The Huron Expositor, 1998-08-19, Page 71 1 Reynolds, Burns return from Nationals Midget fastballers fourth The Stratford midget girls fastball team exceeded expectations. They were seeded 12th of the 16 teams fmm across the country who earned a berth, but finished fourth at the 1998 Midget National Fasthall Championships that just concluded in Red Deer. Alberta. Lisa Reynolds of Seaforth and Ericka Bums of Clinton both play for the Stratford team. Smoke from the forest tires raging nearby was noticeable in thc preliminary round. where competition was keen. Teams were divided into two. eight -team groupings. Stratford finished in a five - way tic for second. then slammedCole Harbour, N.S. 11-3 in a sudden death tie- breaker Friday morning. They ended up third in their group. The team lost 4-3 to Quebec in its final playoff' game Saturday night that determined its fourth -place finish. Earlier in the playoffs the Stratford squad blasted Edmonton 9-0 and nipped Markham 4-3. Reynolds. a speedy plus .300 hitter who is the team's catcher, returned to Seaforth Sunday. White Rock, B.C. mercied thc defending Canadian midget champions from Guelph 8-0 to win this year's title. Rower with local roots winning The 16 -year-old grandson of Margaret Gorwill of Seaforth is racking up the rowing medals in his first year of competition in the sport. Peter Van Ronijen, son of inc and Ruth Van Rooijen of Brockville who grew up in Seaforth, earned two silver medals at iIhc Ontario Summer Games in Guelph on Saturday. bringing his medal Count to 16 so far this sum- mer. ummer. At 6' 5". Peter pulls the oars with ease - a big reason he was chosen to represent Eastern Ontario in both the four and eight -man events He is the nephew of Jim and Jannekc Murray of the. Duplin area, who watched him race in this weekend's competition. "They were only seconds from winning the gold medals in both divisions." Janneke says. CCDIE2IBIDA26.11) •t LEGEND: HOME TEAMs arc denoted by capitals. and local teams are in boldface) SOCCER 71111.sa 1141TMATOr ' DIVISIO?LI ST COLUMBA N MEN (Aug. 15 result) St. Col I at WHiTE EAGLES I GOAL SCORER: Steve Ryan. THE SC(1<OP: St. Columhan runs undefeated streak (three wins. four draws) to seven. with showdown looming Saturday evening in St. Columhan against division's top team, Forest United. who haven't lost all season. THE GAME: "Rock" swiped the hall from a White Eagle del -older and drove a shot home early. about 10 minutes into the game. Second -place White Eagles equal- ized before half-time. and that's the way the score stayed. COACHES COMMENTS: 'The game was played at a very fast pace with hoth teams displaying world-class techniques and skills." says Tony Arts. "I was very pleased to come away with a draw against a top -place team. The players knew that this was going tribe a tough game and they cattle prepared and played well." (Standings as of Aug. I2 ) WIL .E A Et Forest United 8 4 0 41 16 28 White Eagles 8 1 3 31 17 25 Bosnia, 6 4 2 32 25 22. Latinos 4 3 4 26 26 15 Athletics 4 5 3 15 18 17 • Marconi B 4 2 6 16 30 14 Chatham X 4 1 7 17 19 13 St. Col. 3 3 6 24 27 12 Chatham 3 2 7 15 21 11 Petrolia 3 1 8 16 31 • IO FUTURE GAMES: Sia, Forest United at ST. COLUM- BAN. 5 p.vv. 2,09111040n a ARRA WOMEN'S ILSAD iIB DIVISION 2/NORTK (Aug. 16) London City 2 at ST. COL 0 FASTBALL WHIM COUNTY AWN'S Ild&A®U/E )Jest -of -three playoffs (Aug. 17/Game 3) REDS at Godench Orioles (Aug. 12/ Gime 2 ) Godench Orioles 4 at REDS 5 THE 'SCOOP: Seaforth was down 4.2 going into the bottom of the seventh inning. but managed to tie the game on hits by Toby Phillips. Steve Leonhardt. Derek MacDonald and.Dave Akey. With the latter un first, brother Darren Akey slashed a double off the fence and Dave slid home with the winning tun. Steve Leonhardt was the winning pitcher. Greg Gordon took the loss. (Aug. 10/Gatne 1) REDS 1 at Goderich Orioles 9 SHORT&NOT SO SWEET: Winning pitcher Byron Bowman fanned 11 Seaforth hatters. Leonhardt was the loser. 