The Huron Expositor, 1997-09-24, Page 6arms stamm ax :ZUR.AmMMeM r r a4, IISS7
4.45% 4• 3:...
Investment 1 Tau Planning
escort irwsatmsni r+roduats ... tram people you can Vaal
.tli( *FORTH 96 Main St. S27-01110
trgtarOByDAVW scarf
OMR AURV ILLANCIE -Memtiers_of:ttte.OPP's TRU (tactical responseurffl)atmt,•mtumtfcamaItoot;patrolmlLions
Park.?ite tone gunman was in Ihs car in:tlteparking tot. TRU rrrembers4ceptlinsordbarttwithrratkodse nrnurticatitm.
14ewiineewes ,clime'lto taction
'Wetook cover
CONTINUED font page 1
• the boulevars{. t He .spun
around and took off _again
(westward)," said Dean Price.
17. of Seaforth. He and:a
small group of teenagers
were watching the. incident as
it unfolded. from, the south
side of Guderich St. East.
The next. thing that•hap-
pened was the car headed to
their side of the road and
Miller tossed his Otte out of
the window of the tsar. said
"Then the van hit hips and
the car spun around:-The.van
hit hien• again and the
Suburban hit hie?. Then they
surrounded him." said Price.
"Shots Fired at Car
"We took cover after the
gunshots." said Curtis
Castello. 17. of Seafurth. He
says if he and his friends kept
walking where they were.
they would have been hit by
One member of the TRU
(tactical response unitl
jumped onto the. hood of the
car, according to Price. Then
TRU officers pulled Miller
out through the driver's side
window, he said.
According to senior consta-
ble Burgess. two rubber bul-
lets were fired at•Miller's car
-before he was arrested. •He
• said -this was 'a normal tactic
to Cause noise. and confusion.
Burgess confirmed Miller's
title was loaded and ammuni-
tion was found in the car.
Jon ri3jerg. t7, who lives at
1 11 ,Goderieb St. 'East. was
standing in .the back yard of
his neighbour's when he saw
the car move •from Li:uns
'I said 'tae's moving, he's
moving' The two officers in
the Suburban staved toward
Pae park. There was nothing
on the (polies) radio." said
Bjerg. "There were a iot,of
bullets. 1,hesrd them bounce
off the ear. They
anti it spun around facing
back at the park. The driver
(Miller) had an amazing look
om fiis face.' like he .was on a
Sunday drive." he said. Bjerg
said he watched as members
of the TRU ran across the
yard shooting. " 1 saw smoke
come out of their guns.'.
Brian Wilson. who towed
away Miller's car. said there
were no bullet holes in it. •
Jon's fattier. John •Bjerg.
said the whole ordeal "scared
us all. We were petrified:','
He said his son was talking
on the .portable phone to
CKNX radio Juring the chase
and apprehension of •Millar.
His eye -witness account
wasn't broadcast live. it' was
taped by the station.
Car.Caught intQhaatse
John said an elderly lady in
her car was unexpectedly
caught in the middle of the
mini -chase and fortunately
avoided a col{ision. `tShc
came out of the hospital in
font of him (Miller) around
Alkemade's old place and
was driving slow.. -He tried to
pass bar and 'the van nailed
him, he said. "i ;think she
floored it.then."
.Bjerg ,commented that
.polite could have stopped,the
gunman's car by placing ,a
spiked belt atross;the roadie
cause a blow-out 'before .he
reaehed.the heripital.
Asfor the gunfire, the older
Bjetg said "I heard more than
two shots."
even after :Miller was
apprehended, neighbouring
homeowners werentt.ttlhswe.d
.to relate to their ;houses
.because police .wanted to
securethe scene.
:Ken 'Devoreartx of 98
Goderich'SI. ,Bast was asked
:to drive along:the bc►uievard
ofthe:road andtpark his car in
a neighbour's driveway until
police; reopened the highway.
