screening BARRY WILLERT ZURICH 236-7741 " 7,ree Sae:stated. " I1 The Mutual Group lifers te fl ) • RRSPs • RETIREMENT rPLA:NNINg 7t CRITICAL ILLNESS INSURANCE • GROUIS COVERAGE • LIFE & DISABILITY • 4EGREGATED FUNDS Call Todavi' Ruda J. Jansen RR 2 Dublin 345.2956 OR 271-2041 WHITNEY•RIBEY FUNERAL HOME CEMETERY MONUMENTS ROSS W. RIBEY DIRECTOR 87 Goderich St., Seaforth 527=1390 Pre -planned and Pre -Arranged Funeral Services Available Sincere and Courteous Service KKN BUILDERS INC. ALL KINDS OF SITE WORK & CONCRETE WORK •Excavator *Complete Foundations •6 -way Dozer *Slatted or solid floors •Trucking •Bunk silos •Float Service •Sandwich Walls •Demolition •Farm Work Renovahons !Concrete Driveways Fritz Klaver Dublin 345-2042 JANSEN MASONRY Pete 522-0514 Harry 527-2601 Pete Sr. 522.0206 . 1 11 I I 1 1 Seaforth. Ontario 4 1 1 1 I 1 L 1 Brick • Block • Stone ResToRArton Won't Serving The Area For Over 35 Veers 1 L *Hardware *Port •lnwn & Garcleri l'sr. trr ORTH CO -0 ♦* 1 ;-i 527-0770 *Electrical *Building SuPDles *Lumber •FarTn S1,ppies J2Ear4°R:SP° L�,�,-..,ice: R fid lr� O Geo O ��9 O fiiO �i HURON -PERTH Refrigeration and .. Appliance Service tarry Horne Repairs to most motor appliances Licensed for gas appliances 522.0330 or 1.800.363-3265 DAMES ACCO NTING SERVICES ACCOUNTING & TAX PREPARATION Farm,Business, Personal & Corporate -887-9595 VERBERNE APPLIANCES AND REFRIGERATION SERVICE 345-2262 • Major Appliances • Commercial and . Residential Refrigeration • Central Air and Window Units Frank Verberne 345-2262 immmiummE MARION'S PAINTING Free Estimates •Interior/Exterior Painting •Drywall Repair •Repair Screens Windows & Doors CaII Mike Marion 527-0707 (Evenings) Dr. L.J. Laplante OPTOMETRIST 527.1240 87 Main St., Seaforth HOURS - Monday 6 CLOSED Tuesday 9:00 - 12:00 1:00 - 5:30 Wednesday ' 9:00 - 12:00 1:00 - 5:30 Thursday 9:00 - 12:00 1:00 - 5:30 6:30,- 9:00 Friday 9:00 - 12:00 1:00 - 5:30 Sat. & Sun. CLOSED • Agricultural • Residential • Commercial • Pole Line Construction Vilma See us on the Web. www.bowesnet.com/expositor/ Seaforth Agricultural. Society • BANQUET & MEETING FACILITIES • 10,000 'sq. feet of indoor show area See what we have to offer Call 527-1321 Today! CH R RENTAL 3 Units apacity 22 4444 L. McGRATH PLUMBING and - HEATING Inc. SEAFORTH 522-0493 Larry McGrath Licenced Plumber & Licenced Gas Fitter Call Today! Installation Service Repairs EL_ECTR1O R.R. #4 Seaforth, Ont. NOK IWO (519) '522-1556 ink CONTRACTING • Homes • Additions • • General Carpentry 4 PARKStDE AVE . ' (519) 236.7744 PO BOX 146 FaX. (511) 2164616 ZURICH, ONTARIO NOM 2T0 Paye,. 646.0101 Not Advertising is like.... having a party and not sending any invitations. E11 ,8123011111111.1111101 ELE L 1 Farm • Hpme • Commercial Pole Line Consrnichon RIC E D 345-2447 Toll Freepa.'r a 1-888.24; 9728 i tele111 MOSES 'ADDITIONS 'RENOVATIONS •ORYWALLt10 *00$ 1110 •4EMILESS EAVESTAOUGM 49411.1111100911111 DOORS .A1W NULDNof Robert McGuire i VAIPIEk57I".R? Y 347-2568 taiHusgvama • SALES & SERVICE CENTRE On Site small engine repairs '1'1IO`1PSON URETHANE SPRAY .% I� 18tH:( LISS INSULATION 1 ' 1.-tiI11.tt Call Ron At 519-263-2319 ll 1 HILDEBRAND PAIN & PAPER Expert... IMenorand Exterior Decorators PAINTS & WALLC()VERINGS 527-1880 ER Alain SL Seeforth Call Bar1 5mile 27-0North of120 %Ma Seaforth On County 12 07493 ADVERTISING WORKS Look around. You'll find that the most • aggressive and consistent advertisers are almost invariably the most successful. SEW AND SAVE CENTRE LIMITED Sewing Machine and Serger Specialists Repairs to all makes •FREE ESTIMATES •ALL WORK GUARANTEED SALES 40. twooloolosi Janome, Juki, Babylock, Omega Machines LOTS OF USED MACHINES Mastercherge - Vasa 149 Downie St. (2 doss south of Hudson) STRATFORD 271-9660 W.D. HOPPER & SONSWATER WELL DRILUNG • FARMS • RESIDENTIAL ' • INDUSTRIAL •COTTAGES • 5 MODERN ROTARY RIGS • LICENCED BY MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT. FREE ESTIMATES CALL COLLECT NEIL 522-1737 DURL 271-7860 -Where hopper goes the water flows" Dr. Gerald Hany Dr. Elizabeth van Maanen General and Cosmetic Dentistry Jason Gillooly Denturist 40 Franklin St., Seaforth 527-1370 BRUCE-HAHN HOME REPAIR • Carpet & Vinyl Installation • Room•Renovations • Drywall • Decks • Painting 887-6959 w E E K L Y reaches your customers. each & every week in THE HURON EXPOSITOR BUSINESS DIRECTORY Call 527-0240 For More Information BUS. 527-1242 RES 522-I942 DR. T,J. DD EREAUX Chiropractor 77 Main St., Seaforth Ont. NOK I WO Mon., Tues. H am•5:30 pin Wed. 8am-12 Noon Thurs. 1 pm -9 pm Fri. Sam -4 pm 2nd Sat. of every month 8 am -12 Noon