7211- �'O�TTfLL11118'll Beal -of -three mai-final (Aug 11/ (lame 21 Walton 26 at BEI.MORIi 7 SWEEP: Walton wins series in two -straight games. advancing to "A" final for the first time in a long time. against Brussels. who beat another Belmore team in the other semi-final. SLUGGERS: Adam McClure belted a double and three singles. Daryl Hulley has a triple and sin • - glc. Blake Miller added a pair of singles, as did Kyle McNichol and Chris Regale. (Aug 10/Game l) Bclmnrc 10 at'WALTON 14' LEADING HITTERS: Andrew Elliott, a tnplc and single. Regete. double anti single:,Michael Dieu CONTINUED on Page 11. JUNIOR TENNIS - Clockwise 4rom front, left: Hank Binnendyk (in'tructor), Brian Twynham, Stephen Twynham, and Greg Kroonen were at the local courts last Wednesday morAing. That's the new Lob-ster in the mid- dle. New ball. machine Lob-ster sighted at local courts Seaforth nov has a: new $744.9( U.S. funds plus . tennis hall macline, called a $35.32 custom and brokerage "Lob-ster". charges." It cost about 51.200 and was in action for the first time lobbing hills for junior tennis lcficons t( the courts by the high school Wednesday morning. "If this mac'hinc was pur- 'chased in Ctnada it would cost approximately `k I ;900 after tax and shipping charges: recreation director Marty Bedard told council • Tuesday niglt. • "Cost of the unit. was The town's tennis instruc- tor. Hank Binnendyk. says it comes from New Jersey and this type -4l unit isn't made in this'cfutntry. so duty only had to he paid on its remote con- trol, roughly $49. About eight juniors arc enrolled in the recreation department's tennis program this.summer, and about 20 .seniors. split equally between 'beginners and advanced classes Te -em Farm Has... 13“ Ads �f... FIELD TOMATOES for canning, free2ing, chili sauce, etc. by the pound or by the bushel. or any were in between! ya PICK OR YOU PICK - now available_ SWEET CORN (also large quantities) BEAUTIFUL GLADS FALL GARDEN MUMS CUMMFo 'OURS 9-6 DAILY. TE -EM FARM (5 10) 482-3020 . WOO BoyfiaU Or. NOM IGO Oaw THE HUv 0t:LUOUST IS, tSSS-7 saSlaelling Haefling, C.A., P. Ag. Associate: Barry Boyd Providing a full range of accounting. computer. tax. and financial consulting services to meet the needs of Business and Farmers Ph 348-8412 - I I Victoria St.. Mitchell - Fax 348-4300 Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S1 (Established in 1876) Provides Full Insurance Coverage for . Farm Properties New Applications Are Welcomed DIRECTORS & ADJUSTORS Joe Chafe, R.R 5 Michel 3469705 Ron Feeney. R R 2 Dubin 345.2360 Laity Gardner, R.R. 2 Stella 3452678 Jack fledged. R.R t Kelton 2294152 Mint eel O'Shea, R R 3 Granton 225-2600 Mortis tMfoits:R.R 2St pals 3936548 AGENTS Wayne Maven. Exeter 235-1915 Devil Moore. Dubin 3442512 Baib Warden. Dubin 345-2777 JP Unfits. Midler 318.9012 Head ()five, Ereler 23.0350 A refund from surplus was declared for all policy hold- ers .who qualify, are on record and in good standing es at December 31, 1997; t�ooOQ000�GGGGG❑ o Huron County's E Fol VEHICLE E RENTAL E CII Headquarters 0 )Small & Mid-sized Cars O )Passenger & Cargo c Vans, Pickup Trucks E 0 ?Daily, Weekly, Monthly c a • 7insurance Rentals & • More 13 0 0 le O In a to a 0 3CAR & TRUCK RENTALS E O Division of Suncoast Ford (Ll 0 500 Huron Rd., Coderlch E • 1-888-344-4486 0 3 524-8347 g oeeeeeeeeeeeeeeo }'car real peace of m i lid, i.•14;,.to, tett. symbol At protection. I.1 We provide insurance piotecrion that lets you sleep at night. That's because the collective strength of our 50 community based mutual insurers makes us among the most financially secure insurance networks in thc world. ' For you. it means friendly knowledgeable service from people who understand your needs and provide the protection and service you want. 393-64 vile O,,/1,�/ , f,, W/,v..,,' S!r,.r7,..,v 393-6402 ' 1-800-263-1961Meng*, o' �e onraro wren m1to. ue a.«ura, IWO* FACTORY AUTHORIZED CLEARANCE The LS Save 4,921 with 0% Financing' or purchase for '98 Escort Sr•d,,• ('' W,igor lnr,tulic• pn Imam my up 11, ?G morph savei3 ,134 311111 with 0% Financing' n 249 af or least, Supercab 4x2 '98 F Series C.rn•rdn (,,,ro r, •„, • ve1,561 with 0% Financing' p or 1S'S95 after urthase 51,500 forCashback" 98 ZX2 i'1, by th. Wt.., '98 Windstar save$3,843 wt h 0% Financing' or {ease Expto►4er 2 -Door aWhS M tease Windstar 01. t 4 .Months }loaning up to 36 months us to e 3000 O% - 3 Month FkianeMp oho available of these 'ai Cord $ Msroury Can i Truoks: Mustang, Contour, Myotigue, Taurus, Sable, Ranter and Nagar. • Hurry in for best selection. -swags ONTARIO (!Ml DEALERS NMI M1MI aria M Iaaa OW, w1are.,rw+.a-100 MMM 1.,.ria.r5NMe4.9vu. Ono* Mow fool Ary(w•w.. tow" Swoop IM N 4.A %wok'..I.w-w 0I6 N .0k I ionos I.Iwr IMO 4wr- OOS.w 10.4 Www• 144•ea MW old Mew for ..raw ./ N waft m Me...d sol to forW. 0041.44.1. Ig 1o..,. a OM wood pwwN. 1 • ow M ot•• M o d•oral. pow% NIDI.4.I M..q Mr..45N 11W Mr M.wd a MMO.orl M•.4. wwwo ass.,. owew•M MI.wM l. wowed Maw w Mo4.M 1145 5 - red 4H 004* Wood powwow red. for M ow., own MM.way. N.ryo$ I. owed MwM N41 el 4M M MMa41 ood• l., .411.11144 M DinMA WON Mr1r M M w,h,w /..MM.p.M.1 N ww00s..la .l 5wwa•y 4* ••••• *So ~No Mw. r4.. M M M M woe. M Mow 11. Wel H t1 $5. *Mk PI. 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