,Edna :Bell of 111).1,Croderich
St. East. un the other side of
• the :road. was :eat allowed to
walk to her house. ',Mier hus-
band Neil was•home at the
time of the incident .but was
outside on :the hack porch
"enjoying the situ." '1 missed
nevsr•heard a darn thing.
l,didn't know what happened
until Edna carne home and
told mc." said Neil.
Officers packed up the
command post anti left the
community sinus at about
7:30 p.m. said Nesbitt. arena
Neighbours were curious
when they saw police eon-
,duat:e;1n -aeau3h .aaross'the
vont !lawn ,of :the hottpital
after i$tghway •tl was
reopened at +6:30 spam. iLater
that vomiting, at..appru itnate-
ty t2:90 ,amt., atteottding cto
Jon Aims. more
sweeping 'the ,,pttaunds of
Lions fPatk ,with enteral Atter--
tors. "You ,uuuld thea' 'them
,bumping. They had rto 'he
seatehing !for something.!'
Although one ..eye -witness
ttold the Waren £, pusilur.tate
name,of'the of'ftuer'.who 4ftrm
.encountered Ivlilier ;in Lions
iPark and culled'for rrslinforee-
'ments, iCadttriah ,ORP .asked
that !the officer's name not be
used.- when contacted for
'onti nation.
tiaviian 'Cantinas
Investigation of die inuident
continues by ,the .Qodgrioh
Iallitler was charged with
,pointing a •firearm and
"appeared in Prominent' Cowl
in Croderieh on September 17
_where he was remanded in
custody until -September .20
for itis •ne,t appearance;"
according to an:OPP press
release dated September • 18
frompublic,inforrtiatiun ofti-
Burgess told the euron
,Expositor September 22 iliac
Miller is- .tit custody in
Stratford and .will appear. in
Stratford court (his ;Friday
(September 24).
Quesuans & Answers
about grief recovery''
42.1 am award moms past my las now. Moat days 1 do wiry fwd
Mama of a sudden 1 ixaamc overwhelmed is this sono&
lit. Certiainly. Cud caw Lir analogous to Kava Zoning an the shuts;.
Arkin, fins, the waves are 'wand powesfiil and they knock us down.
'As shunt& tour oaf, ;the amass imp') to subside to a
degree. When ve nasicad any waves fora while, we know
that vie are weemadittg int Anal* ow Uses. If we know this is
.normal and yarn rif our ,guar process, nye can mover from the
waves sontter.and'learn m expect fever of -than in our future.
Questions asked ttwieg iesta►Ysmeat claim if aaswmsd lets by tht senor of
AftstLex, the m hd ipificoracy lieiplcust. Fur yaw frac ca?' of Afror'lAs ur
ow of dor attics baipbd bsoktke about gtuf moven, picnic watt, tall or stop by
Wh iitney-Ribey
Funeral Home
Inf Gudett & Street West, Seatortb — 527-1390
A w.irli.• ef,71r 410.0-1400,60w14_, o/ F're'e How. M+irlrMte>dsr. OM WIN fr muumuu iv ex! t7 acao-26045n
You. are invited to
these area churdles
Anglican can Church
Jarvis St. Sealorth
Aar. -i iobert:Hiiaaox
,Cgmbinee -sense of Gantirrnattsse
.8t. Pale's an %gl 0.•80 tarn with
the t Rev. MOW Townetend
First Pissoyterian
Gotterioh St. W.. Seatortb
11,16 a.m.
Sunday School during
Church ,Services.
Rev. Nioholes Ynndermey
ROAD 84Q PE -;fin OPP. f4spr4Jlocked Highway 8 just eaRtt91004Wspltol entrance AN,
soon above the 7Q,kmlfir $ign, patrat.N on's Hill. TRU members tookup;poeitions,in nnd,airRW $ i'
Mtlq PA)01 rt
`fr0ttnP O
fLu kustNricai cc*v bwRv,Murray
A , piajuc.bonpprittg prpMb-
lic education piopccr
unveiled at. Christ Churoh
Cemetery in Port Albert on
Qct. 2.
•Rev. Robert .111lurray.
Qntaris's first Superjptenlicaat
Af Orbugls, . is bOried, 4h rc.
Rev. Murray
Banbridge. (Ulster (Nptlhefn
Ireland) in 1795 aPii c,41)1119'1 -
ed to Upper,C,anada Until
Scotland in iti3f1.,1-1c become
Ier 1p;}he,Q4kvillc arca. ape
with ,rhe -per a of the first
Cpllpmon schoP s act in 1841
vas •aripointed superinten-
0l►f1Vl11isiKaat"C," as Clic
B p;thc plaque,to
VY4 ,reacts, 't]vlutraev
triirtVrii,Yc.,. , gall-
a pp.:>e0A�t0!s rRtig ,cottr-
,nc!! l ) - f r' t
cm in the,pm it'd
school sys401.
"in 1844. ,he accepted a
Po4itipp at Kip�;s tCAidege pt,hq . e M't1Ait Allk '+it mil tby tthc t t4541tt. IGANgtY
'i' �t f� t14KISl;. �Rc+l�y a tom! .
(l11)iyyc3ity Rf I Rronlp),as a '�b I.lt63,t,
rofessc?r,Rf, . 4i� aR111 i g4lil4ic ils,ItlXi
he maintains l untirhis death ` The plaque is'being ;placed era'
l i iP �-
4� rte tt a ��'iyp, l( t Rii11n$Y01p 4t ilc
natural Ad y 'plpositisip waft pay at �2 P i iltlictOIRMIQP;fltlptl44ii'
Sgetwber ROI 1.1,7
,$:w MA. tp f lritr,119
FQI h Thea tlAPt44111ery
pQp pinnnse uunu,nnct.
troni Planning vnd
,DevelupiTnt (Jepnrtment.
7 1 - �C'Al►
0/MirI 4111 DErmermil T
owilroxinum 1t gownwl SG - Mondays begiArgAg
,octobtir 6. 1997. 7.00 to 9:00 par Stich fit at the
Seaforth District I-Ltgb school for 10 :Wee'ks. Fee:
$40.0Q. DeacripUon: Teebgtgues of how to *trip yorur
old ,f itftitticeaaud refinish, it :to look lice pew.
to O9XIWVIMUSO - This a Program for globe irxterested
tin building Or repairing wall projects. (book shelf. end
,table)..Jotto 1.4tosirtir will guide you throughthe
•tecduaiques fwd }how Ws..This program will be eard at
the Seafor%ki Mould High School an TIAC64AY EvenWgs
;•t egittntrtg •Qotober 7.fr9m 7:00 ,W 9;00 pto. VAis 10
week program will coot $05..00 (cua cs-Jai, n,ot
tIE»IQ V644,011W' - Wednendtty Eye to
.10Cgin_ 014 +QoloU r 1. 1997 ;from 8:00 to 10:99 pw at
.bepry .& 1tt34rigt ;td(gb Sg1.1ooi for 10 ,weeks• Fee
$x0.00 ukescript,tolo: nits 1s a ,non-eompe'ilt,ive
, rcereat,it sial� ., pcggraat ,for those who .egijoy Yo1leybsJ
and would ;ItKe a n t
a lb - w Eve s$s
'4>e$ O • 1.14197 Argo? 840 loo•}, :q0 pia At
Scl kkt ,& Piptrict991 40,r i.0 �1v,eel a. Fee
woo.»eortytton.� ql$ $ A,op-,cglpppe ilv,c
,Kegrea4q>7 illz at1 ,for .tihtgke .w,ho •CAICty .#Ae $4110;le ivf
F,001 t'ss' sante ,c4tegkettfie.
TIAFadit,Y v ' : Ate W
?.. '? las w ;tae , .. �t t• ortb
:t tatlr,iat Ng10, Adapt ,e,o t p•Ra.
P44043 4 ,ice t ., YAk 4t • : ,C►e? y/!y��t PO
090400w '981
itru.*+t t .Ari' a..n with
"ARV .4' 411410•1•9, •re.
$' It c* tam.iegn
eta mar open arms to
t ,s;r